DON'T START any DIET without watching this❗ Roshni Sanghvi, Holistic Nutritionist,Wellness Expert!

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Dr Pal
In this episode of Gut Feeling with Dr. Pal, we are joined by Roshni Sanghvi, an Award-Winning Holis...
Video Transcript:
when you're eating Foods close to the nature as close to the nature as possible whole grains lentils pules you will not overeat you will not gain weight if you eat extra proteins extra proteins in the bod can be converted to fats fiber is the only Food Group which cannot be converted to Fat so let's say you're having too much fiber you'll have very very good bowel Ms you eat a coin you stomach will pass it through we are underestimating the power of our digestive system so you don't have to worry eat you know and stick
to mostly plants and you're going to do fine but shouldn't you eat fruits in the dinner but shouldn't you eat fruits with cooked vegetables and anything that is restricting your diversity no do it 1 tsp of ghee has 120 calories 120 calories and 10 to 12 G of fats what is your opinion on fruits why is fruits is getting so much amount of bad press yeah know we should distinguish fruits from fruit juice I think if there's a loudest way to tell your kids I love you take care of your health take care of your
health you don't have to ever send a kid to a fitness center or gym if they've seen you growing up you know taking care of your health so it's very very important as a parent you have to make these changes to take care of your health minimum 2 cups of fruits per day or maximum 2 cups of fruits per day so you're not allowed to eat more than two cups or you allowed to eat minimum this you should aim for more p is a good source of protein but you need to understand that it is
rich in fats which is increase the calories so the amount is extra extremely critical hi Ros thank you so much for coming thank you so much thank you for having me and thank you so much for making me comfortable this can be intimidating but you've taken your time to make me comfortable so thank you is not as intimidating as a nutrition part very nice beautiful we will just jump right into the discussion that you know your journey has been amazing where you have been a bodybuilder vegan diet and you have been to Fitness before now
transition into a active nutritionist in Bangalore yeah um so I thought this discussion can be where we can just classify some myths about simple nutrition absolutely so even in medical school when we talk about carbohydrates proteins and fats uh we were not completely clear about okay exactly what this is we read about CP cycle we read about all these different different Cycles but we just don't know how that is practic Ally being applied in a clinical practice so now everything is being a refreshing course for me while I am into my fitness journey so I
just wanted to start right away where in the nutrition field everybody is talking about cops yes okay so if somebody ask you what are the different types of cops how should we look carbs at what will you say yeah it's very interesting I remember having this conversation with a client on the phone and you know from a nutrition background you're trying to explain them that hey you should be eating this don't do cups don't do protein so I was talking to the client just generally on the phone and my sister was sitting there eating her
meal and then when I hang up she says you know it's amazing you just you just think that everyone understands what is carbs like I'm eating Dal chavel right now and there's Curry over there I don't know what is carbs I don't know how many grams what do you mean carbs and what do you mean proteins so this is what and generally we don't look at food no now we have made it so scientific and we looking at carbohydrates and proteins and fats and minerals and vitamins so leave that to the nutritionist but I think
when we start understanding and we put starts putting labels on thing it becomes complicated for example when people say they're following a low carbohydrate diet especially from a vegetarian sense your mind instantly you would have read something so your mind instantly goes towards don't eat grains or don't eat lentils because you would have read that lentils are high in carbs or grains are high in carbs now one thing which I want to clarify is all foods have everything even if you're looking at a broccoli broccoli will still have proteins and broccoli will still have fats
and broccoli will so all foods have everything but since you ask me specifically about carbohydrates carbohydrates are subdivided into three categories now you have sugars which is the table sugar sugar is a form of carbohydrate you also have something called fiber uh the thing which you find in fruits and vegetables and legumes and pulses so when you're eating chickpeas and kidney beans that's F there there's a lot of fiber and then there's something called resistant starches which act like fiber in the body yeah so resistant starches are also found in whole grains and the outer
layer of grains you're also finding it in pulses so you have sugar resistant starch and fiber and when we talk about a low carbohydrate diet we specifically want to mention low sugar diet we don't mean low fiber diet we don't mean low resistant starch diet these are very very important for you in fact if you're looking at populations all across the globe the populations which have the longest lifespans if you're looking at the blue zones you know these are Des they they hot spots in the world where people live for really long time or people
who have the best waste to hip ratios you they are naturally lean are eating a lot of fiber and resistant starches and when we try to go low carb and you inevitably go low fiber and low resistance touch that is a problem yeah so that is something we want to start looking at and avoiding yeah we we have talked a lot about fiber in my channel and uh that's why they got feel very very happy every time I see doctors talk about eat more fiber I'm so happy fiber is only found in plants you can't
you can't like animals have um cholesterol fiber is not it's found exclusively in plants so if you have to increase your fiber you have to eat plants there's no choice yeah so you have to and I'm so happy when I see doctor saying that eat more fiber and fiber like I mentioned is a type of carbohydrate so you can't be low carb high fiber very difficult to do that not possible when you're eating fiber you're eating carbohydrates but that's not a wrong thing that's a very very healthy thing let me ask you this in your
practice what will you consider as a normal carbs in terms of grabs ooh that is tricky so I as long as a client is eating enough fiber which I want to see about 50 gram per day higher than what you know uh most people suggest which is a high number are you seeing that we do we do yeah and that means about 70% of your total calories coming in from healthy carbohydrates non sugar carbohydrates so Gams is where you also start seeing a lot of uh in terms of disease management and in terms of you
know protection from a lot of chronic diseases especially let's say you have women struggling with PCOS so PCOS is excess sex hormones in your body and sex hormones bind on to the fiber and help flush it out so if you're increasing your fiber you also see an improvement in PC likewise for diabetes which we'll start discussing a little bit later you see that high fiber diets work so 50 g is what I want my clients to eat which means quite a lot of fiber l in my practice it's very difficult to actually have patients take
25 G of that's very general we could tell the audience that the average requirement of any person is minimum 25 G of fiber per day for women for men it's even more it's slightly high 32 35 yeah if you look at our ancestors and if your previous uh uh generation uh diet as we Advanced the daily fiber intake went down and that is directly correlated with the availability of Al process food as well cor um if you if you take a normal average person in an Indian Community uh even if they eating healthy if you
do some research it says that we can see that the average daily fiber intake is only 15 gam very very less 15 G right how do you tell people to okay reach 50 gam you're talking about 15 to 50 yeah that's a lot of that's a lot of fiber so uh number one it should not be a sudden jump you don't make a sudden jump because fiber takes takes time for your gut to eliminate so don't do the sudden jump do whatever comes as a lifestyle change to you and lifestyle change is different from a
diet practice so if I say a diet practice I'll say eat this it this it this throughout the day Lifestyle Changes making something part of your routine your daily routine your daily habits example one of the lifestyle changes I suggest my clients to make is eat a fruit before your meal now eat eat a fruit before your meal if you're traveling if you're on a holiday eat a fruit before your meal it does not matter where you are um If U there are days I don't feel hungry eat your fruit eat your fruit before your
meal so that's a lifestyle change fruits and vegetables of course are not very very dense and fiber because they have a lot of water content so if you're eating like two bowls of broccoli you're not going to get as much if I have to reach 50 two bowls of broccoli is giving me 6 to 7even gram yeah it's not giving me a lot of fiber and it's a lot of chewing so really if you want to touch that 50 it has to be whole grains and pulses the dried you know the dried grains that has
a lot of fiber whole grains example whole grains would be brown rice or the whole you know where you're not getting rid of the outer layer it would be oats it would be joar bajra any form of millets kinwa buak wheat whatever form of whole grains you like whole grains pulses can we take a small uh uh let's backtrack a little bit and then we can explain the audience in terms of what is whole grain okay so I'll tell you and you guide me if I'm wrong okay so a grain can be rice wheat uh
barley Rye Millet all these are considered serial grains and uh every grain has three parts to it one is the outer brand the second one is the uh endosperm the third one is the germ so what is happening is when you say whole grain you are eating the whole grain the whole thing whole thing including the bran and The Germ the reason is both the brand is the major source of fiber and when what happens in refined processed food is they remove the outer brand and the inner germ and only the starchy endosperm is there
is there correct yes absolutely I'm so happy I'm so happy it's very refreshing to see doctors who are up to date with your nutrition I'm very happy very proud of you good I'm soad so the problem with the endosperm is that the starchy CS so uh that's where you're um you are getting CS without the FI so perfect example example is mac and cheese okay macaroni and cheese people ask me whether we can take it I said you know macaroni pasta is a refined wheat where they take the brand they take the germ it's only
