I recently turned $800 into over $141,000 with meme coins and in this video I'm going to take you behind the scenes of meme coin trading and share The Insider secrets that the big Traders don't want you to know about I'm going to reveal my trading setup and I'm going to reveal my favorite tools that give me the edge over everyone else but before we dive in clearly meme coins are super risky and do not put any money into this that you're not prepared to lose so now we've got that out of the way what is
going on well if you don't know thousands of meme coins are being produced every single day on website it's like pump fun and these coins take seconds to create anyone can create them and they can be created about literally anything from news stories to memes to pets for example someone created a coin called Peanut which was named after a squirrel that got shot by the US government long story but anyway it's now worth over a billion doll market cap I actually saw that come out if I would have put $100 in that coin when I
saw it and left it I would have over $1 million now but the issue is 99% of these coins go to zero so how do we make money from this well it's definitely not got nothing to do with just randomly buying random coins that you see or that you think sound funny and it's also got nothing to do with reading charts or technical analysis the secret to making money with memec coin trading is Alpha which just means Insider information and speed buying and selling the coins quicker than anyone else and if you master these two
things you'll be able to find out about these coins before they're launching and you'll be able to be one of the first people to buy them and that's what I'm going to share with you in this video before we move on to the alpha and how to actually find the best coins to buy first of all let me show you how I'm buying coins faster than anyone else and the tools that I'm using and I know I did speak about this in my previous video but a lot of things have changed since then so you'll
definitely want to see this because this is a really really important part of the puzzle because if you use some of the traditional trading platforms they are too slow at buying you need to have the edge first thing that you need to be able to buy and sell these meme coins faster than anyone else is this little bot here called Nova so it's invite only I will leave a link to it down below it's free to use and it is so so quick so if you use any other platforms like bullex or Photon and things
like that if you're aware of those they sometimes can take up to like 10 seconds to fill an order and I was seeing all of these big Traders being able to get in before me and get out before me and I was like what are they up to I then found they're using this bot called Nova which is super super fast so you can sign up down below it's a telegram bot you'll sign up with a link it'll bring you to Telegram and then you can just set it and I'll kind of show you a
bit more on how to set it up a little bit later but you can just paste in a contract address here and it will instantly buy that coin for you and then you can sell it from inside this bot as well but since my last video they've actually released an update which means you can now use this bot inside your browser inside any trading platform like bullex or Photon or whatever you're using which is epic so you don't need my little hack that I created in my previous video you can actually do this from inside
the browser which I'll show you in just a second but Nova is definitely a must if you want to have this Edge the next tool that you're going to need is this one here called bullex Neo so this is invite only you can use my referral link down below now this is brand spanking new so previously I've spoken about a tool called bullex this is the new version of that and all of the top Traders have actually had access to this over the past month or so and they've been having an edge over everyone else
and now it's finally available to the public and it works very similarly to bullex if you've used that but it's just got a lot more updated features but if you don't know here so you can buy coins directly from inside of bulex Neo and we can just click on these any coin that we want to buy we can buy it as long as we've got money in our in our wallet up there but like I said it can take up to 10 seconds to actually process the orders so this is why I like to use
Nova with bulock and I'll show you how we can actually install Nova onto our bulock platform so it's super super easy to buy in just a second but if you're totally brand new to this let me just give you a really quick overview of what you're looking at here so if we come here to Neo bulex and you click on the little Neo Vision on the left hand side this will show us all of the coins all of the meme coins that are coming out on the salana blockchain cuz salana has checked up there and
on the left hand side you've got all the brand new creations and you'll see this update in every second there'll be multiple coins being produced and then the middle column is called about to graduate and the way that it works all of the coins are launched on platforms like pump fun and once they hit around about 80k market cap they need to graduate and basically what that means is they will they'll migrate over to a different liquidity pool which basically just means that they can be traded on other exchanges outside of pump fun so pump
fun is like a launch pad and then once they hit ATK they go off into the big wide world so they you see the coins that are about to graduate here you see them graduating and then once they've graduated it takes about five minutes for it to do that then they will be in this column here and then this is where they even Moon and go to multi-millions or sometimes they can flop and I'm going to show you how we can identify that so that was just a quick overview of the X interface I will
