How to Start a Blog with AI and Automation in 2024 (0-$10k/Month Course)

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Adam Enfroy
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Video Transcript:
in this video I'm covering how to launch grow and scale a Blog with AI to $5,000 a month and Beyond so we're going to cover a lot in this video including how to find a profitable Niche how to not just write or create content but create a 100% automated content machine so literally take a keyword put it in a spreadsheet and then poof you magically have a fully written blog post all the way on your website and by the way AI can create the website too and I'm going to cover a lot of the Nuance
here though so how do you take this high quality AI content and make it even better by humanizing it how do you make sure those keywords has actually lead to you making money with affiliate Revenue ad revenue and eventually selling your own products it's your first time here my name is Adam enroy I launched the fastest growing blog at adamen it's made to be a million dollars three years in a row and one of the fastest to revenue YouTube channels so both are now seven figure businesses and I teach beginners real information to create
sustainable businesses with AI where you don't need to go viral spend a bunch of money or waste your time and as I'm going through this full course I'm going to be sharing a lot of uh free AI prompts with you different Frameworks to speed up this whole process so if you want all my AI prompts and the AI Master Class make sure to click the link in the description below sign up for that and let's get into it welcome to part one where we're going to cover blogging 101 choosing your Niche with AI and doing
research with AI to figure out what you're actually going to do and starting on your content Journey so number one we have to cover AI versus automation because this is all a lot of new stuff now ai is the intelligence that will help us with our content and our strategy so it can help us do things like keyword research creating initial outlines some of the content writing a lot of the planning and it really speeds up this process now automation is is different and that will actually remove a lot of the manual work so we're
in a world now where you can simply enter a keyword put it in a spreadsheet and you have a blog post written for you let me show you a couple examples real quick we have a framework here a scenario where we have you just put a keyword into a spreadsheet like I have one here YouTube reaction video ideas you put it in you hit the generate button it runs through this entire process where it goes from creating an outline writing the content adding a featured image with Dolly 3 getting a Google doc back to
air table to Wordpress and you end up with a fully fleshed out post automatically from just entering a keyword there's also tools like the machines. where you can put in keywords get clusters automatically write the content for you and then you just read it so there's a way to speed up all of this process and we're in a completely different world than we were four years ago when I first started my blog writing everything manually hiring a writer at month three to kind of help with the process and spending a lot of money so first
we have to cover blogging 101 so what is blogging and what isn't blogging well blogging is not writing it's not creative writing it's not journaling it's not updating an audience like it might have been in 2006 at the beginning of blogging blogging is a way to mediate purchase decisions people search for things online you provide comparative researched content based on those things and you make money with affiliate marketing ads and all of that so you're providing information to an audience and everything is track there's analytics we can see which posts are working and which aren't
we do SEO and technical stuff so it's not overly technical that you need to be a web coder or anything like that but you need a little bit of you know creativity and analytic knowledge so that's you know what blogging is there's multi multiple facets to it and it's really a way to monetize traffic in one of five ways so there's affiliate Revenue recommending other products there's ad Revenue just banner ads on your site having sponsors that you put in posts selling your own products having exit intent popups leading to a lead magnet getting people
into an email funnel to buy things from you and even at the beginning you can sell services so you don't need any traffic you just have a service page you can do manual Outreach you're building a real business around services or what we call like consulting or the agency model so things like SEO Services AI writing local digital marketing agency stuff it's just having a website is Central to all of it and it's really possible to scale content Creation in multiple ways with AI so we're in this world of AI there's I'm going to cover
like the main three ways that you can do it and what I typically recommend now first though we have to cover the biggest and you know most common question I always get and that is choosing your Niche the number one question I get by far I get asked what's what n should I choose what's the most profitable one and we have to kind of take a step back and realize that we can't just force a niche to work based on SEO reports or based on something that we think is going to work Based on data
or based on a passion or something like that we don't want to just start with a passion write about it and then try to monetize it later we want to treat this like a business from day one I'm passionate about a lot of stuff like running fantasy football but if I created like blog post on that it's not a passion or a hobby anymore it's a job so first we have to realize what can actually make us money what can I sustain for the long term so how not to choose your Niche is just based
on a passion or based solely on an SEO report based on a thing that you know nothing about like if I started a Blog on like accounting I would have no idea what I was talking about so I wouldn't know how to find the good keywords I wouldn't know how to write the nuanced stuff that Google might like and rank me over other sites so you don't want to choose it based on something you know nothing about or based on a passion with no business experience there without any potential so you have to choose a
niche where you won't fail so ultimately we have to realize that niches come and go people search for things in different ways over the course of years so what might have had a lot of searches and interest in 2022 2023 might not have any interest in 2024 or 2025 so if you pigeon hole yourself in a tiny Niche and you try to create a niche website you may fail simply because of the market you might fail because the market goes away what if you created an nft blog and you called yourself the nft guy or and all of a sudden it blows up and then it goes to nothing so we have to think a little bit longer term when it comes to choosing the niche and what I like to do for that is just do it as a personal brand so it's that's what I did I did it kind of by accident I was just going to use it as a digital resume but there's tons of uh benefits to doing it this way number one no effort goes to waste so literally you can publish content if it doesn't
work you pivot your Niche you pivot pivot pivot until you find out what works and every single article can be leverage in your life that gets you somewhere so it can get get you uh Forbes you write for Forbes it can get you a different career it can do a lot of things for you outside of just making you a lot of money so personal branding I'm not saying you have to like put your face everywhere on the website but a simple domain with your name on it can also be good for you know eventually
scaling out to Instagram or YouTube or Pinterest or other accounts that easily can use your name now if you don't you know if you have a very like your name's John Smith then you create a variation of it don't overthink it just take action all right so let me talk about choosing your Niche with AI because often times AI can like think of things that our brain wouldn't have thought of so for example if I'm really into like backpacking camping and things like that well what is my Niche like what are the opportunities can I
make money at all like what can I do so let me show you a quick example of that I have what we call the AI Niche Hunter and what this will do is I copy this whole thing you can see a bunch of people are in here using it you can get this if you enter your email address in the link in the description there's a bunch of AI Frameworks here but if we paste this into Cloud what this will do is it'll give us a way way to find sub niches and then keywords that
we would write about so if I say my niches is backpacking it'll give us like other ideas too it'll say okay let's think about other things well there's ultr light content there's International backpacking Backcountry cooking is another sub Niche winter backpacking family backpacking so lots of different things that you can write about and then it says all right based on this choose one subn then I'll give you some keyword ideas so I'm going to say ultra light backpacking and in that you know we want to find a really specific area and we can always expand
out over time so the idea is in a Blog that you go deep on one specific topic you want to be known for one thing and then over time you expand out so you start with ultr light backpacking and then you start about family backpacking and other things and the gear that you need and you kind of just have three to five simple categories of content that's really helpful so what this will do is it gives us the article title and and the keywords so this is like ultra light backpacking The Ultimate Guide ultra light
tents how to reduce pack weight ultr light sleeping bags ultr light rain gear water filters all kinds of things like that so if you want a Pack Light these are really good artic you could create gives you 15 informational and five transactional for affiliate revenue and then it gives you pillar post ideas so like The Ultimate Guide to ultral light backpacking and then follow-up beginner content how to cut your pack weight in half intersperse the informational content with affiliate post top five ultra light sleeping bags and it's really like this is lower competition stuff when
we think about competition we think is vlogging too saturated we have to think about well what niches are hard versus others the hard niches where it's like it's really kind of difficult there's a lot of media sites and Reddit and all that stuff is like Tech really expensive technology software business finance so things that like forbs would write about is a little bit more competitive so things that are more hobby focused outdoor goods indoor products things that are you know not in those categories is a lot easier to rank for so we're we're covering like
you know saturation what works what doesn't work a lot of things work like a lot of niches do work uh you just have to know kind of what to look for and then go deep on the top topics so if you're not sure what your Niche is just test it out put your Niche into this um idea put something broader maybe put in camping and then you say okay I like camping but then let me get deeper into certain types of camping or certain areas that you could you didn't think of before so when we
think of helpful content which Google likes and will reward us for and rank us for we have to realize that in the niche we have to pick the right helpful content in the first place so we have to know what articles are we going to lay out what are the categories of content that we would create thinking of each blog post is kind of like a chapter in a book today's video is brought to you by Cadence WP so we all know that AI has made content creation much easier than doing everything yourself but it
