Husband Sent A Box To His Cheating Wife & AP In The Middle Of The Act & Made Them Panic. Audio Story

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In the middle of the act w/ AP, a deliverer knocked on his house door with a big box from my husband...
Video Transcript:
[Music] I really apologize Mr Walker it's tough for me to deliver bad news to people like you said John Michaels as he gave me the envelope inside there was a detailed report of what my wife had been doing with her ex-boss Grant Jacobs the envelope also had a bunch of photos and a DVD in it I checked out the photos but hadn't watched the DVD yet part of me was hesitant but I understood it was important to face what Jon had discovered any clue about how long this has been happening I inquired JN ref back
to his initial report to give me an answer based on the evidence we found it's been at least 10 years John explained it might even be up to 12 years it looks like it began around the time your wife was up for the top position that was roughly a year after our daughter Sophie came into the world despite this I realized I had to get DNA tests to check if the children were biologically mine then another concern hit me what about the risk of STDs the investigation revealed that Grant has been involved with many married
women besides Linda considering Linda and I have been together after she stopped working I wondered what diseases she could have passed on to me over the years it was clear I needed to get medical tests done quickly glancing over the report again I couldn't help but scoff at Aaron's observation that Linda seemed unaware of what her lover was up to when he wasn't with her just so you know Mr Walker Grant said he never meant to break up your marriage JN informed me and they never did anything at your place I had John install cameras
and mics in our house house when I hired him at least our bedroom hadn't been tainted with Grant's presence I thought thanks for telling me Mr Michaels I replied I had met Grant Jacobs a few times and I didn't care for him much sure he was good-look but he was also rude and had a smirk that rubbed me the wrong way I had to stop myself from wiping that smirk off his face more than once now I knew the reason behind his smugness there's more Mr Walker John continued according to what we observed and heard
Jacob's sister Natalie has known about their Affair from the start it seems she might have even helped them that saddened me a bit as I always thought Natalie was a decent person the total opposite of her brother man I murmured quietly so have you talked to a lawyer yet JN inquired not yet I replied I wanted to get the facts straight first well I do a lot of work for Lisa Hawkins she's top-notch in my book especially when it comes to dealing with cheaters if you're interested I can shoot this over to her office and
give her a heads up that Youk be dropping by John offered thatd be great I said thanks I'll reach out to her office and set up a meeting Jon handed me his business card and I tucked it into my pocket mind if I give you some advice Jon asked sure I nodded let Lisa handle this I know you're hurting right now and you might feel like lashing out but don't it's not worth Landing yourself in trouble this isn't just some online story it's real life and you've got two kids to think about he advised I
get it I S thanks I settled my bill and left his office feeling like my entire marriage had been a sham even though I knew JN was right the pain was still intense I sat in my car and cried for about 15 minutes once I composed myself I took out the business card he gave me and dialed the law offices of Lisa Hawkins to schedule an appointment for the next day Lisa provided me with a checklist of documents to bring mainly financial statements on the way home I stopped at a convenience store and bought a
pack of cigarettes something I hadn't done since College then I headed to a bar and attempted to drown my sorrows in a beer I'm not much of a drinker but I figured I deserved it just this once you doing okay buddy the bartender asked as I took a drag from my cigarette I glanced up at him before responding can you tell I replied unfortunately he said offering a small grin let me guess just found out your wife's been unfaithful spot on I nodded for a good 12 years can you believe it believe it or not
I can he replied seen and heard it all since I started working here no doubt I agreed he chuckled softly mind if I share something my grandpa used to say he asked go ahead I encouraged he'd say I felt bad cuz I had no shoes then I met a guy with no feet I know you're hurting now been there myself but it does get better and trust me there's folks out there who've had it way worse than you he shared your grandpa sounds like a wise man I remarked he sure was the bartender affirmed finish
your beer then head on home son handle your business do what needs doing you won't find any answers at the bottom of that glass believe me on that I grinned and nodded in agreement deep down I knew this seasoned bartender was speaking the truth as I sip my beer I pondered never would have thought Linda would cheat on me over the years there were small signs nothing conclusive alone but when I pieced it all together it made sense to me take for instance after our second kid Sophie was born I got a vasectomy Linda went
back on birth control which struck me as odd I asked her about it why use birth control when I'd already taken care of things she gave me a story about being extra cautious and how the pills regulated her period not being an expert I bought it then when she landed that job and started traveling with Grant I noticed her attire wasn't exactly businesslike she hinted that entertaining might be a big part of her new role when I asked her about it it became clear to me that she was entertaining Grant it seemed like a significant
aspect of her new job pun intended I would often call her in the evenings when she was away I found it odd that she was always in her room when I called but there were moments when I thought I heard a man's voice nearby sometimes I heard Linda's Voice break as she spoke at the time I couldn't explain it but if Grant was touching her or having closeness with her while she talked to me on the phone that would make sense there were occasions when I noticed the faint scent of Grant's aftershave on Linda's clothes
when she returned home I recognized it because I smelled it on him every time we met and it made me almost sick I could only imagine that happening if she was in close contact with him then there were the Friday afternoons she supposedly worked after retiring my special skills are still needed so they've kept me on for one afternoon a week though I might have to travel sometimes she explained when I inquired it's just business she added now I realize her special skills in involved more intimate activities and it was far from just business to
