In Future, The Rich Move to Space And Decide to Nuke The 3 Billion Poor People on Earth

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A sweeper crew that works cleaning space debris finds an android girl with a special power, now they...
Video Transcript:
In 2092, climate changes has destroyed most plants  on the planet, making Earth nearly uninhabitable. A corporation known as the UTS builds a new  orbiting home for humanity that mimics the natural processes on Earth, however only a few chosen  ones are allowed to live there and even less than that can become citizens. Those remaining  on Earth have to deal with the polluted air, high taxes, and extreme poverty.
Founder of  UTS Sullivan is working on making Mars a new Earth by growing genetically modified plants. He  tells a bunch of reporters about all his plans, announcing that the grand opening of a Mars colony  will be soon. One of the reporters calls him out because projects so far have only helped the elite  and left thousands of people back on Earth, not to mention all the debris flying faster than bullets  in space.
Workers known as “space sweepers” have to risk their lives to clean that up, selling the  debris later as their only income. Sullivan admits his plans aren’t perfect and agrees to have a  talk with the reporter in private. On Earth, Tae-ho is desperate to find his daughter and tries  to pay the authorities with the little rice he has left to let him see the latest body that arrived  to the morgue.
They’re used to him doing this often and take him to the morgue, but once again  it’s a false alarm. The next day a huge piece of debris crashes with a satellite near the solar  battery charging area. A group of space sweepers hurries to get hold of it with their ships, but  they’re suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a ship known as Victory.
Android Bubs stands  on top of the ship and throws a harpoon with a rope that connects to the piece of debris. Then  Victory takes off, causing the other sweepers to chase after them. Bubs starts rolling the rope to  bring in the debris as Tiger handles the ship’s machinery so it can run fast and smoothly.
When  the other ships get close and try to steal the loot, Captain Jang uses Victory’s arm to push them  away without much trouble. Then pilot Tae-ho makes a risky move and flies Victory around the solar  panels, flying through tight spaces to escape without a chance of being followed. This causes  them to almost crash against the residential area, but Tae-ho moves the ship just in time and they  only break an antenna.
Afterward they enter the Factory, which is a waste management satellite.  Tae-ho sells all the materials they’ve gathered but the pay is poor, and of top of that they must  pay for the antenna and the corresponding taxes. In the end, the team is left in debt.
Tae-ho  reacts badly and the clerk threatens him with a knife to calm him down. On TV, the news show  a missing sign for an android called Dorothy, who was stolen from UTS two days ago by extremists  known as Black Foxes. The girl looks innocent but she’s actually a weapon, so if civilians  see her, they should call security instead of approaching her.
However Tae-ho doesn’t pay much  attention and leaves. That evening, the tension is high among the Victory crew because of their  debt situation. An argument ensues and it soon becomes an actual fight that leaves the humans  unconscious.
Bubs puts away her money in a box, revealing she’s the only one that has been  keeping proper savings. Her dream is to get a better body with synthetic skin. Later the crew  goes out to work on the debris they picked up, which turns out to be a broken ship in a  rather good condition considering it came from an area full of nanobots that eat metal up. 
Suddenly some lights activate inside the ship, so they open up the cargo box and watch a  bunch of air bags float out. Hidden among them, they’re shocked to see Dorothy. They take her  into Victory and Tae-ho can’t help thinking about his own daughter when he looks at her.
At  that moment the news show the missing ad again and the crew gets scared when they hear she’s a  weapon, quickly running for cover when she opens her mouth. However she’s just sneezing. Then the  crew runs to hide in their rooms and decide how to proceed.
Tae-ho comes out again to try to tie her  up, but as soon as she moves he gets scared and hides behind some metal. At that moment he notices  she has a bag, so he grabs it and takes it with him to his room to examine its contents. There’s a  phone with lots of missed calls for someone named Doctor Kang and some paperwork from UTS with the  same name.
The crew decides to fly toward one of the residential district for non-citizens. They  leave the ship but Dorothy stays behind and when she’s alone, she reveals a power that causes  a dead plant to bloom. Meanwhile the crew goes to a bar and discusses what to do.
Tiger tried  calling the police and was left on waiting, but Tae-ho thinks they can make good money by selling  Dorothy to the Black Foxes. An argument ensues and once they all reach an agreement, Tae-ho takes  out a machine that distorts his voice and isn’t traceable. He calls Doctor Kang and shows him  a video of Dorothy, asking for two million in exchange for the girl.
Kang immediately agrees to  pay and they decide on a meeting spot. While the crew dresses up for the exchange, an alert rings  in the computer, revealing the police are coming. They immediately take off the disguises and hide  the girl, acting normal right before an officer comes aboard.
