[Music] do you have a little bit of a system you can share on how to make money I know we've got cobr tap.com we'll keep shouting it out but any tips for someone who's ready y but they don't yet know the how completely so we teach it inside of the real world of course I keep mentioning it because it's so important but there are three keys I believe to making money the word of the day first one's perspicacity most people go through life and they do not pay attention I've said this before and I want
to stick by it because it's so important you need to pay attention to every single time you spend money because you cannot make money you're not the Federal Reserve you're not a government governments make money all of us take money from somebody else or a business or a government we take money from other things so the easiest way to learn how to get good at taking money is to pay attention to every time someone takes money from you so next time you buy a coffee don't just buy the coffee and drink it and think nothing
of it like every broie don't do that say okay I why am I buying this coffee okay I want a coffee all right why am I why am I buying here well this is on my way to work is there any competition around do I also want breakfast do they sell breakfast no they don't sell breakfast they could probably make some more money they're selling breakfast anyway I walk in there's a long line why is there one member of Staff I'm low on time I'm about to leave and not buy the coffee they're about to
lose money because it's taking too long most of the people in this line are businessmen why is there not a cute girl behind the counter I bet if they paid a cute girl a little bit more they'd still make a bunch more money cuz people would come in here to talk to her think and then what you'll do is as you go through life every time you spend money is you'll realize the problem is not how to make money the problem is how much time you have because there's endless business ideas there's endless ideas I
walk into a coffee shop and by the time I've walked out I already know exactly how to open up next door and out compete them head to toe I already have worked out how much is the rent how where are they [ __ ] up what are they not selling that they should be selling what they doing good what are they doing bad this chair is too hard I'll wreck them and I'll send and now my network is so powerful which is the second Point Network I can send a few messages on WhatsApp and make
a bank transfer and two months later there's a brand new coffee shop next door with my name on it put in my put in my business so the first thing is you have to pay attention because if you pay attention you'll start to learn that money is everywhere every building is owned these are skyscrapers bro billion billions billions billions every apartment nowadays is a million million million you drive down a street in London you're driving past trillions of dollars there's money everywhere it's all around us when I was broke I thought that the world was
broke I thought that there was no money and then I got rich and realized that I was completely nutly wrong there's so much money it's everywhere if I go to try and buy a plane or a jet they're always sold out my yacht is a [ __ ] six-year waiting list I want a Bugatti they launch it the email comes to my email address two minutes later gone like the there's so much money if I want a diamond watch or a million dollar watch or a million dollar relics you can't get this stuff there is
so much money out there once you get to a certain Echelon you realize there's money [ __ ] everywhere so there's plenty of money in the world people with no money are just not very good at taking it so you need to start paying attention it's first thing second thing is Network it's hard to make money if you don't know anybody who has money if you sit in a room full of ice cream experts and all they talk about is ice cream how to make ice cream the different flavors how to store it how to
move it how to sell it even by accident if you hang around with these people long enough when someone asks you a question about ice cream guess what you're GNA you're going to know the answer you're going to say you know what that's because it's pistachio and that needs to be two degrees higher than chocolate and you look a smartass so if you sit in a room full of people who making a bunch of money everyone understands this your network is your net worth you're the sum of The Five People You spend the most time
with everybody understands this and then they still hang around with [ __ ] losers cuz they're dummies you're right I am the some of the five people spend the most time with anyway this is my friend Nick he's so funny when we go drinking cuz he gets really drunk losers I don't talk to anybody who is not winning everybody whose phone every phone call I will answer if I answer a phone call it is from a winner I don't talk to losers everyone I talk to is Rich everyone I talk to is making money everybody
if my entire reality is full of multi-millionaires making money how am I not going to make make money and this is why network is so important is because it's the same reason that wolves hunt in packs if you're a lone animal you have one set of eyes but if you're a pack you're watching every single angle every single side perhaps I might miss something I'm as perspicacious as possible but what of my friends identifies that the war in Ukraine is going to change and the Russian Ruble is going to pump and you can make a