make matters worse her one afternoon a week turned into two or even three and she often didn't get home until 9: or 10 p.m. her occasional trips increased from once a month to two or three times often spanning the entire weekend so much for retirement all of this unfolded in just the past four months Linda's Behavior towards me hadn't changed at all she was still just as kind and affectionate as she was when we first got married she seemed to enjoy spending time with the kids and me at home which was a welcome relief because
I had taken on most of the child care duties due to her hectic schedule I've been grappling with this issue for a while now so I decided to hire Jon's investigative firm to look into what Linda's been up to and now my worst suspicions have been confirmed the only thing left to figure out is how to divide everything if it had been a one-time mistake made Under the Influence I might have been able to forgive and move on sure I would have been angry but if it wouldn't have been a deal breaker but this was
a deliberate ongoing betrayal that lasted over a decade and now it was time for someone to be held accountable I stubbed out my cigarette finished my beer and left giving the bartender a nod and a generous tip for his time when I got home I noticed Linda's car in the garage frankly I was surprised to see her there I closed the garage door and went inside taking off my jacket and heading for my home office Linda caught me on the way and immediately noticed the smell of cigarettes and beer you've been smoking she said her
brows furrowed and I smell beer is everything okay John no to be honest it's not today has been one of the worst days of my life I replied what happened did something terrible happen she asked seeming genuinely concerned though I couldn't help but wonder if it was genuine something I replied I'm going to spend the evening in my office I don't think I'll be good company tonight is there anything I can do sweetheart she asked yeah I thought undo what you've done afraid there's nothing you can do I said by the way John I'll be
away this weekend starting Friday she mentioned it was only Tuesday and she's already telling me she's leaving for another weekend again what again didn't you just go on a weekend trip I questioned yes but something came up she explained it's just business you know I see I replied sarcastically what about Sophie's birthday party it's this Saturday I know she acknowledged but I can't avoid this could you please explain to her why I won't be there please I'm not covering for you anymore I told her firmly you missed Aaron's birthday and our anniversary last year you
can explain to our daughter why you'd rather be on a trip with Grant than celebrating her birthday here Linda wasn't pleased with my response and let out a heavy sigh before speaking John please you're being unreasonable she protested no Linda I persisted you supposedly retired months ago after your company was sold but you've been away so much that I can't help but wonder what's really going on is there something you want to tell me what are you implying are you accusing me of having an affair she retorted defensively how would you feel if the roles
were reversed I countered she seemed to ease up a bit after that I see your point she conceded but trust me it's just business that's what you keep saying I responded now if Youk excuse me I have things to do please don't interrupt me you'll have to take care of the kids tonight I retreated into my home office shutting and locking the door I heard Linda attempt to open it John she called out please John talk to me leave me alone Linda I gritted through my teeth I'm busy I heard her walk away and began
Gathering the information Lisa had requested then I turned to the evidence John had provided as I read the report it was hard to believe this was the woman I had loved and supported for the past 12 years I put on my headphones and started the DVD unless you've been in my shoes you can't understand the mix of emotions when when you see the person you love giving themselves to someone else willingly I didn't care how Jon got those videos all I knew was that any love I once had for Linda was now gone as I
watched her with Grant on the screen I swore to myself that I would never touch her again I listened to their conversation are we still meeting up this weekend Grant asked as he held her of course Linda replied with a smile you know I can't go too long without having you inside me what about your daughter's birthday party isn't that this weekend he inquired yes but John will handle it she said HEK better with the kids than I am besides if I have to choose between dealing with a bunch of bratty girls or being here
with you I'd rather be with you you know I enjoy having you here Linda but I'm worried he might start getting suspicious Grant expressed you're supposed to be retired remember I've told you grant retired or not I'm not giving up our thing she replied caressing him I love my family and JN but what we've shared these last 12 years means everything to me I'm glad to hear that Grant responded remember when we started this you said youd choose Jon and your kids if you had to do you still feel that way I honestly don't know
she admitted it's never come up I don't know how you've kept him in the dark all this time Grant mused if he ever finds out it won't be pretty it wasn't easy at first but I've learned to keep my business life separate she explained I've never denied him anything and I treat him well if he finds out I'll just threaten him in the divorce it might not be that simple Grant warned but if things go south you can stay here if you want I like having you around thanks Grant I'm grateful for that but I
don't think anything will happen he hasn't caught on in 12 years and I doubt he ever will how long do you plan to keep this going as long as I can maybe for the rest of my life she declared I thought to myself maybe you'll get your wish as I closed the video I stashed the DVD back in my briefcase and heard Linda knock on the office door what I responded the kids are going to bed she informed me can you at least come out and say good night to them yeah just a sec I
replied I shut down my computer went upstairs and tucked the children in trying to smile Sophie gave me a funny look are you okay Dad she asked yeah I assured her with a smile I'm fine go to sleep now sweetheart I love you I love you too she said kissing me after leaving her room I went downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee I kept some food warm for you John Linda mentioned I'm not hungry I replied stepping out back I sat in a deck chair on the patio and lit a cigarette Linda joined me
