He Was CUCKED On The Apocalypse For Being WEAK But Becomes The Strongest Survivor 3 - Manhwa Recap

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Mamoru Manhwa
Mamoru here, If you want to talk with me about anything (Proposals,Business,Suggestions for videos) ...
Video Transcript:
everything starts in the future 10 years after creatures have taken over the Earth our protagonist gang fin is defending himself from an attack while telling his sister kinger run away however the monster kicks him in the stomach immediately it comes to finish him off but his sister jumps in front of the creature she takes his steel whip to her back yangin screams and grabs his sister asking why she did that at that moment he gains the power of a protagonist who has suffered and he slashes cutting off the monster's arm and head he takes the
creature's core and tells his sister that you will get holy water he then takes her to yangl Bas no three however as soon as he reaches the gate he sees two people fighting all their strength the problem is that the female competitor is our protagonist girlfriend while she is confused by his sudden appearance a guy named Cloud says he didn't expect him to survive a level eight boss Yang fin screams asking how he knew it was a level eight monster however his sister starts to agonize he says they'll talk about it later and demands the
holy water immediately but his girlfriend's opponent asks why he should give something so valuable to his sister Yang fin says he will make a and offers his ring yes it's true guys 's offering the ring he tells the guy that with it he can buy anything he wants the guy smiles but warns that if he kills him he can take the ring without paying anything the only sad thing would be letting his pretty little sister die yangin doesn't like this at all he places his sister against the wall and slashes it Cloud but the guy
just Dodges jumping away he sends energy into Yang Fin's chest and asks if he thinks he can win while so exhausted he then goes to put his finger on Yen's ring but yangin says that would only happen in his dreams and eats the ring immediately the guy smiles saying now he will have to take it by force he slashes at him saying he will cut it out of him halfway but something seems to activate in the ring and his body radiates a blinding light time rewinds and the boy wakes up as soon as he sees
the clock he knows he has 3 hours before everything starts he pinches his face wondering if he reincarnated or if he's in a dream cloud is actually his girlfriend's name and this guy was already making moves before the system and now he wonders if he should kill her now with thanor at least due to the Betrayal he has the chance to change his future and in this life he swears to protect his family and close friends and of course those who wronged him will not get off easy suddenly someone kicks the door open and the
guys ask Cloud how she has the nerve to reject the boss and stay with that loser they enter the room saying they'll break his legs Cloud says she's terrified but Yang fin knows it's all an act the guy comes to hit him but he easily Dodges the guy doesn't even react when yanen grabs his neck and makes him kiss the wall the chubby guy is confused and cloud has no idea how this guy got so strong he turns to the guy and says it's his turn to take a hit to the chin he starts to
leave the room and Cloud says he can't just walk away like that after all they did everything possible the night before however now he is cold and calculating and says it's good for her not to appear in front of him otherwise she will die he grabs his coat and leaves meanwhile she wonders how this bastard had the courage to crush her and disappear the next day outside he wonders why it's so dark and sees the black seeds he knows this is a premonition that the eruption is about to begin immediately he calls his sister when
a past life died from a stab in the back but now she's perfectly fine and in good health she answers jokingly asking if he misses his little sister however gangen just tells her to close all the curtains now he warns her that no matter who rings the doorbell she shouldn't open the door until he arrives she gets confused and mentions that she is in the dormatory which is very secure meanwhile she goes to the window and says something strange is happening it looks like people are attacking each other the protagonist calls out to her but
the call drops at least he is reassured that she survived this day in the past life too and if the ring is glowing it means there is a Summoner nearby the energy seems to get stronger as he approaches a women's restroom he enters and sees a girl crouching but she is already turned into a zombie at that moment she comes towards him the guy is a bit off because it's the first time he thinks it's a waste for someone with a body like that to turn into a zombie however he doesn't hesitate and Strikes her
with an axe he quickly grabs the crystal because he needs to evolve as fast as possible at that moment a strange man with a cloak appears these are the merchants and in the past life it took him 3 months to find the first one these guys sell items and the rank is related to the color of the cloak and that Crystal he took from the girl can be exchanged for some items in the shop just like in the past life he still gets discounts for having that ring he decides to check if the weekly function
still works using the golden Hammer it appears he realizes is an epic item but the shop dissolves unfortunately he doesn't have enough stones to buy it yet that's when he hears a scream behind one of the doors he approaches and sees a zombie going towards two girls both are obviously healthy and the red head tells her friend to hand over the knife when she tries to say something to the zombie or guy arrives and cuts down another one one the girls are startled and he explains that the woman had already turned into a zombie because
she was bitten with that the red head introduces herself as you and her friend is named Mumu Yin thinks it's a coincidence because Mumu becomes a famous biomedical scientist in the apocalypse and the redhead girl becomes a trump C for one the largest bases suddenly a monster appears behind him however you throws something at its shoulder the creature gets back up and yanfen explains that if you don't remove its head it won't die with that he gives it a full swing and goes to collect the crystal you thinks he is incredibly strong and seems to
be a pervert since he always approaches the bodies our guy on made her hand is only thinking about the potential the two have the base three where they stayed was considered indestructible suddenly you interrupts his thoughts and asks if he is looking for this he sees she has a crystal and asks where she found it her friend points to Mumu and says she was the one messing with the bodies the poor girl tries to explain that she was just studying them and it's not what he thinks with that you says it would be good if
he joined their group Mumu seems to agree and yang Fen is interested since it will make it easier to get his revenge so he agrees and the girls tell them to stop staring at them so much and go outside so they can dress a while later they come out and you was prepared for the apocalypse as she already had all the gear they talk about going to a safe place but yangin says the creatures are everywhere and are evolving that catches you's attention and she asks if they can evolve too after a while he introduces
himself and says he has three conditions they have to follow every order hand over all the crystals and Traders will die he plans to put the girls to work in the apocalypse however they talk among themselves saying he seems very competent so they agree to the these conditions with that they head to school number one it's full of zombies and you asks where they are going yanen says just to follow him and collect the crystals with that he heads towards the zombies and they think it's very risky however he just raises the axe and cuts
the first one in half dropping the crystal the artist got carried away because this panel wasn't necessary she comments that it seems like an accumulation of vitamins and minerals and maybe that's why they became zombies you wonders if they would turn into zombies too by eating it but if that were the case why is Yang fin so keen on collecting so many while they were watching him a zombie approached from behind however it seems a car ran over it a guy says that despite the circumstances he found Yu again his name is muen and he
is a fanatical follower of the girl the two already wonder why this piece of trash is there meanwhile yangin is killing zombies wondering why they are so distracted these girls seem to be in Disneyland and youu is saying the guy is the prince of the school he turns around but mutian starts talking to him saying that he could be a good bodyguard that offer reminds yangin that in the future he will be out of money and in need of food and weapons however at that moment Mumu was being attacked by two zombies yangin ignores the
conversation and kills the two zombies saying they attracted too much attention from a distance mutian tells him to come back while our guy has already run off the guy starts getting angry because even the zombies are running after him and now the trio is surrounded what Yen finds most frightening is that nearby there is a second tier flower which is an evolved creature Mumu asks if even plants are becoming zombies at that moment the flowers pollen begins to fall on the zombies anrin warns that it's a technique it uses to take control of the creatures
he continues killing as many as he can telling them to follow the path he is clearing numu is about to be attacked when you kick the monster our guy is impressed that she's fighting without any weapons then the guy approaches with the car telling you not to fear because he will save her with that he accelerates and starts running over a bunch of zombies he reaches the door and yangr tells everyone to get in with him however as soon as he's inside he shuts the door and they ask what he is doing you tells him
to open it but he says she will only get in if she becomes his girlfriend she responds that he is Despicable but he says she is wrong for denying him and being with this poor guy with that they turn to yangfan and ask where they are going he tells them to run to the back of the cafeteria with that they start to retreat while he thinks he has to deal with a flower or the number of zombies won't decrease passing through the creatures he wonders how it is already at rank two finally he finds an
opportunity and Strikes it with an axe the problem is that the plant seems to be as hard as steel it doesn't make any sense and he wonders if his return to the Past created some changes with another pollen Blast from the plant the creatures start to surround him he manages to hit one in the leg but another comes from behind then the monster gets a small knife to the forehead he asks what they are doing there and the girls say they wouldn't abandon him to die like that he notices a scratch on U's arm and
asks if she is hurt she tells him to ignore it and focus on destroying the plant for now Mumu explains that she wants to use that gas cylinder to set the creature on fire with that Yu goes to the front to hold off the zombies he grabs the cylinder throws it at the monster and lights it up with that the monster Burns and he is grateful it's a rank two creature however ever that's when he notices the creature's death pollen he warns them to be careful as it will make them fall asleep a while later
someone is walking among the zombies looking for you it is muen wondering how they defeated all that he approaches the plant and sees something on the ground as soon as he touches the pedal something shoots up from the soil and he spits blood meanwhile youu is telling our guy that she is feeling a bit dizzy he explains that she got infected and she tells him to kill her then he throws her over his shoulder and tells her to relax if she turns into a zombie he will kill her without any hesitation that's why I call
a professional at calming people while squeezing her gently he says they need to get back to the women's restroom he starts running and tells Mumu to follow him he reaches the place and the vendor is there he asks Mumu to hand over all the crystals and they get a bit confused seeing him approach that person she finds it strange to see someone standing in the middle of nowhere with that he activates the trade and disappears in front of them the two were confused and wonder if they were abandoned the poor guys is there seeing that