bunch of money on a Forex trade for example I may not have noticed but he'll notice now I've made a bunch of million dollars for get a text message right because I have friends who are paying attention all of us are paying attention so your network is super important that's another thing we'll go into this because I have something called the War Room which is also on corporate.com and let people read for themselves but that's my private Network and we specifically talk about money and and a few other things but that's that like more like
a mastermind it's it's the real world's how to make money and the war room is what to do with money if that makes sense yeah it's all on carp.com I don't want to get off track but it's there but second is work and third it's to identify the reason why you don't have as much money as you want so far and there's one of three reasons you are either lazy stupid or arrogant there's the only three reasons anyone is poor and you have to identify and choose which one it is the majority of people are
not the one they think they are the majority of people are the one I'm about to say at the end so let's start with lazy there are a lot of lazy people the unfortunate reality about money is that you are competing so it's player versus player it's like anything in the world if you want that beautiful girl so does everyone else you have to win the competition you want that car you have to get it first you want that money everyone wants that money you have to compete it's competitive business is competitive you are competing
against people like me you're competing against people like the people in my network you're competing about people who only talk about money who understand money very well who operate in jurisdictions all around the planet who are extremely well connected who know things before you know them who have mass INF and mass power and mass resource you're competing against me this is what you must understand you're not waking up going I want to make some money you're competing against people like me you're competing against billionaires you're competing against hedge funds how did these hedge funds keep
growing where are they getting that money from from the brokies they're robbing you they're robbing all the poor people from the pension fund dummy that's where they get it from this is who you're competing against so the competition is absolutely and artly fierce understanding that understanding that you're a man with a small pistol up against a mighty Army if you want to add a little bit of laziness on top you're [ __ ] so when I say people are lazy they go I'm not lazy I work hard every day you work eight hours a day
you work eight eight the [ __ ] if I'm awake I'm working I'll be driving my Bugatti sheir on through Dubai working I'm texting at the same [ __ ] time I don't take a second off I don't take a minute off I don't relax I don't rest I don't stop I I don't chill none ever I'm either asleep or at work that's it second I wake up I check my phone I begin working I go to the gym in between sets I am working I'm online working the entire [ __ ] day until the
second I go to sleep I am at work that is all I do and you are at home competing against me and you want to watch a movie tonight and then say you're not lazy you're [ __ ] lazy and you're going to lose forever that's laziness next is stupid I don't think many people are actually too stupid to be rich you can be below average IQ and still get very rich very a very small percentage of people are too dumb to be rich the slave mines they'll never be rich because the Matrix tries to
keep you poor because when you're poor you can't think like we talked about earlier so everything the media tells you is designed to make you poor they want you broke and struggling because if you rely on the government for food stamps then you can't AR with the government can you so that's what they want so anyone who believes in The Matrix and believes in media and believes in the lies they're told anyone who sits there and goes that's true that it's literally designed to make you broke that's why it's all a scam do your GCS
do your A Levels get in debt go to UNI get out get a [ __ ] job get a mortgage don't worry when you've paid that mortgage off when you're 61 then you'll have enough money to go to Spain for Holiday then your pension comes oh government doesn't have the pension money anymore funny enough hedge fund stole it pay half your money in your life in tax oops doops and then you wake up one day and go whoa I just got [ __ ] so the whole scam the whole story is a lie because they
want you broke they don't want you rich if you're rich you won't listen to them so all of it's a [ __ ] lie and intrinsically we all know this right if I when I pull up in one of my 30 cars to a gas station and people look at me and they see a Lambo or Ferrari or a Bugatti or kernin egg whatever I'm driving nobody goes wow he went to school no they think drug dealer gangster they're thinking they're thinking he broke the rules because anyone who follows the rules doesn't get [ __
] it's all a scam it's all a [ __ ] lie so the slave minds are [ __ ] but those are the only ones who are too stupid to make money anybody who understands that the Matrix is lying to them is smart enough so very few very small percent are too stupid inside of our school at the height of it before the Matrix attack we're relaunching we had 175,000 students wow when we had 175,000 students maybe 2,000 we kicked out for being too stupid it's step by step do this do that do this and