a couple of minutes later she tried to kiss me but I turned my head so she kissed my cheek there was no way I was going to kiss the lips that had been on Grant Jacob's tool she looked at me surprised tell me what's on your mind John please you seem really troubled she said her expression filled with concern this isn't like you at all and you know I don't like seeing you smoke you quit back in college yeah well life doesn't always go our way does it I retorted what do you mean by that
she inquired I just shook my head remaining silent John please open up to me I love you you can tell me anything I glanced at her through the smoke and shook my head it's too late for that now I confessed too late for what I don't understand she pressed you're Savvy in business I stated you can figure it out now please please give me some space I need to sort things out but maybe I can help if you let me in she pleaded Linda please I need you to respect my space I said my frustration
evident I softened my tone a bit realizing I might be giving too much away sorry for snapping work's been rough and it's really Weighing on me maybe in a couple of days it felt wrong lying to her but I reasoned why not it's fair to lie to a liar right all right she replied quietly tears streaming down her face then she hurried inside sobbing I smoked two more cigarettes before heading indoors I took a shower to wash away the smoke smell put on some pajamas I rarely wore and got into bed Linda lay on her
side reaching out to me under the covers I pushed her hand away refusing her advances for the first time in our marriage John she started I turned away declining to give her a goodn night kiss good night Linda I muttered she turned away crying at that moment I didn't care as far as I was concerned she could go straight to Hell the next morning I got up took a shower got dressed and packed my things for work I spent some time with the kids before they headed off to school then left the house without acknowledging
Linda she gave me a strange look as I headed out the door don't I get a goodbye kiss anymore she asked as I opened the door sorry I replied blowing her a kiss I love you she said yeah same here I muttered as I walked out at the office I tried to focus on work but it was tough I briefed my boss on the situation and he sympathized having gone through a divorce himself do what you need to do he said if you need time off just let me know I thanked him and got back
to work leaving early for my meeting with Lisa good afternoon Mr Walker she greeted me as I entered her office Lisa Hawkins seemed to be around my age with long blonde hair I noticed the rings on her finger and assumed she was married please call me John I said shaking her hand and you can call me Lisa she replied I've reviewed the report Mr Michaels sent over I'm sorry you're going through this it's a common issue I deal with but it's always distressing how are you holding up I'm not doing too well honestly I admitted
I understand she sympathized have you talked to her about it yet not yet but I wasn't very nice to her last night I confessed I recommend trying to keep things civil for now I know it's tough given what you know but it's best not to let on that you're aware let her carry on as usual she'll realize when she's served with the divorce papers can you handle that you're right it'll be tough really tough I acknowledged but I'll do my best good Lisa nodded now what are your goals for this divorce I want to get
as much as I can I asserted especially custody of the kids if they're actually mine you do know that mothers usually get custody right she pointed out I've been their main caregiver for the past decade I countered and she admitted on the video that I'm a better parent than her her choice to be with her lover instead of her daughter on her birthday should count for something it does and we can use that Lisa agreed she reviewed the financial documents I provided jotting down notes it seems your wife got a hefty sum from the company
sale the monthly dividends she's receiving match your salary this works in our favor so does that mean no spousal support I inquired or very little Lisa confirmed shek still young and capable of working plus if we secure custody for you we might be able to get child support from her what about the house I asked if we manage to secure custody for you you can continue living in the house and we can request that she covers half of the mortgage but there's a chance the court might Grant her custody in that case you'd have to
cover half of the mortgage along with child support she explained the only other option would be to sell the house and split the proceeds between the two of you what about our retirement and bank accounts I inquired we can simplify things by leaving retirement accounts out of the equation you both keep your 401k days everything else will be divided equally which is typically what a judge would order she clarified what about Grant Jacobs can I take legal action against him for alienation of affection I questioned not in this state she replied but we will include
him in the divorce proceedings there might be grounds for suing him for intentional infliction of emotional distress but it's unlikely to go far especially in this state and what about his sister Natalie she was aware of the situation the entire time possibly even facilitated it I added it's a similar situation with her we can file if you wish Lisa responded yes please proceed when can you file all of this I inquired I believe we can have it done by Friday she assured why I'd like her to be served late Saturday afternoon shek be away for
the weekend with Grant I explained I understand a bit of shock and awe we can arrange that she acknowledged but there will be an additional cost for the process server to work on Saturday that's fine letun proceed with it I agreed okay John she concluded we concluded the meeting with a handshake after issuing me the customary warning not to do anything rash she accepted my retainer check I left her office feeling more confident about the situation when I got home I noticed Linda's car in the garage which surprised me since it was Wednesday I assumed
she'd be at work feeling the warmth of the hood it seemed she' driven recently inside the smell of pot roast greeted me hey sweetheart Linda greeted from the kitchen back early everything okay yeah I replied hope you're feeling better than yesterday she said a bit I'm getting things sorted I assured good hungry for dinner she asked I made pot roast your favorite I'll have a bit I accepted smells great did you go to the office yeah a couple hours she replied prepping for the weekend did you talk to Sophie I inquired yeah shek not thrilled
