The Andrew Tate Interview - PART 1 | EP. 47

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I'll be honest with you and I I actually respect and you've given me a lot to think about and without being arrogant at my Echelon is not often I sit down with somebody and they say something that makes me think but you've given me something to think about and I genuinely I'm going to think about it yo guys season one of the George jangko show is coming to an end and honestly from the bottom of my heart I got to thank every one of you guys that have been watching it is literally a dream I'm
waking up every single day and I can't believe what we're doing season 2 is going to even be bigger so make sure you hit that subscribe button turn on your notifications cuz we're coming in hot next year also to cele the rrap of this season we brought back the apparel Church boy so if you guys want to hit the link in the description or you could go to the heartof and get your stuff there I love you guys enjoy and have a great time also I'm going to be reading comments so comment down below
this is an exciting episode let's make sure we don't disappoint sir oh why would you do just makes me so nervous now all right cool put you on the spot Andrew hello welcome welcome to the George jenko show and thank you for ending season season one what a great season what a great season um I brought my notes bro cuz I didn't want to come all the way to Romania and then like forget so if you see me looking don't get don't yeah it's a long way to come you know it's kind of the Forgotten
part of the world I I'm not Romanian but I certainly put Romania on the map I don't feel like anyone talked about Romania ever ever and why did you come here I decided to leave the West I can give you a very happy funny answer do you want Happy funny Andrew or do you want serious the world is ending Andrew two different versions I want both I want both versions of you sure well I think that the Western world is in serious Decline and that literally in real time you can see it falling apart so
you have to find somewhere else to live and the world's not really that big I think that the values which held the Western world together are at some point have been proven to be false and all of it is a lie I feel like all of the metrics in which you can measure the success of a society the Western world is failing in so once you accept that you say okay the West is failing it's on its way down I can't live in the west and then you look at a a map and you look
at South America which is very dangerous and I'm not South American and I don't speak Spanish and then Eastern Europe which is where we are now preserves its culture via religion and they have some other societal what's the word I'm looking for traditions which certainly preserve the culture better it's a slower decline so I felt like this might be a good place to live unfortunately I think in the seven years I've been here Eastern Europe is catching up with the west and I feel like it's going to go down the same hole so I'm going
to have to move again but when I moved here 7 years ago it just felt like a safer Place felt like a nicer place and uh decided to leave I don't see what America or the England or the West has for people anymore okay question do you think that this generation is more evil than the past Generations that we I don't think they're evil I think they're lost and I think they're misguided and I think we're now living in a culture where I'm a full- grown man I'm 36 years old I catch myself even at
my ripe old age and high level of professionalism some times for a few seconds only a few seconds before I correct myself scrolling on garbage imagine how these 14 and 15y old children are even being raised just scrolling through these social media algorithms which are deliberately designed to poison their mind and they're going to school they're being fed absolute garbage and they have no religious connotations no God and no family unit they're just a mess and then we look at like I said every metric in which you can measure the health of a society the
crime rate and the cost of living basic things traffic anything you can measure the West just falling off a cliff so it's like how do you fix all of that so I decided to move to Eastern Europe and I had a very good time here and I was treated very well and it's a very safe place and it's a beautiful country I've been through some recently recently things changed a bit I think you get out of your house yeah yeah that's exciting well I'm allowed out my house yeah that's nice well uh if you don't
mind me asking what's the first thing you did when you got out of your house my first day off of house arrest I stayed in the house that's [ __ ] weird man I know but it was a it was a sign of resistance oh you wanted to prove that you could keep going yeah that's right I feel like you're flexing all the time like is there like like if I was on house arrest who the [ __ ] you flexing for just leave and and anything you could have lied and be like no I
stay for an extra 3 days but like you you stayed I stayed just to prove a point was it for your brother or was it for your no I was just joking about the LIE actually I have it in my notes cuz I know that you don't like lying and I I have a story about lying I was um I'm not going to mention his name out of respect for him but uh he took me on his jet we were having a great time we were about to do business together we're Courtside um and he
made a comment about one of the basketball players uh he's like he's a little [ __ ] cuz he told his uh teammate was cheating and got him in a scandal and I said well well the other man was cheating he was lying um and he goes he turns to me he goes if you have a problem doing business with people that cheat you'll never work and I One stopped immediately wanting to work with this guy two uh my provider is God nobody else um so it comes with morals if you're going to cheat on
a woman that you're building a life with and being fruitful with what the [ __ ] are you going to do to me well that's very true true and that's very valid and but I'll play devil Devil's Advocate here what the other guy said about if you're going to if you have problems doing business with somebody to cheats you're never going to do any business unfortunately he's also pretty right because it's it's R but not with Partners though I don't feel like you want to get in business with a partner I mean think about this
he he shares a family Bloodline with the person that he's robbing yeah I'm nothing to him that's true and that is infallible logic so how can I even for me my my girl right she's partner it I couldn't focus if I had to come do this interview with you and I know she's out somewhere now I have to think about what she's doing it's taking away from me so if I'm breaking bread with a man and I'm doing business with him I can't sit around wasting my time thinking about what he's doing and you're completely
right and I I totally understand that but as a honest individual I have to sit here and be honest and analyze myself and analyze my own romantic relationships am I completely faithful in the traditional sense no why is is that it's a good question I'm not I can't say exactly why that is but I I think that probably the biggest decline in the Western World I have to accept even though I partake in it and even though I am guilty of it I think the biggest failing of the western world is that men and women
do not stick together anymore I think it would fix a lot of problems I find that very fascinating that you know that's the problem you you teach men to be better men to fix their problems don't run away from it but you know that monogamy is a challenge for you but you don't want to it's not a challenge monogamy is not a challenge for you monogamy is a decision that every man must make but for you to make that decision you have to sit down and decide that you know this woman is worth me being
monogamous too which is fine I think the biggest struggle that men have in the western world today is finding a woman who they believe is worth being monogamous to I don't think men have a problem with monogamy as much as men have a problem finding a woman who they truly believe they should be monogamous too also that's something that's interesting about monogamy because we can talk about this and it can be a very interesting conversation in days of old high value men important Men Kings Warriors whatever had multiple wives and they had to look after
the multiple wives or they had Mistresses and they had children with them all and they had to look after them all in certain cultures today that is still the case in certain religions today that is still the case in the Christian world in the Western World we have said that's unacceptable we should be monogamous yeah but then you have the majority of men who are monogamous are cheating the ones who are not cheating are using prostitutes sometimes or going to strip clubs sometimes or consuming pornography so they're not truly actually loyal so you've moved the
idea of a man having three or four women he loves and taken care of to a man having one woman he's supposed to love and doing a whole bunch of things in secret you've just subsidized monogamy and you've removed it all towards pornography and degeneracy so then you have to sit and argue well why does so much degeneracy happen in the west is it because we are not allowing men to be more true to their instincts this is all brand new thoughts for me and I'm just speaking as I think but let's look at another
example right oh before can I tap in with that um so what's your example right so I have an example Christ he gives me his way and I kind of follow it if I had to follow men and their needs I'd be burned up tomorrow and I don't think it's needs I don't think I don't think men cheat because of needs I think I I well okay women cheat because of like feelings they get an emotional attachment to them men cheat because of more lustful body type of thing I've never heard of a man being
like man I can't wait to talk to Becky of course but I think a lot of it's also ego exactly so but ego what comes before ego or it comes after ego yeah a fall yeah yeah so my thing is yes when I my okay here's my theory when I was out about and I was having fun as a Christian man I was waiting for the right woman Y and I came to this guy and he goes I don't understand I thought you were a Christian and I go listen bro I'll be a good Christian
man to a good Christian woman when I find somebody who has good morals and I know that she'll have my back and she'll do good and when God presents me that girl I will be be a good man to her and he asked me something that changed my life forever he goes well if you're the Son of God and you're asking for his daughter why would that father ever give you a daughter when you treat everybody else like garbage and so I have to think I think when it comes to Blessings I believe that it's
given from God Y and to move on to new blessings you have to handle what you've been given agreed so if I've been given the fame and the money and the access to women God's monitoring me okay are you going to go fool around act like trash can you be trusted you be trusted with this daughter that I have over here kind of like that um picture that where Jesus is holding a beautiful bear behind him and then you're holding on to this lifestyle that you still want but you're like this is great and God's
like no no no give it to me show me you're ready for it and then I'll present it like any good father would be absolutely um and I did I cleaned up my ACT I was celibate and I and I was showing him I'm trying now to be ready and then I found the beautiful girl and then I became monogamous and then I have a good partnership and here's the thing I could lead that relationship anywhere I want if I wanted to be opened it could be there not saying that she's comfortable with it but
when it first started I could plant the seeds into taking it in any direction that I want correct it takes somebody with um Integrity to lead a woman in the right direction absolutely I tell people all the time I'm in charge of the relationship God is in charge of everything so when my girl looks at me to lead the house I got to lead the house but it's not from my needs cuz if it was my needs bro she's she's out [ __ ] cold that like she's not going to get the best out of
it but now I have a god looking at me and monitoring you got to love her like you love my church no absolutely everything you're saying is completely true and I agree with you there's two ways we can answer the question we can talk about it from a religious perspective and what you just described and you're right being a God-fearing man is going to lead a woman in the correct direction because of a woman is the reflection of her man and that's why you see if a woman gets with a bad guy who does drugs
she ends up doing drugs and doing bad things and a man can lead her in the wrong direction she comes from our ribs metaphorically and physically and mentally right so if I'm gonna be like you're saying doing drugs she's gonna follow my lead absolutely but I'm just talking about it from a societal perspective I'm making an overall societal observation the fact that now we have monogamous societies but because they're not truly monogamous all of the desire is being outsourced towards degeneracy as opposed to having a society where a man is allowed more than one wife
for example and then the degeneracy isn't needed you don't need pornography and you don't need prostitution if you're allowed to have two three four wives if you're successful and the point I was going to make earlier is that in certain countries this is still the case and I'm just speaking here in generalities I don't have proof for any of this but if you look at Russia right Russia is a Christian Nation there's a lot of Muslims as well but it's traditionally a Christian Nation but if you're a very rich powerful Russian man and I've been
to Moscow I can assure you you have maybe four or five wives well not wives four or five girls yeah and your wife understands about who the other girls are and she doesn't really care don't look don't care don't ask I have a Bentley I have a big house I have the children he plays around with these other girls sometimes I don't care I'm his wife and that's just how things are set up that particular man who's very very rich he's not interested in pornography he's not interested in prostitutes he's satisfied he has enough for
