The inside job that helped Hitler rise to power. A huge coverup of the most horrifying moment of the Vietnam War. And a secret CIA weapon that could kill you without ever leaving a trace.
They sound crazy, but these are just some of the most insane conspiracy theories that turned out to be completely true! And we’re going to let you in on all the secrets. My Lai Massacre Cover Up.
Sadly, there is no shortage of atrocities committed during the Vietnam War, but there is one so awful and so damning to the United States that the truth about it was intentionally hidden from the public. The My Lai Massacre took place in the small Vietnam hamlet of My Lai, on March 16th, 1968. That morning, US soldiers entered the village on a search and destroy mission.
While the region where My Lai was situated was controlled by Viet Cong guerilla fighters, the American troops found no sign of enemy combatants in the area, only civilians. That didn’t stop the United States own soldiers from setting huts on fire, murdering between 347 to 504 innocent Vietnamese people – including as many as fifty children under the age of four – and committing acts of assault so deplorable against the women of My Lai that we can’t actually describe them here on YouTube. Even worse, the barbaric actions of these troops were initially praised by the US as fabricated reports claimed that over a hundred and twenty of these needlessly murdered civilians had actually been Viet Cong.
The truth about the My Lai Massacre wouldn’t emerge until a year later, and became emblematic of the US’ war efforts in Vietnam. The conflict had already been widely criticised and protested, and now it looked like America had lost any sense of morality when it came to the actions of its troops in Southeast Asia. Military secrecy around the killings ultimately made it all the more shocking when the revelations were made public when former soldiers spoke out about it.
These weren’t just crimes against humanity perpetrated against innocent women and children by American troops, but acts that the US Army leadership had conspired to sweep under the rug. Among the slew of court martials that followed, Lieutenant William Calley was accused of directing the My Lai Massacre, and as a result was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life behind bars. Sickeningly, he only served three and a half years of house arrest, before having his sentence commuted… at the behest of then-President Richard Nixon.
But if you think that’s crazy, it’s nothing compared to the true conspiratorial weirdness that came out in the Church Committee Findings. Named for the US Senator at the helm, Frank Church was the chair of the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. This was a 1975 Senate investigation into alleged illegal activity carried out by the US’ own intelligence agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency.
Church Committee findings included multiple attempted assassinations of other countries’ political figureheads, including President Fidel Castro of Cuba, as well as the presidents of the Dominican Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There was COINTELPRO, a covert operation conducted by the FBI to infiltrate specific domestic organizations like civil rights activists, feminists, environmentalists, people protesting the Vietnam War, and communists. It considered these groups ‘subversive’, and sought to discredit them.
The Church Committee also brought to light Project Mockingbird, an effort by the CIA to leverage its relationships with journalists to control the flow of information in the news. Project MINARET, wherein the NSA was working with telecommunication companies to monitor individuals on a watch list – a list that included Senator Church and other members of the Church Committee. And, were it not for the work of the Church Committee, the world might never have learned about the horrendous CIA experiments that took place as part of Projects MKULTRA and MKNAOMI.
But these weren’t even the strangest findings of the committee… stay tuned to hear about the CIA’s secret weapon. The findings made by the Church Committee, as horrifying as they were, led to important reforms when it came to how US intelligence agencies operate. Congressional committees were to oversee the future activities of the FBI, CIA and NSA, and famously President Gerald Ford issued Executive Order 11905, which banned the carrying out of political assassinations.
Let’s head back to Europe, though, and peer into the dark plot that helped install one of history’s greatest monsters: This is the Reichstag Fire and the Nazi Power Grab. There’s no denying that the Nazi Party went about assuming power over Germany in the most brutal way possible during the early thirties. On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag, which was used as the home of Germany’s Parliament, was burned to the ground.
