The Sovereignty of God and the Sanctity of Marriage | Voddie Baucham

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G3 Ministries
At the 2023 G3 National Conference, Voddie Baucham preached concerning the sexual revolution's war a...
Video Transcript:
well good evening it is indeed a delight to be here uh always look forward to being at G3 I meant to ask Josh before I came up here if uh if I was at the first or the second G3 I think I was at the first G3 since he didn't tell me I'm just going to declare it that uh how was that first G3 um but it is good it is always good to be here and I'm grateful um to these brothers and sisters for the work that they do to make this event what it
is to make this conference what it is and what it has been over the years every time and um I'm I know you are always blessed just as I am always blessed by the work that they do and it takes a lot of people doing a a lot of work um to make this happen well couple of things my my assignment today is to address the sovereignty of God and the sanctity of marriage the sovereignty of God and the sanctity of marriage if I had to title this marriage this uh message it would be not
the sovereignty of God and the sanctity of marriage but the sexual Revolution as a war against the sovereignty of God the sexual Revolution as a war against the sovereignty of God and particularly a war against the sovereignty of God and the sanctity of marriage and what I want to do is I want to look at a couple of passages of scripture I want us to start in Genesis and then we're going to go to Romans 1 and we're going to look at Romans 1 in light of what God has done what the Sovereign God of
the universe has done in creation as it relates to man and woman and marriage and family Genesis chapter [Music] 1 beginning verse 26 then God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them and God blessed them and
God said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the Earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the heavens over every living thing that moves on the earth and God said behold I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the Earth and every tree with seed in its fruit you shall have them for food and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth everything that has breath the breath
of life I have given every green plant for food and his it was so and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good and there was evening and there was morning the sixth day after we see this view from 35,000 ft of God creating Man In His Image in Chapter 2 we we get a more granular picture of how it is that God created man and woman and why it is that God created man and woman and the context wherein man and woman is created which gives us the foundation upon
which The Sovereign God has built the reality of marriage and the union between men and women so then we look at chapter 2 beginning Verse 18 then the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him a helper fit for him now out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them and whatever the man called every living creature that was its name the man gave names
to all the livestock and to all the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him so the Lord God caused the Deep Sleep to fall upon the man and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man then the man said this at last is bone of my bone and Flesh of My Flesh she
should be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh and the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed would you pray with me gracious God our Father we thank you and we praise you for your goodness and your kindness and your mercy toward us and particularly your great kindness in giving us this Incredible Gift of marriage and the family Lord we live in a day and in an age that is
in open Rebellion against that which you have made that which you have created Grant by your grace that we might be sober minded in our understanding of this great gift that we might be bold in our defense of it that we might be careful in our use of it and that we might be effusive in Our Praise of you The God Who gave it to us for your glory for our great joy and for our good we pray these things in Jesus name and for his sake amen amen well it is obvious that The Sovereign
God is the one who has given us marriage obvious to you and obvious to me that is but not obvious to those in the world who are in open Rebellion against this God and against this institution that he has made this fundamental institution this foundational institution this institution that is the very Bedrock of civilization war against this institution is a war against civilization itself as well as being a war against the God who created it and gave it to us and yet War is exactly where we are listen to this from Andreas kostenberger measured against
the Biblical teaching on marriage in the family it seems undeniable that Western culture is decaying in fact the past few decades have witnessed nothing less than a major paradigm shift with regard to marriage and the family the West's judeo-christian Heritage and Foundation have largely been supplanted by a Liberation ideology that elevates human freedom and self-determination as the Supreme principle for human relationships in their confusion many Hail the decline of the biblical traditional model of marriage and the family and its replacement by new competing moralities as major progress he's saying that there are people who are
