If you need to make $5000 in 7 days watch this

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Sell Your Service
Get the worksheet I used in the video here: https://go.sellyourservice.co.uk/research
Video Transcript:
you need to make $5,000 fast so instead of borrowing money or using your overdraft I'm going to explain step by step how to generate $5,000 in just 7 days now what I really like about this method is that even if you're brand new or you've been running a business for a long time you can quickly use it to get four and five figures into your bank account and if you can do it once you can do it over and over and over just like I have done with these funnel Builders here here here and here
and other marketers just like you now you might think that there's a catch like I'm just going to tell you to spend a ton of money on ads or well yeah you can make $5,000 a week if you have a huge list or an audience nope even if you're starting from scratch if you have no list or no audience we're not going to spend a scent on ads I've used this method all the the time and to date I think it's generated something like $125,000 this year alone and we're only sort of halfway through the
year I've taught this method to hundreds of my funnel Builder students that struggled with cash flow and making Fast sales just like you and now I'm going to share it with you for free so to start I want to share a very fast and very adaptable part of the process that makes it way easier to sell and make money now if you hate selling and sales and you feel awkward when you're selling then this is going to completely change the game when it comes to making money plus if you've ever struggled to pick the right
thing to sell and you're a little bit overwhelmed with how many offers and products and services you could choose to sell this part is going to clear up all of that for you so making money requires three things it requires either audience it requires more money or it requires time now you can spend a ton of money on ads and content creation you can speak to your list or your audience if you want to drive sales and of course you can manually make sales and close customers from scratch using time and I'm going to assume
that you don't have a ton of money to pour into ads or to pay someone to do this for you and I'm going to assume you don't have a massive audience but you do have some time however we want to get you paid within a week so we actually don't have a massive amount of time which is why it's critical that we focus on the right areas so when it comes to making money most people feel that making money online or selling is broken into these General categories we've got product creation we've got The Campaign
we've got selling we've got closing we've got messaging we've got the niche and and we've got qualification now if we're starting out and you only had 7 days where would you put most of your time and energy now bearing in mind our goal is to do $5,000 in s days so a full week and obviously we want to have a decent profit margin if we pretended that these are seven buckets and you can only fill three of them with water if you had to make $5,000 quickly which three buckets would you fill now most people
would fill the product creation bucket the campaign creation bucket and the selling bucket we kind of Imagine That in order to make a lot of money and to sell stuff sort of 80% of the effort is within these three areas that's where you want to spend most of your time and energy and we think of the other pieces like qualification and niching and closing and messaging and stuff we kind of consider them secondary tasks that aren't the priority and the problem is that seeing your product or sales Journey as product campaign and selling as most
of the effort is categorically incorrect now it's not your fault because that's what you have been taught over and over and over gurus love to teach about product creation they love to talk about new services and new offers and you might feel that your time if you only had 7 days was best spent choosing the best product to sell there's that kind of concept that well if I choose the right product it'll sell itself and it will be easier to sell and the thing is you've got so many new apps and platforms being released all
the time like this one behind me here from the guys at high level it can seem a little bit overwhelming knowing what to choose and what to sell and then you couple that you have all these new platforms and you also have all these new sort of methods I suppose things like AI uh Automation and it can get a little bit tricky knowing which of these two to pick and how to build an offer out of what's available in the market and this is entirely the wrong mindset I want you to avoid thinking like this
at all so one of our previous marketing agency clients that I worked with they actually needed to cover a $5,000 shortfall in their budget not $5,000 $50,000 and we needed to close something like $10,000 within the week and what I noticed is that the conversation immediately turned to what would be the best product to sell what should we offer what should the thing be be that we give to people and I'm going to say you shouldn't worry about finding products to sell you should worry about finding people to sell to what I need you to
do is to find communities of people that you can help who also have a problem that's worth solving if we come back to our buckets this is incorrect worrying about the product and the campaign and selling is fundament wrong instead the number one thing you need to work on is the niche the number two thing you need to work on is qualification and the number three thing you need to work on is messaging when we find a group of people who have a problem that is costing them $5,000 the money isn't in the product or
the solution it's the people it's especially if those people have an expensive problem forget the product and the offer and the delivery for now instead I want us to pour all our efforts into these three buckets now closing and selling are way way way easier when you're marketing the right offer to the right people the campaign doesn't need to be clever or complex when you've got the right Niche and you're qualifying people it takes care of itself and the product should doesn't need to be complex either so I asked my clients I want you to
go ahead and find community communities research groups of people and what we did is we used this worksheet here so I asked my clients to research and find groups of people I wanted them to find groups of people and communities that they could engage with and communicate with I wanted them to segment the different types of markets and what their problems are and research a ton of problems that their different markets have and we use this worksheet here uh to figure out where other businesses and where they clients are hanging out and to list all
the different places that we might find our ideal clients plus it helps us understand what problems they have and what they're willing to spend if they're willing to spend anything at all now Pro tip if you can't find any communities for your chosen Market or your Niche using a list like this that means it's too small or it doesn't exist so go back to the drawing board and think about another Niche because we need to find people with problems that we can solve problems that are costing them more than $5,000 but that raises the question
and my client said the same thing how do I know what problems are worth $5,000 to people now by the way if you want this community research worksheet you can actually get a free copy down below it's just a Google doc as you can see it lists out all the places that you can look to to find groups of people if you use the link below or head over to go. sellou service.co uk/ resesarch and you can get this worksheet for free so how do we know what problems people have that they're willing to spend