The attacks were initially blamed on communists, with Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe playing the role of pasty. Thanks to van der Lubbe being a communist, Adolf Hitler – already Chancellor at this time – used the fire as justification for forcibly expelling any left leaning or communist politicians out of Parliament, and had them imprisoned so they couldn’t oppose the Nazi Party in the elections that took place a month later in March 1933. Hitler successfully turned Germany against communists by declaring that they were threatening to take over, thus allowing the Nazis to win more seats in the elections and helping them to assume power over the country.
It's hardly a stretch to conclude that the Nazis were responsible, especially given how partial they were for burning books and attacking other institutions that challenged their fascist ideology. Operation Gladio… Would you believe us if we told you that, following the end of the Second World War, armed resistance operatives were carrying out clandestine missions in European countries? No it wasn’t remnants of the Nazi party or the USSR… it was the United States.
Codenamed Operation Gladio, these covert missions were a direct collaboration between the personnel of what would become the Central Intelligence Agency, NATO, and the Western Union. Operation Gladio consisted mainly of ‘stay behind’ operations - This involved countries embedding sleeper agents in their own territories, who would lie in wait to be deployed in the event of an enemy invasion from nations like the Soviet Union, which was steadily amassing power. These stay-behind operatives would establish resistance movements within their home countries, then, should a Soviet onslaught roll in, they’d stay put, and work as spies from behind enemy lines.
So, what did Operation Gladio actually entail? Operatives were used to carry out political assassinations, psychological warfare, and false flag operations, essentially, a smorgasbord of nefarious deeds, against left wing parties in Western Europe. This often meant aligning with anti-communist militias and right wing terrorists as Gladio’s network of secret operatives captured, tortured, and killed anyone suspected of having communist leanings.
To this day though, the US Department of State denies the truth that their own operatives were backing terrorist groups, and that Gladio was only a way to aid Western European countries from resisting a potential Soviet invasion. But the CIA messing with Europe is one thing - what about the FBI killing dozens of Americans back in the good old US of A? During the Prohibition Era, the FBI was involved in trying to develop ways to prevent bootleggers from brewing illegal alcohol.
In order to do that, they increased the amount of methanol, a poisonous substance found in the same industrial alcohol that bootleggers would use to make liquor. While intended to discourage people from drinking, this increase led to thousands of deaths. For over a decade, the United States banned both the sale and production of drinking alcohol, and federal law enforcement devoted significant resources to tackling the illegal attempts people made to circumvent these laws.
Speakeasies and smuggling networks were primary targets for law enforcement, as was bootlegging, which had itself become a lucrative business for organized crime syndicates. But the moment one operation was busted, another quickly appeared to take its place. To limit the publicly available supply of alcohol, law enforcement and federal regulators devised a new strategy.
As bootleg alcohol was typically produced by distilling industrial alcohols, US officials figured that, if it became legally mandated that toxic additives had to be included in these products, then they could cut off the supply before consumption. So, the US Treasury Department ordered companies to add quinine, methyl alcohol and additional toxic chemicals to industrial alcohol as a deterrent. A deterrent that didn’t work.
On Christmas Eve of 1926, 60 people were admitted to the Bellevue Hospital in New York as a result of poisoned alcohol - 31 of which died in the next few days. Many had inadvertently consumed methanol, industrial strength alcohol that was legal under federal law, but extremely poisonous. And that’s just a snapshot of the staggering number of deaths that occurred as a result of alcohol poisoned by these chemicals.
While it’s often misinterpreted that the FBI deliberately poisoned drinking alcohol, it can’t be understated the unethical lengths that the United States’ federal government went to in order to curb public consumption of alcohol and illegal bootlegging. They might not have been dropping mercury into bottles of whiskey, but the US government did increase the level of toxic chemicals present in industrial alcohols, knowing full well that these were being used distilled in order to be sold and drunk. Speaking of incredibly dangerous things to put into your body… Ever heard of Project MKNAOMI?
The now infamous Project MKULTRA is often cited when talking about crazy conspiracies, but its successor often flies under the radar. Project MKNAOMI was a joint operation between the CIA and the US Department of Defense that ran for almost two decades, between the fifties and the late sixties. The goal of Project MKNAOMI was to conduct research into chemical and biological warfare, specifically determining what substances and chemicals could be used to either kill or incapacitate a target… and then developing devices that could diffuse these materials.