the endosperm so in that there is no fiber at all there's no very little F very little fi so when they ask me so you you that's why I don't watch your videos at all because because you always say Don't eat this I'm saying eat uh pasta but as long as you can have whole wheat pasta it's exactly same thing what you're talking about exactly yeah you want to stick to as close to whole grain as possible yeah the whole and you said uh Millet millets are amazing millets are great source one of the reason
which this can be is you can have millets in the whole form without having to make it into a powder so when you're having chapatis you're making it but if you take a fox tail Millet and let's say your traditional Indian recipes bisibele and Pongal you can replace it with the and it doesn't taste because just like white rice which takes up the flavor of whatever you're cooking it in mil it suck in the flavor whatever you so if you can get the art of getting the spices right if you can get the art of
having the right vegetables you can have Millet B will not taste very different from a millet Pongal will not taste very different from your regular so you're still enjoying the amazing delicious food and you're adding a little bit more fiber and you're eating the Whole Foods by I'm going to be very honest with you when you first try Millet it could be Millet Dosa Millet Italy or even milet ponga or even milet milet Roes Millet rotis you can yeah you can make you can make anything with yeah The Taste initially you have to accommodate a
little bit correct yeah so I tell this to people let's say that you're used to making buttermilk at home right we all have a certain consistency even things like chai normal Chai at home you go outside and you have chai or buttermilk it'll be different even though they using the exact same ingredient it'll be different our taste is we are very specific with regard to our taste but the beauty of it is our taste parts change very fast Al so you can get yourself and once you start eating Foods whole and fiber you'll not miss
the foods which you were used to eating before so it's not very difficult that'll become your new home taste this is how my mom makes it this is how I make it at home so that just becomes your new taste same thing with quinoa quinoa is also it has a brand with it uh and the fiber content is slightly higher than the white rice um in my case what I did was I AB absolutely love CD rice all right and kurd is being a gastrologist I absolutely promote kurd as well because of the fermentation part
so white rice with kurd is absolutely delicious yes it does I agree right Quin with kurd initially it was difficult okay it was only like couple of times and the third time you get used I get used to it so now I always have K with yeah it's not very difficult and it doesn't have to be a lot of big switches all of us rotate through 15 recipes at home we all have five favorite breakfast five favorite lunch all of us do that so let's say once in a week you introduce one new milet recipe
make that part of your list of 15 So eventually in 15 weeks you've come up with 15 new recipes which are healthier than what you were used to eating and now they are part of your rotation and you like it you genuine so let's say you don't like C rice try something else it's okay yeah but find a way to inculcate more whole grains because that's why the fiber lies yes you can eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and you should they have benefits with regard to nutrients and vitamins and minerals but fiber is
lentils and whole grains so don't shy away from that start including more of that then you're D so a person needs 25 G of fiber per day on a given day minimum so a person needs 25 G of fiber per day on a given day how will a patient gets a 25 Gams can I give an example yeah I I'll take it higher than 25 so my uh suggestion to my clients is there is fear there is fear with regard to you know eating um grains in general because people think it's fattening and it'll make
you obes and fear with regard to eating pulses they high in calories or high in carbohydrate there was this beautiful uh it was a rat study done where rats were allowed to eat as much of their the food they find in the environment which is pellets so they find pellets in the environment and they were given this open Buffet of pellets 24/7 you eat as much as you want and the Rats ate how much they wanted and then they stopped eating now the rats were given in the second part of the study as much cheesecake
as you want you can eat as much as you want that is the time they started gaining weight and obesity creeped in now that is hyper palatable hyper palatable is specifically designed to keep you addictive designed to keep you going back to it that's why no one can eat just one you you you can't stop you you keep eating that is hyper palatable and it's not enough in terms of the nutrient needs of the body so you crave for food all the time but when you're eating Foods close to the nature as close to the
nature as possible whole grains lentils pulses you will not over eat you will not gain weight we have to get the clarity first hyperpalatable food weight gain will happen if it's normal food which is not hyperpalatable as close to Nature as possible you will not gain weight because as long as you have this fear of carbohydrates you will not you will try to avoid it yeah so that we need to get uh I absolutely love when you did your own transformation your 100 day challenge not once was there a mention of calorie counting you didn't
you gave these five things you do number one was ultr processed food should be avoided or keep it to a minimum now automatically when you do that and you stick to the food which you're supposed to be eating you will not overeat so that we need to start getting an understanding given that I suggest my clients three servings of grains three servings of lentils per day other things can be your fruits and vegetables which you want to include in a lot of quantity but when I say three servings we want to understand and now you
start thinking how will I eat greens and breakfast how will I so find a way example a tablespoon of hummus is also lentils yeah so you can make your poral you can make you can make sunndal you can make things in your regular diet which is make a salad and add some Sprouts to it that's also like dtil so you don't have to think about making a CH Curry or rajma Curry all the time there are ways to inculcate it in your um my partners from Punjab so one of the things we adopted from him
was these Missy patas every time you have leftover Dal you put it in your uh Roy dough and you make it a you make it like a parata so that's also lentils so find ways to inculcate it in your daily habits versus thinking about I want to and uh like we discussed take it up slowly so right now you're eating 15 G of fiber we want to get you at 50 g of fiber take a few weeks to Acclaim to that but eventual goal is to increase your fiber intake how will you train your patients
in terms of okay this much fiber is there and in this much serving I generally what we want to do because we don't do calorie counting I would say about a fistful A Little More Than A Fistful is about a serving size yeah so when we doing 3 three it's rough estimate is about that it goes a slightly higher than that but let's say you're taking raw weight then a fistful is about one chapati or two chapatis would be roughly about a serving size so then you take it up slightly from there a serving size
will be like 3 to 4 G of fiber 3 to five five 3 to 5 G of fiber and uh the point I'm trying to make is that people let's say eat one cup of let's say uh any vegetables or any fruits or anything the amount of fiber they'll be surprised that it is low it's very low yeah so that's because it's very high in water content that's why we don't use that as your major fiber source you have your lentils and Grains of course you have the vegetables and the fruits like I said the
three servings of fruits before a meal is a lifestyle that you do it anyways but lentils and Grains should be a part of your diet if you want to reach the high fi numers okay I'll give you an example so for ex in uh um because I grew up in South India South Indian lunch will have rice and you'll have sambar so sambar is a lentil correct so in your case that is one serving yes of of your three grains sambar is one yes lentils three lentils that's three lentils yeah one and then three grains
is either you have quinoa Millet or B Ry or something like that for the rice so there'll be two yeah and then you'll have one more of grain yeah so you would do breakfast lunch and breakfast would be like a let's say you're doing a porridge so three grains per day yeah yeah not in a single would be a lot of food to eat yeah yeah no but other interesting things only from a purely fat loss perspective people who do calorie counting you take a gram of carbohydrate you round it off to 4 calories for
1 gram correct yeah 4 calories per gram is only sugar the resistance starch and fiber could be as little as 2 to three calories half of the calories of that's lower than Protein that's lower than fat that's the least amount of calories you're putting in also if you eat extra proteins extra proteins in the bodies can be converted to fats excess fats is converted to fats excess carbs also can be converted fiber is the only Food Group which cannot be converted to Fat so let's say you're having too much fiber you'll have very very good
bowel movements but besides that you're not going to gain fat even though you're eating extra so when you say that I wish I could get people to eat three servings that would be a lot of food but you're not going to gain fat so fearlessly include fiber in your diet yeah so so you said three grains per day yes and L servings of L so sambar is one L sambar would be one sundal would be great sprouts salads would be amazing making a batch of hummus and keep it in the fridge or kidney bean dip
any any kidney bean or any bean dip um and having a tablespoon to two tablespoons with your meal like a Chutney would be a fantastic option so we love to do that and of course adding it in your curries and soups and salads and I'm focusing on this fiber thing because I can guarantee you if any patient walking into my office with a gastroenterology practice if they meet 25 grams or 35 grams of fiber per day they will never come and see me again they will not need to yeah they will not need to yeah
