Face Testosterone Removes ALL Wrinkles: Break Antiaging Skincare Industry

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Dr. Abs
Very old research showed that this method might be more anti-aging than anything available in the sk...
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[Music] in 1967 Christopher Papa released a scientific paper which could turn the Cosmetic skincare industry on its head I know you think I'm exaggerating just for clickbait but the links in the description below to the study so you can check it out for yourself I'm going to go through it here start to finish in detail because it shows you how he managed to figure out how to reverse aging in the skin all the signs of aging both visually and on a microscopic level using just a single ingredient that potentially is more powerful than anything we're
using today I'm going to go through exactly how it was done which ingredients they tested the concentrations of them exactly how they applied them and how you can do the same thing today to possibly replace your entire skincare range with just one product or one single ingredient let's get straight to it so this as you can see is the study itself published in 1967 in the Journal of society of cosmetic chemists it was presented in 1966 and this asteris represents something I think is quite interesting this was actually supported by the US government in some
ways it says here supported in part by us Public Health Service I don't think that would happen today but here's what they essentially are summarizing so at that point they knew already testosterone has a rejuvenating or ameliorative effect and it certainly has Improvement in the microscopic architecture of the skin so even you know almost 60 years ago at the time we recording this they knew that topically applied hormone I stuff that you rubb in the skin hormones you rub in the skin can have a huge cellular scale anti-aging effect we seem to have forgotten that
today I wonder why now this study was done on the basis that when we get older we lose endocrine function so endocrine function is basically how different parts of the body communicate with other parts of the body by signaling to each other technically every organ really is an endocrine organ because they all have communication abilities and it also says representative steroids in the male female and adrenocortical hormones were included in the study so I don't know if this would be something that flies today but that's what they looked at back then and here's what's really
crucial 200 residents or 200 subjects were in the study and this was in Riverview home which is basically kind of like a nursing home now back then the ethics of scientific studies are not what they are today we we have rigorous consent processes processes where you can sue a lot easier as essentially back then they could just turn up to a nursing home get people to enter a study even if they didn't fully understand it and the reason studies back then which you know did these kind of things are really reliable is because they did
never really went anywhere these residents and so they could control if you're doing a study on diet they could control everything they ate so they have really good experimental information and in this case they can control exactly what topical products are being applied to them which is how they figured out what happens here so they also followed up for 5 years just think about this for a second okay that even the range of Ages 57 to 88 the top end when you look at studies today so for example any product released by laros P L'Oreal
I did a video recently on one skin you look at first of all how many people are included usually it's maximum a couple dozen they are follow for probably a few weeks like 6 weeks or 12 weeks which is nothing and they are usually in sort of you know 20s 30s 40s something like that and when you're younger you've got enough sell function still to get a good response to things so it's easier in some ways to get a good result this is why when you're using say injectable treatments to rejuvenate skin for example to
create different types of collagen it's easier on a younger patient and an older patient is going to take many more sessions to get a similarly good result unfortunately and so here 200 people half a decade follow up and people up to 88 years old the hardest type of patient because they've gone so far down that aging Road and as you'll see they are covered in wrinkles it's not a few lines around the eyes which partly disappeared it's huge wrinkles everywhere which fully disappeared which I'll show you and again they had equal numbers of men and
women normally nowadays you only find women in the study so here what they were able to say is sex of the Aged patient or the age subject is irrelevant with regard to the effect of the hormones on the skin so they're showing that it doesn't matter whether you're a man or woman this is actually pretty Universal and what else makes this a good study well 1,500 individual specimens and this was done as you can see here biopsy samples so a lot of the studies that you look at nowadays um especially when it comes to skin
care and and skin products even skin injectables in the Cosmetic medical industry what happens is you have something called some kind of visual scale sometimes it's called a GIS Global aesthetic Improvement score it's basically just someone looking at the face and saying does it look better the problem with data like that is it's very very subjective and if the person observing to create that score create that subjective opinion of whether it's approved or not is funded by the company providing the the materials for the study obviously they're going to be a little bit biased as