but shek cope Linda said where are the kids I wondered in their rooms doing homework she informed so still planning that trip with Grant I pressed yes business she stated firmly just business when do you plan to retire for real I questioned I'm retired now just need for a while she clarified not sure how long seems like you're almost full-time already I remarked guess you got to do what you got to do what's that mean she probed with all the time you're giving them might as well be on payroll I pointed out why I'm making
more now she defended I put my briefcase away and changed complimenting her cooking I remembered her skills I'd miss when we split after spending time with the kids I locked myself in my office Linda tried to enter Then knocked when she realized it was locked I cracked the door open to see her face John she asked are you bunking in here tonight I think so I replied still got a bunch to go through and I'm feeling a bit under the weather don't want to risk getting you sick right before your trip so I'll crash on
the futon in here oh all right she said take care John please I love you yeah same here I responded shutting the door as she walked away I got on my computer and started a search after finding what I needed I filled out a form and checked my email for confirmation noting the phone number I set a reminder on my phone to call the next day and confirm everything Thursday rolled around pretty much like Wednesday except Linda tried to lure me to bed with a sheer night gown that left nothing to the imagination despite her
appeal knowing what she'd been up to with Grant ended any attraction I had sorry Linda got a bad migraine I murmured going to take something and crash here in the office a tear rolled down her cheek as she walked off but I couldn't care less the next day at noon she called to say she was off hope you're feeling better John she said maybe we'll reconnect when I'm back Monday parents will pick up the kids today and drop them off tomorrow for Sophie's party thanks for the heads up I replied I love you John she
said I hope you believe that yeah I said have a safe trip see you later goodbye Linda after hanging up I called Lisa paperwork's getting filed now John she informed they'll be served tomorrow at 5:30 at Grants just like you wanted natal will get hers on Monday thanks Lisa I said ending the call I told my assistant I was done for the day locked up and headed home lots to do before the movers arrived that afternoon I had a stack of boxes ready in the garage for the day's work at 5:00 p.m. the movers showed
up with their truck just as I finished packing everything while they loaded up I worked on altering Linda's wedding dress after I was done I put the ashes in a paper bag sealed it with a note my wedding ring and our torn marriage certificate inside an envelope and handed it to one of the movers I asked them to deliver it to Linda at Grant's house the next day at 5:30 p.m. along with two $50 bills as tips I'll make sure this gets to her the young man assured me thanks I replied later I heated up
some leftover pot roast and ate in the living room while watching TV I slept well in the master bed that night the next day at noon Linda's parents arrived with the kids I'd been up early preparing for Sophie's birthday party in the backyard set to start around 3 p.m. Linda had ordered a cake which I picked up earlier and stored in the fridge you've been busy Linda's mom remarked when she walked in I didn't have much choice I replied hopefully everything goes smoothly the kids will enjoy it she reassured Sophie mentioned Linda wouldn't be here
I mentioned yes she did Linda's Mom confirmed I can't believe she'd miss her own daughter's birthday she paused looking at me intently is everything all right between you two no it's not I admitted I hate to break it to you but you'll find out soon enough I'm divorcing Linda what her dad exclaimed why I found out she's been having an affair with her boss for the last 12 years I disclosed in fact that's where she is right now now oh my God her mom gasped are you sure about this I've had my suspicions for a
while especially after Linda's so-called retirement I explained about a month ago I hired an investigator to dig deeper I've got a detailed report photos and even video evidence if you're curious no need for that she declined and you're certain you can't forgive her absolutely I affirmed not after all this time I'd like to see that report George chimed in I can't believe she'd do something so foolish well you handle that I'll finish up for Sophie's party Rhonda offered after thanking Rhonda I gestured for George to join me in my home office passing him the written
report he was visibly shocked by the content shaking his head in disbelief that foolish woman he muttered handing the report back I'm sorry John she's my daughter but this is hard to swallow now you understand my position I sympathized what's the plan with this grant guy he inquired I've taken legal action against him and his sister for causing emotional distress I informed him he scoffed that's it he retorted after 12 years of stealing your wife he gets off easy you know how far that lawsuit will go I get it George I acknowledged but I have
to think about my kids ending up in jail won't help anyone I suppose you're right he conceded but based on this report it seems Grant has a thing for married women I bet Linda isn't his first Target probably not I agreed let me handle this jerk George suggested heun not worth you going to jail for heun not worth it I agreed here's an idea John George proposed let me handle that jerk I won't let you risk going to jail over him I assured him no need to fret son George reassured me nobody's getting locked up
George was a Burly man used to physical work I'd met some of his co-workers equally imposing figures who watched out for each other whatk your plan I inquired the less you know the better George replied with a wink and grin all right if you say so I agreed he grinned and gave my shoulder a hearty slap come on John let's go enjoy some time with the kids he suggested we headed outside to find Rhonda had everything set up for Sophie's party when Sophie came down her eyes lit up at the sight thanks Daddy she beamed
hugging me this is awesome I wish Mom could see it me too I admitted but we'll take plenty of pictures for her okay okay she agreed I fired up the grill cooking burgers and hot dogs for everyone around 4:30 p.m. the doorbell rang signaling the beginning of the festivities over the next half hour Sophie's friends arrived with their parents all eager to join the fun among the last to arrive were Natalie and her husband Ralph with their daughter Denise after welcoming them inside I directed Denise to the backyard where the party was in full swing