doesn't just stop at creating content you also can use AI to build a WordPress website and Cadence AI makes it easy with an automated design library and AI content editing tools so it's simple and you can get customized copy and images for your site so you just plug in your details into Cadence AI you pick your favorite design and they do the rest for you copy images all of that so their design library and AI content tools are included in their Essentials and their full bundles so if you want to get access to Cadence WP
at an exclusive discount make sure to click the link in the description below it's what we teach all of our uh blog growth engine students to use and it's the best theme for WordPress especially with their AI functionality and they come fully recommended by me now sometimes you have to pick an Niche that actually makes sense for vlogging not one that you hope works and I what I say here is Think Like an e-commerce brand now to make money with affiliate Revenue when it comes to to blogging you have to write about a lot of
different products that people want and you typically compare them with like the keyword best so it's like best camping tents best hiking polls best tennis rackets best whatever it is and you write and you can make a lot more money with affiliate Revenue than just ad Revenue so you're recommending products getting people to click affiliate links to buy and you can make more money doing that now we don't want to go into a niche that's just so narrow like journaling for women over 50 because there's not really a lot of affiliate potential there it's just
like too narrow too when we're creating search driven stuff we're not going to create it for a specific like audience segment like people over 50 we can't necessarily control who visits our blog we can't make it only people over 50 unless they search you know journaling over 50 but they don't so we have to realize we think like an e-commerce brand we want to have a niche that is just a category of products that's how the internet works if you're an e-commerce brand you sell stuff if you're an affiliate if you're a blogger you recommend
products that you use in a niche so if you're in golf very simple you talk about drivers irons Putters rangefinders all of that stuff and then you have informational content as well those are the only two types of Articles you ever need so but we can't choose something super narrow like I want to do mindset for Tech entrepreneurs it's like okay well what are the affiliate opportunities mindset there's like maybe a mindset app which might be competitive to like health health websites there might be some books there might be a couple courses but we really
want to have a lot of potential so we want to be able to write at at least 20 or more affiliate articles over time so are there 20 product categories within your Niche think about it that way so again we go deeper on the niche selection strategy when we're like creating our own course so yes a course has to match an audience and teach them something and it is more specific there but when we're just starting out we choose a little bit of a broader Niche something that we just want to be known in and
we allow oursel we give ourselves the freedom to not have to make the perfect decision at the beginning if you like camping go into camping will'll find the sub Niche that is less competitive and works for you over time so this makes it uh a lot easier doing it this way so let's get into part two and that is actually creating content so that's keyword research that's SEO and ranking content and that's AI content creation strategies plus humanizing and ranking so a lot to cover here so first we have to talk about keyword research 101
and like I said there's really only two types of keywords you ever need to Target informational so things like how to do things guides resources and then transactional so the best product Roundup kind of post so for example if you're really into like Lawn Care let's say and you have the perfect lawn and you're obsessed with it you like being outside and backyard patio all that stuff you can be known for that and you would say you would have articles about how to make how to trim the Perfect Lawn how to cut your lawn how
to uh set up a backyard party how to do all of these types of things informationally and then the transactional content would be product related the best lawnmowers the best power tools to do this the best whatever it is so you just really can uh have those two two simple types of keywords and then we have to talk about keyword clusters and content silos so when we're blogging we need to just organize everything in the right way if we just publish a bunch of stuff and just have 100 articles they're all kind of randomized there's
no structure there's no hierarchy there's no understanding what's the most important so we can create keyword clusters and content silos now we're going to look at some SEO tools but there's pros and cons of using SEO tools so we can use a tool like HS we can use a tool like key search we can use Google Trends or exploding topics or meet glimps or all of these different tools to look at different keyword search volume the problem though is sometimes that if everyone's using the same tools then by the time that the keyword that you
want to Target is in that tool it can sometimes be a little bit late already because a lot of people already know about it again this goes back to Niche expertise if you can discover keywords topics and Trends before other people you actually have a better chance of getting more traffic because timing is also a crucial component of blogging that not many people talk about if you want to write an article and another website had a 20- year head start on you they wrote it 20 years ago like something like best website builder it's going
to be really difficult but if you have keywords and strategies and things that are newer that people haven't written as much that's what's less competitive it's competition is literally a timing thing and with blogging there's always new products product categories and niches uh developing over time even something as static as golf has new drivers and irons every single year that you can review or something think about what's new smart home devices technology drones VR all kinds of new technologies coming on the market that other sites haven't created yet so first let's find some keywords and
content clusters with AI and then let's look at the ways to do keyword research with SEO tools all right so this is another uh AI framework you can get if you enter click the link in the description sign up for that this is the content cluster and Silo tool so this will give us a a little bit of a different way to look at keywords for free again we want to do a lot of this blogging stuff for free not paying for a bunch of expensive tools so if I take this I copy it I
paste it into Claud this will kind of do a similar thing to the niche selector however it will create more content silos so the main topic I'm going to say like lawn care and this is the main topic you want to focus on for your content strategy let's develop a Content strategy around lawn care so we would have things like lawn mowing techniques grass types fertilizer weed control watering aeration Pest Control all the way down the list and then what it'll also do is it will give us some easy Silo ideas so how how do
we organize this blog how do we organize the content strategy well we'll do Basics that's very simple maintenance techniques lawn Health seasonal care that could be a whole cluster of keywords around spring summer fall winter all of that lawn Aesthetics making things look good and that's pretty much it you only need like three to five so if I was starting a lawn care blog I would want to have the basics of really good Lawn Care maintenance techniques health and seasonal care so I could put them all into one Silo and what what I mean by
a silo is you're going to link them together so this is kind of viewing it in like a diagram form for the example of the B2B sales Niche so you have like a pillar post up here something like The Ultimate Guide to B2B sales and then you have posts underneath that so things that are kind of related underneath that Silo like it showed in the tool so AI BB sales sales intelligence crms team building processes and all of these will have internal links in the intro linking up to the main pillar post now the pillar
post can link down a few times but you want to have links up to the main pillar posts and then over time this is one subn like you could have a B2B sales sub Niche and then you'd have B2B sales here kind of all linked together in one Silo sales psychology might be another one and then sales training and development could be another one so you don't want to overthink it you don't need this like perfect internal link structure or anything like that but we have to think about we have to Silo and create these
categories of content that kind of live together if all the B2B sales stuff was like linking to all of this and it was kind of sporadic it would be a little bit disorganized so we're just trying to organize our content strategy so we'll get deeper into using SEO tools doing deep keyword research finding ones this is a quick overview we'll get into it and then once you have a keyword we start creating the content so content creation again is an SEO and data driven process let's walk a little bit through onpage SEO so we're going
to do that now with AI we have to realize that the important thing to understand is that it's not going to do everything for you when it comes to blogging and Automation and AI you have to know when the human input is needed it's pretty much needed at the beginning and at the end so the beginning is not letting AI just dictate our entire content strategy doing research figuring out hey these keywords based on my you know knowledge of the niche and monetization streams these are my keywords so you never want to Outsource your actual
keyword strategy I've never outsourced my keyword strategy those that's something that I will always have I put my keywords into a spreadsheet I have you know 20 to 30 per month that we write and every month I revisit it so that's something I'm not going to Outsource completely AI has helped me find those categories but then I I dive deep and I do keyword research so the beginning your initial strategy and then at the end so humanizing it so we get we create the Frameworks and the AI process to speed it up as quickly as
possible but then we have to edit it at the end we can't just publish AI content we use it to speed it up but then what we do is we add our own human elements our own experience our own take images and things that make it as helpful as possible based on our own experience so let's get into the actual automation strategies because this is kind of the exciting new part so number one first method is to do this completely for free with Claude AI or you can use chat GT I just like Claude uh
the outputs that they provide through text are better in this instance chat gbt is good for some certain things related to like scraping URLs and data driven stuff like that but for creating you know outlines keywords prompts writing some content cla's the best so we use AA to find the niche we developed the uh the keyword strategy let's create the outline and then create the content itself so let's go through this process using my 5 in one prompt again you can get it clicking the link in the description all right so you can see this
is the what I call the AI content machine it's like five system prompts in one it's five pages long you take this it'll actually guide you through the first keyword thing and then write all the way into writing the content so you can see like system prompts they have a role you're an experienced SEO expert your task is to do this and then underneath that it provides a process and context so process context task roll and then it does it five different times for five different things so if I take this and we go to
