Parents Discover Their Son Is A Wanted Killer

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you're Brandon Rachel Rachel this is 21-year-old Brandon Ryner standing alongside his two parents for the last 6 hours Brandon has been on the run from police after brutally killing his best friend you going you jumped the Pence head back towards cinwood and as Brandon's parents learn their son is an alleged killer all they can do is pray as they patiently wait for their son's fate Rachel jery you going have a seat out here would you like to talk in private [Music] [Applause] on a cold November morning in 2022 a ditched Toyota Prius would be discovered
by officers in Rome Georgia there's nothing that's what I was looking for there's nothing why this car was ditched in the middle of a creek is something police were yet to figure out yeah I don't think you didn't there no I okay son's name's Aaron Davis supposed to be coming to Rome to see some friends and going to Alabama see his girlfriend I don't think he made it there no I wonder where he's at why his car down there crazy thing is there's nothing I mean there was no acceleration it's almost like it just just
broke it off in there or something yeah did go all the way up in park or something yeah I mean this there lights on like it's but it ain't running running I rode over here to see what was going on they down there Chang out the trash a tow truck would eventually come and lift the vehicle out from the creek and upon searching the license plate number they would discover it belonged to 21-year-old Aaron Davis luckily the town of Rome Georgia is relatively small and officers were already familiar with the name so Lieutenant Sailors would
give Aaron's father a call a few minutes later going to go up to visit a girlfriend in Alabama after that okay yeah can you see if you maybe can get a hot of him and check in with them two where car supposed to be so he just found the car abandoned there yeah it's actually awfully little we in the process of getting it out I don't think there's anybody in it right now Aaron's car being ditched is just as much of a mystery to his father as it is for the police however he did have
some useful details he was able to give the lieutenant following this call the night prior to this footage Aaron went to visit his longtime friend Brandon Ryner the two had been friends since middle school and their friendship continued all the way through college Aaron had just recently graduated from Brigham Young University so his over 60 mile travel to visit Brandon was meant to celebrate the new start to adulthood but ever since Aaron had left for Brandon's house nobody had heard from him and his phone would go straight to voicemail all of these strange Mysteries would
lead Aaron's father to file a missing person's report and an investigation to find Aaron would officially begin first and most obviously police would give Brandon Ryner a call as he was supposedly the last person to have been in contact with Aaron hey I'm Lieutenant sailor's Rome police you doing all right today yes I am I'm looking for my friend right now yeah that's what I was calling about I don't you hadn't heard from him I have not I've tried calling him and has just gone straight to voicemail and um I heard he was at Heritage
CL so that's where I'm at right now so I'm going to I'm looking around do you guys know where the CL was yeah it was uh in a ditch over there when's the last time you saw her in I saw him last night about what time well we started drinking around like 12 uhuh around noon he started throwing up pretty bad uh he told me to leave him alone uh I guess I woke up around like one two and that's when I saw that his car was gone all right well if y'all hear from him
let us know okay yeah thank you for the help sir all right byebye Brandon's Story made complete sense and he even claimed to be actively looking for Aaron at the time of the phone call as any good friend would do it seemed like Brandon was clearly the person they needed to speak to further in order to get to the bottom of Aron's disappearance so a few hours later they showed up unannounced at Brandon's house to get more answers about what happened the night before this time face to [Music] face hey what's going on I'm offer
with the r police BR we're following up on all this can you walk me through what's going on just make sure we're all on the same page we started drinking around 12 yesterday yeah you and Aaron right yeah anyone else with you guys went some and I had bought some red wine yeah and back here start drinking red wine he doesn't drink too often so yeah he had gone upstairs and was just peeping everywhere to the toilet was like standing up and ping for some reason uh and I went downstairs me doesn't need any help
I went downstairs dropped a bottle cut my pinky mhm and uh I went to the Urgent Care this morning took a shower went to bed okay and then woke up 1: to 2: a.m. and his car was gone despite Brandon's strange demeanor Aaron's actions last night connect with the ditched car and lack of response for the last 12 hours if Aaron was a light Drinker and got heavily intoxicated who knows what he could have done while completely by himself so how long have you and Aaron been friends we bet I was in fifth grade okay
and then uh we became more like close friends I'd say like around freshman we're still trying to find him I don't know you know he he may just be staying at a hotel sleeping off whatever happened last night it doesn't necessarily mean he's in danger or anything like that do you have any problem with us checking inside of the house no no problem at all no ferocious iguanas or anything no you never know man people have all kinds of pets the officer would search the house and find some interesting discoveries several doors would be locked
