You Won’t Be The Same Person In 6 Months (Master Anything, Fast)

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Dan Koe
This video will teach you how to achieve goals so fast people ask for your cheat code in the video g...
Video Transcript:
most people even though they don't know it are asleep they're born asleep they live asleep they marry in their sleep they breed children in their sleep they die in their sleep without ever waking up they never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence people are living on autopilot they were assigned goals to them by society when they were children goals require a system to be achieved and a system takes trial and error to become more efficient you had the biological goals of walking talking and speaking to survive as
simple as these are for you now that wasn't always the case your mind would receive negative feedback from its environment like your parents scolding you or just guiding you in the right direction and teaching you how to walk and showing you how to do things by doing it themselves this would lead to those systems in your mind becoming more efficient with time to achieve that biological goal you started crawling then stumbling around then walking like a toddler with little balance bance and now you can hopefully Walk Like an Olympic gold medalist can flip through the
air and stick The Landing because they practiced achieving that goal long enough what about the goals of going to school getting a job and retiring at an old age when you don't really have much time to actually use the rewards that you got from retirement Society is a behavior system and those are three big goals that they injected into your mind right when you learn to comprehend the language you speak those three big goals are go to school get a job job retire at whatever age you can 99% of people are only interpreting everyday situations
from the lens of those goals 99% of people are practicing the skills and programming their minds to live a mediocre life without even knowing it the masses are being shepherded to an unfulfilling life because the systems that compose their mind identity perspective and perception are becoming more efficient as they age a realization that most people make too late is that Success is Not planned it is is automatic successful people whether they were aware of it or not had a mind that was programmed to achieve the goals that led to their success think of your mind
as a structure of nested systems your identity perspective and perception of situations are all systems that feed into and reinforce each other in that order I am here to make you conscious of the systems that will lead to success in any Endeavor so there was a common saying going around thanks to James clear's book Atomic habits that systems are greater than goals and people took this literally and started just preaching that like all over the Internet and like if you're in the right places of the internet you'll see people say that like the self-improvement parts
of the internet where systems are greater than goals but that doesn't really make sense because one systems can't exist without goals like a system leads to a goal so let let's break that down if you don't know what you want you will be told what you want and you will believe it 80% of living the life you want boils down to to creating your own goals While most people are Mindless slaves to society's goals goals change how you interpret situations which influences your actions which programs your identity which compounds over years into the good life
you can't solve a problem unless you're aware of it you can't become aware of a problem unless it impacts a goal most people don't have goals most people are afraid to make mistakes and most people don't give themselves a chance to improve any aspect of their life if you aren't clear on what you want you can't communicate what you want to others and this sets you up for a life of assumptions expectations and never getting what you want out of life nobody can help you and you can't help yourself because one you don't know what
you want so you can't start making the mistakes that lead to achieving what you want and figuring out what you don't want and using that negative feedback to correct your own actions with time and people can't help you because you can't find people with similar goals and observe them and study their actions and reach out to them and build a friendship with them and a network that allows you to reach those goals faster so instead you have the goals in your mind of go to school get a job marry this person watch Netflix every night
order junk food all the time you don't have the opposite goals like building Your Mind Body Spirit and business that allows you to actually spot opportunities within that domain and another thing here is that if you don't invest energy into a goal you won't feel the pain of not reaching that goal an example of this would be something like alcohol where if you don't have the goal of getting into good shape or at least it's not a serious goal on your mind something that shapes all of your other actions then drinking alcohol and you won't
be able to see the impact it has on your gains or your body or your physique or your energy another example is just starting a business if you haven't invested the energy or made progress toward the goal of starting a business and you can't realize that alcohol is holding you back from achieving that you aren't going to feel the pain of not achieving that goal or if you want a thriving relationship and it is actually a top of Mind goal that's the thing here if it's actually an important and serious goal to you not just
one where it's like oh that sounds nice it has to be a part of your identity who you are where if you want that thriving relationship and watching Netflix and eating junk food etc etc you don't realize what composes a thriving relationship with good communication which alcohol destroys mindless entertainment destroys junk food destroys it lowers your performance you don't have the awareness or the knowledge of what leads to something good so that your bad habits don't seem bad because you don't know how much progress you can make so my point here is this most don't
have a clear vision of what they want from that goal so the negative impact of their actions goes unnoticed your bad habits don't seem worth quitting because you don't have responsibilities or prioritize those responsibilities that deserve you at 100% capacity another example is just like what you're okay with your standards in Life or business if you're okay with being with with a partner or being in a job that is just comfortable and you don't know what's more you're you're kind of using it as a an excuse to stay the same so you don't have to