start a new chat paste it in we're going to go through this whole process so again the main Niche we're going to do is lawn care and then it's going to give us the sub Niche idea so this could be interesting again organic lawn care so natural fertilizers seasonal lawn maintenance again spring summer fall equipment tools all of that so I'm going to say let's do organic lawn care so what this will do is it'll give us all the keywords that we need organic lawn care natural fertilizers chemical-free Lawn Care organic Iration best organic weed
killers organic grass seeds really good keyword ideas so choose one and it'll start writing it so let's do organic long care let's just do the pillar post so what this will then do it continues and it just keeps going and now it's creating it so it has an optimized H1 meta tile so The Ultimate Guide to organic lawn care nurture your yard naturally in 2024 really good title has the year in it really good meta description and then it has an outline so introduction how to write the hook so you can take it from here
and just use this paste it into WordPress and then write stuff yourself but we can take it a step further it has all the H2 headings which we'll get into onpage SEO and why that's important and then the conclusion and then some semantic keywords to add into so these are important to tell Google and search engines like hey this is an this is a robust article they use natural M uh language processing to understand like in an article about organic lawn care it should probably say things like weed control and grass care and Lawn irration
and kind of random words that aren't the target keyword but are good to have in there now it says now that we have an outline would you like me to generate content for any specific section I'm going to say the intro and then look write the intro for me now this is using if we look at the 5 in one prompt it's using different strategies to humanize it a little bit better for our first draft so it uses short and long sentences it uses exclamation points it writes like a human I even told it like
make a few little grammatical errors just to prove that you're human I I scan some of the top ranking Authority blogs and it's like some of them they're not perfect in a tool like grammarly they're not overly optimized they have some mistakes and errors in them so it's a little bit of nuance right all this is a lot of nuance so I wrote the whole intro now I'm going to say write all of the all of the H2 section and you notice I can even make spelling errors in claw they know it knows what I'm
talking about certainly I'll write all of these then we get to the this is the one understanding the principles of organic lawn care all right let's start with the basics first did my toes and organic lawn care I was like a kid in candy store that's not a big deal blah blah blah so it writes everything so we can take this we'll see it just keeps going if you needs to keep going and it stops you just keep going or continue or things like that and we can just do it now this is the free
way to do it it's a little bit more manual where we are entering the keyword we're entering the you know working through the prompts and then copying pasting and then editing so this is one way to do it completely free with Claud taking the prompts that I've created and then you know going from there all right now method two is another one and it's automated with machine. so this is another tool we can use this tool to create content clusters basically go from a keyword and a Content cluster into a finished Post in WordPress now
with machine it's a little bit it's the easiest definitely to do it's like the easiest the output's not the best though it's like you got to edit it a little bit more so with that it looks like this so we can see different content clusters here I can create a new cluster so I could go to like uh my dog uh my blog is about my dog is about my blog is about pets dogs dog toys I did that one earlier actually and then it's like uh you know my audience is dog owner is interested
in getting the best dog toys and then you hit click autopilot and then it'll look like this so you have uh all the Articles listed here on the left side in destructible dog toys interactive best chew tough squeaky the most annoying possible toys ever the squeaky dog toy um but what you do here is you can bulk edit or you can just select them one at a time but what this will do is first we look at this so interlinking they'll Interlink together we can add a featured image so we can use normal stock photo
places like pixels and unsplash for royalty free images or let's use Dolly 3 for example and I'm going to say I want a um futurism with a purple look that's you know whatever you can choose the design if you want to and then you can select if you're if you select them all you can change some of these things you click write and then it writes it you can even click here and then it publish to CMS which it automatically if we go to CMS connections you just press WordPress and it connects to Wordpress for
you pretty much automatically so when we go here we want it to be very long we're going to use gp40 so this is chat GPT not Claude we're going to use friendly tone friendly works the best from what I've seen as far as like humanized content and passing those AI content detection first person enabling research so it can do automatic research and uh add external links humanize and then you just click right so now it's in the queue it's writing the content and I could say write I could say uh right here publish to Wordpress
when it's done so then it'll just be in WordPress so what's cool about machine AI is $49 a month so it's pretty cheap it's unlimited at $49 a month you connect uh chat GPT to it so you have a platform account there you connected to it and you choose your settings it publishes to Wordpress again you edit everything at the end and it's a pretty quick tool to get it there so let's wait a minute and see what the written content looks like and then it'll say ready when it's done and you can click read
here or you can just click publish to CMS it'll send it to Wordpress click read you can see oh my God look at this future istic indestructible dog that is purple amazing AI imagery here but you can see uh gives you the title it's 3600 Words which is pretty long so it talks about finding the best toy it gives you some tables and different columns and formatting it gives you some options here which is actually pretty cool but it's pretty long it goes down the whole thing and it's pretty much done so you would again
we don't publish AI content we edit this but this is giving us a quicker time frame of going from keyword to draft keyword to draft how can we do it when we're not writing from a blank page so machine. a is option number two I'll talk about option number three for Automation and that is now is an automation software connects multiple apps together in any type of unlimited customized way that we want so this one is more robust it works better I would say from an output standpoint because we can really customize the
exact AI outputs that we want based on the inputs can really customize it it just takes a little bit more technical setup to get it right so for example I'll show you we have this blog post Builder I have a full video on this too going through a tutorial on how to how I set this up how this works is it runs so it creates a web hook based on air table so air table is a spreadsheet so what we do is basically we get it from a keyword that we enter into this one column
we click generate it starts the web hook and then it gets it through the whole process going from Google doc to a finished WordPress article so you can see here it starts with the web hook it delays 20 seconds so that it works it takes this and then it uses our AI framework so it uses the outline generator turns it into Json format it writes the full article and then it creates a featured image this one actually creates the prompt to then create the image it marks it down at HTML puts it into a Google
doc back into air table and then right to Wordpress so you can see an example here of like YouTube reaction video ideas Google doc like this it just pumps it back to here it takes a about 1 to two minutes it's not very long so it's got a featured image it's got this conclusion all of that so and then gets it right into WordPress for us the benefits are you can really customize it so every step of is using different tools you can customize this as much as you want we can change what the
prompts say and how it can customize the content what type of images we want every single step in the process goes back to pulling content from other steps so it looks intimidating it looks intense um it was for me especially first when I was starting I have a full video Again tutorial on this if you're interested um I'm not going to cover everything in this video but um you can see like every time that you click on any type of form field so every little template here will have different form Fields based on what it
is so for example if I go to Claude the AI tool it'll have the connection the model that we're using the tokens which is this is the maxim not allowed by make and then I'm saying the user is going to input some text and this is the prompt this is the custom AI prompt that we created and this can be edited and changed as Cloud gets smarter as we optimize and use these tools so these look different now when I click in here I can see everything from previous sections so I can pull information so
I could say base it on this main keyword and I click main keyword and it pulls it up like that so you're telling it it can get customized you can pull stuff from random spreadsheets and put it over here and grab prompts and do this do that really it's something that we are working on in our you know AI income blueprint Community where we are teaching it we're you know going to help people set it up and do all of these different things but this is a more customized approach you can use for things
like not just blog post automation but like LinkedIn posts and taking repurposing to other social media platforms and doing things in an automated way so literally all it takes once it's set up once you're good and then it's not going to run on its own it'll run if you click run one so it'll run based on this one this is customized based on adding another keyword into this spreadsheet so you add another keyword and you hit generate and it will go through the whole process get it all the way into WordPress as a draft you
don't have to publish it right away so that is option three which is so we covered that process so there's really three ways we manually do AI stuff adding it in copy paste we use tool like machines. a um to just do it really quick get it to a draft and edit or we can use to do a really customized approach those are the three really the three approaches there's also the most expensive one which I'm not really going to cover that's like the oneclick tools so yeah you can use Surfer AI put
a keyword in and within 7 to 10 minutes It'll have a finished article for you that's kind of optimized for SEO you still have to edit it cost $19 an article similarly you're paying money for every every single article a lot more whereas I'd rather have a scaled way that's cheaper or close to free so those are the ways to do it so the question though is are we just publishing this AI content isn't that crappy like this isn't what blogging is about right and it's like yeah we're not just going to publish that AI
content we have to humanize it first so how do we humanize it how do we get it to rank what do we actually do well first we have to understand search intent because what are we even going to put in the article in the first place how do we train the AI we train it we without good inputs but then we also need to edit it correctly so search intent is really important it is the psychology of search it is the search behind the search when somebody types something into Google we need to know what