well and so subjective assessments will always have that question mark over them when you look at a biopsy study which if you don't know what that is it's basically a sample you take a sample of the tissue you can put it under the microscope and see what's actually happening and you can do quantitative measures objective measures not subjective where you can look at for example measurements of how thick the skin is so there's no subjective interpretation it's a pure number cell numbers cell densities distributions of cells in different parts of the tissue and most people
don't do that in fact look at any kind of skincare that you want where there's a claim which says 90% to one Improvement after 6 weeks or something like that and when you look at the study all of these parameters which you've got in here aren't going to be in those ones most likely and certainly not going to be doing biopsy samples let alone as you can see here 1,500 samples I mean that's incredible so the weight of the credibility the weight of the conclusion the weight of what we can see in terms of the
results is pretty good you know compare that to a modern-day skincare marketing study where they've got couple dozen people couple of weeks and that's it and it's all subjective big big difference and they look at the face the extensive forearm the back of the hand essentially sites which are exposed to the Sun and they show the changes of syence so sence is a bit of a technical word for those that don't know it's it's a product of aging you know when we start to age and cells basically are done for they become senescent cells I
won't get too technical but you can Google that if you're interested now what they're saying is really crucial when you are studying areas which are exposed to the sun you're going to get more damage from the Sun from UV radiation things like free radicals and so some skincare companies will test products on areas like say on the body which is fine you're going to have problems on the body but because they're not being hit by the sun all the time in some way it's easier to get a result because there's nothing sending you backwards in
terms of UV fighting you while the skincare is helping you you're not in this battle and yet they did it on all the sun exposed sides and nonon exposed sides they looked at the axilla which in layman's terms is the armpit and that's protected from solaration as you can see but it still deteriorates now that's a really good area to study skincare and the aging and how you can actually reverse aging not how you can improve the the texture or the color because that's not really aging per se to test the Aging in the armpit
is really useful for the following reasons number one you've got hair there number number two you've got these acine glands these are sweat glands uh technically we've got apocrine as well but they're looking at the acine here now these are things which can be objective in terms of measurement so you can see how many hairs you can measure the density of the hair you can measure the length of the hair you can even measure the the numbers between say gray and colored hair which again is a sign of how much you've reversed the inessence process
how much you've reversed aging and then when you look at the sweat glands the key thing there is you can actually measure the function returning I know people obviously don't want to sweat but it's not about trying to make you sweat more it's about trying to measure signs of aging which are critical in a in a quantitative numbers based way which doesn't rely on opinion so I'm going to show you how they do that here but they essentially look at the amount of skin where they have functioning glands and you can measure that as you
know a perimeter you can measure as a surface area and you get a A plus or minus between the before and the after so here's what they used testosterone propionate 1% I know when you think testosterone you think well that's that's trt testosterone replacement therapy or HRT hormone replacement therapy what the hell are they doing rubbing this into the skin well it's incredibly anti-aging no Wonder people use it in trt in hormone Replacements now propionate okay that's that's a key so this is a type of testosterone Esther so you can't just take standard testosterone this
this pure testosterone because it will you know it can't last it can't be stable and it has to have a delivery vehicle to be sent into the the skin basically so even if you're injecting for trt you're injecting something along the lines of say testosterone cypionate um even if you're taking magnes ium as a supplement has to be magnesium malate citrate glycinate something along those lines so it has to be a form of what is being given whether it's a micronutrient or a mineral like magnesium or a hormone like testosterone as well now you will
not really find testosterone propi it nowadays and I will show you why at the end of the study but that's the version that was used in this and that's critical if you want to understand number one why we are using that in the skin and number two why there's no whole body effect because people actually do trt nowadays by taking testosterone gel or cream and they actually just rub it onto themselves in fact I believe Lance Armstrong used testosterone cream to have a whole body effect and that was one of the ways he was doping
so I know you're probably thinking why does this not have a whole body effect but we will get into that very very soon but that's what they use and I'm just going to highlight the other things they use so progesterone 1% that's another hormone pregnanolone and this is the acetate for 0.5% estrodial basically estrogen if you like uh triona sanide uh fluon sanide they tested all these ingredients different types of hormones and cortical steroids to see which one would come out on top and it was pretty clear which one came out on top now they
tested this crucially unilaterally what does that mean it means they only treated one half of the patient which I don't think people would sign up for nowadays when you see the massive effect it had but it's a really good way to do a study and you it's very hard to find skincare companies that offer that now for many reasons it's not just theault of the skincare company so they gave the active ingredient ingredient on one half and then just some kind of placebo if you like the carrier on the other side without the active ingredient
