From $0 To $5 Million In 5 Years: Step-By-Step Actions I Would Take If I Was Broke Again

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Odetta Rockhead-Kerr
In this video, I share how to turn $0 into $5 million in only 5 years, making money online and makin...
Video Transcript:
at age 23 I started to build a house for my extended family and the objective was to replace the old dilapidated Boardhouse that was there I had been saving from I had my very first job at age 19 and my commitment to build this house was born during Hurricane Gilbert when I know for a fact now that it was my grandmother's prayers that kept us safe during that treacherous time between my various side hustles and my full-time job by age 23 I had saved up more than most people had when they are retiring and I decided to start building that house now I know I didn't have enough money to finish it but I just wanted to start and in a short period that money was completely exhausted and what was built was a shell that was two bedrooms two bathrooms and a very large area that was supposed to be a kitchen now after the construction of the shell I was left broke which was a familiar feeling because being born poor you're very familiar with what it feels like to not have a lot but you know what when we didn't have a lot we were happy so it was okay so I wasn't too concerned about being broke I was more concerned about where I was going to get the money from to finish this house so you know what I did I doubled down on my side hustle and got them to be generating Revenue that was on par with my job and I was also fortunate enough to get promoted to the vice president level in a US Fortune 500 company and as such I got a tidy sum as a pay increase and was now making a sixf figure Us doll income so between that and my side hustle I decided to save almost everything I made and I kicked in a mode of frugality that is beyond anything I've ever seen I lived in the cheapest place I could possibly live I didn't buy clothing I didn't buy accessories I bought the basic minimum as it pertains to food and I ate at home all the time to reduce my expenses I needed a vehicle for work I made sure it was bought cash and at the lowest price possible actually it was a 10-year-old vehicle just to give you an idea of what I wanted to pay for a vehicle and I decided to live that way committed to finishing that house in short order vacationing and partying hell no and remember I was in my 20s what I did with my time was to work a full-time job during the week and then on the weekends I would focus on my side hustle and of course spending time with my son I didn't take a day off I didn't need it because I was committed to making this happen within a specific time frame so that afterwards I could live the life that I want wanted and you know what I was able to save enough to not just start back that house but to complete it and by age 25 that house was done but guess what happened again I was broke again after making millions and not having a dollar not even having enough money to put Furniture in that house so when it was done we basically pull the old furniture from the old Boardhouse and that's what we used until I decided to go to courts and use higher purchase to take furniture on credit so that was the second time I was broke after making a lot of money but it didn't stop there my career and my side hustles boomed over the next few years I started additional businesses and was earning significantly more and things were great because we were in that house with my family and it was just an amazing situation and guess what of course I go now and meet a man and it's time to construct a matrimonial home and as I've shared in many videos I think I bit off more than I could Che or I took on a project that was costing a lot more money than it had to and guess what we built a house built a life the marriage failed and again I was broke because that house took the majority of the money that i' had accumulated after building my first home and because the marriage was falling apart that property was at risk so I had to start all over again this is the third time that I've made good money and had to start from scratch from a state of being broke to again a state of abundance and just to give you perspective despite being broke three times in my life after making a ton of money I still was able to fulfill actually I broke the record because I said I want to retire from my 95 at age 45 and I was able to do it at age 42 financially independent and not having to get out of bed if I don't want to now why am I telling you this my rock stars because what I want you to understand is that Building Wealth is a system if you figure out how to cultivate wealth and to live in abundance you can do it repeatedly which is why I never fear being broke all that said I feel like I'm credible enough to talk to you about today's topic which is how to make money from nothing and specifically here are the steps that I would take to make $5 million Us in 5 years if I woke up tomorrow and had 0 and no assets and what I'll be focusing on today in sharing this are the principles of of wealth creation that you can take my rock stars and adapt them in your life to achieve your greatest Financial [Music] aspirations welcome back to the channel my YouTube family my rock stars just a quick reminder that there are many scammers in the comments they're using my photograph they're asking you to Whatsapp them to Telegraph them please ignore them so you keep your hard-earned money where it belongs with you also I welcome you to join the rockstars family by hitting the Subscribe button and if you like what you