offering Natalie and Ralph drinks I made conversation I'm surprised to see you here Natalie wasn't there a big business bus trip planned I asked that's Linda and Grant's gig she clarified I'm just providing support at the office I see I replied is everything okay between you and Linda Natalie inquired why do you ask I countered OU not wearing your wedding ring she observed I glanced at my finger realizing the absence of my ring I returned it to her I disclosed maybe Grant will have better luck keeping her loyal than I did what's that supposed to
mean Natalie pressed come on Natalie I objected don't sugarcoat it I know your brother's been seeing Linda for over a decade you both did a great job of fooling me all this time John please Linda still cares about you Natalie insisted yeah so much that she kept lying to me for 12 years I feel so cherished right now I retorted sarcastically what your plan Natalie inquired what do you think I'm kicking her to the curb she and Grant will be served soon I replied glancing at my watch served Natalie questioned yes Linda's getting divorced papers
and I'm taking Grant to court you'll be served on Monday I informed her me why are you suing me I haven't done anything Natalie protested exactly I shot back you knew what they were up to for years my investigator even thinks you might have helped and all the while you acted like my friend you could have spoken up but you didn't how many times have you sat in my home eaten my food knowing what Linda was doing with your brother did you enjoy making me a fool now my family's torn up part and you're partly
responsible because of you three I'll never trust another woman again and my kids lost their mother I hope you're satisfied I'm not happy about this John Natalie insisted I'm sorry sorry is not enough Natalie I countered you all conspired to wreck my family for 12 years you didn't care how it hurt me or my kids and now you've succeeded that's not how it went down Natalie defended really was it just business between you I challenged at first yes she admitted it was Grant's idea Linda went along because she wanted the job but she wasn't happy
things changed over time so even after she sold her company and said she retired I queried that was all her decision Natalie clarified I thought it would stop but Linda kept it going then she made a bad choice I remarked but you still played a part I'm really sorry about that John Natalie apologized none of us meant to hurt you but you did I stated in the worst way possible it's best if you gather your family and leave my house Natalie she nodded in understanding I get it John she responded softly before heading out oh
and Natalie I called after her she turned back to me don't ever come back she wiped away a tear and left to find Denise and Ralph Linda and Grant were lying naked in bed when her phone buzzed signaling a new message assuming it was John sending photos from Sophie's party she quickly checked it only to read a text from Natalie he's on to to us oh damn she blurted out what's wrong Grant asked it's Natalie JN knows everything Linda explained I should clean up and head home is that a good idea Grant questioned yes Linda
affirmed throwing on a bathrobe and getting out of bed just then the doorbell rang who Could That Be Grant wondered aloud peering out the window to see a sedan and a moving truck in the driveway he hastily put on some clothes and a robe with Linda following behind upon opening the door they were met by a man in a light jacket what's up Grant inquired are you grant Jacobs the man asked yeah Grant replied and is Linda Walker here too that's me Linda confirmed stepping forward I'll need to see some ID the man requested why
Grant questioned reaching for his wallet the man silently checked Grant's license before handing him an envelope you've been served the man informed him then turning to Linda he requested her identification sure Linda complied retrieving her wallet after inspecting her license the man handed her another envelope you've been served he stated and there's a restraining order included you both must stay at least 500 ft away from Mr John Walker his home his workplace and his Children's School violating this order could lead to your arrest have a good day with that he departed leaving Linda and Grant
stunned as they exchanged looks excuse me is Linda Walker here asked another man in jeans and a t-shirt yeah that's me Linda replied the man handed her a paper bag with an envelope attached leaving her puzzled I was told to deliver this to you Ma'am I've got some other boxes too the man explained where should I put them Grant and Linda exchanged a look before Grant spoke up just leave them in the front room for now he instructed thanks sir the man said heading back to the truck as they watched the men brought in several
boxes and stacked them in the front room as directed meanwhile Linda opened the envelope inside there was a man's wedding ring a note and her torn up marriage license tears welled up in Linda's eyes as she read the note Linda the typed note began I've done nothing but love and support you throughout our marriage imagine my shock to find out you've been having an affair with Grant Jacobs for the past 12 years this is how you repay My Love by lying and cheating you always claimed it was just business but now I see it was
much more than that I hope it was worth it I I suggest you see a lawyer as soon as possible I've already divided our finances according to the divorce papers and changed the locks on the doors since I've been the main caregiver for the kids since you started your affair with Grant I'm asking for full custody but I won't deny you visitation have your lawyer get in touch with mine to arrange it also since Grant said you could stay with him I've sent all your stuff to his place if there's anything else you want from
the house have your lawyer talk to mine and we'll sort it out I don't want to see you or hear your lies anymore please stay away from me and the kids if you try to reach out I'll enforce the restraining order don't make the divorce harder than it needs to be I don't want it to get ugly especially for the kids but I will if you push it just so you know I have evidence from a private investigator who's been watching you for the past month I haven't told the kids why we're divorcing yet but
I will when the time is right your parents know some of what's going on but not all of it it's time to do the right thing and end this fake marriage as of now Linda you mean nothing to me goodbye signed John tears streamed down Linda's face as she opened the paper bag and found the ashes of her wedding gown the same one she wore when she married JN she collapsed on the floor crying Grant held her and read the letter that jerk he said I'll confront him for this no Grant please don't I don't