improve you're not pursuing something better than you you're not suing a pursuing a partner that is better than you in other areas of your life so that you have to change who you are to act instead you settle so that you don't have to improve and instead you degress and you go deeper and deeper into a hole of mediocrity if the importance of those responsibilities outweigh the pleasure of your bad habits you'd stop without question goals are intertwined with identity and humans survive on the conceptual level we feel threatened when that which makes us us
is threatened a bodybuilder will feel stress and pain when they're in an environment where they can't perform the normal lever moving actions that would lead to them achieving their goals if they can't go to the gym because they're traveling or they can't eat healthy food because they're in a different location they can't buy groceries they don't have a way of cooking it they feel threatened you feel the stress response because a part of you is going to die this isn't about physical survival it is but it's about taking care of your physical body and surviving
so that your mental form of self can continue to exist a routine is a set of practical goals that orders the mind a writer who moves to a new location or travels for an extended period of time will have a stressful acclamation period until their mind runs on new systems if they can't write well in their normal routine they feel threatened because who they are may die and I discussed the importance of routines even if you think you don't need one or if you think that you don't have one in the video the daily routine
that changed my life for Focus habits because the general misunderstanding here is that you either have a goal or you don't your mind is a web of conscious and unconscious goals with accompanying systems to achieve them you had biological goals as a child to walk eat and survive it's seamless for most people because they practiced the system is efficient you may have cultural goals depending on how you were raised of fitting in and following the safe path according to that culture if you were to condition your mind with new stimuli constant self-education to the point
of having an identity that couldn't survive without achieving new goals you would inevitably achieve whatever they are with ease if you want a successful business relationship or anything that is out of the norm you must fundamentally change the goals your mind operates on by changing who you are to change who you are you must educate practice and experience new information to reprogram your mind's faulty wiring that was installed by Society now let's talk about how the mind is a system that helps you achieve your goals the reason you haven't achieved a goal is that you
aren't the person that would have achieved the goal so here's a quote from Maxwell Waltz man is by nature a goal striving being and because man is built that way he is not happy unless he is functioning as he was made to function as a goal striver thus true success and true happiness not only go together but each enhances the other so that quote from psycho cybernetics matches up quite well with this one from flow the optimal state of inner experience is one in which there is order in Consciousness this happens when psychic energy or
attention is invested in realistic goals and when skills match the opportunities for Action the pursuit of a goal brings order and awareness because a person must concentrate attention on the task at hand and momentarily forget everything else humans are goal oriented creatures and goals create systems systems don't exist without goals the mind has two key purposes for survival one is achieving known goals and two is discovering unknown goals the mind is an information processing and pattern recognition machine that we have a certain amount of control over based on our level of Consciousness the mind is
a system containing a complex set of systems that accepts Rejects and uses information to Aid in the goals you feed it if you're always focused on negative outcomes they will become reality because the outcomes are the goals that your mind is helping you achieve and in this case you'll blame everyone else but yourself self for your Misfortune in life the man who conceives himself to be a failure type person will find some way to fail in spite of all of his good intentions even if opportunity is dumped in his lap the person who conceives himself
to be a victim of Injustice one who was meant to suffer will invariably find circumstances to verify his opinions that's another quote by Maxwell Waltz in other words if you think you can you can and if you think you can't you can't but thinking and believing that is a part of your identity your identity is what accepts or rejects information that allows your mind to form these systems so at the root of your mind is your identity like a puppet master identity is synonymous with self-image or personality for the sake of this video your identity
is a system of ideas beliefs values and standards that shape your perspective your perspective is like the lens of a camera you can zoom in and out you can focus on one part of the scene while the background is blurred or focus on the detail of the entire of the scene your perspective influences your perception of situations meaning your identity will limit the information it can perceive and if it receives information that does not match its beliefs values or standards it will reject it your mind automatically accepts and rejects information that aids in the achievement
of the goals that are programmed into your head if you want to get a job or your goal is to get a job dopamine will signal the importance of opportunities and information that will lead to you getting a job what you highlight books will reflect that goal what you take away from conversations will reflect that goal and remember that your mind is not only operating on one goal it's a plethora of goals but let's say one for the sake of getting a job if you have that as a goal in your mind you will extract
