8 Demonic Objects In Christian Homes, Remove Them Immediately | CS Lewis Sermons

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8 Demonic Objects In Christian Homes, Remove Them Immediately | CS Lewis Sermons
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brothers and sisters heed this Divine call these are eight demonic items to purge from your home without delay chosen ones the enemy Satan The Great Deceiver may have subtly planted objects within your very dwelling what seems harmless to the untrained eye May in truth be a portal to his schemes an open door for chaos to invade the holy sanctuary of your home the Apostle Paul reminds us in Corinthians 2:11 do not let Satan outwit you for we are not unaware of his schemes yet how many of us remain ignorant allowing these traps to linger in
our midst Romans 10:14 asks how can they hear without someone preaching to them take this as your Divine warning a spiritual lesson delivered in due season the enemy is subtle dressing danger in seemingly harmless objects but chosen ones you are called to vigilance search your home with prayerful eyes cast out these tools of darkness before they destroy your peace and blessings these eight common items innocuous as they seem is Satan's foothold remove them and reclaim your home for the Lord comment amen if you will walk in obedience item number one dream catches the Dreamcatcher a
handcrafted object deeply rooted in the traditions of Native American cultures particularly the ajibu Chipawa people is often admired for its intricate Beauty and symbolism it typically features a circular frame woven with a web or net at the center adorned with feathers and Beads traditionally it is said to filter dreams allowing only positive ones to pass through to the sleeper while negative dreams are caught and dissipate with the light of dawn sounds harmless even comforting doesn't it but beloved remember this the Bible warns us that Satan comes disguised as an angel of Light 2 Corinthians 11:4
witchcraft often cloaks itself in false hope and deceptive charm what appears Serene and peaceful a harmless decoration May in reality be a conduit for Darkness some will protest accusing this message of being culturally insensitive or critical of Native American traditions let me be clear this is not about disrespecting a culture as followers of Christ we are called to respect people but we must remain Vigilant against practices or objects that could open spiritual doors to Darkness our priority is unwaveringly aligned with scripture the Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood
but against principalities powers and rulers of darkness in high places in Deuteronomy 7:26 God's word warns us do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you like it will be set apart for Destruction regard it as vile and utterly detested for it is an accursed thing this command was given to Israel surrounded by Pagan nations with Idols that often lured them into sin repeatedly God declared you shall have no other gods before me the lesson remains clear for us today anything that seeks to replace our trust in Christ is an idol chosen ones
do you not see when you bring such objects into your home you are unknowingly inviting a spirit of compromise over time you risk conforming to the identity tied to that object drifting away from becoming more like Christ Romans 122 commands us to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind let this be a wakeup call a dream catcher no matter how innocuous it may seem diverts trust away from the Lord by keeping it you subtly place your faith in a charm rather than in Jesus Christ the true protector
of your peace and rest if you have a dream catcher in your home do not delay destroy it reclaim your space for God do not let cultural sensitivities or personal sentiments blind you to spiritual truths the enemy Works through the seemingly harmless but you are called to discernment item number two Sage I am not speaking of profound wisdom the kind embodied by the spiritually Discerning or the Savory herb you season your Thanksgiving turkey or chicken soup with no I am addressing the ritualistic burning of sage a practice many claim has medicinal or antimicrobial properties if
your sole intent is to cleanse bacteria from your home that may seem harmless but chosen ones let us not be deceived burning sage is far too often used for Spiritual rituals ceremonies of cleansing and so-called purification the enemy subtle and crafty has a way of normalizing practices that should alarm us the Serpent's first appearance in the garden was marked by stealth creeping into Eve's mind with a whisper of Doubt Genesis 3:1 in the same way the the enemy stalks your spirit today using everyday practices to infiltrate your life what begins as an innocent ritual for
physical health becomes a doorway to spiritual danger in witchcraft Sage is no ordinary herb it is a tool used for summoning Conjuring and creating environments conducive to dark Forces the Bible is clear in Ephesians 5:11 have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness but rather expose them beloved you are called to walk in the light not to partake in practices tied to the enemy's schemes if Sage is in your home no matter your intent remove it do not give the enemy even a foothold trust in the Lord as your ultimate cleanser and purifier
protect your home and spirit with the word of God not the practices of the world item number three tarot cards the word of God is clear and uncompromising when it comes to practices like divination with which tarot cards are often intertwined Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 declares let no one be found among you who practices divination or sorcery interprets Omens or engages in witchcraft anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord likewise Leviticus 192 26 warns do not practice divination or seek Omens when you rely on tarot cards for guidance you are placing your trust
in something other than God this is spiritual danger beloved for it opens the door for Satan to exploit your faith and distract you from your salvation these cards may appear harmless but they invite negative influences that can steer your heart away from the truth of Christ God has already provided everything you need for wisdom guidance and Revelation his holy spirit is the teacher of all things John 1426 the scriptures are your source of divine truth and the church is his instrument to reveal his manifold wisdom Ephesians 3:10 why consult the world's methods when God offers
you his perfect counsel chosen ones reject these tools of deception if you have tarot cards in your possession remove them immediately turn instead to prayer the word and a deep relationship with your savior let God's voice be the only one guiding your steps item number four crystals isn't it intriguing how New Age philosophy sneaks into our lives cleverly packag with everyday items like candles Linens and home decor crystals in particular are everywhere displayed for their aesthetic Beauty and marketed as tools of healing and energy but have you noticed you'll rarely find a Bible or a