whatever his ego desires or his heart desires then you look at the west and you look at the most degenerate things which can possibly happen which are actually levels above prostitution and pornography if you look at Epstein's Island for example when you have very rich powerful men and they're told by the public sphere you are not allowed to have more than one woman but they don't have God to control them they're Godless then they say okay well how can I satisfy myself if God's not restricting me the society saying I can only have one woman
I'm not allowed to have four or five which would satisfy me in some regard for my ego or unhealthy reason or whatever my reason is so I'm going to end up doing things in private I'm going to end up doing things in secret and then you have Epstein's Island appear so it's kind of interesting God is important and God is extremely required to restrict people but if you take the God out of the element and you only use Society to try and restrict the sexual desires of people and tell them they have to be monogamous
you're going to end up with more degeneracy than if men were allowed to be poly polyamorous and have more than one wife does that does that make sense 100% And the reason why I asked you is this generation more evil than the last and I wanted to Circle back how you said the West is falling apart I believe that it's kind of and I always go back to biblical references not because I'm an annoying Christian but I just like truth and I and I notice that truth comes out of these testimonies that I see and
the one thing that I've realized with Humanity God or no God it's your access Y and I think that's why God reflects the heart he doesn't reflect your actions he reflects your heart cuz let me give you an example pornography don't watch porn the reason why I don't watch porn is one um it's unhealthy I for me before before you carry on I don't watch porn cuz it's genuinely uninteresting like you could you could put porn on and I'd be like I I I just don't I don't get it that's the thing and also um
for example I like to practice the monogamous relationship so when I get married one day I know my girlfriend's not going to be at the prime model look when she's 50 or whatever she is so I got to practice that this is the only woman that I have it's diligence corre um okay so opening up the access look at a man who's watching pornography there was a there okay I I fall off the wagon every once in a while I'm not sitting here saying that I'm perfect um uh about a year maybe two years ago
I I was watching porn and there was back in the day when I was growing up was like your stepmom and to me that was always weird cuz I'm like dude that's your like still it's your mom now it's your mom and then when I like freaking like last year when I tried I did a a a a KSI and sideman um thing where was impulsive inidan we did this collab and there was a girl who does porn there and I made a joke and I go look I'm stuck and and and it went viral
and I realized I'm like everybody laughed at this joke because they know what I'm saying and it's this porn style thing where if women are stuck then men would come and have sex with them yeah that's of course it is yeah that's right yep and these men are enjoying this y so what is this teaching them that you could take what doesn't belong to you and I think a lot of the things that they're programming these kids to do actually comes first through pornography because you watch it in secret and you're not really dabbling with
your men which you're watching it's it's kind of like a a mustard seed that grows yep but then the question is are they doing on purpose this is where you go deeper down the rabit hole this video is sponsored by a freaking Beast of a product that I absolutely love electric ebike now you guys always hear me talking about me riding my electric bikes but there's a bike out there right now that is the perfect bike for the holidays perfect for your wallet Perfect For Your Entertainment perfect for literally everything I'm talking about for traveling
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of children is their end goal 12-year-olds to sit there and watch pornography and want to have sex is their end goal to confuse 12-year olds to want them to try and change genders is that their end goal I don't know is that why they take down the the the country's flag and put up another flag this is another thing you have to to to understand we talk about the Western World being Fallen do you mind moving that mic towards your mouth we talk about the Western World being Fallen what even is the culture of the
western world anymore we have gang signs and we have frozen food and we have the pride flag what else like what even is there anymore that unifies Us in any regard I mean I think I I'm pretty sure and I've never tested this I don't want to find out I'm under enough Matrix attacks but if you were to burn an American flag and burn a pride flag you do more time for burning the pride flag it's a hate crime so it's you have to actually then understand is okay if this is destroying Society is it
being done on purpose and what is the end goal of it and who's doing it behind who's doing it in the first place and then then then it gets really scary I agree with everything you're saying about pornography and I agree with everything you're saying about monogamy I'm just trying to analyze the world and how it actually functions and how do you fix these things and setting examples leading by example my my question to you is this let's label uh this group of people that you're you're let's just I want to label so we could
always Circle back to it what would you like to call them the Matrix The Matrix The Matrix so the Matrix is uh there do you feel like the Matrix is hyped up using media because think about it when I walk around and I have discussions with people not a lot of people have the same agenda that the media is having and I think people are keeping up with it so do you think they're they're flexing their power let me give you an example God is all powerful all strong the devil isn't but what his power
is is lies so he confuses you God uses Faith the devil uses fear y do you think the Matrix is just full of [ __ ] and they're just fear-based oh they're absolutely fear-based so what are what what what is your goal if you had to fight like you are fighting and you're banned from what what are you banned from everything but you're on Twitter uh I'm I'm Elon bought Twitter and restored me before this I was banned on Twitter also I'm banned on why did you get banned I got banned because you get three
lives and the three lives are first you get canceled and banned absolutely everywhere and the second life is they try and put you in jail for something you didn't do and then the third life is they assassinate you and I'm now on my second life as most people have experienced in real time I got banned because I became monumentally popular I became hugely successful I became the most Googled person on the planet and then they make up a reason to get rid of you and I'm banned on Tik Tok Instagram YouTube Spotify SoundCloud Uber Airbnb
Gmail what you can't get an Uber I can't get Newber no Gmail WhatsApp you name you name an application for standing up for what you believe in well yeah I mean I made some satirical jokes of course and did you give me an example of something that you've said that you may have crossed the line I don't think I ever said anything that truly crossed the line and I'm and I'm going to stand by this because I don't believe in regrets and I don't believe in sitting here and saying sorry for anything cuz I'm not
a coward if I made a video 10 years ago that got 84 YouTube views and me and my brother were joking about how women can't park and women shouldn't drive and then I became the most Googled man on the planet and then that is found and then a bunch of feminists get upset by it I'm not going to sit here and beat myself up over that that's life a well [ __ ] happens but also like stand up comedians make the craziest jokes like I was in a comedy club and they're already making jokes about
Palestine of course I mean comedians make jokes and rappers sing about murdering people so it's it's completely a double standard to come along and say that whatever I said was enough reason for me to be canceled well that scares me cuz s censorship is the scariest thing to me in in the world at what point can we not worship Our God my phone I the day the cancellation started I'd open my phone and app by app one by one logged out logged out logged out logged out logged out and in sync I was sitting there
for two hours and every 20 minutes a new one would just log out were you scared I knew the Matrix was real I knew how the Matrix operated I knew that there's centralized power I I was scared because I knew I'd used up my first life and then I started saying on all my podcasts are going to put in jail for something I did not do when that happens you have to know it's a lie and I said it about 15 times and then 7 months later I ended up in a Cell so I understand
exactly how the world works so yeah I was scared but I also believe and I draw a lot of strength from My Religion we talk about God I think God gives you strength and I also believe one of the primary objectives of a religion which ties back into what we were saying earlier about how the world could be fixed if men and women stay together and monogamy I think the primary objective of a religion is to preserve a culture if a religion doesn't Preserve preserve the culture then it's failing in some regard you should look
at a religion and look at the culture underneath that religion and say okay is successful religion because the culture is adhering to its Creeds so I understand that is my battle if I believe in God to try my my best to preserve the culture and then you're asking how do I fight the Matrix I think you fight that bya masculine empowerment and I'll tell you why because we were just sitting here talking about how the devil uses fear and you're completely correct and think that women are easier to scare than men and I think that
now we live in a society especially in the west where women have been empowered to the point well I'm not I'm not against female empowerment I'm not misogynist but they've been empowered to the point where they're more powerful than men in most scenarios they're more powerful than men in the divorce court most powerful than men in the custody court more powerful than men in terms of the education system more powerful than men in terms of their testimony more powerful than men I'll give you a endless examples if 10 men get murdered nobody cares if 10
women get murdered it's going to be a national news story for weeks their life is more valuable and I'm not saying it shouldn't be it always has been because they can create life my point is we now live in a society which I believe is a matriarchy it's feminized and men are feminized by extension and men being feminized means that women are in charge and women are fearful so let me give you a very simple example of why I believe masculine empowerment is how we actually get closer to God and how we fix the the
fight we're in against the Matrix co co was emotional arguments they came along and said your grandma's going to die the people your grandma your grandma they used em emotional arguments emotional arguments to create fear that works on a woman a woman sits there I love my grandma most men would sit there and go wait let's just chill yeah see what happens grandma's already 94 Grandma's die so I don't think we should be taking our kids out of school let's just calm down men are more stoic and more patient if you had a household where
the man's been feminized and the woman's in charge it's over for that house they're full covid cucks head to toe 10 vac scenes you they are if you had my household where my girlfriend ran in did you see the news sh shut up this is stupid okay and it's fix but this is the point fear you're talking about fear the devil using fear absolutely correct how how does he scare people he scares cowards he scares people who can't fight he scares women he scares people who are not who are not prepared to stand up and
resist so Mass good empowerment is absolutely inly how you battle the devil you need men to be as strong and capable as possible okay this this is a great great uh uh uh pivot that I want to say everything you just said I agreed with everything you just said I agreed with the only problem that I see is when you were like shut up let me give you an example here's the reason why everything you just said was absolutely correct and as a man I could look at you and if I had children I'll be
like yo listen to this man he's he's being very very correct now my girl is going to be like well why did he just tell his girl to shut the [ __ ] up like I said shush yes yes but okay let me give an examp I was dismissive with my hand I know but you know what this means flicking the diamonds get the [ __ ] out of my face like this is what every girl here shut up and go make me a sandwich this is what this is what comes off so you're fighting
getting men to be like yes but then you turn off the women here's the problem you're trying to make men more men but men before they listen to you are listening to the girls because they just got a girl they don't want to lose them they did everything that they could to get this girl so here's the thing when you see a fireman bust into a building that's on fire he's not going to look at the be like what the [ __ ] why did you do this he's going to be like hey it's okay
look at me grab my hand come out why can't you take that approach I think I am and and it's actually funny when you say I lose to women because I'll tell you something that most people probably do not know I don't know if I've said it before I have never had a negative interaction with a female ever since I blew up on the Internet I've not had a single woman complain at me I'm so sorry could you just use your mic I've never had a single woman come up to me and say anything bad
when I was in jail I had thousands of love letters from women I've never had a single woman complain about anything I say now I agree this dismissive the the the diamonds you know in the in the light I get it yeah is it purposeful I don't want to say it's purposeful do I find myself amusing certainly yeah it's hilarious but here's the thing we could take a joke and we could we could filter the [ __ ] but females like you said they're based off of emotions they're going to feel their emotions first and
