There is Hurry To Come Unto Christ

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Ensign College
Bradley R. Wilcox was born in Provo, Utah, on December 25, 1959. He and his wife, Deborah Gunnell, h...
Video Transcript:
I once attended a a meeting at Brigham Young University where Steven aravi addressed the students brother cvy was a very wealthy man because he was a very successful man he wrote a book called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and he lived those habits and he taught them all over the world even today the book is one of the bestselling books of all time and brother cvy spoke to the students and he asked how many of you want to be rich well most of the hands went up and he said why and the students
gave very altruistic answers they said well part of it is because we want to help with the church's humanitarian Aid programs one girl said I want to be able to give microloans in third world countries to deserving people somebody else said I want to help promote education and Dr cvy listened and he complimented the students on their fine desires and goals and then he said simply if those are truly your desires you won't wait you'll find a way to do it right now you won't wait until you're rich if you wait until you're rich enough
to do some good in the world then you're probably never going to do it brother cvy certainly didn't wait another one of the men I admire a great deal is a man named John Huntsman senior he he's the founder of hunts Huntsman chemicals it all started with a container that would hold eggs and the eggs wouldn't break because he figured if he could build the container out of kind of a styrofoam instead of cardboard then the eggs could survive a little better that led to the Big Mac container the little styrofoam container that would hold
hamburgers even now when you go to a restaurant and come home with a to go package usually that's in a little styrofoam container and that's what John Huntsman developed and later that grew into a a huge company that became one of the wealthiest companies in the world brother Huntsman is well known for his philanthropic efforts his generosity began much earlier than when he attained great wealth his wife Karen would always keep track of their finances when they were a young struggling couple and she could account for everything except $50 every month she'd be $50 off
in her accounting and she complained to her husband and said where's this extra $50 going and he says I'm not too concerned about it well she found out where the money was going at a testimony meeting in their Ward when a lady stood up who was a single mother mother and she said I just want to thank the anonymous donor who puts $50 on my doorstep every month Karen looked at her husband and said I know where the $50 is going now brother Huntsman said if you can't give when you have a little then you
will not be likely to give when you have everything I admire Steven Arvy and John M Huntsman senior not just because of their philanthropy but also because of their sense of urgency they both felt and responded to the need to help others and to build the kingdom long before they had professional and economic success they were building people and they were building the kingdom long before they had buildings named after them Satan has convinced many in the world that there is no God he has convinced others that there is no truth but even Believers are
not much better off if we allow him to convince us that there is no hurry we need to feel an urgency to draw closer to God and an urgency to live in accordance with his truth when the Shepherds heard about the birth of the Lord the the scriptures say they came with haste to find him they didn't say tomorrow will be soon enough next month will be soon enough we would do well to follow the examples of the Shepherds and to go with haste in our efforts to serve the Lord I want to urge you
today to proceed with haste in your education in your repentance and in your efforts to gather Israel first of all let's talk about the urgency of obtaining pursuing your education when I was the bishop in a young single adult Ward some of the boys came to me concerned about their roommate they said he spends all day and most of the night gaming and then he does day trading and we're just worried because he hasn't been going to classes at all and he hasn't been coming to church well when I find was able to track this
young man down and talk to him I expressed my concerns he said oh Bishop don't worry about it I can make more in one month of day trading than you can in a whole year I said I am a teacher anybody makes more than I can make in a year but that's not the point the point is that education is not just about earning a living education is about enriching and making a better life I encourage this young man to start attending his classes to do well in his classes and I promise that what he
learned in his classes would be so much more meaningful than whatever he was doing as he was gaming and trading online I make the same promise to you as latterday Saints education is simply part of our culture it is part of who we are former superintendent of schools in Utah Valley or in Salt Lake Valley his name is m Lin benan and he once wrote this it is doubtful if there is an organization in existence that more completely invests in the educational development of its people than does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
