You NEED To Be A “BAD” Person To Manifest

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Being a good person is stopping you from manifesting… Why do bad things happen to good people and g...
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manifesting is only for bad people now unfortunately you're going to have to be a bad person in air quotes in order for you to actually materialize your desired reality that is actually probably the thing that is currently limiting you now a lot of people get caught up in the techniques strategies and methods and you're writing your goals down three times in the morning six times in the afternoon and nine times at night you're doing a 100 affirmations while staring at yourself in the mirror like a psychopath but clearly none of that ain't cut it and
the reason being is because you actually need to become a bad person to materialize what it is that you want and you're going to have more of an understanding what I mean when I say a bad person I don't mean you're going to be doing a mad thing kicking babies nothing like that but you are going to have to understand that there is something within this particular type of frequency the label of what it means to be good or bad that is actually hindering you cuz you're a good person I know it don't lie to
me I see you smiling I know you're a good person so let's get straight into it now somebody asked me who are your favorite spiritual teachers so I'm going to say this again home Lander Damon Targaryen uh Franklin Saint season 6 episode five ghost from Power maybe Tariq Tariq St Patrick maybe maybe I give it to him he's all right and somebody said they subscribed because I'm Aon I'm locked up that actually made me laugh now let's get straight into it so when I say manifesting is for bad people you're first going to have to
understand what it actually means to be a good person and a bad person now without going too deep into the concept of morality right because I don't want to twist anybody's Minds in a particular way I'll probably make it separate video on that but when we think about being a good person there's a whole bunch of traits and characteristics that come with the meaning of being a good person that is actually hindering you and until you have the ability to override your goodness you're going to continue to hit the ceiling every time you strive to
materialize what it is you want no matter what technique you do [ __ ] I promise you it's nothing to do with the techniques I always want you guys to remember this in actually so I'm going talking about techniques and stuff like that there are certain principles when it comes to reality creation that will beat any new strategy it will beat any new technique so on and so forth because there's always going to be something new there's always going to be a new shiny object law of assumption this is the best way to visualize this
is how you do your vision boards so on and so forth and you need to detach from that I've already told you this none of those techniques actually work they only work due to the emotional conviction that you pour into them which activates their ability to work my point being being it is all you you are the secret technique now understanding what it means to be a good person let's think about this what it means to be a good person number one and bear in mind bear in mind I'm not talking about what it actually
means to be a good person I'm talking about from a point of reference when it comes to materialization of your reality and from a point of frequency what it means to be a good person well it means not doing too much what else does it mean it means staying in line it means making people comfortable it means being relatable and by the way I receive so many messages I'm seeing [ __ ] copying my YouTube titles my actual words bar for bar in videos and thank you like they say imitation is the highest form of
flattery so I am indeed flattered now what was I saying here what did I say here be making comfortable what did I say here do you remember what I was saying ah perfect thank you being relatable thank you very much AJ being relatable now let's go across these one by one because they all need to be deconstructed in order for you to actually understand how they're hindering you because whether you realize this or not everything that I've wrote is everything that you're doing and I know that for a fact or you would have clicked off
this video already but no there you are still here so let's look at the first one not doing too much now you have to understand if you are the type of person that I think you are the type of person that this type of video was attracted to you're an individual with extraordinary dreams you have desires that you want to materialize that would probably break people's minds around you to the point that you can't even tell them CU they're going to laugh at you and be like so on and so forth now because of that
there's an aspect of you that knows one once you strive and here's the thing most of you are afraid of success and you don't even realize how this fear of success is actually subconsciously and unconsciously preventing you from from being able to attain it because you're not doing too much you don't want to do too much you know that if you're able to materialize that desired reality you want those around you are going to be saying now you're doing too much I'm sure you've had these moments where you've had this Vision that you want to
live for your life these things that you want to materialize and those around you are like come on man my point being like a nail that is stood out they Hammer you back in pause understanding that even more when you're in that position where you're afraid of not doing too much what this ends up doing is limiting yourself to actually be able to strive for what it is that you want to attain because like I said if you're not trying to do too much then you're going to do what are you going to do you're
