there's a moment when every boy realizes no one's coming to save him and that's when he becomes a man and some boys never get there and stay children forever this is kind of part of being a man it's like you kind of got to it all up a little bit I think so I think part of learning is dying I think part of learning is you got to die a little bit because what is learning learning is me giving up on my old [ __ ] my old ideas those ideas have to die for me
to be open to some new sh and so me learning how to be a better man I had to die a little bit you're a man you are a man stand up and be a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change lazy people do a little work and think they should winning
but winners work as hard as possible and still worry if they're being lazy there's nobody coming there's nobody coming to save you there's nobody coming to help you a knight and shining armor isn't going to ride in and save you you are the only one that's going to be able to save you and all this time you point your finger and you say I can't do that because I was born here or I can't do that because I have this issue or I can't do that because they made fun of me and you know what's
going to happen nothing you're going to get more of the same you're going to get laughed at more you're going to be ashamed more you're going to be frustrated more and you're going to really regret at the end of your life that you put off taking responsibility for yourself and building yourself into what could be and when we look around at the world and we look at all the problems and we look at all the chaos we have to take resp responsibility for ourselves for creating it you're not living the best life that you want
to live you're not the person you want to be you're not the person the 8-year-old you wanted to be and I bet you're not even taking steps to become that person are you and that's what's wrong with the world that's what's wrong with this country we have a bunch of people that want to point fingers and defer responsibility off to anything and everything except the one thing that can change their entire lives and that's looking in the mirror and saying you man you did this to me you made me this way and I'm going to
fix it and I'm going to fix it by controlling all the things I could control I'm going to control what I eat I'm going to control what I drink I'm going to control how I move I'm going to control the information I put in my brain I'm going to control how I treat people and who I surround myself with and if you control those things you are now in the driver's seat to create what it is you've always known that you were here to create because you always do know what you're here to create it's
that little version of yourself that hides deep inside your heart that you are so afraid to even talk about because you're afraid the people around you are going to laugh well guess what mother they're going to laugh and they're going to laugh more if you don't do anything we're going to have successes we're going to have failures we're going to have good nights we're going to have bad nights we're going to have good relationships we're going to have bad relationship we're going to have good ideas and bad ideas we're going to make money we're going
to lose money all these things are going to happen you have a project that you're that's do at work that you don't feel like working on right now doesn't matter that you don't feel like working on it right now you you impose discipline on the situation and you do what you're supposed to do you have a exercise you have you need to work out this morning you haven't worked out yet you wake up in the morning you need to go work out you don't feel like working out it doesn't matter doesn't matter that you don't
feel like working out doesn't matter it's not part of the calculation discipline overrides that discipline trumps your feelings and that is what you need to apply as a person as a normal human being no matter what you're doing in your life you need to let discipline be your guide not how you feel that's what we need to do and if you do that you're going to end up with freedom you're going to end up with freedom across the board discipline equals Freedom that's what what I have been saying for a long time it is 100%
factually true if you allow your feelings to dictate what you do you will end up being a slave to your feelings at a minimum but if you utilize discipline in your life you will end up with the ultimate freedom in everything that you do through discipline through self-discipline through repetition through tons of repetition of the same thing that you don't want to do that's that's the key thing through repetition of things you don't want to do you develop mental like like an armor for your mind start to armor your mind mind's like okay we suffer
we suffer every day it's what we do we do stuff that sucks every day so then when the suck stuff comes you're ready for it and that's how I started coming up you know I just started being very uncomfortable and now it's like a just a way of life if you lack the discipline to exercise and eat healthy you will end up being a slave to disease if you lack the discipline to work hard save your money you will end up a slave to finances if you lack the discipline to manage your time correctly you
will end up with no free time if you have self-discipline if you have the discipline to save your money and work hard and invest your money properly if you have the discipline to manage your time correctly and not waste a bunch of time if you have the discipline to exercise and eat healthy you will end up with freedom and it's I know it's a counterintuitive it's contrarian but I've seen this over and over and over again if you want freedom in your life you have to have discipline go do some push-ups go spend $12 at
