for cra as okay yeah well I have um is it okay if we Heat this up a little bit I have a kind of a bomb question do it because you mentioned a few minutes ago you answer and get in the plane yeah just drop the bomb and leave um cuz you mentioned one of the examples for you know this broader sense of the uh Apostolic Ministry that Paul's Paul introduces is Junia the Apostle Junia yes and that goes against what we've been seeing a lot growing in Brazil which is this uh you know this
whole topic on women and Ministry specifically women pastors women Apostles women prophets well they wouldn't even believe in prophets nowadays or even Apostles you know let alone women but um uh women pastors and women in leadership teaching at church and this is growing alongside maybe with the reform movement uh in Brazil and throughout the Nations maybe I that could be if you could trace back some of the roots of that but um when we read that uh the Paul's recommendation on women not speaking in church what are we actually looking at yeah and and and
when you mentioned reform I do want to say something uh there first and that is it it was in the reformed tradition that cessationism was um highly priced but not all reformed Christians by any means are cessationist so very important to mention we can yeah and even with cessationists you know they believe in certain gifts we can work together on those I'm just saying they're inconsistent but uh but you know the Reformed Church you know with their emphasis and academics and stuff they make contributions we can we can value this contribution so emphasis on God's
glory God's sovereignty I appreciate all that so um so I mean I teach at a school that's largely Wesleyan Armenian but um but the body of Christ we can all learn from each other so um so I don't want what I said before to be anti-reform it is anti cessationist but I can't help ITP cessationism is unbiblical it's a postbiblical Doctrine just PL now women in Ministry is a little bit more complicated because it depends on which verse you're looking at got um and and that's why we need a careful Bible interpretation so some people
start with one set of verses usually two verses and some people start with a different set of verses um Junia is in Romans 16 and in Romans 16 Paul commends he he greets many many people he actually greets more men than women but when he commends Ministry partners he actually commends more women than men as his fellow laborers in the gospel and there are two terms that Paul uses most often for his ministry colleagues elsewhere in his writings he nobody is given the name Pastor man or woman gotta so that's that's a red herring when
somebody say you don't have a woman named as a pastor you don't have a man named as a pastor either but but Paul's should we not have pastors today then yeah yeah yeah the 12 the twel were were all male the twel apostles were all male yeah they were all Jewish too I mean they Gentiles allowed to be ministers you know let's be you know move on to the rest of the New Testament too so uh but in Romans 16 there there are two terms that Paul uses most often in his writings generally for his
ministry colleagues and actually uses some of these for Jesus and for himself the two most common terms are diakonos okay which can mean servant or minister and sunos fellow worker Paul uses sunos for prisca and Aquila in in Romans 16 so his fellow workers um he uses uh diakonos in Romans 16 for Phoebe she's the diakos of the church at kria right outside of Corinth from from which Paul is writing the letter to the Romans and also you have um andronicus and Junia who of note among the apostles now some people have tried to make
Junia a contraction of junas um and some translations even did that that doesn't work I mean John christm a native speaker of the language he said he said wow he calls a woman an apostle here um it it it's the the contraction Junius being contracted to Junia is nowhere attested in ancient sources and it doesn't work with a Latin name like Junia or junas so this is clearly a woman yeah which is prob which which is good because this is probably andronicus his wife so you've got probably a husband wife Apostolic team here but uh
now there's there's a possible way to argue against that from the grammar but given the usual reading of grammar the majority of Scholars say this is a husband wife Apostolic team you also have uh others triina and trosa Mary who persus who labored with him in the Lord so um also in Philippians Paul mentions a couple women who labored with him in the Lord uh they're they're not getting along too well he's got to deal with that but because of that he mentions them as as his fellow laborers Philippi in Rome were two of the
locations in the Roman Empire where women had the most freedoms is it possible that where women have more freedoms and more access for example to education women are more likely to be involved in Ministry than in places where women are are more suppressed well the uh if you look at Ministry in the Bible or speaking the word of the Lord in the Bible the whole Bible Al together the one that's most common is prophets so very common in the Old Testament uh in the New Testament the church in Antioch was led by prophets and teachers
and and you know we we could go on with that but just to say you have women clearly speaking the word of the Lord some people say well it's all right they can speak God's message as long as they don't use the Bible yeah I don't that doesn't make a lot of sense that's actually worse I would think so but anyway um but you you you have among women prophets obviously they're not the majority yeah um but it's not establishing a quota it's just saying you know even in even in a relatively patriarchal culture you