do we actually create what order do we put the content in and it's actually really simple I'll actually show you an AI framework I have to find the search intent of any keyword so right at any given article you need to know who's searching for it so the thing about blogging is like we don't know who is searching for the article for example somebody could be searching for this let me do a quick example so this is the AI search intent tool that I have it's a framework again we copy and paste this in so
this will find the sech and what's really important is if we paste this in how are we going to humanize the content well we need to know what to write so it's going to say go ahead and share the keyword or topic so let's just say that I'm talking about a best digital audio workstation du for short people are in the audio world it's a tool that you plug in a bunch of things into and it edits audio for movies for music production for all of that so you put this in it will give us
a full search intent framework idea to know what to write so for example what's interesting it says it's commercial investigation keyword meaning it's a affiliate article transactional post whatever you want to call it it's comparing the best products the main thing I'm looking for here yes it gives us the content format the expectations all that stuff what I'm looking for here is the key audience segments so this is really important if somebody searches and they want to find your blog and they're searching for the best digital audio workstation or they're searching anything we need to
know we don't know who they are though at the beginning it could be a professional music producer it could be an audio engineer it could be a podcaster it could be a beginner or a hobbyist so we have to write an article like that comparing contrasting but giving those best for certain audience types so if I had for example number one best overall product for the beginner number two best for like a really high-end one best best for music producers best for professional music producers but I was missing like podcasters I had nothing there well
what if a podcaster searched for it then they don't have any information that they're looking for so they will go back they will click another article they will read that one they will end the search Journey on that one so we need to write articles for all key audience segments and we don't know based on one keyword who all the audience segments are what a I can tell us what they are so we keep this in mind as we're writing that we want to B basically cover the bases so that when people do read our
content they feel like everything's been covered you don't need to go back and click on another article so we also want to get to the point quickly give the reader exactly what they want if we wanted to look up the search intent and analyze it it's kind of like you can get a lot of Clues from the titles of Articles when it comes to blogging so we used the AI search intent tool to find the audience segments but then how do we write the title how do we organize it well if we look at any
search like I just feel like how to gain muscle for example we look for the Target keyword is how to gain muscle so you'll see the target keyword is in the title but then there's extra stuff these are what I like to call search intent trigger words the extra words and information that allow us to get more clicks really so this is where we see it so I what you can do for search intent is you like look at the top 10 to 20 articles get a pen out or something and just jot down the
notes of the extra search intent driven words that are being added to the title so this is like tips diet and workout Design This one doesn't really count it's a government website faster so build my muscle faster is a word I would use there so then YouTube has like fast as well fast build better muscle Harvard if they're like big Harvard educational government sites I don't really I'm looking for blogs here scientifically proven ways to build muscle fast so another one for fast one for scientifically proven fundamentals exercise we'll go next we'll hit a few
more Ultimate Guide according to experts after 50 trick all that so what I would do if you're thinking about a title to create for this and we're going to cover exactly here in one second but I would have something that says like um I would kind of incorporate the best ones because Google is rewarding things that people like and based on clicks around like fast so I would say or how to gain muscle faster according to experts or something like that you can include a couple of those but that's a good title that you would
use like how to gain muscle faster than ever before how to gain muscle so fast your arms are going to fall off that's like a a buzzfeed example how to gain muscle so fast that your skin falls off because you're getting so jacked and swole just like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 80s hello CutiePie but we're looking for those types of extra words to signify search intent as we're writing and we can use and find the key audience segments and then we're writing based on onpage SEO so we have a clear title URL format a URL
is basically just in the form of a keyword so if the keyword is how to gain muscle the URL is DH how- to- g- muscle it's not the full title because if it's the full title then it can get too long and it adds in like 2024 2025 in there and it's the URL is the only thing that you can't change when it comes to a blog post you can change the title indefinitely you can change all the content the images everything the URL has to remain because if there's links pointing to it from external
sources or internal links or any of that those will break so you don't want to change the url everything else will cover so the H1 title writing an intro H2 and H3 headings are really important so the H1 is the title H2 and H3 is other like the most important pieces of information in an article then we have internal and external links semantic keywords which are extra keywords kind of thematically related that uh Google would expect through natural language processing to see in an article and word count not as important but we want to be
in the ballpark we don't want to usually the old way of doing SEO is like make a longer article it's like well that sounds like a lot of fluff that people don't want to read now it's more about getting to the point fast giving people what they want based on the search intent adding Human Experience to this AI content and then doing really good on page SEO really the biggest thing is just building topical Authority in one specific area going deep on a topic that's the biggest thing because if you have one article about gaining
muscle Google doesn't think you're an expert but if you have 20 and then you have more and you keep scaling it and scaling it and adding your own experience adding your own pictures it's going to work out pretty well first let's get the title so everything is a list whether it's how to build a cabin in the woods Step 1 2 3 4 5 is a list how to start a blog step one do this step two do that or it could be the 17 best YouTube video ideas the 20 best laptops for beginners basically
articles are lists whether we like it or not so it's really simple the clear format that works really good is a number even odd numbers work better than even numbers I like 17 I mean that just looks pretty cool 17 13 15 19's kind of weird Steve Eiserman was 19 11 looks a little weird like certain numbers just look more clickable for some reason 10's boring 10 is so out of style 10 is like back in 2020 people you would use 10 oh my gosh seven is where it's at seven 15 21 27 69 97
if it's a really long list right so interesting numbers Target keyword in purple here you need to include the target keyword in your title somewhere near the beginning not at the very end and then this is the search intent trigger words extra words to get people to click and provide some context you can use the M MZ title tag preview tool to show you you don't want it to get cut off this one might actually get cut off because it's a little bit long so it's under 60 characters you want to have a good title
for people to click on that's step one it has to include the target keyword so to write a good intro people's attention spans are like you know you get Tik Tok people you have YouTube shorts people that search for Stuff their attention spans are a lot shorter than they used to be so get to the point quickly short intros you want to be able to scan through the intro really quick four paragraphs Max for an intro just a couple paragraphs get to the point writing for the web is important we're not writing long blocks of
text in a blog should be 1 to three sentences per paragraph Max space it out 18 to 20 size font white background black text should be automatic with cadence AI which is what we're going to cover with our WordPress theme when we build the site Cadence is a really good uh tool for that so simple read it up break it up with bold text bullet points simple things like that now writing a good intro you can add hooks interesting things making people think adding quotes adding statistics something about experience so we want to include some
of our experience in the intro you know if I'm writing about blogging like hey I did this blogging I've made this much money I know what I'm talking about kind of showcase a little bit of your experience if you can if not it's not the end of the world either it's not a big deal we want to get people's attention span quickly hooks stats intriguing questions quotes personal story and experience and then internal links to related content I like how this site uh gear laab sites do this stuff so like gear laab baby so baby
gear laab the 10 best car seats 2024 crash tested like that's you'd want to know what's the safest when you're buying a car seat they have get to the point quickly with some here this is a long paragraph I don't like but they have I like how they add internal links they basically have a second paragraph before they get to the content they add all their internal links in here so for example if I go to strollers like best strollers you'll see the same thing and it's like intro and then all the internal links to
other related content and stroll right here in one place they're easier to find than if there was a link here and here and down here and things like that so I like how that format for internal links let's cover some other onpage SEO factors so there's the H1 is the title H2 and H3 headings are also the secondary ones so there's like H1 2 3 four five if you want to get way down there's five I don't I never use that mainly it's just H2 is the most important headings and then H3 is the most
important subheadings now with an affiliate article in the list format the H2 this is the important part of that on page SEO one of the most important parts if I have an article like this on the best webinar software this is my H1 title right there's a featured image introduction now this is the first H2 heading after the intro you have the first H2 your first heading and it's includes the keyword in the form of a question what is the best webinar software that's the best way to do it and then this number one demio
is an H3 heading so question when when you're doing affiliate posts the target keyword the category here is in the form of a question as an H2 and then the H3 is the list items the actual companies in the list this is the best way to format it for Featured Snippets the way that Google understands it so we're just doing that to rank and you can see every uh there's key features there's user experience pricing updates button and then the exact same thing for product two so this is an H3 so the good thing about
writing these types of Articles is that once you have a clear format every company is going to have the same kind of format other Factor would be uh semantic keywords so again those random keywords that aren't the exact target keyword but should be in an article related uh if I had an article about the best hiking trails in California they would expect to see things like you know maybe uh other random keywords like uh camping regulations or leave no trace or exercise you know random things that Google would expect and you can find semantic keywords