the hardware store and hang up a pull-up bar in your room and start doing pull-ups and if you can't do one pull-up hang on that bar and you're going to start to get a Little Bit Stronger you're going to start to get a little bit healthier you start to get more focused you're going to start to become more resilient and you're going to start to be able to do a pull-up and you're going to start to eat healthy all the time and you're going to start to understand the world better and you're going to start
to progress in every aspect of your life and you'll see that if you have that kind of discipline right now you're going to end up with [Music] freedom and if you don't have that kind of discipline and you keep eating those Doritos and you don't work hard and you don't exercise and you don't apply yourself you're going to end up you're going to end up Shackled you're going up Shackled by a boss that you don't like doing a job that you don't like to do with sicknesses and diseases that you don't want relying on people
that you can't even count on alone and you don't have to but if you have discipline if you have discipline you will attain freedom the dumb [ __ ] that I've done or the bad mistakes that I've made they've taught me you know you learn like that's why failure is so important like failing and [ __ ] up and making mistakes it's very important that's how you learn that's see the bad feeling that you get from something that you shouldn't have done or wish you didn't do or wish you did better like especially failing at
something where you half asked it and you just feel like a loser like that just teaches you teaches you to get your nothing changes if nothing changes man I just want to remind you cuz you know I've spent a lot of time in my life sitting around wanting things to change and not being able to make them change and and not thinking I could and I wish somebody had told me that earlier sometimes that in order for something to change there needs to be change if you've always done what you've always done you're going to
continue to get what you've always gotten you know the definition of been say he is doing the same thing over and over again thinking a different result and I think a lot of people do that I remember growing up right in high school you know I you know you get you get those right in high school you always have those people that you think are going to be like successful then you got some that are like losers and stuff like that and the one thing I noticed with the kids that you know whether they were
in a lower level lower IQ class or they just weren't you know they didn't really have aspirations like that they would say I'm going to do XYZ but then you would see what they're actually doing and they're doing the same thing they've always done they're still smoking weed they're still playing video games all the time they keep saying I'm going to change I'm going to make a change but they never actually make a change so I mean it I mean obviously you want to start small it could be with just like cutting out one bad
habit and then slowly building from there but the reality is you're going to have to give up and stop doing the things you're currently doing if you want to change from what you're doing and I don't think enough people understand and appreciate that you must actually take real hard tangible steps towards changing if you want to actually get the change that you want I don't like it my body hurts I'm hurting how do we get through this and it's a it's a it's it's a lab it's my mental lab and I and so when I
come home I'm not forgetting it and the second like every day I get done running or every day I get through working every day I get through studying whatever it is that brings me to that place of knowledge I come home and that book was mostly written on scratch piece of paper in hand so I come on from from running and I write everything out I write everything out all the things and as I'm running I'm talking about it so all these things that pop my head as I continue to run I'm going through it
I'm I'm starting to layer it down I'm starting to break it down into okay that happened okay now now let's layer this cuz that's just not how it happened it just didn't happen that way what led up to this and so it becomes Me by myself in school I'm literally going to school right now and I'm learning so when I come home I write it out and then I'm able to write out and I'm able to think about it and okay oh this is good this is this will help me later on and then it
becomes what it is now be a dangerous man now being dangerous is not being a threat they're two different things all right and it's not about going out and lifting weights and getting a bunch of tattoos and wearing leather jackets and walking around with your chest and shoulders up hulking around saying I'm dangerous that's very rarely is that a dangerous man you're going to get criticized no matter what you do if you go hard people are going to criticize you if you stay lazy piece of [ __ ] people are going to criticize you so
you got to realize that it's up to you to decide what it is you truly want and it's up to you to accept what pain you are willing to accept because if you struggle and you flounder and you refuse to take responsibility for yourself and become that version that you know you're supposed to become you will be miserable 100% you will have every single regret a human being could ever [ __ ] have in their entire lives and the flip side is this you could put in the work you could put in the time you
