over the last three years of running this brand I've spent over $3. 3 million on Facebook ads alone and because of that I've been able to do days like this today over $19,000 in sales and if I go to last 30 days you know we'll see we are just under 1. 3 million and in today's video I'm going to teach you probably the most important thing I learned about Facebook ads over the last 3 years to be able to do days like this and it comes down to two things there's actually only two ways to scale a Facebook ad account and in this video I'm going to walk you through that so hopefully you could take it use it to scale your own brand and not have to go spend hundreds of thousands of dollars unprofitably to learn what I had to do the hard way so there are only two ways to scale a Facebook ad account and knowing what the focus is whether you're on stage one or stage two of this is really key to finding the big wins in your ad account now I'll walk you through both individually but first there's one which is improve efficiency and then two increase volume these are the only two things you can do to scale your Facebook ad account scale your Facebook ads and then eventually obviously use that to scale your brand now I'm going to walk you through improve efficiency first because this is what we always want to focus on First and I'm going to walk you through why improving efficiency means lowering your CPI lowering your cost per purchase right so if you currently have a $50 cost per purchase how can we get that to a 45 to 40 to a 35 right that's that's what that means now the reason why I want to do this first is because scaling comes as a byproduct of improving efficiency for example if we're spending $1,000 a day and we have a CPA of a 100 we get 10 purchases a day right but if we lower our CPA to 75 then we have 13.
3 purchases per day in other words once again we scaled without having to increase our budget so by improving our efficiency we're able to scale without even having to spend more on ads and so because of that right because we lowered the efficiency it means we increase our margin per purchase which then allows us to reinvest that profit back into increasing the budget right because if you don't spend more ads you're still spending $1,000 a day right but now our CPA dropped to 75 well we already scaled now we're doing 13 purchases a day instead of 10 and we're more profitable now with that extra profit let's say your profit margin went from 20% up to 25% well now we can take that and reinvest that into ads to scale up until we're at that Target again so this is why we focus on efficiency because you scale without touching budgets and so then you can scale further so each time you improve your efficiency you get a lot of unrealized scale because once again you improve efficiency you already scaled well now you get to increase your budget and now you're scaling even further so you kind could think of it of scaling twice there you scale once by improving your efficiency and then you continue scaling by increasing your budget because now you have room to scale into okay that's what as a whole improving efficiency means and we always focus on this first because otherwise you end up in the same kind of loop that I would used to be in that everyone else is in which you're trying to force scale your ad trying to increase budgets it doesn't work right you test more ads you try increasing your budget and it doesn't work and you don't know why right but it's because you actually need to improve your efficiency before you're able to scale first further and when you focus on improving efficiency scaling becomes so much easier because you just scale by default you you improve your efficiency then you increase your budget and you scale massively right if you could get your CPA down from $100 to once again in this example $75 you have a lot of room to scale so you already scaled now you increase your budget and now you're really scaling right and so how do we actually do this well it comes from improving what's currently working in your ad account I'm going to break it down for you so so stay with me uh the reason we do this is is because it's much easier to improve something that's currently working they're trying to find something completely new that works so we want to test more of what's currently working and so how we go about doing that so here's an example now let's pretend this is your ad account or some ad account right you have one ad or so you have four ads add one you're spending about 5,000 on a day frequency is about 1. 04 the CPA is 98 add two spend equals 1,000 frequency 1. 07 CPA 80 add 3 spend 700 frequency 1.