going to do what everybody else is doing you're going to strive for mediocrity now there's nothing wrong with mediocrity if that's what you're striving for but if you're somebody who wants to be an anomaly if you're somebody who wants to be extraordinary and you're being kind of I guess compressed in a sense back to the alignment of how everybody else moves because you don't want to do too much when you're afraid of doing too much you end up doing what everybody else does and when you end up doing what everybody else does essentially you fall
into mediocrity and what mediocrity is whether you realize this or not is a particular frequency and once you fallen into that frequency due to energetic momentum building how small winds become tornadoes that's how snowballs become Avalanches it Stacks and stacks and Stacks and stacks without you even realizing until you look around and then you think to yourself hey I'm just like everybody else but it's good right because if you weren't like everybody else then you'd be considered a bad person right you see how It's Tricky now the next thing you do you stay in line
you stay in line once again similar to the first one you know that if you're able to materialize and in fact I won't say if because that's a that's a nonsensical word when you materialize your desired reality because you're going to you wouldn't be watching this video if you weren't going to it's just a matter of time now when you're able to materialize your desired reality you're no longer going to be in the line with everybody else where everybody else is in this line you're going to be over here and you know what that comes
with which kind of almost links into this last one that I put over here there's an aspect of you that wants to be relatable I'll give you an example so go back to school you done a test and you absolutely you [ __ ] that test it was absolutely terrible you completely messed it up the test yeah you completely absolutely butched it sorry I hit the microphone you absolutely botched it your friend comes out they're like nah that Tesla was easy now that test was light that test was easy how do you feel and it's
unconscious it's not like you're upset that your friend done well you're just upset that you can't relate at that particular moment in time and that's a very very minor example but think about it like this when you absolutely fail a test and you know after you just wrote that paper you just know you don't even need the teacher to Market you know what you know you failed that test and your friend comes out and they're like yo I yo absolutely fail that test that was terrible how do you feel you feel slightly better you're like
damn well at least I'm in this with you and once again it's the aspect of relatability and what you don't understand is your desire to be relatable to everybody around you is actually what is limiting your ability to achieve that which goes beyond the mediocrity because you have to understand when you're striving to be relatable to those around you the question I want to ask you is do you want to be like those around you I know I didn't I'm not being like these guys in the ends I'm not I'm not I'm not doing that
I'm not doing that regardless my point being you have to understand that your desire to relate to those around you and to be able to comfortably hang out with those around you is actually what is preventing you from being able to attain your goal because the vision that you want to materialize your desired reality go Beyond everybody else and because it goes beyond everybody else on an unconscious level you're self-sabotaging your yourself from a point of frequency to then be repelled from your actual desired reality and it all comes back into this I want you
to understand that all of these they're kind of all link to to another because even up here when we're talking about being related being making people feel comfortable sorry you know for a fact if you're the only one who's got bread and you're the only one one who's successful around all your friends who aren't you're going to make them feel uncomfortable you're going to feel uncomfortable and because you have such a problem with the uncomfortability cuz you guess what you're trying to be you're trying to be a good person you're trying to be a good
person right or for the sake of being a good person cuz you know the moment that you're unrelatable to those around you going to say oh he changed oh he switched up oh he's going Hollywood or he thinks he's better than us you're going to make them feel uncomfortable how are they how the hell are going to how the hell are they going to be able to chill around you you're not going to be staying in line no more you're not going to be like everybody around you and you're going to be doing too much
which are all things that you're extremely terrified of why I'm going to tell you why and it's actually quite a parasitic entity and until you're able to sever that connection you're going to continue to fall for each and every one of these things and you know it's facts cuz you're still watching this so you get what I'm saying because let's be real who wants to be considered somebody who's unrelatable to those around them we don't we don't want to switch up on those around us our friends our family we still want to be able to
