Put God Over Everything Else | Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the
cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing pleasing to him
he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you
greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you you he knows your name he knows
the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously many people wonder why they
are not growing in their relationship with the Lord the reason may be that they are not putting in the work required to grow in a greater understanding of the Lord God made us in such a way that we need to seek Him daily by seeking God daily we grow in a relationship with him the Lord reminds us often in scripture of our daily need for him while Jesus was praying The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:1 he said give us this day our daily bread many of us live in a time and Country where we do
not need to worry about getting our daily food we can can go to the store and buy enough food for weeks we can then go home and store that food in a refrigerator however the crowd that Jesus was talking to did not have that privilege they did not have access to stores or ways to store Mass amounts of food for long periods of time they often had to wait for God to provide food for them the day they ate they needed to seek God daily for Provisions the children of Israel were in the exact spot
when traveling through the Wilderness they needed food however God did not open up a grocery store for them in the middle of the Desert god did not miraculously tie their stomachs so that they wouldn't need any food instead he gave them just enough bread for them to survive each day Mana fell from heaven daily they had to look to God daily Exodus 16 verse4 says then the Lord said to Moses I will reain down bread from heaven for you the people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day in this way
I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions if they end ended up taking more than what they needed for the day the bread would become uneatable he gave them just enough bread each day so that the people of Israel would take time to seek the Lord each day seeking God every day should be the way of life for a Christian God commands us to seek Him daily and not even to worry about tomorrow and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you
came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1 verse 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I
set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall
short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am
grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take
it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your
name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love
has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord the Lord your God is with you the mighty Warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in
his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing [Music]
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