go into it a bit more detail later about the filters that I use on these columns plus a few of the tips and tricks that I use to actually filter out the bad coins but now let me quickly show you how you can get Nova onto your bullex so in the previous video I did a little hack work around you no longer need to do that let me just turn this on and now you can see I've turned it on and you can see these new buttons here which have popped up these purple buttons these
are actually the Nova bot so we can click these buttons and it will instab buy using the telegram bought in the background which is happening up here this is genius it's super super fast and also if we click inside a coin as well there's lots more options here for us to actually sell and there's loads of other things as well and Nova click is very very simple to set up all you need to do is just follow the steps inside the telegram there's guides in there as well which will walk you through exactly how to
set everything up it is very self-explanatory but I don't want to bug this video down with like technical setup of certain tools because we want to move on to the alpha as soon as possible but I just wanted to share that with you if if you have got any questions about this feel free to ask me inside my telegram as well which I will leave linked down below one tip that I will share with you is when you're setting up your bulex Neo account soon as you you log in it will give you some private
Keys download those those are your private keys to your wallet you can then come over to Nova and upload those private keys to your wallet so the same wallet is being used on Nova as it is on bullex which means that when you're looking at a chart you'll be able to see your buys and sells even though you've made them inside the Nova bot that's a little tip for you there now let's move on to the good stuff the alpha so that just means information and there's lots of ways we can get information about which
meme coins we should be buying but one of the very best ways to do this is by tracking crypto Twitter or X as it's now called so let me just quickly show you my setup here this is my screen and on the left hand side we've got a crypto Twitter tracker which I'm going to show you how you can create for free in just a second you just need a Twitter Pro account and you can do this and then on the right hand side we've got bullex if you're wondering how I've got the screens set
up like this it's called Vivaldi it's a browser and it allows you to actually add in multiple tabs and you can click this button down here and you can tile them so you can have multiple things next to each other which means I can be looking at bullex and crypto Twitter at the same time and the way that this crypto tracker works it's just got lots of the big K's key opinion leaders like the big people in crypto in here so when they tweet about stuff I want to be able to see it straight away
it's got other people like Andrew Tate it's got the guy that created Dogecoin it also has news outlets in here because obviously if news breaks about a certain thing then that could become a mem coin and it's constantly being updated every second with all of this information so let's just watch this for a few seconds just to see if anything comes up because what you'll see is on the left hand side something will break on Twitter someone will tweet something like Elon mus might tweet something and then within seconds people will be creating coins about
it so that's the first way of how we actually see what coins to buy because most of these coins are just crap there's no real reason why anyone's going to buy them but if someone's tweeted about it then that is a bit of an indication that this might be a coin that we want to buy so we can see here that these stories have just come out I just need to hover over this to pause it but on the left hand side of my screen you can see that there's some stories breaking just now about
Donald Trump speaking at the the New York Stock Exchange about crypto I think that's literally coming out now and within seconds I've just paused this this feed there probably more coins coming out but we've got multiple coins one called Trump first president to I've not actually clicked on this story this one we called Trump Bell so maybe he rang a bell at the New York Stock Exchange this one bullish because someone said he's bullish and these are now coins which you can click on and buy now just because coins have appeared on crypto Twitter doesn't
mean that they are good to buy but if we look here on my middle colum because it started to update this one's actually gone to a 17K market cap so let's just click on this and you can see see people are buying it it's sending it up based on this new story so that is just go to show you how vital this is because all of those coins that were coming out then motion went to zero but the one that was a news story that was tweeted about by some big key opinion leaders in crypto
has actually become a coin that's gone up to 17K so if I would have bought it down here I could have doubled my money by now been in and out and it's still continuing to climb now so while you're scanning crypto Twitter here and and scanning to buy coins there's two ways you can do it you can either buy first research afterwards or research first and then buy obviously if you're buying first you're going to get in quickly but there's a chance that a news story or something that you've seen here might not be true
