CHANGE YOUR MINDSET - One Of The Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilations Of 2024 (So Far)

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Absolute Motivation
Change your mindset. This is one of the best motivational video speech compilations of 2024 (so far)...
Video Transcript:
if you want revenge for the bad things that have happened in your life start with the version of you that hasn't lived up to your potential wherever you point the finger of blame power follows and so whoever I blame for the life I have is the person who I give all the power over my existence over my circumstances and so it hurts but if you turn the finger inwards and you start saying huh I don't like my life the person that I need to punish or get back at is the real person who got me
here which is me if you can barely decide to take any action at all and peel your eyes away from your phone for just a moment it's so much easier to beat everyone else it is never been easier to start a business to make money to get in shape it's just also never been easier to do nothing we don't rise to the standards we have when others are watching we fall to the standards we have when no one is watching the only work that really matters is the work that no one sees it shows you
who you really are right rather than who you say you want is know that when no one's watching I work harder than when they're watching and thinking about it like that has given me this persistent and everpresent scorecard or third party that's like no one's watching which means now you have to work cuz otherwise you're full of [ __ ] me and other me holding the whip behind me to see how much I can take but with each lash of the whip that I take learning that I can take it and continue to trudge on
and so as long as you keep going you bear witness to yourself of what you are capable of and I find that incredibly satisfying in the trenches of misery when you have to go through it I'm still here I'd say one of the strongest mental frames that has got me through my hardest times is thinking this will be the story that I will one day tell and that means the harder it is the bigger the dragon the more epic the story and by Consequence the more epic the hero a lot of self-work can be summarized
into thoughts aren't true feelings don't require actions things aren't good or bad they just are our greatest enemy is ignorance to change your life change your surroundings our actions not our pasts Define who we are I think what makes life more difficult for people is the Judgment they have on themselves about what they believe they're supposed to do or supposed to have achieved or that this condition or this thing that happened is good or bad or it should have been good or it should have been better and the thing is is that as we continue
to play out the timeline of life we can't know if anything is good or bad until the day we die and the day we die it won't matter CU we'll be dead and so it means that at the end of the day all the things that occur simply occur and for me reminding myself of that that I think this is bad or I think this is good it limits the Peaks and it also Limits The Valleys and saying this just is when you're growing it's very painful when you're stagnating it's very painful when you're declining
and you also don't know what to do it's very painful and so that means that all conditions of reality are painful and so if pain is a prerequisite for reality then it means it's just a signal that we are alive and so in thinking about that rather than pain is a problem it is a signal that I'm breathing and then becomes [Music] irrelevant victims see their past as their fate Champions see their past as their origin story and so a lot of people are living through their origin story right now or they're living through the
very reason that they'll never be successful but it could be the exact same situation and the only difference between either character is the act they choose to take which means that if you're waking up in your main player character today in this moment as weird of a contract as this is the past doesn't exist just gone it's not anywhere and so the only thing that we absolutely have control over is the actions that we take right now there is this strange feeling that one is not yet in real life for the time being one is
doing this or that but there is always the fantasy that sometime in the future the real thing will come about the common feeling that your life has not yet begun that your present reality is a mere Prelude to some idilic future this idle is a mirage that'll fade as you approach revealing that the Prelude you rushed through was in fact the one to your death waiting to begin never got anyone anywhere the biggest risk to your future isn't your competition it's the distractions you insist on keeping in your life rather than doing the things you
know you should be doing but aren't people delay doing things they don't like for longer than it takes to do them the fear that people have when they're starting out is that they say things like I have nothing going for me I have no advantages I have nothing to my name I have no money I have no network I have no resources it also means that you have nothing to lose which makes you incredibly dangerous and I think people will wildly underestimate how many shots on goal you can take when you have nothing to lose
you have the perfect conditions for taking risk because the worst case scenario is Baseline is where you're currently at which means that it's like going to the casino and playing craps but they say that you can just keep playing until you win but people are afraid to roll a warrior has or feels the obligation if something is out of balance out there I'm going to fix it or you try and if you try and you fail you try harder next time but you don't give up on that statement that you're giving to yourself nervous system