it was done daily it was topical it was rubbed in and they used roughly 0.5 G for for one side and the contal side as I said had the corresponding vehicle vehicle basically just means a thing that's carrying this active ingredient but without the active ingredient so they're just rubbing that in um so it's not going to do anything obviously so it's a nice Placebo now let's scroll down a little bit so before I show you the pictures six month this is crucial 6 months of treatment are necessary before the hormonal effects become apparent so
please understand this is not something you rub in and overnight suddenly your skin transformed it doesn't work like that what's going to happen is you have to build this up and then slowly the cell function starts to return and you end up probably in this sort of hockey stick effect where it's a slow slow growth and then you cross this critical point and then things start to really really increase from there so 6 months for apparent for for for the treatment to become apparent or the effects to become apparent bear in mind though these are
people you know going up to 88 years old I suspect when people are doing it much earlier in their lives or much younger it's not going to be 6 months but that's what was tested to make it more difficult as a test to test such older patients now I know this isn't exactly a digital camera uh picture but it was the 1960s please bear that in mind however even with that you can see remarkable effects let me move this to the middle of the screen so this is one half this is the side that just
had the placebo or the carrier with no active ingredient you can see you know these aren't three little lines on the side of the eyes that most skincare companies are trying to show before and after off and you can barely see an effect nowadays this is the entire side of the face and it is so it's got It's texture it's not even a wrinkle it's the whole thing that has this massive amount of texture and look at the other side I mean look how smooth that is I'm it's not perfect and picture is not great
but I think one of the reasons it's a bit Overexposed in the picture is because there's no texture for the light to be trapped within the wrinkles and produce shadows and remember this person specifically is 75 years old 75 that's just extraordinary someone who whose cells have aged that much is able to be brought back to the point where there's no wrinkles and look at another effect look at the way this section here it's caught that shadow because the fat underneath the skin is probably what we call atrophied it's just aged and shrunk a little
bit over time and you can see that all over the face which is why the skin has kind of just sunk in a little bit but when you look on this side it's got this youthful plumpness all over the place that we have when we're children which is how much it's revers the Aging that to me is extraordinary and you know in this one they use progesterone uh um you there is considerable effacement of the wrinkles on the progesterone treated side and some stimulation of Downy hair growth as well now progesterone was not even the
strongest ingredient that they found and this before and after as you can see it should say here was 3 years okay now 3 years is a long time remember that okay so it takes 6 months at this age to see a noticeable Improvement and 3 years to go from complete and utter texture everywhere with a lot of caving in of the skin to looking you know like that skin there is probably look like someone's in their 20s or 30s perhaps let's keep going now this is another thing so comparison of hair growth in testosterone treated
so this side uh versus control so what you can see is this side here the hair is much less the hair is shorter the hair is less dense okay and the surface area that it covers is a little bit less as well look at this side the hair is more dense it's longer you can't tell the color unfortunately because I have color pictures back then but you can see the density of it and the surface here is actually growing out to the side whereas here it's just in this sort of middle section here now here
they used testosterone I'll read it for you the untreated time typifies a great regression of auxiliary hair in old age so what they're saying is in old age you notice the hair reducing um whereas a testosterone effect and this is critical please pay attention the effect is strictly limited to the test to the hormone treated side what does that mean I know you guys are thinking well how can this not have a systemic whole body effect because we use testosterone gel for a whole body effect I'll explain that soon but if this had a whole
body effect you would see changes on both sides but the untreated side was exactly the same as when they started showing it was just a local effect which is really really interesting so let's have a look what else they wrote here the wrinkled appearance of the face and dors smouth hand was considerably smooth and the skin felt firmer and thicker that's what we saw in the uh previous uh picture the laxity in the back of the hand which formerly tented for finite time stretched now sprang back quickly so what they're saying is when you pull
the skin like this it should spring back very very quickly and they managed that what that tells you it's not just collagen that I know a lot of you think is is is what anti-aging is based on it's more than that it's elastin as well so they are actually able to create elastin collagen isn't necessarily the the one responsible for elasticity that's elastin that's why it's called elastin so they're clearly making elastin they're making different proteins which is incredible it's not just a single thing you have all these products that induce collagen this is clearly