with Surfer SEO with other uh SEO tools or just by using AI tools um okay so internal links for Content silos anchor text can be more exact match for your own internal links when you're linking to your own stuff just do it based on the keyword or the the reader should expect know what to expect when they're clicking on that internal link like I showed you in the baby gear L lab example place them in the intro you can place them at the end too for bounce rate if people see other stuff that they can
read they might click on that too and lower your bounce rate by by clicking on other articles you also want to place a few helpful external links to highly reputable sources and stats and the anchor text here doesn't have to be exact match or like the exact keyword it just should cause no surprises for example they should know your reader should know what they're getting to you want to do highly reputable sources one interesting distinction when blogging is well why are we linking to external sources it's kind of like linking to citing stuff for research
paper and the number of external links is kind of dictated by how much Authority and like your money your life expertise you need for example if I look at garage gym reviews the best pre-workout this one is like the ultimate eat article it has according to personal trainers and The dietitian written by doctor expert verified by three people fact checked and all of this stuff it's got pictures of everybody but if you notice they have tons of external links to the uh National Library of Medicine they have like 40 of them if I go all
the way down to their sources their references they have 28 references it's super researched because this article needed to be researched they've updated it dozens of times over the years whereas their article on the 12 uh the best home gym machines has no sources there's not one doesn't exist there's one sorry there's one Mr Wescott I didn't forget about you there's one so again if you're just starting out and you're in in something that's like we're talking about something that doesn't require most re research like birthday party ideas you don't need to be sourcing statistics
but if you're talking about science medicine Fitness money things like that you should have a few external links too highly reputable like government websites are good or edu websites or things that are really reputable and helpful now let's talk about the problems with AI content so when we're creating AI content I mean look at this beautiful text here in the fast-paced realm of the digital Age We delve into the pivotal role SEO plays in today's complicated digital landscape in an Ever evolving Digital World amazing stuff and that's kind of what AI does a lot if
you don't train it right it'll just write these crappy boring jargon based sentences that no one wants to read so we update that we change that we don't want that the drafts are only as good as how how good we can edit it ourselves when it comes to blogging so how do we humanize it here's a little checklist we use the first-person perspective I did this when I you know when I took this pre-workout I got a little tingly feeling uh by in five minutes and then I was just able to shred my workout like
never before horrible example but you talk from first- person experience based on your relationship to the keyword what you did so if you're talking about anything a hobby a how to play a certain thing on the guitar it doesn't matter any Niche you have to say hey when I first did it these are the challenges I had and this is how I overcame it when I tested this product I like this but I didn't like this so you're using first-person perspective using active not passive voice something like grammarly can help with that that's not as
important but really want to share personal insights and stories and use Unique Images so unique images is going to depend on the niche if you're doing something around hobbies in the home do it-yourself stuff DIY remodeling projects just take a bunch of pictures of yourself doing stuff take a 100 pictures in a day of you with different tools different things and then just use them across Ross the board if you're doing software and business content then the most helpful pictures in your articles are usually screenshots things that you're capturing and teaching and diagrams and stuff
so you definitely don't want to use copyrighted images you can use some screenshots things like pictures of yourself but you making it unique uh real life examples of yourself too like when I did this this happened and then communicating your Authority so always in the intro you always see this like I was looking for something like night vision goggles or something and it's like this article like you know as two x Army Rangers based on these tours of Duty here here I'm like okay they know what they're talking about so even if you don't have
like a a level of experience with your blog you can give something some type of a little bit of a good sentence there to validate your expertise you also want to remove that crappy jargon include burstiness some of the you know the AI Frameworks I use already have that so like short and long sentences AI creates sentences that are all the same length a lot of the times but bullet points you want to mimic how humans talk you need to fact check it you can't just publish something that says random statistics and pricing and stuff
that you haven't checked and validated you want to add what I call relatability and empathy this is what AI lacks AI doesn't really feel feelings yet that we know of but when you add empathy and you walk a mile in someone else's shoes so the internet's full of beginners let me break it to you the internet is all beginners people aren't that smart I'm not even that smart I'm just saying stuff on YouTube for a living but what I'm saying is if somebody's searching how to do something they're a beginner they don't know how to
start a blog be like look I know I was in your shoes I didn't know what the f I was going to do I was looking for different things looking for different information I tried and failed seven times before I finally figured out what worked you know or in any net right I tried this you know this recipe and it just I burned it seven times and my life's horrible or you know you get the point adding some empathy of when when you first started when you first started you're kind of relating to the person
that's reading the article the best way you can and that's just empathy that's just understanding hey I was in your shoes at one point this is how I got over it this is what I did this is how I learned and you want to write like you're speaking to a friend we're talking like eighth grade level here we're not writing academic research papers we're writing very simple content so really it comes down to make better prompts better Frameworks and then adding human touch so better prompts plus better human touch equals better content and if you
couple that with really good keyword strategy based on monetization at the beginning that's what it can make money with blogging and automation so let's get into monetization so we're going to cover the five revenue streams the timeline and then affiliate marketing so the five main blogging income streams are affiliate marketing ad Revenue sponsorships and then these two selling your own product and services really if you boil it down though it's actually a lot simpler so it's like what do we do at the beginning what do we spend our time on there's all five do I
do all five do I do them all at once do I do one more than the other well when we're first starting our blog we are publishing content this is a Content business and we're not going to focus on all of these at once in fact ad revenue and sponsorships we ignore completely at the beginning for the most part that comes with traffic we don't have that yet so we don't have ban we don't have to worry about banner ads those go on any article you want we don't have sponsors yet they're not going to
pay us for no traffic yet so ignore those two then we have selling your own product that will uh be building your email list selling a course selling a community selling anything um that also you can kind of ignore a little bit at the beginning because we don't have an audience yet to sell a product too when we're just starting out that one grows over time affiliate marketing is number one because it it is a part of the content strategy we create affiliate based keywords that can be these best comparison type of keywords that we
put into our content strategy to make money with affiliate marketing the benefit of affiliate marketing is you're selling other people's products not your own you don't have a product yet you're just getting people to click links and the truth is um EV every single type of business whether you're in e-commerce brand software company blog local business we need to create content and get traffic anyways so the beauty of affiliate marketing is we don't have to do anything else there's no inventory there's nothing like that so we start with affiliate marketing because it has a much
higher Roi or just earnings per visitor than ads do if you join an ad Network and you have banner ads on your site you get paid every day a certain amount based on an RPM Revenue per thousand visitors and that's going to be dependent on your Niche and the country of origin of your traffic based on that you might get a $10 RPM so for a th000 visits you make 10 bucks affiliate marketing has the potential with the right search intent and the right keywords to make you two times five times 10 times even 50
times 100 times that amount per visitor based on ranking for the right keyword and getting people to buy things through your links and then we have Services which is another option so that is I have no traffic yet I'm I'm going to do some Outreach to do this content stuff for other people so if you take all the learnings from blogging SEO AI content writing humanizing content digital marketing PPC Facebook ads whatever it is you can do an agency service business model consultant whatever you want to call at the beginning to get a couple clients
under your belt charge them some money when you're kind of learning the process so you learn SEO you learn any type of digital marketing that you want to do you find a vertical Market an audience that you want to help and then you maybe do one for free learn it better get better at it and then you start charging clients money so you get a couple clients on your but you're making money faster than worrying about your own content your own promotions now what that does is that's how I started because I was able to
do link building for companies while I was doing guest posts and at the same time I was able to with that service based money the Consulting money I was able to hire my first writer I was able to scale the content on my own blog with those people so first though we have to realize like yes there's five revenue streams yes we can get all of them eventually but we don't do all of them at the beginning the only thing we focus on at the beginning is just creating good content informational content will make ad
Revenue transactional best of product category posts will make affiliate Revenue ad Revenue to me is kind of like the last resort of monetization it's really good and it captures everything that doesn't get monetized for example there's a reason when you Google chicken soup recipe that there's a wall of ads and the woman or man talks about you know when they first learned about the recipe when they were like 5 years old in the home in the Home Country land of Italy and how it changed their life learning about it and then you go like 5,000