materialize our desired reality but we don't want to switch up on our friends so how do we balance this contrast you got to pick one or the other we don't want to make people around us feel uncomfortable why would we who likes that it's just it's just a bit bit weird like who who would want that we just want to be like everybody else why and it's because of a parasitic entity which technically you don't want any of this you've been subjected to thinking you want this but I'll show I'll show you what it is
I'll tell you you're going to get some just wait right there and this actually goes so deep especially especially if you grow up in like the hood you notice because the worst thing that anybody who's from the ghetto the hood is afraid of is hearing you changed that's like death that's like death and in a sense it is deatha because let me ask you a question every video of mine that you watch or every other video that you've watched every podcast that you've listened to every book that you've read have you really worked that hard
to stay the same and here's the thing if you want to materialize that desired reality of yours you're going to have to get out of being in alignment with everybody else you're going to have to make people feel uncomfortable you're not going to be able to relate to those around you and guess what the moment you do that they're going to say oh he changed she changed they changed now they're not a good person they're not a good person because here's the thing about being a good [Laughter] person and it's funny it's so funny because
here's what being a good person means to the average person what being a good person means to the average person is doing what they want you to now that's to the average person now of course we could actually go into the definition and the contrast of good or bad whether it exists or not for the mere fact that is nothing more than polarity within the third dimensional realm as you transcend the higher levels of understanding there is no more morality you want to prove it throw somebody off a building and see if an angel or
God pauses gravity to stop that good person it doesn't electricity doesn't discriminate and neither does fire my point being for the average person what being good really means is just doing what they want you to that's it and your desire to be seen as a good person by everybody isn't actually a reflection of your own personal characteristics it's actually a reflection of their own insecurities and their own limitations projected onto you to remain within the box that they are in and now was a b make sure you write that one down and actually put my
water mark in a back so them [ __ ] don't steal it again now the parasitic entity that I was referring to earlier that is currently sucking you of all your energy pores and stopping your ability to actually materialize as your desired reality is a what is called a social contract and guess what you sign this yeah you and you you sign this we all signed it and what is a social contract it is a well I saw social contract is an agreement that you sign up to upon being born to receive love in exchange
for Conformity now what is the emotion that controls the most people I want you to just say it to yourself now chances are you said fear if I'm wrong then you got me bro but chances are you said fear it's either always fear or love and the truth of the matter is the thing that controls more people Beyond fear is love why because babies aren't born with fear it's rare that a baby is born with fear in a sense you know that's why you'll see babies playing with snakes picking up spiders and the mom's like
ah and then the babies get scared and then all of a sudden they become programmed subconsciously to associate that particular spider with that reaction that they had from their mother and then they perpetuate it but going on from that it's love you're born everybody's like oh what a cute baby oh look at them what a cute baby oh so cute everything you do is great and you receive love love love love but once again understand this is all subconscious and your subconscious mind is the womb of your reality once again you grow up the moment
you do something that steps out of alignment what do they do they say no no no no no no that's not good that's not good that love that they've been continuously throwing your way is withheld anytime you don't do something that they want love is a bigger controller of fear most of us men work hard at the things we do because we want love not because we're afraid we want love same thing with women love is actually the biggest motivator behind everything more people are driven by love than fear they just don't realize it the
fear is more immediate but the love is unconscious it's in the back it's something that you don't really recognize until you actually self explore and self analyze my point being love is the one thing that we all want so we signed the social contract upon being born to say hey so long as you can form and be like everybody else I'll give you that love I'll give it to you but guess what you have to conform and if you don't conform if you don't be a good person we're not going to give you love and
guess what that fear of lacking love is exactly what keeps you conformed and so long as you're conformed you're taking the frequency of everybody else and so long as you've taken the frequency of everybody else you're going to receive the equivalent physical expression of everybody else that's why you've been struggling to materialize what it is that you want it's not because this technique doesn't work or this doesn't work or this doesn't work or you can't persist and how do you maintain frequency and how do you have confidence it's not anything because of that it's not
