Top 10 Worst Foods For Diabetics. Stop Eating These NOW!

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this is important to know because higher fiber content will let you eat carbs without severe spikes in your blood sugar what else well sugary drinks high fructose content might actually cause how do you know there are actually trans fats in a product today we are talking about the 10 worst foods that will make diabetes control near impossible and if you avoid them diabetes management will be a whole lot easier let's get into it i'm doctor ahmed harrigan your endocrinologist your diabetes specialist on youtube and for some of you in real life like you know diabetes
has reached pandemic proportions as a chronic condition and yes diet has a lot to do with it if not all that is news to you right but hey you'll hear some good information on this video so stick around i'll give you a nice tip at the end so you will love it at the end of this video if you keep watching in addition to heart disease kidney disease and blindness uncontrolled diabetes has bunch of ugly consequences so why are we concerned with these foods they're delicious right why not just enjoy our life well because of
their effect on your raising your blood sugar and the insulin levels causing a lot of inflammation in your body and increasing your risk of disease so not just diabetes but a whole lot more disorders such as heart disease cancer etc in other words if you keep eating these you will enjoy your life but it's not going to last you long or you may be living your life in pain and suffering if you end up with diseases such as diabetes or chronic conditions that i talked about so don't worry though i am not here to tell
you to quit everything that you love or to say everything is bad for you i'm just going to open your eyes to the horrible foods that you may be eating and thinking that they're actually good for you and yes a lot of good foods people with diabetes or pre-diabetes should steer clear and i'm going to talk about 10 of them today and yes if you do so i think you'll be good to go so when it comes to those with diabetes why is carbohydrate intake is so important right think about the the macronutrients such as
carbohydrates protein and fat that gives you the energy well carbohydrates by far the most detrimental to your blood sugar levels like you know that's because they are pretty much absorbed to your blush stream you know they're broken down no matter what it is sugar or carb i'm not saying the carbs are evil here i'm just saying they're also an important part of your diet but you have to be careful about what type of carbs you consume starches sugar fiber they're all carbs but fiber on the other hand is not even digestible and it slows down
the absorption in your body so it doesn't raise your blood sugar as much so actually they'll slow down the absorption so any other sugar or carb you're eating will be better handled by your body because your pancreas will have the time to deal with it if you have fiber in your diet but that doesn't happen really when you eat cereal because there's no fiber in there in order to find out the digestible carbs in a serving you need to subtract the fibers from the total carb if a cup of mixed vegetable for example has 10
grams of carbs and 4 grams of fiber the net carb will only be six grams this is important to know because higher fiber content will let you eat carbs without severe spikes in your blood sugar despite that blood sugars might still spike pretty severely if you eat too many of the carbs even if there's a lot of fiber in them now beverages sweetened with sugar and people with diabetes should definitely avoid these we'll get into more detail but i'll tell you 12 ounce of can of cola for example has 40 grams of carbs making them
extremely high in sugar and since most diabetics are sticking to like 30 to 40 or 50 grams of carbs at max per meal depending on their gender and activity level but 40 grams in a beverage is a lot so another example of a sugar-sweetened beverage like iced tea and lemonade has around 45 grams of carbs a piece a cup or something eight ounces of soda for example or an apple juice has 25 grams of carbs so most of these are loaded with fructose syrup which is linked to insulin resistance and diabetes the studies actually suggest
that people who consume these sugary beverages their risk of diabetes increase but also their fatty liver disease risk increases on the other hand drinking water with a wedge of lemon which is only one gram of carb is practically calorie free and is a far better superior option what else well sugary drinks high fructose content might actually cause belly fat that you don't want to have they raise your cholesterol they raise your triglyceride levels all of these can be super dangerous a diet including for example 25 of calories from high fructose beverages increases your insulin resistance
and belly fat increase and metabolic rate will go down and eventually you will develop obesity and diabetes it's best to avoid the sugary drinks all together in order to keep your blood sugar levels under control and lower the risk of pretty much any disease that you can think of number two in the list is trans fats so trans fats are pretty much made synthetically and super harmful they're made by stabilizing the unsaturated fatty acids with hydrogen like margarine peanut butter spreads creamers frozen dinners all includes trans fats and the manufacturers of baked goods such as
like the crackers or muffins makers they typically add preservatives to help increase the shelf life of their product and in spite of the fact that the trans fats don't directly increase your blood sugar levels they have been associated with increased inflammation insulin resistance and belly fat as well as lower hdl cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk increase and you know of course diabetes so how do you know there are actually trans fats in a product well if a product label says partially hydrogenated in the ingredient list you should avoid that number three white pasta white rice
and white bread so all those whites processed foods they are high in glycemic index so people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes they're if their blood sugars are already high they should definitely avoid eating bread bagels and all the refined flour products this isn't limited to refined white flour based items the researchers actually found that even the gluten-free pasta etc they raised up your blood sugars and so forth another study for example indicated that people with type 2 diabetes and mental disabilities had actually a lower brain function after eating foods high in carbs so
if you're not feeling so sharp today after eating your beloved white bread now you know why when someone is not so sharp they actually call them bread head literally in my country in turkey where i used to live so fiber content of these foods are extremely low and as you know the fiber reduces the risk of blood sugar spikes etc now interestingly italians in italy they make things a little differently than what we do in usa here they use high fiber content in their food they use olive oil and they actually move their booties so
they burned off i think they don't even have drive-throughs so you figure it out as you must know by now the swapping out low fiber foods with the high fiber ones will lower your blood sugars for sure diabetics will also see a drop in their cholesterol as the fiber binds the cholesterol and as a result the insulin resistance goes down what else does the high fiber content do well it improves your gut flora which is extremely important for your overall health the next one that is bad for you is yogurt with fruit flavors people with