at war with the biblical model of marriage and the family and they are hailing its demise and they are hailing its replacement with competing realities as progress like the video that I saw a couple of days ago it's a series called my extraordinary family and this particular video was about a thropple in Orlando now if you don't know what a thruple is a thruple is like a couple except there are three people in it but wait there's more this thruple was comprised of three transgender persons one of them was a a a biological woman and
then the other two were biological men but the biological woman identified as a a man but she still look like a woman trying to pretend to be a man and the the biological men identified as women and they look like men who were cosplaying as women this thruple also has two children that they are raising and they are raising these children as anti-gender and nonbinary they are waiting for these children to grow up and decide what their gender is so that they can then tell the thropple what their gender is before the thle starts gendering
them and again this is in a video series called my extraordinary family let me read the last part of that quote again in their confusion many Hail the decline of the biblical traditional model of marriage and the family and its replacement by new competing moralities as major progress and that's exactly what's being said that this is Major progress that we are breaking the bonds and the shackles of traditionalism we are breaking the bonds and the shackles of this culture that has held us down by trying to enforce biblical morality because we've got something more it's
not just these people who are running away from the idea of the traditional biblical model of marriage and the family the feminist movement has been running away from it for a long time listen to this from Linda Gordon the nuclear family must be destroyed and people must find better ways of living together whatever its ultimate meaning the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process she goes on to say families will be finally destroyed only when a revolutionary social and economic organization permits people's needs for love and security to be met in ways that
do not Depo impose divisions of labor or any external roles at all but that's just Linda Gordon of course Linda Gordon must be an exception one more before we look at our text this is from the Declaration of feminism 1971 how many of you knew there was a declaration of feminism in 1971 well there was listen to this from the Declaration of feminism when somebody tells you what they are believe them and this is who feminists are marriage has existed for the benefit of men and has been a legally sanctioned method method of control over
women we must work to destroy it 1971 the end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not live individually with men there is a war War there is a rebellion and it is a rebellion against the biblical model of marriage and family and it's a war against everything that we see clearly in the texts that We examined these texts that give us a number of clear truths for example that marriage is God's idea not man's
amen all of these movements have in common the idea that marriage is something that has been invented and particularly it's been invented for the oppression of women it's one thing to tell a lie to shade the truth it's another to tell a lie that is the exact opposite of the truth man did not invent marriage in order to oppress women in fact without marriage as we know it women would actually be oppressed by men C can you imagine how that discussion would have gone imagine according to their own worldview according to their worldview men just
you know sitting around during that time in the era when they used to just be able to take a club and go knock a woman over the head and drag her into the cave have their way with her and then leave her to deal with the results apparently got together and had a a a a a hman woman hater caveman club meeting that went something like this men we're not oppressing them enough but I've come up with a way that we can oppress women even more tell us your idea we should invent an institution whereby
instead of us just going and taking any of them that we want we limit ourselves to just one wait and be responsible for her and her Offspring that'll show [Applause] them that's the dumbest thing in the world if we know anything about marriage it's that men didn't invent it amen [Applause] somebody God did this God invented marriage the second thing that we have this this this war against is the idea that principally God gave us marriage for the purpose of procreation amen belonged right there yall that just God gave us marriage primarily for the purpose
of procreation a amen be fruitful and multiply it's the first command that he gives be fruitful and multiply he gives us this relationship this manom for Life relationship so that we might procreate and procreation is not just about having children it's about bearing children that are image bearers but bringing them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord that's why he creates this marriage relationship so that procreation doesn't just involve men and women coming together like other species out there in the world that come together just when it's time to procreate and then leave
one another no he's given us this marriage relationship where we come together and stay together in order not just to have children but raise them disciple them another thing we go before we go to our other text is that clearly we see male headship here I know that's a bad word we see male headship here and if that's not a bad enough word for you we see patriarchy male headship the man was made before the woman male headship the woman was made for the man I will make him a helper suitable for him male headship