$5,000 on now this next part unleashes the ability for you to sell anything to anyone if you can get this you will never have to worry about making sales ever again and even better than that if you hate selling or you feel uncomfortable selling and closing this is the best method that I know of in order to sell things and make money without actually having to sell it basically gets the customer to ask to buy from you the easiest sale in the world is when it seems like a smart logical choice now there are four
areas for making sales there's cost there's make there's missing and keep and the problem that you solve needs to cost the customer at least what your charging them for example let's say that you work with course creators and they sell a course uh for $1,000 you need to help them find five missing sales if you're charging $5,000 the problem you solve needs to be costing them more than that so I want you to identify one thing that they need to fix I need you to outline what it's costing them and I need you to tell
them that you can fix it for example if we can help people make $5,000 or if you can help five people make $11,000 maybe they have a $1,000 product and you're going to help them find five of them if if you charge someone $1,000 and you said I'm going to help you find $5 $11,000 clients they will understand that that's a problem they they're solving but it's not just about making we sometimes call this gaining it's also about keeping clients let's say you work with uh SAS businesses or you work with gym memberships and their
average price is let's say $100 a month if you're able to help them keep 10 of those that's $1,000 a month you're helping them keep if they have a problem with like churn or retention this might be a really valuable problem for you to solve there's also opportunities that there missing now this is my personal favorite for example let's say that if you're able to help them find one $5,000 client and you're able to angle it in a way and say I can help you close clients that you're missing out on that's a really easy
way for you to fix a part of their funnel and find them one two three clients that they charge $55,000 for but you're only charging $5,000 or $2,000 in order to be able to help them and finally there's a cost this could be anything from the CEO's time let's say that the CEO is $11,000 an hour if you help them eliminate two meetings a month then you're saving them $22,000 a month that's $24,000 a year and you could charge $5,000 for helping them do that and there might be other things for example their salesperson might
be costing them an extra two 24,000 a year or an extra $5,000 a month there's ways for you to be able to figure out why is there a logical reason why someone should work with me because when I look at the groups of people earlier from our community and I identify CEOs I identify course creators I identify people who are already making sales and I say well what's costing them $5,000 how can I help them make $5,000 how can I help them keep $5,000 or where are they missing $5,000 that is an extremely powerful pitch
for you to be able to help them and one of my favorite ways to get someone to work with me is would you like some help with that if you said to people I've got a method for helping YouTube businesses like this one YouTube channels land five $5,000 private coaching clients because you're missing out a critical part of your funnel infrastructure I guarantee you will have people reaching out to you and saying that sounds like something I'd like help with if you then have a conversation with them ask them questions about their business and say
okay would you like some help with that most of them will go yes please that sounds fantastic how can I work with you and you also don't have to do like clever closing practices because the maths make sense for them to work with you okay so how do we actually get people to buy from us now you might think that you need to build the product and that is the worst possible thing that you could do so if we go back to our buckets I'm now going to remove the single biggest roadblock to making money
that everybody faces I'm going to speed up how quickly you can make sales this will also make selling new products and ideas much faster and easier and I'm going to cut your workload in half with one simple change so everyone else is going to teach you to either pick a product or build a product they'll you either create a course or something like this to sell and this is fundamentally incorrect do not create a course or a product yet you simply don't have time we all get super excited about building and creating products and coming
up with something so exciting and interesting that people will buy it let me know in the comments if this has ever happened to you it still happens to me all the time I regularly come across an app and I'm like oh my God I could sell this to people that would be so easy or oh my God I got this new idea for a course or a program I should build that and I should sell it I have worked with so many agencies and course creators and coaches and funnel Builders who have created a product
spent time energy and effort pouring all of their energy and resources into this bucket filling it up where they don't have any more time and then when it comes to actually selling it it's crickets no one's interested because they haven't done this in the right order we need to think more in terms of Music tours and concerts rather than the Rong Yong Hotel so apologies if I'm pronouncing that incorrect the ryong hotel is a hotel in North Korea right and it was basically built without selling the method that I'm going to try and show you
here is to sell first and then build second I'm just going to write that first of all would you like to Hol day in North Korea I wouldn't particularly um and the estimated the rumored cost is something like 750 million now you have to understand that's for North Korea it was something like 2% of their GDP it's an enormous amount of money to spend on a hotel and here's the insane thing about it it's kind of semi half completed apparently there are like little segments that you can kind of stay in but they didn't build
anything that had a demand behind it we constantly hear like build it and they will come that doesn't happen all the time and it's extremely dangerous and it can cost you a lot of money so North Korea spent 750 million building a hotel and then they basically ran out of money and they weren't able to get anyone interested because who the hell wants to Holiday in North Korea pivot to Taylor Swift right now a lot of people constantly say to me Mike you're constantly comparing North Korea and Taylor Swift and I swear this will be
the last time I do it Taylor Swift or any of the huge like kind of Mega pop stars any of the regular kind of pop stars and rock bands they will sell tickets sometimes years in advance they make their income before they make the show in some cases they'll even attempt to sell tickets and when they realize there's no demand they'll actually cancel that part of the tour and move it to a different place they also have a pre-existing base they have an audience of customers who have already bought from them Taylor Swift has her
extremely loyal fans who will buy anything and everything that they can get their hands on when Taylor Swift makes an offer she takes your money first I know like Ticket Master do and there's a whole thing like whether she'll take over that part of the process but regardless you hand your money over way before they've delivered the service of a music venue to you so what you need to start doing is selling that overall concept that you're giving and creating a very simple offer getting people on calls and then closing them way before you build
something if you can't can't sell it now you sure as hell are not going to be able to sell it just because you've built it now you're probably thinking what was the actual campaign that I used to generate sales and that's why I've got this video here talking about how I made $20,000 in one weekend so if you go ahead and click on that one you can see the exact sales page and the emails I sent to bring in over $20,000
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