STOP Trying Hard To Manifest.. Its Already Yours - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
Are you exhausted from constantly trying to manifest your dreams? Dr. Joe Dispenza, renowned author ...
Video Transcript:
you already have everything you need right now in this moment you possess all the power to create the life you've always dreamed of it's not about trying harder or pushing yourself to the Limit it's about understanding that what you desire is already yours to think about that for a second everything you want that dream job that perfect relationship that ideal body that sense of peace and fulfillment it's all yours it's not waiting for you in some distant future it's not hidden behind a series of impossible tasks it's here now within your reach but you might
be wondering if it's already mine why can't I see it why can't I feel it the answer is simple you've been looking in the wrong direction you've been searching outside of yourself when the real magic happens inside let's talk about your thoughts every single day you have thousands of thoughts running through your mind some are positive some are negative and many are just noise but here's the thing those thoughts are shaping your reality they're like seeds that you're planting in the garden of your life when you constantly think about what you lack when you focus
on your problems and worries you're planting seeds of lack and worry and guess what grows from those seeds more lack more worry more of the very things you're trying to avoid but when you shift your thoughts when you start focusing on abundance on possibility on the good things in your life you plant different seeds and from those seeds grow the very things you desire this isn't some farfetched idea it's science your thoughts create measurable changes in your brain they affect your body chemistry your energy levels even your DNA when you change your thoughts you literally
change your biology so stop trying so hard to manifest stop pushing and struggling and forcing things to happen instead start believing start knowing that what you want is already yours how do you do this it starts with awareness pay attention to your thoughts notice when you're dwelling on problems or lack and then consciously choose to think differently if you catch yourself thinking I'll never get that promotion stop take a breath and and then think I am worthy of success I have valuable skills to offer the right opportunities are coming to me if you find yourself
worrying about money pause breathe and then think I am abundant money flows to me easily I always have more than enough this isn't about denying reality or ignoring problems it's about shifting your focus it's about tuning into a different frequency the frequency of abundance and possibility think of it like tuning a radio right now you might be tuned into the St of lack and limitation but with a small adjustment you can tune into the station of abundance and opportunity both stations are always broadcasting it's up to you to choose which one you listen to now
I know what some of you might be thinking this sounds too easy if all I have to do is change my thoughts why isn't everyone doing it the truth is it is simple but that doesn't mean it's always easy we've spent years sometimes decades thinking in certain patterns we've been conditioned by our families our schools our society to focus on what's wrong what's missing what needs to be fixed changing those patterns takes time and practice but here's the good news you can start right now in this very moment you can begin to shift your thoughts
and as you do you'll start to see changes in your life remember you're not creating something new you're not trying to manifest something that doesn't exist You're simply aligning yourself with what already is you're tuning into the frequency of your desires think about it this way everything in the universe is made of energy your thoughts are energy your desires are energy and energy the same frequency attracts more of the same when you align your thoughts with your desires you create a powerful resonance you become a magnet for the very things you want this is why
trying hard doesn't work when you try hard you're coming from a place of lack you're saying to the universe I don't have this thing and I need to struggle to get it but when you know it's already yours you radiate a different energy you're saying this is mine I am ready to receive it let's talk about the present it's all we ever really have the past is gone and the future isn't here yet but right now in this moment you have the power to choose your thoughts to choose your focus to choose your energy so
many of us spend our lives waiting for the perfect moment we think I'll be happy when I get that job or I'll feel successful when I make a certain amount of money or I'll be content when I find the right partner but that perfect moment never comes because we're always chasing the next thing the secret is to realize that this moment right now is perfect it's all you have and it's filled with possibility when you fully embrace the present moment when you stop trying to escape it or change it that's when true transformation happens in
this moment you can choose to be grateful you can choose to focus on what's good in your life you can choose to believe in yourself and your abilities and as you make these choices Moment by moment you begin to shift your energy you begin to Al with the frequency of your desires think about the last time you felt truly happy truly at peace maybe it was watching beautiful sunset or laughing with a friend or achieving something you'd worked hard for in that moment you weren't trying you weren't struggling you were simply being you were in