have women uh you have holda who holds exactly the same role in Josiah's generation as Isaiah held in in hezekiah's generation back in in First Kings uh sorry uh 2 Kings 18 and then 2 Kings uh 22 and 23 so she gives the message of God to the king for all of Israel you have um Deborah judges she's a a prophet judge over all of Israel well she's only one of the judges yeah but she's like one of two of the Prophet judges you know um so Samuel and and Deborah or if you want to
count Moses as a judge then she's one of the three and then you have Miriam who's a propheus said in in Exodus 15 Isaiah's wife Isaiah 8 is said to be a prophetess Luke Chapter 2 you have anah and of course in the New Testament your sons and daughters will prophesy and so like you have Simeon and Anna paired in Luke 2 in Acts 21 you have agabus and Philip's four daughters yes and then you have Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 saying that women can pray and prophesy as long as their heads are covered now
that's a whole other can of worms but most churches today don't don't uh have women cover their heads in church even though one of the arguments in 1 Timothy 2 for women not speaking in church is one of the arguments that Paul uses for women covering their heads in 1 Corinthians 11 so the people who don't believe women can can speak in church will will use the argument in one case say it's Universal and in the other case they'll say no that was just cultural very interesting but you you have you have U women prophets
you have a woman Apostle yeah you have um women helping well whatever the dianus was whatever the sunos was those are debated um you you certainly have Prisa and Aquila together uh Team teaching Apollos in in Acts chapter 18 but what about these other other two passages what about 1 Corinthians 14:34 and 35 what about 1 Timothy 2 now some people have argued on textual basis 1 Corinthians 1434 and 35 is not part of the original text I don't agree with them on that um they do make a reasonable case FF Bruce held that leading
Evangelical scholar Gordon fee held that as a leading Evangelical Pentecostal scholar but I'm not convinced by that but notice it speaks of a particular kind of Silence it can't be speaking of all kinds of Silence because if it is how can women pray and prophesy three chapters earlier true maybe they're lipsyncing I don't know you know just just faking no somebody has to look creative silence maybe yeah we can call it that way but um so it's not all kinds of silence and and almost all cessationists actually would agree that it's not all kinds of
Silence CU most cessationists uh well here it's not cessationism it's uh most people who don't let women speak in church they let them sing oh yeah in in the choir or at least in the congregation they let them sing yeah and and Paul says silence yeah in both of those passages he requires silence so almost nobody today takes it to mean all that it can mean so why not look at the background and see what it might actually mean more specifically so in in 1 Corinthians 14 he says it's not profer for them to speak
in church if they have any questions let them ask their husbands at home for and then he goes on to to command the silence so the the only kind of speaking that we get there from the text itself is is that they're asking questions and they should be doing that with their husbands at home now that raises the question what in the world were women doing asking questions in church yeah um I don't know about you know maybe if you have a house church today maybe that would be more common but in a in a
bigger church we normally don't expect to experience that yeah but in in 1 Corinthians um keep in mind these were these were house churches house churches also keep in mind that in the in the broader culture it was considered inappropriate for women to speak in front of other women's husbands um that was the more conservative view not everybody held that but that was the that was the dominant Greek View um the Romans in Corinth may have been a bit more uh open on that but they certainly didn't have women teaching men uh over over the
span of like a thousand years we've got just a handful of famous women teachers of men um for the most part it just it just wasn't practiced in in that in that world it's very different world from today the educational level of women was totally different from today uh as as compared with men so of Any Given social class women were only about 10% as likely to be uh as educated as the men in that social class but why are the women asking questions it was customary in ancient lecture settings and you can read this
in plutarch's essay on lectures you also find it in the TFA and Jewish sources and so on but in all the Mediterranean cultures it was customary to interrupt lectures with questions and one kind of question that was considered really rude was the unlearned question that would slow everybody down got it's like if I'm if I'm teaching in class and after I've done 10 minutes on something somebody raises their hand and I say yeah yeah what what and they say could you explain and it's just what I've been talking about for the past 10 minutes and
you know their minds have been wandering yeah um so which happens all the time in class yeah just put it that way uh yeah and and uh or somebody shows that they didn't do their homework or whatever but um so why would it be the women who would be asking unlearned questions uh and it and it may be just the cultural thing about you know the speaking in front of other others husbands the cultural shame of that but it may also be the the nature of the questions um do women have lower IQs than men
