How The Supermoon's Energy Affects The Chosen Ones🌕

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Shielded Mind
How The Supermoon's Energy Affects The Chosen Ones🌕 How does the supermoon affect me? Well, the mo...
Video Transcript:
the powerful energy of transformation is already spreading across the Earth and along with the extraordinary events happening on Earth this year there are equally extraordinary Celestial phenomena occurring in the skies welcome to another video especially for you who feel the call of the universe and believe you are one of the chosen if these words do not resonate with your spirit don't worry perhaps this is not the time for you however if you feel this is your path the following messages will have deep and transformative meaning you are on the verge of a powerful spiritual transformation
and I am here to guide you on this evolutionary Journey my name is George and together we will explore the intensification of the energies that are manifesting especially during this super moon period now you might be wondering how does the super moon affect me well the Moon is naturally a very powerful source of influence in relation to the Earth being important for the tides Agriculture and navigation super moons have greater energetic attraction through magnetism and gravity causing much larger tidal movements than usual since both the Earth and our human bodies are largely composed of water
the effects of the Amplified frequencies arriving will be huge Super Moon periods are energetically known to be extremely powerful intense and strongly felt just like eclipses as a chosen one you are connecting to the Earth in its fifth vibration tuning into true reality and fulfilling your role in this Great Awakening the super moon amplifies this connection bringing forth energies that further elevate your Consciousness and align you with the Divine Purpose you carry while many see the super moon as an opportunity to admire the night sky you know this is a rare and Powerful moment to
connect with the spiritual forces shaping your journey the super moon when the full or new moon reaches its closest point to Earth is a cosmic event that carries intense and transformative energy its impressive almost hypnotic Luminosity not only beautifies the sky but also awakens something deep within you during this period the proximity of the Moon intensifies its gravitational and magnetic influence affecting not only the planet but also you who are sensitive to Cosmic forces as a chosen one you feel this energy in every cell of your body it's as if the universe is pulsating in
sync with your Divine Purpose bringing forth a series of physical and spiritual Sensations that need to be understood and integrated the super moon amplifies your emotions thoughts and the Very energy you carry you may find yourself more sensitive perhaps even overwhelmed with old feelings resurfacing these moments of emotional purging are essential for your spiritual Evolution the super moon acts as a catalyst helping you release patterns and energies that no longer serve your higher purpose it is an opportunity to leave behind what needs to be left making way for new energies that will strengthen your journey
this will be another opportunity to tune in Cosmic forces meditate pray and manifest your deepest desires during this phase your Consciousness May expand offering visions and insights that go beyond the ordinary it's as if you are receiving an energetic update from the universe elevating your perception and aligning your being even more with your Divine Purpose the energy of the super moon can also bring challenges you may feel physically heavier with pressure on your shoulders or chest reflecting the intensity of the forces acting upon you your sensitivity to external stimuli such as lights and sounds may
increase making it more evident how much your body is absorbing and processing these heightened energies however these challenges are not obstacles but part of the transformation process by staying centered and grounded you can navigate this intensity with wisdom and Clarity grounding techniques such as walking barefoot or practicing deep breathing can help balance this energy and allow you to integrate it harmoniously with the intense light and energetic proximity of the super moon you are reminded of why you were chosen this is the time to embrace transformation to allow this powerful energy to shape your life according
to the Divine Purpose you were destined for embrace this energy let it transform you and continue to guide others with the light that emanates from you as a chosen one you are prepared for these moments and through them you will find the strength and Clarity to fulfill your sacred Mission below we will talk more deeply about how you can make the most of the super moon identifying the physical and spiritual signs it may bring into your life as a chosen one we will discuss the intense emotions that may arise during this period of energetic overload
which can begin to manifest not only on the exact day of the super moon but also in the days leading up to and following the event the physical symptoms you may experience and how these energies May influence your interactions with those around you you during the super moon period you as a chosen one may feel an energetic overload in relation to the people around you this sensation is as if you are being bombarded by a flood of energies and emotions emanating from all sides making it challenging to distinguish between what is yours and what belongs