alignment with joy with peace with success that's the state you want to cultivate not just in special moments but in your everyday life and you can do it by choosing your thoughts by focusing on what you want rather than what you don't want now I'm not saying you should ignore problems or pretend everything is perfect when it's not that's not what this is about it's about changing your relationship with your experiences it's about finding the opportunity in every challenge the lesson in every setback when something goes wrong instead of getting frustrated or discouraged ask yourself
what can I learn from this how can this help me grow when you face an obstacle instead of seeing it as a block see it as a stepping stone it's all about perspective and here's something crucial to under stinks your outer world is a reflection of your inner world what you see around you is a mirror of your thoughts beliefs and expectations if you want to change what you see in the mirror you need to change what's being this is why affirmations and visualizations can be so powerful when you consistently affirm positive statements about yourself
and your life when you vividly imagine yourself living your dreams you're programming your subconscious mind you're creating new neural Pathways in your brain you're changing your inner world and as a result your outer world begins to change change but here's the K it's not enough to just say the words or see the images you need to feel it you need to embody the energy of what you desire if you want abundance you need to feel abundant now if you want love you need to feel loving now if you want success you need to feel successful
now this might seem challenging at first how can you feel abundant when your bank account is low how can you feel loved when you're single how can you feel successful when you're struggling in your career the answer lies in your imagination your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your physical reality and what you're vividly imagining when you imagine yourself living your dream life feeling those positive emotions your brain and body respond as if it's really happening so take time each day to imagine your ideal life see yourself living in your dream home
doing work you love surrounded by supportive relationships but don't just see it feel it feel the joy the excitement the Gratitude let those feelings fill your body as you do this consistently you'll notice something amazing start to happen you'll find yourself feeling more positive more confident More Alive you'll start attracting opportunities and experiences that align with your new energy it might seem like coincidence at first but it's not it's the law of attraction in action now let's talk about resistance as you start to shift your thoughts and energy you might notice some push back old
doubts might surface fear might creep in this is normal it's your old patterns trying to reassert themselves well but here's what you need to remember those old patterns those limiting beliefs they're not you they're just thoughts you've practiced for a long time and just like you practice those thoughts you can practice new ones when you notice resistance don't fight it don't judge yourself for having these thoughts instead observe them with curiosity isn't that interesting you might think I'm having that old thought again and then gently but firmly choose a new thought choose to focus on
what you want not what you fear this is where meditation can be incredibly powerful when you meditate regularly you create space between your thoughts you learn to observe your mind without getting caught up in every thought you develop the ability to choose your focus start with just a few minutes each day sit quietly focus on your breath and when thoughts arise they inevitably will simply notice them and let them go over time you'll find it easier to choose your thoughts not just during meditation but throughout your day another powerful tool is gratitude when you focus
on what you're grateful for you automatically shift your energy to a higher frequency you align yourself with abundance rather than lack and remember energy attracts like energy each day take time to appreciate the good things in your life it could be something as simple as a warm cup of coffee a comfortable bed or a kind word from a friend as you practice gratitude you'll find more and more to be grateful for it's a beautiful upward spiral now let's talk about action some people misunderstand the idea of it's already yours to mean that you don't need
to take any action that's not the case of all action is important but it's inspired action not forced action when you're aligned with your desires when you're in that high energy state of knowing and believing you'll feel inspired to take certain actions you'll have ideas you'll feel drawn to certain opportunities that's the kind of action to take this is very different from pushing yourself to do things you think you should do it's different from forcing yourself to network when you're feeling anxious or making yourself apply for jobs you don't really want that kind of action
comes from a place of lack and fear and it rarely leads to the results you want instead trust your intuition when you have an idea that excites you follow it when you feel drawn to reach out to someone do it when an opportunity presents itself that aligns with your desires take it this is inspired action and it's incredibly powerful remember the universe is always responding to your energy when you're aligned with what you want when you're feeling good and expecting good things you become a magnet for opportunities but you still need to say yes to