words down to find oh here's the ingredients and then here's the directions it's because they're monetizing it with ads because when someone searches for a recipe they're not going to buy anything they're not going to buy a can of soup through an affiliate link they're not going to buy your cookbook book yet necessarily so they won't buy nothing like that's the truth about blog traffic is like 98 to 99% of people will not interact or engage or buy things but it's the one to 2% of people that will so for that 98 to 99% of
people that don't do anything ads banner ads will monetize that but we want to get better Revenue sources that can make us more money which is namely affiliate marketing and selling our own products and we can do all of them at once for example here's my article on AI social media tools very simple article you'll notice that there are banner ads on this media Vine is loading it's got uh an ad here and here and then it does it automatically so with banner ads you can add them every third paragraph every fourth paragraph just simple
settings it's a WordPress plugin it's really simple to add and there's ads okay these can be a then you can add affiliate links like there could be affiliate links here for these companies throughout the list affiliate links to when they buy those products and then another Revenue stream if I'm going to go to leave the article there's an exit int 10 popup to join my email list so there's three monetization paths in one blog post and they don't really interfere with each other you can turn off ads at the post by post level if you
want to I did that with some really high intent highly High Revenue affiliate post I'm like I don't want ads blocking any of this I want it just affiliate only because the ads might actually detract from people clicking the affiliate links for the most part you can just do all things at once there could even be sponsors in this article too so you could have four revenue streams in one article now the first most important one is affiliate marketing so we have to ask ourselves why do Brands participate in affiliate marketing in the first place
well if you're a brand like REI and you're selling camping stuff hiking stuff clothing you want to rank on Google for a lot of your product terms so for example like hiking boots you want to rank on there but there's not just your article there's nine other spots that can be showed up on it that can show up on Google and they're not going to be REI so they can be Affiliates and competitors so really Affiliates will amplify and scale a Brands message way further than they can brands also do it because it has a
much higher Roi than other marketing channels PPC if they're running ads to their company that Roi we spend money up front or Facebook ads you spend money up front to hope to get sales on the back end and you a really good Roi is like two or three to 3 to one on PPC is really good for a brand you can do like nine or 10 to one on affiliate marketing because think about it if I'm selling a hiking boot for $100 and I give my Affiliates a 10% Commission on that I only paid 10
bucks to make a sale so that's only $10 of marketing expense to make that sale so it has much higher Roi for Brands so there's different components of affiliate marketing there's affiliate programs themselves so those are ones that you join in affiliate there's affiliate networks too so that's like a Marketplace of a number of different affiliate programs in one place affiliate links that's what you grab and track yourself they can they have you know custom numbers letters and random things in there to signify that it's you it stores a cookie on the reader's computer so
that you get credit for the sale affiliate dashboards will tell you uh all the data so how many clicks sales commissions you've generated and then the commission rates are dictated by the brand themselves so they can dictate those rules when they join an affiliate Network on the brand side and then there's insertion orders which are basically the contracts it's kind of like an apple contract like terms of service you just click it you check it it's but it's there it's a contract now you when you're a website when you're a Blog you want to extract
traffic from the algorithms namely Google but other ones too Pinterest LinkedIn YouTube whatever to your website to get people to click affiliate links to make sales so AI is a powerful tool to find affiliate opportunities you can use AI Frameworks to come up with this so let's look at a specific uh AI Niche Hunter prompt where we can find it to just find affiliate keywords all right so we're back to this nich Hunter you can see there's a bunch of people using it again link is in the description uh let's see so this second one
here is the affiliate affiliate keyword one so I'm going to copy all this text under here I'm going to paste it in and we're going to see it's we're going to give uh a niche what's the main Niche we're interested in all right I'm going to say barbecues and grills you have a Blog about that so it's like all right there's different categories underneath that for Philly Revenue there's gas grills charcoal grills smokers grilling techniques and recipes and then maintenance and safety so I'm gonna say for this one we'll do gas gas grills and that
would will give us 20 affiliate keywords so a lot of different ones what's kind of crazy about affiliate keywords is that there's just so many that you didn't even realize like yes there's you want the main category so if you're talking about gas grills like create a main article on the best gas grills for affiliate Revenue but then there's other ones like two burner gas grills natural infrared with side burners flat top compact Wi-Fi propane built-in gas smoker box Beach like all of these for camping for RVs and what else you can do so there's
a bunch of good ideas here for affiliate revenue and you can also if you wanted to validate with an SEO tool you put it into HRS like best G gas grills and you can go to the matching terms tool find all the matching terms to this so you can say like best natural gas grills under 500 300 small all of that you can even export the data rank it see what's working best affordable ones so you'll see some of the information here so you can find individual ones so really when we're thinking about affiliate marketing
when we're thinking about what content do we create really depends on the niche so you need at least 20 product categories that you would want to write about so you don't want to have like one you don't want to have like journaling or you just talk about a journal like gas grills there's plenty of different types camping there's tons of products hiking fishing kaying musical instruments uh anything that has a product category go on Amazon and just look at all the product categories and that's how affiliate marketing works because people need to buy products to
have you make affiliate revenue and to do that we need to get into a category of products that we're creating content on next we have ad Revenue so I'd say once traffic gets like 10,000 a month I made the mistake of trying to join AdSense when I had like 500 to a th000 visitors a month I spent all this time I got AdSense I got rejected and I finally got approved and I had to add this code to the site and I was like doing all this work and then I'm like excited I'm like I'm
going to make some money now and I looked the next day and it was like 20 cents maybe 30 cents I was like okay well this is pointless so it's it's you have to get some traffic to do this you know so 10,000 month you can join an ad Network um there might be minimum requirements they change all the time I can't keep up with this it used to be 50,000 visits now it's lower there's the main adworks ad networks are mediavine ISO and AD Thrive pick one of them banner ads appear on your you
can control how and when they appear very simple settings so that one not not to worry about too much so selling your own product is going to be one for long term so you want to uh like I showed you on my site create an exit intend popup in a lead magnet now in any Niche a lead magnet should be something that is like a mini transformation it's helping right like people are exchanging their email address for something of value so a lead magnet should provide value so if it's you know you think about it
from the longterm perspective of what kind of course are you going to sell and then the lead magnet it's like this mini little thing that helps so when I first started my blog I had a 7-Day WordPress blog launch checklist quite a tongue twist hard to say uh I built my email list with no product to 45ish th000 email subscribers with a simple 10 to 15 page PDF that I got done on Fiverr and a 7day series of emails just saying how to start a blog people liked it it was free it was just simple
I built the email list up that way before I even had a product two and a half years later after I launched my blog is when I launched my first course community so it's a long-term play You're Building your email list over time exit and 10 is the best way to do it it's not about adding like a form somewhere in the blog content that people will have to find because like I tried it at first when I first started I joined MailChimp and I put a sidebar thing and no one signed up ever because
they don't care they scroll right past it but an ex intent popup when they're about to leave shows right in their face and it's good it doesn't inter interfere with them where like doing it at like 30 seconds or an entrance intent can work too but that can be kind of distracting it can work really well but I just like exit intent and then you know the lead magnet so for example let's just think of a lead magnet so uh again one that I liked I I was on a woodworking I searched Woodworking and I
was like this I hit this site and the the lead magnet was the top 10 get my list of the top 10 woodworking tools that you need like oh I don't know any I don't know anything about this that would be really helpful and the lead magnet was just a simple one p page like bullet point list of individual it was affiliate links to products on Amazon and Home Depot and stuff of the actual products to get started with and then over the course of like three or 4 days I got a series of emails
saying hey if you want to get more you know you want to go from beginner to expert get all of my training on every single woodworking project become an expert join my course join my community that's how it works you give a mini transformation in the lead magnet really peque the Curiosity and interest and help enough and then you get people to want more and if people want more they interact with you your course and community and then over time you optimize your funnel for conversions again I have full videos on selling your own products
we'll cover it more further on so then you just build an evergreen and promo strategy so this is interesting when you're selling your own product if you're an e-commerce brand if you're a course creator if you're selling your own product you need a promo strategy every e-commerce brand whether you're selling shoes or you're selling Sporting Goods or anything they have a promotional calendar that they run every year one week out of every month is a promo week and you get 70% of your sales typically during that promo week out of the month now e-commerce can
be creative with like buy one get one free 20% off orders over 50 30% off orders over 100 free shipping is expected now but you can do a lot of different promos and e-commerce runs with the retail calendar so for example the President's Day Sale Valentine's Day Black Friday Cyber Monday leading up to Christmas the cut off on the 22nd the shipping cut off then it starts over with a new year what's it called like an inventory sale getting out of stock sale they get rid of all the stuff I can't remember what it's called