only 3 years after its founding in 1830 the church Joseph Smith was establishing a school it was called the school of the prophets and it was for grown-ups it was for women as well as men and they studied philosophy and they studied business and they studied history and they studied languages they didn't just study religion that's one of the earliest schools in this country that was for grown-ups and not just for teenagers or kids and because of that Joseph Smith is one of the pioneers of adult education in the United States Brigham Young picked up
where Joseph Smith left off he picked right up and said man we're going west I want you to bring charts I want you to bring Maps I want you to bring books oh yeah that's what I want to haul across the plains in my hand cart yeah don't forget the Encyclopedia set Mildred I mean can you imagine you're hauling books across the continent those obedient Saints did it because they knew they would need books to be able to continue to teach the youth when they got out here in the middle of nowhere where there was
nothing so they brought books and they used those books just 3 months after the first pioneers arrived in Salt Lake Valley the first school started and we have been in school ever since it was just 4 months later that they founded a university it was called the University of Deseret and it was right here in Salt Lake when I studied at University of Wyoming I took a class in the history of education and the teacher had an overhead some of you might remember an overhead projector it's what teachers used in the olden days and he
had a transparency of all the universities in the country before the Civil War and they were all on the east coast and somebody said what's that one over in the west and the the teacher said I don't know he said I must have spilled something on that and he said he was trying to scratch off the Little Dot that W and I raised my hand I said don't scratch that off that's the University of Deseret that was founded by the early latterday Saint Pioneers that was the University of Desire red they were finding they were
founding a university even though they' only been in the valley a short time now that focus on education continu in the church today Research indicates that latterday Saints both male and female have a significantly higher level of educational attainment than does the population of the United States as a whole it's true in our country it's true in countries in Europe in Canada in the orient and in Latin America in Mexico a member of the church is 30% more likely to have a higher level of educ ation than those who are not members of the church
interestingly church members are very unique because worldwide in every denomination as people get more education they usually become less faithful publicly like going to church meetings and privately like saying prayers you've seen that to be the case all around you but it's not the case in our church we are the only church in which the opposite is true as people gain more education they actually become more faithful in their public and private religiosity so our fear is not that people will find out something that will pull them away from the faith not when our Doctrine
is all truth that's a pretty big Article of Faith all truth see we don't fear that you're going to learn something or study something that's going to hurt your testimony the fear that we have is that you won't study deeply enough that you'll settle for Sensational sound bites on social media and not look into an issue or a topic deeply enough because we are assured that as we study deeply enough there's nothing you could ever learn that's going to pull you from the faith it will only deepen your faith so our fear is not learning
and education our fear is illiteracy people who can't nourish their testimonies because they can't read our fear is aliteracy people who have the ability to read but they choose instead to do anything else that's what we're afraid of because then they won't be able to continue learning and they that's when their faith will be in danger contrary to public opinion everything we ever really needed to know we did not learn in kindergarten there is so much more to learn reading broadly matters education matters attending your classes matters and there is a hurry along with an
urgency about education we should feel an urgency when it comes to repentance I once received an email from a young woman who said why not have sex with my boyfriend why not we can always repent later I said I'm so glad you know you can repent and I'm so glad you know you can be forgiven and I'm so glad you know that that can happen as many times as you need but cleanliness is only one of God's many attributes to become like God we need to become more than just clean more than just forgiven and
the time you're wasting with your boyfriend is time that could be better spent it could be better spent developing the selflessness the charity developing the self-control that are The Godly qualities that the law of Chastity can teach us if we're willing to learn one young man said a return missionary said well brother Wilcox if there a God and if there's anything to the Plan of Salvation at all then I'll just repent in the spirit world I said good plan except for one thing if you're not motivated to change now what makes you think you will
be motivated then AMC taught the Same Spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time time that ye go out of this life that same spirit will have power to possess your body in the Eternal World mortality is a school the spirit world is a continuation of that school but continued opportunity for learning doesn't give a desire for learning continued opportunity for repentance doesn't give a change of heart that change of heart comes from Jesus Christ and the sooner we can get started on that process of becoming more like him with his grace with his