purification water already costs four coins that's capitalism's Greed for you but lucky Ras can use the ring to buy it cheaper that's right the oldest profession in the world after buying everything he spent 40 crystals and still has 60 left he takes the item while thinking that in this life he won't be anyone's slave no one will be able to touch a hair on anyone he cares about with that he pours the item into a bottle and thinks that for now he will keep things a secret the transaction ends and he asks how the girl
is the girl is stretched out and Mumu explains she's about to die he takes a big gulp and you know what he's going to do that's right he will use the strongest muscle in the body to heal the girl the friend is scared but at the same time M's hand starts to heal as soon as she wakes up she shoots at our guy thinking he believes this will save anyone he tries to explain it was the only way when the friend throws herself thanking him for not letting her die you concludes that it must have
something to do with the hooded guy our guy says she's smart and explains that getting close to him allows you to enter a trading area however he tells them to hurry as they can't waste time once outside he advises them to take advantage of the Fallen zombies to collect the crystals then one of the zombies approaches he realizes it's muin however he notices something and tries to protect the two girls at the same moment a Tokyo Ghoul style attack comes for you but our guy is a hero and saves her again Mumu almost swerves and
he warns that the plant has a distance limit however the two are startled she has been immobilized and scared about this that Gody fin cuts it down before the video falls apart he tells them to be more careful and she apologizes for being so slow the plant sends out a attx an attack and he warns everyone to come to their mouths however once again the creature comes from behind this persist little plant is almost killing him but he has the legendary ring that instantly purifies impurities allowing him to cut the plant its Stones were right
on that branch and he collects them you asks what it is and he says it's a second degree core that can't be eaten yet hearing that she asks if it's meant to be eaten and he says yes however at the same moment another little plant emerges from the ground and Mumu warns them to be careful he approaches and says not to worry it's an Essence with the flowers attributes you was confused and he says he'll explain later because now they have to get back to the merchant the Rascal is still in a women's restroom huh
this guy is peculiar with that he initiates the trade and buys a gun a potion and the legendary Hammer the boy is broke again but hands the pistol and some experienced potions to you she shows up with a rifle and asks if he wants one of those two he says no while showing the little Hammer she asks what that is and he activates the item saying she will see a magic circle appears beneath him and he says that with this new profession in the ring it will be hard to kill him however you says he
doesn't seem to have changed much but he just ignores it while grabbing the hammer thinking that with this new profession the sky the limit he uses the transformation on the axe which changes to a liquid form and in the next instant becomes a sword he explains that a forger can build any weapon and add an Essence he approaches the one he obtained and a blue aura emanates from the blade he explains that like the plant this blade now has the attribute to paralyze enemies Mumu asks if he could upgrade her scalpel he grabed a shower
headed for more metal and makes two small knives the two are impressed saying it defies logic he tells them to drink quickly and you doesn't hesitate in H one to Mumu they ask if they will gain abilities and he explains that only physical Powers the scientist already wanted to observe the potions and make her own but because of the current risk she drinks it quickly with that they start to Glow a little and feel full of energy he points in a Direction saying it's time to go save his sister finally you remember the poor girl
right a zombie attacks him outside the car and he accelerates towards it they arrive at the women's dormatory in building number one a bunch of zombies is following the car and they try to block the stairs using it they stop there get out and start running however ever in the corridors he feels something is not right as he approaches his sister's room the door is open and the window is broken you squats peculiarly saying his sister seems to have been hurt there our guy thinks that's impossible Mumu goes to the bunk bed and says there's
a phone there it shows that her sports watch was disconnected 15 minutes ago he says she can't be far so they go looking for her meanwhile on the seventh floor a bunch of burs are tied up in a room a guy grabs the protagonist sister's chin and says this apocalypse is great because now they can play UNO together she tells him to shut up or will get beaten by her brother but he tells her to shut up as she screams he says that's what makes it fun she thinks she should have listened to her brother
and not opened the door for anyone that's when someone kicks the door she's Overjoyed to see it's her brother and our guy doesn't look like he came to play Uno either before the guy can say anything he gets slashed in the chest the guys nearby start saying he's crazy to come alone but yangin just ignores them and tells his sister not to worry he delivers another Photoshop cut and another guy comes from above but gets a little poke in the forehead you finishes the last one in two seconds the last fool is alone there he
falls to the ground begging to be forgiven and not killed you said she feels bad for killing someone Anin tells her not to worry because these guys deserved it with that he unties his sister and she comes to hug him saying she was very scared the other girls in the room thank him for saving them and say their safety now depends on him however the boy is cold he says he rejects both of them he points to the side and says he doesn't want to take care of trash in this end of the world explaining
that if they don't fend for themselves they'll end up like those two on the floor finally mumu arriv Rod is on the top floor and he says they found his sister so it's time to go the poor girls are just envious seeing that our guy will only protect those three on the second floor they observe that the car is surrounded by zombies and our guy says he'll take care of it first he jumps down kneeing one and slashing another he looks up and tells them to come down it's all taken care of in the next
scene they are approaching some other place his sister says she's really hungry and he tells them to stop as Supermarket you says it's risky but Mumu comments that they will need as many supplies as possible to survive with that she agrees and accelerates they stop in front of the guard and yang says he'll handle it he slashes and opens the door and they're inside you finds it strange that there's no one inside and Mumu agrees all the zombies are at the windows but none of them are inside until King points out there's blood in one
area in one of the corridors there's a giant pool Mumu warns that it's human bloods so they should be careful our protagonist just tells them to go back and gather supplies while he deals with it as he approaches the glass he sees meat with blood on top probably someone cleared the zombies from inside and then attracted them to stay around found you says they found two backpacks full of supplies anr knows that even though the ring can store some items he will need more ways to stock up that's when he feels something strange on the
second floor someone is watching the camera asking if it's her ex-boyfriend next to her is Claudia dressed as a bunny saying he was never her boyfriend and that what happened in the morning was just a joke however he explains that he's a strange guy who woke up very strong as soon as this madness began he grabs her face and asks if she's lying she says no he then says she will be mistreated tonight Claudia looks at the camera seething with anger at the protagonist she says the bastard not only found another girlfriend but also abandoned
her with this pervert Wang sees you on the camera and says she's not bad and Claudia who is not stupid says it would be good if they had all three girls obviously her plan is to be spared the market guards say they have to deal with this because it's their supplies gin realizes there's a camera and tells everyone the rest as he needs to gather some things he approaches youu and warns her that they are being watched so they should be careful he whispers a plan to her a while later he's walking around since all
these items will become extremely expensive and he'll need to store a lot the problem is that currently the ring only has a capacity of 10 square m he picks up a bottle from the ground and throws it at the camera without anyone seeing he pulls a lot of supplies into the ring at that moment a mif comes flying and someone tells him to stop stealing but our guy Dodges and asks what this stealing business is about looking back he recognizes Wong Way Long a bastard who made his life hell before the apocalypse the guy doesn't
hesitate and tells his friends to break the protagonist's legs however he elbows each one in the chin and they both pass out the other guards are confused about how this young guy is so strong Wang says he sent people to capture the girls and if he resists they will all die but someone behind asks what he's talking about it's you saying he sent a bunch of trash the guy is confused that the girl took down his friends with thaki throws himself at G's feet saying he was commanded by a guy named xia Yun however at
the same moment he grabs a ban from his back and tries to take a swing at him as soon as it touches Yang's hand he activates his reforging ability transforming the Baton into a blade the guy ride is on the ground asking what kind of magic this is at the same moment the other workers start running he was impressed by the ability our guy asks if he was really trying to kill him the guy apologizes and says it was the other guy's idea but our guy just says he'll let him go then straight to hell
as the poor guy drops dead you wonders when she'll have such a magic he finds the guys who ran away in a peculiar position at least begging to be saved you says they were being commanded so they could let them go our guy tells them to roll out of that place and the guys literally do that I think they his words seriously with he questions how long she'll just listen Cloud now called Xiao Yan Hong runs to another room and says she'll take him with her even if she dies she activates the motion sensor and
the doors open our guy knows it was her doing he tells you to go up and turn off the sensors while he holds off the zombies his sister and Mumu come running and our guy throws himself in front the poor girl trembling tries to protect kingu saying she doesn't need to worry Yu approaches the control room as she goes to open the door xia Yan tries to hick her with a bitten but she Dodges she puts him in a choke hold and soon after he's tied up on the floor wow Kuda is for the bandaging
while she curses youu tells her to shut up because she's closing it the problem is so many zombies are passing through the door that she can't close it Yang Fang tells her not to worry that he's still there handling everything a while later they come down and xiaan tells our guy that she's getting beaten by you and he needs to save her you says it doesn't make sense but xiaan explains that she only open the door to help them deal with the other guys with that our guy grabs her face and asks if she really
wants to help she she brings out the heavy artillery and says she loves him too much our guy then says he'll give her a chance to prove her love and throws her out tied up with that she gets bitten and that's it she's writhing on the other side of the door King sh feels relieved that she died and you asks if that girl was really his ex-girlfriend he just says yes and she says they can sleep there tonight and rest since there are bathrooms and places to change they talk take a shower and Mumu after