cross in these stores the reason is clear the spirit Behind these items often stands in direct opposition to the word of God God indeed created crystals gems and Stones they are part of His Marvelous creation yet we must exercise discernment Deuteronomy 7:26 warns do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you like it will be set apart for Destruction regard it as vile and utterly detested for it is an accursed thing when you purchase crystals consider the spiritual system often tied to them packaging frequently includes phrases or intentions rooted in ungodly belief on
their own crystals are just objects but when associated with healing energy manipulation or New Age practices they become conduits for Spiritual deception as Believers we Proclaim that by his stripes we are healed Isaiah 53:5 our healing comes not from crystals but from Christ the Savior Who Bore our sins and sickness when you turn to crystals for healing you disconnect from Jesus and align with idolatry if you have these objects in your home for these reasons remove them immediately place your trust in the one true healer Jesus Christ and reject every substitute the enemy presents item
number five religious statues this topic May stir Hearts especially among our Catholic brothers and sisters and others who deeply value the use of religious statues these sculptures representing Jesus Christ the Virgin Mary Saints and other figures are often cherished as tools to inspire devotion and remind the faithful of their virtues and deeds if that is where it ends perhaps it remains a harmless practice but for many it does not the danger lies in crossing the line from reverence to worship the Bible speaks clearly in Exodus 20: Verses 4 to 5 you shall not make for
yourself an image in the form of anything in Heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below you shall not bow down to them or worship them beloved when we allow our Focus to rest more on a physical object than on God himself we risk straying into idolatry what begins as an outward expression of Faith Can subtly become a replacement for the inward personal relationship with the Lord Jesus declared in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me worship belongs to
him alone if your inspiration comes from a statue rather than from his Spirit it is time to re-evaluate item number six evil books your mind is the gateway to your soul and what you consume through reading can deeply impact your spirit the Apostle Paul gives us a profound guide in Philippians 4:8 finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things in other words avoid books that fail to glorify God or draw you closer
to him when engaging with any book ask yourself who does this book glorify what does it promote a troubling Trend today is the widespread addiction to literature filled with immorality and sin especially sexual fantasy such books are not harmless entertainment they can become demonic tools feeding unrighteous desires and leading your your heart away from God Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that while temptation is common to humanity God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so
that you can endure it yet the best defense is to avoid Temptation altogether by keeping your reading pure and godly Romans 122 calls us to transformation do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind this renewal comes when we fill our minds with things that honor God not the world's fleeting Pleasures chosen ones let the holy spirit guide you in Discerning what you read avoid books with demonic flirtations especially if you are not spiritually mature enough to resist their influence let your reading strengthen your faith and
glorify God item number seven Evil toys the sacred duty of every parent is to provide spiritual and moral guidance for their children yet the toys we place in their hands can either nurture their faith or seow seeds of confusion consider this toys themed around demonic characters or or witchcraft often contradict the biblical values of Love kindness and faith in God children are impressionable and the toys they engage with shape their understanding of the world action figures or dolls designed to look like demons with dark and Sinister features may seem like harmless fun but beloved they
can desensitize young hearts to evil making it appear thrilling or normal a child's imagination is a powerful gift from God and it must be nurtured with tools that encourage creativity rooted in goodness and Faith the Bible is clear in Ephesians 5:11 have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness but rather expose them parents this means rejecting toys that glorify Darkness or occult themes and instead choosing those that uplift God's truth opt for toys that tell biblical stories and promote God Godly virtues Noah's Arc playsets figurines of David or Esther or even puzzles featuring
scenes from scripture can fill their playtime with lessons of Faith and Hope item number eight evil jewelry there are items like the allseeing eye masonic rings and evil eye jewelry often passed down through generations as protection or good luck charms some believe these artifacts ward off evil but I urge you to listen closely they do not instead they attract Darkness serving as magnets for Spiritual harm and inviting demonic presence into your life how can we be sure of this because scripture consistently warns us against idolatry and participating in practices rooted in Pagan Worship in 1
Corinthians 10: 20 21 it states the sacrifices of pagans are offered to Demons not to God and I do not want you to be participants with demons you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too these objects may be made of gold or adorned with precious stones but their spiritual cost far outweighs their material value holding on to them no matter how beautiful or sentimental is a deception they are tied to systems of Darkness Be it new age practices raiki rituals or or Saint related jewelry that leads to misplaced worship
understand this chosen ones the sacrifice of Jesus Christ tore the veil between you and God there is no need to pray to Saints or depend on talismans Peter though an incredible servant of God was just a man stop praying to him or any other figure pray directly to your heavenly father who has adopted you as his child if these objects have found their way into your home remove them completely destroy them and refuse to let their influence linger as you do turn inward and examine your heart ask yourself what led me to seek protection or
wisdom outside of Christ where have I allowed my faith to falter let this be a moment of Rec connection fall to your knees and seek forgiveness inviting Jesus to fill every Gap every place of Doubt with his presence whatever protection or power you thought these objects offered know that only Christ provides true peace guidance and favor his grace is sufficient and his light outshines all counterfeit Powers chosen ones step fully into the freedom and Authority Christ offers remove every obstacle and let your home and heart be places where only his Spirit dwells comment amen if
you choose Christ and reject all deception God bless you
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