Doug Casey: Flee the USA to Freedom in Argentina

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way the world is going to be changing very very rapidly over this next decade and I don't think it's going to be particularly Pleasant Europe is on the slippery slope there's no question about that in my mind what does it mean to you if she were to win I'd say it's uh maybe game over do you feel in some way responsible for the rise of Malay [Music] we with Doug Casey we're going to talk about what's happening in Argentina the best value places to live in the world what's happening with gold and who is going
to be running the United States for years to come we're here at Nomad countless live it's our big 4-day event hope you'll join us next time here in qual andore Mr Casey always a pleasure likewise thank you you uh are here with us in qual andore I've said I think it's one of the best value cities in the world you get a certain amount of luxuries you get an affordable price weather's nice taxes are reasonable your point is is borus Aries is on that level yeah the natives are friendly here which is very nice uh
but uh I I've been to 155 countries I've lived in actually more than 10 at this point and um I knew that uh I didn't want to live in the US anymore even though I was fortunate enough to have been born there at the best time in history it's like winning the lottery having been born in the US mid mid 20th century but uh the trend has been down now for decades and it's accelerating so uh where to go and of all the places that i' had been uh frankly uh I thought Argentina was number
one although I live as much in Uruguay as I do in Argentina actually probably more I have a I have a reasonable sized Farm there and it's very pleasant so buenus Aries more affordable than koal andore higher standard well I have not checked out the prices of real estate here in Ko L cheap very cheap I don't doubt that but they're extremely cheap in Buenos Iris I'll give you an example in ba I bought an apartment in 2007 uh it's a big apartment it's a two-story Penthouse 5,000 square feet in the Recoleta the best part
of town I paid $950,000 for it I if I bought its equivalent on the Upper East Side of New York which would be the equivalent of the recoletta it would have cost 20 million so in other words it was a 95% discount about $2,000 a meter is a global standard uh something like that 470 some meters yeah yeah that's pretty affordable very affordable for the for the standard so that was the good news and I thought I was getting a bargain and I was but um today it's still an illiquid Market uh getting much better
now in Buenos arees and in Argentina generally but I could probably only get a million and a half for it now which is to say uh significantly less than depreciation of the dollar uh over the last how many 15 years did I read correctly there an interview with you decades ago where you said don't own the real estate you live in well the problem with owning real estate is that uh the real estate winds up owning you really uh and people forget uh maintenance costs can be high uh taxes are unpredictable and you're illiquid in
the meantime so uh is maintenance cost in in buar is high no it's actually quite low uh my bills are pretty low I mean that upper inside Penthouse I I could run my entire places for a lot less than that one penthouse H well in New York I don't know what the uh condo fees in that one ta taxes got be crazy crazy but uh in ba I think the total costs barring extraordinary events like fixing the roof on the building because it's an old French style building and maintenance has to be done uh I
don't think it costs more than a couple thousand dollars per year which is same for me here four grand a little smaller but four grand uh so so you you you actually have a place here yeah you got the eight security guys all the time I you know so which very common thing in Asia but uh yeah so how many of those countries that you've been to no longer exist well of course my favorite country that no longer exists is uh rodesia yeah and uh I went there during the war and um it was a
fine adventure and it was an adventure but at that time it really was everything from landing at the airport in uh Salisbury which is now called Harari uh you had to pull down the uh window shades because they were afraid of uh uh Rockets being launched at the Landing planes and so forth I mean it was like that all over roesia anyway uh when I went to uh when I went to rodesia uh as I always do when I go to a new country and it was new to me then I always call up the
real estate agents and the lawyers because they centers of information centers of power money good people to get to know there I also got in touch with a local publisher because my my first book The International man had just come out and I thought this would be a perfect country for a book that tells you how to make the most of your personal freedom and financial opportunity around the world because in Ro rodesia at that time uh there were 250,000 Europeans and about uh 3 million native African Americans now there's about maybe maybe 5,000 Europeans
and about 13 14 million native Africans because people have been making what they call the chicken run in any event uh interviewed a couple Publishers got along well with one of them and my book became the largest selling book in the history of rodesia a uh never to be dethroned now never a record never to be broken right so uh but you know I think that uh over the next couple of decades a lot of countries that currently exist will be broken up through secession really no question about it in fact most of the countries
in the world aren't real countries at all uh for instance in South America where I spend most of the year I think uh Brazil uh will turn into two or three countries in the future and what would cause that what's the what's the the spark demographics and culture uh you go to Southern Brazil sou Paulo and uh actually south of Rio and it's very European yeah uh but you go to the uh the north it's it's almost African and the two places don't mix I mean they say that Brazil has the uh best racial mixing