it might be fake because a lot of people create fake news and fake stories just to create coins about them there's a lot of them saying these new animals have been born at these zoos and it's actually a stock image of an animal that someone just created to create a coin about and I'll show you how I verify things and check whether things legit and and spot scams in just a second but first let me show you how to create your own Twitter tracker here so you can track crypto Twitter in real time very very
simple to do you will need a pro Twitter account but that's it apart from that it's free and you just want to go to prot twitter.com and then it basically is this thing which allows you to to add columns of certain things so it could be certain Search terms and I've created one here called goats which is just all of the crypto influencers plus the news articles and all of that kind of stuff it's what I'm tracking here and you just come you come here click on ADD column and then you can click on list
and then you can create new list and then when you create the list you can go through Twitter find people that you want to track add them to your list and then you'll see all of their tweets down there I will actually share with you my list of all of these influencers inside my telegram if you want to head over there and you can just use my list if you want but if you want to create your own you can do it here another genius way that we can use this Pro Twitter tracker for is
to actually track narratives so in this column I'm tracking all of the key opinion leaders and news articles that will usually lead to meme coins being created about them but you can also use it to track narratives so what will happen in this crypto meme coin space is sometimes there's a narrative or a meta which basically just means there's a lot of coins being created about a similar theme during the day so this usually happens when when one coin rallies about a certain subject and then there'll be a lot of like copycats or derivatives of
that coin so for example there was a coin called mudang which was based off a baby hippo at a zoo that went crazy went viral I think it's listed on binance went to billions and then since then there's been a lot of people creating coins about zoo animals that have been born and there's lots of other coins that have gone to crazy numbers as well so it's quite a good idea to be aware of that and also be one step ahead so I also have a column on here at this moment in time where I'm
tracking zoo and B so you can come here click on search posts and just type in whichever word you want to put in so zoo and born is going to bring up any tweets where someone says new Gilla born at Maryland Zoo and I'll see that tweet and then you can have that open and then you'll see any tweets about that so you're one step ahead so I a lot of the time see things pop up on here and then it can take like half an hour before someone actually sees thats because they're not tracking
it and then they create coins about it that coin goes crazy but I don't have to verify anything because I already know that story is legit I've seen the animal been born and I can buy into it straight away and if you want to track both things at once if you've got valal you can just drag that out there and you can maybe just make this a little bit smaller and we can see all of the Tweets in that narrative and obviously zoos is just one example but it could literally be about anything there could
be stuff going off in Russia and you might want to track every time Russia is mentioned to see if anything is happening and you can have that in that column so now let me walk you through how I actually do the verifying as I am looking at this crypto Twitter and this is just one side of the alpha there's more Al for which I'm going to be moving on to a little bit later but Twitter is obviously a really good source but what I do is as tweets are coming out or as coins are coming
out and it kind of takes a bit of time a bit of experience to see what you think will do well and so I definitely recommend just watching this and just seeing Oh that these types of coins are moving here and these types of coins are going to Crazy million dooll market caps and kind of learn the the meme coin space and kind of the language that's being used um because it can be quite difficult to get your head around it at the start you're like why is that coin running and then you'll start to
work it out but as I'm scrolling through here and I'm waiting for coins to come out I want to verify whether they're legit because I can actually tell quite quickly if something is going to be a scam and one way that I verify whether coins are legit is by looking at these little symbols here on bullex so you can see here I would avoid this coin even though you think this coin seems to be performing well it's gone up to 41k market cap let's have a quick look at it just by looking at that chart
it just look doesn't look legit but I can tell straight away before I've even thought about buying it that I don't want to buy that coin and that's because of these little symbols here so this one here says 61% and that means 61% insiders so what happens is when someone creates a coin if they own a large portion of it the dev owns a big portion of it they buy a lot of their coin people won't buy that because he could sell at any moment and he could crash that coin so what they do they
got clever and they started to think well when I actually create the coin I'm going to send some of this coin to lots of different wallets so it looks like a lot of people bought it but actually it's just me and then what they can do with one click of a button they can sell all of those wallets at once and crash the coin and lose you money so this tells us here there's a lot of insiders in this coin and we avoid that again here this little one here which is is green means how
