God is Saying You Must WALK AWAY from These People (Don't Ignore God's Important Message)

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Journey To God
God has been urging you to detach from certain people in your life. However, you have been ignoring ...
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God has been urging you to detach from certain people in your life however you have been ignoring him you have held unto them believing they could change today God is sending you an Urgent Message you must not ignore God's word again you might be wondering why the urge for sudden Detachment as you watch this video be sensitive to hearing from him as he will be exposing so many things you never know are wrong in such relationship also God will reveal what he has in store for you if you obey him ensure you follow this message
carefully do not miss any part before we continue please subscribe to this channel if you haven't relationships are a big part of our Lives no one wishes to be alone and even God acknowledged this fact Genesis 218 says the LD God said it is not good good for the man to be alone I will make a helper suitable for him this powerful verse reveals that man cannot live alone he has to coexist with others he has to share ideas and open his mind to others around him however this Bible verse didn't just say that God
created a companion for man instead it says that God created a helper suitable for him that tells you that not all help are suitable you need to understand that not all companions are worth your company you need to identify those that are suitable for you and can you do this by yourself of course not it took God's intervention for Adam to have his yeah there are many humans on Earth today but the rule has not changed God must identify and give you the right people for your life he must align you with those that are
fit Fit for Your Destiny but then mistakes are inevitable you can get into the wrong relationship or friendship or walk with the wrong people again God is in charge of redirecting your steps he's the one that will help you identify them and lead you to the right people and that is why he has led you to this message he wants to expose these people so you can walk away from them and you are not to ignore these signs for no reason if you are always disagreeing with an individual this can be a critical sign that
it is time to walk away from him or her when an individual becomes irritated at your slightest mistake that could be a sign that he or she is no longer seeing the good in you and anyone who does not see anything good about you can't Propel you to Greatness you need to do away with them moreover how will you grow spiritually when you become Ang angry every day it shows that this individual is no longer critical for your Spiritual Development he or she is debarring the peace and joy of the Lord in your life deep
down within you you know that staying back in such a relationship is taking away your peace and Sanity but you chose to hold on to it because of the benefits it could be because you think you've got no other option or other means of survival listen you you are doing yourself more harm than good if you choose to stay and not move on with your life you might end up losing your life and Sanity that may sound harsh but that's the truth have you tried talking to the person about how you feel what was his
or her reaction rage that is a sign that such an individual will never change if you love yourself you won't wait a second more and that was the exact thing Abraham did in the scriptures in Genesis 1357 the Bible tells the tale of Abraham and lot they both left haran for the promised land but along the way a disagreement ensued between Abraham's and lot's Shepherd to restore peace Abrams didn't think of two options Genesis 13 89 so Abram said to lot let's not have any quarreling between you and me or between your herders and mine
for we are close relatives is not the whole land before you let's part company if you go to the left I'll go to the right if you go to the right I'll go to the left Abraham told lot to let them part ways even though he loved him that was How He restored the peace within himself this is what God wants you to do today and as soon as you separate yourself God will restore your peace beyond that you will be surprised to see doors of blessings open unto you or do you think God will
keep prompting you to leave only to leave you stranded never if God doesn't have an alternative means for your survival he won't prompt you to leave who are the next set of people God wants you to walk away from God wants you to detach from people who refuse to be accountable for their actions these people are quick to blame you they don't know how to apologize whenever an issue arises these people are not good for your life you need to stir clear of them why they will never appreciate anything you do instead they will point
out what is wrong and blame you always are you walking with people who disrespect your needs and feelings they don't care about what you want but theirs this can be a sign that they are not worth giving a space in your life whoever does not care about your needs and feelings does not care about you they could be friends you share your burdens with but then they do not tell you anything meaningful or sympathize with you instead they brush it aside and talk about other issues you don't meet a SE her to tell you what
to do this is a clear sign that God wants you out of there don't ignore God's message today God wants you to separate yourself from people who influence you negatively they don't support anything Godly and reasonable are you engaged to a man or lady who always yearns to have carnal knowledge of you you know this is wrong according to the word of God but continue to engage in it which has led to a decline in your spiritual growth you are not happy but still want to keep the relationship God's word is reaching out to you
again he's offering forgiveness but you need to step out of that relationship you need to get rid of negative influences in your life yours might be that you are walking with friends who practice destructive behaviors you don't smoke you don't drink nonetheless you still walk with them and enjoy their company if care is not taken you will join them you know they are not suitable for your spiritual health they even pose a threat to your self-image heed God's warning today and stay away from them you are probably clinging to them because they often assist you