pot in the world and it's probably true but still it doesn't mix that well uh what what other countri you're saying Florianopolis for example a place a lot of foreigners would like to go they feel that's safer there's good health care different than Fort to lasa for example where they're pushing hey that's the cheap part to invest in now no question the beaches are better up around Fort lasa but they uh would you invest in that northern part it's cheaper but uh I think you're better off and worth paying sometimes it is sometimes Paulo doesn't
seem that crazy by the way the prices talking about that here at the event I I found that the prices there seemed more reasonable than I expected for a city of that magnitude not as cheap as Argentina but but uh Argentina is The Bargain Basement in uh South America I think I'm accurate in saying that because things change all the time but there are a bunch of other countries that are that could break up I mean Chile could break up into two countries with the far south actually turning into a uh an Indian Republic uh
because they still have problems in fact this is true through a number of countries in Latin America the uh the Native Indians uh are still resentful of the conquistadores and want to get rid of them I mean Bolivia for instance should break up into at least two or three countries and it probably will uh true of Chile uh Ecuador same problems uh so how often does a secession movement work though I me in the last 15 years we've seen one yeah well you had in Indonesia East timore broke off from the rest 99 something something
like that yeah and of course Indonesia is an artificially constructed uh it's actually the Javanese Empire where they actually created an artificial language so they could all communicate with each other but I don't think Indonesia is going to last either uh as a as one country but what happens but you're quite correct whenever a central government is in control they want to stay in control they don't want to see secession movements they don't give away one scrap of land not not a bit although maybe the last one this happened with was uh Sudan which broke
into exactly uh so it's uh it should happen in the Congo that's another one where there's a another war going on people don't realize that over the last 20 years about nobody knows five six million people have been killed in the Congo we've talked about Indonesia as this and it is rising the rankings of the world's economies and I always say oh look it just crossed some European country that is totally irrelevant but got there because hey European countries were just in the top 10 top 20 do you think that in your scenario of a
break up of some of these countries that's going to impact it or is it just the part with the serious uh wealth just continues to be the player yeah well Europe is on the slippery slope there's no question about that in my mind uh for instance people forget that Italy only became Italy as a country 1575 something like that yeah it it was a a whole bunch of little dukedoms and principalities same thing for Germany which only became Germany in like uh 1870 or thereabouts under bismar uh Spain uh The Basque region Catalonia should break
off from it they shut that down I think it's pretty much over at this point don't you in Catalonia well I hope not uh from my point of view or or the point of view I think of any freedom lover we'd like to see as many countries in the world as possible all friendly uh easy to travel between we we had a mutual friend who said if if only there were eight billion countries in the world we' be be it' be perfect little he may have stolen that I think people steal a lot of them
from me because I'm hearing something else about the lawy yeah get a phone book and call the loyer yeah yeah exactly anyway the world is going to be changing very very rapidly over this next decade and I don't think it's going to be particularly Pleasant or convenient uh which is another Advantage incidentally to living uh here in Southeast Asia which is a little bit out of the U line of fire between East and West uh but especially I think uh Argentina and uguay uh are very much out of the line of fire I think a
lot of people in a place like the United States where we're from originally say oh well we think China's a threat and so therefore the entire Southeast and East Asian region must be off limits what do you say to that all these countries are very different from each other they really are uh I mean talk about racism which has been made into an artificially big deal in the US uh people in these these Asian countries are racist towards each other even if a guo to use the Chinese word for a for a foreigner can't tell
the difference between them looking at them uh they can and um yeah I'm not a fan of racism but it's endemic all over the world uh in fact I think the most racist continent is probably Africa uh what how can it be they're all black people well because of the tribes because of the tribes right like what happened in Rwanda perfect example 500,000 people or so nobody knows hacked to death with machetes but it's gone back to being stable now so these things are they seem to blow up out of nowhere so you're okay with
southeast Asia geopolitically you think it'll be right if I wasn't living in mostly in Argentina and uguay which are very similar to each other uh I might have wound up in Thailand which uh is in many ways the most mellow country to live in in the world not too you'll never become a TI citizen you'll never become one of them one of them it it just doesn't work that way but uh a great place to live even in parts of Eastern Europe if you're a Citi you're not really okay like we're happy to have you