then react men are like oh that's [ __ ] hilarious obviously he's not going to tell this girl to do that most the real scenario like sweetheart come sit down everything's fine listen to me I'm going to protect you so I'm just curious to know why don't you just take that approach cuz I know you know what you're doing you're a chess master every move you make you're making it for a reason are you doing it to be polarizing there's no light without dark and I think that it's actually kind of interesting my my I
don't have many haters anymore for a while I did about a year ago there was a big group of the internet that disliked me now I actually would argue I'm one of the most liked people on the internet I think people are waking up but bro every single if you read thousands of comments they're all positive I'm one of the most liked people on the internet and I can give you reasons for why I believe that is but the very few people left to try and dislike me they they fuel conversation and it's interesting for
them to it's interesting for me to hear it's interesting for there to be debates regarding things I say but I think I I don't think I try and be polarizing I tried to be abrasive because I grew up in a world where I was hit very hard by life and I think life is abrasive and I think you learn lessons with a degree of abrasiveness I think if things are too soft and too well explained you don't learn them I and and you can apply that to nearly anything right you can go driving your car
and drive fast and you can nearly lose the tires 10 times but you're not going to stop driving like an idiot until you hit a tree and then you're going to be like okay I've learned my lesson yeah so perhaps when I display a point if I have to self-analyze and answer your question as a professional when I try and get a point across if I can do something or say something which is a bit abrasive I feel like it teaches better I'll give an example if I say women women aren't very good at parking
as opposed to females have no spatial awareness so it's the same thing but one of them enrages the world in fact both of them make them mad but the second one really makes them mad don't call women females they hate that I don't yeah I'm just warning you but but then they upset they actually get upset if you call them a female absolutely I sit on these panel shows with a bunch of women and I'll say something do you if I'll say what do you respectfully call them females I just call them female no no
but if they get offended by that then what do you call them exactly but this is my point so I can decide how abrasive I want to be you can you can you can say the same thing in different ways and then you're ask me why am I abrasive to be deliberately polarizing because I feel like it gets my message across better I feel it gets my message across better and even now the thing I just said which brought this whole point up me saying shh and being dismissive was a small way of showing a
larger meta point and The Meta point was I'm uninterested in what you're about to say and your fear I'm uninterested in your fear I get this and you somebody with a logic understands this somebody who's probably grew up with humor understands this somebody who grew up with a good father understands this so this is my thing God made you a leader 100% I'll take it okay and now you're Leading Men y but there's a huge crowd of people that you will never understand or touch because I feel pridefully you don't give a [ __ ]
you're like if you can't come on with me on this journey then get the [ __ ] bent literally metaphorically and physically well not all minds are ready to be freed they say inside of the movie but which one is is valuable enough to be free Christ saved everybody he didn't just come and pick a couple people absolutely but you can only you can lead a horse to war or you cannot force it to drink and I feel like the reason why I'm now one of the most liked people on the internet and the reason
my comments are so positive I have I have to answer that question is because I feel like I'm heavily leveraged against chaos the thing is with my brand I don't entertain I do entertain but that's not my purpose I'm trying to teach people things I'm trying to give them things even the things I sell are beneficial I have a school that teaches people how to make money online it's beneficial if you follow me you can make money online you'll start to train and go to the gym you'll listen to some positive motivational things you'll feel
more motivated I'll try and guide you towards God either one I'm not even strictly Islam I believe that if you're a religious person you're a better person regardless of the religion you choose because you have to follow your morals and have boundaries absolutely so all of my messaging is positive so as the world gets more messed up I'm leveraged against chaos as the world becomes a bigger mess as people struggle to survive to pay their bills as people become more and more unhappy as the wars start all this craziness people sit there and go do
I want to be entertained by clowns do I want to watch these streamers who are clowns do I want to be entertained or do I want a solution do I want some form of stability who is saying things which can actually help me which actually will directly impact my life in real time and make me feel better and that's me so I'm not a inter ainer in that way which is why I believe my brand has become so strong and why most people like me and it's also why a lot of people will forgive me
for being semi- abbrasive because I feel like as the world gets more messed up which it is people are going to learn some very abrasive harsh lessons and sometimes when you've gone through a very harsh lesson to be given a solution which isn't harsh you're not going to believe it to be given a harsh solution makes you feel like okay this guy knows exactly what he's talking about I was on a podcast very recently I don't think it's even come out yet and I was explaining to to somebody talking about depression which everyone asked me
about I'm going to circle back to that I have something in my notes for that yeah and I was saying that as a man your life is supposed to be [ __ ] my argument to this is people go oh I don't feel good I say good your life as a man is going to be terrible the entire time who told you at any point I don't know what the Bible says I haven't read it cover to cover like I've read the Quran but I don't think the Bible says you're supposed to be happy all
of the time the Quran certainly doesn't Matthew it says you're supposed to cast your anxiety and depression on them so life isn't going to be easier but you could go let me an example when Jesus was walking on the water this is the example I say when a storm hits the storm is still hitting but there's a difference from you drowning in the storm or standing above the storm absolutely and I think that you're always going to have challenges and obstacles storms are going to come but I guarantee you there's obstacles that you could walk
through with a smile on your face that another man could fall apart absolutely I've just been through some and I'm sure I'll have more what was it it says in the Quran just because you believe you think Al will not test you just because you believe in me you think you're not going to be tested I think being tested is a great thing for you that's how God shows love yeah because yeah because God's love is a disciplinarian love it's a masculine love it's like a father a father shows love through putting you on the
bike letting you fall over letting you hurt your knee picking you back up putting you back on the bike that's how a father shows love and God is the same your father used to push you down when you see a kid that's right your mom used to be upset about this let's time travel back to you as a child sure cuz I feel like what made you who you are now is based mostly off of how you were raised absolutely take me back yeah I think I had the best possible upbringing a person can have
which is good parents and no money I didn't get famous or Rich Young which I also thank the the Lord for I think a lot of these people who get famous online quite early I think they miss out a lot of life it's not real life it's not real life it's not real life no I had real jobs and I did real things and I was really broke and I was really on the bus and really trying to pay rent and doing real stuff for a long time I wrote a line in here and I
think you could relate to it um a poor man is broke a rich man is broken so so if you're broke you could figure out a way to be rich but if you were given everything and you don't know how to manage this life you're broken and you you don't feel like you've earned anything I've met more depressed rich men than I've met depressed broke men it's amazing you say that because there's two answers to that my first one is I love that you say that because I always say I'm not rich I'm a poor
man with a lot of money I always used to say that and I don't want to brag or anything but just because I get asked this question a lot I've been extremely successful I've hundreds of millions of dollars in fact I think our last valuation across everything we own was we almost at B now so we're doing very very yeah I'm a I'm a billionaire top G is a billionaire so we're doing extremely well that's the first thing the second thing it's actually it's great that you say that because I completely agree because if you're
born with everything if you're born with all this money that you have no aspiration nothing to actually to CRA grasp onto and trying to achieve then money doesn't make you happy but then you can analyze this from another angle right we were just talking earlier we can always pivot back to who the Matrix are who's in charge so let me ask you do you have somebody well let me ask you a question okay goe if you're born into a dynasty let's say a banking Dynasty and you're born a billionaire and you have everything you've ever
wanted ever and money has absolutely no value at all and a brand new Ferrari doesn't mean a thing you could buy one every 10 minutes for the rest of your life and money doesn't make you happy what's the one thing that's going to make you happy controlling others controlling others power yeah ego so then you sit there and start looking at things because games become real absolutely so now you're like okay well money doesn't satisfy me what makes me feel important especially if you're going to add in let's add in another angle to it let's
imagine you falsely believe because it is falsely that you're somehow genetically better than others you're from this lineage you're better than the other people and the other people the Surfs and peasants are struggling for money and you have unlimited money because you're so smart and your family's always been so smart you'll have hotty eyes yeah so then you're going to sit there and go well why did they make people put on a mask when they walked in the restaurant and take the mask off to eat and then put it on to go to the toilet
and then take it off to eat and then put it back on because I I have I have I'll tell you why because it's funny you think it's just because it's funny because it's an ego because it's ego I thought it was a test to see how far they could push some compliance tests which is the same thing so when you really understand that people who are in charge of the world are completely like you said broken they are broken people money can't satisfy them people said uh I keep referencing Co and I do that
because it was something tangible that everybody lived through that is a very easy one to reference it's this is actually it's a bad thing that could work in your favor because now they could relate to you yeah did you guys know we do live shows well technically we've only had one real life show and it went amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you and next year we're going to be doing so many more if you want me to come to your city text me here this number so I can know where to go
I'll see I'll be like oh look Chicago or oh New York or oh Minneapolis okay okay enjoy the show enjoy the show there's a they went through that so it's hard to explain to a a broke kid what a rich kid goes through or what a rich kid what a broke person goes through so this is actually a huge blessing do you think that covid and people's frustration and what happened to them link them to understand your theories more oh absolutely a lot of when I was saying during Co about the Matrix everyone called me
crazy and by the end of Co a lot of people were like Andrew you nailed it day one CU I don't think many people understand cuz I wasn't nearly as famous then but the videos exist on the internet me and my brother were the kings of Co everyone else now understands it was garbage everyone else talks tough everyone else has their story about how they went out during but you're tough now on day one of covid day one when they still had the people falling over in the street in China what was that that video
yeah they just running in the street dropping dead yep when the Italian hospital was overrun day one my brother and I sat down and had a conversation in our war room our Cigar Lounge which look very similar to this and we sit down and said if this disease will kill people like you and I military males then the world is over it's zombie apocalypse so what are we going to do and we sat there and decided whether we should hide as long as possible or we just go out all guns blazing so we decided to
go out all guns blazing like Heroes this is all documented it's on video and day one of Co when everyone else was afraid we flew to Sweden because it was the only open country and we spent the next four months ironic yeah cuz who lives in Sweden very strange we spent the last next four months in Stockholm and six nights a week in nightclubs with Swedish chicks partying while the rest of the world was locked in their house nobody talks about this nobody talks about the fact that Sweden was open no restrictions you could do
whatever you wanted nightclubs were open everyone was partying everyone else was locked up not allowed to go to funerals we were literally in parties all day every day I didn't even get sick didn't even get a cold and it was cold outside didn't even get the sniffles so we we beat Co we won Co early so even after this experience for the next two years of Co I'm trying to scream at people listen wake up and like oh they wouldn't just put it on the news they wouldn't just lie to us and try and scare