these are only bait to lure you into their net they are waiting for the best opportunity to use all these against you and by then it will be too late you won't be able to decline thereof remember 1 Corinthians 15:33 says do not be misled Bad Company corrupts good character also there are people in your life who you can't rely on they are dishonest Souls you can't trust them with your time money or Secrets they have failed and let you down countless times they can't live up to your expectations beloved it's time to let them
go even if they stubbornly stick around tell them you only need trustworthy individuals if you've brought the matter forward but there is no change or remorse you need to sever the ties this person is not worth you you can't trust him or her with your future God wants you to walk away from people who are unreceptive to growth they are simply unwilling to grow personally and spiritually when you stick around such individual s you will not grow as well the more you stay around them the less your Zeal for things that pertain to your maturity
do you talk about Bible study but they brush it off and suggest films do you inform them about a course that can open opportunities but they push it aside all these are signs that they do not want to grow above where they are such people love stagnancy you can't keep moving with them and expect a change in your life you will only remain in one position while time passes by God is speaking to you again leave that person or people Destiny hinges on time if you don't grow you might miss your appointment time your destiny
is far more important than adamantly staying with a person heed God's word today do you have someone around you that does not support your life's goals and ambitions you shouldn't think twice before cutting ties with the individual your dreams are the reason why you breathe and the truth is you can't achieve it alone you need people who will gear you on there are times you would feel like giving up you will feel tired on the journey what you need in such times is support from friends amly now if the people around you do not support
your dreams and Ambitions you might fail Proverbs 13:20 walk with the wise and become wise for a companion of fools suffers harm this verse is very clear you make friends with the wise and you become wiser you make friends with fools you become foolish when you walk with people who do not support your life's goals you need to note three things either they do not have a dream of their own want to stop you from achieving yours or use you to achieve theirs you need to identify these things then walk away from people exhibiting these
characteristics well that's if you treasure your god-given purpose people who are full of themselves shouldn't be around you the Bible says Pride goes before a fall that means whoever is proud is bound to fail and if you hang around them you will fail as well aside from this proud people usually exhibit manipulative behaviors they want to be in charge they want to be in control thus they will seek to control your life and Destiny this isn't God's plan for you he does not want a mortal man to control you he wants to be in charge
of your life because he is your creator so give your heart to God and avoid proud and boastful men they will always make make you see yourself as nothing to reckon with and even when they help you you can trust them to tell everyone how they helped you to your current state this is not what you want for your life this isn't God's plan for you either God does not want anyone to take the glory of what he does in your life therefore if you can trust him and let them go he will unite you
with humble and submissive men they will assist you and return the glory to God if you have anyone around you who does not show sympathy or understand what you are going through that's a confirmation that you need to walk away from them when you are sick how do they behave if you need something precious what's their reaction do they pray with you or stylishly make fun of your circumstances you need to note all these and take the right steps if they lack sympathy towards you that's a sign that they they do not love you the
Bible says that God Is Love Therefore whoever does not love lacks the spirit of God 1 Corinthians 136 says love does not Delight in evil but rejoices with the truth beloved for those around you not to show love towards you and that means your downfall or even your death God has opened your eyes to this truth what you need now is to take the right steps and some people are green snakes under the green grass they laugh with you they dine with you and may even sympathize with you but never truly care about you they
backbite and make fun of you in secret this is where you need the spirit of discernment you will need to pray and tell God to reveal them to you and when he does do not confront them instead create create the needed boundaries you might be saying well if I walk away from everyone who will be my friend beloved there are two things you must know today one many of the problems we face in our lives are situations we could have avoided if we had listened to the holy spirit this means that many of our challenges
are things we brought upon ourselves as a result of our Disobedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit the Bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked who can know it only God if he asks you to change your circle of friends he sees what's going on in their hearts and how it will affect you sooner or later second never think that there are no good people on Earth not everyone is wicked however you can be in the wrong Circle and expect to meet the right people you must be willing to walk away to