information from your everyday situations that programs and conditions your mind to achieve that goal and this is the same thing for what you engage with on social media will reflect that goal if you have a job and you don't have a goal for something better in your life or improving your life then you're just going to be stuck scrolling memes all day and if you do have a goal like getting a promotion or starting a business and you're investing energy in that goal already then you scrolling and not making progress on that goal is going
to feel painful for you and you're eventually going to have to stop because that's negative feedback now in your system rather than positive feedback which is helping reinforce your mind to stay in the job if that's your goal is to stay in the job and just live a comfor life if that's your goal then you're not going to feel pain from scrolling social media all day but the person that wants to improve their life and isn't making progress towards it they're going to perceive that in a different Manner and Nature's Compass trial and error negative
feedback from the information that you're consuming is going to lead to them changing their actions over time to eventually achieving the goal and this gets like 10 times worse with social media because the algorithm it feeds you what you want it helps you achieve your goals even more so if your goal is mediocrity then it's going to feed you all this it's going to feed you the naked women or dudes if you're a girl scrolling that on social media and you really like it for some reason or it's going to feed you just memes and
entertainment and you're going to get trapped in the cycle like the conditioning process compounds and this is why 99% of people just aren't heading towards a good life so let's say you want to quit your job and start a business dopamine will do the same thing it will narrow your focus on the information from convers ation social media books that allow you to achieve that goal and you're going to store that information because it aids in the survival of the identity that you're trying to create because you survive on a conceptual level and what I
mean by survival is when our ancestors would pass by a bush I use this example all the time is when they would pass by a bush and it was Bare they would they just wouldn't notice anything but then it had new berries they would notice that but if those berries like if they had no use for those berries they still wouldn't notice it but since they do do because it aids in their survival they will note that in their mind and they will come back to it when they actually need it or they'll just pick
the berries right there and store it for later and when you do this like when you're trying to get out of your job or go into a business and you're that's actually like a potent goal in your mind and you've invested some energy into it so the sunken cost fallacy comes into play where I've invested this much time I might as well just try to achieve the goal so your Google searches will change to best careers to go into in 2024 to best business models to start in 2024 or you'll be more compelled to check
out 2hour writer or digital economics which are my courses for starting a synthesizer business in whatever year you want to do it in their Evergreen principles with or without knowing it we are all reinforcing our potentially mediocre identity that determines the outcome of Our Lives for most people this will be negative if you want to change the outcome of your life change who you are if you want to change who you are change the direction of your life expose yourself to new experiences environments and information to allow your mind a chance to discover new goals
you can adopt that will carry you toward a better future so now we understand the importance of goals the absolute unignorable importance of goals they are important they are everything they create your entire life so we need to talk about the Mastery method which is how to learn anything fast or how to master anything fast in other words how to achieve your goals in record time the only people who have the choice to take a rare path that breeds rare results are the self Educators it's safe to say that you're going to have to learn
a lot on this path education expands your mind it introduces you to novel perspectives it increases dopamine in the brain as a consistent source of energy it gives you the knowledge to act with Clarity toward your goals it exposes you to the potentials that you hadn't yet become aware of a consistent flow of Education increases your chances at encountering meaningful events meaningful events occur occur at the edge of the known when your nervous system signals that you should pay attention when you have one foot in the unknown you can just barely metabolize new aspects of
reality and put that information to use becoming the person you want to be is the most painful and rewarding process you can dedicate your life to you begin this path when you realize that the pain and pleasure of where you are now are of lesser magnitude than the pain of not receiving the rewards that come from seeing what you are capable of that's a mouthful but it's powerful with that let's discuss how you can M with that let's discuss how you can Master almost anything as you Trek towards your goals step one is to expand
your mind all real change is identity change your level of Mind dictates what values beliefs and standards are available to your identity you don't care about global problems because you haven't solved the personal problems that restrict your mind from seeing them as important the purpose of humanity is to expand your mind to that of the universe what I mean by that is what I talk about in my book The Art of focus Focus where you can learn to adopt the perspective of the universe to zoom out and see situations for what they are rather than
getting caught up in the petty technical details that cause your emotional waves to go crazy like a storm so instead you use your the perspective of your ideal self like this is the whole like what would Jesus do thing that has a lot of wisdom but more so what would the universe do like how would they how would it perceive the situation and to bridge the gap between you and the universe is the perspective of your ideal self this is where the symbol from my book comes into play It's You the perspective of your ideal
self and then the perspective of the universe so when you're going about situations adopt the perspective of your ideal future your ideal self what you want out of life the goals associated with that which we're going to break down that way you can perceive situations from a better lens and make a better choice because you aren't so narrowed in on right here and right now now and just choosing Comfort time after time you must allow yourself the room to discover new goals by tossing an anchor into the unknown so create a massive goal that acts