don't be lazy the [ __ ] it's not that hard right so stupid is not the problem so we have people who are lazy very few are stupid but the majority the main reason most people are broke is because they are arrogant I will sit here and say all the things I've said I will do this take time time out my life for free somebody at home will watch and digest it for free they will agree with the things that are being said or at least be entertained enough to continue to watch and then I'll
say I'll teach you how to make money online c.com you can join the real world and they'll sit there and go n i I'll do it myself they're arrogant they have these egos from [ __ ] knows where because they didn't earn it and they're just too arrogant to listen to anybody I became World Champion by listening to my coach I didn't become World Champion by walking in saying I'll do it myself it's not how you get anywhere in life you have to listen if if Mike Tyson were to walk in or if Elon Musk
were to walk in here and talk to me about money I wouldn't be sitting there going I could do that I like Oh Mr Elon richest man in the world hello very nice to meet you please even though I already understand I don't want to launch a car brand or put rockets in space please you must know some things I don't know how do you deal with the currency fluctuations does it does does inflation impact how much it cost for you to send a rocket into space like I'd ask him something that's useful right but
some some people are so brutally arrogant that they'll sit here and they'll listen to all the things I said and they'll agree that I'm intelligent they'll agree I'm massively successful but they'll sit there and go yeah but you know what I I'll do it myself I don't want to join that school because you know I'll just do I'll do it myself they're arrogant everybody's [ __ ] arrogant I sit with people who I used to go to school with from Luton who were still broke and tell them how to make money and you know what
they do they answer back yeah but you know it's not that simple because you know the wife gets the kid you know what and I don't like to do things that way the way I like to work the way you like to work is why you're [ __ ] broke so what the [ __ ] you talking about you just sat here wasted 10 minutes of my time I told you how to take your business of Painting and Decorating or whatever the [ __ ] you're doing and make a serious amount of money and now
you're telling me the way you like to work then stay [ __ ] broke the [ __ ] you want me to do what level of arrogance but this is people they'll sit with a multi-millionaire and tell you their view oh I think that know when you're out qualified and accept it and learn it's what we all do I'm not going to get I can't play piano for [ __ ] the piano teacher walked in here and said this is what you do and I say well I like to move my hands this way what
kind of dumbass but this is the this is the arrogance people operate under so I'd say 20% of people are lazy 20 to 25% a large portion of the world are not lazy they're actually working exceptionally hard but they're doing the wrong thing 5% of people are too stupid so say 25% 5% is 30% but 70% of people are brutally arrogant and this is why they are poor that's the truth and how did you make your first million good question I've talked about this already it was an unorthodox strategy I've talked about it at length
so I won't give the whole story because it's too long but I identified a gap I identified a market I approached the scenario and the situation extremely professionally and I worked exceptionally hard and I made my first million dollars so I what my first Millions came from owning a webcam studio so I saw a little advertisement in the corner of a web page saying talk to live girls now I've never been a porn guy I'm not interested in that [ __ ] but I was like that's interesting I know some girls who need some money
boom boom boom I put together this apparatus extremely professional no [ __ ] sexual misconduct no Dan ban no threesums nothing very Prof very professional outfit and I used all my business knowledge and all my life knowledge and I applied it I worked 22-hour days I would say I got to the point where I was so tired so tired but i' say you know what give me 20 minutes and if the alarm if I could hear the alarm go off I'd get up sometimes I just slept clean through it and I slept an hour or
two for months and months and months and I built an Empire I built an insanely large empire at one point I'm completely out of that business now but how did I how as in did you sell it uh I didn't sell it I just closed it all down I moved on I started making a bunch of money and I found other opportunities but how did I get that opportunity perspicacity first thing I said pay attention I paid attention I looked at the girl I'll give you the coffee shop example this is what I did I
clicked on that advert I saw the girl sitting there miserable waiting for a customer I thought nobody was going to buy from an unhappy [ __ ] you need these men are the men who are paying her are trying to escape an unhappy life or they wouldn't be doing this [ __ ] so when I got my girls online smile happy girls get paid that was a token that was a slogan happy girls get rich joking H who's you gonna pay you're gonna pay the girls like yeah yeah having a having a blast so I
