a video to watch when you're sad.

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Simon Kim
www.wholesomesimon.com I wanted to create a video encompassing everything I have learned/things tha...
Video Transcript:
hi my name is Simon and I decided to make this video as a culmination of everything I've learned in the past year if you don't know I've been on a journey to spread positivity and help those struggling with mental illnesses on tik-tok and I wanted to create a single body of work just something I could throw all my mind and soul into that would maybe help someone out there so without further ado here's a video to watch when you're sad if you're watching this first realize that the fact that you're still breathing and still here
is a miracle through every bad time every break down every anxiety attack every episode you're still here and I know I can't even start to understand how hard it really was but you're here and you owe yourself a smile for that to get to this video you either have to find it on youtube somewhere or be one of the 1% of people to come from my older social media every minute more than 500 hours of video are being uploaded to youtube yeah you made it here and while you may just think it's a coincidence and
I feel as if you're here for a reason I'm here for you I'm proud of you for making it this far I'm sorry if you don't get that enough I'm proud of you if you're watching this you're probably under 20 years old and considering that the average life span of a human is around 80 years which by the way we will definitely live longer than your only less than 25% through your life you also have only met an insignificant portion of people that you share this planet with it's crazy that you can go a whole
life only meeting less than 1% of the population in that same way there's so much more to this planet than you've experienced yet and in that unknown or beautiful amazing people so don't give up on it yet there are good people there are good places out there and as you get older and experience more of life you'll see this be grateful of what you can and be cautious of those you surround yourself with and continue to persist life is so weird and annoying and irritating because no one has an answer to why we are here
we don't all have a purpose inherently put upon us so we create that purpose find that purpose and wake up each morning motivated to do something whether it's creating art or working out or just making people smile purpose is what keeps us going at the end of the day but you have so much time the future is full of smiles of late nights under the stars of spontaneous road trips with friends that you have yet to meet the future is what you make it you're going to be a great parent one day and raise a
kid that is literally a clone of you a mini you how crazy is that you're going to meet so many new people and lovers and have so many more amazing experiences so keep living one day you're going to be a hundred years old on your deathbed with your children and grandchildren by your side and you're going to want nothing but to live another day no matter how hard it was no matter how many tears were shed we only have one life so hold on to it it's your most valuable possession while you don't have to
love it now hold on to it keep waking up keep fighting keep laughing keep smiling keep crying keep living because that's all we got and I promise if you do this it will get better we're all here for you love you so much and there's always keep a wholesome you
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