inducing pretty much everything at the same time hence why we're getting elastin too so all of you guys are obsessed with finasteride and minoxidil trying to regrow your hair I mean this potentially could be even stronger than those things so let's carry on have a look at some other things as well um to a lesser extent on the forarms and face so you can see this in other parts of the body you a similar augmentation was produced on the abdomen back and thigh that's really important because you know I've always said or always thought companies
which produce different skincare products so one for the face one for the eyes one for the neck one for the body whatever like it it just doesn't make sense to me skin is still skin like why would they need something else you may have more wrinkles in one area but it doesn't change the nutritional requirements of the cell so to create separate product to me that's just marketing nonsense you have different thicknesses of skin on different parts of the body and the face which may alter the strength of the product that you may start with
and then when that's adapted to it then you can go with the same strength or the strongest strength that you have everywhere that's probably about it that's all you need in my opinion but there's no such thing as an eye cream or it's a reason why is there no forehead cream or nose cream or jawline cream it just it makes no sense and in this test we kind of see that because they got the same effect wherever they used it abdomen back thigh face you know all these places but here's another crucial thing this this
is important because it shows how aging was reversed or or showing that cell function returns because a problem with aging is losing cell function that you know as as we age that's exactly what happens information is lost instructions are lost for the cell acine function of the axilla was also enhanced what does that mean acine those sweat glands I spoke about if you were to use this test which is called a wers iodine starch Castro procedure as I've labeled it here essentially what you're doing is you're rubbing the armpit with a liquid and it goes
purple when you can see active sweat so you can see the surface area where there's active sweat glands now that's going to shrink and shrink and Shrink as we get older because the cell function reduces so the active glands reduce you know glands all over our body are going to reduce as we age in terms of function so if you wipe that area with this uh product you can then see in a quantitative nons sub objective way the the the size of the area the surface area where you've got active function now if you have
a small area like that and then over time you do something and it goes like this you've returned cell function you've returned the very thing that is lost with aging orgo in that context you have made the cell age backwards you've given it more years essentially and I can show you how they did that here because it works this is extraordinary right I know again the picture isn't great great uh but essentially what they're doing is showing the effect of the topical testosterone so in this side here on the left half what I want you
to do specifically is to look at this section here so the area that is on the edge of the face in the picture then look at the same on the other side here can you see the hair difference look at this I mean it's not this you can see what's gray and what's black actually it's actually black hairs not even gray that's just incredible so it's coming not only is new hair coming through but it's coming through in the color that they used to have when they were much younger as well which is just extraordinary
so let's just read this left side of the face an 84 year-old white woman so 84 and they're saying why because you know you've got less protection you got less natural melanin in the skin as a Caucasian person versus a say an afro Caribbean person as an example this is after 1 and A2 years so they're getting beard growth actual beard growth no micr needling no injectable drugs no you know injectable trt nothing like that just rubbing something in and they're getting beard growth now one and a half years may sound like a long time
but you've got to remember that is in someone who is 84 years old and probably did no anti-aging treatment in her entire life because this kind of stuff just wasn't around back then so you imagine if you're younger and you do look after yourself I suspect that's going to be much much less um and a cream vehicle was similarly applied to the right side so here is where the placebo was I know that's left but it's it's the picture will be flipped don't worry it's not some typo or whatever uh the mustache was present beforeand
as were a few wisps of hair on the chin and you can see a few wisps of hair there and you can see the massive difference here and again here's another safety element for those of you that that think this might be something that has an effec in the whole body they rubbed it on one side and they only got Improvement on one side so if it was having a whole body effect it would have done both sides but clearly it didn't let's carry on so earlier Recruitment and an increased density of functioning glands this
is what happened to the armpit when they treated it with the hormones progesterone this is another ingredient they tried they saw qualitatively similar effects to that of testosterone but lower order of magnitude so progesterone also created a a of anti-aging effect or an aging reversal effect but to a much lesser extent and so testosterone actually came out on top in terms of all the ingredients that they tested here pregnanolone was even weaker in effect another one estrogens produce no observable Improvement in the age skin and if anything tended to highlight this suppress both hair growth