While MKULTRA had a strong emphasis on mind control experiments, MKNAOMI focused on ways to weaponize bacteria and viruses, knockout gases, lethal poisons, and delivery systems that could be used to administer them. The CIA’s Technical Services Division was tasked with developing a whole arsenal of lethal or incapacitating materials, with the US Army’s Special Operations Command assigned to assist with the testing. Afterall, what are friends for?
Perhaps most notably, MKNAOMI led to the creation of a number of guns that were modified to fire darts coated in deadly biological agents. These were strong enough to incapacitate guard dogs, allowing covert agents to infiltrate an area; then, a remedial chemical agent could be used to reawaken the dogs upon the agents’ exit, covering their tracks as they left. While officially declassified information about Project MKNAOMI is hard to come by, a CIA memo that proposed using biological weapons to target crops was uncovered in 1967 by the Church Committee - and we’ve got more about what else that committee revealed to the world coming up shortly.
After this memo was discovered, President Richard Nixon was forced to ban the military use of biological weapons in November 1969, and Project MKNAOMI was dissolved. However, despite the president’s orders, in 1970, one rogue CIA scientist stole approximately eleven grams of a deadly shellfish toxin with help from SOC personnel at Fort Detrick, Maryland. This dangerous toxin was then stashed in a CIA owned lab, going undetected for over five years.
But it’s not just the US that gets involved in sinister secret plots. Sometimes, it’s US allies. Such was the case in The Lavon Affair.
While arguably not as infamous as the likes of Gladio, or other US led covert operations, the Lavon Affair was no less deplorable. Planned by the Israeli Military Intelligence in 1954, under the innocuous codename of Operation Susannah, this was a false flag operation. During the summer of 1954, a group of Egyptian Jewish people were recruited by Israel’s military intelligence to attack multiple civilian targets in Egypt.
These included Egyptian, American and British owned businesses, cinemas, libraries and US educational centers throughout the country. These recruits were instructed to plant bombs in these establishments, and upon detonation, the attacks were to be pinned on communists, the Muslim Brotherhood – a Sunni Islamist organization in Egypt – or unspecified local nationalists. The operation began when the sleeper cell, consisting of eight Egyptian Jews, bombed the post office in Alexandria.
Within weeks, six other buildings were also targeted, with the Egyptian government eventually being tipped off – allegedly by the person overseeing the operation – about where the next bombing was planned to take place. With that information, they were able to swoop in and arrest the bomber, then capturing the entire covert Israeli cell of eleven suspects. While the bombings didn’t result in any civilian deaths, four of the operatives died, two of them after being captured and another two being sentenced to execution by the Egyptian government.
Two more were acquitted at their trial, and the remaining five received varying prison sentences that ranged from seven years to life. But the lingering question in all this is why? Well, the intent of this failed false flag was to pin the blame on organizations that opposed Egypt’s leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser.
It was hoped that the subsequent chaos would convince Western governments that Nasser’s regime over Egypt was unstable, and therefore prompting these nations to withdraw any financial or military support. After the operation failed, Israeli defence minister Pinhas Lavon was implicated in orchestrating the bombing attacks and was consequently forced to resign, leading to the incident being referred to as the Lavon Affair. Israel continued to publicly deny that they’d had any involvement in the Lavon Affair until as recently as 2005; the surviving Egyptian agents who had been involved in the attacks were awarded certificates of appreciation by the then President of Israel, Moshe Katsav - the covert agent equivalent of a participation medal.
But that isn’t the last piece of military subterfuge we’ve got on the docket today. Far from it, in fact. So let’s dive into the infamous Gulf War Syndrome cover up.
