[Music] hi hello peekaboo where's Miss Rachel peekaboo can you do that peekaboo that's such a fun game look it's a surprise box should we take out a surprise okay let's let say our special rhyme what's in the box what could it be do you want to take something out with me you say out take it out it's a pretend pink bubble made out of icky sticky bubblegum can you pretend to Stick it to your nose where is your nose you did it yeah pretending to stick it to our nose how about your elbow where's your
elbow good job wo how about your shoulder yes sticking to our shoulder should we try to put it on our head let's try together [Music] whoa should we pretend to sneeze together let's try ah ah ah we're so silly can you get out your two hands one two good job now let's pretend to blow a really big bubble [Music] wow pop oh no the bubble popped and the sticky bubble gum is all over our hands icky scky scky scky bubble gum bubble gum bubble gum YY sticky scky sticky bubble gum makes your hand stick to
your head and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away icky scky scky scky bubble gum bubblegum bubble gum icky sticky scky sticky bubblegum makes your hand stick to your elbows and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away icky scky scky scky bubble gum bubble gum bubble gum icky sticky sticky sticky bubblegum makes your hand stick to your tummy and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away icky scky scky scky bubble gum bubble gum bubble gum icky sticky sticky sticky bubble gum
makes your hands stick to your ears uh-oh and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away icky scky scky scky bubble gum bubblegum bubblegum icky scky scky scky bubblegum makes your hands stick to your knees are they on your knees and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away icky scky scky scky bubble gum bubble gum bubble gum icky scky sticky sticky bubble gum makes your hand stick to your mouth [Music] buba dyy scky bubble gum bubble gum bubble gum icky sticky sticky sticky bubble gum makes your
hand stick to your grownup put them on your grownup and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away iy scky scky scky bubblegum bubblegum bubblegum icky scky scky picky bubblegum makes your hands give you a hug [Music] pleas peekaboo can you do this peekaboo peekaboo so fun should we take out another surprise let's do our special rhyme again say it with me what's in the box what could it be do you want to take something out with me you say out take [Music] it out wow it's a little bunny can you
make your bunny hop great job hop hop hop hop hop hop let's take out another surprise say out take [Music] it ouch you did it h uhoh can you say that uh oh bunny is so hungry what do we do feed bunny the carrot great idea let's feed bunny the carrot she loves it thank you for feeding me the carrot can you make your bunny talk thank you good [Music] job bunny is getting so tired now what does it look like to be tired can you show me yes yawning maybe stretching we need to put
bunny into bed let's see here we have this little bed let's put bunny in bed put her in and now let's cover her in the little blanket the blanket is on a bunny is so safe and cozy in her bed can you say night night to bunny night night bunny night night bunny sweet dreams she's falling asleep sh we need to be quiet can you do that sh sh bunny is sleeping we need to be quiet I'm getting tired too let's pretend to [Music] sleep ding ding ding that's our alarm clock we need to wake
[Music] up actually I'm still tired [Music] see the bunny sleeping till it's nearly noon shall we wake them with a Mery tune they're so still are they ill wake up soon wake up little bunnies hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop hop hop and stop I'm tired let's go back to sleep see the bunny sleeping till it's nearly noon shall we wake them with a merry tune they're so still are they ill wake up soon ding ding ding ding ding that's the alarm clock we
need to wake up and Skip Skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip and stop let's hop again hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop hop hop and stop [Music] friends I have someone really special to introduce you to his name is Bean Bear he's so nice have you seen him where H I don't see him he's behind me where could he be oh he's on this side thank you hi Bean
Bear hi can you wave to Bean hi Bean hi hello he's blowing you a kiss that's so nice Bean blow a kiss I have cars yes you do have cars would you like to show our friends your cars later yeah okay let's do [Music] it peekaboo I'm back and I'm so excited to see what surprise is next what surprise do you think it's going to be let's check what's in the box what could it be do you want to take something out with me yes yes okay let's take it out wow is that a bus
yes not yes it's a bus wow what does a bus say vroom vroom vroom beep beep let's drive our buses together and then stop drive drive drive drive drive drive drive stop good job drive drive drive drive your bus drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive and stop you did it did you squeeze your bus you surprised me W that surprised that's so silly oh I hear the kids they need to go to school what should we do let's drive our bus over to pick up the kids drive drive drive drive drive drive
we need to say beep beep so the kids hear us beep beep beep beep the kids are getting on the bus for pretend yay can you do this let me see do this with me copy me great job the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all through the town the wiers on the
bus go swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish all through the town the doors on the bus go open and shut open and shut open and shut the doors on the bus go open and shut all through the town the babies on the bus go w [Music] where the babies on the bus go where where where all through the town the mommy on the bus go sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh the mommy on the bus go sh sh all through the
town the daddies on the Bus Say I love you I love you I love you the daddies on the Bus Say I love you all through the town the people on the bus go up and down up and down up and down the people on the bus go up and down all through the town the driver on the bus says move on back move on back move on back the driver on the bus says move on back all through the town the wheels on the bus go round and round and round the wheels on the
bus go and all through the town all through the to all through the [Music] town hi let's count together one what's next two oh yeah two what's next three oh yeah three okay one two three zebra no zebra okay one two three chicken chicken one two three pickle one two three chicken 1 two 3 pickle 1 two 3 banana oh I know one two tree floor blah blah blah blah blah blah blah banana oo that reminds me I'm hungry hi which group has more carrots that's right this group M yum my favorite Kik boo that's
