How I Built My $30K/Day E-commerce Business

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Henrik Wold
Today I'm showing you step by step how I started my $30K/day Shopify Dropshipping / E-commerce brand...
Video Transcript:
okay so I'm making like 30k a day right now with Shopify Drop Shipping or more precisely my own e-commerce brand I never have to worry about money again in fact I make more than I even know how to spend and I work with something that I absolutely love so I guess you could say that I have complete Freedom okay so here you can see my store we're currently 23 days into November we're actually down like 20% compared to last month because I'm figuring a couple of things out on the back end making preparations for the
Black Friday week as well but if we go from for example October the 1st to October the 31st you can see that we're sitting at $877,000 scaling all the way up to 35k a day 37 and up to 38.9k a day and if we go ahead and put the last let's say almost 2 months you can see that we made over $1.4 million in sales so I'm going to assume that you know the basics of Drop Shipping as you've clicked on this video but in short you list a product on your website let's say it
costs you $20 you then sell it for 50 and keep the $30 profits you don't even need to touch the product and you use your profit to pay the suppliers now I want you to hear me out though okay because the next 10 minutes is going to completely change your life so don't skip around because this is valuable typical way of doing this business is by browsing either Tik Tok AliExpress Facebook Instagram to look for a product that you can buy cheap in China and sell for Trex the price but it was first when I
completely reversed my mindset around around this whole business that I actually got rich see making money is not about finding some cheap BS product in China something you don't even know the quality of and I hate to break it to you but it's also definitely not about pumping stupid viral products in the world of business you make money by providing value to the market and solving problems and sure you could easily make 20K a month pumping random Drop Shipping projects but this video is an advanced guide on how I actually had a serious breakthrough with
the business and I also want to add on one more thing before I teach you how I'm making these numbers with Drop Shipping and that is that if you listen to 90% of the YouTubers out there you are destined to fail and this was my biggest mistake when first starting be aware of this because they are literally paid to mislead you and I've had the most ridiculous offers from sponsors in this industry wanting me to push out some idiotic content that will seriously mislead you but here's the thing and probably the reason why you're watching
this channel I will never sell out on my followers I guess compared to the other YouTubers I'm actually making money practicing what I preach so I don't need their money to sustain My Lifestyle even though these are some pretty big deals so let me give you the no BS guide to make money with a Drop Shipping brand and let's change Drop Shipping YouTube forever now first of all I built my Drop Shipping business from my parents' house six years ago and it's funny because they actually just visited me in Dubai a couple of days ago
I flew my mom and dad Dad out here on business class which has always been dream of mine but anyways me and my dad talked about how it's been 6 years since he lent me $50 to start Drop Shipping and of course I lost it all but if there is one thing I wish I knew back then is this quality check your products beforehand and sell something that actually enhances your customers's life this is why you see niches like healthcare makeup or insecurity solving Industries absolutely boomed because that's where where the money is made so
if you want to make big money solve big problems I'll check out this prodct right here for example which is something that just makes cleaning in your kitchen so much easier it used to be like a manual job it was a lot of work to do it's a very good problem solving project that actually helps you if we also have a look at this one right here for example um you could say maybe it's a little bit of a weird one personally I wouldn't use it but maybe some girls would like to you know scrub
their back so this is something that is definitely worth testing as well it's a back cleaning type of product we also got this one right here which really really fixes your teeth like if we look at this video right here this product is definitely going to keep your dental hygiene super clean if that's something that is important to you so all these products have one thing in common they actually enhance your life and some of them gives you better health as well now if you compare those products to things like this which is all over
just like a wild Factory product it's kind of stupid um it just lights up your room and you compare it to things like this one for example which is really just a humidifi fire and we see that some stores are crushing it with it we can see that this is just a stupid wow factor product but it doesn't add any value to someone's life and sure it can make you some quick money here and there but if you want to make big money you got to go to the next level where you actually solve problems
and I see countless beginners fail getting into Drop Shipping trying to sell the most random viral stuff but people online they just aren't that interested in buying it so it was only once I switched my product research mindset into actually solving problems and helping people that I started seeing real money come in so how did I actually build this business well I started off by doing all the work myself I didn't Outsource much and I worked like a maniac for a couple of weeks to get this up and running it's safe to say that my
caffeine tolerance after this grind was through the roof but don't worry you don't need to work this hard and I'm going to make this simple for you and by the way I drink like two cups of coffee right now maybe even like one and a half and even at this income level I still drink the cheap powder coffee it it really it really your stomach up but anyways this video is not about coffee so let me reveal the system I use so you can just copy me so have a look at this Google sheet right