have heard so far go ahead and click that like button from now remember you can always unlike later on if you have learned nothing new or if I just talked a bunch of crap when I'm done with this video now my Rockstar s grab your pen and paper because class is in session and the scenario that we're going to assume is that I have absolutely nothing as I said earlier zero doar no assets no career no job no daddy's money or any inheritance no favors no Rich boyfriends just common sense health and my faith and I'm going to share with you step by step exactly what I would do to accumulate $5 million Us in 5 years starting at zero and with this state that I just described so the first thing that I would need to do is to cultivate a wealth [Music] mindset now to make money and to build wealth you must believe that you are capable of doing exactly that you will not attract money to yourself if you have doubt or if you lack self-belief or if you have a negative relationship with money a lot of people will say oh money is the root of all evil but you know what they'd like to be rich it's hypocrisy you need to have a positive relationship with money in order to attract it to yourself in order for me to cultivate a wealth mindset I need to believe that everything is possible because you know what my rock stars if you don't believe it you can't achieve it simply put so here's what I did or here's what I'm going to do if I'm starting from zero and working towards my $5 million us I'm going to create my why and by documenting why I want to be rich or why I want to accumulate $5 million in 5 years from $0 it will clearly give me the motivation that I need during difficult times to keep going the second thing I'm going to write down and I encourage you to do the same is what it will look like what my life will feel like what I'll be able to do when I'm wealthy because what this does is mentally it gets you into that place and it allows you to dream and that really helps you to cultivate a rich mindset because you're going to feel like you're already or have already lived it and as such it's not as farfetched and the third thing that I was going to write down is exactly how much money I wanted to be earning when I'm rich or wealthy and of course in this example because we're going from $0 to $5 million I know that I want to accumulate $5 million but I also want to continue to earn monthly at a rate that will facilitate Financial Freedom in describing what my life would look like when I have made my $5 million us it would allow me to spend a lot more time with my son it would allow me to live in a beautiful home it would allow me to have food in abundance and a great quality of life and more importantly that home would have indoor plumbing and I would be able to trade the newspaper or the Banana Leaf for cottonil toilet paper no joke by writing down your why what life is going to look like when you're wealthy and how much money you want to earn like I said earlier you start envisioning the situ situation and it becomes more probable and that's when the mindset shift starts and you are able to cultivate a wealth mindset now the Second Step I'm going to need to take on this path to accumulating my $5 million from zero is I need to determine how I'm going to make this $5 million and your goal is always to turn your passion into your paycheck because that's what creates a happy life but sometimes we have to do what we don't want to do until we can do what we want so there's an exercise that we'll be able to do to determine what I'm going to refer to as your sweet spot your money making sweet spot so again grab your pen and paper and I'm going to walk you through exactly what I would do at this stage to determine exactly how I'm going to make that $5 million so I'm going to create a vend diagram which is what you're seeing on the screen and in this vend diagram it's going to have three section and of course like with every vend diagram where it connects in the middle is The Sweet Spot and we're going to call that your moneymaking sweet spot so the first thing you're going to put on this vend diagram is things you can do that people will actually pay you for services that will bring value to people's life or products that will solve a need so you put that in one section and you start listing all these whether skills Hobbies qualifications or knowledge that you have that will be able to add value to people's life and they will be willing to pay you for that value that you're adding the next circle on the vend diagram should be your passion what is it that you're truly passionate about don't worry yet about how to monetize it cuz we'll get to that stage and the third circle you need to talk about what you're not passionate about but but the fact that it pays a lot of money because sometimes in order for us to achieve these big goals we have to step outside of our comfort zone now when you list the things you can do to make money your passion as well as the things that you don't like to do but you can make money from the actions or the initiatives that you make note of that overlap in the middle is your money making sweet spot so when you're thinking about things that you can do that people will pay you for think about your qualification your skills that can be monetized when you're thinking about things that you're passionate about think about your hobbies or those skills that you have that people say wow adeta you're so good at that and when you're thinking about things that you're not so passionate about that will make money these are those things that will take you outside of your comfort zone so here's what I'm going to document on my