and acine sweating in the axilla so so something like testosterone increased the function therefore really reversed the Aging whereas the estrogens did the exact opposite if anything they as you can see here they suppressed further hair growth and acine sweating or or armpit functioning glands sweat glands if you like that's interesting in terms of which one is more anti-aging than the other well one one's clearly anti-aging one's pro-aging in fact and then also the other corticosteroid hormones accentuated the defect of sencence they again made things slightly slightly worse in fact when they use those the
skin became thinner atropic and even more LAX so even more aged if you like now testosterone progesterone prone in that order a general rejuvenating effect on senescent skin aged Skin So number one is testosterone and as I said estrogen modly accentuated some of the agent characteristics or cortico steroids profoundly increased the degradative alterations so this is that armpit test that I showed you so you can this is a 75y old white man so again someone who's not exactly a spring chicken um so side a which is the left of the screen here there's diminished activity
in the Aging axilla so that's what they were doing in terms of surface area total surface area of functioning glands on the other side you can see I mean it's almost off the picture the amount of cell function that has returned to the area is just huge and that was treated with testosterone now there is going to be higher sweating in that area um but again it's not it's not done to make your life more more smelly it's just to show what it can do in terms of returning cell function as I said but just
look at the size difference of both of those I mean that is just extraordinary let's keep going so that's another picture there I Haven got time to go through every single thing but you can see treated untreated sides in terms of skin quality there so here is one of the biopsy samples so this is an 80-year-old white woman and it shows atropic epidermis um in the Aged skin and degraded dermis as well and both Skins are magnified to the same amount so you can see on top this top bit here which looks like almost a
honeycomb structure that's an area of skin called the stratum corneum that's the in epidermis and you can see it's really quite flayed it's not very compact it's not going to provide a very good Skin Barrier function in that in that way and you can see it's you know the entire rest of it is really not that thi thick um because you've got the you know this this thing here the second slide to compare that to now in here you can see the scum conim is much more compact a bit like a fist rather than an
open hand that's going to provide much better skin barrier function you can see the other cells here you know that entire area is much much thicker and if you look at this area at the bottom of the slide you can see the really Stark amount of contrast um between different parts whereas here everything is much much more even and uniform which is what you're going to find in much younger people so the skin just looks like it's from a completely different person and uh equal magnif magnification is important to show that it's not that just
it's not that it's just been zoomed in so this is another thing that you rarely find in skincare marketing nowadays actual biopsy samples uh not just that but in in the long term and from old people as well so that speaks for itself I'm really really impressed by this I hope you are too and you can see this isn't just a fad this isn't you know a 12we 5% reduction in wrinkle depth or some specific statistic and and there's no subjectivity this is incredible let's keep going so there's even more again that speaks for itself
you can see you know these little dark bits here these are cells in dermis you know these represent things like fibr blasts which make collagen which make elastin which make hyaluronic acid really important things for skin quality and skin aging shall we say you can see first of all just barely any and now they're dotted all over the place and in in the top part and the bottom part of the skin as well and again that will be equal magnet ification that is an 80-year-old white woman 80 years old and that's what they achieved that's
extraordinary and look at this you know this isn't you can see these fiber blasts again here not that big uh you they're a little bit flattened that the form is not that great doesn't look very healthy and they're mostly concentrated actually towards the upper portion of the dermis here look at the size of them they're big and strong and healthy and they're littered about the entire thickness of the dermis uh and not to mention the upper portion here that's just extraordinary in that first picture we saw bipolar spindle-shaped fiber blasts you know packed in parallel
bundles at the upper portions of the dermus but then after treatment we got blast-like stellate form which is the proper form and they found more uniformly distributed throughout the dermis and in C they use cortico steroids and they made a market dimin a reduction shall we say on the cell population where you can see here there's just almost no fiber blast it's it's gotten worse so there's good good controls here they're all from the same specimen so here's what they found you know on the microscopic scale so structural improvements what that means is is fibers
outside the cell like collagen and elastin as well as the cells themselves so the things that produce stuff and all the stuff that is produced both of those things increase massively and that was far more impressive than those appreciated with the unaided eye so you can get a good result from the visual side but if you zoom in you can see that things are basically decades younger at the same time and apparent in the majority of subjects about 75% now remember some of you may think 75% that's not quite 100% these guys you know the
top end was pushing 90 years old and to to still get a 75% Improvement if you did this today on people much younger I suspect that's going to be in the '90s in terms of percentage maybe even 100% or close to 100% so they saw thickening of the treated epidermis increase in cell size the individual cell and the number of cell layers as well so the skin is creating its own new barrier function and improved barrier function um through getting thickness this you know one of the one of the the benefits of this is that