they will not need you'll be completely surprised that uh one and two patients walking into my office will have constipation as the main thing okay and then they will expect me to prescribe a medication to get rid of the constipation so I say that I you know increase the fiber that's the first thing that goes out the mind the first thing so oh yeah yeah I or it is eat more salad because relate fiber with salad corre correct and then I say okay okay I'll eat it but give me some medication yeah right so that
is the usual approach that I usually see but you'll be surprised more than the medication this fiber increase itself 100% works better yeah there's a treat do you know hemorrhoids yes of hemoroids are dilated veins the treatment for hemorrhoids people think it is surgery it is not the people for hemorrhoids is the treatment for hemorrhoids is fiber wow yeah so if a patient is constipated he's having hemorrhoids because of excessive strain on the ball movement increase dilated veins and that ruptures and sometimes causes bleeding in the stool so a reflex response is that okay let's
ligate the hemorrhoids so that it doesn't bleed again that is not the answer we make sure that the constipation is got getting rid of constipation is treated with high fiber diet you'll be surprised that there'll be no need for any surgical intervention as long as you're including fiber that's it's very very simple and in fact fiber one other thing is which you've talked extensively it is food for your good gut microbiome and now they are saying gut microbiome is related to everything from chronic diseases to weight uh to brain degenerative diseases so it's literally the
good gut microbiome is asking for food and you're restricting it we don't want to we want to include as much as possible and and um you see a Improvement in all markers of chronic disease and uh even inflammation inflammatory markers start improving correct improving microb course yeah that's my uh bread and butter yeah I shouldn't say bread just butter so the um the biggest thing is once you get the fiber out um you talked about resistance starches as well yeah right so people think that you talked about resistant starches what are the examples of resistant
starches root vegetables uh because this is another Food Group which we want you know you think is high in calories and you want to avoid but just resistant starches act like fiber in the body so resistant starches is not going to cause the weight gain um the process of resistant starches carbohydr generally converting into body fat it's called denol lipogenesis is a very calorically taxing process so your body will not prefer to do it yes we we come from a you know holding back mechan survival mechanisms your body does not want to necessary so you'll
have to eat a lot you know but we don't we don't have the capacity to eat that much but um root vegetables is one more and lentils and pulses are a great examples of root vegetables sweet potatoes can be yeah um beetroots carrots yeah um and a lot of lentils and pulses so you want to do chickpeas and kidney beans and all kinds of masur dals and T dals and all of these are great resistance starches and you want to include do again some of them in your diet regularly so resistance starches will also um
you know control the glucose levels those things as well the interesting thing is when you look at a carrot you know how can you tell this is the sugar part of the carrot this is the fiber part this is the resistance starch yes we all have approximate numbers but a carrot grown in California versus a carrot grown in India even though the grounds are the same will still differ in terms of the sugar resistance start it's going in terms of price yeah yes price avocados and berries my God every time I go to the US
berries are so cheap over there yes the price but it's going to differ in terms of the the resistance start the sugar and the FI so you cannot really look at a carbohydrate and say this is the sugar part that's why stay as close to the whole food as possible now we we discussed that you should have this much resistance and you should have this much fiber we don't know when we are eating really really we don't know so as long as you're sticking to Whole Food you're not getting a lot of the sugars in
yeah and even if you're getting the sugars it's encapsuled within this fiber and resistance are so the effects it has on the body it's very very different from table sugar like jackary or something like that so that's why you know it is very difficult to calculate fiber in each and everything so that's why we bring at least into my patients I bring this concept of plan points yes I love that yeah I love it yeah plant points is as you said plant is the only source of fiber exactly you know animals don't have fiber so
I say in my Gutman challenge I say minimum of five plant points that plant could be nuts seeds uh fruits legumes lentils any kind of vegetables I chose five because you'll be surprised that people are not even getting five I know be getting five yeah uh unless you very conscious about it so but to get to this 25 G you should get at least 10 plan points at least I suggest my client 70 to 100 per week 70 to 100 plant points per which will come around 10 plan points per day points per day perfect
I should subscribe to your channel you should subscribe to my Chanel yeah yeah yeah it is just and it's so amazing no because every single time you're looking at nutrition you're looking from a restrictive point of don't eat this don't eat this this is bad that is bad why don't we start changing that why don't we start changing and telling people eat this eat this this is a point this is a point so when I work with kids especially and you know you have always you have one nagging parent around she's not doing that he's
not doing always always it was a funny story because um there was a child I was working with 16 17 and we were developing mindfulness techniques so one of the things I told her was hey no TV while eating let's let's do this exercise mindfulness because there was appetite control problem so she was religiously following and I get a picture from the mother and I could only see the head and the TV was on and food was there an entire week because I had a conversation coming up through the week I was like how much
I've explained how else can I I'm thinking all these things in my head go to the call sit in front of her and I'm telling her hey you did fantastic but I wish she like no no that was my dad that was not me and so this is the thing you know we you have I think that's very important little bit deviation from what you talk a huge thing which I promote if you're a parent you have to be healthy you can't the when you're in a hospital and you recently were talking about the surgery
room this side and that side as a patient you're open you're sedated you have no idea what's happening extended families have sent the WhatsApp message of get well soon friends have probably sent flows the only people walking up and down the hallway in the waiting room are your spouse and your kids that's it and you have no right to put them through that I think if there's a loudest way to tell your kids I love you take care of your health take care of your health you don't have to ever send a kid to a
fitness center or gym if they've seen you growing up you know taking care of your health so it's very very important as a parent you have to make these changes to take care of your health um so anyways coming um back to very important Point yeah it is very very important and you know what is a beautiful thing like we were having this conversation right now the 100 days challenge was more beneficial to you than anyone else and when we see you dancing with teenagers with so much of agility and flexibility in your movement you're
doing that putting a lot of kids to shame and I'm sure your kids will appreciate that so much when you're growing when they are growing up that worst thing a kid can get is a phone call saying that Dad or Mom is in hospital it's very scary it's very very it's traumatizing that's that's a wonderful point and thank you for considering that as a dancing no it was amazing so so the reason that I did the Gutman challenge is to show people is that if you have younger kids it is your responsibility to be healthy
exactly what what you said and it is just a matter of time that the years will pass by if you keep delaying the effect uh delaying the action um so you agree with 10 plan points per day I absolutely agree yeah I think that's you know that's what I was coming to it's it's about changing your perspective on food nutrition is not restrictive it has to be exciting then you'll do it otherwise you'll do it for a short term till the weight goes down till the HBC comes down but for you to do it consistently
nutrition has to be exciting and we do this with our clients we keep keep a thing in the fridge if a husband and wife is joining together you maintain your list of plan points let him maintain his let's see who wins in the end yeah and sometimes to motivate clients my coaches will do I will keep my list the coach will keep their list you keep your list let's compare in the end how many plants because the first this is too much it's so much of shopping it's so much but the important thing is we
consider fiber soluble insoluble in nutrition there are so many strains of fiber which we haven't even discovered yet yeah so you don't know what is there in Strawberry you don't know what is in muskmelon you don't know what is in a spinach try to get as much yeah so changes your perspective that food negativity Association or eating disorders is from restriction restriction let's try to change that towards inclusion inclusion yeah more accommodative oh yeah yeah more accommodative and we also say that wide variety of colors absolutely yes uh because you will never know what kind
of bacteria that is going to promote you need wide variety of gut bacteria so that's something that we promote as well so we said 10 plant points per day and there could be fruits vegetables and all those things whatever you want but the one major thing I'm going to ask you is what is your opinion on fruits why is fruits is getting so much amount of bad press yeah no it's very sad to see that um we should distinguish fruits from fruit juice two different things fruits are not fruit juice um it's not the same
thing and we want to understand fruits are very very very healthy for you predominantly because they're hydrating we are not hydrating ourselves as much and they are loaded and not only vitamins and minerals but polyphenols and phytonutrients things which protect your body so when we have these studies saying that people eating more fruits do well in terms of chronic disease risk then it's not only fiber it's all of these protective agents which are also acting and protecting you protecting you from an inflammation perspective from U protecting neuropathy or protecting different things so let's say you