it's because you're afraid of not receiving the love that you get for conforming to the point where subconsciously unconsciously you're repelling your desired reality from you because you know upon attaining that desired reality you would lose the love of everybody around you the de and it's a parasitic entity it really really is because you have to understand and I've said this before in what video did I mentioned this in uh I think he was outsmart in the game of reality no it's how to be a God over your self-limiting beliefs in that particular video I
express to you that you have to understand that beliefs are nothing more than repeated thought form energy and emotional energy that combination creates a a spiritual body which is known as an entity when that entity is created it seeks to remain in existence for the very purpose that it was created this social contract is an entity of itself how do you know because every time you think about doing something to move into the direction of your desired reality you're reminded that upon attaining that you would break a social contract and you would lose the love
of those around you what's it called I'll tell you what it's called it's called survivor's guilt this doesn't just extend to people who have been to war make it back when all their friends are no longer around it extends to us just simply in a different level and that level is I know if I'm able to materialize my desired around me chances are those around me they haven't materialized their desired reality yet so if I continue to succeed you're going to start feeling guilty aren't you you will and then guess what that guilt does the
frequency of guilt begins to alter the frequency of your desired reality and because the AL the frequency of your desired reality your desired reality ceases to come into existence hopefully by now you should be having some good liall moments because you're too good of a person in fact you're so much a good person that it's stopping you from materializing your desired reality what a contradictory paradoxical sentence which you understand the implications of it now don't you social contracts social contracts now let's look at bad people because these individuals you know and don't worry I'm sure
you've asked yourself the question of why do bad things happen to good people and that was a question I ask myself all the time especially growing up in an environment where everybody's working as hard as they can I was raised by my mom and my auntie you know seeing them work as hard as they can and even those around me with friends friends of family members or family m themselves I could never conceptualize how these angels of people are going through these particular forms of reality never made sense to me but then I got that
question answered don't worry and it's not because God has a plan as uh my past used to say to me that was just nonsense I'll give you the answer don't worry but before then I need you to be a bad person yes I need you to be a bad person I know they saying what a spiritual [ __ ] tell you they tell you loving light and all this other [ __ ] but even darkness is light you know people act as if light is better than Darkness but if I put you in a as
as Dr Phil um Valentine said shout out to him as he said you know if I put you in a room full of light you wouldn't be able to see but if I put you in a room full of dark you wouldn't be able to see again which one's better none you can't clap with one hand polarity has to coexist it is nothing more than the third dimensional labels that we attribute towards things that actually give it the meaning but in of itself it has no meaning now I need you to be a bad person
in fact I want you to be a bad person after this video I want people to think nah they're not a good person cuz anytime they're saying that that means you're you're you're strengthening the frequency to materialize your desired reality so let's look at bad people air codes now I'm not talking about the physical actions of being bad I don't want you going out slapping babies and stuff like that don't be doing anything crazy like that when I'm referring to bad people I'm referring to they do what they want they don't conform you know what's
crazy I actually feel bad for the people that are listening to my videos and then recreating them B for bar because I do all of this stuff off top I do all of this stuff off top so it's like damn anyways they don't conform they do what they want they don't conform they don't care for the feelings of those around them H anym this will be for now so what is considered a bad person somebody who clearly does what they want now whether you realize this or not unless you're doing what you want you're not
materializing your desired reality so this is something you need to begin to do unapologetically I need you to be unapologetically after your desired reality because how social contracts play with you is as I mentioned earlier they play with your emotion they will will make you feel guilty that you're no longer going to be relatable to those around you they're going to make you feel scared that you're going to lose the love of those around you so on and so forth anytime that you're feeling these two things as I saying as I'm saying the things that
I'm saying I'm going to need you to put these things to the side because I need to make this real for you to understand this so long as you're feeling scared and guilty you're going to remain conformed by the parasitic entity that is your social contract and so long as you're forming to the social contract then you're going to remain within the confinements of the societal level of Consciousness in reference to what is possible to materialize going back to bad people they do what they want unapologetically that's something you're going to have to do and