help the sooner we can begin that process the better off we are in today's world you hear people say YOLO it's an acronym it means I don't need to tell you what it means I just have to look it up for myself it means you only live once and people use that to justify all kinds of risky choices however YOLO is not in the scriptures instead we see yay wo yay wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men and denieth the power of God yay woe unto him that shall say eat drink
and be merry for tomorrow we die and it shall be well with us God's work in glory is to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life and it's time that we are about our father's business repentance matters change matters and there is a hurry now along with an urgency to be educated an urgency to repent there's also an urgency to gather Israel in the worldwide youth devotional of June 2018 president Russell M Nelson said the Lord is hastening the Lord is hastening let me find it here the Lord is hastening his uh his work
together gather Israel that Gathering is the most important thing taking place on Earth today nothing else Compares in magnitude nothing else Compares in importance nothing else Compares in magesty I testify that the Gathering is now and it is real think of it we can be part of the most important thing taking place on Earth we can change the world ah yeah but brother Wilcox is are such statements just kind of stretching the truth not according to Joseph Smith who taught that the revelations associated with the restored gospel provide a foundation that will revolutionize the whole
world many in your generation are Desperately Seeking a cause sadly their causes last about 15 minutes as they superficially flip from one cause to another cause to another cause depending on whatever happens to be the Hot Topic of the moment on social media please don't let your efforts to change the world be that superficial please don't let those causes distract you from the most important cause in the world today and that is the cause of Christ the Gathering of Israel most people think that Gathering Israel means we go on a mission and that's an important
part of it but Gathering Israel is much more comprehensive than that we gather Israel as we live the gospel care for those in need invite others to receive the Gospel and unite families for eternity that's the way the the work of Salvation and exaltation is expressed in the handbook of the church previously we talked of the threefold mission of the church prepare uh redeem the dead preach the gospel um perfect the Saints and then under President Monson was added care for the poor and needy now do you see how elegantly those purposes are phrased today
care for the poor and needy becomes care for those in need preach the gospel becomes invite others to receive the Gospel perfect the Saints becomes live the gospel and redeem the dead where there's something that raises eyebrows anytime you say it that becomes unite families for eternity the purposes are the same but they've been so elegantly phrased that we can simply remember four key words live care invite unite Gathering Israel is about preparing for the second coming and that's how we do it if 1 million people wanted to join the church tomorrow would we be
ready would we have enough Bishops young women presidents State presidents Relief Society presidents would we have enough full-time missionaries would we have enough full tithe payers no we would be totally swamped and that's just 1 million what's going to happen when Jesus comes and says hello by the way I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of L Day Saints and that's what he's going to say are we going to be ready when two billion people want to join the church in one day we've got to be ready Jesus isn't going to come to watch
the church fail he's going to come when the church is ready to succeed when we have a leadership base that is strong enough all over the world that we will be able to welcome every one into the church and we will be able to as a church as Israel gather all of God's children on both sides of the veil home to him let me invite young single adults to consider one thing that you can do that will make a huge difference go to fsy counselor. I'm going to say that one more time because the
spirit is going to inspire you to put that in your notebooks it's fsy counselor. and find out more about being an fsy counselor next summer fsy stands for for the strength of Youth and these conferences have been modeled after BYU's efy especially for youth that conference would reach about 30,000 to 40,000 teenagers every summer fsy because it's not under BYU but it's a program of the church is going to reach 150,000 teenagers in North America next summer and the following summer about the same number that means 900 Stakes are going to be turning their
youth over to you to young single adult counselors who will be able to receive a room and board and a stien if they wish to work all summer long sometimes people will just be able to volunteer for a week and that will definitely be an option as well whatever you can do we need you next summer this is completely unprecedented in the church we're going to need need thousands of young single adults to teach the youth some crazy dance moves to yell and scream until you lose your voice to help the youth participate in stimulating
