Ham's sin should terrify us | This is why Noah cursed his own son

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the sin of ham should terrify us you might have come across the term the curse of ham and wondered who is ham and why is his curse significant enough to be discussed let me tell you the Bible introduces us to ham as a son of Noah and tells us he was the father of Canan Genesis 9:18 the sons of Noah who came out of the Ark were Shem ham and jaff ham would become the father of Canan who was h ham ham had two brothers Shem and jath along with their father Noah they were the
rare survivors of a massive flood that eradicated all other human beings Noah was the man whom God had chosen as the only good and uprite among all others this happened when the Nephilim were becoming prominent Genesis 6:9 Noah was a righteous man one who was just and upright before God blameless in his Wicked generation Noah walked and lived in habitual fellowship with God God decided to cleanse the corrupted Earth through a great flood and chose to start a new with Noah his wife his sons and their wives plus a pair of every living creature both
male and female Noah built the ark and boarded it with his family and the Animals As the rain began to fall all living beings remaining on land perished the holy scriptures [Music] [Music] Ed inside his tent ham the father of Canan happened to see his father's nakedness and to his father's shame told his two brothers outside ham himself might have been caught drunk and reprimanded by his wise father before so he might have felt satisfied seeing his father in a similar State people who deviate and find joy in others mistakes even those who genuinely repent
of their mistakes cannot rejoice in the missteps of others Ham's second mistake was to share this news with his brothers outside in public mocking his father to make him appear foolish it's deeply inappropriate to treat any sin as a cause for laughter Proverbs 14:9 fools mock at sin but sin mocks at the fools but among the upright there is Good Will and the favor and blessing of God it's wrong to take pride in things that should make us feel sad instead 1 Corinthians 5:2 and you are proud and arrogant you should have mourned and been
ashamed so that the man who did this shameful thing might be removed from your fellowship let's understand this it's completely wrong and morally unacceptable to expose or broadcast others faults especially those of our parents to whom we owe our utmost respect and honor Noah was not just a notable man but also a righteous man revealing his mistake so publicly was a completely ungrateful act ham survived the flood because of his father but now only his ingratitude shows in this context ham is referred to as the father of Canan which serves as a significant reminder being
a father himself ham should have demonstrated a higher level of respect and reverence towards his own father however Shem and jath did the opposite their actions contrast sharply with hams offering a clear moral distinction between showing respect and dishonor Genesis 9:23 then Shem and japheth took a garment and placed it on both their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father their faces were turned away so they did not see their father's nakedness they not only refused to look themselves but also ensured no one else could teaching us to be kind when
it comes to the mistakes and embarrassments of others we should not join those who point fingers or spread gossip but instead we should try to cover these faults or at least view them in the best light treating others as we would like to be treated remember we should cover everyone's mistakes with a cloak of love as taught to us in 1 Peter 4:8 1 Peter 4:8 above all have fervent and unwavering love for one another because love covers a multitude of sins it overlooks unkindness and altruistically seeks the best for others we should also show
respect to our elders and those in Authority not exposing their faults if Ham's wrongful action is akin to the original sin in the Garden of Eden as other signs in history indicate then we can look at what these two events have in common to better understand this doesn't mean that Ham's mistake is exactly like what Eve did but we can find a way to compare them let's start by noting something important both Eve and ham were deceived by what they saw Eve looked at the fruit and desired it because it appeared good and ham looked
at his naked father was he tempted by what he saw moreover Eve and ham seek to seduce others to join them in the offensive act Adam succumbs but Ham's Brothers resist in the Garden of Eden there was a dietory limit established through which we can see that Eve's sin was related to The Blessing which implied the provision of food Eve was confronted with this dietary limit and chose to cross it she then persuaded Adam to cross it as well when Noah woke up and realized what his sons had done he blessed Shem and jaff for
their respectful actions however he did not directly curse ham instead he cursed Ham's son Canan Genesis 9:25 then he said cursed be Canan a son of ham servant of servant he shall be to his brothers the man is taken by the spirit of Prophecy and predicts the future of his children similar to the prophecy of Jacob before his death Genesis 49:1 then Jacob called his sons and said gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you and your descendants in the days to come in this passage a curse is pronounced on Canaan
who is Ham's son Ham himself is cursed either because Canan was more guilty than his brothers or because canaan's descendants were eventually expelled from their lands to make room for Israel here Moses records the inspiring history of Israel during the Canaanite Wars despite the strength of the Canaanites Noah had predicted their fate the specific curse is that he will be a servant of servants meaning the most insignificant and Despicable servant even to his brothers those who were once his equals by birth will become his master ERS by Conquest this curse certainly refers to the victories