much the dev owns which he doesn't own much but he's actually owning a lot through this inside his wallet so we want to try and look for these to be as green as possible U sometimes you can get away with the dev owning a bit more if it's a legit project and they're actually creating a website and things like that you actually want the dev to own some but more often than not um we don't really want the dev to own too much because he could crash the coin and then I've also got some filters
here which filters out if the dev owns too much of the coin which just gets rid of that that that risk for me and I also have token age set to a Max of five minutes on The Graduate column so that just shows me the freshest coins so when coins are coming out in this column if I miss them I will start to see them climbing up here and there's an opportunity for me to get in because it shows they're getting some volume behind them as well and another way that I verifi coins as they're
coming out is is if you just look down here they' got the little the little buttons which leads through to usually a Twitter account and a website so what I do is click on the website and you want to see whether this is a legit website so sometimes what they do is they might create a fake news story like I said and they'll create a website which says it's a a brand new news story which was produced today and you might think oh this is legit I'm going to buy and sometimes it's copycats of websites
so what I do is I've got this little Chrome extension up here called the main age Checker and this lets me know how old this domain is because sometimes they'll create a copycat of a domain that was just created today so this tells me this actually might be legit because this website's been around for 25 years so maybe it's right I've also checked the date here so it was actually posted yesterday I like to jump into coins where the news is just breaking because you're very very early to it but checking the DAT is is
is also useful and then we can go back as well and I would also check the Twitter page as well to see whether that looks legit and again that does look quite legit they've got quite a few followers so to me by looking at this here just for this really quick bit of research this coin actually seems quite legit it's legit news story from what I can see it leads through to a a big Twitter page I shared it and it's not got many insiders it's not got the dev owning that much so this actually
could be a good coin to get into I would have preferred to get into it a bit earlier down here so I could have made some profit and taken off some risk but that's just how I verify if something seems legit and just to show you again here this is another really good example so this is an elephant animals do really well justce for Sonu so something must have happened it's coming out not many insiders I'll click on the website I want to see if this looks legit it's been chained for 8 years an article
which has just been published I will check this the domain's quite old and legit so yeah that seems like quite a good coin another little check as well which is really really important you want to make sure it's not been done before because people do a lot of CopyCat coins and if there's one that's been done before then this will probably crash so I'd come over here to the search and then I would just type in the name of that coin so Sonu which is an elephant and you can see this one's 3 minutes ago
one was created 4 minutes ago apart from that that's quite good so actually that does seem like it could have a good opportunity here for being a good coin so that's Twitter tracker plays but that's only one part of the puzzle because another way of actually knowing which coins to buy and which are actually going to moon is by tracking people's wallets so I track a lot of really experienced traders that are making millions and millions of dollars every single month from Trading meme coins and I can see which coins they're buying and when they're
buying them before I go into this I just want to be clear copy trading is super difficult it's not just a case of finding someone's wallet and whenever they make a trade you copy that trade you probably will lose money that way because a lot of them intentionally dump on their copy Traders so they'll wait for you to buy after them and then they'll sell straight away so you don't want to do that the way I use this this tracking wallet tracking method is to track a lot of people at once and get a general
feel of which coins people are buying and to do this you need a wallet tracker and up until recently I was paying $200 per month for a wallet tracker to track all these wallets now they've added a wallet tracker inside of bullex Neo which you can track all of the wallets inside and as you can see here these are some of the wallets and you can see the buys and sells as they come in and you can get alerts every time someone buys so while I'm sat on my computer tracking crypto Twitter on my other
screen I've got my wallet Tracker open which has got alerts on and every time it beeps I have a little look over oh my God four the people are buying this elephant coin maybe it's interesting I might try and buy it and then I'll could potentially buy it if one person buys it then I'm not really that interested but if you see a lot of people buying it then it kind of shows this an indication that this could be a good coin now I'll share with you how to find these wallets as well to track
all of this interest a second but I just want to show you inside bullex Neo because this is genus since I've got bullex Neo it's blowing my mind so I've just opened up a chart that I know a lot of the wallets that I'm tracking are actually in this coin and they've bought it and it's now up to 850k so you know that this is a coin that's getting interest from from these Top Dog Traders and and bullex allows us to upload of all all of our wallets to the wallet tracker here on the left