I want you to see this as a conscious decision that you're making every single day because each and every choice each and every thought each and every place that you give your attention to everything that you believe aligns with your identity is nothing more than a choice between two frequencies your old one and your new one and if you're choosing the old one leave number two they don't conform you're going to have to understand that you will be the outlier you will be and you need to get comfortable with all of these things you just
have to because until you're able to get comfortable with the idea that you need to do what you want unapologetically you need to be able to conform sorry you need to be able to be free from conforming to the societal level of Consciousness so you're able to escape what that level of Consciousness seeks to materialize which typically is nothing more than that reflective of survival which is probably where you're at that's exactly where I grew up now you're also not going to have to care for the feelings of those around you and it's so funny
cuz I remember this conversation I was having with one of my olders shout out Cass and I was telling them I was like damn you know I feel you know I feel kind of guilty for you know the success I'm having and this was ages ago and he said something to me and it stuck with me he said [ __ ] you think you're the first person to be successful and it's the truth it is literally the truth because you have to understand you can either choose to materialize your desired reality and change the entire
course of your family's Generations not only from a point of Consciousness but from a point of potential wealth or you can be like everybody else and what he was trying to get me to understand was am I going to let these two particular form of emotions keep me in the same position as everybody else because the truth of the matter is the aim of life isn't to live by default it's To Live By Design and that's what we're doing here it's all by Design but in order for you to live life by Design you're going
to have to design your mind beyond the default mind that you were given that's another bar anyways as you begin to materialize your desired reality people around you are going to be uncomfortable and you got to be okay with that you got to be a bad person you got to be okay with that because if you're not able to detach from that then these two particular emotions of guilt and fear are going to stick you straight back to your old frequency and guess what you won't have your desired reality but guess what you have love
and here's the thing what what the old frequency tricks you into thinking is that if you're able to detach from it and create and step out into a new frequency you're going to lose the love of those around you and you very well might but my question to you is do you want the love of those around you if that love is only determined by your ability to conform and stay the same to die exactly in the exact circumstance that you were raised in doesn't make sense so you are going to have to be a
bad person you have to get comfortable with all of these things and here's how I want you to deal with the guilt and the fear every time it comes up because once again spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity that's my saying even if you see somebody else say that I said that well truthfully I didn't say it really there's nothing new Under the Sun as they say I guess everything's already been said which is why I'm not too pressed to be fair i' would actually love to you know help other people
and put other people on so you know feel free to reach out to me on Instagram like it ain't going to be it ain't going to be S come on now so as I said the way that the old frequency will traing you have to understand that the old frequency is an entity that that has existed Ed until the moment that you became conscious that you are the one that controls your reality now for some of us that might be 20 years for some of us that might be 30 for others it might be 10
it doesn't matter my point being as I said in a previous video called what to do when you fall off your frequency which you should go check out if that's something you're experiencing you've been asleep longer than you've been awake so give yourself some Grace damn that kind of ram maybe maybe the people that say I look like a rapper which is just idiotic to be fair if you're seeing a rapper rapping just in a vest I don't know what type of rap you're listening to them [ __ ] always dripped out somehow but anyways
going back to what I was saying you have to understand that the old frequency is sneaky and what it wants to do it wants to keep you confined to it and stuck to it by playing on your emotions why because your emotions is the most powerful energy source in reality emotion energy emotion which emits an energetic signature that we call a frequency that frequency corresponds with a particular state of reality that reality is then materialized so on and so forth so it is the most powerful energy in the universe so what it would do it
will play on your emotions because it knows so long as it can get you to have a particular form of emotion which is always going to be resonant of guilt and fear which is what you feel when you think about materializing your reality and those around you changing so on and so forth or saying you have changed these two emotions stick to your old reality and the first way that you can actually move Beyond it as always with anything the first step to anything is awareness nope the hell no I can't save that I messed
that one up right over here first step to anything is awareness when you're feeling that guilt or that fear you need to be able to understand why you're feeling it because here's the thing you can't win a game if you don't know the rules but the moment you know what is taking place within the game it gives you an entirely different Paradigm on how to operate creative because then what you have to understand and this will be the thing that gives you that click what you have to understand is the guilt and fear that you're