Following the end of the Gulf War – which took place between 1990 and 1991 – a concerning number of veterans who had fought in the conflict reported developing unusual symptoms after returning home. Reports came in from Gulf War veterans in the United States, Canada, Austria and Denmark. But for those returning home to the UK and suffering from this strange Gulf War Syndrome, the health issues they reported would be suspiciously silenced… In every reported case, soldiers who had been previously fit and healthy seemed to suddenly develop a litany of unusual illnesses and symptoms.
These ranged from experiencing chronic fatigue, hypertension, muscle pain, cognitive issues, a lack of coordination, outbreaks of rashes and other skin conditions, diarrhea, as well as symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What made this so unusual though, compared to the illnesses suffered by veterans of previous wars, was that there seemed to be a much higher rate of symptoms and at much greater intensity among those who’d fought in the Gulf War. The primary cause that’s been attributed to this is exposure to sub-lethal amounts of chemical warfare agents, particularly nerve gas, as well as the inhalation of smoke from oil well fires, and exposure to pesticides and depleted uranium.
In the United Kingdom, several assessments of the affected veterans were carried out to determine if there was any link between those experiencing these symptoms. But Kings College London was unable to determine any common causality among sufferers. Meanwhile, other countries like the United States were quicker to recognize the existence of this Gulf War Syndrome.
The UK’s Ministry of Defence vehemently denied that such a condition existed, despite the overwhelming evidence among veterans from the Gulf War. They would eventually relent in 2005, and subsequent research was conducted in 2009 that further confirmed Gulf War veterans were more likely to report symptoms compared to other veterans. They were also twice as likely to have suffered from PTSD and reported a poorer quality of life following their service.
However, as recently as 2010, an overwhelming majority of the UK’s Gulf War veterans hadn’t received any form of compensation from their government and claims for war pensions have been denied to those who served in the Gulf War and reported to be suffering with Gulf War Syndrome. Sometimes, governments conspire to shaft large groups of people. Sometimes, it’s just one very unfortunate dude.
Welcome to The Dryfus Affair The Dryfus Affair took place in France between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It surrounded one Alfred Dryfus, an artillery captain within the French army. In 1894, after a seemingly damning letter of evidence was discovered, Dryfus was accused of selling French military secrets to Germany and was convicted of treason… Wrongly convicted.
Working in the German Embassy in Paris, a French spy named Major Hubert-Joseph Henry uncovered a partially ripped up letter in a waste basket. The handwriting that had been used to pen the letter resembled that of Dryfus, leading to what would become a controversial arrest and accusation levied against the man. The public were quick to believe the charges slammed against Dryfus owed purely to the fact that he was Jewish.
Antisemitic groups in France at the time amplified the notion of his guilt, especially the newspaper La Libre Parole, which claimed that Dryfus exemplified the disloyalty of French Jews. Dryfus was court-martialed and sentenced to life in prison on Devil’s Island, located off the coast of French Guiana. In a harrowing public ceremony following his conviction, he had the French army’s insignia torn off his uniform and his sword broken before being paraded in front of a crowd who hurled antisemitic insults at him and even called for Dryfus to be executed for treason.
However, in 1896, evidence would come to light that implicated a different French officer, named Ferdinand Walsin-Esterhazy, as the true traitor. This started swaying public support for Dryfus, but after Esterhazy’s subsequent court martial, he was quickly found not guilty and fled the country. Dryfus was court-martialed a second time in 1899, and found guilty again, yet France was still deeply divided over the case.
Days later, Dryfus received a full pardon from the French president, and then in 1906 he would be fully exonerated and reinstated into the army. Antisemitism is undeniably a horrible blight on the planet. Just like nuclear war.
And what do we have to thank for that? The Manhattan Project, of course! In a post Oppenheimer world, almost everyone’s heard of the Manhattan Project, the infamous World War Two collaborative research and development program between the United States, United Kingdom and Canada that produced the very first nuclear weapons, irreversibly altering the course of history.
Between 1942 and 1946, the project resulted in two distinct types of bombs; the Thin Man, a fission based nuclear weapon, and the Little Boy, the more complex, implosion type nuclear weapon, both designed by nuclear physicist and the destroyer of worlds himself, J. Robert Oppenheimer. But at the time, public knowledge about the Manhattan Project was severely limited.