the woman was brought to the man male headship the woman was named by the man Twice first he gave her a categorical name she's woman and then later he names her Eve in all of this we see male headship and if you don't see male headship here all you have to do is go to Romans chapter 5 and in Romans chapter 5 we see that sin entered the world through one man Adam now if she ate first a point that Adam makes in chapter 3 when he says okay okay see what what had happened was
that remember that day when I I was I was naming animals and then none of them was for me and then you and then I went to sleep I don't know if you remember that but I was asleep and then when I was asleep you did something I don't know what you did cuz I was asleep and then and then after after I after I after I woke up you you had you remember you had you had you had you had you gave me her she ate it then I did but because of one man
Adam what is that male headship accountability responsibility within the context of a relationship of complete equality which is why he can say in verse vers 23 of chapter 2 this at last is bone of my bones and Flesh of My Flesh God designed this God designed human sexuality God designed this God designed men and women clearly as men and women and men are men because God says they're men and women are women because God says they're women enough already with this whole idea of your gender assigned at Birth nobody assigns you male or assigns you
female as though a doctor is walking down the corridor flipping a coin and saying that one's a boy and that one's a girl there is no assignment other than the assignment God gives we just take a look and acknowledge the assignment that he made am so what does this war and this Rebellion look like well I told you we would also look at Romans chapter 1 and I want us to see in Romans chapter 1 the pattern that this Rebellion follows this Rebellion against the sovereignty of God and it begins there in chapter 18 but
we need or in verse 18 but we need to back up to verse 16 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith as it is written the righteous shall live by faith pay attention to that last verse in the words that he uses there the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith and the righteous shall live by faith now Verse 18
for the wrath of God is revealed verse 17 the righteousness of God is revealed Verse 18 the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth what what truth all Truth by their unrighteousness they suppress the truth for what can be known about God is plain to them because God has shown it to them for his invisible attributes namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made so that
they are without excuse for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him but they became futile in their thinking and their Foolish Heart were darkened claiming to be wise they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man Birds animals and creeping things there's the first step there's the first step the sexual Revolution as a war against the sovereignty of God begins with a war against God as Creator because if God is Creator then God is Sovereign if God is Creator he
has the right to rule his creation so if you are going to go to war against something that God has made God has designed and God has given the first thing that you have to do is you have to somehow negate God's right to rule in whatever sphere it is that you're trying to rebel and that's where we begin not with disagreements about whether or not the text truly says what we think that the text says we may start off with that but at the end of the day where we're going is there is no
God not just God hath not said but there is no God to even say we are the result of random evolutionary processes and you people are fools because you have this book full of myths that have absolutely nothing to do with the way the world actually is and you have duped yourselves into believing that somehow this collection of of myths has some sort of moral Authority when the fact of the matter is we are God we have the moral Authority so we are the ones who determine what human sexuality is we are the ones who
even determine what humanity is we determine what a man is we determine what a woman is we determine what marriage is and we determine it based on whatever our desires are at the moment that's where the war starts and it is incredibly important to note listen I'm glad that people are recognizing that much of the stuff we're dealing with today has a bridg too far I'm just like like you I get excited when I see a video of some you know parent standing up at a school board meeting and just giving them what for I
I'm just like yeah give me all of that right I love it I love it I love it I love to see it I do but what worries me is that these people are going after fruit and not root drag queen Story Hour is fruit not root perverted books in the library is fruit and not root hiding children's gender identity proclamations from parents is fruit and not root at the root of of all of it is there is no God therefore there is no moral standard outside of whatever we determine it begins with a war
against the Creator and his sovereignty and suppressing the truth in unrighteousness but it doesn't stay there I want you to note how quickly this turns look at verse 24 therefore God gave them up in the lust of their hearts to impurity to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever amen so Paul wants you to know in case you missed it the first time this is rooted in a denial of creation so the
first paragraph is just is is an umbrella and the umbrella says that everything that is about to happen happens because we deny that which is knowable about God through creation and we are without excuse because it's knowable about God in creation anyone who stands before creation and is honest recognizes that there is someone who is greater than I who has done all of this amen but once we do that we're given over in the lust of our hearts to impurity we're given over to the dishonoring of our bodies and and here's here's what I want