is it a matter of of the lack of a y chromosome you got two X chromosomes you don't have a y chromosome so you can't discern proper teaching um that that doesn't work for a number of reasons yeah but one it fails the empirical test uh if if I'm allowed to you know make an argument from experience but you know sensation is usually argue from experience oh I never finished about the history about the history of Miracles and all that but um remind me to come back to that if we have time but uh but
cessationists usually argue from experience against you know they say well look at these crazy charismatics I look at the crazy charismatics sometimes it tempts me to be a cessationist too that's not a Biblical argument you know the biblical argument is okay certain kinds of charismatics need to have some training yeah true uh but in any case uh if I can make an argument from just empirical I taught uh both male and and female students probably 40% of them were were women uh biblical interpretation at a seminary for for about a decade I taught hundreds and
hundreds of students and I tested them on context skills I tested them on background and research skills there was absolutely no way you could predict who would handle scripture better based on their gender today yeah and that's really good there was you know if a few hundred is too small for a uh proper um study study then there was a study done on men and women that included like I think tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands uh in terms of who was better on verbal skills and who is better on math skills and really
there's so much overlap you can never predict based on gender but slightly the men and this was a few decades ago so I don't know if it's still true but the men were better on math skills the women were better on verbal skills which is better for preaching yeah yeah um but 1 Timothy 2 um he he he deals with what the men are doing in terms of uh you know lift your holy hands without wrath and disputing apparently some of them are getting into fights or arguments uh and then he gives instructions to the
women and uh first it has to do with you know their um you know the gold the pearls and and so on uh don't be don't try to be ostentatious but then he gets into which a lot of a lot of philosophers and other people talked about that but then he gets into um especially verses 11 and 12 where he says I don't allow a woman well actually there's different ways to translate this I'll get into that next but I'm going to give them the most um the way that that restricts the most I'll give
that translation first I don't allow woman to teach or to have authority over a man let them learn quietly and submissively now actually for a novice a new learner they were all expected to learn quietly and submissively Paul even uses that term quietness for all believers earlier in the in the same chapter but uh new new Believers weren't supposed to be interrupting with questions they weren't definitely supposed to be lecturing they were they were supposed to learn quietly and that was you know around the cultures the educational system was like that but where he says
I don't let I don't let them um teach or have authority this is there's there's more than one way to translate that um the the term for the term that's sometimes translated have authority sometimes well it's so rare in ancient literature that that's that's why there's a debate about the term but I don't think people should hang a whole argument on a term that's as debated as this because there's so few examples of it but it may be um often the term if you if you take into account the cognate uh and in just the
examples before the New Testament it meant to usurp Authority which neither a man nor a woman should do but if the women are doing that that would explain why he's doing that actually the term can even mean murder but I don't think he probably has to tell them that be kind of obvious yeah so um yeah it's like in in first 1 Corinthians 7 uh if you're if you're married don't seek to become unmarried well there's two ways that can happen but one of them is kind of obviously we know you don't kill your spouse
so but anyway um in that's true in in 1 Timothy 2 it may be saying Teach or use Authority or domineer or it may be saying this is another way it could be worded teach in such a way as to user Authority so those are possibilities but if it's if we take the most General possible reading she's not allowed to teach the Bible um she's not allowed to have authority of course that does away with Deborah yeah and and some other people but also it seems to me more than a coincidence this is the one
passage in the Bible that specifically prohibits women from teaching not asking questions or something that that would make a second one if we count that but um the only passage that specifically prohibits women from teaching happens to be in the only set of letters first and second Timothy where we specifically know that false teachers were targeting women 1 Timothy 5 um it speaks of of widows going from house to house as busy bodies uh and a and a Greek term that's used there sometimes translated gossip but normally in Greek literature it means false teaching or
speakers of nonsense got and you see yeah Gordon fee actually sent me sent me that it's not even in my original book I think it's in the preface of the new edition on that subject but I I said Gordon are you sure that that's what the term means so he sent me a print out of every use of the term in Greek literature I said okay I believe you here's an Evidence yeah yeah and and uh why would it be widows who would be used to propagate the teaching well they don't have husbands to help