us all for no reason until you understand the good and evil in the world and you understand that's how the devil actually operates but the point I was going to make earlier about talking about how these people are broke in and money doesn't satisfy them people often say ah Co was just for money and I say that's actually a very optimistic view of the world it wasn't just for money it was for something far worse they have money they have they print money yeah they make money they are the money when when I found out
about the I just learned about how they print money I literally could not believe money real for 3 days I'm sitting around so I'm like what the [ __ ] is this so they could just print this [ __ ] money is not real it's not real they just print it it's not real Fair please yeah so money is are real and I say that to people it's not about money no it's not about money so what's about it's about power control because when you get to a certain level of wealth and I'll talk from
my own personal experience I want people to understand I come from the lowest possible socioeconomic background I come from a single mother household my father and mother broke up when I was nine I lived in luten England which is the worst town in England I grew up and went to a school with a 3% pass rate everyone around me was stabbing each other and selling drugs I thought you said your father was one of the best fathers you've ever had he he was but my mother and father broke up and he stayed in America and
I moved to England and he wasn't financially successful but he taught me other lessons and I'm glad he didn't give me money because I think that a harsh upbringing and a harsh life makes a man a man I don't think you learn a lesson in any other way but I come from the absolute bottom and now I'm up at a position where we have a very large empire a lot of it Shadow most people don't know what it is but even our overt things even our University and things that are online are turning over $520
million a week so we're doing crazy sums of money so I've been from the absolute bottom to the absolute top I've seen it all and once you get past a certain level of wealth once you get past a certain level of money yeah but then you re then you understand what money is right so we say about money not being real money is not real from a governmental perspective because they just print it it's nothing but money is truthfully the stored time and energy of other people if you have money you have stored time and
energy of other humans because hourly rates that's right because I can take that money and make someone else use their time and energy for X thing got it so it's a different version of slavery absolutely because if if I'm going to come along and say you're no longer my slave as my slave you had to work for for a house and a car you're no longer my slave in slavery let's look let's actually look at slavery slavery began that way yeah and slavery said you work on my Plantation I give you somewhere to eat or
I'll give you my daughter yeah this is how people would work and that's why they were like oh your Bible believes in slavery I'm like slavery was different it wasn't it wasn't like there was bondages there was SL that's why the Egyptians that's a whole different type of slave but the origination of slave was like a debt I'm paying you a debt yep yep completely so let's look at even American slavery the slavery that most Americans understand you're going to work for me I'm going to give you a house and I'm going to give you
food and you're going to stay here and you're going to work slavery is abolished so now what do we do you're going to work for me I'm going to give you that I'm going to give you some money and that money is enough to only buy you a house and some food we've just put money in the middle now if I can make you do whatever I want for money and I can print as as much money as I want you're my slave because I can print it from the sky and you need it to
live so you are my slave money is not real so I have all of this money I have the stored time and energy of other humans and once you get past a certain level of wealth you understand which ties back to co that you're not interested in money what you're interested in is people it's always been about having good people around you you want a beautiful doting loving woman who's obsessed with you you want good brothers who will stand by you and make you motivated you want bodyguards who are going to protect you you want
you want people and then you want to look at it further down the rabbit hole you want to get more Sinister if you've been born into a lineage or a dnasty or the people who control the world you want people you want robot people you don't want to be spoken to disrespectfully in your Empire in your podcast Empire right you now have a podcast would you allow a member of staff to come along and say this is [ __ ] I don't like how you do this this is [ __ ] I you're [ __
] would you fire him I don't know if I would fire them I would first try to teach them how to behave and if they didn't listen they're out absolutely so let's imagine you r a country okay all right you let's imagine you ran the world and then then let's imagine there's this guy called top G who sits down there and because because the most Googled man in the world for telling the world that make that CO's a lie and you're making everybody run around and do everything you say you're going to allow that person
to get away with it and now you start to understand Ah that's how the Matrix operates so the people who are broken raised on money are so obsessed with power and control which is which explains a lot of the society we're in because they don't look up to God these people think they are God that's that's the biggest fault and and they're trying to make robots of us all they're trying to enslave us I I I you know it bothers me more than anything is when I walk into an establishment and the person who's working
is like go to there and they point at a machine what breaks my heart is that machine is going to replace you yep and you have no idea so you've gotten in a place where the person above you is encouraging you to be rep that's like hey see yourself out legitimately y see yourself out but people don't think they don't and they lack absolutely lack perspicacity and then you go further down the rabbit hole because like I said there's layers to the rabbit hole how I don't how Alex Jones you want me to go but
he's right about a he's right about a lot of things so you're an Alex Jones fan I I like a lot of the things he says and I'm not saying I agree with everything he says but a lot of the things he says have been proven to be absolutely true you know you say conspiracy theorist nowadays that just means you're ahead of the curve unfortunately and Alex was talking about and a lot of other people talking about and there's a lot of text which talks about the fact that the people who are in charge of
the world they believe that as AI improves a huge percentage of the planet are going to become useless ears they don't need you anymore I'll give that actually scares me the guy who created it even is scared of it well that's the thing so let's let's give a thought experiment as it stands right now most people are so uninteresting and so unremarkable that you could replace them online with a chat GPT ball and you wouldn't really know this genuinely that's how boring most humans are if you're special and remarkable and unique and you're famous or
you do whatever that's different but most people you could replace with chat GPT by text you wouldn't even notice and that is a free application which is brand new imagine we're going to be in 20 years from now so we start talking about useless eaters this has been discussed by very important very powerful people at length the same people who are trying to give you the vaccine are talking about the fact that the population of the earth needs to decline why do they why do we need they say it Bill Gates says it why do
we need to get rid of people well machines will do it so why do we need people sitting around who have hopes dreams aspirations they want Health Care they want safety security children all of this garbage we just need somebody to do X job and a machine can do X job so what do we need these people for so then you start looking I find it weird that Hollywood was the first one to strike about it but it was about actors well yeah because have you ever asked chat GPT to write a movie like that
bro it's better than anything you've seen in Hollywood in a long time there's no woke [ __ ] there's no trans lesbian black double [ __ ] [ __ ] hero so it's you know what's so funny is that like this episode is definitely going to like [ __ ] my account up but I'm in for it I I like i' rather be like real and like if I got God forbid if I passed away I just want to make sure that I was authentic absolutely and so I'm really I'm really enjoying this conversation absolutely
um so they're going to wipe people out with robots how do you get in the way of that so you want to be the Superman of this generation it's not about me it's not it's not about me trying to be the Superman because I'm not that arrogant I it's just about me understanding what I know is going to happen and feeling like if God has given me a platform which people listen to me I should at least tell the truth of what's going to happen when I'm sitting there and saying to men look Life as
a man is [ __ ] it's always been [ __ ] it's never been good when men wake up and say I'm depressed and life is hard and I'm sad and I'm struggling right now I say okay throughout history men have always struggled happiness is for children and women name a time in history it was better to be a man was it better to be a man in World War II was it better to be man on the Titanic was it better to be a man in the Napoleonic Wars was it better to be a
man when you were sitting in Vienna and the Mongol horde arrived ready to decapitate any male and enslave all the females when's it ever been good to be a man building the pyramids was that fun it's always sucked the only time being a man ever is good is if you become an exceptional man which is even something feminists admit because feminists sit and complain about men and say well men have this men have that but they're talking about 2% of men fascinating they don't talk about all men they say men have the best jobs 2%
of men have the best jobs most men carry trash so you're talking crap so everyone accepts that the best possible Human Experience that exists is the top 2% of men anything below that sucks as a man you're better off being a chick so what I say to men is look life's hard it's always going to be hard it's always going to suck it always has the only way to get out is to become excellent and perform at a level where your Echelon is so high that you get to live this brand new experience you need
to become strong and smart and interesting and charismatic you need to become rich powerful well-known connected you need to do it but could all men do that no so okay but I have to tell them the truth when people come along to me and say my life's [ __ ] and I look at them and go yes do you feel like you can change do you think you could change all of that just from a perspective I'll give you one um I am happy all the time now I was in a bad place because I
realized I was just focusing on bad things and I was being a [ __ ] and not fixing what I needed to fix once I fix what I I needed to fix I started focusing on the good things in life like today I'm sitting with Reed we're having breakfast and I looked down and we had a buffet and I had a crazy amount of plate like just a crazy plate I took a video of it and I looked at him and I go do you realize even the greatest men a thousand years ago wouldn't be
able to have all of this decorated on the plate and we throw this out y so it's perspective agre so do you think that you need to make more rich men or more rich in the heart men that's a very good question and when I say rich I teach financials because I think financials are important it's a tool it's a tool and you have a responsibility to take care of your family so I I think that as a man your happiness comes from feeling respected over feeling loved and the reason perhaps you're happy now is
because you have more respect for yourself because of the decisions you're making and you have self resect and I think that a lot of men even if they have self-respect if nobody else respects them they're struggling I think male depression can be be fixed with respect I want to tap into depression what's your thoughts on that I I think that it's massively overdiagnosed I say depression isn't real because I speaking absolutes I think the idea of feeling depressed is real I don't feel the I don't feel like it's a clinical disease that you catch from
the sky and it can't be fixed I feel like depression is feedback pain is feedback and your mind and body is telling you something must change and if you make those changes you will feel happier I don't buy into the idea that it is a disease I think it's situational and you must change your situation and your actions and your decisions to feel better and that's why I say it's not real it's not a disease I I have a point of view on it I wanted to share mine and see if it kind of matches
yours and if you have a a viewpoint on it sure um when I grew up I was I I like to describe myself and now a lot of people get annoyed about that and they're like why do you talk about your cuz who the [ __ ] am I going to talk about do you know what I mean like I hate that like I'm not going to sit there and talk about Joe I don't know who the [ __ ] Joe is I'm going talk about George George was raised if I came home I had
a really tough childhood that's documented I have childhood when it came to making friends I wasn't educated they didn't know I was dyslexic I had a lot of problems when I came home if I ever looked at my mom like I'm depressed she goes no you're not and she nipped it right there stop saying that and then I grew up and I'm reflecting I'm going to bring it back to the Bible yeah in the beginning was the what in the beginning was light wasn't it in the beginning was the stars and uh I should know
