15 Secrets Only Billionaires Know

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Billionaires Know Secrets everyone else doesn't! Alux is the #1 App Rich People Use To Optimize Thei...
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as of 2023 there are 3,112 billionaires in the world the billionaire perspective on life is quite different from anything you've ever experienced and it'll definitely go against many of the things you believe here are 15 Secrets only billionaires know number one you don't usually get to $1 billion and still own 100% of your business Jeff basos owns 12. 7% of Amazon Elon Musk owns 133% of Tesla Bernard Arno owns 46% of lvmh Warren Buffett owns 16% of Burkshire haway Larry Allison owns 35% of Oracle you get the idea most millionaires are share protective they guard their shares like Hawks without realizing they're actually keeping themselves from acceler rating upwards in a shorter period of time here's a wakeup call owning 15% in a multi-billion dollar pie is a lot more financially lucrative than owning 100% of your $3 million business number two real estate will make you a millionaire private Equity makes you a billionaire the running joke around the ultra wealthy is that real estate is the dumb Millionaire game you can become a millionaire in real estate even if you don't have the brain power to do anything else ask any millionaire and they'll tell you almost half 35 to 50% of their net worth is tied up in real estate ask any billionaire and you'll quickly realize business interests private Equity make up for over 70% of their net worth the most productive way to increase your net worth is by owning a business below it up and then use the funds to buy pieces of other businesses and do it all over again number three do not use your own money use someone else's to make yourself rich you can literally earn your way to $1 million there are plenty of jobs out there where if you put your head down put in the Years stack those checks you'll get to Seven figures doctors lawyers Tech Engineers they all earn a ton of money from their salaries but you cannot get to $1 billion the same way your financial life un locks vertically when you realize you can use other people's money to make yourself rich here's how most billionaires do it step one they go to friends family Banks and Angel Investors with an idea that they're willing to go all the way to make it happen they need $100,000 to start the business and give off 20% of the company this values the company at $500,000 their 80% share of this new business is worth $400,000 and we barely started step two they get some revenue and they build a team ready to scale let's say the company at this point is making $1 million in recurring Revenue per year step three they then go to some external investors and sell 20% of the business at a $10 million valuation meaning they now have $2 million in cash and the remaining 60% of the company is now worth $6 million use that $2 million to go from1 to $110 million in yearly recurring Revenue step five you guessed it you go to raise funds again this time at a $100 million valuation you sell 20% more of the business to get that $2 million at this point the 40% you're left with is worth $40 million step six you use the $20 million to develop a product for other companies and hire salespeople this blows up your recurring revenue and in two short years your company is ready to go public step seven you file for an IPO where the company floats 10% of its shares on the public market at A10 billion valuation you and everyone that's invested in your company along the way is now a billionaire at every stage of this journey you used other people's money to scale up to hire people to develop products to get new sales and with every one of those moves the valuation went up now before you call on what we just told you know that this is the simplified model uip path has used to IPO at a $35 billion valuation and we were fortunate enough to learn from the founder along the way number four everything is a Buy Low cell High equation only the scale differs some billionaires trade in Commodities coffee Metals Etc others trade in shipping those Commodities where the cost of gas people and transport is lower than what others are willing to pay you to get it delivered others trade in Risk in debt Tech and media companies trade in attention and eyeballs buy them low sell them high use the profit to do it larger over and over again once you understand that every business is in the Buy Low sell High business the way you look at yours starts to change there are two important things to optimize if you want to be rich one what your markup is and two what your scale is meaning the number of transactions you're able to do Amazon as an e-commerce store has tiny margins but a lot of transactions Tesla has incredible margins and a decent number of transactions a business grows when one of three situations occur one you charge more and maintain Ain the same number of transactions artists use this model two you charge the same but increase the number of customers when fast food chains open up new locations and three you charge more while increasing the number of transactions luxury Brands used this strategy which actually made Bernard Arno the richest man in the world the secret most billionaires know is that once you move into a different bracket of scale you have incredible negotiating power on on how low you can buy only billionaires know that the profit is made at the point of purchase not the point of sale number five art is a preferred store of value that can easily be moved around when you're that rich most of your money is locked up in stocks other businesses or hard to move assets you don't want to keep it in cash because at that scale cash is losing 5 to 10% of its value year-over-year due to inflation so where do high net worth individuals turn to Art yep they buy art in bulk lease it off to museums around the world or seal it off in shipping containers and use it as a bargaining chip it's a lot easier to move $500 million in art than $500 million in gold or silver most people don't realize that blue chip art is one of the most profitable Investments out there fine art is often referred to as the billionaire asset for a good reason number six stocks won't get you to a billion and neither will luck stocks work well when you've got a large time Horizon and a ton of money to start with back in the 80s and '90s there was this trend of financial advice where they said if you simply invested $5 every day in the stock market starting when you were 20 years old and kept doing it until you were 65 you would be a millionaire and like G yes okay we get it the math checks out but the market is also evolving and so are costs these Financial models tell a fancy tale that's all surface and we think they do more harm than good and here's what we mean by that Warren Buffett paid $31,500 for his house back in 1958 adjusted for inflation and market value that same house costs around $877,000 in today's dollars 60 years later that house costs 28. 3 times more it's the same house nice and old didn't grow any new bedrooms take a moment to process this the house just by doing nothing has almost matched the performance of professional investors if you keep saving the $5 a day by the time you get to your million doll retirement a million will barely buy you anything it's the same with luck you might luck your way into becoming a millionaire but going from that million to a billion is a whole different ball game number seven every new billionaire turns other millionaires into billionaires remember the use other people's money example well every newly minted billionaire brings with them those who believe in their Vision enough to open up their wallets in the early days Peter teal was the first outside investor to back Facebook he invested $500,000 in exchange for 10.
