Hi! Do you or someone in your family have a gallstone, or are you having pain in the upper part of your belly, near your ribs, and you're thinking it's a symptom of a gallstone? That's the subject of today's video: what are the symptoms of gallstones that you should be aware of.
I will also talk about what causes gallstones, if gallstones are dangerous, if there is a way to avoid having gallstones, and if there is a natural treatment that eliminates gallstones. But first, enjoy the video, LET'S SEE IF WE CAN BEAT THE GOAL OF 200 THOUSAND LIKES FOR ME TO MAKE MORE VIDEOS ON THE SUBJECT, and also subscribe to the channel if you haven't already, so you don't miss out on our tips for health, and spread this video to as many people as possible, by WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram. And tell me- are you or someone in your family suffering from gallstones?
What part of Brazil are you from? Write down there. Come on!
First let's talk about gallbladder. What does the gallbladder do? The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that sits just below the liver on the right side of the abdomen.
It stores the bile that is produced in the liver, and when you eat, your gallbladder contracts and empties this bile into your small intestine to aid digestion. Bile is a mixture of several substances, including bilirubin, cholesterol and water. It has that bitter taste, has a greenish-yellow color and helps in the digestion of fats and the absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins.
If your liver excretes more cholesterol than your bile can dissolve, that excess can turn into crystals and later into stones. Also, if your gallbladder doesn't empty completely or often enough, then it's kind of lazy, the bile will get very thick, concentrated, which can contribute to the formation of stones. So what are gallstones?
Gallstones are nothing more than hardened deposits of bile that form in the gallbladder. And these stones can vary from the size of a grain of sand to several centimeters, reaching the size of a golf ball. There are people who have only one stone, and there are others who have several stones, literally a quarry, at the same time.
According to the Ministry of Health, 1 in 10 Brazilians suffer from the problem, so, more than 20 million Brazilians, it is more common after the age of 40 and again women are awarded, they are 4 times more likely to have gallstones than men. What are the types of gallstones: 2 main types: Cholesterol stones, the most frequent - more than 75% of cases - are yellow stones. And the second type is pigmented stones, black or brown – formed by bile pigments, when your bile contains too much bilirubin.
What are the symptoms of gallstones? Many people have no symptoms, so they may not know they are carrying a stone inside their gallbladder. You yourself can have a stone and not know it, because you have never felt anything.
But if you have symptoms these can be:” Pain in the upper part of the belly, usually on the right, just below the ribs- which is where the gallbladder is. Or, also often, a pain in the right shoulder or a pain in the middle of the back between the two shoulder blades Nausea and vomiting Indigestion, heartburn, a lot But of course, there are some symptoms you have to pay attention to, which could indicate something more serious, like the stone has migrated and obstructed the duct, a bile duct, or even caused pancreatitis: What are they. A severe pain in the belly that lasts for several hours, in a band, that can radiate to the back.
You get yellow skin, yellow eyes, your urine is dark and your stools are pale. Fever and chills - could indicate an infection And what could have caused the gallbladder stone? A family history- you have inherited these genetics If you are female Over 40 If you are obese If you are on a high-fat, low-fiber diet If you are sedentary If you have high cholesterol- cholesterol drugs reduce your risk of stone https:/ /jamanetwork.
com/journals/jama/fullarticle/184862 If you have diabetes If you are pregnant or taking birth control pills or taking hormone replacement therapy. If you have inflammatory bowel disease If you have hemolytic anemia that increases bilirubin If you lost weight very quickly Or fasted And how do you diagnose? Now you are worried.
I said that you may have a gallbladder stone and you don't know. A simple ultrasound of the upper abdomen can already see this. But of course it can be by tomography, resonance and even a well done x-ray.
What is the treatment of gallstones? It has a natural treatment for gallstones. Nothing works and I've looked through the scientific papers—no evidence—boldo tea, dandelion tea.
. . no tea will ever get your gallstones out.
Not artichoke, not psillium, not acupuncture, not meditation. When it's indicated—if you've ever had symptoms of gallstones—the most recommended treatment, what works is surgery—removing the gallbladder—cholecystectomy. Nowadays the procedure is very fast, lasts less than an hour, and requires 1 or two days of rest, and full recovery takes about 14 days.
And it's totally possible to live without a gallbladder. With some tweaks. You should avoid eating too much fat or too much fiber, as the body will have difficulty digesting it, which can cause diarrhea and a lot of gas.
And after some time the body gets used to it, being able to live normally, just not overdoing it with fat. But if you don't have symptoms or your doctor hasn't recommended surgery, you don't have to. The doctor may choose to just follow up on your case, which means that your symptoms will be monitored to see if they progress before treatment is considered.
But you should be on the lookout for any symptoms. And what are the complications of this gallstone? It can cause choledocholithiasis - the stones, if they are small, can come out of the gallbladder and clog the common bile duct, which carries bile to the intestine.
It can cause acute cholecystitis, which is the inflamed gallbladder. And that cause can fall into the pancreatic duct, causing acute pancreatitis - so much so that the gallstone that has migrated is the #1 cause of acute pancreatitis. Another is cholangitis which is the infection of the bile ducts by bacteria, as stopped bile favors the proliferation of bacteria.
It's rare, but gallstones can increase your risk of gallbladder cancer. And how can we avoid having gallstones? Improving risk factors: You have to lower your cholesterol, lose weight (avoiding losing weight too fast), exercising, eating more fiber, avoiding hormones—taking care.
And as we've seen, it's best not to have it, but gallstones are very common, and if you have or suspect you have, talk to your doctor. He is the best person to advise you and to treat you. Did you like the video?
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And what's the next video you'll watch? I'll leave 2 recommendations here on the side = Our playlist on diabetes — one of the most complete playlists on the subject And my video on the 7 best foods for breakfast My name is André Wambier, cardiologist and this is Cardiodf. com.
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