but where you really from more of curiosity perhaps but well you know that's a good point where are you really from because uh one of the monikers that you po popularized and it's excellent is go where you go where you're treated best and that's really wise it really makes sense what about the breakup of the United States we've heard people here at the event talking about that is that to be baniz frankly uh a young chano in Los Angeles has about zero in common uh with an old white female retire in Massachusetts and uh at
some point he's going to become very resentful about paying for her social security so yeah I think the us could break up because over the last what has it only been 15 or 20 years the US has divided itself into red people and blue people and it's it's amazing that people that uh have uh woke blue thoughts running me memes running through their mind they can't talk to the red people which is you know the Heartland Middle America Traditional Values at all in fact they've come to hate each other and this has been crystallized with
uh Donald Trump running for um running for president and oddly enough against kamla and I I'm not sure how she pronounces her name correctly she had her stepdaughters giving people at the Democratic Convention you might recall lectures on the correct pronunciation of her name uh but actually neither of them are correct it should be pronounced uh kimala which means in Spanish uh how bad how bad how bad so maybe maybe uh maybe the us since it's increasingly Spanish speaking will adopt that particular Spanish cognate pronunciation of her name name what does it mean to you
if she were to win I'd say it's uh maybe game over for the us because they say that every four years I know they do I know they do it's the most important election I you've been around a lot longer but since the '90s I've been hearing it yeah and in a way it's correct because these ele as the United States has become increasingly politicized and it has uh every election is more important than the one before it um because one thing that people forget about is that uh from let's say a bit over 100
years ago just before World War I which was a major turning point in the US uh as you know in 1913 uh that was the year when the income tax was uh initial in the US temporarily right temporarily of course and very small very small trivial back in those days you can handle was it 1% or 3% I think it was one and 3% starting at a a very high number like 10 or $20,000 which today is like a quarter of a million or whatever uh and the other thing of course was the Inception of
the Federal Reserve which is uh one of the major influences towards destroying the country in any event uh back in those days did it really make much difference who was the president well no because the government was not an overweening feature most people didn't care I thought the government was there it supported itself strictly on excise taxes and import duties but today it uh digs into every part of the US takes who knows you can't really trust the government's figures not much more than you can those of Argentina anyway that's that's that common Trope is
oh well you know you got to trust China and then China some come somehow becomes the standard for you can't trust any other country except ours our statistics are correct right I know we're we're we're always the good guys it's like that that song from the 60s uh uh now even the Germans have God on their side so of course the United States has always been the good guy historically but I'm afraid as the government uh in Washington has turned into an entity onto itself uh fighting Foreign Wars pointless Foreign Wars dangerous Foreign Wars everywhere
for no good reason uh it's it's become the greatest danger to uh your personal freedom and your personal finances it's not the Chinese government I worry about it's not the Iranian government I worry about uh they've never done any any wrong to me but the US government is uh a clear and present danger but if you watch the media the the Legacy brand countries you're going to think hey I'm in the US and I agree with Doug Casey but you know look at what's happening over there in Europe they're pretty regulatory also oh worse wor
sure but in those 155 minus a couple of countries are there plenty of them that it is a lot more hands off whether in in theory or practice no there's not plenty of them there are some there's some there's a few okay I mean uh Switzerland if you have a lot of money uh is a place to consider living but the Swiss are very particular about who was granted a residence permit uh and there are a few other uh enclaves in Europe like Andor which most people don't even know as a country but it's a
little bit isolated uh but generally speaking I would forget about Europe frankly and if we actually have world War I and it goes nuclear I hate to say it but it's possible uh at this point uh Europe's not going to be the best place to be I don't think there's any place in Africa which I think is a good place for a young man still to try to uh make his fortune fishous yeah kind yeah kind of like border it's kind of borderline Africa but you're right that's uh where would I go if I wanted
to uh stick my foot in the water in Africa I think the first country that I would visit would be Namibia low population giant geographic area uh more than just a patina of europeanization I'd say Namibia batswana batswana the most probably the most prosperous country in Africa probably yeah another possibility but um I like obscure places where if you're a uh if if you're a a white European or North American where you're unusual because I like to go go places where I don't like I mean a Level Playing Field is a nice ideal but when