them who who are likely more educated um and especially in Jewish circles cuz in Jewish circles boys would be raised to recite the Torah girls were not I mean they could learn it in synagogue they could hear it you know if they go go every Sabbath or something but boys were actually trained in that in a way girls weren't and those would normally at the beginning be the teachers in the church because those were the ones who knew the scripture but in in in this case you've got um widows also are the particular kind of
women who most often own their own homes and where did churches meet yeah so if the false teacher wants a a church building hey hit up a widow yeah um but more explicit in 2 Timothy chapter 3 it says that the false teachers are targeting weak-willed women so we know that the false teachers were targeting women yeah precisely in Ephesus that's being addressed in 1 and 2 Timothy so it's no wonder that Paul says in those letters or especially in first Timothy a woman shouldn't teach and why you don't have it anywhere else is Paul
a hypocrite does he say women shouldn't shouldn't teach and yet elsewhere He commands a woman Apostle He commands uh women who are his fellow laborers and again you say well it doesn't call them Pastor again it doesn't call them the men pastors and in terms of um women teaching it does say in Titus that the women should teach the younger women and in in 1 Timothy 2 the uh language that's used there see if it were just this I think we wouldn't have so much of a debate but Paul goes on to ground it in
scripture yeah and and that's why I actually used to be on the other side of this until I started reading you know Paul in context with the rest of what he wrote I mean how can Paul be commending these people and then you know and you've got this one text so Paul makes two arguments for why women shouldn't if it means teach or have authority two arguments for that one is that Adam was created before Eve but that's one of his arguments also for head coverings people say he's just arguing to be culturally relevant in
that passage people say that I could I could go into that passage and look at what what that means in that passage but um but the second argument is Adam was deceived sorry Adam was not deceived it was the woman who was deceived yeah and and fell into transgression now here's what you see in Genesis it says that the woman took and ate and she gave it to her husband who was with her so oh yeah he's not deceived he sins anyway uh she's deceived but he's with her what's what's he doing with her watching
her eat is he say okay let me see let me see if she's going to die oh she didn't die it must be okay um but in Genesis the the creation order Adam being created first doesn't mean that he rules in terms of creation woman and man together as the image of God Genesis 1 Genesis 5 they rule together over over the Earth woman's subordination comes in Genesis 3 with a Hebrew expression that's only used elsewhere in the Old Testament in Genesis 4 it has to do with subordination after the fall part of the results
of the Fall he's going to rule over her she's going to seek to be in charge but he's going to rule over her and therefore marital power struggle that's part of the Fall we don't normally promote the effects of the fall like make men sweat as much as possible turn off the AC or or um sin and die as much as possible yeah um we we work against the effects of the Fall U some people say well Adam names Eve like he names the animals After the Fall he does before the fall it's not the
same naming formula before the fall he's actually serenading her as one like himself and and when he says uh when when um it it says in Genesis that Adam didn't have a helper suitable for him or corresponding to him I don't know how it's translated in Portuguese but the word helper is not a term of weakness it's a term of strength that's used for God more than anybody else in the Old Testament and uh the term for suitable or corresponding to it's differentiating okay the animals were there but they're not corresponding to him obviously he's
not corresponding to God so um so it's somebody who's taken from his side as his partner and what we see in history we see the subordination of women but that fits the fall yeah is that meant to fit the restoration that's in Christ so we work within the structures of society you have that also in First Peter like in 1 Peter 213 submit to the king and to all who in Authority hon honor them yeah well does that mean in all cultures we we need to reinstitute the monarchy and then he goes on to talk
about slaves submitting to your Masters even even those who are bad Masters um does that mean we need to reinstitute slavery and then in chapter 3 he goes on to talk about wives of unsaved husbands and how submitting to them can be a good witness to them does does that mean we need to reinstitute the same form of marriage as existed in that culture where the example that he specifically gives is Sarah called her husband Lord um and and of course he says that Sarah obeyed her husband that's stated once in Genesis elsewhere in Genesis
It also says Abraham obeyed Sarah using the same Hebrew verb but it's not Peter's point because he's dealing with these women or wives of unsaved husbands and so on and the main charges against Christians and and Jewish people in this period from the Roman perspective and Peter's probably writing this from Rome were that they subverted traditional Roman family values anyway that's a whole other subject so coming back to first first Timothy 2 it's not actually what Genesis says exactly that should apply to all women so why does Paul do it sometimes Paul makes Universal arguments