meet the right people are you perhaps walking with someone who does not agree with your values you cherish God you love to worship Him in spirit and Truth however this person sees worshiping God as being a fanatic he sees going to church as being churchy that is a sign that you need to separate yourself from him or her why because they may influence you in the wrong way the word of God has drawn the line between Darkness and Light both can walk together except there is a compromise and mind you never think you can change
anyone you are not God 2 Corinthians 61415 says do not be yolked together with unbelievers for what do righteousness and wickedness have in common or what Fellowship can light have with Darkness what Harmony is there between Christ and Belo or what does a Believer have in common with an unbeliever so you have no reason to stay with such a fellow you need to detach yourself now before it is too late they may not even change you but what if the trumpet sounds and the Son of God Appears to take his children home but you've gone
so cold that you didn't even hear the trumpet blow remember remember the five foolish virgins what should you do find your way out and watch God connect you with people who agree with your values imagine what would have happened if the three Hebrews in the Book of Daniel hadn't shared the same values they were friends and they stuck to the same rule that guided them as Hebrews Nebuchadnezzar threatened to throw them into the fiery furnace but the three of them stood strong together none was afraid they stood together as one eventually they won the confrontation
because they held on to one value in unity they were true examples of Godly friends so Endeavor to walk with people of the same value it Fosters unity and you can always overcome obstacles together how about when a friend or partner stops communicating with you for no reason it is a clear sign that you are not needed anymore a person who not communicate his ideas or feelings to others only cares about himself he or she does not consider the welfare of others so if you happen to have someone who behaves this way you need to
walk away ironically that's what this person wants so don't hesitate to do just that the ultimate sign that God wants you to move away from someone is the lack of peace in your spirit man you must not ignore the voice voice of Your Inner Man in any relationship or environment in which you find yourself once you discover you are restless leave such an environment or person immediately it's a sure sign that God does not want you there if you refuse to yield this warning it will drain you of your energy and you will never be
comfortable beloved heed to God's instructions do not be too adamant I pray you will never miss out on God's plan and blessings for your life I need you to declare into your life now I walk in alignment with God's will I will not stay near those who will separate me from my blessings from now on I will always stay in God's presence I choose to honor God's prompt to leave I don't know what the future holds but I leave from today I walk away from the proud I I am not a friend to boasters I
am not an acquaintance to those who do not value others I choose to be humble and I will walk with the humble Lord I cherish my dreams and Ambitions I cherish your purpose for my life therefore I choose to obey the urge to leave those who do not align with your purpose in my life I obey your prompt to detach from people who can make me lose sight of my destiny I will not fail your plans because of a friend Lord I cherish growth I can't become anything without growing therefore I declare that I walk
away from Souls who do not cherish physical and spiritual growth I am no longer a companion to those who see spiritual maturity as a waste of time I confess that my friends led me to do negative things but from today I walk away from them I will not communicate or fellowship with dark minds again I wholly give my heart to you do it pleases you with my life henceforth I begin to connect me with the right set of people I commit whatever keeps me stuck with the wrong person fear of Abandonment fear or fear of
survival please take care of them I trust you to do the best for me thus connect me with those that you know will help my life and Destiny in jesus' name I have prayed amen now you may be thinking that God probably wants you to be alone also what will God do for you when you do away from all these people how will you even identify the people that are for you first you must know that God does not want to be alone he's only concerned about your companions he wants you to walk with people
that are perfect for you after all he instituted relationships from the beginning that's enough for you to know that he doesn't want you to Bel longly God will always Place men on your way to help you he never leaves you to walk along remember when God sent Moses to the Israelites he didn't send him alone instead he sent him with Aaron at that point Aaron became a companion to Moses he helped him to achieve the purpose of his life aside from this God has promised never to leave nor forsake you that means even if all
men turn their back on you God will be with you he will hold your hands and lead you to Glory there's no friend or companion like Jesus so when you obey God by leaving these people what will you get in return the very first thing is that he will never leave you alone he will lead you to the people that your life needs David enjoyed the benefit of Destiny ordained men yes God has anointed him as the next king of Israel not withstanding he wouldn't have achieved this without the assistance of some people David's first
Destiny helper was Jonathan the son of his Archen enemy King Saul isn't that ironic Jonathan ought to have joined his father in killing David but God didn't allow such instead God God created a bond between them from their first meeting their friendship was so strong that the Bible recorded it 1 Samuel 18 1 and 3 says after David had finished talking with Saul Jonathan became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself and Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself thus whenever Saul had a plan to kill
David Jonathan would reveal this to him that's how God helped him to overcome untimely death and even when David eventually ran away from Saul Jonathan still came to strengthen him 1 Samuel 23 1518 says while David was at hores in the desert of zip he learned that Saul had come out to take his life and Saul son Jonathan went to David at horish and helped him find strength in God don't be afraid he said my father Saul will not lay a hand on you you will be king over Israel and I will will be second