I'm playing the game I like to be on The High Ground I like an onlevel playing field where I have more money more expertise more knowledge more experience more connections than the locals do that means it's a good Arbitrage good for them because I can bring something valuable to the party and good for me because I can bring something to the party so uh you're saying if you're young would you consider going to some country and living there and and building your business from there business I'm not so sure about that but uh looking for
opportunities to uh once again take advantage of an Arbitrage something that we don't know what it is but you might find it in that country where the you can export or bring in Imports but uh a day-to-day business dealing with the public seems tough seems tough unless you're really know your way around I agree with you let me go back to the us though because you said okay KLA wins you think it's all over but yeah she's a she's a she's an a doctrinaire hardcore Marxist by Family background in addition to the fact she's actually
of low intelligence she's I think she's actually stupid and thoughtless and easily influenced and she has all of her ideas are really bad ideas so here's here's a devil's advocate point and we talked about this three years ago where people have said it would be the right-wing perhaps that makes taxes spec other and life harder specifically for expats because perhaps under the America First Wing hey this country is so great if you want to live in in Namibia how dare you we're g to make it harder and didn't Trump do that now you can say
maybe your answer Peter San said it yesterday was hey I'll take one for the team it's the right thing for the country but seems a little bit unfair to me if you don't want to live in your country that the right-wing could do the same thing oh I I agree they're actually in some ways more dangerous than the leftwing our is is to believe do you really think Hillary would have screwed around with xet taxes like her or not I don't like she would have been the status quo she's she's a dangerous criminal personality sure
but uh most of these people that operate within the Washington beltway are you're getting I mean you never they could argue you never get away entirely from the US but if you're living in Namibia you got a lot less Hillary Clinton in your life well that's right uh or it it makes it very hard for them to monitor you personally to go through your bank rep records and uh uh out of sight out of mind there's something to be said for that and uh uh I but you know if you want to do it if
if you want to internationalize uh it's the 11th Hour in fact it's the 11th Hour in 50th minute because uh one thing that people have to remember is that the government never controls itself but it does control its subjects who are called citizens for some reason and uh one of the ways they'll do this is going to be with foreign exchange controls which make it very hard and inconvenient and costly to move your money out of the country so if if you're a fairly well-to-do American now is the time to get your money out of
the country and establish a second R residence uh preferably uh with a second citizenship someplace else uh does the 11 here's because here's I think what some folks would say if my guy wins whomever that may be now it's no longer 11 hours and 50 minutes now we're we're rolling it back to 11 hours and I have some time I'm buying myself time okay that's true if if Trump wins uh he's not going to be as bad as Camala because at least I'm not a fan of trump incidentally uh although I'm sure he's a fun
guy to have a bear with unlike kimala he doesn't drink remember oh I guess that's right and he doesn't smoke either so uh uh yeah I guess all we could do is talk and I suspect that if you're with the Donald he's gonna do almost all of the talking but uh the good thing about Trump is that he's a uh cultural traditionalist uh regardless of what stupid ideas he has about economics and he has plenty of dumb ideas about economics notwithstanding the fact that he's a business man which is good and kimala is not but
uh the thing is Donal does not want to overturn the basic Essence the basic nature of America uh so in that it's the only way he's a real conservative but it's a very important way and that's why I think uh that's why I hope that he wins and maybe it'll give us a four-year respit in some ways but the problem is that uh DC and I lived in DC for 20 years in Watergate no not in the Watergate I mostly lived in Georgetown I I went to idiotically I went to Georgetown University and then stayed
in Washington for the next 20 years after that but um uh the problem is is that the people that uh control the government now are all Jacobin they're the same personality types that uh that uh ran the French Revolution in 1789 same way of thinking same philosophy same thoughts and they're pretty entrenched uh they've entrench themselves further with people they've hired and are now protected by civil service and if Cala wins uh they'll stay in office in fact I think she is going to win uh both because the average American is easily influenced I mean
Taylor Swift supports her and of course all the swifties say she knows more than I do it was always that way though no always that way right but now uh in the United States uh Academia is totally conquered by the mar cultural Marxist was not that way when I went to college maybe not even when you went to college and I don't recommend people go to college today incidentally I'll just toss that out there should they go overseas perhaps I wouldn't recommend going to college at all I I really wouldn't I think that uh in
fact uh I'm in process of writing another book as to what exactly should a young person do in that important four years when most people go to college and P and Albatross of a lot of debt around their necks uh much more important things to learn learn and uh not be corrupted which is almost certain to happen uh listening uh behind your desk to all kinds of idiots talking and almost all college professors at this point are hardcore leftist the entertainment industry totally captured by leftist insinuating wrong ideas us corporations International corporations totally captured they're