taking the level one potion doesn't even need glasses anymore meanwhile our guy doesn't stop and is in the market collecting everything the next morning three guys approach the door but as soon as they enter there's nothing there they wonder how it's possible for everything to have disappeared one of them sees there's a second floor and tells everyone they have to go up there the guys say it's risky but the strong guy tells everyone to go first when he opens the door a blade comes at his face it's our guy and the chubby one begs not
to be killed because they aren't zombies seeing Yang friend's quick slash the ones behind don't want to do anything suddenly you opens the door and asks who they are the guys beg to be saved saying they just wanted something to eat our guy just lowers the blade and tells them to disappear because there's nothing there however the guy points to you and says he's sure there's food in the backpack he makes a villain his face stay there's enough there to keep them alive a knife flies past the heads of the two and she warns they
will die before taking anything the guy realizes that if an hit his head he'd be dead the guy in the green Jack apologizes saying they're leaving the strong guy asks if they're really going to do that and his friend says to just follow them and set an ambush the chubby one says he's not in the group with those guys and all he wants is some cat food he even knows of a base with with protection when you starts to say something something passes behind her it climbs on the chubby guy's shoulder who says not to
do anything it's a kitten eating he explains he came to the supermarket to see if he could get some canned food for her you tells him to get it from downstairs but he explains there's nothing left there Dan says he heard some sounds at night and someone must have stolen everything suddenly kingu appears saying the kitten is very cute she asks to hug it but Yin explains that the creature is mutated the chubby guy angrily says his pet hasn't turned into a monster kinger insists saying she wants to touch it he says no but she
ignores him and picks it up she says they are now sisters and that she'll even share some food a while later the chubby guy asks if they won't come with him to the military base and they say no King Shure is sad and waves goodbye to the kitten at that moment someone approaches it's the guys from before briming A bunch of zombie dogs they approach apologizing but saying they are scared however they exchange glances signaling to start the plan one of them grabs kingu and another goes to attack you as soon as the blade touches
her yangin grabs his arm and warns him that he knew their intentions breaking the man's hand he agonizes begging to be released meanwhile the other three are fighting over the resources seeing no way out he warns about the zombie dogs as the chubby guy gets distracted he snatches the backpack and escapes on the motorcycle looking back yangin sees the dogs coming and kinger tells him to be careful in that moment our guy grabs the other by the arm and throws him to the beasts he tells everyone to take advantage of the distraction and run to
the car you ask Mumu to hold the backpack and yangin tells her that beasts aren't that strong with that his sister arrives with the car and tells everyone to get in as they were running yangin looks back and sees a mutated level two dog he tells them to go ahead while they insist he gets in however he says not to get in the way and defends against the dog's attack in the car you says they need to go back to help but Mumu explains it's better to trust Yang fin meanwhile our guy defends against the
attacks and is almost on the ground about to be devoured however he seems confident and tells the dog he needs to teach it a lesson a swing in the blade to the side decapitates it with that he collects another white core but a legion of Devil Dogs is approaching the car stops and youu tells him to get in she grabs his hand and strangely this girl seems to have some problem that got completely healed and she pulls him into the adventure this one is a professional player they speed up the car and our guy tells
the chubby one to flee quickly but looking back iner notices that the wound isn't doing well he seems to be losing Consciousness from blood loss but tries to pretend everything is fine saying she'll be better soon our guy takes a look says the cut is too deep and now knows they need to find a vendor he tells Mumu to stop the bleeding and instructs the chubby gag ahead towards a pharmacy he explains that there's nothing in the pharmacy and says he can take them to a base with doctors our guy agrees and they head in
that direction a while later they arrive at the base of a giant building he remembers being saved there in the past life too the only problem is that the doctors there were killed because they saved people for free with that the girls help you and the chubby guy tells everyone to follow him he runs to the guards and asks for help saying they have someone injured but the front guards say no infected person can enter youu shows the wound saying it was a stab not a bite how however the guards own seem be care saying
if they say no no one enters actually each one there will have to pay 100 crystals and she will have to pay at least 1,000 Yang says it doesn't matter and shows that he has much more than that and even a crystal worth a lot the guys are startled by the amount and with that they say they could enter Then however they whisper to each other that as soon as Yin turns his back they'll finish him off but our guy notices the reflection of a blade on the wall and asks if they're planning to kill
him before they can respond he warns they don't have the skill while delivering a slash the first one goes down and his friend is terrified he tries to attack our guy but gets hit in the back you says it serves him right but she feels pain and yangin tells her to be careful his sister takes Yang Fin's crystals and shows that besides those they only had four now the chubby guy is scared thinking he's joined a group of killers and needs to flee then someone from the second floor calls out to them clapping his hands
he approaches and asks the boy's name our protagonist introduces himself and the guy says he was the owner of a security business he's the owner of that base and offers yangin an opportunity to work for him the protagonist responds that it's a good offer but for now the priority is to treat his friend with that the guy orders a bald guard to take them to a doctor as he watches them go he thinks yangin has a lot of potential they arrive in front of a shop and find it strange that it's the hospital however yangin
enters and says they need a doctor a guy with classes says it's him and tells them to bring the patient yanin notices that it's not the doctor he expected to be there after examining the wound the guy says a blood transfusion and a tetanus shot will cost 5,000 crystals the chubby guy says says that's a ridiculous price and pure greed but the doctor says he's just doing business and tells them to go hunt zombies then someone behind the curtains says that if he won't treat her she will our guy is startled obviously it's a doctor
who saves some lives and ends others as she goes to examine you the other doctor shouts that she can't waste the resources there like that but she responds that the ethics of the profession do not allow her to let a patient die the other guy tells her to shut up and says he owns the place and moves to slap her but someone grabs his hand it's aan who says if he wants to keep that hand intact he better stop the guy with TRS saying he'll talk to General leopard and he'll sort this out the doctor
then tells him to leave the room because she needs to treat the girl the psychopathic y fin suddenly asked to the doctor's boyfriend he's thinking that she saved him so many times in the past life that he wants to help her as much as possible but his friends are confused and the chubby guy wonders how many women this guy needs she's a bit confused and says she doesn't even know him well while wondering why this litic suddenly came to confess like that he says they can get to know each other side by side and she
calls him Shameless meanwhile you was lying down getting a bit annoyed the doctor then kicks him out of the room saying she needs to treat the girl a while later she tells them to come in as you is better everyone goes to talk to you who says she's feeling a bit better but then someone nearby says they are the ones who don't want to pay crystals General Lepard arrives with a group and says medical resources are scarce so they have to pay the crystals Yang Fen says he wants to pay but 5,000 for a cut
is too much or are they creating this gang to extort people one of the henchman points that the protagonist and asks if he wants to die however our guy activates his ability and like woodywoodpecker redirects the guy's weapon leopard says the boy has skills and would even consider letting this treatment be free if he joined them but he warns that if he doesn't comply then he will have to be punished Hal has the fire ability and the guy on the left has the Earth ability and at the same moment they send two attacks toward the
group our guy stretches out his hand to save Lin Mio already pulling her from the attacks and throwing her over his shoulder he's worried about almost letting her die while she thinks that it's clear he has abilities knowing that the guy group might have even more abilities he says he'll join them but they have to leave the doctor alone the guy asks how he's going to use his ability to do that and yangin is sure he'll make great use of the Craftsman class he explains that he can make items from the shop 80% cheaper as
long as he has the materials leapard says it's a great deal but warns him to fulfill his part he then orders someone to prepare the accommodations meanwhile Mumu questions if they are really going to stay among these bad people our guy explains that he's just taking advantage of the situation for you to recover and to get more resources in one of the rooms the boss comments that the plan is to steal part of his team and force him to make weapons for the rest of his life the girl seems all motivated saying the boss always
plans very well as they were being taken to their accommodations a guy blocked Yang Fen and said he would take him to make weapons our guy just thought it was a Pity he have to advance the plan like this his sister wanted to go along but the guy refused angin told her it was fine and to rest they entered a vault and the guy showed him more than 5,000 low-level Stones he warned that if he couldn't make the weapons everyone would be thrown to the zombies seeing so many crystals J fin knew these guys had
a lot of armament he also pointed to a pile of materials explaining that they've been storing them because they didn't know their use however our guy saw this as a perfect chance to make equipment for his team he explained to the guy that he doesn't like people watching him Forge so he should leave the guy warned him not to try to escape because the place was like a sealed box with no way out seeing the items our guy thought they were really idiots for not knowing the value of those things he even found a spatial
stone that serves to create storage spaces he gathered some of the materials and began producing various items a while later he produced the best items but was exhausted he decided to keep those to avoid drawing attention and also a few of the guys Stones outside they were questioning if he can really turn trash into weapons another guy explained that he has a rare ability and is now a new employee not to mention he also brought many beautiful women to the base yangin then left the room warning that anyone who touched his companions would die the
guys explained that they would check the weapons and if they were bad he wouldn't see the sun tomorrow when they got there they saw several first order blades and were impressed it cost a total of a lot of trash and 3,600 Stones instead of 6,000 NFR explained that at his current level he could only make 10 weapons a day the guy slashed the wood and was impressed thinking that if this is the case they can't lose the poy gfer then said that now that he had delivered the weapons he wanted to see his companions the