here as you can see um I'm basically just listing products every single day when I first started every single day I would come up with a list of 20 products that I believe could actually become winners and I would list them here with the name then I would list a competitors video in most cases or if I couldn't find it I would list the AliExpress link which is actually not on this one I would also list my competitor's website and I would note down everything like the cost for the product uh where I found the
product uh as well as the profit margin I could get with it now out of these 20 products that I would find every day I would come up with my five favorites and then from there I would Niche it down to as little as my two to three favorite products and then I would go ahead and run those and the best way to find these winning products by the way is by browsing the Instagram real feed it's full of Drop Shipping ads I also did this on a general store so that I can move as
fast as POS possible and I made sure all the products fit the criteria which is high margin no cheap AliExpress junk and it also had to add some sort of value to the customer's life the next thing I did which was a little bit different to the traditional way of doing Drop Shipping is I proceeded to create my video ads before even starting on the website and the reason for this is because I realized that if I could get the content creation part done beforehand I'd have an easier time designing my stor I could use
my content for the website I could turn my videos in into gifts and this just made it easier to work around so I would make a total of six video ad variations for each product and I'd usually choose two audiences slm marketing angles and make three videos around them to show you an example of this I think this blasting product is very good most people are showing it as a way to clean your car but you could even have this product uh marketed as a barbecue product that fires up the grill you could have it
as a vacuum cleaner type of product that just cleans your desk but even better these guys find their own approach to it where they turned it into a product for construction workers or wood workers where they can get rid of all the sand super easily so what I would do is I would make different videos towards different demographics and if none of them work it would usually mean that the product just isn't worth it now for the video ads I usually just downloaded some of my competitors videos from Tik Tok or Instagram and mixed it
a little bit into my own because any product that you want to sell is most likely out there so if you search it up on Tik Tok you're going to find content about it then simply just search something up on Google like Tik Tok video downloader go ahead and grab the link download the Tik Tok and mix it a little bit into your own so while mixing this I would put my own hooks on it I would put my own text on the videos and maybe change the first 5 seconds and after around 1 hour
I would have six video ad variations for the product now as you know I did this for two to three products every single day because I actually wanted to get rich so I didn't just picked some random item instantly and published a low effort store no I was really trying and that's why made it and by the way this strategy is also super cheap but more on that later the next thing I did before I started working on the website was to actually turn my video ads into gifts and you can go on a website
called SG and put in your video there they will turn it into the perfect gift and you can use it on your store in Shopify you can easily upload pictures or gifts to your product page and I found that having gifts on your site makes a huge difference and gives you a lot more trust now talking about quality work check out this website right here which is for a pretty good product just like we talked about it solves a problem it helps it in insecurity makes people look better but if we look at the store
we can just see that it is so low effort there's no vibe there's no good color scheme it doesn't look branded and if I had to be honest I would not trust buying from these guys at all we can also look at the reviews here now stores like these are actually your average type of drop shipping stores so this is your competition right here now for my store personally and the method that I use to actually blow up I would really go hardcore into the whole web creation when you get into this store sure it
might look a little bit spammy but don't you feel like you can actually trust it let's just make a onepage split test comparison here don't you feel like you can trust this product so much more it has uh the shipping time visible it has real people using the product if you scroll down these are not some AliExpress pictures it actually tells a story it feels like a brand and you don't have to be a brand to do this I'm sure you can find content of other people using it on Tik Tok and put them on
your side or for example download videos and turn it into gifts but on this side we instantly feel trust we can see that other people have received it before we can see a great layout of it too it's super easy to scroll through see all the features of the product and it overall just looks super branded when we come down here we can also see the reviews of other people trusted by 400,000 customers and they even link to YouTube videos of people using the product so overall this website gives you a lot of trust and
you wouldn't feel scared buying from them so for my store I actually try to make it look legit my my biggest Focus was to give the customer comfort and a feeling of safety now once my products took off I instantly sent them out to micro influencers or Attractive people to take pictures of them using the product so I could fill it all over my website I just didn't want any of my customers drop off because my store looked like a dropshipping business and I just want to add that you don't have to be this professional
like the store we looked at just be aware of it right always think to yourself would I buy from this store now over to the most important thing though copyrighting learning to write worst at sell is essential and most people lack creativity but if you want to do Drop Shipping successfully you need to be updated on the trends and you need to study copyrighting now this is something that's very hard to teach though some people just get it and others have a harder time and for that reason I want to introduce to you today's sponsor