will always choose a familiar hell rather than an unfamiliar heaven your nervous system is connected to the trauma that you've been through and it stores that trauma and its number one job is to protect you and keep you safe here's the thing is that your nervous system will protect you by keeping you comfortable Comfort is the familiar hell uncomfort and pressing through the unknown even though it's very scary is the unfamiliar heaven so get uncomfortable do the thing that is scaring you take the step St jump whatever that might be because what's going to happen
is you're going to end up in a way better place your life gets better when you realize nobody gives a Fu about how much money you make or how many followers you have or what's going on they're worried about their own [ __ ] so take a deeping breath and realize this is you this is me and this is all the famous people that you wish that you were or could be this is the world they don't give a [ __ ] in the scheme of things it's nice it's good but my friends I promise
you the [ __ ] that you're worried about that they think about you they don't give a [ __ ] and in a weird way that's awesome once you realize that nobody gives a [ __ ] about you they've got their own problems your life gets better SW said this was the essential question you have to ask yourself he says and everything you do and say and think is this essential cuz so much of what we do and say and think is not essential and he says when we eliminate the inessential we get the double
benefit of doing the essential things better you don't actually have to know if it's going to work you don't have to know if you're going to like it in a month in a year in 10 years you don't have to know if it's the right or wrong decision and you certainly don't need to keep overthinking it because truth be told there is no wrong decision when you're acting from the values of the person that you want to be and here's what I want to tell you if you feel a little stuck you you are capable
of so much more than you even know your life is so big and so beautiful and the most amazing people that you're going to meet are ahead of you in life I want you to know that if you can get clear about what you want and you commit to waking up every day and just putting one foot in front of the other I promise you you will wake up like I have at some point in the future and realize you're not only Liv living the life that you dreamed of but you're actually loving it beat
the odds when evil hurls you down the deepest darkest trench you could imagine and it feels as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders and everyone has counted you out pull off a miracle harness the sacred energy that lies within you and show the world your true form because this version of you the one that stays down has a weak mind settles for Less is not you this is not your true form it is time for you to embody it you want to get rewarded for things that Just for participating and it
that's not how life works you know you're judged by your wins you're judged by you're judged by your losses you're judged by your effort you're judged by the end results that you develop and you put out there doesn't matter who it doesn't matter who you are there's always going to be a winner there's always going to be a loser in your life you're either winning or you're losing it's all the stuff in between that people like to make excuses for and like to justify well this is why I'm in no you're either winning or you're
losing at some point you have to ask yourself why you're repeatedly saying you're unhappy yet doing nothing about it if you want something fundamentally different you have to make fundamental changes don't expect different results when your behavior is the same nothing in this world is handed to you not even your own happiness everything must be earned change your perspective and change your life happiness is a mindset if you give off positive energy and you treat people with respect and you try to be a better individual every single day you will attract happiness in your life
if you don't put yourself out there and try then you're not going to be able to grow and you're not going to be able to get to that goal it's just going to be a dream forever if money and Status were No Object what would I do if I was less afraid of other people's opinions what would I say what actually makes me happy does success make me happy what is my definition of success what is my definition of success if money was taken out of the equation what are the things I'm hiding from myself
what are the emotions that I'm unprepared to feel what are the things that I feel the most shame and guilt around whenever you feel negative or unhappy about anything you say wait a minute I'm responsible I'm responsible for my life I'm responsible for what happens I can't change the past so I'm not going to spend a second worrying about the past I'm going to become so busy working on my future and my goals that I don't have time to think about the past a lot of people can give up it's easy to give up it's
the easiest thing in the world to do I man I'm I'm done I ain't going I ain't going to keep going I don't feel like going to work it's very easy but what's hard is going yo yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could nothing happened from that I'm going to do the same thing again today but I'm going to try to go harder that's the hardest thing in the world to get up every day and give 100% And and be in the same position that you were each day but mentally know
that you're trying and trying and trying don't let anybody ever tell you you're not good enough if you really want something bad enough if you really really want something bad enough you'll figure out a way to get [Music] there the Buddha says being in a state of pain anxiety or in a state of suffering comes from attachment when you're attached to things attached to people attached to identities attached to philosophies then you end up being in a situation where you experience pain but you don't have to experience suffering if you live in a state of