specifically the door leading to Aaron's room where he supposedly threw up several times this was strange so Brandon would be called inside to help get them up to Aaron's room you mind coming in here with me so you can just show me where I'm going and all that yeah just makes a little bit easier the bathroom is up there that he was up chucking in I got you oh Lord is that what what's in the laundry right now I guess okay officers would notice a strong chemical smell coming from the room and find excessive amounts
of cleaning supplies but all of that would mean nothing compared to what they found [Music] next there's a significant amount of blood next to the bed too decent more than just vomit all the way over here looks like it's been there a while but he could have been thrown out blood I guess see all that it's weird to be throwing up blood like that not to mention if he had alcohol poisoning he would have been able to get up and move around this morning especially at 2:00 or 3: in the morning just poured powder right
there too right the cops are starting to find the whole scenario awfully suspicious the odd story from Brandon the puddles of blood in Aaron's room the hundreds of dollars worth of cleaning supplies it seems as though Brandon sensed the officer's suspicion arising as well as when Aaron's room was being searched he decided to do this oh my kn going Qui he jumped the fence head back towards cing wood somewhere between leaport and East got to be in these houses go go up to the house get in the backyard okay possible 1043 suspect run back toward
give me more units unfortunately officers lost sight of Brandon he officially managed to escape the police at least for now desperate for any leads that might Aid in finding Brandon police began going door too around the neighborhood questioning Witnesses who might have caught a glimpse of where he had fled during this effort one officer encountered a neighbor who happened to be on a call with Brandon's father Jeremy quickly the officer took the phone to speak with him directly Hey sir I'm Lieutenant Sy police hi I'm Jeremy Ryner the homeowner and my um Brandon's father yeah
we're probably going to need to talk to Brandon do you know where he is no I thought he was still at home now earlier we had told them maybe drive around the areas where they normally hang out and try to look for them for Aaron we'll keep trying to get hold of them we're still about an hour away working our way there even Jeremy was clueless regarding Brandon's whereabouts and seemingly so was everyone else as an entire hour would go by with Brandon nowhere to be found heard I am okay M so I realized you
might not be able to answer this question probably don't know the answer there's suspicion that Brandon is involved in what hurting eron or something there's suspicion of something happened in the beond getting drunk and throwing up well we don't know that they're lifelong friends we called back after the boy's mom called us we called back said when did you last you he I guess he left during the night that's all we knew he went to look for him where the car was reported yes the powers of do have our number yes sir yeah while trying
his best to assist the police with the investigation Jeremy would return to his house where he discovered Brandon's phone up until that point Jeremy had been doing everything he could to help the police track down his son however after finding the phone his cooperation came to a sudden stop he refused to hand the phone over leaving leaving police to wonder had he seen something on it or was he hiding something far more unsettling but before we get to that Jeremy is not alone in facing a tragedy unfortunately it can happen to any of us take
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as it could help Trace where Brandon could have gone off to but unfortunately Jeremy was unwilling to give up the phone to Cops until he could better understand the situation after after all Brandon is his son and he is innocent until proven guilty so giving up the phone could be a tragic mistake again hours go by with no further leads or Clues as to where Brandon went what Jeremy managed to find on Brandon's phone during this period will forever remain a mystery however when police spoke to him again his demeanor would shift dramatically what's status
all so for I understand you found found his cell phone that's right you want to turn that over to us maybe okay I do my gut says yes but at the same time yeah I mean we we we'll probably need to go through it and see at least maybe where he's been today there is a significant amount of blood uh in that upstairs bedroom on the carpet but I wanted to be straight up with you not not find that okay I appreciate that do you have a a warrant that would include the phone no we'd
have to get one at some point so we couldn't go into it without that some some text back and forth um maybe something helps you know him you know I I can't promise you that I was in there so I want to I know as a father understand all right well yeah I'm going to keep walking something had changed whatever was on that phone had to be disturbing and the officer seemed to have caught on to this as well CU he doesn't know what's going on but he seemed a little shocked that we're at his
house you know he seemed respectful in the sense that he was okay with us being at his house and do what we needed to do I couldn't really get a feel for him he may just be covering for his kid he's got to be in having the phone not being shattered tells me that his son handed it to so he found the phone tells us that he found the phone but doesn't want to give it to us without search text messages probably he was telling there were text in there about him asking if anyone had
seen I wonder if those texts were sent since we've been here though these officers were spoton with their theory on the phone Brandon would leave an array of horrifying notes such as his scream became a gargle as he swallowed his tongue I like dark places where my mind melts it feels so good and I feel so cool my brains a waterfall running out of my nose like drool I can turn myself on in the blink of an eye they notified me as the smartest man alive additionally he would leave a to-do list following the murder