as a spotlight in the unknown and you don't set this massive goal for practicality or achievement even you're not trying to necessarily achieve this goal you set it for vision Direction and filtration of opportunities focus on making this as desirable as possible please use a notebook and write these down and or when it's available you can just use this process by using the fosi planner which is the new planner that came out with the book it may or may not be available yet but you can check the link in the description or go to the
danco do store if you had all the money in the world what would your average day look like what kind of environment do you want to live in is there a specific location do you want to travel do you want a family what do you want that life to look like visualize an average day of family time how long of a work day do you want to have if you could do anything what would you do for work how do you want to look and feel describe your body energy levels and how you want to
present yourself to the world what does your ideal day look like map out every hour list out anything else that comes to mind in terms of a specific future that you want to build for yourself so to make this even more potent turn this Vision this is your vision for the future into an antiv Vision that way you create this Frame or perspective of your ideal self that way it's complete you have two things to bounce between you have multiple anchor points to observe situations from so number one is what is the bane of your
existence and then two write out the opposite of every question about your vision that we just went over for even more Firepower create a vision board add images to a scrapbook software or wall that makes that future more tangible and here remember that nothing is permanent you're writing these things down you're creating your vision for the future it's going to change that's actually a good thing this is how you refine and iterate with time but you can't iterate on something that doesn't exist you can't improve something that doesn't exist if you don't have a vision
for the future or a direction for your life how are you going to course correct over time if you don't have that if you haven't written it down and thought about it you're not going to make progress or that is at least meaningful progress toward a goal that you choose right you can make progress all day towards the goals that people assign to you but if you don't have it written down and you don't condition your mind to think in this goal then you're going to be pursuing other people's goals and wondering like why do
I feel stressed why do I feel overwhelmed why do I feel all of this because it was assigned to you and you just accepted it without question so with this we're using this Vision as filtration so you're going to say no to every single opportunity that does not align with your vision but this also means for you to be realistic if you just are like seeing an opportunity but can't see how it connects to your goal or how it helps you achieve that and simply because you don't want to do it you want to say
no what I'm saying is that you're going to also say yes to everything that may lead to your vision for the future which may be something that you don't want to do right now but you do want to do it when you zoom out and actually have the perspective of your ideal self so step number two is creating a hierarchy of goals because we have the vision for direction and filtration but now we need to break this down and make the path clear we need Clarity more than we need motivation an ordered mind is a
happy one and a hierarchy of self-generated goals makes it hard for depressing distractions to penetrate your awareness now break your vision down into goals for each domain of your life Mind Body Spirit business relationships are synonymous with Spirit here and yes this is going to be timec consuming take your time this is your future we're talking about so for all four domains of life create 10e goals one-year goals monthly goals and weekly goals then every day you're going to write down three to five priority tasks that move the needle toward these goals from the ground
up knock these tasks out first thing in the morning before responsibilities and distractions have time to wake up and I talk about the structure of my deep work in the video Change Your Life in 6 months my deep work routine so step three is how to learn because people don't know how to learn reading books is not learning watching tutorials is not learning you learn by building a project and facing reality now we need to understand that projects are goals that you can measure and iterate so we're going to turn a few of your onee
or monthly goals into projects ideate a way to build something meaningful you must do work write down Milestones you can reach create an outline in a Notes app or a notebook brain dump any ideas that come to mind or you can eventually get access to Cortex the software I'm building where it's a second brain that helps you achieve your projects you want to do this for mental physical financial and Spiritual Development this primes your mind for pattern recognition in other words it helps you get more good dopamine out of life because the things that you
are perceiving have somewhere to go everything becomes useful in your life every book that you read every conversation you have when you have a project that is outlined and you have milestones and you have Clarity you're going to feel the need to go into your notes or your project or whatever and add the inspiration that you get step four is to understand that skills are groups of techniques building a project isn't the end of learning to build a project you must acquire skills along the way but you don't learn a skill you learn a technique
experiment with it and continue adding techniques into until you can combine them in a way that leads to your desired outcome an example is that you don't learn Photoshop as a skill you create a project and you have a vision for that project of what you want to create and if you don't know how to create it then you're going to look up a specific technique on how to complete one aspect of that project and then once that's done you're going to look up another technique to complete another aspect of the project and so on