no expectation where you're just living life taking it day by day step by step and enjoying yourself you always have the pain of comparison you it's easy to compare yourself in the age of the internet other people uh the pain of living in the future right the pain of what you could be you should be but you aren't you can liberate yourself from a lot of these things by living in the Present Moment by being here right now we may not be able to control everything in our outer world but we certainly can control our
inner world and so it's not so important to not react I mean everybody reacts I react the question is how long are you going to react so if you keep an emotional reaction going on for an extended period of time you're memorizing that emotion and your body as the unconscious mind is believing it's living in the same past experience 24 hours a day uh 7 days a week 365 days a year we become addicted to the very life we don't even like so it's important then for people to realize then when you have that moment
where you have crisis or something break down that you do have control over it and it's a formula if you think that everything is too good to be true you're going to be right N9 out of 10 times the only issue is that one out of every 10 opportunity that could be the one that could change your life so optimists fail far more than cynics but eventually they hit a home run so always keep your guard up protect yourself be street smart but never fully close yourself off to the fact that you might have a
life-changing opportunity in front of you these are words to remember when anyone tries to tell you to give up tell you to give in because whatever you're trying to do is impossible impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it impossible is not a fact it's an opinion I'm here to say you will make mistakes along the way you will fall down I have many times but what we we do after that fall
Is How We Make History because impossible is nothing if you look at the great in any Walk of Life the greats do things when they don't always want to and that's the separation but never be ashamed of anything you've done in your life face it fix it make it better build belief build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are you've faced your demons you were able to hear all your past traumas I'm no longer embarrassed I'm no longer ashamed being asham is one of the biggest things
that kill people nowadays it's risky is living your life and and never trying for anything and never doing something Brave and never getting yourself scared and in a good way you know if I see something I see opportunity I'm going to go for it you know what I'm saying we only you know we're all going to die one day so live like that live like you could die tomorrow you know go for it a lot of people think they have all this time so theying waste it and then never go out and do what they
really set out to do or accomplish or do anything great in their life you think when you're young that you have all this time you have no time there's there there's no time there is no tomorrow you know there is no tomorrow that [ __ ] let's let's let's get all this done today contemplate the price you pay for in action so I think a lot of the time we presume that inaction action has no cost but it does in action does have a cost because your attention is the most important thing that you have
uh so contemplate the price that you pay for in action uh it's an a justification for you doing things sooner rather than later and and committing every morning when you get up say over and over to yourself do it now do it now do it now I do it now do it now whenever you have this tendency to procrastinate program your subconscious mind with this automatic conditioned command do it now do it now do it now the key to overcoming procrastination is to develop a sense of urgency be the kind of person who gets things
done quickly be the kind of person who launches fast on a task say over and over to yourself do it now do it now do it now do you know that less than 2% of the population have a sense of urgency and that there's not an example of a successful person anywhere who does not have a sense of urgency that if you just develop a sense of urgency when when somebody gives you a task that you get on it and do it fast that alone will move you into the top ranks in a very short
period of Time how do you try to make them understand you when they don't even understand themselves they judge your actions but don't even care to think about theirs they criticize your every move while they blindly stumble around you're trying to Garner respect from the wrong peoples it is apples and oranges they view reality differently than you do and every minute you spend trying to sell them on your dream is a minute you are not spending actually trying to achieve it when you're grateful you can't be worried you can't be fearful when you're grateful you
can't be angry and anger and fear are what screw people up most in their relationships in their life and their business so I wire myself I was saying to you that most people want to be happy but their habit is to be worried or pissed off or frustrated or stressed and so they're they've got a highway to stress and they got a dirt road to happiness one of my most powerful motivational frames is thinking about the person that I want to become as the destiny and thinking like I want to be bulletproof I want to
be bulletproof in these ways I want to be bulletproof in my marriage I want to be bulletproof in my business Etc and I think about that man whoever I want him to be like we said hell is when you look at who you could have been and realize that you're not that person and then I think if I were to make that man what would I put that man through to make him who he is like it wouldn't be easy times it wouldn't be quick wins it would even be easy wins it would be the
the toil and the struggle of achieving and reaching for things that are right out of grasp and so when I'm going through those like really harder times I like to think of like looking in my mental mirror of like I'm making you I'm not there yet but I'm making you feeling lonely me too I feel lonely a lot but what loneliness is at its core is a lack of understanding of who we really are when something bad happens why me to feel sort of a grievance that things aren't fair to feel that other people aren't