path to making this $5 million for things that I can do that people will pay me for on my list I I have selling products that solve a need that people have and I have helping people to achieve their goals as it pertains to things that I'm passionate about I have talking and sharing to help others to rise as you guys know I love to share and overshare I have leading and developing people I have telling stories and I have sales because that's something I'm very passionate about and I have building things and also decorating and as it pertains to things that I'm not passionate about but has the potential to make a lot of money I have physical lab I do not like physical labor guys I don't like to sweat I don't like to get my hands dirty I like to work with my mind now my rock stars how are you progressing with your list were you able to write down those items and find your money making sweet spot if you're struggling here is something you can do reach out to your family and friends and ask ask them to tell you something that they think you're good at or something that you have been able to help them with that they thought was exceptional or extraordinary because those really are your skills and your capabilities and in some instances your hobbies now when I map this out on my vent diagram here's what I concluded that my sweet spot was selling leading and developing teaching talking and sharing and storytelling to help people to rise so the next question is how am I going to get people to pay me for this and to get enough people to pay me so that I can make $5 million us from $0 in 5 years and that is Step number three I'm going to use my moneymaking sweet spot line items and I'm going to create three to five revenue streams and these are revenue streams that I can SK scale and not just trade my time for money and work active or direct income but also earn passive income and make money while I sleep my objective is to have 50% of my income coming in passively and the other 50% coming in because I'm trading my time for money and that is so important because you only have 24 hours in your day and you must sleep and this is why it's nearly impossible to earn millions of dollars or to Achieve Financial Freedom working a 9 to-5 job the first income stream is going to be based on the fact that I love to sell how am I going to monetize selling I'm going to do it in two ways for my income stream number one I'm going to sell at least two products in a store that's scalable and don't worry I'm going to share the details in short order for income stream number two under sales I'm going to sell at least two products online again products that I can scale now the next item on the list in my money making sweet spot was teaching so this is the third income stream and it's related to building my brand I'm going to launch a YouTube channel I'm going to write three books and I'm going to share the names of the books with you shortly and I'm going to design a coaching and development platform where I can help people to achieve their big goals and Rise now the fourth income stream needs to be passive income because most of the others are active or direct income and this is to figure out a way to monetize building and decorating and this is where I'm going to invest in real estate and the fifth income stream also needs to be passive and I'm going to invest in portfolio Investments such as bonds mutual funds index funds and I'm also going to do Equity investing in businesses as an angel investor or in my own businesses so now I have my five streams of income that's going to generate my $5 million do you have yours my rock stars so you know what the next step is step four is now that I have one cultivated a wealth mindset two identify my money making sweet spot and the revenue streams that are related to that and three have an idea of what the strategy is that I'm going to execute as it pertains to active or direct income versus passive income and making money while I sleep it's execution time and this is where I'm going to ask you my rock stars to pay close [Applause] [Music] attention so remember my rock stars I'm starting with nothing no assets I just have some common sense I have some natural talents and I have faith and why I'm saying that is because every single one of you have those three things if you didn't have common sense you wouldn't be watching videos on YouTube if you didn't have faith you'd probably have clicked off already to go watch something else that is more entertaining than Odetta so all you need know is to launch a strategy commit yourself to it and execute according to plan so here's what my strategy would be step by step to make that $5 million us I would get a 9 to-5 job and remember I don't have a university education or a college education in this scenario I'm just someone with some common sense so I'm going to get a job at the entry level in a call center and I'm going to work that job 5 days of the week but you know what I'm going to do I'm going to get a job at a restaurant that I know has customer cust that tip well and I'm going to work there four nights for the week so I'm going to commit myself to my 9 to5 job which is my call center job but there's only so much that I can get out of that job so what I'm going to do is I'm going to polish up my flirtation skills I'm going to buy the book How to Win Friends and Influence People and I'm going to make sure that I figure out exactly what to say how to say it when to say it and how to present present myself to maximize my tips at that restaurant because I'm not going there for the pay I'm definitely going there for the tips now between my two jobs I'm only