this in the beginning was the word the word word you're right and he created everything with what his mouth Y and everything's vibration yep people that don't even believe in God believe in energy yes okay I think that we got to a place where if I looked at you every single day and I was somebody you cared about and was like you're depressed bro you have an you're anxiety you have anxiety I have anxiety so if I'm telling myself this every single time I have a problem I'm feeding myself this Bruce Lee had a thing
saying don't joke about yourself cuz your body doesn't even know what's a joke J or not right so the philosophy that I'm going about is are you talking it into existence are you uh what's the word um manifesting it of course you are so I don't understand why people they go to a therapist or they go to medication but they won't fix their [ __ ] mouth first it's so interesting you say this because when I say depression isn't real and it's situational and you have to change your situation to feel better people often come
back to me and say well what about celebrities because celebrities live perfect lives and they kill themselves and I I argue that with the exact point you made because a celebrity sits there Robin Williams I'm depressed and instead of people sitting down with him and saying Robin listen shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up you you you're you're as famous as you can get you live the most privileged life you can live you can have a 19-year-old girlfriend tomorrow let's find out what's making you sad let's go on Safari let's
see some tigers or get rid of the [ __ ] that's making you depressed completely there's no attack towards making progress there's just trying to take the easy way out one labeling myself sorry guys I can't do it today I have anxiety or I have depression now you there might be some people out there that actually wake up and they have a lot of things on them I think you need to find God oh absolutely that's it because if you had a God you would know that you could cast your anxieties and depress on him
now having faith is a big thing for me Big Thing If I Didn't Have Faith all the obstacles I would look at let me give you an example when I first started the show I was like I don't know how but I'm going to have this conversation with you now [ __ ] crazy I came off of impulsive some people might not even want to do anything with me cuz I was laugh that kid but I manifested and I pushed and I encouraged myself I could have sat around like a [ __ ] and be
like oh no one's going to give a [ __ ] about me no one's going to do this no one's going to do that but if I can't care about myself if I can't push myself and if I can't encourage myself who the [ __ ] going to come around and do that for me nobody's going to care about you more than you nobody's nobody's going to wake up each morning and go you know what Andrew Tate only has 53 cars he needs a 54th car I'm G to get up and I'm going to work
car and buy him a car no no that's my job it did your money make you happier or did it cause you more more anxiety okay that's a really interesting question which we'll talk about actually but everything you said about depression is super true and and Robin Williams his mistake is that he went to a therapist who confirmed his bias confirmed he's depressed they then sat there and talked about being depressed three times a week for two hours a day then they put him on mind altering drugs to make him feel better and after nine
years of therapy he jumped off the building if I were to take mind altering drugs and talk about being sad all day every day I'd probably jump off a building too so it's absolutely the wrong thing you can do and I want to make a point here because when I talk about depression people always defend it I said this I was having a conversation with somebody by the way hold on hold on defending what you have depression I have depression but we don't sit around [ __ ] moping about it but the depressed people do
this is the interesting you can't get mad at us for not going in the motion that you want to go about you're trying to say that you're getting mad at me for saying that I don't sit in my depression yeah I'm not saying that depression doesn't exist I'm saying that I'm not giving it flowers everything is a mustard seed if you water that [ __ ] it's going to [ __ ] grow what I don't understand is that the reap and sew is everything that anyone does but people will reap one thing and then when
they're sewing this [ __ ] they'll be like wait why did I get this why did I get this yeah I'm like cuz you were [ __ ] yeah you planted this crop but every single day you were talking about that crop y absolutely completely true and I said this to I said this many times before I don't believe in things that take away power from me I don't care if depression is real I don't care if I'm wrong I don't believe in something that takes away power from me because I can't become depressed if
I don't believe in depression and that allows me to Shield my my mind from the idea of being a depressed person I can feel depressed temporarily but I can never become a depressed person because it doesn't exist you can lock me in a Romanian jail cell for 93 days with cockroaches I will not be depressed I will feel a little bit sad of course but I will never become a depressed person because I don't believe in it and when I say this depressed people like no depression's real it's real in my life it's taken everything
from me depression is real depression is real I said you sound like it's promotional team you sound their it's their God they're worshiping it you're worshiping it because it gives you a cure all EXC excuse for your Monumental failures as opposed to waking up and going you know what maybe I'm a [ __ ] up nothing to do with depression maybe I just been [ __ ] up maybe depression isn't real and I've just been [ __ ] up and I should fix a few of these things what have I been reaping ex absolutely and
you'd be amazed how depression will lose power over your life and lose its ability to destroy your life if you stop giving it so much respect and just wake up and say let me fix x y and Zed what can I control Let Me Clear just in case there's some people that might not catch up to our speed I do not believe that some people sorry let me rephrase this I believe that some people are depressed every single day but I believe that their steps into fixing that is one first and foremost find God immediately
two instead of running to somebody and expressing your problems every single day just sitting there just telling somebody your problems every single day find some friends go to the gym instead of talking about your problems talk about your goals talk about your dreams focus on something that is not negative if there's two wolves and I'll say this every time I've said this a few times there's two wolves Andrew one's chained up in the dark one's chained up in the light which one lives yeah absolutely the one in the light the one you feed interesting so
I could feed the one in the dark all day and it's going to live and the one in the light's going to die correct what are you focusing on correct so I'm not saying that if you're depressed that it's in your head I believe that you're putting it in your head and I believe that you could fix this by your mouth start by taking actions and taking accountability for what you are saying the people are jacked go in the mirror it sounds stupid but it's true bro look how [ __ ] jacked I'm getting look
how jacked I'm getting and guess what they start getting jacked why cuz they're motivating themselves to get in the gym eat healthier they consistently talk about their body so when bad food gets put on their table they're like nah I don't want this right now y it's all about your mouth your tongue is the sharpest thing in the world and then then we use that in the adverse right you can use that the other way around this is why I answered the light wolf because I believe that your mind was focused on it absolutely but
let's use it the other way around so you can speak yourself also positive which we know but I think there's a mistake that a lot of people make with that a lot of people are obsessed with the idea of happiness and especially as a man I think that happiness can actually be a very destructive motivator and when men sit and say I want to be happy I want to feel happy to feel happy a lot of the time you're looking for temporary headism to be happy you want to get drunk or take drugs or do
something stupid temporarily and it's very short-lived I think you should instead be looking as a man to say I want to feel proud if you choose Pride over happiness you're going to make decisions that you're proud of and that people around you are proud of and it's going to be better better for yourself and better for society and better for everyone who loves you everyone you care about I think that's the first thing you said that I disagree with you disagree I think the best thing a man can do is wake up and say what
can I do that's going to make me proud of myself and other people are proud of me let's get into our debate let's do it okay I believe that Pride it always be the downfall of you in fact God calls it an Abomination if you stand before God and you search for anything in your heart and you take pride in it you're saying that you did it not God that is my argument against that one two happiness could be today it's all perspective if you look at a tree you could look at it be like
oh me and my dad used to pick apples from that tree or his father hung himself in that tree it's the perspective so anything could be changed in a perspective so if you ask from God's perspective and you God used to walk into the room and say shalom peace be upon you so I believe you could enter peace I believe that you could only find peace when you welcome God into your life now sound like a crazy nutcase that's a religious man but I truly believe in all of my heart that money will never give
you peace yep I believe love will give you peace love comes from God and the people that are around you your mother gives you peace your father gives you peace you can't buy that and if you ask God for five things only five things Andrew your Bugatti wouldn't be there absolutely but your brother would of course so you come into the world with peace yeah and love so that's you don't think pride is one of the biggest motivators of masculine Excellence you don't think no because once you achieve it you want more and that's where
not think Mayweather decided he wanted to be proud of himself by beating everyone and just pick on YouTubers and box them of course Michael I'm not I'm not insulting Mayweather good or bad but actually I might cut that because it might jump me so Michelangelo okay he cut his ear off okay artists Da Vinci what I'm saying is some of the most beautiful works of art some of the most gorgeous Cathedrals some of the most beautiful churches you'll ever Lay Your Eyes on were done because a man felt proud of his work feeling pride pride
in yourself that being PR of course but being pride pride so you're looking at the art and you're try that's Pride you want everybody to take pride into you but guess what Andrew right now if you died regardless of all the work you've done regardless of all of everything that youve put in I'm a better man Reed's a better man divid is a better man I forgot your name I'm so sorry Bailey Bailey's a better man all these guys are a better man for two three generations but when you die you have the same grave
of a man that you hate because time moves on of course everything collects moth and rust so what's the point you don't think God can give you pride in yourself for doing the right things I think that you could find joy in it but again everything has its time so you take pride in your art but at one point all those artists became crazy bro so what's the [ __ ] worth of it okay I understand that so we can look at a bunch of different ways but you just talked about a man looking in
the mirror and being proud of his body to motivate himself that's Pride absolutely Pride to an extent right Pride to an extent but if it's your motivator that's the problem everybody needs a certain type of emotion you need fear but you're not going to live fear through we have our default emotions that we seek and this is the point I'm making because when I talk to people I think we all have our default emotions we seek and depressed people their default emotion that they're looking for is sympathy they want sympathy either from themselves or from
somebody else and they always have a sub story it's always about how hard their life was and they did drugs and blah blah blah and they want everyone to feel sorry for them they're searching for sympathy if you're the kind of person who searches for happiness whether male or female in my experience people who search for happiness end up doing head istic temporary stupid things when I find men who search to feel proud of themselves I want people to be proud of me and I want to be proud of myself and I want to be
respected they often delay happiness they often go through very difficult things and build things which are beautiful or build things which are difficult to do they often go to the other side of fear to feel that Pride I did it I faced my fear I did it so I think as a man searching for Pride or searching to feel proud is a pretty positive mindset for m achievement I understand what you're saying from the biblical sense I actually understand what you're saying but I just say if you were to take a man and say how
would you make your parents your girlfriend and yourself proud of you I agree I just don't want it to be the driving vehicle that's the only thing I care about I just don't want it to be the driving vehicle right and then I have to sit here and analyze myself is pride the driving vehicle for me like why do I even why do I even do what I do like do I feel proud of myself when I awaken people to how the Matrix works well yes but is that is that because I believe I'm helping
them or do I just feel happy in and of myself why do I own all the things I own why do I want all the things I want and it's very interesting you asked the question earlier before we got down this point when you said has money made me happier or made me more anxious and the answer to that is is both I think that you're certainly anxious when you have an Empire because you're you understand how difficult it is to maintain especially in my position right I've been hit by decal and FBI and all