giving you what you want or what you deserve we start from a position of feeling kind of sorry for ourselves we deserve more than what we're getting and so a morati is very powerful in that you train yourself to accept everything that happens it's sort of a banality to say that things happen for a reason but there's some truth to it for n it was this is life life involves pain life involves adversity you're going to die one day and it's not going to be pleasant your friends and family members they're going to die one
day and it's not going to be pleasant you're going to have failure in life people are going to hurt you but that is life that's what it is so to resist that to be angry about that means to not love life itself join an easy crowd you won't grow go where the expectations are high go where the demands are high go where the pressures are to perform to grow to change to develop to read to study to develop skills go where the demands are high go where the expectations are strong so that it'll provoke you
push you urgently insist that you not remain the same for the next couple of years the next 5 years that you'll grow and change there are so many times in life where people want to be a to change I want to change Revenue I want to change my Avenue I want to change my residence I want to change everything around me without truly changing the only thing that matters in life and that's you you've got a work on you you've got to decide I want to be more and I'm going to put in the work
to develop myself and stop throwing in the towel thinking that I got to quit and find a new location and start over you can start right now working on you so that you can become better but the only way to do that is allow yourself to build up resiliency when it feels like everything is against you then put your back against the wall and realize that come whatever faces me has to come at me face to face and if I stand there the bullies got to back down but if you throw in the towel if
you turn your back if you run from it it will stalk you the rest of your life questions like what could I have been what would have happened if I had stayed in the fight you don't have to wonder what would have been when you stay in it right now greatness is something that evolves out of your life because of failures you've had in the past every time you fall it's an example or an opportunity to get up and an opportunity to learn from it but you got to stay in the fight don't turn your
back and run for the fight that was built for you you're not overmatched you just don't understand the match has met its mate when it met you the battle is feelings versus discipline and I hate living according to your feelings I hate acting according to your feelings they get you messed up dude they Jack your life up they get you in trouble because not all feelings are good you cannot live your life based off of your feelings feelings do not equal reality feelings do not equal results won't get harder like this is the hardest part
and so if you can just make it through this everything else is downhill it's not that the things that you're the dragons are going to slay aren't going to get bigger they are but you become so much more equipped to slay them back and you have so many more allies you have people in the stands cheering for you you have the audience you have all of these other things that are behind you but in the beginning it's just you with a stick against a bear need you to understand that there is an undeniable power behind
belief and I know that you've never had anybody that's truly believed in you but I'm telling you that I believe in I know that you can overcome your destructive habits that you can become more confident you can earn more you can let go of them traumas that should no longer serving and you're better than that I'm saying what if it start saying why not some people are going to live with the what if for the rest of their lives when I get old and I'm I'm on my deathbed man what if I would have took
that chance what if I would have just started what if I would have took the first step taking a first step got us exactly where we are today you take a chance to doit that you love you saw in a dream you can change your life but exactly where you are right now it's always going to be there it's never going to go anywhere your hometown's going to be the same people going to be doing the same [ __ ] around you but a chance for you to get out of where you're at step out
and take a chance on life man it could be the best decision you ever made in your life but you can't sit down and what if sit there on your ass and think damn what would it be like to be there go fing do it the hardest part about change is not making the same Choice as you did the day before now once people understand that they're going to be uncomfortable then the question is what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain what behaviors will you demonstrate in one day in the
act of closing your eyes and rehearsing who you're going to be when you open your eyes begins to install neurological Hardware in your brain to look like you've already done it whatever you're thinking about that's who you will become because thoughts lead to actions actions lead to habits habits lead the lifestyle and that lifestyle is what dictates who you are here's the reality bad days are in store for all of us it's guaranteed it's the circle of life so the question we need to ask ourselves is is it really worth wasting perfectly good days fearing
the bad ones will chase happiness because they think that that's what they need when in reality happiness is just a byproduct of becoming the best version of yourself so instead of chasing the emotion become the type of person that is experiencing that emotion and you can be in that state more consistently [Music] my prayer for you is that you win the battle that no one knows about because usually those are the toughest on the other end of suffering is a life that many people don't know even exist It's A Beautiful World we all live in