of Aaron One schedule last three songs this was in reference to his YouTube channel where he would post his music two vacuum three laundry four shower in my shower five take bath tomorrow one text Rachel that Aaron threw up horribly I think there was some blood in it two I woke up and he was gone whether or not these exact messages were what alarmed Jeremy is unknown but something on that phone made it clear to him that Brandon had killed Aaron and just an hour later Jeremy would call police detailing that he was with Brandon
and that he was willing to surrender and turn himself in so 25 minutes later Brandon and his parents would arrive at the station Brandon Rachel [Music] thank um Rachel Jeremy yall can have a seat out here I'm going to take one back there and we'll talk man would you like to talk in private you you need to send somebody out there find to PO you okay I'll be right back out with you okay anything in your pocket and I need to know about uh wallet and keys go real quick anything else uh no worry about
that go have a seat now that Brandon was secured the detective would sit him down to try and get a basic confession or any information that might ease the path to conviction all right like I I'm detective York work here at the WR PD of course it's detective York y that's me so before we get started got some paperwork got to fill out the detective would start the interview by getting Brandon's basic information and contact addresses so I'm going to read you some stuff before we get started okay you have the right to remain silent
you have the right to talk to a liyer for advice before you are asked questions and have have him with you during questioning I would like a you would like a lier okay all right sit tight for just a minute Brandon was smart he know nothing he says in the interrogation room will go on to help him in court so he decides to keep his mouth shut while this is unfortunate for the detective Brandon's parents are more than willing to have a discussion with him so instead he turns his attention over to them to try
and get the information that he's looking for [Music] thank you there's a lot going on right now that we can do be right now Che you try to show you I can try to show you you can try to show us the general area yeah okay there's an old Cemetery theill you turn left trenle TR something like Tren I wa to show you this statement from Jeremy was crucial information to track down Aaron's body but as valuable as this information is the detective recognized the importance of capitalizing on the opportunity to gather as much from
Jeremy as possible while he remained Cooperative with this in mind he shifted his Focus to delving deeper into Brandon's personal life before turning to search for the body Brandon brought home from college because he was having anxiety attacks having thoughts he was having visions brought home to make the safe get his medications right got a call from Brandon this morning 91 was asking [Music] about so they drank you didn't want dad finding out Ming upstairs in the carpet that's all we heard then hour or two goes by and boy's mom calls us or I called
Brandon back immediately after said you know whereon is around father and we told run away is he's he's unable um kid diagnosed as a kid and with that comes OCD and people say theyd one time they don't understand until they live with that this raises the possibility that his actions may have been influenced by mental instability however it's important to consider the context Jeremy's statements could be an attempt to have Brandon plead Insanity in court therefore it's essential to approach these Flames with a grain of salt as they may not fully reflect the reality of
the situation regardless police now had an approximate location of where Aaron's body should be so all hands went on Deck to search the cemetery Jeremy had described Aaron was found buried in the cemetery behind a secluded area in the back of the property even worse was that his body was wrapped inside the very sheets he slept on on in Brandon's house the speculation had come to an end Brandon Ryner was a coldblooded murderer right after this discovery Brandon was placed under arrest for the murder of Aaron Davis and transported to the local prison but the
cops found his behavior very unconventional stand right there come on going go to the counter let them follow their instructions this is this proper you got ID in here if you want to for me no we're talking here you got your IDE yeah officers stated that Brandon remained eerily calm while being transported and seemed completely phased by the entire situation and while Brandon had been successfully captured and the case had seemingly came to a successful conclusion officers had one tragic duty to complete before the end of the day break the news to aon's parents that
their son had been murdered any questions I don't know a whole lot because been here doing research he do that why you do that we need my son the family needs him oh my God Aaron was a recent college graduate and a good kid with a bright future ahead of him his sudden death is nothing short of an evil horrifying act on Brandon's behalf and Justice had to be served for Aaron's and his family's sake that Justice would come inside the courtroom on July 18th 2024 Brandon was left with little to no defense for his
crimes and his plea to claim mental Insanity was quickly ruled out and I have come to the conclusion that Justice requires that Mr Ryner be sentenced on count one to imprisonment for life without parole and that's what I'm going to do he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after pleading guilty to the murder and mutilation of Aaron Davis
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