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Maíra Lemos
Como é envelhecer? Fomos às ruas conversar com idosos sobre a vida e a morte. A fase de maior sabedo...
Video Transcript:
Ever wondered if you walked down the street? with several weights tied to his body? Of course it would have more difficulty, it would be slower.
And if your hearing were not more the same. If you did not see so well and the worst . .
. if people did not see you, if you were invisible to society. This is how many elderly people feel, even though they are in the wisdom of life.
Is everything okay with you? Can you have a word with an agent? What is your name?
-Eunice. -How old are you? "80.
" Did you take on the white hair? " -Of course! I've been taking it for many years.
"You never thought of painting? " - no. - likes him the way he is.
-Stays like this. "Old age confessed is less old age" Anne Lambert. -How old are you?
-I have 60. -So you just walked in. in the old age.
They say that from the 60's it starts to turn old. Sorry, I think I'm going to be old and after 90 "In what stage of life do you consider yourself? " "I consider myself an adult.
"Old man is the one who is sedentary, You need the other being to help you. I think I got to live better later. that I retired and started to ride a bike.
"Has life improved? " Life has improved a lot. "Are you all right with me?
" How old are you? -86. I'll take it right.
It's good when we're at your age. One day you will get to mine and you will see that it is not good. -This is good: "You're starting to get old when, after spending a night out, you have to spend two days in "Millôr Fernandes.
- I'm 78. - I'm 76. -Good morning Good Morning.
"And what did not you do before, what can you do now? " - -Uay, now we do not have time for anything. Checked, I can go!
"Ha, I'm the owner of me. So no one prevents me from doing anything. "No one loves life so much as a man who grows old" Sophocles.
"When I was your age, I could give a wider stride normally. When you are older, your stride is shorter. - slower too, right?
"Things you could do before, you do not have that resourcefulness anymore. "I'll pedal you home on a stationary bike. Because the doctor said: You can walk, but accompanied by one person.
Because I have a pacemaker. "You sit in the house, you die before the time. " -In my case for example, I am diabetic, it all accumulates.
"Are you forbidden to eat anything? " "No, I'm not forbidden to do anything. I walk same dog, you dog!
-I have an active life, I go to party, I am cheerful, although I live alone, more I have a very friendly life. "Does friendship help then? " -Very very.
"Can not you just stand still? " "No, you may not, if you do not come to such solitude. - Missing what?
-It's a conviviality, not just the family, but also friends. Everything's over. "Would you like people to talk more?
" "Of course, ours! It is like! -I came here and you were talking.
Do you know where? -I'm meeting you now. -Now?
-IT IS! "Old men have as much need of affection as of sun. " Victor Hugo "Can we talk to you, too?
" -Is a pleasure. -Can I sit down? - You can not pay anything!
Our champion here is one of the shirt yellow, which was seated. "Champion means what? " - it's nothing, it's because he's 95 years old.
-There, champion in age! Where is he? I saw him here, with a yellow shirt and a little hat, right?
What does he call it? -Dalma. "I've heard you're the most experienced in this square!
" -No, I'm the oldest. The more experienced he is. -Haaa!
And what do you do at this point in your life? "I'm just watching, watching, guessing. The family is created, each one has already given his way.
Then I just watch and wait for the hairy. -I? What do I do?
I come here, every day in the morning and in the afternoon. -Turn off? "It's more or less.
"And what do you like to observe? " - The behavior of people is not? As each one .
. you can not modify the person. She was born that way and goes like this until .
. . You can find a way there, but boring is boring until you die, there's no way.
"A man begins to grow old when he prefers to walk alone than in bad company. " Millôr Fernandes. "That's what you're talking about, it's wisdom.
At that age of the Lord is the height of wisdom, is not it? "It's because the comrade knows that if he wants material things, it will not lead to anything. No use, you can have the world yours, and then?
Time passes, you become a boring old man, you die and will be under the earth together with one that never had anything. -IT IS. "You have the very school of life.
Living is a constant learning. "For you to give someone advice, Do you think your head today is better? -O, more like!
We've already gone through everything right ? ! I've mostly gone through everything, our mother!
"People see the old man or they ignore "Well, I think they ignore it and many for lack of knowledge or lack of knowledge, ignorance itself. "The child sometimes sees me, says" grandma, "does not he? You're white haired, are not you?
"It's very difficult to find one who looks at you, you know? " That treats the person with dignity. -We have no respect for rights acquired over a lifetime, I think that lack respect.