those opportunities when they appear patient since we live in a world of instant gratification we want everything now but real lasting change takes time your thoughts and beliefs create your reality but there can be a gap between the shift in your inner world and the manifestation in your outer world this is where trust comes in trust that the universe is working in your favor trust that everything is unfolding perfectly even if you can't see the whole picture yet trust that what you desire is on its way to you during this time it's crucial to maintain
your positive Focus keep choosing thoughts that line with your desires keep feeling the emotions of already having what you want keep taking inspired action and most importantly keep enjoying your life now too often we put our happiness on hold we think I'll be happy when but the truth is happiness is a choice you can make right now and when you choose happiness now you align yourself with more experiences that bring happiness so enjoy the journey appreciate where you are right now even as you look forward to where you're going find joy in the Small Things
celebrate your progress no matter how small it might seem every step forward is a victory and speaking of progress let's talk about setbacks they're going to happen you might have days where you fall back into Old thought patterns you might face challenges that shake your faith this is all part of the journey the key is not to let these setbacks derail you don't use them as evidence that this doesn't work instead see them as opportunities to practice what you're learning when you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern celebrate you noticed it and that awareness
is the first first step to changing it you remember you're reprogramming years of conditioning it takes time and practice be patient with yourself be kind to yourself and keep going no matter what now let's talk about your environment your thoughts are powerful but they don't exist in a vacuum the people you spend time with the media you consume the spaces you occupy all of these influence your thoughts and energy take a look at your environment are you surrounded by people who support your growth who believe in possibility are you consuming media that uplifts and inspires
you as your physical space clean organized and filled with things that bring you Joy if not it's time to make some changes seek out people who are on a similar Journey who believe in the power of positive thinking limit your exposure to negative news and social media create a living space that reflects the life you want to live remember you're not just changing your thoughts you're changing your entire vibration your energy field and everything in your environment affects that energy as you make these changes you might find that some people in your life are resist
IST they might not understand what you're doing they might even try to discourage you this is normal not everyone will resonate with this way of thinking but here's the thing you don't need everyone understand you don't need anyone's permission to change your life this is your journey trust yourself trust the process and as you change you'll naturally attract people who are on a similar wavelength you'll find yourself in conversations that Inspire and uplift you you'll encounter opportunities that align with your new energy it's all part of the beautiful unfolding of your new reality now let's
talk about purpose many people think they need to figure out their life's purpose before they can be happy or successful but here's a liberating truth your purpose is to be you fully authentically joyfully you when you're aligned with your true self when you're living from a place of joy and authenticity you naturally fulfill your purpose you naturally contribute to the world in a way that only you can so instead of trying to figure out some Grand purpose focus on being more of who you really are follow your joy do the things that light you up
share your unique gifts with the world that's your purpose and here's something amazing as you do this as you live from this place of authenticity and joy you inspire others to do the same you become a living example of what's possible you contribute to raising the collective consciousness of the planet this is why your personal growth is so important it's not just about you it's about all of us as you elevate your thoughts and energy you contribute to elevating the energy of the entire world so Embrace this journey embrace the power of your thoughts embrace
the truth that everything you desire is already yours you don't need to try hard to manifest it you simply need to align with it it's all right now in this moment choose a thought that feels good choose to believe in yourself and your dreams choose to trust in the benevolence of the universe choose to see the abundance that surrounds you as you do this day by day Moment by moment you'll start to see changes at first they might be small a shift in how you feel a new idea an unexpected opportunity but over time these
small changes add up to Big Transformations you'll find yourself feeling happier more peaceful More Alive you'll notice opportunities and synchronicity showing up in your life you'll feel a sense of flow of being in the right place at the right time and most importantly you'll realize that you're not just creating a new outer reality you're becoming a new you a you that's more aligned with your true self more connected to your innate power More Alive to the magic of life this is the real gift of understanding that everything is already yours it's not just about getting