you get more insulation from the outside world it's like having a thicker wall in your house when people are partying outside it's it's going to wake you up less because the sound has to travel through a thicker wall in this context when the skin is thicker it's less likely to be irritated so people with sensitive skin potentially this thickening of the tissues gives more insulation so the nerve endings are stimulated less so even sensitive skin I suspect could have a massive impact on this could have a massive benefit from this I should say so they
saw a regularity in cell size shape nuclear content cytoplasmic content and the whole thing was plumper and the nuclei were more visibly seen as well this is extraordinary stratification of cells throughout the epidermis was restored to the normal pattern so the epidermis for those who don't know is made up of many layers uh and there's different cell types in each layer and a cell goes from the bottom to the top through a journey and it changes what type it is as it gets closer to the surface as we age that clarification that demarcation between the
layers and and the quality of the layers is less and less so what they're saying is they actually found those layers went back to normal instead of maybe being squashed up and not that distinct from each other and the basement membrane thickened perceptibly the basement membrane is what kind of stitches the different layers together it's very very strong it has to be strong and you lose the Integrity of that as we get older but here even the basement membrane thickened massively so it's not just a straum Corum on top which is getting the benefit it's
things underneath that as well even the dermis which is underneath is getting a benefit too and this is really crucial the dermis showed increased am adenosine monop phosphate this is a metabolic Improvement amp is product okay adenosine monophosphate when we phosphorate that it goes to ADP and we phosphorate again it goes to ATP which is really important molecular metabolism because it's think of it as a currency of energy okay it's a more complicated but I don't want to get too complicated in this video and am is showing us that the cells are actually functioning more
because that that with increased metabolism comes increased need for energy currencies to spend so you can do more jobs you can build more things you can break more things down so they're actually showing metabolic and physiological increase so not just that things look smoother because sometimes you get skincare where it just you know you shove in like some honic acid which might attract water to make it look plumper doesn't mean you've actually increased the physiology here they are showing the actual physiological increase which means it's going to be much more longterm in terms of benefits
as well that's what makes it anti-aging because it's changing From the Inside Out rather than from the surface on its own and that's it um so there short sort alteration morphology of the fiber blasts resulted as we said at plumps State form and they were distributed more evenly throughout the dermis the sub epidermal zone now contain numerous fine elastic fibers perpendicular to the dermoepidermal junction so what they're saying is fibers like collagen and elastin are more present now which is why when they said earlier that they pulled the skin it sprang back more sharply they
were able to produce that result because they're producing more fibers like collagen and elastin and you have to also when you're looking at things like this a lot of people don't talk about the orientation there is an element of geometry when it comes to these elastic fibers because elasticity you know tension and release tension and release is a it's a it's a vector quantity happens in a particular direction and so when fibers are misorientated you get less function out of them whereas when they're orientated in a specific way for example in Scar Tissue they're all
orientated right on top of each other like that in the same orientation which is why you get things like keyo tissue and that makes that scar tissue stronger to resist trauma in the same way in the same direction but in health this is in layman's terms the same collagen is laid out perpendicular like this like the fibers of a trampline which are run at 90° so you can bounce and they can take that tension so what they're saying is this actually improved not just the amount and the quality of the fibers but it returned their
orientation to what should be ideal as well so your skin is going to get softer and plumper and smoother hence what that before and after picture showed that plumpness in the face as well and this is crucial estrogen treated tissues couldn't be distinguished from the controls no effect basically so observed results are entirely local let's explain this for a second because I know some of you as I said are going to be worried that this is going to give you basically hormone replacement therapy but here's why that's not the case when you have the application
of a hormone let's say you're injecting let's say you're injecting something like testosterone cpen as I mentioned earlier the form that the testosterone is in in this case cypionate has to be calculated in such a way so you know how long it lasts and its absorbability testosterone propionate which was used here was used at one point to try and replace testosterone but it was stopped because it didn't last very long you know propionate versus cypionate and also it was very few effects you know and that hence why they're using it in a local way so