do a study where you have people eat minimum two cups of fruits per day or maximum two cups of fruits per day so you're not allowed to eat more than two cups or you allowed to eat minimum this you should aim for more the group eating more does better in terms of diabetes markers diabetes we relate fruits with sugar and diabetes and they do better uh in fact if you have people just eat a cup of berries before your meal your blood sugar spike is more controlled and we would think that it's sweet it's sugar
so it should cause more Spike and you're eating more calories so it should cause more Spike but it is it's actually more controlled um in fact I think the biggest study on fruits was where participants were asked to eat 20 cups per day 20 imagine that's a lot of eating of fruit and still there was more weight loss uh towards the end so fruits are very very beneficial fruit juice is a problem like with anything Ultra processed it is processed so you're removing a big chunk of you know proc it's process it's process you're removing
this huge chunk of and only retaining the juice part um not only fiber but like polyphenols and many things which are which are bound to that fiber and you're retaining only the juice part that has fructose a specific type of sugar and unlike glucose table sugar which is broken down in your digestive track fructose is broken down only in your liver or predominantly in your liver so fructose metabolism happens predominantly in your liver and because the liver suddenly goes into an overdrive of having to do so much work because so much of fructose together is
coming to the liver you tend to develop fatty liver diseases you tend to develop other issues so fruit juices should definitely be avoided let me tell you from a clinical standpoint okay so we I see a lot of patients with fatty level so what is happening in food juices is as you said lots of fructose and they have to have like five or six fruits to get juice juice compared to you eat one whole fruit so the amount of fructose delivered at a single thing is too much for the to but let's say your metabolic
rate is high and you are healthy all of overall that might not be a big problem the reason is this fructose goes to the liver and that fructose gets converted into something called pyate and then pyate gets converted to acetel coate this atile Co is your enzyme for energy okay so let's say you need more energy your metabolic rate is high you have less body fat your muscle is very high then you need more energy so this acet KO which is coming from the fructose which is coming from the fruit can be burned the problem
comes when there's too much atile KO and you have decreased energ lifestyle sedentary lifestyle lack of muscle mass that your metabolic rate is very low to start with then this excess fructose is get converted into more acid Co then what does that do that goes into a different pathway called fatty acid synthesis so then that gets converted into fatty acids and that's where all your U fat everything starts so um just with one not occasional fruit juice are okay but thinking that fruit juice is better than the actual fruit might be an issue absolutely and
like you said it's about comparing the five to six apples to one glass of apple juice apples are not a problem you will eat one you will stop apple pie is a problem you won't stop yeah so the same thing you're not going to stop and it is hydrating and it's sweeter than we the apple juice is going to be sweeter than the Apple itself because you're not getting so much of the fiber content and everything so you will continue drinking it and that is a problem so I think one reason fruits get a bad
light is because of this the fruit juice is a problem and the fruit is a problem other thing we sort of have this Association when we have diabetes eat fruit eat foods which are bitter diabetes will go away eat foods which are sweeter diabetes which is a not the right yeah it's not the right thing so fruits actually can be protective when you have diabetes um in fact of course for depending on which stage of diabetes we would suggest stick to certain fruits we call them low GI versus high GI let's talk about it now
yeah so the the fruits that is good for diabetes patients where the most important factor is to control your glucose levels uh you prefer a fruit with a low glycemic index index so can you tell us what is glycemic index yeah the rate of your blood sugar rise when you're eating a food is your is the glycemic index essentially I would suggest the low GI or the medium GI for people who are in the where their diabetes is uncontrolled or it is a type f diabetes Now if it is a pre-diabetes and we have bought
it under control or it's in remission I don't even suggest because you're still getting diversity cut down yeah so let's say but you have uncontrolled diabetes and I think with diabetes you generally work with a nutrition is don't try to Google and don't try to do things yourself it is very very it's not very easy Andes let's also clarify to the audience that when you say pre-diabetes it's hemoglobin A1c between 5.7 to 6. that's pre-diabetes more than 6.4 is diabetes yeah so when you so you're saying that in pre-diabetes include as many fruits as possible
in in yes include as many fruits but here you don't have to be very very specific about low GI High GI but if it is of course diabetes or uncontrolled um or it is type 1 diabetes then work with an expert in terms of knowing to stick to low GI fruits and these could be like apples uh oranges are great example all berries are great guavas guavas are great plums are great cherries cherries cherries also cherries are sweet but still yeah they low gii yeah and papaya papaya is also a great option so these are
all great um sticks seasonal you get and especially um I think in that way India is very blessed because we have so much Variety in terms of fruits and seasonal fruits availability um and the other way I tell you know generally clients will start your meal with a fruit because it's the process of digestion can be inflammatory fruits are anti-inflammatory it's it's compacting that it's antioxidant uh it is your natural appetite suppressors it has fiber so you're not converting a lot of body fat from fruits um it is high in terms of hydration so you're
taking care of so many different factors with just adding a cup of fruits before your meals what is the best time to have fruits before your meals anytime it does not matter yeah I I don't restrict up because I remember every time I upload my my first my morning starts with fruits and a big bowl of different colors of fruits and I upload that on Instagram I get a but shouldn't you eat fruits empty stomach but shouldn't you eat fruits in the dinner but shouldn't you eat fruits with cooked vegetables and anything that is restricting
your diversity no do it you know include a lot of uh the food combination Theory I think it was 1950s or 60s I believe it came out which just disproven you eat a coin your stomach will pass it through we are very very a stomach we are underestimating the power of our digestive system so you don't have to worry eat you know and stick to mostly plants and you're going to do fine thank you for pointing this out your stomach is very powerful I'll tell you a story I think all the audience should listen to
this as well that I had a patient came with abdominal pain okay and he has some cognitive deficit um so he started swallowing coins all right so lots of pain we take an x-ray coins are just stacked correct and uh it is in a place where we cannot retrieve by endoscopy okay and it is somewhere between a small intestine and we were not sure okay this much amount of stack of coins will come out through the peristalsis through the small intestine to the large intestin out into the rectum in the anal canal in two days
everything came out wow how old was this patient this was like 2021 okay wow okay uh we were so surprised we were thinking that probably we'll go into surgical intervention all those things so my theory is that okay so the peristalsis is pretty strong which means that the the power of gastrointestinal tract exactly is such an amazing thing and that is why I keep telling about the importance of fiber where it maintains the power of G tract which will control everything else of course if you ask a gast what's the most important thing I'm going
to say gut yeah beautiful beautiful so um so we talked about uh fruits before meals I have seen this practice where they have dinner around like 7 8:00 p.m. okay and then they are going to bed around like 10 10:30 11: sometimes and before going to bed they will have a banana or like some other fruits is that common in your practice as well I uh of course if you are a aake late at night you will reach out you will reach out for food you will reach out and I think we keep looking at
nutrition from the perspective of self-discipline I will have to do I'm I'm so self-disciplined I will not touch food down you you can't act out of self-d discipline there's only so much you can you'll do it for one month two month 3 months eventually you'll fall off the wagon and then feel guilty about falling off the wagon but the practice was wrong it's nothing to so if you awake late at night you will reach out for food and interestingly there was um one experiment done here where you you know you have glucose uh through IV
drips you give to patients and you keep the drip rate the same okay so they've given from morning they given the same rate of glucose throughout the day and you see the blood glucose levels are stagnate stagnant but right around afternoon going towards the evening and late in the night even though the drip rate is the same you start seeing a spike yeah so our ability to break down carbohydrates of food in general goes down towards the evening so is a banana healthier at 600 a.m. a. or 6 p.m. 6 a.m. is healthier is a
slice of pizza healthier at 600 a.m. or 6 p.m. 6 6 a.m. is healthier is a kale salad healthier at 6 a.m. 6 a.m. is healthier so anything had later in the day is is not a good option but don't try to say from tomorrow today onwards from 6 p.m. I won't if you awake you will eat change your sleeping time you have that is a lifestyle very good point uh I'm just going to change a little bit over there what you said that 6:00 a.m. is definitely much better than 6: p.m. but 2: p.m.
yeah is even better than 6 a.m. and the reason for that is your circadian rhythm of the Dig hor so insulin is the hormone the digest cars it's very active in the afternoon in the afternoon time so when they say people ask me when should I eat Biryani I said yes eat Biryani in the afternoon as close to noon as possible as close to as possible possible and around like 2 3 p.m. would be the that's why they say when you work out it is better to work out in the afternoon 3: to 5:00 p.m.