all uh heads of corporations are all members of the wef world economic Forum so that uh it's uh it's tough when when when the bad guys have control of the apparatus of the state it's hard to evict them even if they have to cheat you you said years ago you go to Argentina you're on your farm you're living they kind of leave you alone you think that's still true yes it is true I I think it's true because if if you're a foreigner living uh there you're not important you're not a native language speaker I
mean I can get by okay in Spanish but uh you you get by okay with moderate Spanish that's right I mean I can still get by with moderate French I used to speak reasonably good french but I I don't have an opportunity to speak it very often I can even like most people uh get by in German because the first 500 Words of English all cognates to German but uh you're not going to go to political rallies and influence why would you go if all the places to go why would you choose the place where
you're going to go and be pissed off well because you don't pay tax look living in Argentina uh I don't pay taxes to Argentina because I don't live there more than six months per year so I'm a a well-to-do foreigner who contributes to the economy employs people spends money it's and it doesn't make any trouble quite frankly I'm not in a position to make any trouble uh down there uh same thing in Uruguay actually yeah so uh much more tax friendly in Uruguay it is more tax friendly yeah uh that's that's true uh and they're
both really Pleasant places to live and as far as speaking Spanish is concerned it's important when you're dealing with the waiters and restaurants and the taxi drivers and this type of thing but actually and this is one of the reasons why I haven't perfected my Spanish is because most of the people that you will associate with as a an American expat probably speak English as well as you and I do because they're well educated and English is the first language that thoughtful foreigners anywhere learn do they you find people feel pretty comfortable with that yeah
and as a matter of fact they love to speak English with another English speaker to keep their you're right skills sometimes you will meet people who maybe not Spanish but more exotic languages they're happy to to and then their English gets better over knowing you and then they're going out and doing new business yeah exactly it's one of the uh great uh pieces of light luck that uh We As Americans have is that we speak English which makes it's so much easier for us I mean if you're a uh Spanish speaker and want to go
elsewhere well outside of Latin America and Spain almost nobody speaks Spanish I I rarely defend the us but I do think I mean if the people in Europe who take a snobbish approach to oh you just speak English you know if everybody in the world spoke German I highly doubt they'd be going out and learning three languages in many cases some would yeah many would not I I I I agree also it's probably a good thing for keeping your brain muscles working to learn a second language is kind of a fun hobby to learn a
new word or so every day so we've talked about the problems in in the US perhaps it's a different maybe it's better in in Latin America why for you was South America the choice well it's culturally reasonably similar to the us as as is Western Europe for that matter matter so from that point of view they were all reasonable choices in what ways would you say it's similar you're you're not going to have you know human beings are I'm sad to say they're naturally racist probably goes back to way things were hundreds of thousands of
years ago where if you saw somebody who looked different and dressed different from you they were a danger resources were scarce and you probably going to fight about those scarce resour sources uh that's not the case in in in Latin America I mean we're all westerners same and same in Europe I mean it there there's some cultural differentiation but it's not great number one the architecture is the same the letters uh in the alphabet are the same uh the root words of their language and our language are the same so it's uh it's it's easier
is the time zone that's something we hear from a lot of folks now the time zone was that part of it well where we are right now in KL we're exactly 12 hours difference antip yes from the yeah we're at the antipodes from and you know and it's funny we were talking earlier Andrew about uh uh Thailand I mean if I didn't wind up mostly in uh Argentina and uguay I might have wound up in Thailand which is the antipodes of the world not just geog geographically I mean it's right through the Northern Hemisphere southern
hemisphere uh but uh also culturally and linguistically and demographically and every other way uh maybe I'm easy to get along with but uh those are my two favorite countries in the world I guess Thailand and Argentina best value best culture and in Argentina it's not much closer perhaps to the US a little closer a little closer but the time zone a lines what do you make of the new president Malay and what he's actually going to get done he is fantastic he is unique I've got to say unique in world history because as you as
I I think you know my hobby for the last 30 years has been going to really backward countries ex people's republics military dictatorships and I've been pretty successful at getting to sit down with the guy on top and and uh my proposition was look I can do three two three things for you I can put you on the front cover of every magazine in the world in a favorable light boy that's new and different can make you legitimately wealthy wow I don't have to steal all that money and can make the people love you and