could say I am not going to settle I am going to become exactly who I'm meant to become because I know that it's not just going to serve me it's going to serve my family it's going to serve my community it's going to serve my city my my state and my country and it's going to create an immeasurable ripple effect of people who know that they can do it too and guess what that's going to be hard but at the end of the day even if you come up short even if you don't become exactly
what it is you want to become you will have created so much good in this world that you will not have regrets when you die be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable um be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a second festing some blood the human brain evolved under immense amounts of pressure okay that's how the brain works and I almost like to think of it in terms of barometric pressure so in your brain when you're feeling that barometric pressure it's like
I got to get this done or I'm going to fail and I'm not this project won't happen and and people will laugh at me you work like a fiend energy your whole body responds right your blood gets moving you you accomplish things that would normally take you months you do it in days because you feel that pressure you take away that pressure and you don't know what to do and I've got like 3 years I could do this or that another you you just wander around you're lost you have no energy you have no Focus
you know you're maybe playing video games maybe you're watching por you're kind of distracting yourself in the moment but it's but your energy is just being dissipated in like 20 different directions so your brain needs pressure it needs constant pressure and stress and pressure is not a bad thing we have this thing where we feel like stress is bad it's bad for you bad you know you need to relax man you need to chill stress will kill you no being bored will kill you not having anything to do will K is much more dangerous than
stress I'd rather die under the stress than be bored and have nothing to do okay so feeling that pressure it makes your eyes pop open it makes your brain focus it makes you alert it makes you want to live it makes everything seem exciting to you you've got to get things done I've never regretted working harder ever not once and some people are like on your deathbed you're like no cuz I lived every moment of my day doing what I wanted to do don't follow what most people do because you don't want the results that
most people get the average person is obese likely to be divorced and has less than 1K in the bank it feels safe to do what everyone else is doing but it's actually a terrible decision it's like the best way to guarantee to not have the life that you want is to do what everyone else is doing if you want to be exceptional you're going to be different from everyone else that's That's What Makes You exceptional you can't fit in and also be exceptional both have discomfort when you fit in you have internal conflict because you're
not being 100% you when you're exceptional you have external conflict because everyone sees you as different pick one when your friends start to say you've changed remember it's because they don't know how to say you've grown you don't have to feel good about it you just have to keep going the feeling will pass but you will remain you are greater than your feelings going to bed late and waking up early to work for a few days won't kill you you're not going to burn out you're doing what it takes if you're one of those people
that push work life balance just remember the people who like working a lot don't care I've never regretted trying harder than anything ever hard times last long but an epic story feels like a lifetime it just takes work loads and Sh loads of work every time I try and dress it up or cut corner I get brutally reminded the work just needs doing the work doesn't care who you are it just cares that it gets done most people's definition of work is a negative one which is why they abhor it which is also why they
misunderstand so many people who quote I'll say quote here are successful ahead of them or whatever is that both people one person says the word work and the other person hears the word pain and so the first step to like becoming more successful is understanding the language that the people who are successful are using they're actually defining the word differently and so whatever that thing is that you actually enjoy doing where you lose track of time when you're in it even if it's challenging but usually it is challenging right like it's not easy cuz then
it's boring the people who are quote addicted to work make it easy to be addicted to work because they do things worth doing and I think a lot of it is coming down to making sure that you take the few precious seconds that we have to do the few things that are worth doing for the rest of your life everying day I wake up and I don't want to do some [ __ ] I'm like okay man do you want to be a b today do you want to feel like a little [ __ ]
do you want to walk around all day knowing that you could but you didn't so I I it's perform without purpose you have to learn how to get up and do sh when you ain't got no [ __ ] 5K no 10K nothing nothing exists your life [ __ ] sucks you're in the dungeon but guess what mother I'm still going to get it because when that time comes cuz the time is going to come when that purpose is there you'll be ready