going to be making about $1,000 per month or the equivalent of $152,000 Jamaican dollar per month so it's not a lot of money but you know what I'm going to live frugally I'm going to ask my family to help me with my son if I can live with my family I'm going to live with them because I'm trying to save this money or I'm going to get a roommate or a housemate so that I can minimize my home expenditure I'm going to take public transportation and with my son's father's support I'll be able to offset those expenses and I'm going to save 50% of what I'm making so at $1,000 per month I'm going to save $500 every month and I'm only working these two jobs for a year as a part of my strategy to accumulating my $5 million now at the end of that year I would have accumulated $6,000 which is enough money for me to start my first businesses I'm going to keep working for another few months to kick things off but as soon as the business is demanding my time I'm going to quit and focus 100% on my side hustle or the business that I'm creating now the first business I'm going to create is going to sound very familiar to you because it's going to be selling candy and I'm going to do so in a B2B model which means that I'm going to go and I'm going to meet with gas station owners vendors at schools or in different places convenience stores pharmacies doctor's offices basically anywhere where there's a waiting room and I'm going to make a proposal to supply them with candy and it's explained in the video so you can watch it to get the details now where this model differs from what I shared in my mate Millions by selling candy video is this is going to be a consignment model so I'm going to say to this service station the doctor's office the receptionist and the vendors and everybody that I'm going to give you this candy on consignment to sell so you won't have to give me any money and when it sells and you give me my money I'll give you 19 to 20% of what what I make in revenue and that is what you get to keep for helping me to sell this candy so it means that people who are selling my candy will not need to find money to be able to operate this business or to do it as a side hustle now I'm going to buy this bag of candy from the Distributors at $20 per bag and each bag has 400 pieces in it that works out to 5 cents per piece or the equivalent of $760 Jamaican dollar for a piece of candy now they'll sell that candy for 25 cents per piece or $38 per piece and as I said they'll get to keep the 19% which works out to $760 per piece of candy so for every bag of candy that they sell on my behalf they will get to keep $20 so when they sell it for 25 cents per piece and they keep 5 cents it means that I get back 20 cent and this is revenue we're going to talk about profit later on and take out expenses and do all of that so at 20 it means that for a bag of 400 pieces of candy I'm making $80 and I'm selling a bag per day which is the equivalent of $12,000 Jamaican doll per day so what I'm going to do from my $6,000 that I have saved from my 95 job and my job as a waitress is I'm going to buy a 100 bags of candy at $20 per bag so that's going to be $2,000 of my $6,000 that I have saved I'm going to put a system in place to sell at least five bags of candy per day across the multiple vendors that I have and I'm going to do that for about 3 months now five bags of candy per day at $80 in Revenue per bag equates to $400 per day which is $112,000 per month selling candy now at this juncture I'm going to quit my 95 job because I need to figure out the logistics the bearer services that need to deliver my candy because it's now time to scale to scale I'm going to go to nearby cities parishes and districts and talk to gas station owners talk to vendors talk to doctor's offices and receptionists and get them also to sell my candy because they're going to make $20 per bag every time they do this listen by the time I'm done even teachers are hiding and selling students to make that $20 per bag now there's a delivery service at the post office that I used when I sold candy in the past and it actually gets doortodoor service in 2 days for less than $5 so that's how I'm going to get my candy to the different District or parishes here in Jamaica wherever you live in the world I'm sure there's a service that's similar that you can use to distribute your candy as you're scaling that business now as I scale my objective will be to get at least 100 vendors and sell 50 bags of candy per day across all the different territories that I'm selling my candy and this is not going to be that hard my rockstars because remember when they sell the candy on consign they make money from doing so as well and they don't have to spend any money up front to make this money now 50 bags of candy daily is $4,000 in revenue and that equates to $120,000 per month which is $1. 44 million us for the year now let's assume I don't scale anymore I keep that volume and I just keep repeating that and making that money every year for 5 years I would have accumulated $7. 2 million Us in Revenue not profit remember we're going to talk about expenses and all that good stuff later on now this product I'm going to sell online to customers to wholesalers and locally to customers as well and it's going to be this Bluetooth headset that you're looking at right here now I recently bought quite a bit of these not just on Amazon because they were having a sale so here's what I would do if I'm starting from zero on my path to making $5 million because it's a bit expensive to import from China I'm going to buy my first set of stocks on sale on Amazon so I'm going to buy this Bluetooth headset for $14.