they always say tell me more and of course my plan for these dog countries is to totally free marketize them and uh I have a plan for how this is done okay let's get to Malay now in Argentina he's unique in world history in that like myself he's an anarcho capitalist philosophically he does not believe in the government as an entity he wants to pull the government out by the roots and pour agent orange in the ground where it grew and he's doing that in Argentina in fact won't board with the story about how I
had a a part to play in the fact that he identifies as an anarchical capitalist but that's irrelevant at the moment the fact is is that uh since he was elected by a huge margin in Argentina 56% and especially by the young people who were tired of being ripped off uh by the taxes and their regulations and the inflation which makes it very hard to get a had uh uh so he's a very popular president and if you look at his speech that he gave to the world economic Forum he doesn't pull any punches he's
really sincere he's not talking the talk he's walking should he have even gone there in your opinion yeah I think so because because because oh now he's the the puppet that's that's that's a that's a really stupid meme he went there in order to spread the word of what he's doing like he's I think yesterday I haven't seen it yet but uh on on tape or wherever but he did the same thing at the United Nations which is certainly one organization that ought to be disbanded what he's trying to do is tell people of Good
Will what he's doing and how it's working so it's very important and he talks to the Argentine people all the time so that yeah things are tough because distortions that have been ingrained that Society are being Unwound and it un inconveniences some people breaks a few people's rights he tells them that do you feel in some way responsible for the rise of Malay uh well actually the story is this when I bought a piece of land in the Lake Region in Argentina near San Martin de losandes which is like a town out of Bavaria incidentally
uh so a friend of mine and I bought uh a really beautiful piece of land with with a big lake and three little lakes and two rivers and right on the main road and blah blah blah and 2,300 Acres what did we pay for it back then we paid uh I think we paid $1.7 million or something like that what's it worth today well we think it's worth about three times more but if I had to find a bidder I I would barely have kept up with inflation anyway the um the uh real estate broker
that arranged the deal for me we used to go out to dinner and talk philosophy every night and um he was a conservative and of course I was still an andap even back then and I said look jge read this book and I gave him the name of the book he was interested enough that he got the book it was called H the market for Liberty and he read it and this is so unusual but it's true it actually converted his whole way of thinking he became a philosophical ancap accidentally he was a friend of
Javier Malay because they were all free market oriented guys he gave a copy of it to to to uh mle and since then mle too has been who was always a a right thinking Economist a real Economist as opposed to a phony baloney you have a role in the government would they ask you to come and advise the government no Doug k i I really doubt that first of all because because Malay speaks English about the way I speak Spanish so yeah we could con communicate but we looked at could he speak at Nomad calist
live that would be tough tough yeah I mean what you want as a speaker that speaks fluently right colloquially so we're both at about the same stage in each other's languages so the answer is no we have a lot of mutual friends but I and I haven't personally met him yet but um do you think he'll be successful I do because he has reality on its side uh people that are currently employed by the Argentina government are uh very unhappy to be kicked off the gravy train where they've been essentially stealing collecting salaries and not
working because it's unnecessary what the de yes he will he's he's fired scores of thousands of people so far and he's going to fire lots and lots more he's not printing up money anymore uh you can use any currency you want including Bitcoin in Argentina so that he's deregulating so that uh most argentines if they have Savings in money have Savings in the US or Switzerland or some other place like that and we're talking billions and billions of dollars but now as cheap as Argentina is and as free as it's becoming that'll all pile back
into Argentina when they're pretty sure God forbid he's not assassinated but they don't assassinate their presidents down there but the Deep state in Argentina is like the Deep state in the US it's dangerous and doesn't want to lose his grip answer to the question yeah because he's got economic reality on his side it is I think it is gonna succeed mightily barrowing some kind of force meure and Argentina uh within this coming decade could become uh one of the freest places on the planet and a lot of Europeans are moving to Argentina and uguay right
now because you don't want to be in Europe now the taxes are horrible regulations are horrible it's pretty far down there when the fur is flying in southern South America if we have a serious War it's going to be very bad for the Northern Hemisphere not so bad for the Southern Hemisphere and Argentina has always been neutral uh that's one of the mistakes that I think Malle is making is that he wants to join NATO which is kind of stupid because NATO is should have been disbanded 30 years ago when the Soviet Union fell but
it's going to fall apart uh and what do you since we've met what do you think about the whole NATO argument obviously with expanding and being closer to Russia who who's on the right side of that well look the Russians are painted the bad guys everywhere okay and historically uh during the Soviet days they were the bad guys no question about if they were the bad guys but uh things have changed and Putin isn't a good guy but you can't be the head of a giant militarized State like that and and be a good guy