to you even my father Saul knows this the two of them made a covenant before the l d then Jonathan went home but David remained at hores that's an example of a true friend Jonathan supported David while he was on the Run he remained loyal to his troubled friend he didn't mind that he ought to be the next king of Israel he supported David at All Odds that's what it means for God to connects you with the right individuals they will always support you in times of trouble God also brought people to become David's Army
before the nation ground him as the new king of Israel he didn't have to start recruiting men they all came by themselves 1 Samuel 2212 says David left gath and escaped to the cave of adulam when his brothers and his father's household heard about it they went down to him there all those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him and he became their Commander about 400 men were with him these people do not look like the best however they were the best for David's life at the time when you surrender
everything to God and leave all that you need to leave he will lead you to the right people you won't me to beg for their attention or even ask for their help they will come to you themselves there's also a story that is worth considering after lot had departed from Abraham the old man struck up a friendship with the senior servant in his house they were so close that Abraham could trust him to get Isaac a wife Abraham made him swear that this wife must be from his relatives the servant did as Abraham commanded him
he even referenced God as he prayed for his guidance eventually he was able to make the right choice if lot had been with Abraham he could have convinced him to let Isaac marry one of the women around them how did I know his daughters had planned to marry men from Sodom and Gomorrah he didn't make any move to do what Abraham did so God sees beyond you he will take out those that might derail you he will connect you with people who will help you achieve his perfect plan for your life when you disconnect from
the wrong relation relationships God will restore your peace and joy you would have lost your peace due to your walk with them but immediately you yield to God's voice you suddenly feel peaceful within yourself all these would happen because you allowed God to work in your life do you know that this peace will even extend to things and everyone around you you discover that you now make the right choices people will appreciate you for who you are because you've stopped walking with the wrong minds and then God himself will take you to the next level
of your life this might be one of the reasons why you stick to an abusive or wrong relationship you might stick to a terrible job because you want the company to promote you and increase your pay whereas God is nudging you to leave and trust him he's telling you not to worry but because it requires faith and not fact you can't see what lies ahead however once you decide to put your faith in God and leave the job a new door will open for you and guess what the same promotion that your superiors had denied
you in the old job will come to you on a platter of goal it can even be your starting point in the new job that is what God can do for you when you trust and Obey him what's more God will provide all that you need you still hang out with those friends because they help you you are still in a relationship with that person because you're dependent on him or her financially God is assuring you today that if you can let them go he won't hesitate to provide all your needs they've thought you can't
exist without them but God will let them understand that he can help you to do all things so don't let anyone misuse you don't let anyone Mal treat you don't give room for negative influences in your life all because of what to eat God will do all these easily if you can let him have his way in your heart his word has assured you that he will provide all your needs according to his riches in glory that should make you rejoice the god you serve is rich in everything he doesn't need a man to help
you he can bring blessings to you your doorstep via Divine means as you obey him by disconnecting from wrong connections he will introduce you to the Holy Spirit John 14617 says and I will ask the father and he will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever the spirit of Truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you this is the person you should have in your life you can't afford to lose him
for anything perhaps you found yourself in the wrong hands in the first place because you do not have him it's not too late to invite him into your life he is to live with you and in you he's supposed to be your first companion my question to you now is do you have the Holy Spirit you can't have him without surrendering your life to Jesus he can only guide a surrendered life and even when you claim to have him do you listen to him the Bible calls him the spirit of Truth what if he keeps
telling you the truth but you ignore it what if he keeps showing you the mind of the father but you shut him off you need to repent now and call upon the holy spirit to come into your life you can do nothing without him because he's the spirit of Christ he's the entrance to God's presence he is The Giver of joy and peace God is ready to reveal him to you but you must be willing to listen to him he is the mouthpiece of God if you don't have him God can't direct your life so
as the Lord introduces you to him today you must accept his lordship over your life and walk in his will choose to obey God there's no Rosy reward for Disobedience you'll end up rewarding yourself with stress and Agony you need God all through your life so trying to stay where he says you should leave is planning a disaster upon yourself God has opened your eyes to people that you need to delete from your life don't disregard this message even when they want to stay around you tell them without mincing words that you do not belong