guy said fine and told a guy with glasses to take him there the only thing he found strange was that he didn't receive any expensive agent to install in these weapons with that the guy opened the door and when he entered the girls seemed to be very at home they felt embarrassed asking why he didn't knock on the door he just ignored it and threw a bunch of stuff on the table saying he made equipment for them his sister was impressed that he pulled out all those items from that collar she immediately grabbed it from
his hand and shook it to see if more things would fall out he explained it was a secret storage and that she could keep it he also gave a second ordered Desert Eagle and glasses to Mumu you was impressed because it was an infinite ammo weapon and mumu's item could analyze any other item Cen enters the room and yangin throws a shield to the boy saying it will help defend against the zombies he also throws a vest to the the doctor saying it will protect against mutants she looks surprised and thanks him meanwhile someone took
the weapons Yang Fen produced to leapard for inspection he tests them on the table and is impressed saying the weapon is as good as the one he uses then the subordinate asks if it's time to take his women hostage the boss says not yet as they still have him in their grasp they must remember that once the bullets run out these mle weapons will be the best thing in this place and there's nothing better than having a fool like yangin to keep making everything our guy sees them leaving for the collection and knows they like
what he produced this means will receive even more materials when the revolution starts he'll already have a Megazord team someone knocks on the door saying there are people there he opens it and Lyn moow explains that leopard's girlfriend is there to talk to him he goes to the room and she introduces herself staying the materials for today are ready for him to make a good weapon however he replies that he'll do it in the afternoon because he's still recovering our guy likes to see that leopard seems very ambitious but homy says not to be so
direct and that she can go to his room to help him produce however he grabs her by the arm saying he has more things to do the girl insists asking what it is in saying she can go along he asks if in such a big base there are any negotiators she says yes but to use them you have to pay 3,000 crystals our guy thinks it's a ripoff but has no choice and asks to go take a look she takes him to the door and the guys that are all heavily armed homi asks to enter
and he sees a Rank 2 negotiator he knows there's good stuff in hands over the 3,000 to use it the guy explains he has 5 minutes so he better hurry he opens the transaction and starts observing everything available he notices that almost all the evolution and ability items have been bought however it is a type of challenge that has been attempted twice highle trades have this system where you can enter a test and if you win you get the item knowing he doesn't have much time he activates it immediately and finds himself in a closed
room at least time passes slower there so he has about 50 minutes at the same moment a metal paw steps on the ground and he finds himself facing a mechanical bear he doesn't Flinch and just draws his blade charging forward the monster strikes his sword and he realizes it's a third order creature the poor guy is thrown far realizing the monster is faster stronger and bigger however he knows that if an eighth level creature has a weakness this one must have one too when the monster comes to swipe at him he puts the blade along
with his arm and ends up cutting it he tried to activate the paralysis effect but it's still too weak however that Paws the creature had was enough for him to jump and deliver a slash to its neck with that the bear Falls defeated to the ground then someone says this kid is very interesting he finds it strange and with that his forging skill Rises to level two someone was talking about searching him when he comes out of the bathroom saying the 5 minutes hadn't passed but the guys surround him and say they have to search
him Yang fin says he has the right to 5 minutes and got authorization from liard however the guy explains that it's forbidden to buy weapons so he'll have to hand over everything he got homy says it's best for him to comply or he'll suffer the consequences our guy didn't like that and says he didn't trade anything because he didn't find the medicine he wanted the soldier says everyone tells that lie and yangin asks what happens if they don't find anything the guy says he might even die because it doesn't make sense for him to be
there for 5 minutes and not get any our guy spreads his arms and tells them to search but to remember what he said the guy orders everyone to start looking a while later they tell the general they really didn't find anything out of nowhere the guy gets startled he grabs from the hand and hits him on the forehead with that he's on the ground and yang fin says the price is paid he looks at homi and asks if she wants to take a look too poor girl trembling says she's quite fine our guy warns that
if she threatens him again she'll be killed and the crazy girl says that seeing such a brave guy makes her want to go to the gym and do squats that's it he ignores it and tries to leave but she grabs him and says it's time to forge weapons again he pulls his arm away and says he has no interest in someone else's woman the crazy girl didn't like being rejected and says soon she'll make him her slave in the room Lin Mio comments that 's wound is already getting better they believe it's because of the
evolution of bodies in this world in a living room they are worried about the protagonist's safety but Mumu says the biggest risk is probably them being there trapped the chumby guy says one of the problems is that he's starving because they're not getting much food at that moment yangin appears and tells everyone not to worry they get excited and he throws a bunch of stuff for them to eat with that they finally relax and our guy tells them not to open the door because he has things to resolve today in the room he knows there
are levels 1 to n to become a forger and the only person who reached the maximum level in the past life built a base so impenetrable that no one could even break the walls and that's the level he wants to reach in this life too the good thing about level two is that you can receive special effects without adding crystals and when you do add the effect it gets even better in that pile of junk he found a level two Crystal that he decided to keep however now is the perfect time so he fuses it
with the blade he finds it strange that doesn't seem to be glowing with a special effect but when he makes it cut it creates a barage of fire he realizes he's created something worth at least thousands of crystals in the Next Room leard is commenting that today's weapons are very good but the guy next to him questions if he really will give an evolution to once the boy makes 100 of them leopard says of course not as soon as the boy makes 99 he'll say they're all trash 7 days later he delivers another batch of
we S as always he takes the best resources produces good things and hands the trash to the guys he goes to the usual bathroom and now everyone greets him obviously they still ask for payment and he gives it to avoid trouble with that he goes to the vendor and opens the trade he activates the Ring's weekly item function hoping not to be disappointed what appears is a staff that unlocks the sage profession he gets excited because many people would kill just have something like this and now he needs to convince a certain person because her
using it would be perfect and maybe it's time to collect some necks as he leaves the bathroom homie says he's making her feel ugly and at the same moment someone knocks on the room door when they open it it's the henchmen from before saying the girls now have to go with them kinger tries to run but the guy orders everyone to be captured they hide behind Yuan who with her level two gun warns that their heads will explode their boss says his skin is steel and she'll embarrass herself if she does anything she ignores him
and shoots him in the arm immediately he sees that his skin was penetrated he gets angry saying it looks like she's hiding something second grade he jumps at her and manages to disarm her with a slap at the same moment he grabs her by the neck and the others move toward the rest of the team Mumu tries to use the glasses to find a weakness and help but one of them grabs Lin Moo's wrist heli steps in to help but sees everyone as immobilized before he can do anything kingu is also caught now it's just
him and the angry kitten he orders her to attack the guy and she slashes his face but at that moment the boss orders everyone to stop or the heads of the two girls will be blown up Mumu and San realize they have no choice and with that they too are immobilized the only one left free is the kitten but the guy decides to kill her if the second tier weapon he says he will have to test it meanwhile Yin asks Hami what she means she explains that his people have been captured he asks who is
doing this she says it was leopard's people but insists she is not involved as our guy tries to leave she tells him not to rush because he will end up dying alone she says she can help him if he hands over the item he received from leopard our guy ignores her again and tells her to get lost now Hami is getting even angrier with him he goes through the corridors and sees a lot of people apparently hunting for him realizing that homy didn't lie and his people are in danger the detail is that he was
also imprisoned in this base so he knows where people are taken now it's time to repay all these favors in one of the cells a bunch of guards are standing at the door one of them is distracted and yangin is right behind him he pulls out the light armor and says it's time to use it he activates the item that equips on his chest meanwhile the team is being thrown into one of the cells you comments that they can't just sit around doing nothing and Mumu says that with her glasses it's easy to analyze the
Rope so it can be cut but as soon as they start cutting the guys seem to notice something they open the door and kick telling them not to think of doing such things youu takes advantage and trips the guy telling him not to hit women and cenan's kitten had already freed itself and freed him with that he mounts A peculiar guy the problem is that they already have a gun pointed at the boy's forehead and as a bonus he get slapped in the face the kitten came running to help and started mewing the guy immediately
pulled the trigger and said he would kill her he fired and a chubby guy threw himself in front the guy said that that was the case he'd send him to heaven first but at that moment something came flying and a boot at the guy in the face he ASU and attacked him from the door rean fin with his flaming blade said it was him already warning that they seem eager to Die the guy surrounded him and told everyone to shoot shouting that he should run but this boy is in The Matrix he pulled out his
blades and cut the bullets in the air his sword was creating a sort of gravitational field where no bullets could enter the chumby guys seemed to be recording Yang fin pulled the sword and slashed the first two the girls were impressed until one threatened to kill his sister but Lind o came from behind and tripped him she's crazy with that his sister ran to our guy and the man pointed at him of course he disconnected the guy's arm and Photoshop our guy said goodbye and the man was killed he then shouted to everyone that they
were going to escape the base now but someone asked what he was talking about it was Mr leard with his entire team saying it wouldn't be that easy he asked why yangin did something like this when he had been treated so well the chubby guy stepped in front activating his shield saying he wouldn't let anything happen but leopard said he'd make the boy his third in command if stopped this foolish resistance our guy said it was a great auction since he only had a bunch of women by his side you told him not to worry
about her since he saved her meanwhile the chumpy guy admitted he lied about having been to this base before even Lino said it was better for him to run since she was from this base however yangin said the offer was good but he wasn't very interested Mumu pointed out a weak spot on the wall and he broke it immediately with that the kids started to escape by climbing the rubble leart ordered them to shoot but sidan stepped in front with a shield defending everyone however one of the awakened ones jumped asking if that move could