feeling is nothing more than the guilt and fear that is created by the old frequency truthfully you probably don't feel bad for wanting to materialize your desired reality and break free from those around you you only feel bad because this is causing you to feel this but it's causing you to feel this not out of genuinely feeling bad but nothing more than a trick a ploy to keep you exactly where you are and once you understand the mental gymnastic that this puts you through this gives you an entirely different perspective and that entirely different perspective
allows you to calculate and navigate in a completely different way so when that guilt and fear pops up you're like no I know what that is when you know what it is it's like stop being ridiculous like no I'm going towards my desired reality regardless of whatever it is that's taking place now I told you I'd answer a question that has been asked by many of people many of people many of people which I'm sure I think whenever you've gone through it in life you even ask yourself two questions that's either why me or why
do bad things happen to good people and I'll tell you why and you should already have an idea if you're somebody who's been watching my videos for a while and if you're new here then make sure to take those notes make sure those notes that you're taking you drop them in in the description that's kind of the tradition around here that question what do you think why do bad things happen to good people quite simple this is as simple as it gets that kind of looks a bit messed up don't watch that but good people
simply have bad frequencies good people have bad states of mind good people have bad emotional states the combination of that emotional and thought energy emits a particular frequency which is resonant of being bad which is resonant of being survival mode quite simply as stated in Acts 10:3 4 of a truth I perceive that God is no respector of persons point being God which is nothing more than Consciousness right the most high frequency the most high level of Consciousness and impersonal energy not some individual who sat on a throne with elbows and feet and a bottom
pause that none of that even makes sense remotely but understanding that that Consciousness is the substance of reality and is actually what creates your reality in a sense which is within you right this is why in Corinthians it says don't you know that you are the temple of God the spirit of God dwells within you that level of Consciousness that causes you to create a particular form of reality as said in Acts 10:34 is no respector of persons the truth is it doesn't care if you're a nice person it doesn't and I know that's a
hard thing to warp your mind around because you've been given this idea that God punishes those who are bad and he rewards those that are good but let me ask you a question have you seen more good people punished or bad people punished I've seen a lot of good people punished for years praying day after day after day after day and them [ __ ] that are pushing this this religion which is a drug really and truly see the same people going through the exact same things over and over and over again without ever giving
them a change in Paradigm to understand that the truth of the matter is you have a bad State of Mind you have a bad emotional state this creates a particular frequency which aligns you with a particular reality somebody asked me to you know break down what is frequency frequency is just an energetic signature which corresponds with a particular state or condition of reality conditions and circumstances of reality aren't permanent they're temporary now you can be in one for a long period of time but that's simply because you're outputting the same product code if you think
about for for if you think about it like ordering from Amazon when your item is shipped from the warehouse they correspond what particular product code has been put online match in the shop and then send it out it's the same thing with realities there's a universal Amazon that gives people realities and unfortunately good people don't realize that God is no respector of persons it's it's it's a sad truth but it's also it's also an Awakening truth because you do have to detach from the idea that because you're a good person good things are going to
happen to you and I I'll make a separate video on Karma I know a lot of you think karma is real but it's not and I could break that down in one sentence but I might get canceled off this platform now saying saying that good people think bad things they feel bad things those thinking and feeling create a frequency reality you get the point so you do have to understand it's not about being a good person it's not about being a bad person what is what it's always and the only thing it will ever be
about it's frequency thoughts Bel and when I say thoughts I don't just mean single thoughts I mean thoughts that are emotionally charged they come with a different type of vibration which has the ability to actually penetrate the universal Quantum field to extract that reality back down I'm talking about your identity I'm talking about about your attention these are the only things that have ever mattered and so long as you're able to make sure that these match up to the reality you want you'll get them I'm not saying it's a good game this is just the
game this is this is just it so now that you understand why you need to be a bad person please go be bad
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