practically it is not possible because will be at work but let's say you have an option to work out that is where your insulin is active the let's say you get into an injury the recovery rate not only in injury but in terms of muscle recover is much better yeah so whenever there's a possibility I tell my patients that you know work out in the afternoon and then they ask me what do you want me to do eat Biryani in the afternoon or I know what Sana Kumar will choose no yeah absolutely um I think
that's the everything has to be planned how it will make your lifestyle easy example you have a very amazing um gym with so many facilities and you know multiple like swimming pool and table tennis and everything but it is 10 kmers out of your way and you have a yoga mat at home do the yoga yoga yeah it has to be a lifestyle and inculcated easily so if you're generally a person who starts the day very early in the morning don't force yourself to do that earlier morning workout and go to the gym at like
4:00 a.m. you'll probably do it for a few days but you will give up and then you'll feel bad about giving up and leave exercise for good better than that choose a time which fits into your lifestyle and fits into your lifestyle easily wonderful point I think even in my Gutman challenge when I did I had this thing okay I'm going to wake up at 5:00 a.m. in the morning never you know wake up at 5:30 yeah so I initially did for 4:00 a.m. for a couple of days then I said it's not going to
work so few things that I did was from 5:30 I changed to 5:00 a.m. okay easier that's much easier number two what I did was I used to do my uh have my workout clothes and then go to sleep so that was one of the other thing or I've seen people actually having the work clothes right next to them the other thing I did was have my workout shoes right next to me as well so that you don't have the option option yeah environmental change environmental cues play a very big role in habit formation uh
if you have Maggie at home you'll make it no ah if you don't have it what you'll do you have no choice if fruits are on the yeah simplest thing study done on fruits at the counter or fruits in the fridge who's more likely to eat it fruits are there at home but right in front of you you're more likely to eat it but that is in your control that you can start changing dry fruits I'm not talking about like um um barbecue almonds or like you know lime and cashew pistas and all that but
unroasted unsalted nuts and seeds kept at your countertop you will reach out for them otherwise you will order for Samosa s almost as hyperpalatable you want to do that but here is a environmental change I've changed my environment so this is more accessible accessible trumps hyperpalatable yeah so this is easier because it's right in front of me so change making these small small changes in your environment you remarkable like you said wearing the workout clothes decision making becomes easier in the morning you don't have to take one more decision to what will I wear you're
ready you just already decision- making of going to the gym itself is a big exactly it's a very big it cannot easily yeah so you talked about uh uh fruits as snacks correct yes so that's what I tell my patient as well that so let's say when you eat fruit or vegetable whatever it is but the fruit as a snack will give you that fiber which means let's say you want to have that biscuit or something like that the amount of biscuit intake will be much less when you take the fruit fast yeah so that's
a huge thing it's a simple simple as well and you can choose whatever fruit that you like yeah I think also our taste buds we have different tastes on our taste that's why even after very very heavy meal you want a desert because you youve not satisfied the sweet Cravings you've satisfied the other cravings and by just adding the fruit you've also satisfied the sweet Cravings so you're not going to be very likely but fruits are going in the gut and they changing your gut environment so your sugar Cravings will start coming down over time
eventually uh so this is a great way for people keep fruits around use them as if you want to don't have it at 10: p.m. right before going to sleep uh what is the take on the high gii fruits where mango banana and uh jack fruit I think they are also amazing I I don't because you're still getting a lot of uh essential nutrients you're getting a lot of fiber one of the reasons in fact I got into nutrition was uh I remember when my dad was just diagnosed with diabetes and I had prepared I
was into fitness then wasn't doing nutrition but prepared for my fitness knowledge some meal plan which I think would work and went and showed it to his doctor who was a diabetologist and it was me and the doctor in the cabin and I was very young young then and he shouted at me he's like what is this how can you write mango mangoes when season it was summer then how can you ride mango you can't do this he cannot eat mango for the rest of his life and I cried because I know my dad's a
huge mango fanatic we are in Bangalore and he orders Alonso only from Bombay to be delivered and he orders one different strain from Gujarat to be delivered so he he does mango shopping so he's a huge fan gentic and suddenly at the age of what 45 50 someone is telling that you cannot eat this for the rest of your life yeah with type to diabetes so that was very very um I I would not accept it so at the time of course I felt like a superhero I'll find a cure for diabetes and all that
didn't happen but now when we do have type two diabetes patient and we've got them controlled or pre-diabetes we do include some hygi fruits and they are fine we don't have to worry too much about it so the take home point is mangoes jack fruit banana yes they are high glycemic index and that will increase your glucose levels uh but they are rich in micronutrients as well so let's say your A1C is like 10 11 probably not a good thing if your A1C is around like 7 6.5 moderation is still good absolutely yeah don't eat
mangoes every day I mean not every day don't eat mangoes all meals diversity is important diversity and you can consider as your plan Point yes absolutely plan Point beautiful super so you talked about nuts and seeds I just wanted to quickly touch based on your comment on unsalted and unroasted yes I I understand unsalted what is this roasting thing yeah interesting so um fats and proteins when exposed to heat increase in something called AG Advanced glycation and products Advanced glycation and products uh increase the inflammation and oxidation in the body thus are the root cause
for multiple diseases from Alzheimer's to PCOS now is that the only thing causing Alzheimer's no it's one of the one of the things that can impact your uh inflammation levels which can then lead to multiple diseases and also you can it becomes slightly hyper palatable so roasted nuts skipped you will keep on munching raw nuts you'll eat how much you want to yeah so roasted and salted that's why I do tell my clients avoid because it is higher in hes and you stick to to the raw uh as much as possible um don't do roasted
yeah okay coming to fats what is your take on ghee I uh if you look at the nutrition component of ghee just the nutrients nutrition component you're getting a lot of wrongs versus right is what I would like to put it off so saturated fats is much higher it is high and saturated fats is the kind of fats which doctors tell you don't eat avoid it yeah um and people say G is high in nutrients vitamins and minerals it does have some vitamins and minerals but let's say vitamin A example if you have to get
from ghee you'll have to eat a lot of ghee to reach your RDA required daily intake lot of ghee very high saturated fats and you're getting in so much of fats in the body you could eat a carrot one carrot and you'll get your daily intake so when you're looking at the tradeoffs you're getting it is it's ghee has a lot more negatives than positives also what we do is let's say someone is having a tablespoon of ghee per day yeah so that's not so much but people use G ghee as a free pass ghee
is healthy so you have how much you want and that does become a problem and when we are trying to stay at least diabetes management you want to stay on a lower fat diet ke comes in with a lot of fat and the negative kind of fats so my suggestion would be don't use ghee or very very sparingly but people don't understand moderation they one chapati one spoon only then you're eating four chapais and you're eating two times in a day so you put a lot of gese so my suggestion would not be even cooking
with ghee so fats are convert classified as saturated unsaturated and trans fats U previously doctor Community said saturated fat is like so bad um now we are slowly transitioning from there and then saying that probably it is not the fat it is the sugar uh that is causing all this problem yes we have given mixer messages as well but as the research advances we also learning along with everybody um so in our practice what we usually say is hey you know good sources of saturated fats is okay where ghee coconut oil and all this or
sources of good saturated fat but the problem comes is what exactly you said about the moderation um 1 tblspoon of ghee has 120 calories 120 calories and 10 to 12 G of fats 10 to 12 gam of fats correct correct and I don't think nobody uses one SP we don't we use it for cooking and that is so when you're cooking your pouring you're not even measuring tablespoon wise so that is a problem yeah how many tablespoons will be in that usually on depend on a household four to 5 tablespoons four to 5 tablespoons yeah
and that's for like one Curry and then you're also making a Dal and putting TKA on that and then again two times in a day so it becomes much higher then so this we regularly see and we tell people hey can we try oil free cooking no I don't know how to do it it's actually not that bad takes a little time but tastes the same and you apply ghee on the Roti as well the Roy yeah and the ghee pody and white rice correct and idly on the top of the on top of yeah
and then on so this is how to Bangalore my God the Masala dosas they are filled with G so much of G I remember still this you know two idlies there is ghee on the top and there is py yes on the side and we make a hole in the py and then put more ghee more oil I didn't know at that time but now look at this one tablespoon of oil 1 tbsp of ghee on the idly that itself is 250 calories right there if I would have taken all over again maybe I will
skip the ghee on the idly and put the ghee only on the Podi probably yeah see the thing is all of us if you look at it from a money perspective no let's say that we get $2,000 per day rough estimate of the calories we are a person needs day you converting calories in dollars yeah good anergy you want to make the best use of every single dollar right so it gives you back the maximum returns you're not going to throw it away and buy sand right you won't do it right so 2,000 calories is
your daily allowance let's say imagine rough estimate every single calorie coming in the body should be maximum nutrients possible maximum and this is not only for um preventing chronic disease if you live to 120 going by the way our generation going that's not going to be a big goal if you live to0 it should be 120 of youthful years where you're working till the last very day the way to make it happen now from where we are is taking care of every single calorie coming in yeah we give yourself allowance on the weekend you want