want you getting into trouble because of me this is my mess she said what did you get he's suing me for causing him emotional distress Grant said HEK asking for five millionar I'll talk to my lawyer to see what we can do about all this I wonder if heun's going after Natalie too Linda said letun find out Grant said dialing his phone if he is we need to meet and figure out how to handle this mess after the birthday bash ended I thanked everyone for joining and for the presence looking around at the chaos I
knew cleanup would keep me busy for a while Sophie approached tears welling up what's wrong honey I asked embracing her I just wish Mom could have been here she sniffled I miss her yeah me too I sighed but she had other plans Sophie's expression turned sad are you and Mom splitting up she asked tears streaming down her cheeks I didn't want to spoil her day but I knew the talk was inevitable wek discuss it later all right is it because of that guy Grant Aaron chimed in why do you think that I probed I've heard
mom chatting with him on the phone a bunch he shared it was intriguing but I decided to leave it there for now letun leave it for tomorrow I stated firmly today is all about Sophie's celebration right now I need your help to tidy up okay sure thing dad Aaron nodded I hugged Sophie once more and planted a kiss on her cheek everything will be okay I assured her wiping her tear I love you I love you too Daddy she whispered Ronda and George pitched in to tidy upjn you going to be all right Ronda asked
before they left I'll manage I replied thanks for Lending a hand anytime she said if you need anything just say the word I appreciate it I acknowledged Ronda hugged me and George shook my hand take care son he said after they drove off I locked up and headed upstairs crashing into bed almost instantly the following day I woke up and tackled my usual Sunday chores after fixing breakfast for us three while I mowed the lawn Aaron handled the edging after wrapping up we tidied everything and put it away when it was time for lunch I
headed in showered and was surprised to find Sophie preparing sandwiches we sat at the the table to eat then cleared our plates Sophie looked at me expectantly okay Dad she began what's the deal I knew this chat was inevitable so I led the kids to the living room and we sat down there's no easy way to say this so here it is I started I'm splitting up with your mom the news landed without much reaction from the kids which surprised me I had expected more emotion mom's been seeing that Grant guy huh Aaron piped up
yeah I confirmed my voice low I had a feeling Aaron added bet it's been a long time right why do you say that I questioned him just how she talks to him he explained I've overheard her on the phone she talks to him like she talks to you Dad it made sense I hadn't picked up on it earlier probably because I always trusted her and respected her privacy listening in on her calls with Grant or anyone else never crossed my mind so how long has this been going on Dad Sophie inquired about 12 years sweetheart
I replied Sophie gasped that's almost since I was born she realized pretty much I affirmed damn Sophie muttered sorry Dad she added quickly sensing her language might not be appropriate understanding her frustration I let it slide can I stick with you she asked absolutely if that's what you want I assured her me too Dad Aaron chimed in Youk always been there for us thank you guys that means the world to me I expressed actually I requested custody of you both I revealed I opened my arms and they both hugged me tightly it filled me with
immense Joy knowing my kids wanted to be with me after a heartfelt Embrace we carried on with the day though sadness lingered in the house the following days passed without any trouble George and Ronda kindly picked up the kids after school and stayed until I returned from work I felt bad for inconveniencing them but they were understanding and happy to assist Rhonda even took charge of dinner easing my load on Tuesday my lawyer Lisa called Linda had consulted with her own lawyer and expressed a desire to see the kids I was hesitant to have her
over fearing she might do something rash like take them away what about the restraining order I inquired if you agree we could temporarily suspend it from 900 p.m. Friday night to 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning Lisa proposed it's tough but appearing reasonable is key got it how about she visits them at her folks place on Saturday I suggested I can drop them off Friday after school and pick them up either Saturday night or Sunday I'll propose that and see what her lawyer says Lisa agreed no way should Grant or Natalie be there I emphasized and the
kids might not want to see her they're not too happy with her right now I'll relay that Lisa assured anything else I inquired yes her lawyer wants the full Pi report Lisa informed me I've compiled it and sent it off she should have it by Thursday at the latest so she's lawyered up I confirmed l Cinda hired Beth Sawyer on Monday Lisa informed me I'm surprised Beth took the case given her strong feelings against cheaters my guess is she did it because she works at the same firm as Grant's lawyer anyway I'll chat with Beth
and see how it goes I'll keep you posted the following day Lisa got back to me Linda and her lawyer agreed to my terms with the condition that I suspend the restraining order for 36 hours from midnight Saturday to noon Sunday it would only apply to Linda not Grant or Natalie they also settled on Linda visiting the kids at her parents house and not taking them anywhere if the kids were okay with it Linda would stay there overnight I agreed to avoid looking unreasonable to the court initially the kids weren't thrilled but I convinced them
to give it a shot George and Rhonda agreed to pick them up from school on Friday and return them Sunday afternoon though I had my doubts I trusted them George even suggested we hit a bar for some sports and beer Saturday night on Friday morning I made sure the kids had everything they needed for the weekend after hugs and kisses I dropped them off at school reminding them to call if Grant Natalie or their mom showed up once I knew they were safe inside I headed to work the next evening George swung by around 5:30
and we headed to the flat stick Pub a popular sports bar downtown over burgers and beers we caught up while watching the screens between bites George filled me in Linda showed up around 9:00 this morning he said it was tense at first but things calmed down the kids aren't thrilled with her and they made that clear surprisingly she came clean that's unexpected I admitted she claims she still loves you I think she's aiming for reconciliation George said are you considering it not after all the lies and deceit for 12 years I replied I get that