things or achieving goals it's about becoming the person who naturally attracts and experiences the life you desire so stop trying so hard stop pushing and struggling instead relax into the knowing that what you want is already yours feel it believe it live from that place of knowing and watches your life transforms in beautiful and unexpected ways watches you become the person you've always known you could be watches you step into the Magnificent abundant joyful life that's always been waiting for you remember every moment is a new beginning every breath is an opportunity to choose again
right now in this very instant you can decide to see things differently you can choose to believe in the infinite possibilities that surround you think about the dreams you've been holding in your heart the goals you've been working towards the life you've been longing for now instead of seeing these things as distant or difficult see them as already yours feel the excitement the Gratitude the joy of having them now this isn't about pretending or fooling yourself it's about tapping into a deeper truth the truth that time is an illusion that everything exists in the Eternal
now the future you're dreaming of it's not somewhere out there it's here within you waiting to be expressed when you truly grasp this Everything Changes you no longer need to chase your dreams you no longer need to struggle and strive instead you simply need to allow them to unfold you need to become the person who naturally experiences those dreams this this is where the real work happens not in the outer world but in your inner world it's about shifting your beliefs changing your self-image elevating your thoughts and emotions it's about becoming the version of you
that lives that dream life let's say you want to be successful in your career instead of focusing on all the things you need to do all the obstacles you need to overcome focus on being the person who is already successful how does that person think how do they feel how do they carry themselves start embodying those qualities now speak with confidence make decisions from a place of certainty treat yourself and others with the respect and kindness that a successful person would as you do this you'll find that opportunities naturally start to appear people will respond
to you differently doors will open that you didn't even know existed the same principle applies to any area of your life if you want a loving relationship be the loving person who naturally attracts that relationship if you want abundance be the Abundant person who naturally experiences wealth if you want health and vitality be the vibrant energetic person who naturally lives a healthy life this might seem challenging at first you might think but I don't feel successful or I don't feel abundant or I don't feel healthy and that's okay remember you're breaking old patterns and creating
new ones it takes time and practice start small each day choose one quality of your ideal self to embody maybe today you focus on confidence tomorrow it might be gratitude the next day creativity as you practice these qualities they'll become more natural they'll be part of who you are and here's something amazing as you do this as you become this new version of yourself you'll start to see evidence of it in your outer World it might be small at first a compliment from a colleague an unexpected check in the mail a burst of energy when
you wake up these are signs that your inner shift is creating outer change celebrate these signs no matter how small they might seem each one is proof that you're aligning with your desires each one is confirmation that what you want is already yours now let's talk about resistance as you start to make these changes you might notice some push back old doubts might surface fear might creep in you might hear that inner voice saying who do you think you are or this will never work this is normal it's your old patterns trying to reassert themselves
it's your ego trying to keep you safe in The Familiar even if the familiar isn't what you really want this happens don't fight it don't judge yourself for having these thoughts instead observe them with curiosity isn't that interesting you might think I'm having that old thought again then gently but firmly choose a new thought choose to focus on what you want not what you fear choose to believe in yourself and your dreams choose to trust in the process of life this is where meditation can be incredibly powerful when you meditate regularly you create space between
your thoughts you learn to observe your mind without getting caught up in every thought you develop the ability to choose your focus start with just a few minutes each day sit quietly focus on your breath and when thoughts arise they inevitably will simply notice them and let them go over time you'll find it easier to choose your thoughts not just during meditation but throughout your day another powerful tool is visualization spend time each day vividly imagining yourself living your dream life see the details feel the emotions engage all your senses remember your brain doesn't know