I can't think of the name for it but they run on that and like as a if you're creating content and you have your own product you do a kind of similar approach where you have different promotions every month and then you have an evergreen strategy where you're getting people into your email list and buying your course through exit and 10 popups every single day so they're getting automatically getting into the email list and buying stuff and this is a good strategy through YouTube and blogging but if you think about the math you don't have
to go crazy viral to make a good amount of money with selling your own course or Community let's say you have 5,000 views a day on your stuff that's at a 1% uh view to trial view to lead conversion rate so 1% of people are opting into your email list that either see your YouTube videos or hit your blog pretty standard ours is higher than that that's one sale a day 500 bucks a day like that's this is a 150,000 views a month that could be across YouTube and a Blog it's not anything crazy or
viral but that's $500 a day $155,000 a month on Evergreen on autopilot if you're getting 50 leads a day so it's really about optimizing that funnel selling your own product over the course of time goes like this get in from the algorithm Google YouTube primarily are the two into a single opt-in page into an email list that then goes to an automated email sequence to a Sal sales page to a checkout that they can buy to take a step back here we're creating a website because it is Central to having any business needs a website
if you don't have a website you don't have a business you might have a YouTube channel that's fine but like if you're an e-commerce brand you have a website if you're a YouTuber that is selling a course you have a website if you're a local business you need a website so really there's two types of main businesses here there's the Creator economy and then there's the long-term acquisition long-term traditional business we are here so the Creator economy you get faster growth so you have you grow fast you just start scaling your content up on YouTube
or a Blog but then you get capped out a little bit there's only so far a single individual Creator business can go we saw this we scaled to the Moon last year and then we're like all right we've kind of capped out like there's only so much we can do with or an organic content engine and even in paid even if you're doing paid ads as a Creator like it caps it out it grows fast and then you cap out now this is a profit driven business model where you are you are paying yourself every
month you are you want a high profit margin you want 80 plus% profit margin if you can especially organically you can do that unless you're running paid ads then you're probably doing a 50% margin but still you're taking that money and you're you're using it for yourself whereas this is the long-term acquisition this is like a software company or maybe a big agency or a traditional you know a traditional type of business that you're building very slow growth at the beginning and then grows up over time now this the goal here is just acquisition getting
bought out selling it selling stake in it so a software company start slow you reinvest everything back in so there is no profit you're reinvesting everything back in you're not living off of this certainly you are building it and then eventually making a sale for hopefully a substantial amount of money so this is kind of the reality of the current economic conditions in the market around making money like online is that you're one of these two if you're Creator you can grow fast then you're kind of capped at around 1 to 3 million you can
push that to five or seven we did but you kind of get capped out there's only so much you can really squeeze out of there and this one again you're paying yourself so you're living off this money you're making profit every month you're not selling this is a lifestyle business this is the one we're talking about versus software traditional business where you're reinvesting everything back in the business you're living off you know nothing maybe you're paying yourself a salary here if you're doing really well but the goal here is to get to like a $10
million acquisition the only goal I would have in an acquisition business if I can make 3 million a year with a simple content business doing YouTube and blogging I want to pay myself now if I can do that the only acquisition business I would ever do is if I could get a substantial buyou at the end so that's slower growth acquisition those are the two types so it all starts though with a website and a blog like it sounds crazy but to get like I started with one website 2019 publishing one article a week now
we're at a point where we have the website YouTube channel Channel lots of subscribers now than before starting a couple years ago not a huge Channel by any means compared to lots of big creators out there but monetized effectively that's what I'd say that's what we're the best at is like monetizing small audiences so this is what a Blog monetization timeline could look like months0 through three you're just learning this stuff you're publishing content You're Building processes to publish faster so you're figuring out which which framework do I want to use do I want to
use this one where I'm doing Claude AI do I want to just write everything myself what's the one that I want to do to speed it up where I can create a really high quality article in less and less time maybe the first time you write an article it's new and it takes you four five six hours 10 hours like you don't know and then over time you learn it learn it learn it and you scale it down to where it takes you one hour or less you can get to that point then you you
notice there's nothing on monetization here you don't focus on it you don't worry about it you just worry about scaling content months 3 through six you begin thinking about your affiliate strategy affiliate links in were applicable to uh articles that are getting some traffic uh tracking your analytics seeing how traffic is doing and starting a bigger affiliate strategy to make money that way then you know you can have some affiliate sales going here so you're making affiliate Revenue you are getting traffic you join an ad Network you're making ad Revenue now you have these two
revenue streams now you want to plan your next move now the truth is you can live here as a ghost if you want only having affiliate revenue and AD Revenue that's the niche site dream that people used to teach build a little niche site monetize it with passive income which we know doesn't exist to affiliate Revenue add revenue and then just sit back and do nothing else now you can still do that it's just getting a little bit a little bit more challenging to do that unless you're in like low competition niches the big way
to do it now is like well we need to just build a brand of some kind to do that we start with those two revenue streams but then we have to do the whole email list Building Product kind of go down that route if you want to increase your Revenue ceiling another path separately is to do the service model so you just start a website you start you want to start an agency you plan your Niche so I'm going to do uh I'm going to do a short form video editing for YouTubers that you know
I have a certain Market or I'm going to do local SEO for dentists whatever it is you have a service Niche you build processes you begin an Outreach strategy not inbound you're not waiting for leads to come in you're doing Outreach to get clients to pay you that's how businesses work products and services so if we're not doing inbound getting magical traffic that most people want for free for no work we have to do some outbound sales so you start doing that you get your first client under your belt you make your first hire you
start scaling this agency business model up so you can start as a freelancer doing content writing that's freelancing is kind of like doing everything yourself imagine you're writing every single word you're doing all the work you're getting paid kind of like for your work your hours whereas agency is not based on the time that you spend it's based on the systems you create so you can could have a person under you doing all of the grunt work you're doing the sales effort to bring people in and you're building an agency type of business so as
you can see there's multiple revenue streams multiple paths you can take with a single website a single blog we just have to know that it starts with a Content strategy dictated a little bit by the niche because every Niche is a little bit different the way that you monetize a food blog is different than the way you monetize a fitness blog than an AI blog and it's just kind of do we focus more on is it really competitive do we focus more on informational content for ad Revenue in selling a product do we focus more
on YouTube adding that in or do we focus more oh it's an easy Niche let's do affiliate marketing let's focus on that mainly and then you know think about getting traffic outside of just Google so after developing your main content plan you want to think about this as being Niche dependent so where would your audience live if you're talking about video games it's probably YouTube and twitch it's not going to be Pinterest it's not going to be linked in if it's AI that you're talking about in sales and business and remote work it's going to
be LinkedIn more than it's going to be Pinterest if it's fashion it could be Pinterest so you want to think about where does your audience consume content how can you get traffic from other algorithms the best option the second best option is always YouTube It's the biggest best brand audience Builder there is you can create simple videos like this where I'm talking to a camera in a room teaching and monetizing in multiple different ways so there's also other things here so you want to have a main content strategy that you just don't waver from you
can revisit it every month but you want to set hey I'm going to publish this many articles per week then I'm going to do it then you kind of look back you say oh this is Snowball Effect of authority this is kind of working now I'm getting more traffic more traction more topical Authority let's add Pinterest to the mix or I've got this under wraps I'm making some money I hired an assistant and a AI writer to help me with this AI process I have a person doing all the content now now I'm going to
focus on monetization and YouTube so that's the key if you can free up all your time and the good thing about blogging with automation like this is that it isn't a podcast it isn't YouTube It's a way that you can Outsource it to somebody else it's just written word while it's important to have your own personal experience in most articles not every article on your blog is going to be this super important article you're going to have some pillar articles that are important where you should have your own expertise and pictures and you and then
you're going to have what I consider glossery content definitions of stuff articles that aren't as important and those can always be outsourced to somebody else right to help you and then what do you do oh I have all my time back I have a keyword strategy I'm giving them this thing's rocking it's making some money what am I going to do with my time well hm I could do YouTube I could start a whole new thing over here I could have a Pinterest strategy I could do all kinds of there's a lot of options so
you just start doing the ground work learning everything making mistakes doing it again making mistakes until you get some Revenue then you get a first Tire scale up get all of your time back move on to the next thing and then you expect band out over time so let's cover actually launching the actual website itself so setting up web hosting setting up WordPress and building and launching your site with AI so the first thing you need to start your website is hosting right that's where your website actually lives the one that I recommend is wpx