The goal of security officials linked to the Manhattan Project was to keep word about the development of atomic bombs from reaching Nazi Germany and their Axis power allies, in particular Japan, who would suffer the first ever nuclear attacks in history as a direct result of the Manhattan Project. Details of the program were also kept a secret from the Soviet Union; despite the USSR being aligned with the USA, UK and other Allied Forces, the United States regarded them as a potential future enemy. However, some Soviet spies were successful in infiltrating the Manhattan Project headquarters in Los Alamos, and disseminated information about the program back to Russia, which helped speed up the development of the Soviets’ very own nuclear bombs.
There were also a surprising amount of leaks during the 1940s from American journalists, some of them small and inconsequential, but others far more damning. Around the time of the Second World War, the United States operated a program of voluntary press censorship that allowed its Office of Censorship to… sternly rebuke journalists that reported on a list of prohibited topics. Essentially, any censorship that took place usually went into effect after important information had already been published.
One of the worst violations in relation to the Manhattan Project occurred in 1944, when a reporter for the Cleveland Press, the unfortunately named John Raper, discovered that a military operation was occurring in Los Alamos while he had been on vacation in New Mexico. Raper had no idea that atomic bombs were being developed there, but he erroneously reported the location and approximate size of a classified military science facility, n provided local witness accounts of explosives being tested on the site, and worst of all, he named Oppenheimer as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project. At the behest of Major General Leslie Groves, the US Army’s director of the Manhattan Project, the Office of Censorship was able to prevent any follow up articles being published.
This included one being planned by Time magazine, to ensure further information about the project couldn’t be spread any further. Groves also considered drafting John Raper in retaliation for his article, only relenting when he learned that the journalist was in his sixties, and hardly at a prime age to be forced into military service. Next up is a scientific study that breached moral and ethical boundaries on a truly unprecedented scale.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a study that ran from 1932 until 1972. Funded by the United States government and carried out by the US Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the goal of the research project was to examine the effects and symptoms of syphilis when left untreated. And at the time, there was no known cure for the disease.
In order to make their observations, the Public Health Service enrolled around six hundred impoverished African American sharecroppers - 399 with syphilis and 201 without - many of whom had never even visited a doctor before. They were enticed by an offer of free medical care, however the people behind the study intentionally refused to explain exactly what they were examining in the men that would unwittingly become test subjects. Those participating in the Tuskegee Experiment were falsely told they were being treated for ‘bad blood’, a colloquial, non-specific term used in the area to describe a number of different ailments.
The participants were given placebos such as aspirin and mineral supplements, and told that this would treat their condition. However, some fifteen years into the study, in 1947, a treatment for syphilis was discovered in the form of penicillin. The Public Health Service neglected to tell these men the truth at any point, nor did they offer the widely available antibiotic which had since become the standard treatment for syphilis.
In fact, the researchers offered no medical care to these men as their condition progressed, even as some of them started to go blind, suffered other severe health problems or even went insane due to syphilis. Over the course of the study, 28 participants passed away due to syphilis, and a further one hundred died from complications linked to the disease. Forty of the participants’ spouses were also diagnosed with it, and it had been passed on to almost twenty children.
A year after the story broke and sparked public outrage, Congress held multiple hearings looking into the Tuskegee Experiment. In 1974, the surviving participants of the unethical study, along with the families of those who had died, received a ten million dollar settlement, and new guidelines were put in place in order to protect human subjects. And that would be the last time the US was ever involved in a sinister cover up… Okay, we lied, that sentence was, in itself, a cover up.
Gotta earn those secretive US government checks somehow! Adding yet another US political scandal to this list, the Iran Contra Affair saw the United States’ National Security Council becoming involved in several secret arms deals without the knowledge or approval of Congress. As a matter of fact, these transactions were outright banned by congress, and violated the government’s own policies.