-And I like a cheerful place. I do not like not sadness. If you complain about me I do not like you.
I like joy -I'm staying with my kittens. My cats is what gives me happiness. "The misery of a child is of interest to a mother.
girl. The misery of an old man does not matter to anyone. Victor Hugo.
Wow, this is sad . . .
"Do you think society has to treat the elderly better? " "The old man and the child, too. " They have anything equal to the child and the elderly they they resemble each other in some way.
-Are defenseless right? -This, at least physically defenseless "Is the Lord happy? " -I?
I am, thank God. I have no disease at all. "Old age gives us no wisdom.
authorizes other follies. "Mia Couto. - This is my medicine.
-That's it, people! Is it pinga? There, I'm not believing.
With almost 95 years drink cachaça? "At lunch, somewhat before dinner, and one goal so to sleep. -I do not believe!
And you're in good health? "Whoever drinks this here has no disease at all. -Really?
"Uai, what disease can it have? " -The wallet I've revalidated now, three more years. "Any day, I'll get a ride with the lady!
-You can take it! "What do you miss? " "Two friends who left.
"Does the Lord live with death more then? " Death of friends and acquaintances, right? "Relatives, sisters, brothers.
-The person dies, it seems that a small part of us buried with it. "And do you think of death? " -No, I do not care.
-No. Not at all. I know it's coming but I'm not worried about it.
"You spoke of sickness, of death. But what in your life today is better than at the time when I was young? Nothing, everything worse.
I miss the past, the time that I It was a boy. -You have to follow up, you have to Evolve, you can not stay there in times who was 20 years old. "There is something sadder than aging: staying child.
" Cesare Pavese. I do not know how to pronounce. But it's good!
"Now, I find you very nice and very positive. What's the secret to not being cranky, crabby? There is a way?
Do you know people who are grumpy? -I know. One has to live and learn.
Just not living . . .
And taking part in the own mistakes, from the error that you are improving, repairing. "About death? " I think, I think.
Death for me is a natural process, aging body has to go under the earth itself. "But I'm prepared, if The time has come, I'm calm. "Yes, I have not.
I know it's coming. -The day she comes, she came. "I'm not afraid of death.
" I wanted her to go today. Why that here, I'm afraid of being invalid, in a bed, depending, then, If you need to go today, I will, because my family is all raised. "No, I'm curious.
-Me too. "And why not say fear, too? " Who's going to say he's a fan?
-For you, what is aging? -Uay, with Health is all good. "There is, if youth knew, if old age could!
" Henri Estinne "There's nothing like youth. You will know that. "Thank you, see, it was a pleasure to talk to you.
" -Other, a hug. "To die for me is the same as living, living and dying is the same thing. -Wonderful!
What's your name? -Aroldo de Oliveira Lima. _Arodo, it was a pleasure to see you, thank you very much.
"Thank you for your attention, too. " I think this is very important to We talk about what we feel in our daily lives. "So, getting old, with friends around, is best?
"This square here is good because of that. " "That place here is a marvel! " Holy Family, right?
There, the people who are at home alone, need to make a friendship, can you come to the Holy Family ? ! Because friend makes the difference right?
-Yes, there are some little faces there that are kind of annoying. -Oh my God! "I know who threw the bomb, without having seen.
What a fright! -One is the one who is. with the letter here, at this table here, with glasses.
And the other is the one on his back, the first on his back, are the two suspects. "Old men are twice as many children. " Aristophons.
-Do they keep throwing bombs to scare you? -To scare pigeons. Every once in a while they abuse and drop a head in black, yesterday a lady almost went awry.
-It's time I think like this: God, if I do not look in the mirror, I find myself a girl! There is time that I look in the mirror and I say: I'm old! "People, you are wonderful!
What an example! I want to get to age of you like this, with this joy! "Old age makes us more wrinkled in the spirit than in the face.
"Michel de Montaigne. -I'm old, but I'm not old, right ? !
"Thank goodness, your head's good, right? " -O, fine jewelry! -Where are you from?
-From Internet. -What great, did not I ? !
- Is it? Did you catch your eye and think it was the internet? -Oh, of course!
-Because? -Because I'm on Facebook, Instagram. -And Youtube?
- Also, I mecho in everything! -So, we have a YouTube channel. "Then I'll go there.
" "You will be able to see yourself there. " -Well, how wonderful ! !
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