The cop explains his station got a  call from this ship and notices Tiger gesturing at someone behind a door. With a taser in hand, he  enters the room to search for anything suspicious, but Dorothy sneaks around and always stays hidden.  Tae-ho takes some of Bubs’ savings and puts in the cop’s hand before the guy pushes him away.
However  the cash is still in his fingers and Bubs recorded everything, so Jang threatens to report him until  he leaves. Afterward Tae-ho and Tiger put on the costumes again and go to a club in the commercial  district for the exchange. While Tiger keeps Dorothy safe in a bag, Tae-ho moves to meet with  Kang, who surprises him from behind and checks for weapons before telling him to move.
In a balcony  nearby, some guards get ready to shoot. The duo meets with Tiger and Kang hands him a suitcase  with the money, but when they open the bag they discover Dorothy is gone. The girl is wandering  among the dancing crowd, who suddenly freezes when they notice a child.
At that moment everyone’s  devices start showing Dorothy’s missing ad and they step back in fear. The guards open fire and  Tae-ho drags her out of the way just in time, but the shots destroy the DJ booth and chaos ensues  as everyone runs away in panic. Kang keeps trying to reach Dorothy but the running crowd pushes him  along.
As Tae-ho and Tiger keep looking for Kang, a guard notices them and fires right at them,  however Dorothy’s power creates a shield that dissolves all the bullets. The guards still keep  on shooting until there’s not a single presence left in the room, thinking they’ve killed their  objectives. However the guys managed to sneak away with Dorothy and they’re leaving in Victory now. 
Since the ship has damage, they must stay in the Factory. After scolding them for failing, Jang  destroys Dorothy’s phone because she thinks the guards used it to track them. She saved Kang’s  number so they can contact him with their own communicator.
In the meantime Sullivan is chatting  with his scientist team about the nanobots on Mars that are trying to build plants and even an  ocean. Someone brought him Dorothy’s goggles from the club and he keeps staring at them as he  scolds his team, saying they must find evidence that there’s no hope on Earth. His veins gain a  dark color as he wiggles in pain.
Sometime later Dorothy asks Tae-ho for scissors and uses them to  cut off the tomatoes that have grown on the plant. Tae-ho is impressed and takes Dorothy with him to  sell them to other sweepers, making some money but also bonding in the process. Afterward it’s Bubs’  turn to watch over Dorothy and they share make-up.
While they chat, Bubs’ scan discovers a secret  about Dorothy, but the girl changes the subject to ask about Tae-ho. Bubs explains Tae-ho was a child  soldier, and for most of his life he knew nothing but violence. One day during a mission, his  team killed a mother and he found a baby in the arms of the dead body.
Instead of sending her to  Earth like the rules said, he adopted her as his daughter. Soon he discovered that the explosion  from the mission had left her deaf and he blamed himself, so from then on he wasn’t capable of  hurting people anymore. This caused UTS to fire him and they ended up in a poor neighborhood. 
One evening while Tae-ho was trying to make some money, his daughter wandered away. Suddenly  some space debris crashed in the neighborhood, killing thousands of people and sending the others  running in panic. In the chaos, Tae-ho couldn’t find his daughter and watched in horror how  part of the town flew away into space.
Later the authorities explained they had about three years  to find the body, after that there would be zero chance of recovery because the debris would be too  far away. A search company could be hired to find her quickly, but he couldn’t afford them. To this  day Tae-ho is still looking for her, that’s why he joined a sweeper crew.
Bubs’ story is interrupted  when some court agents find her with Dorothy. At that moment the ship’s phone start ringing and  Tae-ho tries rushing to it, but the agents stop him. A desperate Tae-ho just pushes them away  and manages to get the call, during which he agrees to a new meeting with Kang.
Unfortunately  the court agents seize Victory, announcing it’s now property of the bank because of the crew’s  debt. In private, Tiger admits he doesn’t want to sell Dorothy anymore because he fears what  they may do to her, but Tae-ho needs the money to find his daughter and the crew needs to get  the ship back. When Dorothy goes to the bathroom, a man follows her inside.
Suddenly the crew hears  her scream and they realize she’s been kidnapped. The crew immediately starts looking for her and  Tiger remembers the tunnels, so he jumps in there to find a man taking Dorothy away. A chase ensues  and Tiger loses sight of them, but Tae-ho arrives just in time to take Dorothy from the kidnapper by  surprise.
