hi guys it is 4: a.m. I was supposed to be sleep here I am ironically I wasn't even going to make this episode um this was an episode For My Future Self sometimes when a when an episode is so ambiguous in my head and it's just like how do I go about this uh that's my future self's problem that's not my problem you know um I was actually going to make an episode on procrastination as a continuation of my last episode because I am an organized girl apparently not so much because when I prayed F
which was like 20 minutes ago and I was like I feel like I need to make this episode right now you know and here we are looking at each other where I am at 4:00 a.m. and where you are in the future first of all I would like it to be known that I like my videos before everyone everyone non-muslim Muslim white black yellow purple red orange red I guess yeah sure I mean join the party you know male female but maybe not so male today unless you want to feel a little Bonita then also
join the party and I love to include some research papers to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about CU it just gives you this Aura you know feeling smart and like when after you read an abstract or two you just feel like like do I get a PhD after this or you know what's going to happen you don't get a PhD all you do is you get temporary information stored in your brain to use for something and then it slowly Fades away but you know um I like to do that but for
this video we're throwing that out the window okay it's still I want it to be for everyone but I'm like going to speak from the heart for this because it's a very sensitive subject it's not it's not a sensitive subject I don't think it's just we don't talk about it enough but like it shouldn't be sensitive if anything it's quite dumb sorry not like that but it's just like like I can't believe I have to make a video about this and well here we are we see4 and Farah is not like regular Farah this is
the Farah that should be sleeping and dreaming right now okay let's guess it it is probably most likely the case that you watching this have XX chromosomes XX chromos not excess chromosomes otherwise that's not funny I'm not laughing every girl at some point in her life wanted to feel pretty you you have wanted to feel pretty I have wanted to feel pretty the 80-year-old woman that you see in the supermarket wants to feel pretty we all want to feel pretty or at least at some point we all wanted to feel pretty but I'm here to
argue that you don't have to be pretty we have gotten into the age of so much advancement that we are focusing on some of the dumbest things ever because we just have that much time now apparently on our hands and we don't know what to do with it and so we focus that time on our appearance on the things that we can physically see and touch and taste with our senses hopefully not taste in the scenario be you get what I'm saying and throughout our childhood throughout our lives we have seen what pretty is and
we've seen how pretty is treated we have seen how pretty comes in the form of compliments too the way it shapes compliments you know you don't see compliments like wow I love your nose it's huge amazing although I would like to see a future where there is one of those compliments but I don't think we're going to see it in this generation that's fine but the compliments can already tell you what the beauty standard is and the culture that we have grown up with you know cultures are different from the west and the East and
all of that sort of stuff but you do see common features that make up pretty and I'm here to argue that you really don't need to be pretty why because it's all been a lie oh my God that rhymed I have this theory that if it Rhymes it's true please don't try to counter my theory with an example let me ask you a question when was the time you were the happiest or okay that's a hard question when was the last time you were really really really happy like you were just like your heart was
like exploding with fireworks and there were balloons and there was confetti and pink sparkles yes that's how I picture my insights when I'm really happy um okay I'll tell you my last time my last time was when my mom and I sat in the cinema about to watch a kids movie and we both had our popcorn ready and I had my slushie on my right and it was awesome now remembering back to that memory that really good memory that I had was I pretty do you see how dumb that that is do you see how
so insignificant and irrelevant that thought is because I didn't take pictures at that time I was just living in the moment I was just being present you know and sometimes when we are really present we are so happy in the moment what do we like to do we like to snap a picture snap snap and then we're like oh my God we're going to post this on our feed on our dude I sound like a grandma talking about this but we're going to post this you know cuz I was so happy at that moment I
want to post it but wait I don't look good okay then I guess it's not post-worthy I'm not sitting here to tell you to post your happy moments I'm saying that the concept of pretty the idea of pretty it's so stupid like it's so unimportant and I think it takes a lot more space in our brains than it should if anything it shouldn't take any space of anything because honestly uh when I wanted to make this episode I wanted to talk about the things that are so much more worthwhile than thinking about being pretty or
not because when you want to be pretty when you aspire to be pretty all you can think about is how to enhance yourself physically you know it even gets to the point where you think of even surgical stuff and you start to obsess over things and it's like you actually don't need to do any of that like go read a book or something no I'm going to lay upon you a very uncomfortable truth but you have to accept it otherwise I will shove it in your throat okay um some people have won the genetic Lottery