my favorite game let's see what else is inside our box fill in our rhyme and we'll take out a surprise what's in the box what could it be do you want to take something out with me take it out wow friends wow peekaboo it's a little scarf peekaboo it's so much fun to play peekaboo with you where did you go peekaboo there you are I couldn't see you hey where are you peekaboo there you are it's so much fun to play [Music] together can you get out a towel or a scarf sing along my scarf
it has four corners for Corners has my scarf and had it not for Corners it it would not be my scarf 1 2 3 4 now hold it up like this pretend it's your blanket my blanket has four corners Four Corners has my blanket and had it not for Corners it would not be my blanket one 2 3 4 now scrunch it up like this and pretend it's your pillow my pillow has four corners Four Corners has my pillow and had it not Four Corners it would not be my pillow 1 2 3 4 okay
now put it behind you like this and pretend like you're flying through the air like it's a cape here we go my Cape it has four corners Four Corners has my cape and had it not four corners it would not be my Cape 1 2 3 4 and had it not Four Corners it would not be my Cape my pillow my blanket my scarf want to play we could play Cars red car go blue car go my turn green car stop [Music] go your turn yellow car go bye-bye bye-bye yellow car bye-bye [Music] peekaboo we
have one more surprise yay how do you feel I feel excited to get out the last surprise what's in the box what could it be do you want to take something out with me yay take it out wow friends it's a little bear it's a little teddy bear his name is Bean can you say hi to Bean hi Bean can you wave hello this is waving hi can you make your little bear dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance and freeze dance dance dance dance dance dance freeze good job can you make
your little bear [Music] whisper what did your little bear say wow this little bear said he wants to play he said I want to play Let's Pretend to take him to the playground walk walk walk can you make your little bear walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walking to the playground and now there's a little playground right here he wants to go on the slide he said I want slide let's help him he goes up up up and then he's at the top he's at the top of the slide now let's help him go
down Ready set go wee can you say that wee he went down the slide I want sandbox can you make your little bear talk I want sandbox he wants the sandbox Let's help him dig dig dig dig dig dig dig my little Bear's making a sand castle what is yours doing how fun uhoh we need to get going let's tell our little bear he has two more minutes you have two more minutes you can pick one more thing to do he said I want swings can you make your little bear Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing
Swing Swing it's so fun to go on the swings isn't it now let's pretend we're walking our little bear home can you do that with me walk walk walk walk walk walk uhoh our little bear got so dirty in the sandbox we need to help him get clean what do we [Music] do H do do we put him in the bed to get clean no can you shake your head no no no no how about in the bath yes let's put our little bear in the bath put [Music] him in the bath yay he's in
the bath you have an amazing imagination let's take out our scarf and pretend that it's a washcloth and we're washing the little bear wash wash wash wash wash wash good job wash wash wash and now we're rinsing rinse rinse rinse now we need to wrap our little bear in a towel what could we use for a towel yes we can use this again let's take out our little bear and let's wrap him up in a towel good job you're all done your bath little bear and we're putting you in a nice warm towel what's in
the toy box say open open wow it's a red ball a blue car and a yellow duck quack quack quack great job the Stars Are So Beautiful yeah they really are did you know we can see about 3,000 Stars no I didn't know that yeah did you know there are billions of stars out there there are uh-huh and sometimes people wish on a star oh I'm going to make a wish okay I wish I could play with Miss Kesha more that's a really nice wish Frankie thanks you know what I wish what I wish we
could sing together I like that twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are [Music] when the blazing sun is gone when it nothing shines upon then you show your little light twile twinkle all the night twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are [Music] can you point to the cup where is the cup yeah there it is that's a cup pointing this is pointing what do we do with a cup
yes we drink from a cup let's pretend to drink from a cup what's in your cup I'm pretending I have water I love drinking water it's so good for us thumbs up can you do that thumbs up hey hervy hi do you know Humpty Dumpty yes I do okay let's say it together okay ready Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again that was great let's do it again okay this time I'll be Humpty and you be all
the king's horses and All the King's Men sure okay I'm ready Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall nice Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the king's horses and All the King's Men I'm a horse Okay couldn't put Humpty together again [Music] what's behind the flaps I don't know do you know I don't know can you do that I don't know let's check St open open it's a shirt let's see what else there is open [Music] pants let's see what else we have say open open socks do you wear socks let's see what else open
the flap shoes how many shoes one two two shoes what do we do with these things H can you do that [Music] H yes we get dress Let's Help the bunny get dress let's say put on say it with me put on shirt put on pants put on socks put on shoes wow high five can you do that high five we help the bunny get dressed high [Music] [Applause] five a b c d e f g g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and
z now I know my ab next time won't you sing with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I know my abc next time w't you sing [Music] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x [Music] y now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me [Music] wow star light star bright first star I see tonight I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish [Music] tonight wow can you point to the bird
yes that's the bird Bluebird bye-bye bird twe TW which one is the cat yes orange cat bye-bye cat and this is a dog brown dog bye-bye dog woof woof great job can you clap with me let's play a game clap your hands 1 2 3 play a clapping game with me now your hands have gone away bring them back so we can play roll your hands one two three play a Rolling game with me now your hands have gone away bring them back so we can play tap your knees one 2 three play a tapping
game with me now your hands have gone away bring them back so we can play Wiggle your fingers one two three play a wiggling game with me now your hands have gone away bring them back so we can play hooray I had such a great time learning with you today we took so many fun things out of our special box and sang some of our favorite songs together always remember you're a great kid byebye friends bye bye friends bye bye friends I'll see you again real soon bye [Music]