35 as you can see it typically sells for $2999 and I'm going to get this shipment to Jamaica again we're going to talk about expenses such as customs and shipping later on the plan is to buy them for $14. 35 and sell them locally for $40 because I have seen them being sold in electronic stores for as much as $50 or $55 or the equivalent in Jamaican dollars so with $44,000 left over for my savings of $6,000 I'm going to buy a $100 headsets and pay $11,500 or the equivalent I'm going to sell my first 50 at $40 and I'm going to make $2,000 and while I'm selling the remaining 50 I'm going to take that $2,000 in Revenue I'm going to go on Alibaba and I'm going to find this exact same product or something similar and I'm going to buy it for significantly less so with this Bluetooth headphone on Alibaba you'll see that the price goes up all the way to$ 450 and it goes down all the way to $2. 99 depending on the quantity that I'm buying so I'm going to buy 500 of this Bluetooth headphones on Alibaba and I'm going to pay about $33.
50 based on the quantity that I'm buying which means it's going to cost me $1,750 to buy it from the $2,000 that I'm allocating to this the rest of it can cover things like shipping and Customs cost which by the way we'll account for later on as well and while I'm waiting for that order to come from Alibaba I'm going to sell the remaining 50 headsets that I have and start the process all over again so now I'll have a th000 headphones and I'm going to sell it online and undercut that market and do so at $25 when everybody else is selling it for $30 and I'm going to continue to sell it in Jamaica for $40 cuz remember others are selling it for $50 even $55 and as such my average revenue between what I sell online and what I sell in Jamaica will be $32. 50 so when I sell a th000 of those Bluetooth headphones at $32. 50 I'm going to make $32,500 now it's going to take me a little while to sell that because I'm new to the market and I'm getting my feet wet so let's assume it takes 3 months and listen I'm being very aggressive here but when we're done I'm going to show you how to taper this back and still make millions of dollars so stay tuned but let's say it takes me 3 months to sell this 1,000 Bluetooth headset to companies or retailers who are selling it back as well as online which means I'm selling it to a global market and I can tell you this it is a product that's in demand which is why we decided to buy so much for our business to sell in our e-commerce platform today but remember the scenario is I'm not aeta at this age I'm aeta just starting out with nothing and having to find this product and figuring out how to get it sold at a rate that will give me the returns that I need to accumulate my $5 million now after selling my 1,000 headset and making that $32,000 I'm going to go back to Alibaba and this time I'm going to buy 10,500 headsets and it's going to cost me the $32,000 that I've made in revenue from selling the previous headsets and again we're going to account for shipping and Customs later on because I'm buying so much I'm able to get the lower price on Alibaba which is driven by quantity of $2.