maybe a lot of people in your life depending on where you are and that's it they're pretty because they are just genetically that way some people have not won the genetic Lottery I'm not here to talk about oh boohoo I look the way I look I think I am beautiful I'm going to distinguish between beautiful and pretty later and I I think you already know what I'm going to talk about but it's like pretty is based on society standards and we know Society standards we know it's the big eyes and lashes and the eyebrows need
to be a certain way depending on the trend and the nose has has to be so small and pointed or just in a way aesthetically pleasing and the lips have to be plump and God forbid she has a double chin and if she has a forehead more than four fingers or even three no she's so far out gone you know from the scope of being pretty it's like we know these standards exist maybe we don't know them by definition but we know they exist and so some of us actually spend time and energy dedicated towards
trying to fix these things that we think are problems on our faces when we're born the way we are you know I was born with my grandpa's nose thank you Grandpa for this amazing nose that can smell pretty much everything when I was younger I would fix it on my nose I would look at my nose and I'd be like I wish it was pointed and so I would search a Paro plasty because that was the sensible thing to do at that time you know and I would look up costs and then I'd look up
the procedure itself and I'd see all the blood and I'd be like God ew but it's so worth it it was the ultimate you know peak of the brainwashing that I endured but now I just am aware that my nose is for smelling and that's that we leave it at that no more no less unless it's less in which case there is definitely something to fix but like we have this finite time and energy and our face is already okay our body if we're taking care of it and we're moving and we're being healthy with
the way that we use it because it was entrusted with us is okay then I have this finite time and energy and I need to dedicate them to something more important something actually useful because fixing my nose to look more like a white girl's nose is not going to do anything for society and it's not going to do anything for my happiness because it was never useful in the first place and it was never important in the first place to entertain these tedious thoughts and these brain numbing dumb thoughts I'm calling them dumb because I'm
calling them out and I had them is to set yourself up for just a very miserable life if I'm being honest it's not a fun life when all you're thinking about is how you look because life was not meant to be lived that way life was meant to be lived creating things and doing things and learning things and living in the present moment and making what you can out of what you have not about fixing things that never needed fixing in the first place and by the way Allah gives everyone something and for some people
it is really being very conventionally pretty and to an extent where that is actually their test imagine being tested with being pretty I am so glad that I don't have to no no it's not funny don't laugh this is serious we can look to the story of Prophet Joseph peace be upon Him Prophet youf when he was literally molested for being pretty I don't like to put it in those words but yeah half of all the beauty that ever exists went into his creation his physical creation and our minds cannot fathom what that means by
the way not even close and so we can imagine how hard that test was I will forever and always be grateful for any form that Allah could have created me in always I'm grateful for the way that he created me because I noticed that when I talk when I Ponder something and I talk about it and I get deep into it people listen people hear what I have to say even if it's not that deep but that people listen and they don't get distracted and they don't have to watch the clip twice because they fell
in love with me through my face and I know that sounds weird but it actually happens over the Internet welcome to the Internet it's a very strange place I love that all the attention goes on the words that are coming out of my mouth and you know I even try and enable that by wearing the same thing every single time now obviously I have failed in this scenario but what I try to do is I try to wear something that does nothing to help my appearance like at all you know and I like to have
it in the same setting and I like to be barefaced and I like to be raw that really sounds not right it's just being in this form I just feel like I can soar I feel like I am in the state of perfection to go to the top and never stop oh my God that rhymed again because when I'm talking and I'm delivering messages especially on my social media and I've been doing this for a while it's something that I deem so important it's something to me that I feel is like my calling like I
have to do this you know so showing up the way that I do and looking the way that I do it's almost like I am guaranteed that people will listen to what I have to say and not gawk at my face and honestly that makes me really happy now let me make the distinction between being pretty and being beautiful I think we all know this is going being pretty is by the social standards it's what we all as a society for some reason have chosen to be the top notch of features on the face don't
ask me where it came from honestly I'm not that interested but being beautiful first of all we were all born beautiful I know there are some babies that look questionable but it's by the Deeds that you have done done through your life that either makes your face look better or it worsens it now I personally believe this is through Islam if you are a Muslim and a good believer and you do a lot of good things it really does show on your face and you know even non-muslims too you see really good people in life