these huge federal agencies who trying to take everything I've ever worked for and from your loved ones from my loved ones all the money I've ever made it's it's actually a very difficult precarious situation to be in and even if you ever get to the position where you pay yourself half a million dollars every single morning you get concerned with am I still going to be allow am I still going to be able to do this then the money ain't making you happy you're working so hard to make sure you'll always be able to pay
yourself that money that you don't even spend that you don't even need that's the pride thing I was trying to tell you of course of course this is how you hold on and it's a stomach that keeps kneading it does keep kneading you're completely right but that's also how there's no light without dark the stomach keeps kneading completely agree with you but that's also how I managed to propel myself from here to here here and I'm going to go want to beat this garbage even high so I agree with you there's no it's my gas
my gas is and then so there's anxiety did that change when you got a daughter I think in some ways it got worse cuz there's anxiety attached to my money but the true happiness that I get from my money is the fact that I can give people I care about anything I want you could set them free I can set them free yeah so I said this even to a girl I was dating I said you're happy all the time and I love this that cuz I'm stressed and I'm not complaining about being stressed I
think the masculine role is to wake up I wake up stressed I wake up and I've got a bunch to do a bunch of people to talk to a bunch of money to make Etc I'm stressed I'm not miserable but I'm certainly concerned all of the time I'm focused all of the time I'm always busy I have a lot going on I'm never relaxed I'm never at peace that's not who I am as a person do you think people confuse stress with depression I think so and I think that you're supposed to be stressed saying
so maybe they feel what you're feeling but you've you've said that it's stress which is good you need stress you need to have your back up against the wall or you going to be a lazy [ __ ] or you won't do anything yes absolutely but people might think that emotion because they feel that emotion that stress that's on them and then somebody comes out of the woodwork be like oh that's depression yeah which is a coward's ways out but I actually love feeling stressed I do best when I'm stressed I've had 87 professional fights
for about three of those fights for some reason I wasn't nervous and it really bothered me like why am I not nervous I I like feeling nervous I like being stressed I I fight better I react quicker if you ever been jump like you get scared if someone jumps out at you that's when you're the fastest you've ever been y so I think stress is a fantastic motivator it's a it's a beautiful thing but I was saying to this girl I don't get any of the happiness you get from life you wake up and you
do your nails and you shop for Prada and you get to look gorgeous and you smile all day and you get to make a cute cupcake and you bring me the cupcake and you laugh hahaa cupcake I'm concerned with real important things decot are trying to put me in jail millions of dollars have gone missing like I'm dealing with real stuff you're dealing with cupcakes but I am happy that I go through all of this so I can make you happy yeah so my money makes me happy yeah I'm a provider my money makes me
happy because every single person I love lives a fantastic life if I have to suffer if I have to suffer so 50 people can live content I believe that a man should do that I think you have a m you have a warrior mindset right um and you have people that you care for and you provide for you have your brother and you have your family um do you feel like your stress comes from holding on to what you hold dear that Pride aspect of things like I got to be top G nobody's top G
I'm top G you know where I actually think it comes from I actually think it comes from because I know I've only reached 10% of what I can actually do let's go bro and that bothers me and no matter how much money I'm making or how was Googled man alive whatever whatever I can still identify the inefficiencies in my systems I can still identify where more money could have been made and money isn't that important but like we said money is a very simple way to measure success because it's numbers numbers are easy this number
that number it's easy what does a company do when it wants to measure the success of a company it looks at the numbers what does a YouTube channel do it looks at the numbers numbers are easy so if you're going to say how do I be successful in life money is not everything but it's a nice easy way to measure because it's numbers and then when you understand it's the time and energy of other people you sit and go okay well I have this large empire now and I have all these people who work for
me and all these people I love and all these people I care about and all these children and all this going on and the world is getting more and more messed up and everything's on a decline and everything's being destroyed and certain number of people are going to become useless eaters are going to be eradicated and they're going to try and to lock us all in our 15minute cities for the climate or some garbage that's coming in no time how do I combat and fight all of this and protect all the people I care about
well I need the time and energy of others I need an army so I need money so you start waking up saying okay 1 billion is [ __ ] Tristan and he's like Andrew we're from a single mother household and our company got valued at $1.2 billion and you Own 100% of it no we need at least 10 and then you start get then I get mad and my stress comes from the fact that I don't have enough but is it for me or is it for just being able to care about all the people
I care about well from how you described it it seems like you're just gearing up for war and a man who knows his next move knows his next problems y so I think you're four steps ahead and you're looking at eight problems somebody said it do you want more coffee or I'd love more coffee could you get two more from him I someone said it and I can't remember who said it but it said that that Finance are the uh I think it was I'm so sorry could you I know you have headphones on yeah
sorry Finance are the senu I can't remember the exact saying but he said it perfectly he basically said that money is if you're going to go to war get your money right yeah of course absolutely what are we sending to Ukraine right now billions of dollars money what are we send to Israel money money money money right so if I feel like I'm going to go to war I need money and even in this war I've been in even when I went to jail right not a lot of people understand how the legal system works
but the process itself is a punishment the day I was arrested all of my bank accounts were Frozen all of my cars were seized that's scary dude yeah all of my cars were seized all of my diamond watches were taken $900,000 in cash was taken gold bars was taken all of my value was taken right so since January technically I haven't had access to a dollar it's now been a year and I don't have a penny according to decal and the Romanian legal system luckily I have some good friends who look after me but let's
say he winked at me like I had that fun I don't taken everything officially so you still don't have your stuff back no no of course not so this is my point why are you still here well I can't leave but okay are you going to leave once you can because I feel like they just prove that you can't speak here either well that's the thing that's scary if you can't speak here which is the most Christian country on Earth you know Romania outside of Vatican City is the most Christian country on the planet 99
like 98% and then the other two are like like a different denomination that's right most Christian country on the planet and all I'm talking about is traditional masculinity and do you are you upset with them for what they did or do you feel like they had valid reasons to do what they did as a man you have to take self-accountability for absolutely everything I'm still upset with what they've done however there are equal opposing forces inside of Romania one trying to lock me up and one that keeps setting me free and that's going to be
everywhere yeah so I have people in this country on my team the whole country is not against me or I never would have got out so do you feel like they're more moving towards your direction this this will be dropped I'm not going to be found guilty cuz I done anything wrong but um and if you don't mind me asking what did they try to pin you for they accused me of human trafficking they accused me of using the lover boy method which is convincing Girls by being nice to do a job to take the
money from the girls because I told two of my friends who are girls how to get big on Tik Tok that's why all of this happened to you yeah um so did somebody else plant this on you oh yeah the make got you got too big your ability to speak which that's a side point let me just finish here about what I was talking about money and gearing up for war since January I haven't had access to a single dollar now I'm me right so perhaps I have very rich friends perhaps I was paranoid and
prepared perhaps I have multiple identities who knows how I pulled it off to have all new cars again right but most humans could not survive getting grabbed from their house in January all of their bank accounts Frozen every app on their phone taken away from them their passport seized thrown in a cell and then taken out of that sell locked in their house for 5 months and then even when they're allowed out the house they still don't have a dollar how do you pay the rent how do you pay the bills how do you feed
people and this is was actually interesting because when I was in jail my number one concerns were not for me my biggest concerns when I was in jail was for everyone I care about I'd get my phone time and I'd be on the phone like okay and they're like how what's what's going on what's going on I'm like listen we only have five minutes let me make sure you get paid is this paid are you okay do you need this do you need that I just spent all my time trying to look after other people
from a prison cell with seized bank accounts did you think going to come out no I thought I was there for a very long time I thought I was stuck I thought it was over I was I was sitting there talking to people who were there then been there for four years without trial my friend everyone around me had been there for years without trial when you were put on house arrest yeah was there any moment that you cried from like happiness it's like I'm out I can't believe I'm out I never cried from happiness
and I never cried from sadness because I think crying is an act in and of itself to cry is to sit and cry I didn't do that I did have tears run down my face hey man that's crying no it's not because I was busy having tears run down my face as I'm doing push-ups or tears run down my face as I'm organizing the school for my child and my voice isn't breaking is different than sitting and crying I didn't sit and dedicate myself to crying I didn't sit and do the act of crying my
eyes leaked as I achieved that's what happened to me when I was inside of jail what made your eyes leak the most what was the most concern that was on your heart my concern was for everybody else the number one though who's the person that you were like I need to make sure that I look good in their eyes and I need to make sure that they're good of course I can answer that my children but my children are actually quite young so they they weren't overly concerned because at their age you know Dad's way
whatever um I'm not entirely sure I think it was just an overarching view of everything and I I felt a frustration because I had built this Monumental Empire and it got seized from me which is a whole another conversation we can go down when you talk about ownership and property and how the Matrix works you don't own anything well well you never do I mean you owned all this but then they're like that's right so what do you own you own the body you're in perhaps but then they force you to get a vaccine so
maybe you don't own that anymore you own your soul you can own your thoughts but then that belongs to God so then what do you even own now on this planet because I have people say to me all the time oh I'd love to buy a house and I own my house you don't own that house you have to pay property taxes every month and if you don't pay them they'll take it off you you're renting it from the government piss the government off and you'll see how long you own your house cuz I tell
you what's going to happen they're going to turn up with a piece of paper and say it's ours done happened to me so you never even own anything on this Earth no matter how much money you have right which also puts money in perspective all it is is the time and energy of other people it's all it's good for you can buy a Bugatti but you don't own that Bugatti you can drive it a bit if they let you and piss The Matrix off enough they'll take that off you too so the whole world if
you actually start analyzing how it all works it's interesting but yeah my concerns in jail Warfare absolutely everybody else and that's perhaps why I'm gearing up for war so heavily because I believe that this war can't be avoided and a lot of people ask me why with my money do I not do one of two things which is one vanish cuz I could just delete everything and shut up right I could just go away but that's not you that's not me and and I think that God would be disappointed in me so I think God's
given me this platform to tell the truth so I'm going to do it or the second thing is I could sell out to the system I could cut also not you it's not me I could sell to the system say what they want me to say promote the things they want me to promote sell [ __ ] to kids be a piece of [ __ ] and then they'll let me live but then you just remove the only thing that you do own and it's your soul absolutely and you don't want them to take that
away no no exactly I need to keep something so it ain't worth giving that up for a bit more money because I have unlimited money anyway yeah but plus every time you swipe that card when you're gone you're like [ __ ] my life dog this is any oh completely what do you have if you don't if you don't look in the mirror and be like yeah I did the right thing then what do you even have oh boom not Pride but Integrity okay well we could link the two could you look in the mirror