that Israel had over the Canaanites as a result of these victories the Canaanites were either killed by the sword or subjected to Tribute this did not happen until about 800 years after this curse was pronounced judges 1:33 nor did the Warriors of naali drive out the residence of Beth shamesh or the residence of Beth anath but they lived among the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land and the inhabitants of Beth shamesh and bethan became forced laborers for them note that often the sins of the parents fall upon their children especially when the children adopt the
Wicked Ways of their parents and do nothing to interrupt the cycle of evil it's noteworthy that those who bring shame and dishonor upon others particularly their own parents deserve to be shamed a disre respectful child who mocks their parents does not deserve the title of son and instead should be treated as a hired servant or even worse as a servant among their own Brothers Divine curses may take some time to take effect but they will eventually materialize despite being under the curse of slavery his family had Dominion for a long time this shows that a
family people or individual can be under God's curse and still Prosper for for a time until their iniquity reaches its limit many who are destined for destruction are not yet prepared for it therefore do not envy sinners in your heart it is worth noting that in the story a blessing is granted to Shem and jaffi it's important to understand that both blessings and curses have two common elements firstly their impact often extends beyond the individual to families tribes Societies or even entire nations this is similar to what we see in the story of Cain secondly
once a blessing or curse is enacted it can persist from one generation to the next until something occurs to anull its effects many blessings and curses noted in the word of God in connection with the Patriarchs continued to operate for almost 4,000 years and are functioning today the second aspect of blessings and curses has significant practical implications the gener ation that is cursed May face repetitive situations or patterns of behavior that cannot be explained by their personal experiences or life events alone the root cause of these situations can trace back to ancient times even thousands
of years ago the Bible mentions generational curses in several places the Bible contains both blessings and curses and most of the curses in it result from someone cursing another for example Noah cursed Kanan the son of ham when ham saw him naked and drunk words play a significant role in both blessings and curses whether spoken written or held internally the word of God has much to say about the Power of Words the Bible warns us about how we use our words whether for good or for evil for example Proverbs 11:9 with his mouth the Godless
man destroys his neighbor but through knowledge and discernment the righteous are delivered the reason why Noah cursed Canan instead of ham is not entirely clear the Bible scholars suggest that seeing his father's nakedness was considered a great disrespect especially because ham made no effort to rectify the situation in fact he even broadcast it to his brothers some scholars believe Kanan may have played a role in the disrespectful act possibly even witnessing Noah in his vulnerable state or that Canan was very important to ham and that's why Noah directed his curse at Canan someone ham valued
there are also thoughts that seeing Noah naked might imply something much more severe suggesting a Sinister act that ham Kanan or both may have inflicted on Noah such as causing him harm or engaging in an immoral act furthermore some interpret that since the phrase uncover nakedness is associated with improper intimate Act in other parts of the Bible it could mean that ham committed an indecent act with his own mother potentially leading to canaan's birth either way ham showed disrespect toward his father Noah as a result of Ham's actions Noah pronounced a curse not directly on
ham but on Canan Ham's beloved Offspring what does uncovering nakedness mean in the bible before humans made mistakes in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve wore no clothes and this was completely normal for them however after they er being without clothes became something they were ashamed of indeed feeling shame at being undressed was the first effect that Adam and Eve experienced due to their mistake from that point on being naked became associated with issues of intimacy personal space and feeling exposed whenever the Bible talks about revealing nakedness it usually signifies some form of improper
Act transgression or disrespect the earlier story about exposing someone appears in history the phrase uncover nakedness is typically used to talk about acts of lascivious immorality in more recent translations of the Bible this phrase is often changed to have sexual relations with Leviticus 18:17 you shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter nor shall you take her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter daughter to uncover their nakedness they are her near kins women it is wickedness certain verses like Deuteronomy 22:30 clearly instruct a man not to have relations with his stepmother because
it is an act of disrespect to his father described as uncovering his father's nakedness in the Bible when a man involves himself with the woman who has been with his father he brings shame upon his father even when our parents do not deserve honor we must still honor them this is similar to what Jesus taught us when he said to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us so that you may be children of your father in Heaven for he makes his son rise on the evil and on the good and sends Reign