and so forth until you master Photoshop watching specific tuto well watching just just general tutorials on Photoshop is not going to help you if you're not building along with it because you're not going to notice the information that solves the problem that you're facing because learning comes from struggle and so with this if you've used Photoshop you know that there are like 10 plus techniques to just remove the background from something like okay there's an easy way of just removing the background from like a human right but what about a tree with all the details
within it you're not going to be able to do that and it's going to take like 3 hours to do that manually with the pen tool so you need to learn how to use channels and then make the layer mask with that so you're stacking techniques so you can eventually Master any situation that comes because there's going to be different nuances in the situations that you're exposed to think about how this applies to life and like communication skills where yeah it's easy to say hello how are you that's like that's like masking or removing the
background from my person in Photoshop but then what about doing it from trees how do you navigate a Nuance conversation that's going to take more techniques practiced over time stacked until you master the skill of social dynamics and the thing here is that you there is absolutely no way to do this all at once there's no one book that can teach you all of this all at once maybe there is and it has the techniques but you still have to practice each one of those techniques over time until you achieve the goal the same thing
goes with copyrighting or any marketing based skill you don't just learn copywriting as the skill you create a project like writing an email or a landing page or a tweet and then you study a specific technique with a YouTube video or a book or something of that nature you learn techniques for capturing attention holding attention enhancing the perceived value of your product or idea Etc there are dozens of techniques for each thing that you're trying to achieve and the more you learn the better you get with copyrighting as a skill your first landing page is
going to suck it's going to be absolute and that's okay that's called trial and error so in something like 2hour writer I have you build projects and I give you the techniques to practice along the way everything is a skill life is a skill that encapsulates health wealth and relationships as skills until broken down into techniques you can practice over the course of your life to master life itself all skills are mental skills are mental systems that become more efficient with practice to achieve your desired outcome step five is to reinvent yourself think of your
mind as the digestive system of reality this alone can point you towards what you're supposed to be doing if you feel overwhelmed or you feel like you're not learning anything or you like are trying to read a book but you haven't retained any of the information it's because you're not stopping and digesting the information with practice and building you need to like pull back from consuming at this point and just build with the knowledge you have and refer to the material you've used before when I'm writing notes in cortex my software I have to read
books extremely slow just because I'm digesting a page at a time and really trying to dissect and understand it and this has helped my articulation and communication and newsletters and YouTube videos and content so much because I start to deeply understand the information so when you think about this as like with your actual digestive system when you eat just enough you create an environment that is conducive to muscle growth You Trek through reality towards your goals you enter a season of pure progress and the feeling is incredible when you eat too much you feel like
crap a lot of people that go on hard bulks they just feel terrible the entire time and if you don't eat enough then you're not giving your body or business business enough of the resources to build what is necessary so you go through Cycles you get you eat too much or you bulk and then you cut and then you maintain and like you have to think of life through these Universal patterns adopt the perspective of the universe because you need to zoom out and go meta on what's actually happening in your situation and stop trying
to find all these little like tactics to solve it like oh I feel like crap what's this little technique I can do to solve it in an instant when it's a part of life and you need to understand life life is the mental model model with a vision goals and projects you are primed for an entirely new life all you have to do is take the leap launch yourself into a new physical or digital environment move across the country unfollow everyone online follow people aligned with your future change what you wear where you shop and
who you see Drown Your Mind in the books you've been putting off reading changing what you wear is actually a very big one I see people lock themselves into specific identities just by choosing what they want to wear so with this you want to align all information or align reality with who you want to become you will feel threatened at the start because you are trying to expand your identity and your identity wants to survive who it is it's going to be painful your old identity will die because it is starved of the information that
reinforces it hold strong during this extremely difficult yet extremely meaningful turning point in your life step six is Nature's Compass people are so afraid of making mistakes that they make the biggest mistake of them all not making mistakes you can't avoid making making mistakes they are nature's Compass people who don't make mistakes don't give themselves a chance to achieve successes so imagine a self-driving car for years it has received negative feedback that refines the system that shapes the mind of the car I watched a video from Elon Musk yesterday on Optimus the little robot that
he's building that will probably fill most people's homes and just be their personal assistant and do things for them like wash the laundry and way more beyond that there's a lot more utility in actually having a personal robot but this was the third iteration in a year of what he's been doing because you have to fix the bugs in the system you have to fix the bugs in your life you have to be okay with mistakes like you when you were born were like the minimum viable product and you've been improving most people people have