to them again let them know that you are no longer following their steps and as you do this remember to saturate your mind with God's word This is highly essential as it would Shield you from negative choices it is also the channel of hearing God's voice then always remember that God is the originator of all relationships or friendships thus do not force self on anyone God knows the people that are right for you if you can wait for him he will orchestrate your feet to them David didn't have to solicit the help of Jonathan God
himself brought them together in the same vein you must not be a men pleaser this is another reason why many stick to the wrong person you always want to please the individual in everything at the end of the day you end up displeasing God as we end this message you must remember to please God first you must reject any relationship that won't glorify God as well lastly you must Endeavor to pray you can't cut out prayers from any situation in life you can't afford to choose friends or a spouse with your ordinary mind you need
to commit them into God's hands and even if you have entangled yourself with the wrong person breaking off is possible what you need to do is speak to God about the individual and as you pray God will divinely create a partition between you now it's time to seek God let us pray heavenly father I worship your name today thank you for this breath of life thank you for sending your word to me thank you for opening my eyes and ears to your instructions again thanks for always saving me from bad influences and thank you because
I know by faith that you will lead me to the people perfect for my destiny Hallowed be thy name oh Lord Jesus I acknowledge my sins today I confess you've told me to cut some ties but I stubbornly held on I approach the throne of mercy and pray that you please have mercy on me I have seen why I should let them go and focus on you alone take away the spirit of Disobedience from me use me for your glory Lord I look up to you come and be my companion men have failed me but
I know you will never fail please be with me Lord I pray against the wrong relationships in my life I pray that you create artian between us I don't want to associate with them again but pray for them in my closet while I focus on you please Lord help me give me the strength to focus on you and do what is needed you were the one who separated Abraham and lot they disagreed and lot went his way Lord cause a disagreement between this individual and me I me to walk with you by my side therefore
remove every third party that will disturb your presence you are the only one who can sympathize with me you are the one who understands me help me to see you as my true friend the Bible made me understand that the human heart is desperately wicked and no one knows it therefore I acknowledge that I cannot know the mind of all my companions towards me but you are the omniscient God you know and discover all things there's nothing hidden before your sight please expose all the wolves and sheep's clothing around me they laugh with me but
Rejoice about my Misfortune behind me I don't need these people in my life expose The Jealous Ones help me to keep my mouth shut when needed detach them from me the devil can manipulate them to harm me I don't want this to happen help me to walk away from them Lord and as you remove them from my life please usher in people who can help my growth connect me with people that matter to my destiny I me people like Jonathan I me people like the three Hebrews who fought together in unity please connect me with
them they may not look like the people I want but as long as they are the right people for me help me to be receptive towards them teach my heart to love and accept them help help me to be humble enough to learn from them Lord renew the Holy Spirit within me he is the spirit of truth that means I can't know any truth without him as long as he's not in me I am prone to falsehood I don't want to remain in this state of spiritual blindness and ignorance help me to be Discerning Lord
with your Holy Spirit I don't even need anybody he is enough to be my companion he can Comfort help and even provide genuine ways to tackle a situation I need him in my life he is the root of spiritual discernment when I have him within me it is easy to detect the wrong person who may want to hang around me he will open my eyes to see their true agenda Please Release him upon me he has once been in me but I shut him out please have mercy on me today don't let my past debar
my future forgive me of all my errors and renew your spirit Within Me Lord I pray for grace to move on I admit there will be times I'd feel lonely and broken help me to stand firm in my resolution and trust you for help send me the right Companions and open new doors of opportunities for me I pray for the years and Seasons I've lost while clinging to the wrong relationships restore them onto me in multiple folds father Lord deal with the reasons why I clung to the wrong relationships I have clung to the wrong
person for security reasons I have held on to some just to have my needs met I have stuck to some because of the sacrifices I've made and invested in the relationship however none of these is as high as your command to leave them therefore I pray that you provide for my needs please protect me on all sides heal my wounds help me to detach myself from these people irrespective of the bond we share help me to know my true worth and accept that I deserve better thank you for your word once again I will always
praise your name in jesus' name I have prayed amen dear beloved as you heed God's call to let go and move on embrace the Journey of growth and transformation that lies before you God is leading you to New Horizons he is taking you to undiscovered territories of his purpose and plans for your life it requires Faith courage and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone give it all it takes and walk into God's purpose without looking back if this video has imparted you in any way please remember to hit the like button also
don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more life-saving and inspiring messages God bless you see you in the next video
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