be blocked San realized he was going to die but yangin slashed midair the guy managed to dodge and activated an Earth Magic in his Direction our guy dodged to the side activating the blade and moving forward the slash hit the neck and even with tough skin it left a cut the guy asked how it was possible to break his petrification but yangin just jumped saying he would die without knowing and slash him the girls kept urging them to escape and leopard ordered his men to finish them off the chubby guy stepped in front but our
guy told him to run while he protected them the girls started pulling San and the guys even launched a bazooka shot the problem was it hit the ceiling closing the exit angr took advantage of this to slip through and jump to the other side with that his sister celebrated and he returned the weapon to youu telling her to be more careful she got emotional seeing that he hadn't forgotten her but then an explosion came from where they had come from the captain actually transformed into leopard saying they wouldn't leave today you fired a few bullets
but the guy was too fast and easily dodged a second later he was almost in front of you but yang stepped in to defend and block the first attack he warned everyone to flee because no one stood a chance against him the group had to retreat due to the horde of zombies leopard let out a roar cutting everything around Gan had to run to the group to activate the shield and defend against the attack realizing that the guy had consumed too many resources Mumu ran towards a car telling them to follow and the other girls
went too while Lampert activates a technique in his paw and warns that now he will tear off Yang Fan's leg he prepares and jumps towards the boy who was calmly waiting for him to arrive the guy says trash and thinks he's going to win with that rank one weapon however yangin slashes at his hand forcing the guy to defend himself but all of his claws are cut off and our guy smiles saying he made this with the materials that the guy himself gave him leopard says it's impossible because he can only make rank one items
that's when Yang fin reveals that for a base Chief the guy is very Nave leopard hesitates for a second when he sees that Yang fin has a second rank weapon and decides to wait for ham but in the meantime the girls approach with a car and gets into flee however the chief concludes that if the the boy could really defeat him he would have come at him and with that he starts running after the car saying he knows he was bluffing U tries to shoot but he easily Dodges yren tells them to head to the
part of the city with more zombies while leard is right next to the car keeping up they start passing through the horde of zombies the car can easily ignore them but leard has to deal with a few King Zur celebrates that he's falling behind but the guy with a roar Cuts everything in half he explodes the area and resumes chasing the car the crew doesn't understand why they can't escape and tells Mumu to speed up but then she warns that there something ahead of them there was a giant zombie and yang and warned there was
a third class one our guy immediately told them to stop the car and warn that third class is much more dangerous than leopard himself the monster jumped towards the car and leopard came right behind but the third class monster sensed that leopard was more dangerous and went after him the base leader got Furious while a yangin told them to speed up the car they left the two fighting and headed in another Direction Mumu found it strange that the creature didn't attack them and he explained it was because leapard was more dangerous the doctor then asked
where they were going our guy said to head to hosan City he noticed a strange expression on Yu's face and asked what was wrong she said it was nothing but Mumu said that Yu's relatives lived in jigawa city so she probably wanted to go there angfa knew very well that this city was one of the most chaotic during the apocalypse but it was also one of the places with the highest number of supernatural creatures and most importantly the person he wants revenge on is near there so he told them to head in that direction and
you thanked him our guy Strokes his sister's hair explaining that their relatives are fine as he already called them he knows they'll survive for at least at least 6 months just like in the past life meanwhile he was thinking that he changed the route and hand it over a weapon on the other hand he asked to be the doctor's boyfriend looking at herself she says it's not so bad she can compete then he says he forgot something he pulls out a class card to give to Lin Mio saying it's perfect for her you knows that
a class card is very valuable having seen him use one our guy touches her forehead saying that a new world is about to open up her eyes shine and she explains that she received a class called sage the chubby guy asks if the girl went crazy with the card AR guy says no cuts his hand shows it to her and with an ability the wound heals instantly she feels confident and everyone is excited that they no longer need to fear getting hurt Lino then asks why she's feeling so tired our guy explains that it's the
cost of the ability Lino says if it makes her that tired it's better to use medicine however Yen explains that at higher levels she can regenerate an entire organ in a second lindia was all excited meanwhile you is feeling envious and thinking she will have to gather a lot to buy one of those but then our guy suddenly says he hasn't idea and tells them to stop the car he says it's a good idea to go back to leopard's base and steal everything while he's distracted with the monster his sister says it's very dangerous but
he says that without the guy there it will be very easy you says she'll go too but Mumu says she's too weak for that the poor girl is left desolate and in the next second our guy is out of the car and heading towards the base he easily defeats the zombies and goes back through the same place they left some guards are still there but he quickly takes them down he goes to the Rune where the guys hid the stone resources and starts collecting everything and the most important thing the two tubes of first order
healing potions as he collects everything he's impressed that an ordinary guy managed to get so much it looks like he'll have to evolve even faster if he wants to protect everyone he uses the forge and creates a new type of bullet that can ignore physics then Leen appears asking what he's doing there again clearly he's in bad shape with a hole in his arm our guy says he came back too fast his second ranking is really impressive the guy transforms again demanding he return everything however Yang fin says the perfect time to kill an enemy
is when they're injured the guy takes a swipe and he Dodges he tries another attack and yang fin blocks it with his blade Lampard realizes that with his claws damaged like that he might not have a chance suddenly he starts to flee saying that next time Yang fin will die but Yang fin says it's too late now he strikes him in the back and then pierces him with that he's dead on the ground and our guy says that's one less problem a secondary Evolution potion Falls from his pocket he drinks it immediately saying that now
it makes sense why he didn't find anything like that in the vaults the boy is explosive now jumping 3 m High zombies are now like paper to him outside he finds a motorcycle and after a while arrives in the city however on the way the ring reacted so there was probably a vendor nearby he went to the location he arranged with the girls and found the car he followed the tracks until he saw a group gathered around something strangely there were a lot of people immobilizing sinnen he saw that they were normal people not zombies
but if they were going to do that to a friend he couldn't forgive them however when he was about to attack Satan said the guys were good people and the guys explained they were forced to do it by the village Chief and a kind of tree magic yangin was confused freed sin in and asked where his sister was immediately the chubby guy started running saying they'd explained later and first needed to save the girls in the mayor's house on the way yangr asked what happened sedan explained that they were driving when a little girl fell
in the hood he stopped to help her and she clung to his leg saying her father was dying and needed help you said it was dangerous but Lin Mio explained that she could heal him quickly and they could continue their Journey however the little girl wasn't very friendly and thought the Trap had worked they approached a pink tree and from a distance a guy commented that the girl was getting very clever they approached a wooden house and she explained that her father was there you looked around and found it strange that there were no zombies
the girl went inside and talked to her father who was coughing at that moment Lin moo went and used her ability to heal him apparently the guy was really sick because he realized they weren't Ordinary People he got up and said it was amazing that she was really a doctor King Shu patted the girl saying her father was now fine meanwhile Lin Mio was now exhausted they were about to leave when the father told them to wait some guys kicked the door open asking who the new people in the village were the father said they
could Rob other people but should let these ones go however the guys ignored him and said they were going to collect all these girls the father stood up and approached the chief telling him not to do that but got slapped in the face you pointed her weapon and warn that anyone who Moved would die however obviously one of them came up behind kingu and took her hostage with that he ordered everyone to drop their weapons and now they had no choice the mayor ordered all the women to be taken to his house and the chubby
guy to be tied to the pillar the father begged them not to do it but he got kicked again he ordered his daughter be tied up and warm that if he didn't kill the chubby guy on the pillar his daughter would die meanwhile Yang Fin and the chubby guy were running in that direction they were a bit confused about the path until a guy in a black shirt appeared and said he'd take them to the place it was the father of the girl who needed help and he said they were near the sacred tree it
was over 200 years old and had been protected by the village for Generations however when the apocalypse started the tree gained powers and killed villagers but just when it was about to kill the chief it stopped his second before since then everyone has been worshiping him thinking he has control over it yanga knew that trees couldn't be controlled like that unless the guy had an elf mutation with that they approached the house Yang fin arrived with a kick the guy had immobilized everyone and was about to do something to you but that's when Yan fin
showed up the chief asked where the guards were and our guys said they were all dead he jumped towards the guy and told him to get his hands off his woman he freed the others while you was emotional that he called her his the guy said to wait that he had an offer to make yangin asked why he was deceived leaving everyone while the guy was preparing to kill him the guy tried to react with a weapon but in half a second our guy cut off his arm the girl's father begged him not to kill
the chief however Yin explained that this guy wasn't the chosen one in the tree but at that moment another girl was taken hostage now the guy's daughter was being threatened the chief smiled saying the game had turned while the father begged Yang fin not to do anything to the guy on the ground the other one was threatening his daughter do you remember that the last chapter ended right when yangfan said he was going to kill the guy on the ground the other one who was behind the girl in said that if he did that he
would kill her however blood splatter in his Yang fan mercilessly struck the neck with that the guy retaliated and hit the girl the father ran desperately shouting for his daughter with her in his arms she turned to the doctor and asked her to save her yangfan then turned to the guy and said that his daughter's life was now in his hands and that he should call everyone from the village immediately he ran off while the doctor tended to the little girl yangfan looked at the guy whose arm he had cut and told him to stop