this world where our brains are keeping us in this box outside that box on the other edge of suffering is a world that's endless of opportunity but we are afraid to go outside that box because in that box is comfortable outside that box man God gives you a shovel and says Man start digging that's not fun but when you dig you dig your own path to all kind of stuff that's unknown there ain't nothing you can do about what's going to happen to you you can't stop life from happening you can do something about it
life is 10% what happened to you is 90% what you do about it you got to stop tripping every time something happened to you like it's the end of the world it ain't just change your mindset if you change your attitude you change your altitude to succeed you got to overcome your fears battle your own greed conquer your own demons become un short second gets everything you believe in survive through the suffering to figure out the meaning and go hard to the moment you bring the creaming you might lose sleep but it's going to feel
like you dreaming like the process of self-improvement at the end of the day you got to ask yourself the question what fulfills you like winning and losing cool of course it bothers you emotionally right but when you put in work when you prepare when you give everything you got for something the process of self-improvement even if it doesn't go the way you want it to go you still have something to hang on to knowing that you put some pride into the process of it right just a process of self-improvement when you do things you try
your best to do it a certain way right it's not predicated upon outcome I'm not doing it like he said because I'm trying to attain this I'm not doing it because I'm trying to get this I'm not doing it for this because the moment you get into afford this to get this this like you going to be on the emotional roller coaster so every once in a while man I think you got to pull your head up for a little bit of a and just ask yourself man like what is it that fulfills me when
I'm chasing that Dragon you know what I'm saying fulfillment is a powerful [Music] thing best advice I can give you on that is treat the past as a school let it teach you the mistakes you've made the things that went wrong the things that didn't work don't use the past as a burden to car and don't use the past as a club to beat yourself to death past losses past failures past mistakes but let the past be a school tough school maybe we've all been through some tough stuff so if you feel good about the
past draw from it for experience and let it teach you then next is how you feel about the future we've got to have the future well designed the future is called the promise those erasing thoughts you have sleepless night the anxiety it's all there for a reason it's telling you something it's telling you that you need to take action all of those emotions are telling you that you're meant for more than this so don't ignore it you know don't allow the storms that come into your life to make you lose that gratitude to make you
lose the appreciation for waking up learn how to dance in the rain dance through the storm embrace the storms right because these things that that happen to us right uh Hard Times difficulties obstacles they're inevitable so the best thing you can do is learn how to work with the flow of life rather than against it you know don't try to run away from the pain don't try to escape the obstacles that come into your life no learn how to embrace them head on learn how to go through them because that's where growth happens everyone's just
looking up for themselves and that's okay but it's time for you to start prioritizing yourself too trust that things will fall into place and that everything will work out for the best you've overcome a lot through this journey and stayed hopeful even when things felt impossible it's okay to be selfish too it's your turn now to get what you deserve you're not really enjoying while you pursue the goal whatever it is in your life if you're not really enjoying the doing because you are so focused on becoming and achieving and arriving at this future point
that the enjoyment of the doing is so greatly diminished or disappears completely because all you want to do is arrive but you're not there yet I can't handle not knowing I can't handle not finding out I I I don't want to not find out the not knowing will drive me crazy the wondering what if what was that going to be embarrassed to failure and it be ashamed of losing I mean those are already two things that when I just say them if I hear somebody else say that to me I'm reaching out going no dude
fil more no it don't be a shamed screw up find out number one you have to stop regretting the past there's nothing you can do about it don't forget the past you can learn from it and get better from it so you don't make the same mistakes but you got to stop regretting the past number two is stop worrying about the future psychologists have found that 85% of what you worry about on a daily basis will never happen that's a waste of your energy that's a waste of your time and number three stop looking for
your happiness in other people other people cannot make you happy it is absolutely impossible when you form a partnership you make one decision my decision is to be great my decision is to be unstoppable my decision is to win my decision is to whatever it may be then after you make that decision you got to commit to it how many times have you talked yourself out of the commitment you've talked yourself out of the commitment it's not a bad thing to be unique it's not a bad thing to be different Not a Bad Thing to