to do whatever you want to do you do what you know you're in India right now so if you have to go and enjoy vapa outside you should be able to enjoy vapa outside but predominantly 80% of your lifestyle making sure is from a very business mind perspective maximum gains yeah so that's what we looking at doing I think this is a Perfect Analogy yeah yeah we'll make sure that the $2,000 is being spent properly spent properly beautiful beautiful now the major part protein okay protein you are a vegetarian actually vegan correct you've been a
vegan for a long time I've been plant-based yeah for a long time yeah plant-based as I say repeatedly in my podcast in my channels to my patients is that okay daily protein requirement is8 to1 G per kilogram regardless whether you're building muscle doesn't matter just for your regular building blocks of yourselves you need amino acids and then you need to get protein somehow okay vegetarian or vegan diet uh how easy is to get that 1 gr per kilo now that is the Thing 1 G per kilogram body weight per kilogram body weight per kilogram body
weight yeah so this is where a lot of people get confused because you're trying to get 1 gram per pound body weight it's not bance your kilogram of body weight so if I'm right now 55 kilos I should get 55 g of protein per day and that's my requirement let's say I'm weight training slightly higher than that yeah if I'm building muscle mass slightly higher but most people are not weight training or trying to build muscle mass at the rate which they think they are yeah so when I say when I'm working with athletes who
are actually training 4 hours 5 hours a day their requirements are higher now leisurely you're going to the gym and coming back in 45 minutes with the goal of losing weight 1 gram is enough you don't need more than that in fact longevity studies tell lesser is better so you don't need more than that protein deficiency can become a problem if you're calorically deficient if I'm eating only th000 calories a day no one should be doing that if you're eating only 1,000 calories per day we have to calculate you want to make sure that you're
getting adequate as long as you're eating the calories required for your body yeah now because I'm discussing calories required for body let's switch the gar one second people think calorie counting is the way to lose weight we used to do that when we studied nutrition and that's what we thought this many calories this is the daily require create a deficit you're going to lose weight if that were the case then everyone on a calorie deficit would lose weight but there are people who are on the deficit and still see no or very little results and
that means you haven't optimize your body to become a natural calorie burning machine if your mitochondrial count is defective if you have insulin resistance if you have hormonal imbalance you will not lose weight no matter and yet there are people who eat whatever they want and they are maintaining their yeah so if you can change the thinking perspective not calorie counting Alone look at how you can optimize your body into becoming a fat burning machine and there are various ways to do that you lose weight even without calorie counting the diet that you're recommending is
a plan-based diet where you avoid Ultra process food so you're saying that if you take Whole Foods plant-based and you meet your 2,000 calories you will get your daily protein Rec will have to not worry yes yes yeah so you don't have to worry about your protein intake as much but you should not take any other unprocessed uh Ultra processed food people do take process and you because I said 100 and my requirements is 55 now right say you have a little bit of 8020 80% healthy and 20% now you'll still get your protein requirements
for the day you don't have to worry about it as much it is that as long as you're eating literally the food which is required for the body which is Whole Food and plant-base um you're still getting your protein requirements I'm trying to put into perspective don't worry about it as being the top nutrient sample the soil which we have right now yeah it's deprived of a lot of minerals what we used to have 10 years back we don't agricultural process irrigation it's deprived of minerals thus thyroid problems thus iodine deficiency thus selenium deficit we
have these deficient nutrients which are actually deficient we don't go out and play as much with soil as we used to yeah and b12 is predominantly from the soil thus B12 deficiency we don't get sunlight thus D3 deficiency now these are real deficiency problems yeah so when we looking at protein we are not worried about deficiency that's not fiber deficiency yes we have fiber deficiency so you're never going to see a person admitted in the hospital because of protein deficiency you'll see admitted because of fiber deficien they won't say fiber deficiency heart diseases gut issues
fiber deficiency only but you will see so I think the focus should not be protein alone yeah focus should be you will get enough proteins focus on all the other nutrients and if you do automatically proteins also will be covered will be covered yeah so let's say that somebody's focused on let's I won't meet the criteria and then um most common sources for vegetarian usually we say D um you know tofu p and you know is rich in calories as well um one thing that keeps coming up is soybean right so let me ask you
this what is your take on soybean as a protein SCE for vegan I think it's a fantastic uh source and not only from a protein perspective it's very rich in something called isof flavon a type of uh phytonutrient which helps protects against cancers yeah so if you many many many studies that show that soybean consumption protects you against cancers later in life prostate cancer for men breast cancers for women um but also protects you against menopausal symptoms later in life so soybean consumption in your 30s and 40s protects you against menopausal symptoms and menopausal symptoms
can be very very traumatizing uh hot flashes and mood swings and people not being able to understand what you're suddenly going through all life you'll be in a certain way now certainly OT so family can be it'll be difficult and we've seen that women with consumption of soy early in life is protective clarifying your soy meaning the mostly the minimally processed soy so to F great soy milk is great soy beans the whole beans are great soy chunks not so much process more processed yeah little bit more processed and you're getting a lot of depriving
a lot of the phytonutrients from it um processed plantbased soy meat Alternatives not so much the Tempe not Tempe so temped so yeah but I mean like vegan chicken or yeah so plantbased meat Alternatives that not so much so I would not promote that but otherwise I I would encourage women men everyone to include a lot of soybeans uh in their diet in fact we talk about soy beans one concern men have is uh it's rich in estrogen so it causes man boobs yeah so you recently I was in a beach in Goa Indian Goa
Beach you enter the beach and you see a lot of men with shirtless shirtless big bellies and big boobs and I went and asked a few people you eat soy you eat tofu they didn't they don't so they drink beer they drink beer yeah it's Hops and it's it's a a lot of just the you know uh food which you're eating which is high in sex hormones but it's not soy so I you don't have to worry about soy and U man boobs yeah I wish that would be the biggest breast enlargement industry know so
I do I did a lot of research on soy as well for gut bacteria thing so as you said soy ban is riched in isof flavons isop lemons the concern was 20 35 years ago there was a study that said that okay increased soybean and increased estrogen causes breast cancer and there was done animal studies and there is another clinical study 335,000 people yeah no association at all no association so there was a study that I was involved in so we took women and then you know they were taking uh sorry and then isof was
there and we did MRI of the breast and we followed up for 12 months there was no change in the fibr glandular tissue at all so I think we should just put an end to this Association of between soy and breast cancer the other thing that is very interesting is the concern about isoflavonoids interfering with any of this right know it causes cancer it causes breast enlargement it causes uh thyroxin absorption and all those things depends upon the amount of isoflavones in the blood okay it depends upon where the soy bean is grown if it
is on a low temperature like Canada US the isoflavones content is very high it's 3,000 migr per kilogram the same isoflavones in soybean in India it's only 1,000 G oh interesting I didn't know that three times more okay so if there is a question about soybean consumption and any of the side effects in India you don't have to worry about at all because it don't reach that criteria at all and as you know soan is a wonderful source of complete complete protein protein it has all the essential amino acids so it was there was other
Theory um which is phytoestrogens which is found in soy fight for the same receptors as estrogen sex hormone estrogen yeah so why are there some studies that show that reduced risk of breast cancer but also estrogen has beneficial effects in the body your um bone density depends on estrogen yeah so while soybean protects you or isof Flav phytoestrogen protect you against breast cancers by going and occupying those receptors so estrogen cannot occupy them it also selectively lets estrogen occupy the receptors where bone density bone Minal density you need to increase so you're having this dual
effect you're having this you know playing the good cop and bad cop where it's needed it's the good cop where it's not needed it's a bad cop um but it's protecting against multiple you know factors I also think when we talking about the how much soybean is too much soybean that's in 20 cups plus it's it's really too much and that much of anything is bad yeah so you don't want to eat anything but the two servings per day is what I recommend my clients in smaller portions let's say that you're having soy milk in
your coffee if you want to or you're having putting soybeans which is if you're too skeptical about tofu Tempe don't like the taste of it soybeans taste like any other beans like chickpeas or like kidney mix soybeans and put it in your salads and soups um but includeed yes of course the only thing that we should concern about is genetically modifi gentically modified and also isoflavones interfere with thyroxin absorption that is true but that happens only in the absence of iodine iodine yeah only Aben specifically so let's say you are a normal person who don't
have any thyroid problems at all you don't have to worry about you are not going to get hypothyroidism because of soyan consumption but let's say you are hypothyroid which means your lack of iodine is still there then this isoflavones can interfere with thyroxin absorption for a short period of time so that's why we tell my needs to increase inre and also uh while they're taking the thyroxin tablets yeah don't have it around them and cooking the if you're having raw soybeans of course it's a problem but the goitrogen content is reduced drastically when you're cooking