diabetes may benefit from yogurt but a completely different story unfolds when it comes to fruit flavored variations in general flavored yogurts are manufactured with non-fat or low-fat milk and contains significant amount of carbs and sugar approximately like 60 of calories in one cup of a serving of a fruit flavored yogurt come from sugar isn't that crazy i'd rather stick with my high-fat plain creamy greek yogurt and guess what fayette is my favorite brand it's super creamy here's another thing frozen yogurt is viewed as a healthier alternative to ice cream by many people however it is
possible that it contains as much sugar as ice cream if not more so don't get deceived there i would say choose plain whole milk yogurt instead of high sugar flavored yogurts that can spike your blood sugar and insulin and can harm everything that you're dealing with your cholesterol diabetes and even your guts so plain whole milk contains a lot less sugar although it has some natural carbs it's a lot better than the flavored ones the next one in the list which is the fifth one is breakfast cereals with added sugar so if you have diabetes
starting your day with cereal is one of the worst things you can do no matter how good for you they claim to be most cereals are loaded with sugar and carbs they also supply very little protein which is a nutrient can help you feel full and satisfied for a long time and help maintain the stable blood sugar levels throughout the day for diabetics even healthy breakfast cereals are not the best option so stay clear of that for example granola has 44 grams of carbs in a half cup of serving and also each serving contains no
more than seven grams of protein so more cereals should be avoided in favor of protein-based low-carb breakfast to help manage the blood sugar and curb your appetite so we have a best breakfast video so i would say watch that one after this one number six coffee drinks with flavorings now a lower risk of diabetes has been associated with drinking coffee don't get me wrong you may notice if you have watched our other video about the coffee and diabetes but fancy coffee drinks on the other hand like the ones you get in the almighty starbucks store
should be seen as a liquid dessert rather than a nutritious drink the brain does not handle liquid also as well as solid foods so when you consume calories through beverages you do not make up for it by eating less later which could result in weight gain so do not get your calories through liquids carbohydrates are a lot in those flavored coffee drinks i'll give you an example starbucks for example a 16 ounce of caramel macchiato which is around 500 cc has around 60 grams of carbs whereas the blonde vanilla latte has around 30 grams of
carbs in the same serving size i would say choose regular coffee or espresso with a tablespoon of heavy cream or half and half to keep your blood sugar under control and prevent the weight gain but remember when you have diabetes you need to account for small blood sugar rise due to caffeine in the coffee that may raise your adrenaline especially in the mornings number seven maple syrup honey or agave nectar these are almost as bad as white table sugar and like candies or cookies that are all pretty much the same they are different type of
sugar but they're old sugar and they will raise your blood sugar so they are all examples of natural sugars and they do not really have a lot of fiber so they're not like processed white sugars they're a little bit better but they're still significantly sparkle blood sugar so stay clear of them number eight dried fruits and berries now fruits and berries are fine right but a different story with the dried ones so vitamin c potassium all this good stuff that comes vitamins and minerals and antioxidants with the fruits are great but the dried fruits has
a concentration of these nutrients and since the water is removed everything becomes more concentrated well that also means that the sugar concentration increases in them as well for example grapes will include 27 grams per cup with you know a little fiber in there but one cup of raisins with the same thing a dried 145 grams that's drastically different so you really have to wash out your portion if you are eating dried fruits and if you cannot watch your portion just not worth it don't eat it at all i mean the raisins have four times as
much carbs as grapes think about that this is crazy the carb content of some of the other dried fruits also higher than the regular fresh fruits so stick with your fresh fruits if i were you eating like fresh berries or little peppers and pears and oranges with minimal sugar content will help you lose weight also keeping your blood sugar in check what is next well the snacks that are in containers a bad snack example would be something like a pretzel or crackers that have been packaged why because they feature a lot of fast digesting carbs
that can quickly elevate your blood sugar levels and often they are manufactured with refined flour in reality the carbohydrate content of these items may be higher than what they list on the nutrition label because studies actually show that those snack items include 10 more carbs than they advertise so it is best to consume a handful of ailments for example or a few low-carb vegetables with an ounce of cheese or something when you're hungry in between meals and if you can just stop snacks all together that will be the best and the last worst thing you
can have is fries well fries are a popular dish even if you don't have diabetes you should stay away from french fries why carbohydrate content in potatoes is high to begin with and the carbohydrates can make up up to 35 grams of just a medium potato with only two and a half grams of fiber so after everything is said and done though fries may do way more harm than just your raising your blood sugar it's been proven that deep-frying food creates hazardous substances which we call them glycation end products and aldehydes at high concentrations it
is possible that these chemicals actually cause a lot of inflammation in your body and enhance the chance of getting sick tonal studies actually connected those high intake of fried foods such as french fries to heart disease and bunch of other cancers now sweet potatoes are the greatest choice if you don't want to forgo potatoes completely so you can bake them and eat them in moderation but here's a better option parsnips right so the parsnips are good mesh parsnips look and taste similar to mashed potatoes and have lower amount of carb here's the tip of the
day if you're in love with sweet potato boil them when you boil as long as possible you are going to change the chemical structure of that sweet potato preventing the blood sugar spikes yes boiled sweet potatoes have a low to medium glycemic index as the boiling time is longer for example when boiled for 30 minutes the sweet potatoes have a glycemic index around 46 but when boiled for only eight minutes they have a glycemic index of 61. so huge difference right anyways that's it for today thank you for watching remember to share like and subscribe
guess what for sure see you later guys i hope you are enjoying this channel so far and i hope you subscribed already if you didn't do it and if you did watch this video right there i think that will help you too
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