The Sinister Truth Behind Why You Can't Remember Your Dreams ✨ Buddhist Teachings

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Buddhism Wisdom
Discover the hidden truth behind why you can't remember your dreams and what it reveals about your m...
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have you ever woken up feeling like you had an amazing dream but within seconds the dream vanished from your mind as if it had never existed in today's video we're going to reveal a disturbing and little known truth about why you can't remember your dreams you might think that forgetting dreams is normal but Buddhist teachings show us a Sinister and hidden truth behind this phenomenon get ready for a revelation that will change the way you see your dreams and more importantly how you understand your own mind and spirituality imagine if those Forgotten Dreams were important
messages from your subconscious trying to alert you to something crucial in your life Buddhism suggests that there is a spiritual and emotional block preventing you from accessing these valuable messages in this video we will dive deep into the Buddhist teachings that explain why this happens and what you can do to change this reality the answer will surprise you and could be the key to unlocking a new level of self-awareness and balance if you want to learn more about how to transform your life and help you remember your dreams go ahead and leave a like subscribe
to the channel and hit the notification Bell so you don't miss any new videos comment below I want to unlock my dreams to share your commitment to better understanding your own mind let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together while you're asleep you probably think your body is just resting right but what if I told you that your soul is doing something much more exciting there is a phenomenon called astral projection where the soul can separate from the physical body and travel to other dimensions and realities unlike a regular dream where the images are merely
creations of the subconscious astral projection is a real experience of spiritual Detachment during this journey you can visit extraordinary places meet Spiritual Beings and even access knowledge that is beyond the physical world and the most incredible thing is that this isn't just a theory thousands of people around the world vividly report their out ofbody experiences these astral projection experiences are described as intensely real with the person feeling as if they are fully conscious in another place imagine floating above your own body seeing your room from a completely different angle or even traveling to a distant
location you've never seen before some people report encounters with beings of light Who present themselves as spiritual guides bringing powerful messages about life purpose and Destiny others meet loved ones who have passed away experiencing emotional reunions that challenge our understanding of life and death astral projection is more than just a nighttime Adventure it is a gateway to the unknown a path to discovering new realities but why doesn't everyone experience astral projection and why does it seem to happen by Chance the truth is that for most people astral proje ction happens spontaneously without them having control
over the phenomenon however there is an explanation for this our minds are so busy with daily stress fears and worries that even when our soul tries to detach from the physical body it is pulled back moreover there is the fear of the unknown many people are frightened by the idea of leaving the physical body and experiencing something Beyond tangible reality this fear creates a blockage that prevents conscious projection however by understanding and overcoming these blockages it is possible to learn how to project the soul intentionally and exploratively have you ever had a sudden falling sensation
during sleep that made you wake up startled this is one of the most common signs that your soul was beginning to separate from the body and feeling the scare returned abruptly it's like your soul is saying hey you're not ready for this yet but imagine being able to control this experience and explore these incredible Realms every night stay tuned because in the next few minutes of this video we'll teach you how to start these spiritual Journeys safely and consciously if that's what you desire keep watching and get ready to discover a universe of possibilities if
astral projection is real and our soul truly leaves the body during sleep why do most people not remember these incredible experiences the answer might be closer than you think inside your own mind and in the environment around you the first and most powerful blockage that prevents you from remembering these spiritual Journeys is the fear of the unknown the human Mind by nature fears what it cannot fully understand when you start to leave the body even unconsciously the sensation can be so unexpected and intense that your subconscious in self-preservation pulls you back and erases the memory
of what just happened it is a way to protect the Consciousness from something that at first glance may seem disturbing have you ever woken up feeling like something profound happened while you were sleeping but you can't can't remember what it was this feeling is a sign that your soul may have experienced something extraordinary but your subconscious created a veil of forgetfulness to protect you additionally There Are Spiritual blockages that we often do not notice influences of low vibration such as stress fear or even the charged environment around us can create a fog that prevents the