to say when we think about Romans chapter 1 we always want to run to the paragraph that comes next and talk about the the 2s LGBT q i a plus yeah we all of that but notice that before we get to all of that we just get to plain old lust and impurity before we ran down the road that we're running on today we ran down the road of sexual lasciviousness we ran down the road of destigmatizing fornication we ran down the road of destigmatizing infidelity we ran down the road of destigmatizing divorce we ran
down the road of destigmatizing cohabitation we we ran down that road first and and again it worries me that as we look at all of these things that are coming and we do we do need to respond to all the craziness that's coming amen but as we respond to all the craziness that's coming we must not forget that before this craziness there was other craziness that we became numb to I was talking to a campus Minister a while back who had been doing doing it for a long time he had been in campus ministry for
a long time and he said something that just stuck with me he said you know 20 30 years ago when we were dealing with students they would come in and they would talk to us about um lust and they would talk to us about pornography and and and we would have to deal with them on that level he he said today we've moved beyond that to this hookup culture that sees having sex with somebody as little more than a handshake and he talked about young women coming in and referring to their body count in case
you're unfamiliar with that terminology the body count is how many people you've had sex with so the things that we're dealing with now this this war and this Rebellion against the sovereignty of God as it relates to marriage and family and human sexuality it did not start with the alphabet Mafia it goes back way further than that it it goes back to where we looked at contraceptives as an excuse to have sex without consequences and then we looked at abortion as the back stop for when the contraceptives didn't work so that we could have sex
without consequences and then sex without consequences led to sex without commitment and sex without consequences and sex without commitment led to sex without any meaning whatsoever and we became numb to it and it is all rooted in this Rebellion against the sovereignty of God over human sexuality marriage and the family then we get to the next part verse 26 for this reason it's a continuation God gave them up to dishonorable passions for their women exchange natural relations for those that are contrary to Nature this phrase is really important because there are many even even within
the Evangelical Community who are trying to argue again this new uh gay Christian Movement and so on and so forth um many try to argue that what Paul is dealing with here is pederasty he's not dealing with sexual orientation Paul didn't understand sexual orientation and the Holy Spirit wasn't smart enough to have him to address something that would be good enough for sexual orientation when it came because apparently the Holy Spirit didn't like foresee the yeah you you get the problem right but the idea that this was dealing with pederasty and this common practice of
men having sex with younger boys does not account for the fact that he starts with women having sex with other women this is not just pedasi these dishonorable and degrading passions are unnatural sexual desires their women exchange the natural relations for those that are contrary to Nature and likewise the men gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another some argue that the desire is not a problem no being consumed with passion for one another is a problem the passion and the desire that is unnatural is unacceptable and trying to
argue that it is acceptable is part of our Rebellion against the sovereignty of God who says I did not make you that way am men committing Shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error again we start with rebelling against the sovereignty of God and saying there is no God we decide what humanity is we decide what human sexuality is we decide what marriage is we decide what relationships are appropriate as it relates to sexual activity we make that determination because there is no God and eventually you move Beyond even
the natural and we are continuing to move in that direction 2015 the O bergfeld decision legalized so-called same-sex marriage and I say so-called called samesex marriage cuz there is no such thing right and we've been running headlong toward the cliff ever since now pedophiles have been rebranded as minor attracted persons sort of like we did with homosexuality we went from sodomy to homosexual to Gay and we've gone from pedophile to minor attracted person and for those who argue that that this has nothing to do with with what we've been talking about this has nothing to
do with the whole you know uh same-sex marriage argument what I would say to them is we're making the argument in the exact same way changing the name changing the way that we are identify these people referring to it as an orientation and to people with it as sexual minorities and the argu is no no no we're we're not going to go there because it's completely unacceptable there is nobody who would accept this and 50 years ago you would have said the same thing about same-sex marriage and yet here we are University professors online out