on the righteous and on the unrighteous Matthew 5:45 it is essential to recognize the importance of how we treat people we have a moral obligation to love others show respect and care for them when necessary furthermore we must understand that our sinful actions affect not only us but also those around us Ham's Behavior towards his father was inappropriate and caused him harm as a result Noah cursed Ham's son and possibly future Generations as well John 1:12 but to all who did receive him who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of
God the curse is gone thanks be to God Noah's great mistake was his sin and a great sin it was aggravated by the fact that it followed a great Deliverance however God left him to himself just as he did with Hezekiah his mistake is recorded to teach us a valuable lesson even the very righteous man had his stains and flaws it's like when people talked about Noah being perfect for his time but that really meant he was true and honest not Flawless in any way this story is also a reminder that sometimes people who have
been careful and strong maintaining their goodness with God's help even through tough times can still make mistakes they believed they had overcome for example Noah who had been careful not to drink too much even when others around him drank ended up getting drunk when least expected it's a warning for all of us to remain Vigilant we need to be very careful especially when we are enjoying the good things that God has given us to ensure that we do not over indulge Christ's followers need to be cautious so that they are not overwhelmed by excess Luke
21:34 but watch at all times praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the son of man the result of Noah's mistake was profound shame he found himself exposed in his tent stripped of his dignity much like Adam felt after eating the forbidden fruit however Adam tried to hide Noah lacking sense and judgment did not even attempt to cover himself this was an unexpected outcome of giving into wine for Noah here we see the grave transgression of getting drunk it reveals people as
they are their weaknesses come to light and any secrets they guard can be easily extracted from them when they are intoxicated just as drunk Gatekeepers leave the gates unattended drunkenness degrades individuals and makes them a target for mockery it unmasks them and brings shame people speak and commit actions while drunk that they would find mortifying if done while sober habakuk 2: 15-6 woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors pouring out your Venom until they are drunk to Gaze on their nakedness you will be sated with disgrace instead of Glory drink you too and
expose your uncircumcision the cup from the Lord's right hand will come around to you and utter shame will come upon your glory scripture has much to say about the consumption of alcohol Isaiah 5:1 woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine Isaiah 5:22 woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks proverbs 20:1 wine is a mocker strong drink is Raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise Proverbs 31:4 it is not
for Kings o lemel it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes to desire strong drink while the Bible does not directly say that a Christian should never drink beer wine or other alcoholic beverages it does offer guidance on the matter indeed certain parts of the Bible even speak well of alcohol for example Ecclesiastes 9:7 advises us to drink our wine with a joyful heart similarly Psalms 104: 14-15 mentions that God provides wine to make people's hearts glad Amos 9:14 talks about enjoying the wine from your Vine as a blessing from God Isaiah
55:1 invites us to buy wine and milk however the main in instruction God gives to Christians regarding alcohol is clear we must avoid getting drunk Ephesians 5 Verse 18 states do not get drunk on wine for that is debauchery corruption foolishness but be filled with the Holy Spirit and be constantly Guided by him the Bible denounces the act of becoming intoxicated and the negative consequences that it brings Proverbs 23: 29-35 are who has woe who has sorrow who has Strife who has complaints who has needless bruises who has bloodshot eyes those who linger over wine
those who go to sample bowls of mixed wine do not gaze at wine when it is red when it sparkles in the cup when it goes down smoothly in the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a Viper your eyes will see strange sights and your heart will utter perverse things you will be like one sleeping on the high seas lying on top of the rigging saying they hit me but I didn't feel it they beat me but I didn't know it when will I wake up so I can find another drink Christians
are also commanded not to let their bodies be dominated by anything second Peter 2: 19 says they promis them Freedom while they themselves are slaves of depravity for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him 1 Corinthians 6:12 States all things are lawful for me but not all things are beneficial all things are lawful for me but I will not be dominated by anything indulging in an excess of alcohol is undoubtedly risky Behavior the Bible also instructs Christians not to engage in any activity that could disturb Brothers in faith or incite them to
act against their moral beliefs 1 Corinthians 8: 9-13 cautions be careful however that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak for if someone with a weak conscience sees you with all your knowledge eating in an Idol's Temple won't that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to Idols so this weak brother or sister for whom Christ died is destroyed by your knowledge when you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience you sin against Christ therefore if what I eat causes my brother or sister