classes that are going to keep them on the edge of their seat to participate in devotionals and to play games to be able to have fun with no drugs or alcohol or anything that the world says they need to have to be able to have fun as they play together on a field without any Electronics this is what you're going to be able to do as you stand and as you become a hero for these young people and be able to show them that you can have fun and you can be strong in the gospel
at the same time those teenagers are going to look at you and say wow she's cool you're thinking me I am not cool but they don't know that they think you're cool they they they know adults aren't cool and they question that most of their peers are cool but young single adults you're cool and they are going to look at you and say wow he can dance like that and he can still read his scriptures wow she's got friends she's got all kinds of friends and everybody likes her and she still lives the standards of
the Gospel and dresses modestly they're going to look at you and you're going to become Heroes that are truly going to make a difference in their lives one young man said to me uh he said among the teenagers I have taught more progressing investigators than I ever did on my mission another said it's amazing to see the youth come on Monday and then leave on Saturday to totally different from when they came another said seeing these wonderful youth grow and develop is just the greatest thing in the world I agree a study was done to
see which program of the church influenced youth testimonies and there were two that tied for first place of all the programs of the church including Sunday meetings the two that tied for first place were Seminary and Es f y you will have the chance in one week to have the kind of impact that will gather Israel in a big way that Gathering matters the work of Salvation and exaltation matters preparing for the second coming matters and there is a hurry fsy was supposed to kick off in 2020 well we all know what happened then then
it was was supposed to roll out in 2021 and once again it was stopped by the co pandemic next summer it is going to roll out and at this point the youth don't even know what it is we have got to be ready to show them an experience that is going to turn the corner in their lives a turning point moment that is going to give them a foundation on which they will build and stay strong for forever you can be a part of that as I conclude today I'd like to share a personal experience
that happened when I was about your age I was home from my mission Debbie and I were newly married and we were trying to figure out what I should major in the poor woman married a freshman a freshman I was going to the temple to seek Direction and Ponder what I should do for a major and as I was there I listened to the Covenant in which we promised to give all of our time talents and treasure to the building up of the kingdom and I thought but I don't have any money to give I
mean my wife and I paid our tithes and offerings but we were earning so little that like you know the bishop would get our envelope and go coins coins we just didn't have that much to offer talents well I mean I didn't feel like I had any great ability to offer I couldn't even decide on a major time well I had time but I didn't have any more or less time than the person next to me so what on Earth did I have to offer and that's when the spirit prompted me in unspoken words in
Impressions you have something to offer that even president Kimble doesn't have the impression took me AB back president Kimble was the prophet of my youth he was the man who signed my mission call I loved him dearly just as you loved president Monson just as you love president Nelson and I thought what on Earth do I have to offer that one of the greatest men on the planet can't offer and and then the spirit whispered your youth in that moment I realized that I did have something to offer that even president Kimbell no longer had
I committed right then to devote my youth to the building of the Kingdom please don't postpone activity and service in the church until you get through school until you settle down until you don't have to go to school and work a job at the same time please don't postpone it you have something that President Russell M Nelson doesn't have to offer this Kingdom you have something that his wife doesn't have you have your Youth and you can choose to not waste it rather to consecrate it as Stephen Arvy and John Huntsman senior taught if you
wait until you're rich enough talented enough or have enough free time to make a difference you probably never will seek the help of the Lord and do it now with all my heart I testify that education matters repentance matters the Gathering of Israel matters and in each case there is a hurry and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen thank you for joining us for devotional here at enzy college today we encourage you to share your thoughts and comments and also to share this link with someone who might benefit from the message
here at enzine College we believe that God can help us us grow both spiritually and professionally and we offer programs like accounting social media marketing medical assisting and many more if you would like to learn more about the programs we offer scan the QR code on the screen or click in the link down below and make sure to like And subscribe and join us next time for devotional
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