Then the guy takes out a blade, only for Tae-ho to quickly bring him down with his soldier  training. Unfortunately the man isn’t alone and more masked criminals come out at the same time  Tiger returns, angrily beating them all up in just a matter of minutes. Jang also comes and unmasks  the leader, discovering the clerk that usually buys their debris.
In the meantime, Sullivan is  having a meeting with the reporter that called him out. Sullivan explains he doesn’t choose the  citizens according to their economic status, his system runs DNA tests to choose the people  with the best genes. The reporter points out that UTS is draining Earth’s economy and creating too  much space waste, effectively accelerating Earth’s death.
Getting creepy, Sullivan starts describing  how he saw everyone in his village die when he was young and he lost his family, so since then he  promised he would make humanity better. At the same time his guards bring an unconscious Black  Fox and drop him on the floor. Sullivan tells the reporter he’ll make him a citizen if he shoots  the fox, and the reporter does it after some hesitation.
However Sullivan sees this a proof  the guy is trash and kills him while his skin changes color. Back to the crew, they confront the  kidnappers while Dorothy rushes to the bathroom. Jang points out robots don’t poop and concludes  Dorothy is human, which Bubs confirms.
Then she uses a special light to reveal the kidnappers’  tattoos, proving them to be Black Foxes. The group explains the foxes aren’t terrorists,  they’re actually an environmental organization. Dorothy was born with an illness that destroys her  nerves, so her father Kang injected nanobots into her body.
These repaired her nerves but also  gave her special powers to make plants grow; this meant she could heal Earth and Sullivan’s  Mars’ project wouldn’t be needed. When Sullivan heard about Dorothy, he sent his guards to kill  her. The labs and scientists that worked with her were destroyed, but Dorothy couldn’t be  killed because the only way to kill a nanobot is to use a hydrogen bomb.
Such a bomb can be  found inside the Factory’s anti-gravity system, so the soldiers want to put her there and  blow it up, then the Factory would crash on Earth and cause enough natural and nuclear  disasters to finally put an end to it. In short, Sullivan wants to cleanse humanity. Suddenly they  hear some gunshots and discover the soldiers have arrived at the Factory and are looking for them by  hitting any person they see in the way.
The Foxes escape through the back door while Jang and Tiger  walk normally through the corridors, pretending they’re random workers. Tae-ho takes Dorothy  and they escape through the vents, but Dorothy sneezes and a soldier sees them. They start moving  faster as the soldier opens fire and Jang creates a distraction by activating Victory.
Tae-ho and  Dorothy manage to make it to a bridge and run as they dodge the fire from the guards, jumping at  the last second to grab onto the ship before it leaves. When a soldier also jumps and lands on  top of Tae-ho, it pulls at Dorothy until they’re both falling. The soldier makes a perfect landing  and gets ready to catch the girl, only for Tiger to swing by and catch her first.
Once everyone  is aboard, Tae-ho flies out as fast as possible. There are missiles following them and one explodes  too close to the ship, sending it flying into the debris field. Soon Victory starts failing and the  crew can’t keep up with all the necessary repairs, which allows a nanobot infestation to get into the  ship.
As the nanobots cover the entire Victory, Dorothy activates her powers and sends them all  away in seconds. Then she passes out and Tiger notices her heart has stopped, so he immediately  starts CPR. To his surprise, Dorothy farts and wakes up as if nothing happened.
Soon Victory  leaves the debris field and picks up the news, which announce the crew members are now wanted  criminals. They’ve been classified as members of the Black Foxes and even blamed for the attack  at the club and the Factory. At the same time, Sullivan is going through a medical treatment  while looking at the crew’s files.
Jang used to be an engineer for the UTS Genius Program  and invented some important devices, however she deserted at nineteen for form an anti-UTS  organization. She tried to assassinate Sullivan but failed, and her whole group died during the  attempt. Tiger used to be a cartel leader on Earth who fled the planet to avoid capture since  he was sentenced to death.
If he’s ever caught, he’ll immediately be executed. Tae-ho was was  the inaugural commander of the Space Guard and the first soldier who Sullivan carried into  the company in his own arms. Moments later, the Victory crew gets a message from the foxes  and they meet inside an old colony.
Soon they come aboard and Dorothy runs to reunite with Kang while  Jang notices something strange: this place is covered with EMP explosives, which then activate  and shut down all the ship’s systems plus Bubs. At that moment the soldiers enter Victory and start  shooting down the foxes before kidnapping Dorothy. Jang’s crew tries to help her, but the soldiers  quickly knock them down.