to fall into sin I will never eat meat again so that I will not cause them to fall was Noah a bad father in the Bible the phrase uncovering nakedness implies sensual action however even if ham did not engage in any sensual relationship with his father it was still inappropriate for him to tell his two brothers about his father's state that act was improper in itself ham had just publicly humiliated a human being and this was no ordinary human this person was his father ham is Noah's son the most righteous man of his time how
is it possible that the world's most righteous man had such a terrible son child we have a lesson here parents have the potential to have a significant impact and in many cases do have a significant impact on the children they raise but not all the time almost every adult reading this observation probably knows decent people who have raised children whose beliefs are diametrically opposed to their own parents there are excellent fine and kind parents who have terrible children there are horrible parents who have children who are exponentially kind and upright being a good person is
not the same as being a good parent this is another lesson that can be learned from the story of Noah the most virtuous man who ever lived who had a wicked son there are many decent people in the world but not all know how to raise a decent child many parents today including some of the most well-educated believe that love is all that is needed to raise a healthy and successful child however if the only thing a child receives is love and there are no expectations placed on the child in return then the youngster will
likely grow up to be selfish the Bible is a truly truthful book about every aspect therefore every family that is discussed in the Book of Genesis is an example of what we would call dysfunctional in today's society this is the gift that the Bible gives to every person in the world who struggles with dysfunctional relatives being a good parent is difficult and challenging but it can also be the most satisfying and joyful Journey you will embark on the Bible provides many guidelines on how we could effectively guide our children to become individuals who live by
God's teachings as dedicated parents our primary duty is to educate them honestly about God's word while showing our love for God and setting a good example by following his rules it's also important that we pay close attention to what Deuteronomy 6: 7 to9 tells us about teaching our children to follow these same steps Deuteronomy 6: 7-9 you shall teach them diligently to your children impressing God's precepts on their minds and penetrating their hearts with his truths and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and
when you lie down and when you rise up and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand forearm and they shall be as frontlets bands between your eyes you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your Gates this text next highlights The Continuous aspect of this teaching it needs to happen all the time whether at home traveling during the night or in the morning the teachings of the Bible should be the core of our family life living according to these teachings we show our children that honoring God must be
a daily practice not just something we do on Sunday mornings or during evening prayers while our children learn a lot through direct teaching they learn even more by observing us this is why we must be careful in all we do we must first acknowledge our god-given roles being a responsible parent means that you must teach discipline and guidance children raised without this often feel neglected and unimportant they don't know how to manage themselves or their choices leading them to act inappropriately and to disrespect all forms of authority even Gods Proverbs 19:18 discipline your child for
there is hope do not set your heart on their destruction at the same time it's crucial to balance discipline with love or children may end up feeling embittered discouraged and inclined to Rebel Colossians 3: 21 God understands that discipline seems harsh while it is happening Hebrews 12:1 but when it is combined with loving guidance it turns out to be incredibly good for the child fathers do not provoke your children to anger lest they become discouraged avoid being overly harsh or unfair do not shame or mistreat them and do not play favorites or ignore any of
them instead raise them gently and kindly teaching them the ways and teachings of the Lord Ephesians 6:4 as a responsible parent it's your job to involve your children in church and its activities from an early age make sure you are consistently attending a church that teaches the Bible Hebrews 10:25 let them observe you studying the Bible and take time to study it together with them talk about the world as they see it and show them how God's greatness is reflected in everyday life train up a child in the way he should go and even when
he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6 being a great parent means nurturing children who will look up to you and how they listen to and honor God Temptation and time each stage of life brings its own challenges and Temptations when we are young we often face strong desires including the Temptation for sinful lust as we reach our years of maturity Pride can become a significant struggle tempting us to think too highly of ourselves as we age we also face unique Temptations one such risk is becoming embittered over time if we are
not careful we can find ourselves criticizing others or being resistant to change preferring to dwell in the past instead of embracing the future and even in our later years we can still fall into serious sins consider Noah who was advanced in age but still susceptible to sin showing us that no one regardless of age is beyond Temptation the Bible consistently reminds us that we need to remain Vigilant praying and staying close to the Lord every day no matter how old we become or how spiritually mature we think we are it is a lifelong journey of