pretending to be dead immediately the guy got up saying he was a good man and didn't deserve this however another person person came from behind and kicked him telling them to go to the tree when they got there it was exuding a giant Aura in front of it was one of the merchants our boy was impressed because the Merchant's Cape definitely indicated good items Mumu explained that it was an alien tree that science has difficulty explaining and kingu commented that there was someone underneath but it didn't seem to be attacked the villagers then started blaming
the person under the tree however G fan knew they were just doing that to shift the blame from themselves at this point you explain to the protagonist's sister that the guy was just there for you to trade some crystals for items at that moment the girl's father arrived with the rest of the villagers they saw that the tree was emitting an active Aura and started saying they should run because it would kill everyone before Yang fan could say anything they were already running back the guy whose Army fan had cut was thinking he could use
the tree to kill the boy and threatened yangfan saying that if he didn't run away you would kill him in 10 seconds however yangfan ignored him punched him in the back and told him to show how it's done then the other villagers were scared of our boy pushing the chief towards the tree he approached and something came came towards him this time however it was the boy who was attacked by it the villagers started questioning if that guy was controlling the tree yangfan opened his arms and declared that from now on he was the only
one who could control the tree the villagers uncertain asked if he was sure about that he approached but the girl's father told him to wait because it was too dangerous but yangfan had a plan and was already opening a bottle while activating the ring he knew the tree was dominated by a black seed and all he needed to do was purify it you wanted to help but Mumu said it was too risky and they should trust yangfan the best the two could do was stay back and give some support the tree attacked but yangfan jumped
and easily dodged it he moved forward with his Aura activated on the blade and made a direct cut on the energy Branch however there were many branches and one found an opening on his back the guy hit the boy hard worst of all Yang fan realized that the level two sword wasn't cutting once again an attack came head-on and just like before he noticed another attack from behind but something interfered and changed the trees attack Direction it was dear you messing around with a gun however something startled her Yang fan was being attacked from five
sides but the boy was motivated and dodged everything with a jump he grabbed the purified water and threw it toward the trunk as soon as the water hit it seemed to be absorbed and strange smoke began to come out of the tree the entire tree started shaking while Yang fan watched this boy thought he was in a video game and went to the vendor to buy what he needed he didn't know if the water would purify so he was at least going to take advantage of the situation something fell to the ground apparently the tree
broke and they seemed confident he had won looking at that Mumu thought the tree was finally not suffering anymore the villagers said he knew how to control it but asked where he had gone our boy as always was in his flashy shop and the best part was that since no one could get close to that vendor the best items were all available of course it was very expensive but he had taken a lot of money from the leapard since that guy robbed everyone he spent almost 42,000 crystals but at least he bought a lot of
good stuff as soon as he returned he drank an item and said it was time to finish off this strange tree God the tree was still there what had fallen were some branches Yang fans seemed to notice something before he could act the villagers suddenly knelt saying he was the god of that place nuu explained that since he calmed the branches people thought he really was some kind of God at that moment his brother came running and asked how he dealt with that weird guy our boy ignores everyone and just grabs some Evolution agents and
tells them to consume them he hands one to youu saying it's a second class agent so it will help her body become much stronger since she received a higher level one she's blushing now wondering if he really likes her that much she starts emitting a Dragon Ball Z like Aura and says she feels power surging out everyone comments that they feel much stronger than before then our boy hands a royal class card to his sister with that she can move through space and even fly so she won't be captured anymore he also bought an Elven
race card for Mumu which will allow her to communicate with plants both activate their cards and feel more power arriving man she's the AL musk of the Apocalypse I've never seen anyone buy so much stuff in a game with the new class Mumu can hear the tree thanking them for their help a strange energy comes to her and a green creature with a crystal on its forehead appears the tree says says that the branches that fell from it are strong weapons and they should use them kangur congratulated Mumu who said it was all thanks to
Yang fan she tells our boy that the tree said to use those branches as Divine weapons our boy sees that those branches are tier three and understands why it was so dangerous to fight against them seeing the spirit she obtained he comments that it will help her a lot in battles with that the Unstoppable boy says they finished everything here and it's time to go however the village Chief says that since they saved them they should at least stay for dinner the little girl they helped insists they could very well his sister and the chubby
guy were starving so they Begg Yang fan to stop for a bit with that they all ended up dancing around the campfire meanwhile the doctor told our boy that she wanted to stay like this forever however our boy is only thinking that she should enjoy the happiness here because when they get to the city things will get crazy the scene shifts to half a month later in the middle of jiguan City unfortunately their car is out of gas so they will have to walk the rest of the way Mumu comments that this journey has been
good as they are getting familiar with their powers you wants to find your parents and show them that now she is stronger and can protect them suddenly kingu notices something a zombie is coming their way but kingu seems very calm she jumps and starts floating with her new ability meanwhile from a distance youu easily finishes it off another creature heads towards Mumu and the doctor Mumu activates the tree Spirit which impales the poor thing yet another creature leaps towards the chubby guy the monster lands in front of them and Mumu warns them to be careful
she says it's a level two zombie and it's strange to see it in this part of the city however the chubby guy just activates his shield and says there's nothing to worry about as that creature will never get close to them the creature begins to get bombarded with a beage of magic it's clear that everyone in the group has become much stronger over the past half month Yang fan then appears commenting on how much they've improved even he didn't expect everyone to evolve so much in just half a month in a split second king shuer
approaches the zombie and grabs the crystal appearing in front of the protagonist who congratulates her however suddenly something else approaches them our boy remains calm wondering if it's an ambush but his sister easily saves them stating it's impossible for them to die so easily Mumu activates her goggles and points out the direction from which the attack came with that they have a mental connection as youu takes a shot hitting a girl holding an a of you immediately demands to know why she is attacking them the girl who looks like she will join the protagonist group
says they are a bunch of trash who rob other people kingra retorts that she's ridiculous for saying that while attacking them however the girl suddenly points to the protagonist saying that Yang fan stole a crystal from her she had been fighting a rank two creature for the past 5 days and now they come and take it she tells a sad story saying she needed that Crystal to trade for medicine for her little sister you and her innocence decides to believe her suggesting they might help her and she can also show them around the city our
boy with his elephant-like memory recalls two sisters who were extremely strong in the city he then asks her what her name is she says she doesn't care if they want to kill her and reveals her name is chuch chomen our boy is taken a back wondering about the odds of something like this happening he then asks if she's the sister of Chu shaan and she's confused as to how he knows even you finds it strange that our boy knows the name she finds this extremely suspicious since their city is over a thousand kilomet away and
starts wondering what Secrets this boy is hiding he knows that in his past life these sisters were unbeatable when they fought together it would be a huge loss for Humanity if he didn't help them he then says they have a Healer in their group who could help her sister however s Alman only says she would never trust gangsters like them our boy throws a crystal to her and says it's a token of trust she sees the size of the Crystal and says it's extremely rare so why is he giving something like that our boy says
it's no big deal and you asks her to trust them because they only one to help her sister besides they need someone to guide them in the city with that seelman agrees and the deal is made she starts guiding the group warning them that there are very strong people where her sister is she thinks to herself that all she needs is a cure for her sister once her sister is 100% dealing with these people won't be difficult they get close to an entrance and she warns them that their base is underground she approaches knocks on
the door and asks to enter yangfan notices his ring reacting indicating there's a vendor nearby a very strong girl asks where cyan was and says they were worried about her they immediately point to the group and ask who they are San activates his shield instantly and asks what's going on shman tells her older sister that they helped her defeat a level two creature and might even save her sister the leader feels awkward because she didn't know they were allies and says that if that's the case everyone can come in however she knows this could be
risky so for now and she'll pretend to be her friend they start entering and the leader asks how her injury got better she points to the group and says they have a Healer who could even help her the leader replies that it's impossible since a level one Healer could never help her however Shay Omen shows the crystal they gave and says they can trade it for a real Elixir her sister thanks her but says unfortunately that won't be enough for her injury the guy next to her apologizes for letting something like this happen it happened
on the day they went out hunting and she had to save him from a level two zombie angrily Shia and asks her sister why she wants to die so badly observing this gang fan says to himself that he has a strange feeling about all of this he then says he can provide the crystals they need but he'll have to use the trade card shom and's sister says they still need 4,000 crystals does he have all that at that moment yangfan pulls out a crystal from his pocket and says to take him to the Trading Post
the sister named shoan is shocked that he's helping them so much and even Sav her sister she then ask why he's doing all this our boy says he wants the sister both girls blush thinking he wants both of them since they are sisters the doctor wonders why he's doing this again you's biting her lip and sin and wonders if there aren't already too many women in this group however our boy is Unstoppable and plans to have every girl in the series in his group he then mentions that he knows they are elementalists and that they
don't have anyone like that in their group yet everyone is shocked once again because he has information no one should know Chan says she can help them but wants to know why he wants them in his group over 30 organizations in this city have tried to recruit them but they prefer to remain independent she then turns and tells them to follow her saying they will resolve the other issue first but she warns Yang fan not to talk about this with anyone else she points to the side and says that's where the traitor is our boy