but when it comes to comparing him to any other world leader today almost any i' think uh he's better educated he's more thoughtful he's less inclined to war notwithstanding this thing in the Ukraine where he was provoked and prodded into uh invading the place it was a mistake for him to do that but uh you know Russia and uh Putin get a bad rap and I know a lot of uh our listeners will say what you must be on Putin's payroll well I'm not don't don't you look at it more the hypocrisy I wasn't it
Equatorial Guinea where China wanted to put a base and the US said too close right too close yeah you're absolutely right and of course the US has what we don't know they probably don't even know themselves about 800 bases around the world outside the US that's an insane number that's that's the kind of thing Empire does it's um and of course I describe the US now as a multicultural domestic Empire it's not the the country it was even 50 years ago uh we weren't Multicultural and we didn't have a domestic Empire although we were since
the days of Teddy Roosevelt or McKinley approximately we've been building an international Empire uh mostly a commercial empire a financial Empire controlling these countries that that way and with quietly through the CIA and the state department and milit this country here Malaysia the country you've referenced Thailand both want to join this expanded bricks call it bricks plus what do you make of that whole movement and they say countries uh pushing back on sanctions pushing back on being held back yeah exactly they're tired of being under the thumb of Washington DC and can you blame them
I cannot blame them I it's it's necessary it's inevitable especially since the whole world uses the dollar as the international currency uh which is insane because the major export of the us since about 1980 uh hasn't been boeings or soybeans or whatever it's been dollars we've been running this gigantic payments deficits where we pay for uh Mercedes and Toyota and whatever and cocaine with dollars that are printed up in Washington of which there are t scores of trillions in the hands of foreigners right now they're like a time bomb because foreigners don't have to use
dollars the way Americans do and it the dollar rests on nothing but confidence and when confidence blows away like a pile of feathers in a hurricane those dollars are all going to come back to the US with catastrophic uh results so uh they want to get rid of dollars and not have to use the dollar because when you trade between different countries it all settles through New York and the government knows exactly what tell you what to do yeah it's crazy so but there's not going to be a bricks currency either because they don't trust
each other there's no reason why they should and they just have paper Fiat currencies so what's going to happen they're going to go to they're going to go back to Gold whether they like it or not uh it's happening now this is in my opinion why gold has been going up up up what's the next year for gold what's the next decade for gold well as a Speculator I don't like to buy things after they've already run up already I prefer to try to bottom fish when I can yeah but uh I'd say gold is
going higher and Bitcoin is going higher too frankly for similar you don't take a gold versus Bitcoin side I don't I think they're both viable assets and especially as the world becomes more digitized and more computerized if you would uh things like Bitcoin inevitably will have a bigger role like all these governments are trying to impose Central Bank digital currencies on on their subjects which is which is dangerous very dangerous because when they control the money and it's all in a computer you don't own anything is that is that what bricks really is to you
then is we're tired of having our having to have our money go through you and you tell us what to do and when you don't like us you put us on the naughty list and it's harder and and we're basically under your watchful eye and we wanted we don't want that anymore that's correct that's basically correct and why now though like people say oh the US is always going to be on top why are these countes do you think doing it more recently well I'm sorry to say but the US isn't always going to be
on top uh they have a disclosed deficit of$ 35 trillion dollar uh which just within our own lifetime has G up from uh hundreds of billions to 35 trillion I mean this is unsustainable and everybody can see that this is happening they can see that the US government is like a a poker player in a casino that's on tilt it's been losing he's been bleeding and uh he's starting to make irrational stupid bets trying to get out even and that's what's happening with the US it's gotten too big and too corrupt and management of the
country has gotten too stupid uh I I hate to say it but the US is on the way out it's happened to it happened to the Portuguese before it happened to the Spaniards before it happened to the French it happened to the British and of course Soviets collapsed so that that's what happens to governments once they turn into an Empire why do you think people say it won't happen to us well look I'm all for America America is a totally unique concept it's not just a country uh in North America uh it's uh America is
a is a concept it's an idea it's Unique and really good but unfortunately America has been being washed away and it's being replaced by the United States run out of uh Washington DC and that's why we're on the slippery slope where everything is by and for and through the US government so yeah of course it's going to go downhill and I'm afraid that it could actually go into collapse it could start out with a financial collapse where the markets stock market bond market are pumped up with a lot of funny money from the Federal Reserve