21 CPA is all the way up to 225 though and add four you spending 300 frequency is 1. 35 but it's coming out a very low CPA at 40 right so in this scenario with these ads Let's Pretend the target CPA is $100 and you're spending 100K per day and this sorry I'm spending 1K per day and this is what the data looks like now what you have realized here right looking at the frequency add one and add two are more top of funnel ads add three is more middle funnel maybe slightly bottom of funnel and add four is very bottom of funnel but it's doing its job it's getting low spend but a very good CPA this is doing a pretty decent job although it's a higher CPA right at the Target but it's getting a lot of the spent and giving us a lot of good new customers right below the target about Break Even but ad three is very middle funnel but has a super super high CPA so if this is you and your ad account well what's the easiest way to improve the efficiency of your entire campaign well we have a couple options the first kind of more obvious option if you will will be add three it means you have two decent top of funnel ads you have one good bottom of funnel ad but we need to improve the middle funnel ad because if we can find a better middle funnel ad that takes over this one let's say replace it right instead of the spend still being 700 frequency still the same but instead the CPA goes from 225 and we find a better one and even if it comes in let's say a 75 right slightly less than this top of funnel one it's not getting as much spend but it's doing a better job well all of a sudden our average CPA of the entire campaign dropped and therefore we improved the efficiency of the campaign so we already scaled and now we can increase budget to the Target again right that's one op that's probably the first route I would take then secondly well you could say well I have two decent top of funnel ads but what if I get a third good top of funnel at that takes up majority of spend as well and so Facebook has more assets to work with to spend more of a top of funnel budget to and then instead of this one being at 5,000 maybe this drops to 3,000 right this drops even to 500 and then your ad five that comes in at top of funnel as well comes in at the most spend and maybe even a higher CPA right these are all different routes we can take to improve the efficiency of the campaign now something that's important to note here is we're not really looking in terms of improving efficiency we're not looking at at specific single ads and trying to improve that efficiency we're trying to figure out what's the easiest path we can take to improve the efficiency or lower the CPA of the campaign as a whole right even though this is the closest to the Target and the highest CPA in this scenario it may not be a bad thing because it's the top of funnel ad it's going to have a higher CPA because it's driving a lot of new customers and it's reaching a colder audience with higher to convert often times those have a higher CPA and that may not even be an issue right because let's say your ad account maybe looks like this instead you have let's say you have something like this you only have these two ads here right and this is coming in there and let's say this CPA is at like you know once again your Target's 100 it's like 125 and this bottom funnel L is coming out a 40 it's not getting much spent this one's getting all the spend and this has a higher CPA than your target well what you wouldn't want to do is turn it off because Facebook's spending to what you would want to do in this case is once again you're missing the middle funnel part of of your funnel in this campaign so you go test different concepts and ads to try and find a middle funnel ad that can take some of the spend from here at a lower CPA to lower the average CPA of the entire campaign hopefully you're following here so that's the first step right we're trying to improve the efficiency now how do we actually you know get more specific in doing that well we can do a lot of different things right we can test more hooks we can make new versions of the script we can change the b-roll SL content we use we could find new content from new creators we can use Studio content we could use ugc content we could use different creators AI voiceovers new ad formats rewrite reverse engineer competitors ads right you could go take your best winning ads and rewrite them in a different way while keeping the core messaging the same or you can go take a competitor's ad that you think working well or someone in your Niche and rewrite that ad but once again with the same messaging that's working for you or we could rewrite the same ad from a different perspective we could test long form versus short form it could be a 30 second ad a minute 30 a 10-minute vssl a 30 minute vssl you test all these different kinds of formats you can test sending the ad to a pre-sale page you can prove the aov you could test the offer right there's so many different things we can do to improve the efficiency of that desire or angle that's already currently working for us right so once again if we have this ad and this ad let's say these are all pretty decent right so now we're like okay well how do we lower the CPA even further well if this ad is crushing for us it's getting most of the spent whatever desire this is whatever angle this ad is how can we make better versions of it and once again there's almost infinite different variations you can test combining all these different elements here to give Facebook another asset under the same desire or same angle because we know it works to lower the overall CPA of the campaign that's the goal so the point is you know there's a lot you can do in Endless variations to test and the first step is always efficiency because once again you want to lower the CPA and you scale by default and it's easier because you already know it's working you're focusing on the same angle you want to milk the out of what's working right out test everybody test more test everything focus on the angle desire that is working and then double down because one broad desire will scale you massively at the start here I showed you today we did over 100,000 right in sales that's with only two main broad desires now at some at some point which we'll get into in step two under one angle or desire you'll have to eventually find new Concepts and different desires and different stages of awareness to capture more of your Market but one broad desire will scale you massively and a lot further than you think because there's a lot that you