and be proud of yourself but it's it's interesting no but it's interesting the points you've made it's giving me something to think about it's certainly true but that's why I'm gearing up for war so heavily because this war when people ask me why I don't try and avoid it in the two ways we just described I don't think most people understand that this war is coming for everyone it can't be avoided you're either going to become someone like me who's fighting against it the counterculture or you're going to buy into it and be a victim
of it I don't think any man who wakes up and accepts the garbage that the Matrix tells them that yeah it's okay to be depressed like we just talked about yeah you should be running around doing perkys and Aderall and consuming porn and sleeping with a bunch of hoes and yeah go to school and get education and get in debt and then go get a mortgage and get in debt and then 9 to5 and just slave away and you'll be retired when you're 74 it's going to be fine all the things they push all the
standardized mechanisms that a man supposed to live his life by I believe lead to crippling depression and sadness anyway I don't think that makes anyone happy so this war is twofold you can either fight against the system and be its enemy like I am or you can accept the system and then you're be fighting against yourself in your head because now you're your own enemy because you've listened to the system and you hate yourself and you hate your life so what do you want to do if you can't avoid fighting do you want to turn
on yourself or do you want to turn on your enemy every single part of me is on my team my mind my hands my feet everything my teeth you name it if it goes to war I've got every single weapon at my disposal so when people say to me why am I fighting this War I say you're in the war too you're just going to be a casualty of it you're going to be a forgotten name not even a name you're going to be a number in Wars It's it's interesting in Wars you look at
any War they'll talk about 12,000 people died here and one of them was this guy there's names and there's numbers so if you're going to go to war you can decide you want to be a name or a number because people are going to die people are going to die regardless and this is why I teach the things I teach I say to men listen you need to become as strong as possible you need to make a bunch of money you need to prepare you need to have seven passports in seven different countries and you
just start sitting there getting paranoid and panicking and getting things done this is why I push mascul in excellence cuz when they come for you when they come for us all if you have no weapons to defend yourself you're going to be one of the 12,000 in the ditch at least when at least when they kill me they know who they killed at least they say they killed 12,000 men and Andrew Tate yeah at least I get that you have to aim for something but this war can't be avoided and everyone at home doesn't seem
to realize that here's the thing that like I'm going to put you a little bit at ease and scare you at the same time I'm ready they killed Jesus dude you know what I mean like if you think about it they killed God yeah yeah obviously he wanted it to happen thank God he did but here's the craziest part hey man this is the way of life oh oh absolutely this is the way of life and I don't I don't sit around anymore and and I don't fear it um and when you talk about uh
pride and you talk about all the stuff we were talking about I found this new confidence uh where I walk in a room and I just own it immediately um and it's a new way of thinking my confidence comes with the Lord every room I walk into this meeting I said God you go before me y you take my tongue you take my mind you take my body when you walk into a room and you have this type of Faith hypothetically say I'm an idiot say I am completely a nutcase I guarantee you I I
outworked the old George that didn't have that Faith oh absolutely and you can also play the same to fighting like if you look at the Islamic Fighters they say all glory to God God's already decided I'm just going to go in there they they're they're so calm that's and by the way that's scary dud super scary yo if you walk into a dude and he's just super calm that's doesn't care [ __ ] all that I don't even want to be here anymore absolutely yeah like if if I were to agree and if I were
to do a fight now I know that's in God's hands so I I I'd be as calm I'd be nervous of course and I'd want to be nervous but I'd know like look this is in God's hands God's already decided he all is the best of planners he will decide if I need to win and Destroy This Man or if I need to lose and learn a lesson then it's up to God that's working off of fear not faith faith is Faith is so beautiful and you could use it and fear is such a poison
bro and I don't know if you've really hung out with people that have fear it's a it's um it's an addictive person oh it's sticky it's very sticky very stick have you ever watched something on Tik Tok or Instagram and then all day you're just thinking about it and you're like this [ __ ] can't leave my brain dude I I am now limiting myself on what I'm absorbing bro I don't talk I want to make this very clear I've one of the best things about money is I've managed to create my reality absolutely I
don't talk to anyone I don't want to talk to if you come to me and say we can make a $100 million but I don't like your shirt then you can get [ __ ] that's that's my life now cuz I don't need money and I don't like you so that's who I am right so I've created my reality absolutely and the number one thing I will not do is talk to negative people I don't want to hear I don't care what your story is I don't care what happened if all you do is complain
you are not around me cuz it is sticky it's sticky to you it's sticking to the universe it leaves a residue I don't want to hear it everyone around me is happy and not only happy we're the kind of people if we're in a trench and we're getting shelled we're laughing yep like missed woohoo that's who we are bro they just hit me with the largest Matrix attack on the planet I should be destitute and disappeared here I am on your podcast I just pulled up at a brand new sports car I'm like a cockroach
and you drop the nuke to kill everyone the Cockroach crawls out with top G on the back it's all a big it's all hilarious bro it's a joke human trafficking for Tik Tok the whole thing's a joke but here I survive so you have to be that person and even my brother and I in jail sometimes we just look at each other we'd be sitting there in jail and sometimes we' look at each other just burst out laughing like this it's so ridiculous but I don't have time for negative people and and especially when negative
people come out with their sub stories I guess I'm kind of fortunate that God has put me through so many difficult things when people tell me their sub stories I'm sitting there going is that it you you're a [ __ ] up because of that you should have seen what I had to do like so I don't even want to hear it I'm an interested in it and you're right you have to be careful who you're around because you are the Su of The Five People You spend the most time with yeah you are who
you hang out with dude there's a reason why God says sheep y we're sheep yep we're all sheep bro I don't need to bring up my past but my behaviors were untolerable because of the people around me oh absolutely you are who you hang out with my father would tell me that all the time like hey cut it out bro you need to stop hanging out with these people that are bringing you down um you know what's interesting about that point before we move on it's really interesting that people understand I've never met somebody who
disagrees with the point you are the person who you spend you you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with everyone agrees with that but then they hang around with [ __ ] well you know why why where's the disconnect between those two points because people like for other people to feel bad for them they hang on to that that's their identity sympathy yeah it's their identity what's their favorite emotion sympathy like we said earlier their favorite emotion is sympathy they're looking for sympathy that's what they want that's what makes them
feel good that's their favorite food you have to choose what your favorite food is my favorite food I'll be honest with you and I I actually respect and you give me a lot to think about and without being arrogant at my Echelon is not often I sit down with somebody and they say something that makes me think but you've given me something to think about and I genuinely I'm GNA think about it but my favorite food is pride I do and I and I don't know that's a bad thing but I love when my woman
comes to me and goes you know what you just fix everything they they had you in jail Andrew you you were you were supposed to be done they're lying about you all over the MSM they're sing you're human trafficker they stole all your money they froze all your Banks why am I on a jet with roses like cuz I'm the top G that's why cuz I I'm that guy she's like you've just never failed I've never seen you fail it correct I do not fail I have something to tell you and just randomly I just
learned about this and it fits you so well sure um I read again in the Bible there's going to be so many people that like ah but I don't give sh but that's what the knowledge is my grandma is from Alabama and she's a strict Christian and she's from Alabama like down the sticks the middle of dirt mud Alabama and she uh one of my aunts is a lawyer and I remember my aunt sorry to interrupt you my aunt my aunt had a big court case coming up and she'd spend half her time studying the
case and half her time studying the Bible and I remember being in her house I must have been about 7 or8 years old and my mother asked her her name is Liz Liz why are you reading the Bible so often and she said because that's where all the answers are amen yeah so it's you keep referencing it I reference it because if I if I reference myself I'm just leading you down a [ __ ] path yeah and and a lot of people get so annoyed like you think you're so holier than th you think
you're perfect then you're not listening to me I'm a filthy dummy and I'm trying to get myself out of it yeah yeah yeah yeah Matthew asks Jesus I don't get it man why are you talking to them in parables and Jesus says because you were given access to understand so check this out you just said now I'm thinking about the pride thing I think that you weren't supposed to think about the pride thing I think God needed you to think this way but I think now you're moving on to a different season absolutely so I
think you might need to re-evaluate your tactic and we change every day yeah and and that's the whole point of trials and tribulations and conversations and that's the whole point of perspicacity in the first place a lot of people lack it feedback is such an important thing and feedback comes from life and from all areas and we actually talked about this I talked about this inside of my War Room I've got the private organization the war room where people can join and it's a a masculine Network it's kind of like a boy club kind like
guys and we talk about making money and and fitness and all these other things but we were speaking and a couple of the highle War Room guys said Andrew I want to learn to speak like you do the way you talk on podcasts is why they're so monumentally successful I want to speak like you do how do you practice how often do you practice and I tried to explain to him I said brother you're 42 years old I'm 36 years old you've been speaking longer than me so it's it's not about practice the difference between
you and I is I pay attention and I make sure that I get feedback so if I do a podcast I will watch it back and write down every time I made a mistake or every time I could have used a different word I will sit there and actually analyze my work to get better you reflect I reflect if you don't reflect and you just speak you stay [ __ ] Reed told me he goes I've never met a man and by the way I didn't even notice about this like have you ever like something
you do all the time and you don't even notice it and then somebody tells you and it [ __ ] you up you're like oh damn dude I I do do I over reflect a lot but here's the thing dude I realized this as soon as he mentioned this to me I realized how other [ __ ] do not reflect at all they'd rather watch other people than watch their [ __ ] mouth bro that video where Jack dorsy had a security guard and everybody was so mad at my opinion on it here's the thing
dude bad things happen if you get punched in the face because of a security guard yeah he's wrong for that but why the [ __ ] are you talking up to a dude eight times your size when he's angry do you have no common sense have you never been punched in the face before you didn't try to deescalate it you were talking and getting mouthy right some people need to get hit in the face for them to understand abrasive yeah it's true some people only learn the hard way especially men God gives us God's actually
very nice because I believe God gives us a whole bunch of chances to learn a lesson the easy way it's called life of course he'll give you think of think of the think of the harshest lesson you didn't even have to say what it is but think of the harshest lesson you've had in the last few years and think of how many times you had the easy way to learn that lesson you could have just stopped being a [ __ ] before it got bad think how many times you could have just woke up and
go nah but we don't do we we wake up like ah we got away with it it's fine and then bam you get hit there's only two ways to learn lessons hard and harder if you're if you're smart you take it the hard way real idiots take it the hardest way but there's no easy way to learn lessons so you're right I agree with everything you say and that's and that's how God teaches anyway that's how God is always going to teach cuz God is a disciplinarian love I think it says someone said this to