to others the super moon with its powerful gravitational and energetic influence amplifies the vibrations around you and your natural sensitivity as a chosen one makes you absorb these energies intensely this energetic overload can manifest in various ways you may start to feel increasing pressure in your body especially in your head and shoulders as if you are carrying the emotional and energetic weight of the people around you there may be moments when you feel completely drained without knowing exactly why it's as if others energy is literally sucking yours leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed additionally this sensation
of overload can cause mental confusion making it difficult to focus and clarify your own thoughts when you are surrounded by people going through their own emotional turmoil their energies mix with yours creating a chaotic environment that can be difficult to navigate this conf confusion can lead to a feeling of being lost or disoriented where your emotions seem to float between various intensities without an apparent cause you may notice that the light around you seems brighter and more intense almost blinding as if ordinary environments are suddenly illuminated by a stronger light source this sensitivity can also
extend to sounds making noises that previously went unnoticed now seem louder and more disturbing even textures and temperatures may be felt with greater intensity as if your skin is more receptive to environmental variations this intensification of Sensations is not only physical but also energetic you may feel an extra pressure or weight on your head shoulders or chest as if you are carrying an invisible burden this sensation can be compared to accumulated tension reflecting your body's attempt to process the enormous amount of energy being channeled to you during the super moon it is important to understand
that this intensification is not something negative on the contrary it is part of the tuning process with the cosmic energies at play during the super moon your body as a channel for these energies is adjusting to receive process and eventually integrate these higher vibrations this increased sensitivity is a sign that you are deeply connected with Cosmic cycles and that your physical perception is aligned with the energy flow that the super moon brings the emotional weight you as a chosen one may experience manifests very concretely in your daily life for example you may find yourself reliving
past conflicts such as old arguments or misunderstandings with friends family members or co-workers even if these situations happened a long time ago the super Moon can bring these memories back with renewed intensity causing you to feel the emotions you experienced at the time again such as anger sadness or regret furthermore Global events and news may affect you more deeply than usual when watching the news or reading about natural disasters humanitarian crisis or social injustices you may feel an overwhelming emotional weight as if you are carrying the world's suffering on your shoulders this reaction can be
so intense that you feel exhausted sad or even hopeless even though these events are far removed from your daily life another concrete example is the emergence of an inexplicable sadness while carrying out everyday activities you may be doing something simple like walking in the park or watching a movie and suddenly be overtaken by Deep Melancholy without an apparent cause this feeling may be a manifestation of the super Moon's energy which brings repressed or unresolved emotions to the surface creating a sense of weight that seems to come out of nowhere these experiences show how the super
moon can intensify your emotions and bring to light feelings that were hidden or dormant although these moments may be challenging they also offer an opportunity for you to confront and release these emotions allowing you to continue your spiritual journey more lightly and balanced you may notice that your intuition is especially sharp this intuitive intensification is one of the ways the powerful energy of the super moon manifests in your life allowing you to access deeper levels of perception and understanding the super moon amplifies the vibrations around you and as a chosen one you are particularly sensitive
to these energetic changes you may start to notice that your impressions and feelings about people situations and places are more Vivid and clear for example when meeting someone you may instantly perceive their true intentions even if that person is trying to mask their feelings or thoughts it's as if you are reading the energies that words and actions cannot hide this heightened intuition may also manifest in vivid dreams or visions where symbolic messages or premonitions become more frequent and intense during the super moon your dreams may feel so real that you wake up with the sensation
of having lived a second life during sleep these dreams often carry important messages about your spiritual journey future challenges or insights into personal issues that need attention you may find answers to questions you have been carrying for a long time or have a clear vision of the path you should follow moreover this intuitive sensitivity may lead you to avoid certain situations or people even without an apparent logical reason you may feel a strong need to change direction cancel plans or distance yourself from someone without knowing exactly why this is your intuition Amplified by the super