been degrading the entire time and I'm not talking about physically here I'm talking about mentally the systems that compose your mind so the car now a Tesla can navigate the roads with ease simply because it's had so much feedback machine learning like it's learned and I would argue that it is and will be safer than most humans driving a car because it doesn't have those like negative thoughts or distractions going through its mind it's just like I'm going to acheve I'm a system to achieve this goal and that's what opens up room for humans to
just continue performing creative tasks and pushing forward in technology and evolution I'm talking about this in the next video the future of work is play you must act in alignment with your big goal to form new systems that your mind operates on through through the negative feedback of mistakes make a habit of forcing yourself to adopt the perspective of the highest version of yourself allow this lens to unveil new opportunities that you can act on when you make a mistake because you will use it as direction for your next choice with time you won't even
realize that you have become an artist in whatever skill you've chosen to develop you will be able to achieve what most people think are difficult goals like you are able to walk While most are still crawling step seven is self-experimentation solves your problem problems for good your life is a project and the projects that compose your life should be treated as science projects to solve the problems that achieve your goal hypothesize an outcome from your goals experiment with techniques for skill acquisition document the process as a project and double down on results as a solution
now you have experience skills and projects that you can turn into a business you have a solution to a problem that you can charge money for in the Creator economy this is what I talk about all the time in my one person business Bus videos and my digital writer videos of solve your own problems and sell the solution if you just improved yourself and achieved goals then you help other people achieve the goals you help Humanity evolve by just solving your own problems and selling the solution it's how you earn an income doing what you
enjoy I discussed this in the last video actually on the anti- niche so let's say you have the goal of achieving a six-pack you are in search of a solution and they tell you that veganism will solve all of your problems and from an unlighted State you clean up your diet follow their advice as if it were law see the results they mentioned then you'll attach to that diet ideology as if it is the best way to get a sixpack or be healthy or be fit because that one ideology or technique that they gave you
was just a way to generate Clarity and that's why you felt good is because you had Clarity on how to achieve your goals so in reality what happened when you switched to veganism and I'm not only talking about veganism here I'm talking about any fad diet that people fad diet or Diet in general that people adopt and don't treat as lens that they can take off and put on they attach to it it becomes their identity but what really happened is that you ate more nutrient-dense Foods your actions work to survive your vegan identity and
you had Clarity not chaos by following a disciplined nutrition regimen you didn't have as many options you didn't have as many choices you add rules to a game that you were playing and games are fun to play that's the entire purpose of creating a hierarchy of goals and remaining open-minded on how to achieve those goals is because you have rules or limits that frame your attention eliminate distractions and make it easier to actually achieve those goals now if you were to try veganism for a month and then go carnivore for a month and then keto
for a month and then try flexible dieting for a month you would make connections between the diets to reveal the fundamentals of Health pattern recognition equals dopamine here you would pick and choose certain methodologies that you enjoy meaning they will bring sustainable results and you will refine A system that fits your individual nature to Perfection then once Healthy Living becomes effortless you can do the same for your finances social life romantic relationships spiritual Endeavors and any other domain of life if you're going through problems in your relationship there's multiple things you can experiment with to
solve the problem but just choosing and identifying with one that may or may not get the results that you want or you know are available to you that's a bad thing because you can hire a therapist watch a YouTube guru go on a retreat and experiment with options until you find the right solution and if your business isn't growing you can buy a course you can hire a coach you can test a new software or you just zoom out you allow yourself to discover new goals by adopting the perspective Ive of life or the universe
or the ideal version of yourself there's always a way to solve your problems and you strip yourself of that power when you latch on to one solution that probably won't solve the problem for good think of each domain of life as both a project and a skill in which you collect techniques to master that domain okay that was long so let's summarize what the Mastery method is one expand your mind with a vision generation session this perspective will allow you to create new goals and discover new potentials for your life so you can break out
of your narrow mind and achieve more two is create a hierarchy of goals to bring Clarity to your life you need to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be with practical goals three is turn your goals into projects so you can build and learn in unison projects are goals that are measured tracked and improved four is don't learn skills acquire techniques your skill level depends on the amount of techniques in your toolbox that can solve challenging problems number five is reinvent yourself with information overload change your physical and
digital environments to force an open mind and discovery of new potentials six is treat mistakes as negative feedback in your system you have no other way to test something that gets better results seven is treat your life as a science project become obsessed with experimentation in Fitness business knowledge and relationships thank you for watching that's it for this one check out cortex cortex Mastermind to our writer digital economics other free stuff with the links in the description again thank you for watching like subscribe I'll see you in the next next one peace
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