99 per unit so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to drop my price online because I'm getting such a lower price and I'm going to sell it for $20 when everybody else online is selling it for $30 and I'm also going to wholesale it to retailers who want to sell the headphone for the same $20 so people online can buy it from me and Mark it up to $30 and make $10 in profit and people in Jamaica can buy it from me for $20 and sell it for the 50 or the $55 that they're selling it for and make a tidy profit so now I'm into a B2B business and I'm supplying retailers as a wholesaler now at $20 in revenue for 10,500 Bluetooth headsets that's $210,000 again let's assume that this quantity will take me about three months to sell although it should sell much faster now because I'm a wholesaler selling to retailers who are buying much larger quantities but we're remaining conservative so if that's the case let's say it took me a year to build up this model and to get it operating like this so four years is what I have out of the five and for four years of Revenue just repeating this process I would have accumulated 4 million now remember from my $6,000 I still had remaining about $2,500 and this is the money I'm going to use to build my brand and of course to cover some of the shipping and custom charges for the candy and the Bluetooth headphone and so on so I'm going to create a YouTube channel and you know what I'm going to share on it exactly how I'm hustling to make this money I'm going to buy a really good 4k camera like the Sony one that I'm using and the link is in my description below I'm going to buy a nice mic so I'm going to pay $600 for the camera $100 for the mic I'm going to buy SD cards of $50 because I'm doing it right because we're talking about building a brand I'm going to buy a tablet like a iPad I'm going to spend $1,000 to do that because I'm going to edit my videos in iMovie and I'm also going to buy a green screen to put behind me why because remember despite the amount of money I'm making I'm still going to keep living with either my housemate or my family to save money on this path to accumulating my $5 million so where I'm living may not be a nice enough setting to do videos in but that green screen I can add any background to it and be anywhere while sitting in that tiny house or apartment now I'm going to post three videos per week teaching people how to launch their business whether it's a candy business whether they're selling Tech or gadgets like I am with this Bluetooth headphone or any other business venture that they want to undertake and that's what I'm going to share in my videos I'm going to share vendor stories who are selling my candy and making money I'm going to share how I was able to set up my online business to sell this candy and I'm also going to talk about building a business from nothing on YouTube do you think my channel will get views my rock stars of course it's going to and this channel is going to be the launching pad for me to write my book tying back to The moneymaking Sweet Spot of Storytelling and for me to launch my coaching business but here are some assumptions so I believe that in the first year remember this is a Odetta that nobody knows I'm starting out with $0 so I don't have the brand that I had when I started YouTube so my numbers are going to be very conservative I'm going to assume that after a year I'll be averaging about 10,000 views per day and let me just put things into perspective I have not been posting on YouTube for a year yet since I started to monetize or I should say since I decided to monetize and I'm already averaging 15,000 views per day so 10,000 views per day after a year posting this kind of a content is very realistic in my opinion at 10,000 views per day because I'm talking about business my rate that I'm going to get per 1,000 views in RPM is going to be $25 which is what I get in my pocket which means that every day I'm going to make $250 on YouTube which equates to about $7,500 per month and that's for 10,000 views for the year that equates to $90,000 so year two I'm going to grow the channel and let's assume I'm able to get 50,000 views per day that's going to pay me by the end of the year $450,000 by year three let's assume we're able to get $1 120,000 views per day that's a million dollar at the end of the year for year four let's double that because I believe we can get to$ 240,000 views per day so that's $2 million and for your assuming we continue that growth Trend we will be making on YouTube about $3 million per year now I'm sure you know this is all possible especially since I shared a video where in 30 days I made about $8,000 actually 2 days later it was closer to $10,000 in 30 days for one video so this is not me being hypothetical this is me being very real there are YouTubers out there sharing similar content like I would be sharing here and they're making upwards of $300,000 per month so in total for the 5 years that I'm going to be operating on YouTube My Revenue would have been $6. 6 million us now as it pertains to building my brand I'm going to write and self-publish three books with my storytelling skills that are coming from my make money Sweet Spot the first book is going to be how I made millions and retired at age 30 selling candy do you think that book will sell my rock stars I think it will the second book is from dried damp banana leaves to cottonil toilet paper and it's a true story because this actually happened so I think that will be an interesting title that we sell and my third book would be the million hustle a 12year old could Master do you think you can do it that's a part of the title of the book because what you're doing is getting into people's psyche to think if a 12-year-old can do it I can they're going to buy that book I'm certain I'm going to sell 20 copies of these books each day which means 60 books times $20 which is going to be my profit per book is $1,200 per day and that equates to $36,000 per month which is $432,000 per year so after 5 years I have the potential to make $2. 16 million off my three books that I'm going to write now as it pertains to building my brand I'm going to launch a membership platform like a patreon where I'm going to charge $50 us to teach people and to coach them how to replicate what I'm doing and Achieve Financial success and I'm also going to have a consultancy fee of $500 to walk someone step by step from coming up with the idea for their business to launching it executing it and making millions like I have done now as it pertains to the patreons 1,000 patreons at $50 per month works out to about $600,000 per year and after 3 years because we're not going to start this initially remember we have to build the brand first so we'll take the two years to do that so for 3 years this would be $1.