they have plans for 2083 a month if you pay annually but if you pay monthly it's $24.99 a month now there are cheaper web hosts out there right you could use Blu host or you could use host andur something for like $2 to $3 a month that's what you could do if you want to go cheap I do just like wpx more they have the best support it does make a difference when you have a fast loading site really good support they actually get back to you quickly so if you go to this button you
just click buy now you can say um you already have a website if you have an existing domain or if you're launching a new website you just search for it right here right so I recommend you start with a personal brand because we don't have to choose the perfect Niche at the beginning you don't have to be like this really specific Niche site you can just put it as your and then that allows you the freedom to Pivot into all kinds of revenue streams multiple traffic sources and you really building a true brand here
and you know like my name for example if I put that in and I search for it it would say that it's taken right so it's not available but you know if if your name's not taken like some people ask me like I have a really weird long name just use it right it's okay your name's not weird or if your name is taken it's a very common name like John Smith you could add your middle name you could add something add or you could add like Johns John's um something that's kind of
specific to you but we just wanted the main goal here for the domain name is to just be broad enough to be able to Pivot the content and change niches if we need to because we don't want to hamstring and pigeon hole ourselves that's why most people fail so I found a nice one here Johnny's one year 13.99 for the domain name so the domain name is separate from the web hosting so $ 13.99 a year is a116 per month so really not much there so you would just click continue and then you would
choose your plan you'd select your location so if you're in the Europe you would choose this Australia I'm going to select you know one of the Americas here and then you just enter your information um you could you would see I'm getting the domain and monthly so it's 38 bucks um you get all of these you enter your personal information you pay you check out then you get into your dashboard once you're in it's actually super simple all you do is go to manage services you click manage your website and then it takes you to
this dashboard you click manage WP and that will get you into your WordPress welcome to Wordpress super simple right there's posts for your blog posts Med library for your images and all that kind of stuff pages are actually pages on your site like about uh your homepage things that you can design simply comments are your blog comments and then under appearance you have themes so that's like the theme the main design of your site and then any plugins which extend the functionality things like SEO plugins uh image optimizers just things that you need for maybe
affiliate marketing I'll show you those users is who you can you know you can add users to log into the dashboard there's some tools you don't really use that that much settings generally around your general settings of your site what the name of it is is it allowed to be indexed on Google things like that so the first step is to choose a WordPress theme so you go to appearance themes what I like is the Cadence theme I added that one in you just search for it and then you click install and then you have
it in your site and then you can go to plugins add new plugin and I searched for Cadence here and I added both the Gutenberg blocks with AI by Cadence WP this is like the Cadence blocks plugin so it's just adding content blocks things that look different than just text and then I also added the AI powered starter templates now you'll see that Cadence has appeared in the menu you can go to Cadence starter templates and this is really cool this uses AI to create a website for you so you put in some prompt so
it gets you to Industry information I'm a English site I'm an individual my name is Adam enfroy online only I don't have a service area and then I said I'm a food blog right for this example hit next and then you tell you write a brief description about your business so here the example here is like four paragraphs so who you are what you write about what you offer all of that kind of stuff so I put in my name is Adam infra you food blog some information about it I'm going to say improve with
AI and I'm going to say it's writing so I'm a food blogger who specializing in Sharing tips for cooking skills goals to assist beginners yeah that's good so we'll use that we'll hit next yes that's fine next so then I'm going to go into the writing stock CU it's going to write stuff for the website here it's going to fill in the information for my pages so I'm going to say food blogger kitchen gadgets healthy food choices cooking products cooking tips affordable ingredient ingredients I'm going to use all of these and then I'm going to
choose my tone I'm going to say my tone is actually informative and then I'm going to hit next my site goals so this is where you can put in your goals so if you're a different type of site like you're a uh nonprofit or you sell products or you're local business it's going to be different but for this one I'm just going to say I want to write blog posts so it's uh layouts that work for bloggers next so then what it did is it automatically created featured images and background images for the site just
to put into the media library so we don't even have to worry about it it uses pixels royaltyfree images and then you just so it's like that looks cool I could click edit the collection to change it but uh you can remove it you can add stuff you can add your own photos right if you have you go to pixels or unsplash or one of the royaltyfree ones you could add things to it can add captions it already comes with alt text which is really cool but we're just going to hit generate base content so
once you're done it'll take you back to the menu we want to make sure that the theme is actually installed and activated so activate the Cadence theme then once we go back to Cadence and click starter templates we can actually choose from a number of really goodlooking website templates I'm going to pick this one look at this welcome Foodies look at this it's already laid out with pictures recipes all that I'm going to highlight change the color to Blue that looks nice you can do a li or dark background I'm going to do a light
background with color saturation of one and then the fonts and all that that looks good import example blog post sure why not advanced settings example products events now that's fine I'm going to hit next uh you can choose any plugins you want to do you don't have to add any right now just hit finish and launch start import then that's it then your website will get up and running and then you can look at the site and it's like it's already pretty much done which is really cool what you would do if you want to
edit all you have to do is edit the text at this point you would just click edit page up here and it'll take you to it and look you can just drag and drop change the text any type of thing that you want right change the links to things right add links by clicking that button so it's giving you the homepage is pretty much done you can just change the text if you want to so anything that you want if you want to add like a new section to the bottom or anywhere you just click
the design library and it'll show you all kinds of different things so like videos hero images cards you know forms Gallery all kinds of different things you can just drop in so it already has a contact page honestly you just change the information removes things that you don't want and then it has an about page really simple right you can just change this picture to anything you want maybe a picture of yourself any other information you want but it already has those pages done that you need then we go to blog and look it already
create sample blog post so look at this top tips for generating ideas so this is where your blogs will live it already has the title the layout looks really nice already really uh clean formatting and we can go from there so if we go back to the dashboard and post this is where all the blog posts live so if we wanted to edit one we can just click on it we would just click add new post really simple and then this is what we do so this is the actual layout of a blog post you
give it a title and then you would start writing now what you can also do is you can with cadence blocks you just click the plus button and you can add lots of different things images galleries paragraphs list you can click browse all and it'll show all of them so you can have lots of different things like icon lists right maybe it's like pros you could say uh have a list of like pros and cons and write them in here right if you want to link to anything you just click it in link right you
can link to individual Pages by clicking on it like this would link to the uh contact page you click on it you can remove the link uh here we remove it right there and then also you can type in a URL link to it that way then you can edit the link you would say Advanced if you're doing an external link open it in a a new tab right we don't want people leaving your website so it's really simple to use literally just all kinds of different things you can add you can mess around with
it I would even say you know uh you can go here plus I'm going to say add an image it has you know our media library already has images in it you can upload stuff but you could just select one like this nice ceramic bow picture right so it looks good You' have a title your featured image and then you just keep going down you can add more okay I want more I'm going to do paragraph because that's the normal text or you could do uh instead heading right so H2 so we'll cover exactly how
to do it right so very simple drag and drop editor built a website in like 3 minutes all right so to sum it up in this video we covered a lot of stuff I don't want to overwhelm you this is just a business model of creating content it's a great business model for beginners because it's the one where you're not dealing with customers and making and failing and doing the wrong things and getting bad reviews it's one where you can infinitely update the content delete things pivot until it works so AI can speed up the
whole process it brings volume it brings which then brings Revenue scaling topical Authority in certain areas being known for one thing and then building out other traffic sources other income sources uh it's a really good long-term way to build a personal brand monetized based on your skill set so you just have to treat it like a real business from day one that's the main thing don't you know start it as a hobby and then just Cobble together some type of strategy if you have a clear strategy at the beginning it can be a lot easier
so we want to use AI as a tool to speed up content production use automation to go from keyword to draft humanize it correctly good onpage SEO good content strategies good keyword research based on your Niche based on the monetization path that you want to follow and then just stay consistent that is the key most people quit way before they should they don't see results immediately and they quit that's why you see everybody has an Instagram accounter Tik Tok most people don't have a website so if you can do what other people don't do you
have a chance of you know succeeding so hope you found this video useful let me know if you have any questions on this blogging with AI automation process if you're interested in any other other topics make sure to comment below um if you have any other ideas for things you'd like to see me cover check out other videos on my channel I cover really long guides on a lot of the things that I covered here but more in depth and you know other ways uh like the video really helps the algorithm helps a lot subscribe
to the channel if you haven't and I will see you in the next video
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