despite them not being Muslims but that their face is just so soft and comfortable to look at you know and that's beautiful you really feel comfort and that's where the beauty comes from is that peace distill within them and then you see people that are cray cray and they have done some mad crazy stuff in their life and that shows on their face too no I'm not talking just about drug addicts I'm talking about all people that's not funny that's you feel a discomfort towards them not not because maybe they look ugly no maybe they
have nice features actually but something is off deep within them that it actually reflects on their face if there is something inside not functioning properly and well for some people they can really feel that and for some people they can't really feel that let's not get into that too deep because I have very strong opinions on this and I will definitely offend a lot of people but let's reinstate the fact that beautiful does not mean pretty and pretty does not mean beautiful they to me at least are two very different things now delving a little
bit into another subject we are in space and time in the SpaceTime Continuum that I find a little bit strange I find a little bit weird and I will tell you why we have something called called hijabi fashionistas I'm not judging I'm not I'm I'm actually seriously not judging because when you judge you start to become the thing that you judge and so that's why I'm not judging um because I have fallen into that too but we have started to thread the idea and concept of prettiness with the hijab the sole thing that we have
to protect us from that concept and that trap that we can fall into so easily and now we have idolized this and we have started following all of these hijabi amazing pretty looking models online maybe not even models maybe regular people but they just know how to look really pretty or maybe they just are really pretty no I'm not saying there's something fundamentally wrong with that with the fact that they look pretty it's the fact that we have given attention to this we have fallen into this it's the fact that we think that this is
normal and I'm not here to shame because honestly I've learned the hard way to not shame trust me I've fallen into that trap several times and I don't want to fall again but I'm saying to to you specifically cuz I don't like talking to just general people like I'm talking to a wide crowd no when I'm talking to the camera I'm talking as though I'm talking to a single person that's listening to me I'm saying who do you follow who do you give time and attention to because these people that you watch on social media
these people are almost streaming into your subconscious Without You realizing and they're making the architecture of your brain Without You realizing and it's not up to you but it's these trends that keep coming along if you give them the attention it's their choice it's not yours and so I really want you to ask yourself also who are you following because I asked myself this a long time ago and I realized wow I'm really putting my time and energy attention in the wrong places because when you make all that you are on the social media realm
about looks about how you look about how you are presented in a certain way it's like what do you benefit from that especially and I this because I care about it if you are a and you really actually care about this it makes no sense to me I'm so sorry it had to come from me I'm sorry that you feel that way sorry that was funny just came to my head I see Muslim women on social media some of them on Tik Tok and on Instagram that spread the most beautiful messages about the dean about
even things besides the dean like history and stuff and just stories but they take away any power that Society can have over them by not falling into the Trap of having to look a certain way by just looking the way that they are and it does not matter because what they have to say is is more important than how they look and I'm not saying that you should show up stinky and fugly and weird looking sorry I'm saying take care of yourself but do not be excessive in love do not go overboard with your looks
just to be pretty cuz it's not worth it you have more important things to do and I'm here to remind you that you have more important things to do and your life is a lot more than that and that you need to focus and get back to work we're not here to be pretty even when we start to grow up and we start to get married and whatever it is it's not just about being pretty it never was about just being pretty it was never about pretty in the first place and yet sometimes it seems
like that thank you social media for that thank you so much you have done your part now I'm telling you you don't have to be pretty so whenever you get the thought of oh I'm not pretty or oh my eyes could look like this or my nose could look like this my lips could use a little filler I've had that thought once or twice you know I could use some Botox I could use some filler I could use this and that and whatnot and oh my God God this new product just came in and oh
my God look at a sunset does a sunset need Botox and filler no it doesn't cuz it's a Sunset and it's beautiful just the way that it is now look at yourself you're beautiful just the way that you are you're fine you don't need anything just be happy with what you have and it's a lot easier said than done but you have to work towards that and it might take work and it might take tears and it might take fraking pain but if it takes you to being okay with what you look like it's worth
it so that was my message that's all I got to say okay I can't now I think I'm going to pull an all nighter cuz I'm not going to go back to sleep sleep that's not a good decision to make anyway I hope you guys like this video oh well I hope you like got some benefit from this video more than anything and um I will see you in the next episode hopefully that's going to be about procrastination yep okay byebye