by the way did you really burn her wedding dress that thing cost me over $2,000 when you two got married George asked felt like the right move at the time I chuckled her lawyer apparently gave her an earful after going through the pi report George mentioned she might be starting to understand your side of things too little too late I replied George nodded and took a sip of his beer suddenly there was a disturbance behind me I turned just in time to feel a blow to my head and stars filled my vision as I hit
the floor I saw a foot swinging towards me dazed but instinctive I dodged it Grant's Furious voice rang out I'm G to end you you jerk struggling to my senses I remembered my dad's old self-defense lessons summoning all my strength I did it hard in the groin he cried out and stumbled back hitting a nearby table seizing the opportunity I jumped at him it was pure rage fueled by the destruction of my marriage and family there was no finesse or fancy moves just raw Fury unbeknownst to me Grant was already out cold as I continued
to rain blows on him it took George and another guy to pull me off him but not before I yelled something incoherent when I came to I was in a hospital bed with a doctor examining me my right hand was bandaged and my left arm was in a cast an IV dripped into my vein and my head throbbed painfully I think HEK be okay the doctor reassured someone HEK have a bad headache for a while but there's no sign of a concussion wek give him some pain relief and let him rest before sending him home
thanks Doc George chimed in confused I glanced at him he grinned back hear that you're going to make it I know you're in pain but you should see the other guy word is he's going to lose a testicle got some teeth knocked out and almost lost an eyeball seems you busted a knuckle on his jaw that was Grant right yeah I rasped how long have I been here since last night it's now 8:30 Sunday morning George replied oh and there are a couple of big cops outside who want to have a chat with you ready
for that might as well get it done I muttered George motioned to the officers and they entered the room Mr ER I'm Sergeant Smith and this is Officer Jones we responded to the incident at the flat stick Pub last night how are you feeling this morning sir Smith inquired like I got smacked upside the head I admitted Smith nodded and checked his notes what can you tell us about last night he prompted not a whole lot I was just having a burger and beer with my father-in-law here and suddenly I'm getting hit I recounted the
guy threatened me so I had to defend myself Smith glanced over his note notes that's pretty much what the witnesses said and the surveillance video backs it up do you know the man who attacked you Smith asked yeah his name's Grant Jacobs I've got a lawsuit against him and he's part of my divorce proceedings I explained divorce the sergeant queried yeah I confirmed got it he noted in his Pad so you want to press charges yes definitely and there's also a restraining order against him I asserted all right we'll look into that just so you
know it's probably best if you stay in town for a bit in case we need to talk to you again Smith advised no worries Sergeant I assured him raising my hands he nodded with a smile before they exited the room once they were gone Ronda Linda and the kids entered why is she here I asked glaring at Linda my restraining order doesn't kick back in until noon Linda explained I thought you'd be with your boyfriend I remarked she glanced down feeling embarrassed I wanted to see you first she admitted besides Natalie's with him and he's
still recovering I nodded and the kids clustered around me Sophie's eyes welled up will you be okay Daddy she asked I'll manage sweetheart I assured her I heard you really gave Grant a beating last night Aaron chimed in with a grin that's the talk all right I acknowledged glancing at George but it's nothing to boast about you catch my drift got it Dad Aaron affirmed are you all right John Linda inquired heun going to be fine Sophie reassured her mother wek take good care of him won't we Aaron yeah we got this my son affirmed
Linda glanced at our teenage kids before speaking if it's okay with you guys I'd like to chat with your dad alone for a bit she requested they glanced at her briefly before nodding sure thing Sophie agreed but we'll be right outside come on Aaron she urged reaching for her brother they exited the room trailed by George and Rhonda John Linda began once we were alone I can't express how sorry I am about everything well like I told Natalie last Saturday is sorry doesn't even begin to cover it I replied you lied to me and cheated
on me for what 12 years and you think sorry is supposed to make it all right was I that terrible of a husband all I did was love and support you I don't get it you were are the best husband and father she said sorrowfully but even that wasn't enough for you was it it's not like that she protested really that's how it looks from where I'm standing I countered you don't understand she insisted then help me understand I pressed at first it was just a way to secure my job she explained Grant made having
closeness with me a condition for getting the position it's illegal why didn't you come to me first we could have taken action oh I see you wanted that job so bad Sly that you thought sleeping with Grant was a small price to pay even if it tore our family apart I made a PCT with the devil basically she admitted so now you're pointing fingers at the Devil I scoffed give me a break the reality is you craved that job so much you were willing to sleep with him for it even if it meant losing everything
remember your old Mantra it's just business tell me Linda where does tearing our family apart fit into your bottom line huh what I'm curious about is why you kept it going after you supposedly retired that was my fault she admitted I guess I reached a point where I thought I could have it both ways you have feelings for him don't you that's why you kept at it how long did you plan to keep it up forever did you really believe I'd never find out or did you expect me to just accept it once I did
and remember I know more than you think I reminded her yeah I started to care for him she confessed it was tough not to after all those years I thought you loved me enough to let me have this I tried my best not to let it affect you are you serious I exclaimed every moment you spent with him took away from us surely you recall the concept of opportunity cost the loss of potential gain from other options when one is chosen you chose him over your family consequently you lost your family but I still love