the soybeans so if you're I don't think anyone has raw soybeans everyone has cooked soy beans I don't think you can eat ra soy beans um tofu is pre-cooked you're cooking that's why you can make tofu just like paneer you have to cook it uh Tempe is fermented so that also reduces the qua contents so I think it's more Fe here uh lack of clarity around the subject but the more I'm so glad that you you went and you did your you studied about it yes yeah I'm so glad and not a lot of people
do to go back and study a little bit about it you'll actually see more benefits then yes the reason I did that in analysis was because every patient when I say to increase a protein they were like um there is no Source at all we can't eat soy because of the hypothyroid we can eat this and there is no Source at all so yeah that's why I did that and there's some association with the gut bacteria as well as you said plant-based protein or plant-based anything is definitely good for the gut microbiome significantly no question
no question at all that's why plant diversity not animal diversity right plant diversity is very important right right so in this uh vegan options vegetarian options of protein um we talked about soy tofu paneer tofu is a part of soy paneer is different yeah paneer is different paneer comes from milk yeah so you're still having some amount of cholesterol cholesterol but the key thing about paneer I was completely surp I had a Punjabi friend who invited me for a dinner and nowadays nobody invites me for dinner because I go there how much calories so uh
I was completely surprised the amount of paner that they take it's a lot it's a lot correct yeah it's a lot yeah yeah 100 G of paner is usually 300 400 calories in fact we've had kids uh 18 19 one 19 year old I remember clearly um she came into us with high cholesterol and I was shocked because it's generally vegetarian family of course you can have because of hypable foods and she like no no I've been dieting for 2 years so okay what diet are you doing she said I found something online and I
was doing and which was 4 to 500 gr of paneer per day that is a lot for young child yeah and in the hopes of losing weight and here the cholesterol is high so it was concerning so we want to be mindful if you're taking in sources which are like paneer um tofu still has some fats in it of course it also has but very low in calories very lower in calories compared to uh paner high water content that's why it's lower in calories and uh surprisingly high protein content so your serving can get 10
to 15 gam depending on the yeah and a serving is not much just 150 Gams you'll get about so it's a good source of you know low calories high protein lower carbs low no carbs yeah it's a wonderful Source It's a Wonderful source of plant-based protein so one key takea away from this message is that paneer soy is good and also paneer is a good source of protein but you need to understand that it is rich in fats which is increase the calories so the amount is extremely critical very critical very critical other options for
vegetarian protein oh legumes PES and legumes and whole gra also Rich yeah whole grains also so we would think that um if you're eating like kidney beans with kinwa kidney beans as protein Quin doesn't kinwa could have as much as um just a few grams lesser but as much as kidney beans does so whole grains are rich in proteins and we don't associate grains with proteins otherwise but they are fantastic protein sources but the content is low though what 10 15% lower than legumes but not low by that much yeah it's actually uh good source
of proteins yeah so then that will include your fiber as well the that include the F yeah nice nice nice okay okay so is edamame is a popular thing here not so much but we do see that popping up at least in the US and such a easy simple steam it and it's ready such a easy source of protein and it's a Mindless eating thing you have it by your side and you keep munching on it you're getting your protein you're getting your phytonutrients and um it's a good source of fiber also correct and then
um you we you talked about in your video about you know the second meal what is that you talking so so amazing so that's why you know when we look at food we look at a hole one reason I don't suggest protein powders you're extracting it's not a hole anymore and that's why you never know there are so many co-enzymes in food which act with each other and we also have we haven't discovered everything we don't know everything but that's the way it's a nature so let's say I'm having let's say I have a diabetic
client or I'm diabetic let's say and I'm having having pulses for dinner um so I have a chickp curry for dinner and I check my blood glucose and the blood glucose Spike will be lesser just because of the pulses for dinner which is great now I went to sleep and I woke up in the morning the spike will still be less compared to if I did not have chickpeas for dinner and that is called the second meal effect the second meal effect or the lentil effect is this phenomena scientific phenomena how having pulses for one
meal reduces the blood glucose Spike for the next meal have something for breakfast and your blood sugar spike is lesser for lunch so that is fantastic how uh you know lentils and pulses act in the body that's why a diabetic patient we say three times breakfast also have a little lunch Al a little din also little so you'll have that control with regard to your blood glucose spikes wow that's a lentil effect right so lentils examples o so much black lentils T Dal masur Dal uh Raj Mao black beans um horse gram my recent favorite
horse gr sambar oh my God I love it so much Mo beans all of these are uh lentils lentils and pulses and anything pulses is kidney beans CH yeah yeah those so anything of that sort and your favorite Millet my favorite Millet is Fox taale Millet recently because it mimics rice very well so I love doing like a pulao or uh bis bbil is my favorite foxtail Miller bbil turns out really amazing um so people should try to do that um it also makes a great base for idly dosas yeah especially doas it makes it
crispy so it's a great so one thing we have tried in our house is Pearl Millet Pearl Millet flower um so that make chapatis chapati those are also coming on very well really I've never tried that yeah but I can assume is very very simple no because you it's a flour already so you just ferment and then leave it correct wow correct mix it with your regular thing as well Dosa is a one day commitment one it's a long long process not instant gratification it works and The Taste is also not uh that different initially
it was difficult but you can add your flour based on whatever your R yeah so I I absolutely love the concept of second me effect so protein with lentils okay the main problem I wanted to ask you is so people say I atat Dosa with sambar rice with sambar or that sambar usually doesn't have any lentils at all we think so no and uh if if you're in a gujara household like me in the name of Dal we having water water it's not the it's jaggery water it's not we we don't so the water down
Dal my husband T me to say he's Punjabi and Punjabi dals are very thick so when he came and he's like you brought me to a jail or what this is not the it's not supposed to be watery it's supposed to be thick and that's that's that's how you should make your lentils so um don't have the you know the little bit lentils have proper lentils it should be a part of your uh daily lifestyle very interesting so lentils we call them Prebiotic fiber Prebiotic means they are food for a gut microbi gut bacteria called
probiotics the tablet which you take probiotic that's the name for the healthy gut microban so Prebiotic fiber is what the probiotics the gut healthy microbiome feeds on yeah and then they release something called short chain fatty acids SC pH scfas is directly linked to multiple things including weight loss so weight loss is slow scfas is low you can increase your scfas you also see that the weight loss progresses it becomes better um in fact fecal transplant studies you are better than me at explaining so go ahead you try to um so the scfa that you
talked about the most component is butrit so there are three kinds of uh biotics right Prebiotic as you said and probiotic is a bacteria and the other one is postbiotic the thing that you need is the postbiotic the postbiotic is the one that you're talking about scfas and butrit and you can get it either ways either you increase your Prebiotic so that gets converted into probiotic and then probiotic postbiotic or you give the probiotic itself fermented food and everything what it does is it makes the connections stronger so it's like your lost forgotten friend who
is trying to get a connection with with you and the connection I'm talking about is between the brain and the gut so when this but rate is high the brain G access is very strong and that is why your weight loss is better yeah is ABS so the feal transplant that you're talking about is uh we had a you will not believe this we had a patient it's a very interesting story we had a patient who had C diffusal colitis which is an infection of the colon It's a bad bacteria the only treatment that was
possible was feal transplantation because none of the antibiotics worked the and the veal transplantation the stool sample was gotten from a donor I did a colonoscopy sprayed the donor sample into the colon of the infected patient they got better the next day wow that's how strong how powerful it is he walked out of the hospital okay 3 years later this patient came back as a followup for something else when I did the colonoscopy his weight was 60 kilos now his weight is 130 kilos and he keep saying that I'm not able to suppress my Hunger
I keep on eating a lot we were like why this happened in the last 3 years because the donor guy Obe was obese ooh that's how powerful so let's say imagine you taken from a healthy donor this would be a completely different story of course of course and this is for everyone's information no Nutritional Lifestyle intervention the weight gain weight loss happens purely from the fecal transplant that's just how strong it is how strong the gut bacteria how strong the gut bacteria is yeah wow but that is true right so healthy gut microbiome uh the
poop can go up to what $400 $500 uh if it's a donor yeah yeah yeah yeah okay not that much uh $75 $7,500 for one poop $75 interesting $7 yeah all the healthy donors or the young people in the undergrad colleges in Boston oh you have to be undergrad I mean I was starting a different change no they are the ones who are looking for part jobs as well so you can convert your poop into money you can convert your poop into M yeah no but that's a motivation just stay fit because not now when
feal transplant is just starting off right so in the next 10 years it's going to be uh a huge stream of science cor so there there's a lot of research being done in FAL Transportation into multiple diseases so there is um research on autism inflammatory ball disease Parkinson's all this they are showing some positive results but it is not conclusive yet it is not in clinical preliminary St preliminary studies the only thing that has been proven for fecal transplantation is the C diffusal colitis where the colitis is completely gone the next day as you are