there's no systemic effect here because propionate is only a short acting form hence why its daily application so when they were trying to use testosterone propionate for systemic conditions constant use was a bit more inconvenient whereas something like you know testost inspion and anate they last much longer so we tend to use those so that people might be able to use the application the injection once a week and so with this is too short acting as well as that propionate clearly cannot escape the skin make its way into the bloodstream and then have an effect
on the whole body and so that's why observed results are entirely local to quote the paper so this is why it's safe because it cannot provide a systemic effect and if you want to see the proof again the paper is in the description 200 people 1,500 biopsies none of them had a systemic effect all of them showed a difference between left and right between the treated side and the non-treated side and that shows you the the safety in knowing this does not have a systemic effect per se so again they're saying effects on distance or
neighboring untreated skin do not occur because it's local because of the form the testosterone is used in this is why when people ask about supplements you know things like should I take magnesium should I take zinc is this magnesium good well different forms of magnesium are good for different things different forms of testosterone are used in different contexts it's not the nutrient or the hormone it's which form it is packaged up in that gives you a specific usage systemic administration of the hormones so giving it to the whole body in therapeutic amount over an extended
time are also ineffective so even and this is a reference here you can look up the reference list in in the study if you want even when it was given syst Al didn't have a noticeable effect or a significant effect at least to this scale on the skin and so there must be some difference in metabolism of these hormones in the body and in the skin bear that in mind that's I find that really interesting estrogen though showed significant absorption as such with general effects now listen carefully here such as gynecomastia in men and resumption
of uterine bleeding in postmenopausal women let me break that down the testosterone couldn't escape the skin the estrogen did well could and did escape the skin and it had a whole body effect such that men developed breasts man boobs I think if in layman's terms if you like it happens when vegans eat a lot of soy um women who female vegans who eat a lot of soy they have breast changes uh male vegans who eat a lot of soy they grow man boobs they grow breasts this is well known you can Google this if you
like have a look yourself and they showed that you know when they rubbed it on women uterine bleeding resumed in po even after menopause so the the estrogen is clearly having systemic effects the testosterone in this form cannot have a system effect systemic effects clearly so cutaneous Pathways of metabolism for steroids exist what does that mean so cutanous just means for the Skin So Pathways in the skin exist that mean these hormones can be used can have an effect and can also affect how they travel or don't travel either they stay in the skin or
they go around the body and it's different for testosterone and estrogen and remember this was done on men and women so for both genders testosterone couldn't escape the skin and it only had that local effect so with regard to the Practical implication Pati modest changes on skin which was already markably damaged so already damaged imagine what it could do when it was used as prophylaxis I.E as prevention prevention rather than a cure will yield even more satisfactory result or might well yield even more satisfactory results and I agree I think that's exactly what we can
take from this you know if you start it earlier and it's not going to have a systemic effect remember just a local effect I think this could be absolutely extraordinary and that is why I'm going to be doing this on myself okay and I've also got a cohort of patients who are also doing it right now now for those of you who are interested in this who want to try this yourself um I know you're expecting me to say some money-making scheme where I can take money from you right now no just go to any
medically licensed person and ask for this have a conversation about this say you want to try this say you know you show them this paper if you like show that there is no systemic effect it has been done on many many people it's it's very safe it can't go beyond the skin and what they can do is something called compounding where they basically get the product made specifically for you now the reason they can do it and the reason I can do it for my patients is because we are medically licensed only medically licensed people
um such as doctors for instance they can actually get specific pharmaceutical product made for that person in a formulation that is unique for that person as opposed to just off-the-shelf drugs now because I'm medically qualified I can do this for my my patients as well otherwise I won't be able to prescribe anything um if you know I admit it's going to be difficult to find doctors where you can take this paper to and say can I do this if you're struggling you know contact me you have my website in the link in the description below
um you can become a patient of mine wherever you are in the world and we can do it for you as well um I know some of you think well this whole thing was just an advert no because I wanted to educate you guys on this and you can go to other people not me and at the end of the day yes this is going to make me money because it's my job this is what keeps my lights on this is what allows me to feed my family so of course treating patience is a way
for me to make money because it's my job um like I said if you are interested contact me below you can choose either the general consultation for a oneoff or lifelong supervision option where we can maintain contact for your skincare as you as you get older as well either one and hopefully this has been very very educational for you and I hope it helps
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