sees it's a level two Trader and wonders if they have the antidote there he then tells the group to wait approaching the Traer he asks to see the trades once again various items appear in front of him the people in this base are so poor that the best things still haven't been bought he sees a decontamination potion and wonders if it will help the girl additionally there's a soul ice card a profession card he plans to use to convince them to join him however it's obvious that if they refuse he won't give them anything after
all in this apocalypse you must save your own skin first and he needs as many resources as possible to deal with a damned Shia how with that the trade is complete suddenly he hears shouting about someone about to turn into his zombie people are blocking the tunnel entrance while the sisters are on the ground everyone sees that the guy in front who was with them has suddenly transformed and is about to advance to level two U tells everyone to stay back saying she'll handle it she starts shooting at the monster but the bullets seem to
be just ricocheting off his body the creature quickly passes by youu and heads toward the sisters kinger declares she won't let that happen the sisters comment that once you're bitten by a zombie there's no way to recover suddenly King R jumps over the zombie and reaches the sisters however the monster is about to grab her but then a swift cut slices through the air of course it was yangfan slicing the zombie at the neck the sister smiles and thanks him yangfan warns his sister that he never wants to see her risking her life like that
to save someone else again his sentimental boy hugs her remembering the future when he lost her once she finds this lost once remark strange and wonders if he's referring to the day she was left alone at school he hands the antidote to Mumu and asks her to analyze it to see if it's useful he turns to the sisters and San starts crying saying her sister is about to transform Joan on the the other hand tells them to kill her before she turns and becomes dangerous she starts yelling at Mio Cham to cure of her sister
immediately Mumu explains that the antidote will only buy them a little time our boy realizes that there are no more vendors with complete decontamination suddenly sh and transforms and turns towards her sister she jumps on her pinning her to the ground apologizing for not being able to control herself anymore her sister almost psychotic says it's okay and she can feed on her our boy steps in and says he has to interrupt their touching moment because he's here to help you think he pour the potion into her mouth but he offers it like a drink at
a bar naturally she's not thrilled and screams at him shy Elman says the potion won't work because the guy earlier had drunk one and still transformed our boy doesn't care about their protests and kicks the other one he pins her arms down and forces the potion into her mouth telling her to stop complaining the girl had no choice and starts screaming that it hurt a few seconds later she begins to open her eyes Hasen approaches and asks if she's okay while the girl is disoriented our boy comments that she'll get better and tells the others
not to lower their guard hi Yan says she has a splitting headache and asks if they gave her medicine her sister explains that it was yangfan who immobilized and helped her our boy explains that the antidote he gave is of common class which is why it only delays the mutation however these apocalypse girls seem to have a screw loose she thinks Yang fan is her Savior and we'll have to thank him somehow suddenly a bald man comes running shouting that they have a big problem their enemy Jen Jang seems to be attacking the base and
they've already lost a lot of members Shan gets up saying he must have learned about her injuries to come at this time sien tells her to be careful since she was nearly transforming just moments ago you ask the protagonist if they will help our boy says they will check out the situation for now outside there's a fierce firefight reminiscent of a CS match the enemies are there because they know there's a trading post inside the base which is why they want to take it suddenly someone destroys the door exan quite literally on fire saying she's
there to handle things the enemies ask why she's there since their Intel said she was injured now the guy is unsure thinking if she's using abilities like that they're in trouble the base members cheer upon the arrival of their leader and she says that guy is bold to come here however she suddenly feels a strange pain her magic deactivates and her sister asks what happened the enemy celebrate again saying the intel was correct and she's not doing well they immediately send a group to invade the bomb site the people at the door say it's better
if they stop there however the enemy leader orders everyone to stay put warning that if they make any move their leader will be blown up shoman points out that if he does anything he will also be killed this place is worse than Afghanistan and the sister tells him not to do anything the guy drops his weapon saying it's fine and he will arm the sister however he then orders the bald guy behind him to shoot San in the hand the bullet hits her arm instantly the base members begin pleading for the girls lives and she
cries begging them to stop she screams a gang fan to please save them at that moment there's a sudden crack and everyone turns scared not knowing who did it the leader looks around unable to find anyone once again he threatens Shen's life saying if no one shows up he'll kill everyone then someone approaches it's a Yang fan asking what happens now that he's arrived his sisters are terrified while xoan wonders why he keeps helping them so much the Bandit tells our boy that he knows he's not from their base so he'll give him a chance
to run away but the truth is he's terrified because the boy seems too confident to be alone Yang fan simply asks if he's done with his little show because they don't have enough people to stop him anyway this catches the leader's attention he immediately orders his men to aim at yangfan asking who this kid is the others say they don't know so it's best to take him out before anything happens however two hands appear from behind Yang fan firing shots a barriage of bullets flies past our boy at the moment the enemy shoot back his
sister teleports to the front along with San who activates his shield the Synergy among these kids is impressive his sister says everything is fine but yangfan replies that there was never any problem to begin with the enemies on the leader side are all taken out now he realizes that yangfan was never alone on the contrary he was always well accompanied meow Chan says to take care of the rest while she helps the wounded with that the sisters celebrate saying they are finally safe the Fallen enemy leader asks why so many strong people are helping these
two sisters Jo and smiling says they are simply lucky she then demands to know who gave the information that she was injured the guy reveals it was someone named Kim Jun who mentioned they were looking to buy a level two antidote she thanks him for the information and promptly knocks him out she turns to Yang fan and says he saved them once again as usual the artist got carried away while she says she doesn't know how to repay all his kindness she may not know Yang fan well but she is sure she can trust him
Kayan apologizes for having screen for his help saying she was desperate our boy tells them not to worry because he was just looking for someone in this city Chan then says that if that's the case they will help him find this person however she questions whether with his base now only having 10 people they would accept everyone joining them she's uncertain because even though he invited her and her sister he didn't mention the rest of the group Yang fan says that's fine but everyone will have to follow his orders they smile and thank him our
boy knows it won't be easy to dominate this city and having the Two Sisters will help a lot she ell even turns to the rest of the group and announces that from today everyone will obey fan the guys thank him and call him boss Yang King says that everyone is now an ally then our boy turns to the sisters and says that now that they are allies he has a present for them Ang fan knows what will happen in the future and this card will be perfect for them looking at the card she ask if
he's really going to give it to her of course he gives it tooman who is in disbelief at how much he's helping she then gives a little kiss to the girls making the others jealous Shan seems angrier than you who finds it strange that this girl was so scared shoman activates the crystal receiving the soul lice class Shan is once again convinced that the best option is to always stay by Yang Fan's side especially since he just made her sister even stronger a happy exoman thanks him and says she wants to test her new ability
she unleashes a barriage of ice on the Fallen fool who slides away making her exclaim how amazing it is you feeling sad comments that now the group has two more people with abilities while she is the only normal one you might feel sorry for this girl it's time for her to get the Exodia class or something Yang fan tells Shan to be more careful since she'll get exhausted if she uses too much power meow Chun helps scam and recover Yang Fan's priority is to learn more about the city and F U's parents with her injuries
healed Shan offers to help him start this Mission kingu says she wants to go with him since she has teleportation abilities however gang fan says it will be too dangerous and she has a more important Mission he tells her to check the food Reserves at the base and give her necklace if needed to help the people F's group is starving since they haven't found much food since the beginning of the Apocalypse kinger activates her necklace fill in the ground with supplies seeing the abundance of food people say they had forgotten what this kind of food
looked like the Two Sisters rush over desperate to eat y fan says it's okay they can take a break but as soon as Jo and finishes eating they will leave the group gathers around desperate Yang fan knows that in the apocalypse food is the easiest way to control people in the end times women would sell their bodies and men would enslave themselves just to get some food The Hungry Girl comes running saying she's finished and they can go however Yang fan notices something she grabbed a chocolate bar and put it in her pocket he knows
that it's very valuable he tells her to come on but he has a slightly stern look on his face as they walk through the city she provides information about who controls each area suddenly a zombie comes towards the two of them shoan steps in front and activates her flame ability easily burning the creature and sending it flying she explains that they are in the fifth ring where only low-level creatures are found near the third ring there are many level two monsters and even some level 3es Yang Fang knows that yuan's family is near the third
ring he then asks about the other two rings she explains that she has no idea as they have only reached the Third third ring at most and cannot Advance beyond that however she encountered an organization of some humans on the edges of the third ring but they need to be careful because the people in that region are much more organized and Powerful he asks if she could hand of a level two creature as she says it wouldn't be easy a creature approaches from above she activates a bright flame and throws it at the creature which
easily Dodges the zombie heads towards Yang fan and she warns him to be careful however he just grabs her wrists and says she doesn't even know how to use her own abilities he redirects her hand and tells her to activate the ability again this time the attack hits squarely the zombie is on fire but still alive she's shocked that Yang fan knows how to use her abilities better than she does our boy lands a sword strike commenting that her level one abilities are very weak Crystal drops from the zombie's head and he says she will
need to evolve soon since they need to go to the third ring joim is impressed that he killed a level two creature so easily a while later they are back at the base and sinen asks if they really need this special training Yang fan explains that this place is much more dangerous than before and they need to search for used parents the special training will have three phases first they need to familiarize themselves with their powers and understand how to win a battle using them his sister says she already knows how to save opponents and
