15 Signs Your Cat Considers You Its Mother

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Imprinting is common in mammals. It is a critical period where an animal picks one person or animal ...
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imprinting is common in mammals it is a critical period where an animal picks one person or animal and forms a strong and enduring bond with that individual cats have been known to imprint on humans showing an obvious preference for one person over others your cat May imprint on you when they see you as a source of safety shelter food and companionship while some people consider cats aloof many cats have a favorite person in the house who they've grown especially fond of but how do you know if your cat is imprinted on you in this video
we will talk about 15 ways your cat is saying you are their favorite person number 15 you have a little four-legged Shadow following you around the house is one of the most common signals that your cat has imprinted on you if your cat follows you to the bathroom bedroom and kitchen then you and your cat have developed a deep attachment it shows how much your pet loves to be around you your cat is looking to you for love and come money and for cues as to what will happen next don't chew your cat away cats
get lonely just like us let your cats simply be in your presence and make the most of this special bond on that note keep in mind if your feline friend insists on maintaining a distance from you or even disappears whenever you come in the room then there's a good chance your pet feels uncomfortable around you and you may want to look into figuring out why number 14 you're their sleep buddy sleeping puts a cat in a very vulnerable position cats are very concerned about their safety and won't sleep where they aren't sure about their surroundings
if your cat has imprinted on you they may take their spot next to you and snuggle up close this means they trust you to protect them should a predator launch a nighttime attack they can also rest easy knowing you won't do anything terrible to them while they're asleep cats will only sleep next to someone they feel safe with if your cat sleeps with you it's a sign of trust love and security all signs that your cat has imprinted on you number 13. they have conversations with you vocalizing is another common sign that your cat is
attached to you cats are far more vocal with humans than with other cats animal experts believe this is a behavioral adaptation that helps cats to communicate with us in the way that we understand best if your cat utter specific vocalizations like trilling purring chirping and Tiny high-pitched meows when you are around it demonstrates how strong your bond is it means they're feeling happy and excited to be around you and trying to tell you all about it it may sound silly but try responding in kind by imitating their sounds they will understand it as a display
of affection number 12. they groom you when it comes to signs of imprinting grooming is one of the biggest especially if you're the one who gets the honor more than others grooming Behavior such as licking a human's hair or face signals that your cat considers you a close companion they lick you to keep you clean and show you they care about your well-being grooming is also a way of social bonding when your cat licks your ears hair hands or feet they leave behind their distinct scent that lets other cats know that you belong to their
social group mother cats May lick their kittens to mark them as belonging to her and your cat licks you to tell the world that you're theirs in other words your cat considers you part of their family and their favorite one at that number 11. they bite you it is common for cats to bite to show affection but only with gentle and more controlled nibbles it is different from a fearful or defensive bite that's meant to cause harm love bites are not usually a company made by other obvious warning signs such as flattened ears raised fur
or hissing these Love Bites may feel weird but it is a sign your cat loves you and enjoys your company number 10 they want you to smell like them is your cat obsessed with rubbing their chin and cheeks on you curling round your ankles or giving you a headbutt cats have scent glands located around their face and body that they use to mark their territory when a cat rubs against you or walks between your legs they are actually marking you with their scent this is so they can communicate to others that you belong to their
social group and you are theirs this is a type of territorial behavior that indicates affection and a bonded relationship number eight they keep making biscuits on you kneading is another unique feline behavior that can mean your cat has imprinted on you cats begin kneading just after birth they perform this instinctive behavior on their mother's nipples to stimulate colostrum and milk production although cats originally need for milk they continue performing this action past their nursing age when they do that to you it is a way of expressing pleasure and happiness it is a sign of deep
attachment and bonded relationship your cat is in good emotional well-being and feels secure and comfortable around you number seven they show you their belly all the time lying on their back and exposing their belly puts cats in a very vulnerable position and makes them open to attack from predators and makes it harder to defend themselves it's a risky business and Cats won't do it in front of just anyone if your feline friend constantly shows you their belly they're telling you that they trust you completely number six eye to eye a slow blink is another sign
of feline affection that is often missed by humans if you notice your cat stares at you and they slowly close and open their eyes they are trying to tell you that they trust you and care about you cats only exhibit this Behavior around people and felines they are bonded with remember for cats closing their eyes in the presence of another human or animal is a huge sign of trust number five purring in your presence more often than not cats purr when they are happy and content if your cat purrs when you pet them it means
they feel very comfortable around you and that they are happy you are there do keep in mind that cats also purr when they are in pain or nervous but this is often paired with negative body language such as laying their ears flat putting their head down or hiding number four they don't seem friendly with other people it's normal for cats to have better chemistry or closer bonds with some people rather than with others cats are notorious for playing favorites and some felines are just cooler than others never warming up to anyone if you notice your
cat often turns to you for pets and interactions but consistently ignores others this is a clear sign that you are their favorite number four they have memorized your routine imprinting can also mean paying extra attention to you and everything you do does your kitty seem to know when you're about to get ready for bed leave for work or come back home if so you've been deemed worthy of their constant and sustained attention cats don't like to waste energy on things that don't provide an immediate reward so your cat's Keen observation of you and your activities
means they value you a lot number three they sit on your lap when a cat is imprinted on you they like to be wherever you are and that includes sitting on your lap or next to you your lap is a safe place where your cat can relax while enjoying the warmth and comfort of their favorite person it's your cat's way of Simply being close to you offering affection and being social number two you are their favorite playmate it goes without saying that cats don't do anything they don't want to do and they definitely don't engage
with people they don't trust while many cats love playing they won't play with you if they haven't accepted you as part of their family if your cat chooses to play with you then congratulations they've imprinted on you number one you receive the most gifts from your cat unfortunately your cat can't get you roses from a store instead they make do with what they have though they might not be the kind of things you'd put on your wish list your cat may bring you presents like a dead mouse a frog a bug trash or their toys
because they love you cats are natural hunters and they only share their prey with someone they trust so if your feline Hunter brings you a gift like a dead mouse think of it as a sign of affection and love after all they're sharing their hard one prize with you and only you
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