from scripture actually usually his arguments are Universal but sometimes he makes local arguments from scripture that would be considered ad hoc okay and so in let's see how Paul uses Eve elsewhere in his writings well it's twice one is Adam was created first therefore women should wear head coverings the other one that's 1 Corinthians 11 the other one is 2 Corinthians 11 where Paul says I don't want you to be deceived as Eve was deceived by the serpent but there is not applying it to women he's applying it to the Corinthians some of whom obviously
are women but I mean he's applying it to all the Corinthians Eve does not stand always for all women now in 1 Timothy 2 if he's making a universal argument the argument would have to work like this all women are more easily deceived than all men therefore all women shouldn't teach if you say well it's just most then you have to say just most women shouldn't teach um and and again it would come down to whether it's it's a why chromosome or whether it's you know the the culture and the education that they they had
available and then which which is so different from today uh and and then the conclusion would be that all women shouldn't teach yeah but if it's a local argument okay the women in Ephesus are you know because of the false teachers targeting the women and the women not having much education or that being part of their their background that they know how to do leading or or things like that um he says he's applying it to them specifically and therefore the point shouldn't be that women as a gender shouldn't teach but that unlearned people people
who not and I don't mean uneducated but people who don't know the Bible Well shouldn't teach got it and in that case it doesn't contradict all of Paul's other statements doesn't contradict the other examples we have in the Bible and it fits the the local situation there in Ephesus and also so if if you take it is universal Paul's saying okay all women are more easily deceived therefore they shouldn't teach why in Titus does he say that the women should teach other women well they're easily deceived and the women they teach are easily deceived but
who cares what happens to the women you know I don't think that's I don't think that that works so well that's so good such a great class right now just let me let me change the subject so because we don't have a lot of time so we we have two groups most of time people who are studying the Bible but looks like they don't seek the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit and all this experience and you have this people who seek the Holy Spirit and the spir the experience and the supernatural uh what the the
importance of this experience for us to study the Bible what's the import of the holy spirit for us to understand theology great question great question yeah the Bible teaches us about these gifts MH so if you're going to follow the Bible then follow the Bible with the gifts too now one of the gifts is the gift of teaching so studying the Bible is very important and because we have different gifts and we're one body for those of us who value the gifts let's welcome what we can learn from those who value studying the Bible deeply
U learning Greek and Hebrew I mean you don't have to learn Greek and Hebrew if you don't have access to that but at least read it in context text yes um and for those who value studying the Bible well hopefully you also value obeying the Bible uh and don't just obey it on the things that your tradition may talk about but also embrace it on the things that your tradition may not say but it's right there in the Bible for us prophecy occurred you know different intensity different times but it it occurs all the way
through the Bible why would it suddenly stop without warning you know the year 95 John finishes The Book of Revelation you're in the middle of a prophecy oh sorry I can't say anymore the New Testament just got finished uh it's it's you know or or those who let it go a little bit longer but still why would it suddenly stop without warning isn't it more biblical to say let's follow let's believe that you know the patterns we see in the Bible still hold rather than God changed it without telling us yes uh and I did
say I was going to come back to that hisorical the historical question I'm not sure how much time do I have left we have less than five minutes okay unfortunately sorry so I did I did a book uh not this small miracles book but an 1100 page Miracles book yeah there's a big section on there on the history and there's also uh other books uh Amanda Porterfield did a book with Oxford University Press On Healing and church history um I think Robert Bruce Mullins is his name did something showing that you know Miracles have been
happening all through the period when people said that you know we don't believe in miracles anymore um there there have been I mean there were times among the Puritans who held this cessationist approach where not the Scottish PR pans they still practiced prophecy uh but but among the among the Puritans actually they had been prophesying at the beginning but anyway among the um New England Puritans and and some others influenced by them sometimes they'd be reading scripture say about uh some a paralyzed person uh being healed by Jesus and suddenly during the scripture reading somebody
had been paralyzed for years got up and started walking around and they said wait we can't call that a miracle that's what Catholics do so let's call it a special Providence of God you can call it whatever you want to I mean it looks like like in the Bible um and and you know you have I mean we have medical documentation yeah for blind eyes being open today for deaf ears being open today instantly during prayer we have medical documentation for things that never go away on their own suddenly being healed we have medical documentation