that could collapse the economy has been built on a foundation of sand in many ways over regulated uh assets are paper dollars the economy collapsed demographically the the US uh is is being transformed so that uh Americans don't really have anything in common with each other anymore people who are moving are buying the brand of America rather than to your point the brand of the United States and they don't realize it's gone they're living in the past I'm afraid the the brand message has worked that well exactly of course if I was a young Nigerian
I'd want to get the hell out of there and come to America for one thing if you're one of the millions and millions of migrants walking across the Rio Grande uh you get free food free money Free Housing it's absolutely insane these people are being invited uh and subsidized to come to the US so of course uh if I was from a third world country I'd want to get to the US licky split but that's not good for Americans that's not who's watching either no it's not because when migrants came to the us up until
say 1950 uh they might have been penniless but they shared the values of the US and they weren't subsidized to come here yeah and now these people are being subsidized to come here which means instead of drawing the best and brightest people which was the past you're drawing the poorest and worst people who are looking for a freebie something for nothing it's actually insane real quick should there be some sort sort of Marshal plan of sorts for let's say Central America we could talk about El Salvador some other day where we moved our Drug War
through there and people want to get out as a result of that or is that simp oversimplifying it well the drug war is an American problem it's not a Salvadorian problem and incidentally what's happened in El Salvador which I thought was the least desirable of all Latin American countries in the past it's changed over tonight because of buelli uh answer to the question we don't need a Marshall Plan we can't we're bankrupt what you do you're bankrupt uh all these any Latin country or any Africa any third world country needs to do is free marketi
F do the things that mle is doing do the things that buk is doing in El Salvador and uh you will Bloom and Blossom and prosper quickly you know Marshall PL bad idea impossible idea in addition so let's end on this one of the TR people talk about what you would say buy when there's blood in the streets that old phrase people like to say I'm a I'm a I'm a smart investor I buy when there's blood in the streets and then you see not so long ago it happened little ways away from here in
Bangladesh woman leaves new guy comes in oh there's a little there's a little trickle of blood who the hell why the hell would you go there now isn't there a disconnect everyone everyone's a tough guy buying when there's blood in the street streets and then when there's a little little little drip they're out that's terrible what do you say to that it's easy to talk the talk it's harder to walk the water you've been doing it yeah as a matter of fact after uh after I leave here uh I changed my plans somewhat and I'm
I'm going to Thailand for a couple weeks but then I'm going to Sri Lanka I prefer to call it silon uh for a week and they've just elected a new communist dictator uh uh Salon has a Sri Lanka has had a just a disastrous history since it became independent and uh so I'm going there now now that they've got a perfectly horrible human being legitimately elected and I I want to go there boots on the ground and see what's going on in in Columbo and and there about so is that is that a place you
would invest you would you would ever like what would be the the outcome of that well Arthur C Clark the famous science fiction writer I never met him but we exchanged some letters before he died years ago and um he loved it there and it would be um once again for business I don't have a clue I don't think so for speculation yeah maybe but uh since the since a uh a radical communist has been installed it's too early to do anything there I'm just going to you know get up to presid see how it's
gonna go yeah to get an idea of oh what are things like now and what's likely to happen things are going to get worse in Sri Lanka not better in the years to come but I'll find out I can tell you they had some pretty bad stuff a couple years ago you think oh yeah that long Civil War they had against the uh the tamils and the North and the rulers like the Boran family uh place is a disaster zone so but I'm sure it'll be very but very nice if you're a uh a wealthy
Foreigner living on the beach like Arthur C Clark was you can do that you think can you live under the Communist uh you know feel comfortable if if you're not a citizen of these places they treat you as the property of a foreign government and kind of leave you alone you bring in money you you you bring in employment they leave you they generally generally leave you alone the other Trope is someone doesn't want to buy house somewhere else you know we talk about the turkey citizenship program they they talk as if aird toan is
going to come and personally take their little two-bedroom condo that's right no they don't care about they don't care about that they don't want to clutter their minds up and needlessly ruin their reputation doing this kind of nonsense that's thing maybe not so much for you but for for guys like me in business you think oh you just ring up a politician with a good idea they they're always all about the image all about the reputation they don't want your two-bedroom condo they really they really they get bigger fish to fry if they do yeah
most most Americans you know unfortunately most Americans are still thinking like medieval peasants where they're afraid that if they go overnight over that Hill there might be dragons and there actually aren't there aren't dragons we'll leave it at that Doug Casey always a pleasure hope you'll join us next year Nomad cish live here in koal andore well Andrew thank you good to see you again
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