2% of the company when Facebook IPO he sold 2/3 of his shares for $628 million after investing 500,000 friend of the channel Gary tan the current CEO of Y combinator was the first investor in coinbase in 2013 that initial investment of only $300,000 ended up being worth $2. 4 billion go anywhere in Silicon Valley and these types of stories always pop up make your money first and then use it to back promising businesses one of them might just be the next Airbnb number eight less than 5% of their worth is liquid average people think the rich are hoarding resources when they say billionaires they picture Scrooge McDuck jumping into a vault filled with gold coins but in reality almost all of them are paper billionaires meaning shares they own in companies are worth in excess of $1 billion on P paper the assets are worth as much usually billionaires keep less than 5% of their worth liquid and if they do need money they do not sell their assets instead they go to Banks show them the paper that says they're worth x amount and then use that as collateral for lowest loans the bank provides them with a line of credit and they go off to buy even more income generating assets when Elon bought Twitter he didn't actually sell his shares in Tesla or SpaceX in order to come up with that money the bank gave him the funds to buy it here's something most billionaires know you do not pay tax on debt so they would rather borrow that money using their assets as collateral number nine the real money is made in a crisis billionaires look at the world differently than most people poor people look at life in terms of days the middle class in terms of months the upper class in terms of quarters the rich in terms of years and the super rich in terms of decades people made fun of Warren Buffett's Burkshire Hathaway for underperforming for the past 10 years and critiqued his large cash position losing its value due to inflation but Warren and Munger were just sitting on cash waiting they were okay with losing 1 to 3% per year because when this recession hit they were able to purchase companies at 50 to 75% discounts for billionaires recessions are like the Black Friday event of the decade everything you really want is on sale and that's one of their secrets it's not the day today you focus on instead you make two to three plays per decade which are strategic for growth number 10 they all had and still have experts minimizing risk and increasing returns there's no such thing as a self-made billionaire at least not in the way that people think about them in order for you to have the time and mental space to focus on exponential growth you need to know that almost everything else is taken care of you find great accounting firms to mitigate all Financial Risk you find great legal firms to mitigate all liabilities great managers and CEOs steadily take the company to the next level along the way you have to rely and Trust other people's expertise to get you to the next level all of these billionaires surround themselves with experts who can point out exactly the inflection points and how to position yourself for them these people are called executive coaches and every big CEO has a couple of them on council at this level they cost between a few hundred th000 to a couple of million dollar per year their job is to keep the CEO focused and provide Clarity of thought very much like a coach trains and prepares professional athletes for a big game just think how incredible it would be to have one of these worldclass super coaches available to you just how quickly would your life improve and how quickly would you crush your goals well now you can my friend we pay these coaches on your behalf and you get to learn from them in the alux app for a fraction of the cost this way you have access to not one but multiple industry experts that are focused on the Practical side of growth we recently did a survey amongst star users and over 60% of respondents say they've already crushed their main goal after one year of using the alux app with another 30% saying that they're closing in fast everyone who uses the app has found it a game changer and we couldn't be more proud to be the ones behind it honestly the alux app will probably create more millionaires than any Financial book out there so go to alux. com slapp right now and just see what it does for you and your life scan the QR code on screen for 25% off the yearly subscription or go to alux.
com slapp number 11 very few billionaires are direct to Consumer most of the money is in Enterprise deals you probably don't realize this but Amazon's direct consumer isn't actually profitable instead Amazon's Cloud infrastructure business AWS is printing cash 35% year-over-year growth over $80 billion per year in Revenue almost the entirety of the internet is now hosted on Amazon's servers a company is more comfortable to pay you $100 per employee that uses your service every month here's something interesting you might not know Gmail is free for the average consumer but for us as a business on a monthly basis we pay $10 for every business email we have with Google since we've got over 20 alux. com emails for this business alone every year just for something like email we end up paying Google thousands of dollars in recurring revenue and we're just a small-sized company Google is now bringing in 6.
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