you she insisted I've never stopped loving you but you lost respect for me I countered she looked stunned no never she protested yes you did did I insisted that's why you told him you'd be with him for life and threaten to harm me in a divorce her eyes widened you heard that she gasped yes and more I affirmed for instance you told Grant you'd rather spend time with him than with your own daughter on her birthday what kind of mother does that what kind of message does that send to a vulnerable teenager did you even
think about her or about Aaron when you missed his birthday last year she flinched at that I suppose I just fail as a wife and a mother she murmured softly that's your interpretation not mine but if it applies I Shrugged oh and I'm sure your partner in crime will be relieved to know I can't chase him down for child support had DNA tests done and the kids are mine she stared at me stunned wow you actually thought I'd do that to you she exclaimed well you lied to me for 12 years I stated you schemed
and tricked me all that time hiding your Affair what else would I think oh and you might want to know I have picked up anything from the two of you you might not realize it but Grant likes to play the field you're not his only Conquest I suspected but I wasn't sure what's next she inquired sign the papers Linda end this fake marriage then get help and sort yourself out for the kids sake I urged you'll likely have plenty of time I bet Grant's going to be a resident of the state for a while you're
probably right she conceded okay I'll sign the papers I'm sorry John for everything you already said that I reminded her I guess I did huh well thanks for letting me spend time with the kids this weekend she acknowledged no problem I replied I know you doubt it but I do love you she confessed and I wish you could find a way to forgive me and give us another shot you're right I don't buy it but thanks for saying it I responded I suppose a part of me will always care for you too but it's not
enough I need to trust my partner and after what you did I'm not sure if I can trust anyone again she nodded silently tears streaming down her face I understand she whispered goodbye John she gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room in tears George Rhonda and the kids entered afterward everything okay Son George inquired yeah I replied we talked it out I think she finally gets how badly she messed up so does that mean you and Mom are getting back together Sophie asked I shook my head no honey I said but
you still love each other she insisted it takes more than just love to make a marriage last Sophie I explained trust is just as important and right now I don't trust her someday you'll understand this yourself after a final checkup from the doctor I was released George drove me home with the kids later that night I received a frantic call from George and Linda Natalie informed them that Linda took too many sleeping pills in drinking alcohol Natalie discovered her unconscious at Grant's place while retrieving some of his belongings a note on her night stand simply
said I'm sorry though she nearly passed Linda survived and spent a couple of days in the hospital following evaluation by mental health professionals she was placed under George and Rhonda's care eventually moving back in with them she signed the divorce papers without contesting anything Lisa informed me that I would be officially divorced in 90 days free yeah right grant and Natalie's attorney swiftly settled with us for half of what I initially demanded this left me with about $3.5 million after attorney fees I allocated a million each for the kids college funds and saved the rest
I began planning a Mediterranean cruise for them during their next summer vacation Grant was convicted of aggravated offense battery and attempted ending based on video evidence he received a 10-year sentence in state prison but could be eligible for parole in around 8.5 years whenever I visited George and ronda's place with the kids I'd see Linda sometimes we'd chat for a bit but I couldn't shake off what she'd done she was seeing a counselor to figure out her actions still holding on to hope that I'd take her back I was glad she was seeking help but
it felt like too little too late over time she slowly reconnected with the kids which was a relief George mentioned she spent most of her time writing for business blogs and wasn't interested in dating she was disappointed to hear about the Mediterranean Cruise I planned with the kids but she handled it gracefully wishing us the best the kids often sent her messages with photos from our travels during the Cru I met Nikki a Charming woman from British Columbia also on a post- divorce trip she was a bit younger than Linda with blonde hair and a
cheerful demeanor I enjoyed her habit of ending sentences with a she had two kids a bit younger than mine spending summer with their grandparents in Idaho we spent a lot of time together sharing our stories and even sharing a bed a few times Sophie teased me about having a girlfriend we exchanged contact info when the cruise ended promising to keep in touch through email and Skype though I'm not sure where it will lead we chat online at least twice a week life at home adjusted without Linda my boss was flexible allowing me to manage taking
the kids to school and picking them up I knew Aaron would soon be old enough to drive and take over that responsibility after our return from the cruise George delivered some troubling news they're putting Linda in a mental hospital he said why I asked sopie sent her a photo of us dining with that Canadian lady from your cruise he explained Linda didn't take it well she ended herself we found her in the tub I can't believe it I said I'm really sorry to hear that it was genuine sympathy but there was a small part of
me that felt a sense of justice now Linda had a taste of the pain I went through when I found out about her and Grant yeah it's tough thankfully she messed it up and survived but the docs say she needs constant care George explained Ronda and I can't keep up with it 24/7 so they decided she needs to be in a care facility how long do they think she'll 'll be there I inquired it's uncertain son could be a few years or it might be permanent George replied we just taking it one day at a
time if you need anything just let me know I offered thanks son I appreciate that George said Nikki and I kept up our long-distance relationship and I found myself growing closer to her with every conversation I started imagining a future with her she felt sorry about Linda especially for the impact it had on George Ronda and the kids sharing my feelings during our last chat Nikki brought up the idea of visiting us with her kids or having us come up to her place a two-story log house on 50 acres of forest north of Cam Loops
built in the late 1800s I'd never been that far north so it sounded intriguing whether anything comes of it well that's a story for another [Music] day [Music]
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