hand side which you can see and then it will show us where they've bought and where they've sold on the charts so not only do we get alerts which I've got on my other screen all of the alerts coming through but when I click on a coin I can see where they're buying and where they're selling so a few people bought right at the beginning then they sold this guy bought here and then he's now sold now I can see that most of the The Spar wallets are probably out of this coin now so I
probably wouldn't be getting in this coin it's a little bit too late for me to get in anyway I like to prefer to get into them when they're they're very very new or so I can make the same profit that these guys are making but that just goes to show you and this is really good for actually learning yourself how to trade as well because if you've got a lot of smart wallets that you're tracking you can see when they're buying when they're selling and learn how this all works and you can scroll down here
and you can actually look at top Traders and you can see all the wallets that you're actually tracking how much profit they've made on this coin so one of the wallets that I'm tracking here has actually made over $2,000 just from this coin but you might be thinking well how do I get wallets how do I get wallet addresses well there's quite a few different ways you can find them you can find them on Twitter some people share there their wallet addresses on Twitter for anyone to actually use um another really useful way of actually
finding the very best ones the ones that people don't want to to share is by joining Alpha groups so I'm a member of a few Alpha groups and Alpha group just basically means like a a community where they're sharing Alpha Insider information so I'm a member of One called potion and also one called Shockers well but my favorite one is poacher and it's it's just a Discord I'll just show you it here and it's basically got quite a few Tools in here um where we can actually I'll show you some of the tools in just
a second but it's got a live trading room going on every day where someone is trading live and kind of teaching newbies how to trade um which is really really useful they also have calls in here where the the guy that runs it R actually will tell you a DJ call so if he finds a coin that he thinks actually going to go to the Moon he calls that out in here you can also find wallets in here there's there's an alpha chat in here where people are are sharing Alpha that they've got on certain
coins and and the inside information so super super useful and I I know what it's like because I'm a bit of a Lone Ranger and I I don't really like to to join groups and things like that but actually by being part of a community and and and learning from them but also knowing what's going on in the crypto space is is invaluable and it's super super useful so if you do want to sign up to this I will leave an affiliate link down below for you to sign up to that but the key is
don't just rely on people sharing Alpha I think you really need to teach yourself to find that information by tracking wallets yourself but also tracking crypto Twitter and just being in the space on a daily basis and actually learning what coins perform well and what coins don't perform well and the great thing about potion as well is that they've got quite a few Tools in here which you can use to help research things and verify stuff so they've got a a Twitter reuse Checker so when you're doing the research on Twitter and you think oh
this this account's got five 945 followers is it legit well a lot of these devs and these people creating these coins they will just keep reusing an old Twitter account that's got quite a few followers um so what you can do is you can take the name of that Twitter account go over to potion to bot commands go forward SL Twitter reuse pasting that username and then you can see you can see that Co that that was changed two years ago so that looks pretty legit whereas let's just scroll up here whereas this one here
someone's searched for this one and they change the name of that Twitter account every few days then that is probably going to be a coin that rugs you and it's going to be a scam so you'd avoid that that coin so I really do believe that that all of those tools the crypto Twitter tracker that I showed you alongside bullex Neo where we can track those wallets alongside the the the way of verifying if there's insiders and checking whether a domain has been used together with the Nova bot which is super super fast you've given
yourself The Edge over 99% of these other mem coin traders that are just coming in and going oh that looks funny buy buy and then they lose all of their money what I will say is that even with all of these checks in place you still can buy a coin and you still can lose money on it people lose money all the time so you need to make sure that you've got good risk management so whatever money you've prepared to put into this first of all be prepared to lose it all because that can happen
but split it up into small amounts so it could be like $50 trades at a time and you might lose five six trades in a row but one trade that you actually hit might give you a a 10x and then you've made back all of the losses plus you've got a bit of profit on top of that so it's just about having good management and having the right mindset for this also you can check out my telegram as well where you can you can chat to me ask me questions I'm there to help anyone out
um but that's it hope you found this video valuable don't forget you can use my links down below to sign up to any of the things that I talked about in this video it really helps the channel out if you liked this please smash the thumbs up button and hit subscribe until next time cheers guys