Through the NSC, the US traded missiles and other weapons to free American hostages in Lebanon, as well as channeling funds to support an armed conflict that was occurring in Nicaragua. The Iran Contra Affair was so controversial that it even threatened to topple the President of the US at the time, Ronald Reagan. After Reagan – a Republican – took office, his political reach was limited by a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives, and the US Senate.
But one of his major political platforms had been to back the numerous anti-Communist insurgencies that were operating around the globe, something that the Democrats wouldn’t support. In fact, they actively brought in legislation to limit the influence the CIA and the Department of Defence had on foreign conflicts. At the time, both Iran and Nicaragua had undergone significant changes to their regimes, with the former toppling their pro Western government, replacing it with an anti-US Islamic fundamentalist one.
Meanwhile, the latter was now under the control of the leftist Sandinista government, who Reagan and his administration feared would allow communism to spread into Central America. So, without the approval of Congress, financial and military support was offered by the US to the Contras, the counter revolutionary forces that were attempting to overthrow Nicaragua’s left wing government. They attempted to pull off a similar strategy in Iran, however things were complicated when the Iran Hostage Crisis took place.
During which, Iranian backed Shi’ite terrorists took a number of American diplomats and private contractors hostage. In order to secure the release of the hostages, the NSC engaged in an arms deal with Iran, with plans to also channel the funds from that deal to the Contras insurgents in Nicaragua. These illegal arms trading activities were discovered in November of 1986, when a plane that was carrying supplies to the Contras was shot down by the Sandinistas, and the pilot was taken prisoner.
Naturally, a public uproar quickly followed in the US once this was brought to light. But that’s nowhere near as freaky as what went on… In Operation Midnight Climax. While MKULTRA’s name lives in infamy, the codename of Operation Midnight Climax is often forgotten about.
This was a sub project of MKULTRA, specifically its mind control research program that started in the fifties. The man in charge was one Sidney Gottleib, a CIA chemist and spymaster who was permitted to test Lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD on civilians… without their consent. Gottlieb was also that rogue CIA scientist we mentioned who stole all the shellfish poison earlier.
Yes, this will be relevant later. Anyway, back to Midnight Climax. The CIA paid escorts to lure their clients into safehouses, where they were administered with a wide and dangerous array of substances without their knowledge, and observed from behind one-way-glass.
The unwilling participants were pressed to reveal personal secrets, fed subliminal messages to make them carry out actions involuntarily, including seeing whether under the influence of LSD they could be convinced to carry out assaults, robberies and even assassinations. The goal was for the CIA to determine if brainwashing was possible, and how to gain control over the minds of enemy spies. They also wanted to test whether LSD could be used during interrogations, and combined the drug with intense isolation, dosing subjects and then keeping them confined and alone for months at a time, with hardly any food or water.
Hundreds of federal agents and scientists took part in these unethical experiments on innocent people before Operation Midnight Climax, and the rest of MKULTRA, was shut down in the sixties. But we know what you’ve all been waiting for… The deranged CIA secret weapon. Arguably the most infamous and unusual finding of the Church Committee was the CIA’s very own ‘Heart Attack Gun’.
This secret weapon wasn’t just a concept either, it was very real, and used in multiple assassinations. It worked by firing a small poison dart filled with frozen shellfish toxin - hmm, wonder where they got that - that would then trigger a heart attack in its target. The darts could easily pierce clothing, and would be hardly felt by the target, leaving little more than a small red dot on the skin.
The darts would completely disintegrate when entering the target’s body, leaving little trace, and allowing the poison to rapidly entire their bloodstream, causing a fatal heart attack. After death, the poison denatures quickly, meaning detecting it in an autopsy is next to impossible, causing the death to be chalked up to completely natural causes. The existence of this almost fictitious sounding weapon was revealed during the Church Committee’s investigations and was verified by Congressional testimony on the CIA’s many rogue espionage activities.
You can even find photos of Senator Church himself holding the infamous Heart Attack Gun. Now check out “Inside the CIA’s Terrifying ‘Sleep Room’. ” Or watch this video instead!