haven't done that you can do to improve the efficiency under that one desire right most cases you can scale the one BR desire much farther than you think by continuously improving efficiency on the front end and back end once again the front end test more hooks new variations new rewrites change up the content different avatars different creators AI long form form Etc all using the same desire then on the back end well we could send the ey to a pre-sale page to improve the conversion rate right we can improve the aov so we could spend more we could test offers to improve the conversion rate or the aob or both we could do all these things on the front end and back end to continue improving the efficiency on the desired angle that we know is currently working for us to really scal and ramp up our ad spin so that is how you improve your efficiency right then after you've improve your efficiency you can increase your budget until you're back at the Target then once you keep testing the same Concepts and you can't find anything else that's working for you to improve the efficiency this means you now need to test new Concepts and angles to reach a new pock audience and that's when we move over to step two so step two is increasing volume now how what does increasing volume actually mean well increasing your budget and finding new winning angles and desires we're increasing the volume of purchasers by scaling our budget and subsequently we're also increasing our volume of purchasers by tapping into a different segment of the Audience by using different content messaging avatars Etc that attract different people from what our current ads are attracting so we increase your budget once you more efficient then once you can't get more efficient with the same Concepts Test new Concepts angles to reach new Pok audiences and different avatars so how do we do this well by writing down the different avatars for your product and brainstorming different angles Concepts that would attract different segments of the same market so as an example let's say we're selling a testosterone supplement two avatars could be young men and old men under young men you have different angles the benefits could be get jacked the desire could be get jacked the desire could be get girls more energy feel powerful for the old men it could be improved sex dve more energy slow aging sustained muscle right very similar angles in messaging but the desires are different for the different avatars and note the same concept can be used for both but they would need to be portrayed differently right for example getting getting Jack is getting jacked right could work for the older men too but it would need a different Creator messaging hook Etc that matches the Avatar and their wants pain points and objections right if we have a young guy in the ad talking about hey get if you're an old guy you could get jacked well it's not going to relate to the old man as much as if you had an old guy in there portraying that message to that audience and so this is actually how we crack into different segments of the market it's not by testing different interests or getting specific with our targeting on Facebook it's about using different messaging and content in our ads to attract those types of people into our funnel right you have to start thinking broader in terms of a full funnel approach to your Facebook ads versus let me just go Target this age group change my age targeting on this ad but keep everything else the same it's not going to work as is good and you're not going to scale as well so this is the approach you have to take so when you put it all together what was it look like well you test to improve efficiency you increase budget till you're at Target you test to improve efficiency then you increase budget again then you improve efficiency and you increase budget you do that over and over and over again till you're at massive scale then when you really really milk the out of that one desire and you can't do it anymore then you move to testing new Concepts then when you find a New Concept you go back to this you increase budget till you're at the Target improve efficiency on the New Concept increase budget improve efficiency on it increase budget then when you're really stuck again well you find A New Concept then you increase budget and you improve efficiency and you can see it just goes round and around and around and this is all you need to focus on and the key is you need to know what to focus on for 80% of you watching you're at improving efficiency because once again 80% of the time you will be doing this anyways 20% of you you're really doing the same thing you're always doing iterations of the same concept it's probably time to move on to a new desire concept to increase your volume to then be able to go back and increase efficiency understanding this although it may sound simple has changed the game completely for us in Facebook ads because when we're looking at the ad account I I give a clear message to the team right the focus is improve efficiency focus on the desires these stages of awareness that are currently working for us or the focuses increase volume and those are two completely different paths that require different strategies and different ideas um and just different focused in general and so you really need to know which one it is and not just be testing blindly and just throwing random into your ad account account creating random ads hoping you're going to scale cuz it's not going to work like that you need to take a look at the ads are currently live in the ad account figure out what's the weakest Point what's the easiest thing to improve that would improve the efficiency of the entire campaign then test for that by using these different variations then when you find a winner you increase budget and you repeat that process over and over and over again now one final point I want to mention about this is to get to 100,000 a day we only have two main Desires in our ad account two that's it and that just goes to show you just how far a single one can take you okay so I really want to stress that point because 80% of you just haven't done enough here there's so many things you can do here so make sure you focus on this first before moving to this because this is way harder to do it takes you longer it takes more money it takes more testing takes more time to find a new big broad desire that really works versus finding one to start and really milking the out of it so I hope you take it I hope you use this this is what has allowed us to scale to over $3.