The trio only gets arrested, but all the foxes are killed including  Kang. Sullivan arrives and puts a hand in Jang’s mouth to extract a micro-chemical bomb that she  almost used for self-destruction. He doesn’t kill anyone because of their shared history and instead  monologues about his plan.
Then he drops a bunch of money as payment for Dorothy, mocking Tae-ho  for grabbing it to find his daughter. Afterward Sullivan tells his people to put Dorothy in the  Factory and crash it on Earth. Then he appears as a hologram for all the UTS citizens and announces  Mars is ready to be lived in.
Back in Victory, Tae-ho is collecting his part of the money, but  the others consider it dirty and don’t want it. In fact they want to rescue Dorothy and ignore Tae-ho  when he says they’ll die trying. While Dorothy is tied to the hydrogen bomb, Tae-ho goes to the  search company and pays them to find his daughter.
While waiting he looks at her old things and finds  some loving words she wrote for him even though during those days he was only a drunkard that  ignored her. Realizing he’s doing the same now, Tae-ho runs back to Victory and agrees to help  rescue Dorothy. As Tae-ho flies as fast as he can, Jang takes our her old gun from her rebel  days and stands outside the ship to open fire at the incoming soldiers.
She can’t keep up with  everything, so Bubs comes out and starts swinging among the enemy ships, destroying them with her  harpoon. Unfortunately the harpoon breaks and Bubs has to go back. Tae-ho asks Tiger to push the  machinery to its limits and starts flying toward Earth, only to pull Victory back at the last  second.
The missiles following them aren’t fast enough and burn down when crossing the atmosphere.  There are still a few ships following them, but Victory goes fast and enters the Factory just in  time. The crew rushes inside the gravity chamber and rescues Dorothy.
Jang checks on the bomb’s  programming and discovers the detonator is inside it, so it’ll go off if she tries to hack it. They  need to take Dorothy over five thousand kilometers away so the shockwaves won’t destroy her nanobots.  Their discussion is interrupted by the arrival of a soldier, who quickly knocks Tae-ho and Jang out. 
Tiger tells Dorothy to run back to the ship while Bubs tries fighting the soldier, but she is easily  defeated too. Then Tiger tackles the soldier into a corridor and locks the door behind him. Tiger  tries his best to fight, but the soldier is too strong and easily beats him up.
A desperate Tiger  chooses to open the hatch, causing both of them to be sucked out by the pressure change. With his  ax, Tiger defeats the soldier and climbs back into the chamber. The crew gets ready to leave  only to hear there are attack drones coming.
Jang opens communications with the other sweepers and  explains Sullivan’s plan, asking for help. Jang flies Victory out of the Factory as fast as  possible as Jang shoots as many drones as she can. When they make it outside, they discover all  the Factory workers and other sweepers waiting in their ships.
By working together, the sweepers  start bringing down dozens of drones at the same time with impressive aim, allowing Jang’s crew  to safely fly away to save Dorothy. Meanwhile the recording of Sullivan’s monologue made by Victory  is sent to the news and now all humanity knows the truth. A furious Sullivan leaves in his own ship  and finds Victory, opening fire to stop them.
Jang fires back as Tae-ho flies as fast as possible,  but all the shaking causes some metal to fall and trap Jang under it. Suddenly Sullivan uses a  mechanical arm to hit Victory, and Jang ends up floating away from the ship. Next Sullivan climbs  on top of Victory and Bubs tries to stop him, only to get cut in two.
A wounded Jang manages to  hold onto the ship and reaches the booster system, activating it just in time to send Victory  into a flying speed that throws Sullivan off. Unfortunately the booster doesn’t last long and  Sullivan reaches Victory again, breaking it open with the mechanical arms. To his shock, he finds  the bomb inside.
It turns out the crew took the bomb with them when they left the Factory and  dropped Dorothy with the other sweepers before they flied away. This way they acted as bait for  Sullivan and saved everyone at the same time, even if it costs their lives. The other  sweepers watch with tears as the bomb goes off, killing Sullivan and destroying Victory.
At  that moment Dorothy activates her powers and controls the nanobots, which safely bring the  biggest piece of Victory out of the explosion with the crew still alive inside. Sometime  later UTS apologizes for the cover-up and promises to start working on restoring Earth. The  sweepers are paid very well for their heroism, so their debt is gone and Bubs finally has the  body she wanted.
Tae-ho takes Dorothy to the search company and she connects to the nanobots  in the debris area, which allow her to search for his daughter’s DNA. A projection of her body  appears and Tae-ho meets her in the astral plane to say goodbye. The crew adopts Dorothy and lives  like a happy family as Earth becomes green again.
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