be comfortable with yourself regardless of what everybody else around you is doing those who are willing to risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go you have to take the risk risk you can no longer play it safe now it's time to get risky now it's time to truly find out what you're made of and what you could achieve now it's time to truly find out how many lives you can impact now it's time to find out what you were destined to become you can't have an easy life in a
great character show me a trust fund kid that inherited a bunch of money and I'll show you someone mentally tortured it's not the pursuit of happiness it's the happiness of the pursuit the journey or the destination it's who you become on the journey if you're not getting past this today this week this month this year almost sudden a decade goes by and you're still hung up and you can't get rid of that thing if it's holding you back from going where you want to go maybe you should just deny the thing evering happen Kick It
In The Head kick it off the curb I'm done with you I'm sick of you I'm tired of hanging out with you I'm tired of that thing whatever it is holding me back from going where I want to go never say you can't do it say I haven't done it yet I haven't done it yet and that's true with everything it's like there's nothing that you can't do you may not have done it yet we don't know if you can do it or not until you really practice and then you find out if you could
do it or not or how well you could do it you have to kill your current self for your new self to have room to grow and so it's this constant appraisal of your skills and activities which of these makes me stronger which of these makes it more likely for me to hit my goal and I just want to give you that frame cuz that like that single frame of is this person being in my life make it more likely or less likely to hit my goal is this activity or this behavior that I do
make it more or less likely to hit my goal and I consistantly just ask that question over and over and over again imagine a competitor that you'd never want to go against focused persistent always learning always improving Relentless says no to everything but that which makes them stronger you know what he looks like you know how he acts you know who he Associates with that's future you now become him your dream is so big when you have something it's hard to give up you get to the point that you're capable of risking more for Just
a Dream which is something that a normal person will not understand you know right now the goal is just to focus on myself you know everything grows I'm not worried about the mistakes that I made in the past or anything you know I'm in competition with myself so I'm just getting better and better and better that's it you want to know when your life will really change though the truth is your life will change when you realize that some people are gone and they ain't coming back stop trying to breathe life into something that died
years ago some people are in your life forever but most people are only passing through that chapter is in the past so instead of reading the same chapter over and over again it's time to make for people who actually deserve your time and attention and who are presently here with you right now remember this when life gets tough life is a lot like driving sometimes you get lost and sometimes you have to take streets you don't like maybe they're full of traffic or maybe they're too bumpy but they lead you where you need to go
each rough patch has a purpose that will teach you a lesson and make you stronger you might not get why you're on on a hard road but trust the process every path no matter how hard is needed for your growth the bumps in the road are steps to where you need to be keep going even when the way is unclear or crowded you have a place you're meant to reach the funny thing about life is that we can have so much and still feel something's missing there's always that empty spot making us wonder why we
make excuses looking for reason reasons for this feeling wondering if there's a fix it's because we can't let go holding on to a dream of a perfect life we forget that good things take time pleasure passes quickly but the shame remains that's the harsh stoic truth but the positive side of that is the reverse when you work hard for something when when you put in hard labor on something that passes quickly but the pride The Virtue the good that comes out of it it remains and it's about accepting the seasons weather can never be the
same it can never rain all day every day so maybe you're in a season but the weather always has to change what can you be learning what can you be doing in this season because it's definitely not going to change if you're not figuring out what lesson you need to have in this season if it never rain the plant's not growing have you ever realized that both fear and faith require you to believe in something that you cannot see think about that for a second both include uncertainty both require discomfort one keeps you small by
anticipating danger or pain the other wants you to grow by anticipating Joy or love so if you're stuck between the two doubt or hope fear or faith maybe the simpler question is which of the two do you value more once you have your answer start acting from there and most people when they fail they don't let like to look at themselves in the mirror and say you know what maybe I have to change people want change to happen to them they don't want to change and when you realize that change isn't going to happen to
you you need to actually proactively determine your future then and only then can you actually take not only full accountability for your good actions your bad actions but for your full life if you feel like you lost your way I would say congratulations if you're lost that only means one thing you're about to be found and sometimes you need to lose your way in order to find a better way sometimes you need to lose certain things to gain better things sometimes certain doors have to close that you want to keep open so a Better Door
can come into your life I [Music]
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