paid attention to the competition I saw an opportunity just like the coffee shop so all the things they did wrong the room was messy camera quality was [ __ ] there's the basic stuff the way the girl acted and interacted all that stuff and I applied it all by paying attention countless hours watching everybody else finding the way to do it better just like with the coffee shop and I did it better so I was absolutely nly perspicacious and that's that's how you make money and I did it with that but I could have done
it with anything and now I do it with everything the story of me sending a text message via my network and having a coffee shop is a true story I have never I don't think I've even I've been in there maybe twice I even go and and I have mechanisms in place to make sure I'm not robbed too badly because unfortunately a little bit of cash goes missing but everything's in in place and it makes me money I don't think I've even drunk my own coffee just I identified I put together a list it needs
to be like this like this like this like this like this I have competent people who work for me which is very hard to find but I do they understand to follow the doctrine to the doctrine and I'm getting money into a bank account that's it and you can do that with literally anything if you have a strong Network and you pay attention you can do with anything even podcasts we're doing a podcast right now you guys are already big and successful at this I'm telling you you can look at the biggest podcast in the
world and still see what they're doing right what they're doing wrong just the game that's the game and then you have to out compete everybody else and what's your net worth now you know what's it's kind of funny because is that sigh that's the shittest questions so far on this no no it's it's it's uh I don't actually really know because they say if you don't know what you've got they say if you know what you got you ain't got much and it's it's so [ __ ] true I don't know how much that coffee
shop is worth I know what it makes me roughly a month I don't know what I could sell it for I can guess now like if I would put a six times multiplier on it you know I could guess but then what am I do that for every property how much are all my properties worth [ __ ] knows different than when I bought them so the price has gone up down I don't even check don't know so how much all the property worth I can guess how much the business is worth I could guess
how much is my brand worth if I put my name to something it sells I've been offered 50 60 70 million to sell junk to Children which I wouldn't do because I have too much morals how much is my brand worth I'm the most Googled man on the [ __ ] planet God knows like I I couldn't guess I would guess that because there's different metrics of measuring the the value of say a business sometimes they'll put a three times multiplier on it sometimes I put eight times multiplier on it let's put it this way
husters University 175,000 students was doing about $13 million a month profit that's an online educational Company online is the future education is the future it was seamless fantastic It outcompeted Oxford Cambridge everybody it was the best school on the planet not just because we had 175,000 students because we retained 175,000 students that's the key 175,000 people were making more money than they invested each month there's no other platform on the planet that can do that we had no competition there was no other online digital learning platform that was even 1% as close we were the
largest online digital teaching platform on the planet and everybody wants to make money so everybody wants to join male female rich country poor country that's $13 million a month that was doing so what's that $1 120 $130 million a year8 times multiplier what that what's that worth 800 Million by itself like depending how you want to estimate it I can sit here and say I'm worth2 200 million do or a billion dollars I could be a billionaire with net worth for the things I own things I'm in control of depends on how you want analyze
it so the reason I sigh is because I don't have a clue how much money I'm worth I don't know I know that if I want [ __ ] I get it I know that the world is effectively free now I'm at a point of money where I never ever contemplate the price of anything ever the whole world the only way I can explain being ridiculously rich is that everything is completely free so if you want something even 1% even if you tiny even if you want something a little bit the cost is 0% consideration
so I have 30 cars I tried to stop at 10 but the car the car owners know I'm going to buy them right so so they they decide to launch a new Lambo and they text me and go hey new Lambo I don't even ask to see a picture I'm just like okay because I'm not going to notice the money going missing so why not at least I might I might only glance at it for three seconds I may never even drive it I might just go oh it's all right that's worth the money to
me because the money is worth nothing so the whole world the whole world is free if I want coffee it's it's like I buy I buy and do things like the same way a person not even buys a coffee like a penny sweet it's just like oh [ __ ] it all right it doesn't it doesn't mean anything I can't I can't explain it I don't have a clue how much money I work I don't know that's the answer I don't know I just know I can have whatever I want hey before you go if
you want to watch the full Anor interview with Andrew Tate no holes B like you've never seen before you can watch it here and before you go make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on and remember if you don't risk anything you risk everything he