8 million I'm going to assume that I'll get five clients per month who want to pay for this consultation package of $500 to build their business and this equates to about $30,000 per year and for 3 years doing this it will be $90,000 now let's add up all the revenue that we just covered so from the candy business for the 5 years it's going to be $7. 2 million selling the Bluetooth headphone or gadgets whether online or wholesaling it in stores that will accumulate $4 million the YouTube channel was 6. 6 million the patreon was 1.
8 million and to build my business and developer coaching platform that's going to be us $90,000 so in total in 5 years I would have made $20. 5 million in Revenue remember guys in all this we didn't take out many expenses apart from a few here and there so this is where we're going to assume now that things like the cost to buy the goods the logistics the shipping the Customs staff cost warehousing space because when you're selling that kind of quantity you need at least a small room to store your candy and to store your Tech utilities fees that you're going to pay on e-commerce platforms where you're going to sell your products and damages and so on let's say that 75% of your Revenue which you know that number is a big number because typically in businesses like this and of course we have our own e-commerce platform so I know this the profit margin is typically anywhere from I'd say 30 to 50% depending on the structure so 75% is really conservative but let's say those are your expenses which means that all you'll make is 25% but you know what 25% of 20. 5 million us is the $5 million that I told you that I would make in 5 years starting from zero now then I would launch phase two which is now where I'm going passive income because we can't keep selling candy and gadgets for the rest of our lives and coaching people every single day because we would be trading time for money so I'm going to retire from selling products I'm going to take my 5.
125 million I'm going to keep posting on YouTube but I'm going to stop coaching and developing because that's taking a lot of time I'm going to take 50% of my 5 million and I'm going to invest it in real estate and this is how I'm going to do it I'm going to take the 2. 5 million which is the 50% I'm going to buy an acre of land and I'm going to build six townhouse units at $150 per unit so that's going to cost me $900,000 to build and about $350,000 for the land I'm going to rent each of those six units for $2,000 per unit which means that my money coming in every month from these tow houses will be $24,000 if I do Airbnb I may be able to double that and make $48,000 but let's be conservative $24,000 I would buy a second second acre but this one is commercial and I'm going to pay about $450,000 for it I'm going to build eight warehouses on it at $100,000 per Warehouse because Warehouse takes a lot less in money to build it's really four walls and an empty structure with a little bathroom so it's going to cost me $800,000 to build these eight warehouses and I'm going to rent each of them for $2,500 which means for the eight Warehouse es I'm going to earn $20,000 per month now the other 50% of the $5 million I'm going to invest in portfolio income like bonds and I'm going to make sure I'm getting at least 7% per anom which I'm getting today so I know it's possible on specific bonds $2. 5 million at 7% per anom it means that every quarter when you work it out over a month I'll be getting in coupon pay payment or interest payment $14,500 per month from my investment in these 7% interest rate bonds and the second part of phase two is I'm going to keep doing YouTube but I'm not going to do as many videos I'm going to taper it down to possibly one to two videos per week which means I'll make about $20,000 per month I'm going to still have my book sales coming in of about $2,000 per month cuz it's passive income but the books have been out there for a while so they're not turning over that kind of money anymore so between my real estate and townhouse which is $44,000 my portfolio income which is $14,500 my total passive income that I'm going to make per month in Phase 2 is $81,000 now I'm financially free and I have the ability to create generational wealth because now I not only am making money but I have property that is generating money on a monthly basis now my rockstars I'm sure you're possibly thinking that this sounds too good to be true Odetta it sounds aggressive it sounds impossible it sounds improbable and that's where the wealth mindset that I spoke about earlier comes in here's what I'm going to say to you let's say it was aggressive but you only do a quarter of what I share over the 5 years you would have accumulated $ 1.
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