me I think in school you learn things and then you're given a test but with God you're given the test and then you learn things and that's the way it works that's why I was even in jail in the first place that's what I was there for to learn that that's why I went you're being sharpened of course I'm being sharpened and it you said earlier about me moving on to a new stage a new Evolution and I I hope that is true I hope that the 50-year-old version of me thinks the 36-year old version
of me was an idiot I think he's going to be a lot more calmer maybe yeah but but I like to consider myself pretty smart so if I'm even smarter that's great we'll see how it goes maybe I will be calmer but it's all about reflection and self-reflection looking back and that's what we were saying earlier but because most people do not self-reflect on their actions ever and you nailed it with the with the reap what you seow and they don't understand why they end up where they end up and they think it's someone else's
fault they're like I can't get anywhere in life I'm like yeah cuz you work your 9 to 5 when you come home you smoke weed and play Playstation why does everyone hate me cuz you do dumb [ __ ] and you make bad decisions people don't want people want the glory but no wor oh you tell me about it yeah not just the glory and no work they want the glory and no heat I'll tell you something man if you ever end up and I pray that you don't in a precarious legal situation you'll see
all the people who wanted to hang around you when you're famous and when you can get girls when you can go out and when you can pay bills all that they want to hang around for that but the second their name gets brought up in this heat that you're in who they don't want the heat no people people want the good people want the good without the bad hey man everybody has a Judas yeah tell me about it yep tell me about it and I and you know what you said I pray I'm not in
it I pray I'm in anything that God wants me to be a part of and you and and you and and you'll survive cuz your mind's right yeah um your father used to talk about death a lot yep God forbid something does happen to you yeah what do you want to be known for firstly I would never kill myself I like to make that clear I would never kill myself oh okay I was about to say I'm like I never said you would but you're stating that just in case I would never kill myself under
any circumstances no matter what they say and I think I'll be remembered for somebody who was Brave because I know the danger I'm in if I continue talk and when I say this just like when I used to say about the Matrix and how they lie to us all during Co people didn't believe me I want people to understand the situation I'm currently in I am the most popular person on the planet amongst the masculine youth which is the most feared demographic of any country of Any Nation you need them heavily scoped for a few
reasons one if a bunch of masculine youth get together it's not a demonstration it's a revolution that's the first thing if women start complaining with picket boards is a demonstration if masculine youth get together it's a revolution then you're dangerous cuz you don't even have a country correct all of them across the country across the world so they probably thought you were a terrorist well I could be and that's what they're afraid of so let's let's continue so I have the number one demographic The Matrix needs to S off one because of the Revolutionary thing
two because you need them they're the backbone of the slave Force you need them to build the roads you need them to do the real work for low pay they're the backbone of the SL slave Force they do the worst hardest jobs for the shittest money and they're the most depressed and most unhappy and then women don't want to date them cuz they ain't got a Lambo and they're sitting there depressed and unhappy working their ass off paying their taxes you need those men scoped you don't want me coming along saying there's another way and
and third you need them to die in the military you need these people and I'm sitting here speaking to the exact people they don't want me speaking to UK schools have banned me my name cannot be mentioned in school in the UK or you get detention you get punished my name can't be banned Google Andrew Tate banned English schools in England if a child or a student says my name they are reprimanded that doesn't make sense to me how is there so much garbage in the world that is legitimately evil and you could talk about
it let me give an example I don't think any man or woman should ever have the right to have their voice be taken let me give you an example I love Jesus but if somebody came up to me flicked me off and be like f your God blah blah blah this is that guess what hey man that's okay yeah you have every right to say that so how did you get how is it even allowed well that's the thing so we go down this path we talk about how how is the how is the mass
not seeing that that's a huge problem well this is the thing and this is why I talk about the fact that I'm afraid of assassination and some people think I'm exaggerating I'm banned from being discussed in British schools they feel like my name being mentioned in and of itself is detrimental and they banned my entire name the problem is this if I have huge control over the masculine youth with the which The Matrix fear I'm banned from schools I'm dis TR in UK Parliament as a problem you get to a certain point and there is
a level you can reach which is considered a national security threat you just said terrorism National Security threats do you know what happens once you're deemed a national security threat all bets are off yeah you're they're going to murder you oh all bets are off if you're a national security threat they just shoot you if someone if a terrorist turns up what do you do you shoot him right so I'm I'm teetering on the edge of national security threat and I'm trying very hard not to I'm going on podcast and talking about God motivation doing
the right thing working hard respecting your parents loving your woman I'm TR I'm talking about all the good things but I'm in this situation now where I'm so immensely popular when I was in jail people were started planning demonstrations and riots and I from jail I was like no don't do that if people start burning buildings they're never going to let me out yeah they're going to keep me in there forever like no just write emails happily like just stop happily happily but but it's true you know it's it's scary but also you want to
teach men how to do it the right way and I I think when people are like we got we got to fight for this cause let's burn this lady's car to me that's that's ridiculous of there's a there's a I don't know how we even got to a place where uh rioting is even a thing for to get but this is another thing that's scary about power and influence right if I were to send a message on Twitter right now with a location and say I'm going to be there in two days with no promotion
no money I wouldn't have to build a sexy video nothing there would be thousands and thousands of boys there is there one idiot probably is there one [ __ ] I bet of course there is there's a more you you get a group of anybody you're gonna get one [ __ ] if that [ __ ] does something wrong and he's been at my rally a few weeks before who fault is it dude I just said this and I got smoke for saying this when Kai had his Meetup I wasn't angry at Kai but I
was trying to let them know that famous people nowadays have a little bit more access because we could just go straight to the phone if you're in the '90s TV shows you watch them on the sitcom but now because we just dial right into your phone if Kai goes hey I'm going to be in New York now he never said burn New York he never said break the cars he never took he never told anybody to do that in fact he wanted to just show up and have a great time with the people that love
him he had a great heart for it but he has to take responsibility for that because none of those problems would have happened if he didn't tweet I'm going to be there yeah and that's the thing right so you have that level of responsibility to a degree is scary and and Kai he's young isn't he yeah he's young yeah but he's by the way great kid and people were getting so mad and saying that I'm a huge fan of Kai I love his content I love his heart every time I see him he has a
great smile he a great soul I would just saying you have to be with great power comes what great responsibility okay that's right yeah no and you're completely right so then you have to tie all that in so I I am scared about the fact that someday someone's going to say you know what this guy's causing too much problems or he has too much influence can he just why can he just crash his car can he just can he could his jet just crash can we just get rid of this guy because it fixes a
lot of issues and then you have to sit and say is my life worth more than the trouble I'm causing to these people they don't give a [ __ ] about me they don't give a [ __ ] about anybody so you do get to a position where it's scary and then you have to sit and decide well do I want to sell my soul to the devil and cuck or do I want to just shut up and disappear which is also cucking or do you want to live for something and do you want to
die as a name as opposed to a number and I've made that decision and I'll continue to do what I believe is best but I think that also and I I want to say this here I think it's the first time I've said it I don't want to take to too much credit but I do believe the Matrix is cracking I do believe now we live in a a internet where you can say things you couldn't say two years ago where information is different pendulum oh it's swinging it's swinging and I feel like I'm a
huge part of that dude I'm not here to guess you up cuz then I just look like the guy is sucking up to you again I there's a lot of things we disagree on so I'm not sucking up to you but I don't think anybody had the balls that you had oh Absolut I went guns blazing at them at the Matrix and I said I went Godless blazing at them and I said on an earlier podcast I said I this is a three-stage plan the N boys asked me and they said you became the most
famous man in the world you became the most Googled person on the planet every single Tik Tok video is you why did you do this I said this is a three-stage plan stage one was to become the most known person on the planet and stage two was to get cancelled that's how you put a crack in the dam for everybody to know who I am and then know I'm canceled and try and find me somewhere else and oh oh [ __ ] so you wanted to get canceled to show that that doesn't even matter and
I'm I'm now I'm bigger than never before so technically did dude this song has been sung before when Jesus died and then came back well there's Al also and by the way I'm not comparing you to Jesus I want everybody this song has also been this song has also been sung I don't know if it was Aristotle or Socrates it was one of them who was assassinated for corrupting the masculine youth so this song has also been sung one of them I can't remember which one was put to death because they said he corrupted the
masculine youth because he told them not to join the Army so it's scary right but part two was to get canceled because I believed when I came up with this whole idea a when I sat there and I became religious because I realized there's so much evil in the world God must exist you can't equal and opposite Force light has a darkness and I see so much pure evil the devil must be real which means God must be real and I sat there and I decided please remember before I became massively overtly famous I already
had plenty of money I didn't I didn't need money I didn't need to do any of it when I came up with my plan and I worked with the war room and we put together a one-year plan to become the most famous man on the planet and I pulled it off and I did it and my plan was to get canceled and the reason was because I knew that the Matrix had the dam had a bunch of pressure behind it everyone was tired of the censorship but when you get cancelled you vanish and I said
there's so much pressure behind the dam the crack it needs is for someone to get cancelled and stay relevant or become more relevant than before then people won't be afraid of getting canceled anymore so then they'll start to talk and when I got cancelled and I went moved to rumble and I put together the whole big Rumble thing and I put together my final message and I said my unmatched perspicacity couple was sheer into fatigue makes me a feared opponent in any real of human endeavor and I sat down with Patrick pet David I said
they [ __ ] up they shouldn't have deleted me they sitting around thinking they've got rid of me they made a mistake and then the Matrix got pissed off I got bigger so they threw me in jail which made me bigger so like all of this oh so maybe that's why they don't want to assassinate you dude but that's the final solution I know but I shut up but I shut up but think about all the people that get assassinated bro like they become Mars you know it's interesting I won't say who but a very
famous and very intelligent right-wing commentator said to me when I was talking to him about all of this and he agreed with every single word I said he said the only way out is through you have to get so big they're scared to kill you it's the only way or they're going to get rid of you if you stay in the middle you're going to go you have to get so big that killing you will cause the problems they don't want you to cause alive do you ever think have you ever uh read job no
job is a man uh and the Devil comes up to him and he goes of course he worships you you gave him everything yeah yeah and guy goes okay fine go test him but you can't take his life you can do anything you want ah this is I I do I think I carry on but I but you can't take his life and he does and so the tactic is we got to remember that life is held in God's hands not the devil's hands so this whole entire demons or these Matrix or anything that they
want as much as as powerful as we all think they are yeah they only move when God wants them to move I agree with you and when I came to this industry my mom said one thing cuz I was scared I was scared of the Illuminati I was scared all this stuff and my mom hit me with a refence that had to do with my industry Y and she goes if God says action who has the authority to say cut I love that uh you want to take a quick smoke break and then come back
cuz I have to pee really bad and I haven't even touched my nose let's do it okay oh God I drink so much water
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