huh no I'm kidding for that reason I recommend you to go with a niche that you actually have some knowledge about or a product that fits you so don't sell a makeup product if you are a guy for for example unless you are gay and I know that most of you are kind of gay though but you get the point so every day I found 20 products I prepared the product pages and videos for two to three of them and I launched the ads as well it was busy and if you're watching this maybe you
have less free time then that's fine just start with one product and find a way to make this strategy fit your schedule because I can guarantee you that if you do what I'm teaching in this video you will become successful I had a student join my mentor ship just one month ago I gave him my exact strategy and he did over $20,000 in profit his first month working with me I also implemented this strategy for one of my other students from Sweden and he went on to do over $100,000 in sales the first 30 days
to not talk about all the other guys in the mentorship who are hitting 1K days 2K Days 5K days and also the ones who are just getting their business started making their first $200 to $300 a day it's as if it's always works and I can damn near guarantee you that if you listen to me and follow what I teach you will make money so if you want to be a part of my mentorship program for Drop Shipping you can send me a message on Instagram right here so with all of this in place it's
safe to say that you have to be a little bit structured that's why keeping a product research document is essential now when moving this efficient though you would have to steal some content here in there some videos from your competitors maybe some text from their website you can take inspiration in and for that reason I always make sure to actually add the links of my competitor's website on the Google Document so don't spend too much time perfecting your website just take some from your competitors and turn it into your own the next thing I did
was to launch one campaign for each product on Facebook every single day let me quickly show you the structure I had for my ads so to find my products I go with one campaign it's a CBO I usually put the budget to $100 here it says 80 uh if you are a new account just do like 40 to 60 but I usually put my budget to $100 inside of it I'm going to have five different adsets now these are all going to be different audiences okay and the reason for that is that one of them
is going to be the dominating one now all of the adsets are the same and if we look inside of it we can see that I've been targeting the top five countries as well as Germany sometimes I show Netherlands inside of it too for the audience I go with Advantage Plus I actually don't touch any of this and for the placements I also keep it Advantage Plus and super broad so every day I tested two to three products and it took me some time to find this one statistically this isn't the most bulletproof way to
find a winning product but it is the method that's going to make you rich the fastest because I actually cut every campaign that isn't working at just like $20 spend so for the price of $200 I could literally test 10 products and by testing three products a day that's going to be 21 products a week and if my success rate is one in 20 that means every week I'm hitting a winning product that's making me consistent money in 2025 hyper testing products is the way to go once I found the product that's making me 30k
a day I instantly knew already from day one that this was a winner my test was super profitable I spent around $70 on ads to generate over $500 the margin was great too and the demand was true the road I quickly ordered a product myself as well to check the quality of it and I hit up multiple suppliers to get the best shipping time possible which I found through a Shopify fulfillment app the store then scaled to 3K a day within that same week I increased my budget aggressively and instantly got ugc ads this means
user generated content I reached out to micro influencers or people that look attractive and offer them $100 to make content with my product then I filled them all over my websites and had custommade video ads of people actually using my product now this allowed me to beat all of my competitors let me show you what I'm talking about so if you look at these videos right here for a Pilatus product which I scaled to the Moon we can see that we have real people using it it doesn't look like some AliExpress dropshipping type of video
it's an attractive model showing their workout routine with the product it's user generated content that fits naturally into the Facebook Newsfeed and it just gives you so much more trust When shopping not only that it's just not too salesy it's simply just people showcasing their workout routine with the product and girls are going crazy on this because of the market timing Pilatus is super big right now I found the product early and I managed to get the best content possible now after this I started taking my social medias a lot more serious I started posting
on Facebook and Instagram consistently I paid like $50 to get a custommade logo for me and revamped my entire general store into a niche store and branded it now let's talk about how I actually became rich with Drop Shipping though and how I plan to make tens of millions of dollars with the business model in the future I just took this exact strategy that I just gave you and hired a team that I can trust to Outsource it now till this day every single morning I go through the product research document that one of my
employees has compiled together for me and I approve three to five of my favorites then my store Creator starts building out the landing pages while my editor starts working on the video content and at the same time I have my VA find more products for the next day with this system in place I can move 10 times faster than the average drop shipper and beat all of them so this is exactly how I started my 30k a day e-commerce business and if you keep things simple and you follow what I just taught you you will
also become successful so I hope you like this video if you did remember to click a like on it and subscribe as I am striving to be the most valuable YouTuber in the Drop Shipping space but that's it for today I'll see you in the next one
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