Moon's energy guiding you away from negative influences or hidden dangers on the other hand your intuition May draw you to new encounters opportunities or ideas that align perfectly with your mission as a Chosen One during the super moon you may have a strong feeling that you should follow a new direction or explore a path that did not seem so clear before this intuitive impulse is a sign that the universe is aligning energies to facilitate your growth and spiritual Evolution this increase in intuition may also make you more aware of the needs of others allowing you
to offer support or guidance exactly when and where needed you may sense when someone close to you is going through difficulties even if that person has said nothing your ability to feel what others are experiencing becomes a powerful tool to help those around you fulfilling even more your role as a guide and healer the intensification of your intuition during the super moon is a blessing but it can also be challenging it is important to trust your instincts and follow the guidance that arises from within you even if it does not make immediate sense this is
a time when the veil Between Worlds is thinner allowing you to access information and insights that would normally be Out Of Reach by honoring and following your intuition you align yourself even more with your purpose as a chosen one a allowing the super Moon's energy to guide and strengthen your spiritual journey you may feel a strong need for isolation and almost irresistible desire to withdraw from others and seek moments of solitude this urge to isolate is a natural response to the intense energy that the super moon brings and it is a way for your spirit
to seek a quiet space where it can process and integrate the powerful vibrations at Play the super moon amplifies everything around you emotions thoughts and the Very energy of the people you interact with as a chosen one you are naturally more sensitive to these influences and this sensitivity can become overwhelming during this period the desire for isolation arises as a need for protection a mechanism your spiritual being activates to avoid overload and ensure that you can Main maintain your inner balance you may notice that social interaction which would normally be pleasant or neutral becomes exhausting
or even draining casual conversations may seem superficial or unnecessary and the emotional noise of others may become disturbing even being in public spaces such as busy streets or workplaces may make you feel an urgency to withdraw to a calmer and safer place this is not a desire to avoid others altogether but a need to recharge your energies in an environment where you can connect with yourself without distractions or interferences this period of isolation is not only physical but also emotional and mental you may feel a Detachment from daily concerns social dramas or external expectations there
is is a deep need to turn inward to connect with your own emotions thoughts and deepest truths this is a time for introspection to reflect on your journey your choices and the path you are treading during these moments of solitude you may find yourself in a natural state of meditation where thoughts and insights flow freely isolation allows you to hear your inner voice without the noise of external influences helping you gain Clarity on issues that may have been obscure or confusing it is in this space of Silence that you can reconnect with your purpose as
a Chosen One aligning yourself once again with the cosmic energies that guide your life however it is important to remember that this isolation is not a permanent withdrawal it is a necessary period of recharging and introspection which will allow you to return to the external world with more strength Clarity and purpose by allowing yourself this time of solitude you are honoring the needs of your spirit and preparing for the next stage of your journey as a chosen one you may become especially aware of the negative or toxic energies emanating from the people around you this
heightened perception is a direct consequence of the intensification of cosmic energies that the Super Moon brings making everything around you including people's vibrations more Vivid and harder to ignore the super moon amplifies your natural sensitivity making you a kind of radar for negative energies this means you may begin to feel physical or emotional discomfort when you are near people who are carrying toxic energies these Sensations can range from mild discomfort to intense unease as if the environment is saturated with heavy energy that you cannot avoid this perception can manifest in various concrete ways for example
when entering a room where someone is angry resentful or sad you may feel tightness in your chest a knot in your stomach or even a slight headache your body is reacting to the negative energy even if the person is not expressing their feelings openly the presence of this energy can be so oppressive that you feel an urgent need to withdraw or protect yourself either by changing places limiting contact with the person or even leaving the environment furthermore you may notice that certain people who previously seemed harmless or neutral now emit energy that you recognize as