the difference between what's happening in your physical reality and what you're vividly imagining when you consistently visualize your desires you're programming your subconscious mind to create that reality but here's the C it's not enough to just see the images you need to feel it you need to embody the energy of what you desire if you want abundance you need to feel abundant now if you want love you need to feel loving now if you want success you need to feel successful now as you do this consistently you'll notice something amazing start to happen you'll find
yourself feeling more positive more confident More Alive you'll start attracting opportunities and EXP experiences that align with your new energy it might seem like coincidence at first but it's not it's the Law of Attraction and action now let's talk about action some people misunderstand the idea of it's already yours to mean that you don't need to take any action that's not the case at all action is important but it's inspired action not forced action when you're aligned with your desires when you're in that high energy state of knowing and believing you'll feel inspired to take
certain actions you'll have ideas you'll feel drawn to certain opportunities that's the kind of action to take this is very different from pushing yourself to do things you think you should do it's different from forcing yourself to network when you're feeling anxious or making yourself apply for jobs you don't really want that kind of action comes from a place of lack and fear and it rarely leads to the results you want instead trust your intuition when you have an idea that excites you follow it when you feel drawn to reach out to someone do it
when an opportunity presents itself that aligns with your desires take it this is inspired action and it's incredibly powerful remember the universe is always responding to your energy when you're aligned with what you want when you're feeling good and expecting good things you become a magnet for opportunities but you still need to say yes to those opportunities when they appear patience we live in a world of instant gratification we want everything now but real lasting change takes time your thoughts and beliefs create your reality but there can be a gap between the shift in your
inner world and the manifestation in your outer world this is where trust comes in trust that the universe is working in your favor Trust trust that everything is unfolding perfectly even if you can't see the whole picture yet trust that what you desire is on its way to you during this time it's crucial to maintain your positive Focus keep choosing thoughts that align with your desires keep feeling the emotions of already having what you want keep taking inspired action and most importantly keep enjoying your life now too often we put our happiness on hold we
think I'll be happy when but the truth is happiness is a choice you can make right now and when you choose happiness now you align yourself with more experiences that bring happiness so enjoy the journey I appreciate where you are right now even as you look forward to where you're going find joy in the Small Things celebrate your progress no matter how small it might seem every step forward is a victory and speaking of progress let's talk about setbacks they're going to happen you might have days where you fall back into Old thought patterns you
might face challenges that shake your faith this is all part of the journey the key is not to let these setbacks derail you don't use them as evidence that this doesn't work instead see them as opportunities to practice what you're learning when you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern celebrate you noticed it and that awareness is the first step to changing it remember you're reprogramming years of conditioning it takes time and practice be patient with yourself be kind to yourself and keep going no matter what now let's talk about your environment your thoughts are
powerful but they don't exist in a vacuum the people you spend time with the media you consume the space spaces you occupy all of these influence your thoughts and energy take a look at your environment are you surrounded by people who support your growth who believe in possibility are you consuming media that uplifts and inspires you is your physical space clean organized and filled with things that bring you Joy teny if not it's time to make some changes seek out people who are on a similar Journey who believe in the power of positive thinking limit
your exposure to negative news and social media create a living space that reflects the life you want to live remember you're not just changing your thoughts you're changing your entire vibration your energy field and everything in your environment affects that energy as you make these changes you might find that some people in your life are resistant they might not understand what you're doing they might even try to discourage you this is normal not everyone will resonate with this way of thinking but here's the thing you don't need everyone to understand you don't need anyone's permission
to change your life this is your journey trust yourself trust the process and as you change you'll naturally attract people who are on a similar wavelength you'll find yourself in conversations that Inspire and uplift you you'll encounter opportunities that align with your new energy it's all part of the beautiful unfolding of your new reality now let's talk about gratitude gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you have for shifting your energy and aligning with your desires when you're grateful you're in a state of abundance you're focused on what you have not what you lack
