Signs The Holy Spirit is Not Happy With You

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Trailblazer Christian Motivation
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[Music] signs the holy spirit is not happy with you have you ever felt a deep sense of unease or emptiness in your spiritual walk as though something is off this may not be mere coincidence the holy spirit being the third person of the Trinity is not just a force or power he is deeply relational when we grieve him he makes it known consider the story of King Saul in the Bible Saul was chosen by God to lead Israel Anointed with the spirit and given the authority to fulfill a Divine Mission yet his disobedience in sparing
king agog and the best livestock after the battle against the amalekites caused God to withdraw his favor 1 Samuel 15:23 says because you have rejected the word of the Lord he has also rejected you from being King Saul's Disobedience grieved the spirit of God and the consequences were devastating if you're wondering whether your actions or choices might be displeasing to the holy spirit this video will guide you through five signs that he is not happy with you each sign is rooted in scripture and Illustrated with relatable examples to help you reconnect with the spirit and
realign with God's will number one conviction that feels like a heavy burden the holy spirit's conviction is one of the clearest signs he is not pleased conviction is a loving Act of God meant to steer you away from sin and toward righteousness however this conviction can feel heavy and uncomfortable when ignored or resisted consider the story of David after his sin with bath Sheeba David not only committed adultery but orchestrated the murder of baath sheba's husband Uriah for a Time David tried to carry on as if nothing had happened but the weight of his guilt
overwhelmed him in Psalm 32: 3 and 4 David confessed when I kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long for day and night your hand was heavy on me my strength was sapped as In The Heat Of Summer this weight David felt was the spirit's conviction calling him to repentance it was only when the prophet Nathan confronted him and David confessed his sin that he found relief in today's context this might look like carrying a secret sin that you know is wrong but refuse to address perhaps it's lying harboring bitterness or
engaging in an unhealthy habit the Holy Spirit doesn't let these things slide because he loves you too much to leave you in a place of spiritual danger that persistent heaviness in your heart is his way of saying come back to me ignoring this conviction can lead to deeper guilt anxiety and even physical symptoms like like restlessness or lack of energy just as David described but responding to the spirit's prompting brings freedom and restoration number two a loss of spiritual passion when the Holy Spirit is grieved your spiritual passion often diminishes you might find yourself praying
less feeling disconnected during worship or reading the Bible out of obligation rather than desire this happened to the church in Ephesus as highlighted in Revelation 2:4 yet I hold this against you you have forsaken the love you had at first although the Ephesians were active in Ministry their hearts were no longer fully devoted to God their outward actions were not matched by inward passion a Biblical example is Samson Samson was chosen by God from birth to deliver Israel from the Philistines how however his repeated Disobedience and pursuit of his own desires gradually led him away
from his calling by the time Delilah tricked him into revealing the secret of his strength Samson had become so spiritually numb that he didn't even realized the spirit had left him judges 16:20 says but he did not know that the Lord had left him as humans and also Believers we may assume that we can fuel our passion for the things of God by ourselves but that's not true the holy spirit is responsible for Zeal and passion towards the things of God when you grieve him he steps back and that's where that feeling of complacency and
weakness comes from in your daily life losing spiritual passion might look like prioritizing worldly activities over your relationship with God maybe you've become so busy chasing career goals or social recognition that prayer and worship feel like chores the Holy Spirit doesn't want you to go through the motions of Faith he desires a deep loving connection with you if you've lost your passion the good news is that it can be reignited recognize that the holy spirit is inviting you back into intimacy with him just as Jesus called the Ephesians to return to their first love number
three a lack of peace in your life the absence of peace is another sign that the holy holy spirit is not happy his presence brings peace even in the midst of chaos when that peace is missing it's often a signal that something is out of alignment in your life Jonah's story is a powerful illustration God instructed Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach repentance but Jonah disobeyed and fled in the opposite direction his Disobedience didn't just affect him it brought turmoil to the sailors on the ship he boarded Jonah 1: 4 and 5 say then
the Lord sent a great wind on the sea and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up all the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own God Jonah's lack of peace was evident not only to himself but to everyone around him in your own life a lack of peace might manifest as constant anxiety relational conflicts or a general sense of restlessness you might try to fix these issues on your own but nothing seems to work the Holy Spirit may be using this lack of peace to get get your
attention urging you to examine your heart and actions it's important to remember that peace isn't just the absence of problems it's the presence of God if you're missing that peace ask the Holy Spirit to show you any areas of Disobedience or sin that need to be addressed number four prayers feel hindered or unanswered when the Holy Spirit is not happy your prayers may feel hindered this doesn't mean that God stops loving you or that he's ignoring you but sin or Disobedience can create a barrier in your communication with him Psalm 66:18 says if I had