toxic this can be especially challenging in environments where you cannot completely avoid these people such as at work family gatherings or Social Circles the super moon reveals people's true Natures more clearly and your sensitivity makes you perceive these vibrations with disconcerting intensity this heightened perception can also lead you to feel drained when you are near certain people they may not be aware of the impact their energies are having but you may notice a significant decrease in your own energy vitality and mental ity after interacting with them this happens because as a chosen one you not
only perceive these energies but can also absorb them which can be extremely exhausting to deal with this situation it is crucial that you adopt practices of energetic protection visualizing a protective light around you using crystals that block negative energies such as black talene or amethyst or even practicing energy cleansing techniques such as using AG or Palos Santo can help create a barrier between you and these toxic influences these practices not only protect your energy but also help keep your energy field clean and balanced allowing you to continue navigating the intense energies of the super moon
without feeling overwhelmed additionally it is important that you recognize and honor your feelings during this period if you feel the need to distance yourself from certain people or environments to protect your energy energy allow yourself to do so without guilt your priority during the super moon should be your well-being and the maintenance of your energetic balance being aware of these influences and taking steps to protect yourself will ensure that you continue your journey as a chosen one with strength and Clarity without being diverted or drained by the negative energies around you you may experience an
intensified sense of responsibility or care towards the people around you this powerful energy can awaken in you a strong desire to offer support guidance and protection to those going through moments of difficulty or confusion the super moon with its ability to amplify emotions and intensify spiritual connection can make you feel a deep call to act as a guide or Guardian for others during this period this sense of responsibility May manifest in various concrete ways for example you may notice that friends family members or even co-workers are struggling to cope with the intense emotions that the
super moon brings to the surface these people may become more vulnerable expressing fear anxiety or sadness and you may feel it is your duty to intervene and offer emotional support this need to care for others may arise spontaneous iously as a natural impulse to reach out and offer help even if these people have not explicitly asked for it moreover you may notice that during the super moon people around you are more likely to seek your guidance or advice they may see you as a source of stability and wisdom especially in a time when energies are
chaotic and difficult to manage this search for guidance May manifest in conversations where people share their concerns doubts or personal experiences hoping that you will help them find Clarity and peace as a Chosen One your presence may be seen as an anchor amid the emotional storm that the super moon can trigger this heightened responsibility may also extend to your role as a spiritual leader or Mentor during the super moon you may feel a strong impulse to organize or participate in rituals group meditations or spiritual gatherings that help channel the intense energies in a positive way
you may feel called to guide others in practices that help them connect with their own spiritual Essences and cope with the Amplified emotions that are arising this role of spiritual leadership is a natural extension of your journey as a chosen one and the super moon can serve as a catalyst for you to take on this role with more intention and [Music] purpose however this sense of responsibility can also be a burden if not managed carefully you may feel that you are taking on the weight of others problems and emotions which can be exhausting and challenging
it is crucial that you maintain a balance between caring for others and caring for yourself remember that to Be an Effective source of support you also need to be energized and centered self-care practices such as meditation adequate rest and time to recharge your energies are essential for you to continue offering offering help without depleting yourself in some cases you may need to establish healthy boundaries to ensure that your energy is not completely drained this may mean saying no when necessary or delegating responsibilities to others who can also offer support by balancing your need to help
with the need to take care of yourself you will be able to be a powerful and sustaining Force for those around you without compromising your own well-being [Music] in conclusion My Chosen friends understand that this full moon is not just about making abrupt changes or hasty decisions its true purpose is to free you from limiting beliefs or ways of thinking that are rooted in the ego or the need for external acceptance this is a powerful time to accept all parts of yourself including those that are not always celebrated by others although these traits may not
please everyone they deserve to be recognized and expressed take advantage of the power of the super moon to allow your true Essence to shine regardless of external validation embrace the entirety of who you are and use this energy to strengthen yourself and further align with your mission as chosen ones this is the time to liberate yourself to connect with the Divine and to manifest the purpose that God has placed in your hearts
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