mentioning in 5 10 years from now maybe there are some other indications of FAL transplant but the bottom line that we should grasp from all these studies is that is how powerful the bacteria is that is why fiber I I completely agree with the fiber trumps actually sometimes I shouldn't say trumps protein but protein is not the only thing that you should focus lentils and pulses fiber and protein go hand in hand you you can't do one without the other because it's whole and it's in that form um so that is important I think when
we looking at protein very population specific now let's say I have a bodybuilder who has to present himself on stage in a certain way I have an athlete who wants muscle mass protein is very important you have to make sure that they're getting adequate dosage nothing works yeah but if I have a person struggling with sleep looking at weight loss and has chronic diseases I don't care I want fiber I want to improve circadian cycle I want to make changes in all these aspects proteins will take care of itself but I will not go out
of the way and say Hey you have to take a protein powder I'm not going to do that yeah so uh but I'm going to emphasize the fact to my audience as well because what I say is let's say that you are not able to meet meat your protein criteria by maybe 10 to 20 plant points per day or including soybeans something like that then in that case there is a role for this we protein powder or plant protein powder what you want but that should not be your first step it should not be your
first apprach of course of course eating adequate and the right kind of foods and it'll take care of itself nice nice any myth about the cops cops cause weight gain it's very hard to gain weight with cars I'm not talking about sugar sugar causes weight gain yes but like we discussed it's fiber it's resistant starch they don't cause weight gain in fact they they help with weight loss it's lower in calories it doesn't convert to body fat it fills you up better satiety more production of short chain fatty acid more response to insulin sensitivity so
in every way carbohydrates will help you with weight loss unless it's processed carbs so don't have white bread don't have white rice don't have sugar but if you're eating really just what comes from plants in its form then it's going to help with weight loss not weight myth about fat um so with regard to Fat mostly cooking oils is the question I get that oils lubricate the joints uh we are really not machines they don't lubricate the joints you need healthy omega-3 fatty acids yes for your joint health but not from oils you want um
nuts and seeds and olives avocados anything which is close to the whole Source yeah um now does extra virgin olive oil will it cause damage to your health better than some of the you know the filter or the processed oils better but olives still better than Olive Oil yeah so stick to the holes as much as possible and I also suggest clients 1 to 2 tablespoons of nuts and seeds per meal you need that to absorb the nutrients which you're eating some of the fat soluble nutrients you need a little bit of fats with your
meals so 1 to 2 tablespoons of nuts and seeds so let's say you're making an Indian curry add a little bit of cashew paste you know just soak cashews over and blend it gives a really beautiful creamy texture to it um if you're adding salads then put a little bit of nuts or seeds on top put tahini it's it's such a beautiful flavor but find ways to add it to your meal tahini I like tahini find ways to add the fats to your meals not having it as a separate you know Thing by itself so
uh big question uh should we have to soak our nuts overnight yeah interesting what are you looking for so nuts do have ftic acids yeah ftic acids is an antinutrient but we also have some studies saying ftic acids prevent from the formation of certain diseases like cancer okay but if you have a weak gut I would not ask a client to eat draw nuts and seeds because it's going to cause difficulty in terms of digestion so depending on the population you're working with if you're someone with a weak cut if you're someone uh with nutrition
absorption problems deficiencies then you soak your nuts and seeds and you're getting rid of some of these anti-nutrients because of soaking it if you're otherwise healthy if you're otherwise just looking for longevity and disease prevention and otherwise don't have problems it's completely fine to have mistake we make is we forget to soak right and because we forget we don't eat it saying that I I can't now that's a food now you have found a negative association with food negative association with healthy food you eat it's okay if you remember you soak it you don't remember
eat it eat correct correct two things I always tell my patients is that number one include nuts and seeds per day and I usually say 10 to 15 nuts per day because that's are rich in calories as well so we need to be careful second one is exactly the same think that convenience always trumps convenience trumps always trumps everything so overnight soaking is a big problem you don't have to worry about the F take it is not going to make a big difference please take the nut that is going to be a rich in nutrients
so these two things I always tell my patients maybe I should learn from you that instead of having it as a snack include in the meal per se that is even better try to okay yeah I would do a fiber snack nuts as meals fiber snack and nuts as meals uh example of fiber snack fruits sweet potatoes scale chips all of these carrot and hummus um all of these are carrot and hummus you're getting two plant points right there two plant points yeah and you add a little tahini on the hummus that is a three
you had Sesame also so you have three plant tell me what is tahini is Middle Eastern yeah so tahini is Sesame paste um and um sometimes when you make the hummus with chickpeas you add a little bit of the Sesame paste uh it gives a very creamy fluffy uh texture to your to your hummus so you're getting three plant points you're adding the sesame seeds the chickpeas and having the carrots on nice beautiful as a nutritionist what kind of oil that you are using I try to tell uh you know people to go oil free
as much as possible oil free yeah oil free as much as possible and because the the predominant patient population I'm working with are disease reversal it's not so much with regard to just weight gain weight loss it is disease reversal and we're looking at disease reversal we want to keep a low fat uh especially especially with diabetes or with cholesterol you want to give a low fat that's the fastest results so I tried and what we've done as a practice because it has to be a lifestyle change and if you're living in a family which
is a joint family you have in-laws you have other people around it's not easy to go oil free alone you can't do all the cooking for yourself alone you can't do that alone so the grain portion keep it oilf free which inevitably is mostly oil free let's say you're doing a rice don't do jira Rice because you'll have to add the TKA on top um let's say you're doing Ro don't add the ghee on top so these are it's possible it's possible to do the grain portion oil free it's possible to do the Dal oil
free because it can be cooked in the pressure cooker easiest oilfree cooking technique is put everything in a pressure cooker with water you will not taste the difference you will not need oil yeah if you're adding a little bit oil to the curry which is made at home for everyone it's okay it's okay no problem that's fine because you made what 60 70% of your meal oil free so that little bit is not going to bother yeah and that little bit because it's little bit does doesn't matter use your favorite type of oil whichever you
what is convenient for the family listen to them and let them do what they want to do so I think keep it mostly oil free and little bit does not really matter doesn't really matter my suggestion would be that's the lifestyle change which I've told my patients to make is when you go out you should look like you're on a diet physically you should eat like you've never been on a diet go out and enjoy when you're out it's a social EV and there's so much more more than just thinking about food all the time
and worrying about you shouldn't go out and enjoy but when you're home it should be not I don't like to use the word diet nutritious food but so tasty nutritious food your neighbor should get jealous what is cooking in your house and you can make it you can make very very tasty amazing delicious food which is nutritious also happens to be nutritious taste is the first Factor but come up with creative techniques in terms of working uh around that I absolutely love it so you go out and then eat whatever you want kind of thing
you have to maintain the body and then at home you eat all the nutritious food the only thing is you shouldn't go out every day obviously yeah you're s Kumar you don't do that you have to that's a wonderful thing right so if your metabolic rate is so high then probably your body will be able to digest a lot more yeah yeah so you don't have to worry about that beautiful beautiful wonderful discussion amazing amazing I learned a lot I learned a lot thank you so much for everything and I hope the audience actually learn
something from this and try to implement small little things but one big thing that we both are promoting is 10 plan points per day at least minimum amazing minimum super thank you so much thank you for having me thank you that was a wonderful episode I absolutely loved it I'm sure that you have learned at least one or two points from this podcast because we discussed a lot right we discussed about cobs proteins fats diabetes insulin resistance it was a lot so I want want you to jot down two or three points that you learned
and write down in the comment section so that you don't forget and you implement maybe tomorrow or even today after listening to this podcast the small small changes are going to give you the significant gains please do not ignore this podcast as one of the other uh YouTube thing that you just scrolled across I want you to understand absorb and actually Implement in your daily lifestyle we put in so so much work to bring the qualified experts to make sure that you improve your quality of life that is absolutely critical thank you so much for
your continued support please consider supporting our new channels gut feeling with Dr pal Clips where we take 8 to 10 minute clip of the longer podcast to highlight the salian Futures we also have another YouTube channel called gut feeling with Dr pal schz where we provide you with a one minute reel due to time constraints by condensing the San points of the podcast and if you are an audio person who wants to listen to the podcast in an audio format maybe while driving the car we are available in Spotify as well please check out please
check out the podcast link with gut feeling with Dr pal and please consider subscribing to the channel so that I know that I am bringing some quality content to you so that will keep me motivated to keep going all right so remember one belly at a time it is absolutely important I will see you in the next video bye
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