Fidelity and vigilance overcoming the curse the Divine exchange God did not abandon Humanity after Adam's sin he made promises to Abraham over thousands of years raised Joseph led the Israelites out of Egypt established a nation of his own people and sent prophets to speak on his behalf but this was not enough people kept returning to sin Time After Time and no amount of animal sacrifice blood could begin to cover it Adam's curse was an inherent part of humanity breaking this curse would require a perfect man a perfect sacrifice something far greater than all of us
enter Jesus the Triumph of Jesus for the first time since Adam a man without a human father appeared on Earth as the Son of God Jesus was perfect and sinless and unlike Adam remained so the complete message of the Gospel revolves around a single recorded event the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross the full Narrative of what was achieved on the cross was given by a prophet named Isaiah hundreds of years before it happened in Isaiah 53:10 the prophet describes a servant of the Lord whose Soul would be made an offering for sin Isaiah
53:1 yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer if he makes his life an offering for sin he will see his offspring and prolong his days and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand the New Testament writers are unanimous in identifying this Anonymous servant as Jesus the Divine Purpose of his sacrifice is summed up in Isaiah 53:6 we all like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to our own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all Jesus was not
only identified with our iniquity he also bore all the evil consequences of of that iniquity like the scapegoat that prefigured him he could carry them away from us so they might never return in this way the cross fulfills its true purpose and meaning on it a divinely ordered exchange occurred first Jesus bore in our place all the evil consequences that were due by Divine Justice to our iniquity now in exchange God offers us all the good that was due to Jesus's sinless obedience as succinctly stated the evil due to us fell Upon Jesus so that
in exchange the good due to Jesus might be offered to us God can offer this to us without compromising his eternal Justice because Jesus already bore all the just Punishment Due to our iniquities in our place the incredible grace of God is the source of all this and faith alone is the means of receiving it as for cause and effect there is no logical explanation none of us did anything to deserve such an offer and none ever could do something to deserve it Scriptures reveal many aspects of the exchange and the areas to which it
applies to be forgiven Jesus was punished and Jesus was wounded so that we could be healed eight main aspects can be drawn from this Jesus was punished so that we could be forgiven Jesus was wounded so that we could be healed Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness so that we might become righteous with his righteousness Jesus died our death so that we might share his life Jesus became poor with our poverty so that we might become rich with his riches Jesus bore our shame so that we might share his glory Jesus endured our rejection
so that we might have his acceptance as children of God Jesus became a curse so that we might receive a blessing let us pray heavenly father in your infinite wisdom you have gifted us with the treasure of your scriptures today as We Gather in your presence we seek your guidance and illumination to delve deeper into the richness of your word grant us oh Lord hearts that are receptive and Minds that are open to understanding help us to approach your word with humility recognizing that its depths are beyond our comprehension but its truths are meant to
transform Our Lives give us the spirit of discernment so we can distinguish between truth and falsehood between your voice and the noise of the world may your word be a lamp for our feet and a light for our path guiding Us in every decision and Circumstance as we study your scriptures let us not seek knowledge for knowledge's sake but may your word penetrate our souls and shape our character may it be like a seed planted in fertile soil producing a harvest of righteousness and love in our lives help us oh God to approach your word
with reverence and awe understanding that it it is alive and active sharper than any double-edged sword capable of penetrating to the division of Soul and Spirit joints and Marrow may it pierce the barriers of our hearts convicting us of sin and leading us to repentance Lord we acknowledge our limitations and our need for your Holy Spirit to be our teacher and guide grant us spiritual discernment and understanding as we meditate on your word day and night so that we may be like trees planted by stream dreams of water yielding fruit in due season May the
words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord our Rock and Our Redeemer may your word dwell in US richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom with gratitude in our hearts to you we pray not only for ourselves but also for those who have yet to find your word open their hearts and Minds to receive the truth of your gospel so they too May experience the transforming power of your love and grace in the name of Jesus Amen if this content was valuable to you I
ask for your support with your subscription so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos together we can Enlighten more minds and expand our understanding thank you for being here and may God bless you
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