clear memory of these experiences the energy accumulated in our bodies and surroundings acts as a weight making it difficult for the spiritual elevation necessary for the soul to travel freely and bring back these memories and it doesn't stop there have you ever had a Deja view so real that you felt like you had lived that moment before often these Sensations are fragmented memories of outof body experiences when these memories are blocked or distorted by the subconscious they can manif EST as Deja Vu or fragmented dreams that don't make much sense in the logic of our
physical world it's as if a part of your soul knows what's happening but your conscious mind can't put all the pieces together the good news is that there are ways to reverse this process there are techniques that can help reprogram your subconscious to open these closed doors and allow you to access these hidden memories so how do you you break these blockages and finally remember your spiritual Journeys the answer lies in conscious spiritual practice and in preparing your environment and your mind practices such as cleansing meditation programming the subconscious with positive affirmations before sleeping and
using protective crystals like amethyst can help clear these heavy energies it's like tuning a radio station you need to adjust to the right frequency to pick up the transmission by creating a peaceful environment keeping elevated thoughts and preparing the Mind before sleep you pave the way for the memories of these Dimensions beyond the physical to flow freely into your Consciousness and if you want to know exactly how to apply these techniques keep watching as we'll go into detail in the coming minutes if you've made it this far you're probably wondering how can I unlock these
memories and have control over my outof body experiences the good news is that there are several simple and practical techniques that you can start using today to remember your spiritual Journeys and your deepest dreams the first is guided meditation before sleeping meditation is powerful because it helps calm the Mind cleanse the energetic field and raise spiritual vibration when you meditate before sleeping you are programming your subconscious to be more open and receptive to astral experiences this helps in remembering what happened during sleep try a guided meditation specifically for astral projection or to access spiritual memories
and see the difference another fundamental technique is to keep a dream journal by your bedside it may seem simple but writing down everything you remember upon waking helps strengthen the connection between the conscious mind and the subconscious often the details of dreams and astral experiences are lost in the first few minutes after waking up having a dream journal encourages the brain to Value these memories and retain them for longer have you ever woken up with the feeling that you had an incredible dream but within minutes you couldn't remember anything keeping a journal nearby is the
key to capturing these moments and starting to see patterns and hidden messages that your subconscious is trying to reveal moreover the use of specific crystals can be a powerful tool for those who want to remember their spiritual Journeys crystals like amethyst and clear quartz are known for their properties of spiritual amplification and energetic protection placing them under your pillow or on your bedside table can help clear negative energies and raise the vibration of the environment this creates a safer and more receptive space for the soul to detach and explore other dimensions additionally these crystals help
strengthen the energy of the third eye facilitating access to the memories of dreams and astral projections have you tried using crystals and had a different experience during sleep maybe it's time to experiment and see what happens finally consider programming your subconscious with affirmations before sleeping Believe It or Not The Power of Words and intention is immense telling yourself out loud or mentally that you want to remember your experiences during sleep creates a direct command for your subconscious affirmations like I remember remember my dreams and spiritual Journeys clearly or I am open and ready to explore
other dimensions can help prepare the mind for these experiences repeat these affirmations several times like a mantra before falling asleep by doing this you are actually reprogramming your brain to focus on these experiences Paving the way for these memories to appear more vividly upon waking these techniques when combined and practiced consist consistently can completely transform your relationship with the world of dreams and spiritual Dimensions so choose one or two of these practices and start today now that you know how to unlock your spiritual memories let's take it a step further how can you consciously access
other dimensions while you sleep this might sound like science fiction but many spiritual Traditions actually believe that our dreams can be portals to different realities and this is where the concept of lucid dreams comes in a lucid dream is one in which you become aware that you are dreaming and more than that you can control what happens imagine being able to decide where to go who to talk to and even Explore places and dimensions beyond our physical comprehension it's like a superpower you can develop to start having loose dreams a powerful technique is the practice
of reality checks during the day get into the habit of asking yourself Am I Dreaming right now look at your hands read a text and then look again to see if it has changed in dreams things rarely stay consistent so if you make this practice a habit during the day it will carry over into the dream world when you do this check within a dream you realize you're dreaming and Bam you become lucid and if you could explore the universe talk to Spiritual Beings or even solve personal issues within a lucid dream the possibilities are