for people being raised from the Dead uh my own my own sister-in-law in Congo she was dead for 3 hours as far as anybody could tell when a family friend who was a minister prayed suddenly she started breathing again next day she was fine no brain damage since then she she um finished Seminary you know master's degree and so I mean these things have been happening all through history sometimes people say Augustine said the stuff stopped Augustine said they weren't happening the ways that they happened in the days of the Apostles in the first century
but he acknowledged that they were still sometimes happening he actually retracted his earlier skepticism and and in city of God 228 he says uh now in the last two years just in this dicese we've collected 70 affidavits from eyewitnesses of people being healed including things like blindness and being raised from the dead don't call Augustine a cessationist uh and and and you know even John Calvin who kind of started the cessationist because he was reacting against Catholic Miracle claims uh you know today we get along a lot better but back then they weren't getting along
too well so um Catholic Miracle claims and also the anabaptists prophecies so he said you know we we don't go for that uh you know scripture is enough for us um but he said in in unevangelized regions during extra ordinary times God May raise up Apostles to do you know miracles for the sake of reaching the lost some of the Puritans when they heard about miracles taking place in Europe they said oh wow maybe we're in the last days maybe there's been a restoration of Miracles so even among people who traditionally you know and I
have friends who are cessationists who um have you know based on James 5 prayed for the sick in their churches and they got healed so they say God does Miracles which which would contct Warfield Warfield was really but but they say we believe God does Miracles he's Sovereign he can do Miracles if he wants to we just don't believe there's a gift of Miracles where you can do it on command anytime you want so they kept on being cessationists maybe officially to me that's not really very cessationist because if you believe God still does the
things sometimes I mean I don't know anybody who says 100% of the time no matter how often you know maybe people often get healed when they pray but I don't know anybody who has 100% right with that so some sometimes there's some semantic issues where we actually can agree on more than we disagree on with with tongues I know we don't have much time but I'll just give this this would be just a case study got because I don't have time to to go into it but you know supposed to pass away at same time
as prophecy and knowledge so obviously I still believe tongues are for today but 2 days after my conversion from atheism I was so overwhelmed by the awesome presence of God God I started praising him it was like God was so awesome there was no way I could praise him enough unless he gave me the words to do it now he could have done that in English yeah but it started coming out in another language wow and that's just fine with me God can do it any way he wants to I had never heard of it
before yeah but that was my experience wow wow that is so so powerful and inspiring Dr Keener we would love to stay maybe on another 30 hours 30 hours maybe you know talking to you there's so many questions um but unfortunately we got to get going if it was for us you know we could stay have a flight if I if I miss my flight then I can talk for 30 more hours yeah but I want to I want to go home and see my wife that's right that's right that's right you know happy wife
happy life so we're going to keep on that um sir thank you so much uh for being here with us this has been really really precious and I I'm sure that a lot of people are going to be blessed not only right now as they're watching but you know even after as they're processing so this is what we want to encourage you at home as well just you know write listen to the whole thing again make notes pray about them you know go to the Bible and go deep into that because that's going to be
a blessing to you to your community to your church and um I know that there's going to be a lot of people being activated in the gifts of the Spirit right there as they listen to us and thank you so much for all the books and and giving your life to study and equip the body of Christ thank so much thank you thanks thanks be to God for enabling me to do it you know the day before I was going to call the PHD program and tell them I can't come I've only got a dollar
the Lord provided wow and so step by step it's been God's grace I I can't claim any credit that's right that's right if you're looking to further your studies just take that testimony right there he's going to bring the provision and whatever you need um Dr kener would you mind closing us up in prayer sure yeah oh your majesty you are so awesome you are so gracious you are such a kind father to us you love us so much open our hearts to hear your voice your your kind love for us your children please make
us into all that you've called us to be please equip the body of Christ with with all the gifts Apostles prophets evangelists Pastor teachers and all the gifts to make us for one another yes what we should be as we love you and we love one another oh Lord we love you we love you Jesus and we honor you and we pray that you will take this uh offering of this time and you will you will multiply it and and use it for your glory and the building up of the body of Christ the equipping
of the Saints in jesus' name we pray amen am amen amen amen thank you sir God bless you see you next time for fore spee [Music]