and remember what you focus on expands start each day by thinking of three things you're grateful for they can be big things or small things the important thing is to really feel the Gratitude let it fill your heart let it radiate through your entire as you practice gratitude you'll find more and more to be grateful for you'll start noticing the beauty and abundance that surrounds you you'll feel more connected more alive more in flow with life as you become more grateful you become more attractive to the things you desire you become a magnet for more
EXP experiences that bring you Joy and fulfillment now let's talk about your selft talk the words you say to yourself are incredibly powerful they shape your beliefs your emotions and ultimately your reality pay attention to how you talk to yourself are you kind and encouraging or are you critical and negative start speaking to yourself with love and compassion Encourage Yourself the way you would encourage a dear friend celebrate your victories no matter how small be patient with yourself when you make mistakes and most importantly speak about yourself in your life as if your desires are
already fulfilled instead of saying I hope I'll be successful say I am successful instead of saying I want to be healthy say I am healthy your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined when you consistently speak as if your desires are already yours you program your subconscious to make it your reality remember you are not your thoughts you are the Observer of your thoughts you have the power to choose which thoughts you want to believe and act upon this is true Freedom this is true power as you continue on this
journey you'll start to experience more synchronicities you'll have moments where everything seems to align perfectly you'll encounter exactly the right person at exactly the right time you'll come across information that's exactly what you need in that moment these synchronicities are signs that you're in flow with life their confirmation that you're on the right path celebrate them be grateful for them and trust that there are more to come you might also start to experience what some call Quantum leaps sudden dramatic shifts in your reality the unexpected opportunity might appear out of nowhere a longstanding problem might
suddenly resolve itself you might experience a profound shift in your perspective that changes everything these Quantum leaps are possible because reality is much more fluid than we've been taught to believe when you change your inner World your thoughts beliefs and energy your outer world can change in an instant so stay open to miracles expect good things to happen know that life is always working in your favor even when it doesn't seem like it and remember this journey isn't just about getting things or achieving goals it's about becoming more of who you truly are it's about
aligning with your higher self your true nature it's about experiencing The Joy love and abundance that are your Birthright you are a powerful Creator you are a unique expression of life itself you have gifts and talents that no one else has and the world needs what only you can offer so stop trying so hard to manifest stop pushing and struggling instead relax into the knowing that what you want is already yours feel it believe it live from that place of knowing and watch as your life transforms in beautiful and unexpected ways watch as you become
the person you've always known you could be watch as you step into the Magnificent abundant joyful life that's always been waiting for you this is your time this is your moment everything you've ever wanted is already yours all you need to do is align with it allow it and receive it you've got this you are powerful beyond measure you are worthy of all the good that life has to offer and you are loved more than you can possibly imagine so go forth with confidence go forth Joy go forth knowing that the universe is always working
in your favor your dreams are not just possible they're inevitable because they're already yours Embrace this Truth live this truth be this truth and watch as Miracles unfold in your life you are the creator of your reality you are the architect of your destiny you are the master of your life it's time to step into your power it's time to claim your Birthright it's time to live the life you've always dreamed of because it's already yours it always has been and it always will be now go live create Thrive the world is waiting for you
to shine your light and what a brilliant light it is Remember You Are Not Alone on this journey the entire universe is supporting you guiding you cheering you on trust in this support lean into it allow it to carry you to Heights you've never imagined every challenge you face is an opportunity for for growth every setback is a setup for a comeback every moment is a chance to choose again to align again to believe again you have within you everything you need to create the life of your dreams the power the wisdom the creativity it's
all there waiting to be expressed so express it Let Your Light Shine Let Your Love flow let your joy radiate you are a miracle you are Masterpiece you are a gift to this world and everything you desire is already yours claim it embrace it live it your time is now your moment is here step into the greatness that you are because you are ready you are worthy you are powerful beyond measure and your beautiful abundant joyful life is waiting for you to live it so live it fully completely unapologetically because it's already yours it always
has been and it always will be now go shine Thrive the world is waiting for you and what a wonderful world it is when you know that everything you desire is already yours
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