endless and it all starts with this small change in Habit in addition to lucid dreaming there is also the practice of astral projection which we mentioned earlier while in a lucid dream you are ious within a dream in astral projection you are conscious outside your physical body for many people astral projection is the purest way to explore other dimensions a powerful technique for this is the body separation method before sleeping relax deeply and visualize your astral body gently rising from your physical body feel the lightness the freedom to move without physical weight practice this every
night and over time you might start to feel the real separation where your Consciousness is in a place completely different from your physical body imagine what you could discover in these Dimensions beyond our reality you can also try the mild method pneumonic induction of lucid dreams to combine lucid dreams and astral projections before sleeping remind yourself that you want to become Lucid in your dreams and that you wish to consciously leave the body mild is a method that involves repetition and clear intention it's like training the brain to recognize the right moment to become lucid
and then project itself it is crucial to remain calm and open-minded without fear if you approach these practices with curiosity and positive intention you can have transformative experiences after all who wouldn't want the ability to explore other worlds while sleeping these practices not only expand your perception of reality but can also bring a profound sense of purpose and understanding about your own life and the universe around you if you apply these techniques and dedicate yourself to them you will be one step closer to connecting with something greater than yourself and the question is are you
ready to venture into these dimensions stick around because now we're going to talk about the benefits of remembering and exploring your spiritual Journeys and how this can change your life forever remembering and exploring your spiritual Journeys can have a profound impact on your life for many these experiences are a path to self-knowledge and spiritual growth imagine waking up from a dream or an astral projection and feeling like you found an answer to a question that has been bothering you for a long time when you consciously explore these realities you begin to access a deeper level
of wisdom that resides within you this wisdom can help heal emotional traumas understand negative patterns that need to be broken and discover the true purpose of your life another great benefit is emotional and spiritual healing often during these experiences we can meet spiritual God es beings of light or even versions of ourselves in other dimensions who help us understand our pain and release emotional blockages have you ever felt an inexplicable peace after an intense dream or a sense of relief after talking with someone who has passed away these are not coincidences they are healing opportunities
that your soul is taking to evolve when you consciously connect with these moments you begin to understand that there is much more beyond the tangible reality and that your journey here on Earth is part of a much larger learning process moreover exploring these dimensions and remembering your experiences can bring a renewed sense of purpose when you understand that your soul is infinite and that there are other realities to be explored the fear of death begins to dissipate and you start living with more courage and intention imagine knowing that your soul is eternal that you are
here to fulfill a specific Mission and that you can access Divine guidance whenever you need it wouldn't that change the way you face everyday challenges this broader perspective of existence allows you to live more consciously more connected and above all more aligned with your true self and finally there is the benefit of connecting with the universe and other Souls the more you explore these spiritual Journeys the more you connect with the universal network of energy and Consciousness you begin to realize that everything is interconnected that the people you meet the challenges you face and even
the joys you experience are all part of a larger web of experiences and learning this level of connection creates a profound sense of inner peace and unity with the whole and the best part you start attracting people and situations into your life that vibrate at the same frequency opening doors to New Opportunities and an even richer spiritual path if you've made it this far it's because something inside you is searching for more more knowledge more connection more spiritual understanding you are on the right path to discovering the mysteries of the universe and unlocking your Soul's
TR potential remember that everything we've talked about today from astral projection to lucid dreaming and unlocking spiritual memories are tools for you to know yourself better and reach a new level of Consciousness but this journey doesn't end here in fact it's just beginning so if you want to keep learning more about these fascinating topics and discover even more secrets about the spiritual world don't don't forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the Bell to receive notifications whenever we publish new videos like this video and share it with friends who are also seeking spiritual Evolution
the more people awaken to these realities the more we can grow together as a community of Truth Seekers and we want to hear from you have you ever had a dream or spiritual experience that changed your life or are you eager to start your own journey of exploring other dimensions comment below we love reading your comments and hearing about what you've been experiencing and learning your story might be exactly what someone else needs to hear to start their own Journey see you next time
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