in the open making arguments that say I don't see an ethical problem with a 50-year-old man having sex with a 12-year-old girl if there is an ethical problem it's not clear to me tenur professors this is what degrading passions look like this is what it looks like when we slide head first down this slippery slope that begins with there is no God who can tell me what is right and what is wrong there is no God who sets any moral or ethical standards for me and then look at where it ends beginning verse 28 By
the way I want you to notice that there is a progression here that things are getting progressively worse and I want you to see some of the things that are progressively worse and since they did not see fit to acknowledge god notice the thread they did not acknowledge God from beginning to end this is rooted and grounded in not acknowledging God by the way let me let me just pause here for a moment for years and years now people have been coming because I've been writing and speaking and teaching about these things for for a
long time and for years and years people would always come to me and they would ask me a question question that went something like this can you give me an argument against same-sex marriage or can you give me an argument against abortion that doesn't rely on scripture some of y'all have had these discussion with me right can you can you give me an argument we we we want to make an argument we want to make an argument in the Public Square and therefore we want to make an argument that doesn't rely on scripture here's what
that question is here here's how high to hear that that question listen the people out there have denied God they've gone to war against The Sovereign creator of the universe they've thumbed their nose at this God and says he does not exist can you equip me with tools so that I can come to them and say okay that's fine let's argue as though he doesn't my answer is I could but I wouldn't [Applause] dare because when we do this again we're dealing with fruit and not root yes let let me validate your atheistic materialism and
show you an argument within the context and confines of atheistic materialism that will lead you to make a decision that will have the right moral and ethical outcome without acknowledging The Sovereign god of the universe who is our source of morals and ethics well as we say in Texas that dog won't hunt verse 28 since they did not see fit to acknowledge God God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done here it is this might be some stuff we can't even say in church right they will be
filled with all manner of unrighteousness evil covetous malice they are full of Envy murder Strife deceit maliciousness they are gossips slanderers haters of God insolent huy boastful inventors of evil disobedient to parents foolish faithless heartless ruthless and then verse 32 though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them that's what the end of the road looks like that's what the last stop looks like we know it's wrong but we give approval we know they deserve the wrath
of God and we know the wrath of God is coming against them but we give approval because our desire to be praised by men is greater than our desire to see men praise God this is where we are am I saying that we do not need to be excited and and applaud and and be grateful to the Lord when parents are standing up and going to Schoolboard meetings in other places or or when you know people in in in Congress or you know state legislatures are exposing some of these things no we we need to
be grateful to God for every bit of that and then we need to recognize that before Paul gets to verse 18 he starts with verse 16 he gives the answer to the problem before he gives the problem let's read it again I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith as it is written the righteous shall live by faith listen we don't just want
people to stop doing what they're doing we want them to become righteous by faith [Applause] I remember in the abortion debate people would say you know do do do you do you want women to just have legal barriers so that they won't kill their babies or do you want women's Hearts to be changed so that they won't want to a and my response would always be I want both coach why do I have to choose between those two do you want people to just stop making a mockery of the English language with all this pronoun
nonsense do you want people to to stop you know mutilating their children their children we're mutilating children now irreversibly so or do you want to change the hearts of no don't present me with that false choice I Want It All why because Christ is Lord of all I want it all because God is Sovereign Over All I Want It All Because my God does not deal in half measures I want it all because what people are doing is a manifestation of what is in their hearts I want them to change what they're doing because their
hearts have been changed I want Christ ruling and reigning in the heart of every man I want Christ to have the fullness of the reward for which he died yes I want people to stop doing those outward things but that will never ever be enough God is Sovereign and we must live not only like we believe it but we must live like we are pressing it forward toward a greater and greater reality in our lives in our day in our time and in our world let's pray God we do thank you we do praise you
and we do acknowledge the fact that we are living in wicked and evil days and oftentimes participating in that wickedness grant us Grace to stand firm grant that we might be wise as serpents and innocent as doves that we might be neither cowards nor fools but grant that all that we do would be done because of our desire to see Christ magnified in our lives in our day in our families in our marriages in our churches in our country and in our world for we pray this in Christ's name and for his sake amen amen
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