cherished sin in my heart the Lord would not have listened this truth is evident in the story of achan in Joshua chapter 7 after the Israelites conquered Jericho God commanded them to destroy everything but akan secretly kept some of the plunder his sin caused the Israelites to lose their next battle and Joshua was confused as to why God's favor had left them it wasn't until achan's sin was exposed and dealt with that their prayers for victory were answered in your own life unanswered prayers might stem from harboring unforgiveness indulging in Hidden sin or neglecting God's
instructions for example you might be praying for financial breakthrough while ignoring God's call to tithe or be generous with this it is clear that when you go against the command of God you hurt the Holy Spirit he is called holy for a reason it means there is no atom of sin or guilt in him and he won't thrive in a heart filled with sin the holy spirit's conviction in this area isn't meant to condemn you but to guide you back into alignment with God's will when you address the root issue you'll often find that the
barriers to answered prayer are removed number five a hardening of your heart one of the most dangerous signs that the holy spirit is not happy is a hardening of your heart this happens when you repeatedly resist his conviction making you spiritually numb Pharaoh is a sobering example of this despite witnessing God's power through the plagues in Egypt Pharaoh continually hardened his heart and refused to let the Israelites go Exodus 8:32 says but this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would would not let the people go his stubbornness led to severe consequences for himself and
his nation in everyday life a hardened heart might look like justifying sinful Behavior rejecting Godly counsel or becoming indifferent to spiritual matters you might hear a convicting sermon or read a challenging scripture but feel unmoved this numbness is a dangerous place to be because it can lead to further Disobedience and distance from God however even a hardened heart is not beyond the holy spirit's reach Ezekiel 36: 26 says I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you I will remove from you Your Heart of Stone and give you a heart
of Flesh if you sense your heart growing hard take immediate action ask the Holy Spirit to soften your heart and restore your sensitivity to his voice number six spiritual stagnation when the Holy Spirit is not happy with you spiritual stagnation can set in this is when your faith stops growing and your walk with God feels stagnant and lifeless you may find it difficult to study the Bible worship feels routine and you're no longer challenged to grow spiritually an example of this is the Israelites during their Wilderness Journey after being delivered from Egypt they spent 40
years wandering in the the Wilderness duee to their repeated Disobedience and lack of faith Deuteronomy 1:2 reveals that their Journey to the promised land should have taken just 11 days however their grumbling rebellion and refusal to fully trust God kept them in a cycle of stagnation instead of progressing they were stuck and many never reached the land God had prepared for them today spiritual stagnation could look like attending church every week but feeling no connection to God or knowing you should step out in faith for a Ministry or calling but staying in your comfort zone
perhaps you once had Big Dreams of serving God but fear or distraction has caused you to abandon them the Holy Spirit desires to lead you into abundant growth as described in John 15:5 I am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit if you're not bearing fruit or progressing in your faith it's a sign that something is a Miss ask yourself have you resisted the spirit's prompting to take a step of Faith are there areas in your life where fear or complacency has replaced
trust in God if you recognize spiritual stagnation the Holy Spirit may be inviting you to renew your commitment to him and embrace the growth he desires for you number seven a struggle to discern God's voice another sign that the holy spirit is not happy with you is when Discerning God's voice becomes difficult the holy spirit is the one who leads and guides us into truth as Jesus said in John 16:13 but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth however when you ignore or disobey him your spiritual ears
can become dull making it hard to distinguish his voice from your own thoughts or the noise of the world the story of King Saul illustrates this perfectly Saul started his reign with the favor of God but his repeated Disobedience caused him to lose the spirit's guidance in 1 Samuel chapter 28:6 it says he inquired of the Lord but the Lord did not answer him by dreams or urum or prophets Saul's inability to hear from God was a direct result of his Disobedience and it led him to make desper and unwise decisions including Consulting a medium
in your own life this struggle might look like feeling unsure about God's Direction second guessing decisions or being confused about what's right and wrong it might also manifest as relying too heavily on others friends family or pastors for answers instead of seeking God yourself sometimes the holy spirit's silence is his way of encouraging you to address unres dissolve sin or realign your priorities for example if you've been too distracted by work or entertainment to spend time in prayer it may be why you feel distant or if you've ignored his nudges to reconcile a broken relationship
that Disobedience could hinder your ability to hear him clearly the good news is that the holy spirit is always ready to restore your sensitivity to his voice take time to repent remove distractions and intentionally seek him as Jeremiah 29:13 promises you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart each of these signs are warnings but they are also opportunities for restoration the Holy Spirit reveals these things not to punish you but to draw you closer to God recognizing these signs is the first step toward realigning your life with his
will and experiencing the fullness of his presence once again let's pray Heavenly Father we come before you with Humble Hearts asking for your mercy and guidance forgive us for the times we've grieved your Holy Spirit through Disobedience or neglect soften our hearts and renew our passion for you help us to recognize your voice embrace your conviction and walk in obedience restore our peace and align our lives with your will Holy Spirit fill us aresh and Empower us to live in a way that pleases you may Our Lives bring you glory and reflect your love to
the world in Jesus name we pray amen [Music]
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