escape from enemies so she doesn't need this training yangfan asks her how many times she can teleport per minute and what the maximum distance in meters is she looks confused saying she doesn't know such precise details the others start thinking that knowing these kinds of details could really make the difference between life and death however you was still crying because she's the only one without any abilities to participate in the train TR Yang fan turns to Mumu and Yu and says that they are not exceptions Yu becomes excited saying that she's sure she'll soon receive
some special power she starts talking to herself feeling selfish for thinking this way when everyone is trying to save her parents she reminds herself that she is Yang fan shooter and even without abilities she's still strong this sweet girl is highly motivated to help our boy Yang fans says they will need to undergo regular physical training and not just rely on the strength given by potions additionally they need to improve their teamwork Mumu mentions that they've already been practicing a lot and asks if it's really necessary Yang fan explains that the training will be different
now since they will be training by hunting zombies they will not only strengthen their abilities but also learn to depend on each other they need to learn to combine their abilities to reach their maximum potential only this way will their group be strong enough to reach the third ring Mian asks if this means they will start acting on their own Yang fan says it's impossible for them always to move as a whole group eventually they will need to become more independent meow Shan thinks he's probably right because they can't be so predictable the sisters comment
that he seems confident enough and all they need to do is trust his strategies he says that if no one has any objections the special training will begin tonight he starts separating the groups and asks if everyone is ready they all shout in agreement his sister then asks what he will do since he's not in any group he says he always has things to resolve the scene shifts tonight yangfan is walking alone for the city now that everyone else's training has begun he also needs to focus on his own tasks he knows that this is
the shortest path to the main ring he reaches the outskirts of the third ring where it's filled with level two even some level Three Monsters as a weapon maker he needs many resources to strengthen the team suddenly he hears a sound in the area and sees a creature approaching surrounded by a ring of lightning the monster is a mammoth killing zombies and adventurers yangfan immediately jumps from a window knowing the creature's tus is an excellent material however the monster stops and stares at him the mammoth charges towards yangfan who remains calm he knows the creature
is at least rank three so he needs to be cautious he grips the sheath of his sword saying he also needs to gauge his current strength the creatures attack throws him into the air he realizes the creature is actually about to advance to level four as he is thrown up it becomes clear that the monster wants to impale him on its Tusk using gravity however he smiles stating that this strategy is foolish against him using the momentum from the fall he activates his sword's power the attack hits the creature squarely he pierces its ey saying
he's practiced this hundreds of times in his past life he retrieves the crystal was about to drop the monster Roars and emits a glow yangfan is once again thrown into the air he lands on the ground while the Beast stands still staring he's impressed that even on the verge of death the monster still had the ability to retaliate however he's taken back as another ring of electricity appears around the creature he recognizes this as the light Evolution the monster is advancing to level four yangfan has encountered situations where creatures evolve mid-combat before the monster continues
to War as it evolves yangfan contemplates whether he should kill it now since it will be extremely difficult to deal with at level four however if he waits for it to evolve he contain an orange level Crystal which could be used to craft top tier equipment suddenly something flies through the sky and explodes next to the creature yangfan realizes it was a bazooka shot meaning someone is approaching from the top of a building some guys say today's Hall looks promising and they'll finally get a good Crystal to buy better items Yang fan considers whether he
should at least warn them that he was already hunting this creature however the guy ignores yangfan and just orders him to Die the Bazooka fires directly at him but Yang fan Cuts in half saying they're seeking death the remnants explode behind him the guys are shocked at his risky maneuver sweating they remark that this guy seems very dangerous the red-haired leader says they help so the protagonist can keep 40% his friend argues that since he's alone they should keep everything but the other guy points out that the boy isn't normal yangfan declares that he'll keep
90% And they can divide the remaining 10% the guys obviously aren't happy and say he's asking for too much our boy just says they're idiots for trying to steal the creature he killed and still asking for half the guy starts loting another bazooka saying this time yangfan will be able to dodge obviously yangfan just jumps and cuts the Bazooka like butter the guy is confused that his bazooka was sliced so easily and yang fan is already face to face with the two of them the guy on the ground warns his comrade not to provoke the
kid and yang fan agrees with that sentiment however suddenly the other guy's expression changes and he smiles a barrier appears around him blocking Yang Fan's attack yangfan is impressed realizing it must be a level three ability to block his strike the guy says that now that yangfan knows his strength he should kneel and beg for forgiveness he attacks Yang fans saying that regardless of Yang fans's organization he will die today yangfan thinks that this must be the power of the people from the outskirts of the city he parries the guy's sword thinking it's not so
bad once again he goes for a strike the guy tries to defend himself saying he's not afraid of him unfortunately for him he it's pierced and realizes too late that he should have been afraid with his short reach you couldn't get to yangfan especially since yangfan had that protective armor he equipped a while ago however the other guy manages to transform his body into steal preventing him from dying immediately yangfan tells him he was too careless and needs to learn a lesson he activates the aura on his sword slicing the guy's body from bottom to
top even with the steel body the guy is torn apart Yang fan says it's time for him to move on to the next life suddenly the Bazooka guy screams for his brother but there's no time because yangfan Cuts him too the guy smiles wickedly and even on the brick of death activates something on his finger Yang fan is hit from multiple directions the guy reveals he turned his blood droplets into metal and launched them at yangfan claiming that even in death he'll take Yang fan with him the Bazooka guy points a gun and vows Revenge
firing at yangfan before he can react but Yang fan is in The Matrix and easily slices the bullet in half in an instant he's face to face with the guy cutting him down without wasting a moment he pulls out a healing potion from his ring and starts drinking it Yang fan realizes that this city is far more dangerous than he initially thought in the pig his problem is that he just consumed the last healing potion he had sometime later someone knocks on a door Shan opens it and asks who's there however something catches her attention
yangfan is battered and bruised and she asks what happened he says he went to to fight zombies but encountered people with third level abilities she is shocked that he faced someone so strong and still came back alive he asked how the special training went and she tells him to take a look yangfan is also shocked by what he sees San has a piece of metal stuck to his body he asks what happened and where Mio Chun is to heal everyone xiaan explains that unfortunately she hasn't returned yet Shan apologizes saying that San is in this
state because of her mistake Mumu explains that they encountered nearly two ranked three zombies which is why they ended up in this situation however cenan says he won't die then easily and asks if he's training the way yangfan wants yangfan somewhat shaken says that cenan has been trying really hard he then hands a potion to Mumu and tells her to use it on San San knows the potion is expensive and everyone thinks he's a useless chubby guy the only person who cares about him as Yang fan and that's why he decided to follow him for
Life Satan says he'll pull the metal bar out ask Mumu to give him the potion at the same time so he won't die he asks if the chubby guy is ready and San trembling says yes with that he pulls the bar from his chest and at the same moment Mumu gives him the potion to drink Yang fan says that sinan will live for a while but they still need Mio Chun to help him Cho Yan says they went Northwest but should have been back by now Yang fan says he's worried they might have encountered something
he decides to go check it out and tell shoan to keep an eye on San he starts moving through the city being attacked by zombies but he easily defeats them the group of three girls should be strong enough to handle anything he then smells a strong scent of blood and knows there's a fight nearby he was surrounded by a horde of zombies while Mio Chun and his sister are pretending to be corpses this happened because they're surrounded by a game the guy with the sharp teeth says they fainted because of his ability the leader warns
the two girls to follow him or he'll have to kill everyone he also tells you to hand over her weapon to receive special treatment you shoots saying she wants to keep her distance from that bunch of trash but the guy is protected by a barrier at that moment he gives the order to finish her off you knows they have protection against her bullets but she won't be able to dodge she regrets Being Greedy by following the rank two zombies she tells them to wait saying she wants to make a deal she proposes is a one-on-one
duel where the loser must obey the winner the leader is pensive while the psychotic G fan is watching everything wanting to give her a chance to grow stronger the guys start laughing mocking the little girl for challenging the leader it seems the duel is going to happen as they stand face to face the guy asks if she's ready saying he's eager to test her motivated you charges saying he'll lose with one punch however the guy warns that he's the second strongest puncher in the region but you says she wouldn't be afraid even if he were
level one she ducks and hits him hard in the ribs the guy asks if that was supposed to be a tickle he almost lands a punch on her or rather he does sending her crashing to the ground he says she's very beautiful and it's not worth ruining her face so she should just give up the gap between them is significant especially since he's consumed several Evolution potions suddenly Yang fan appears and says that while she doesn't have physical strength she should use her other abilities the guy asks who he is and if he's looking for
trouble the other gang members Point their guns and ask if he wants to go to sleep meanwhile you just watches Yang fan mentions that she has some Advantage but she's not sure what it is however the leader is about to land another punch suddenly she disappears in front of him out of nowhere she starts moving so fast that she creates Illusions the girl comes at him with a triple strike and the leader doesn't know where to defend or does he he changes his expression and seems confident oliv her attacks L squarely on him but he
says it's nothing more than a tickle until she lands one directly on his groan she says Every Man Has a weakness the poor guy falls to the ground ring in pain calling her very cruel she shows no mercy and punches him in the mouth as well she prepares to deliver kick hitting him squarely and sending him into the wall the gang members ask if their boss is okay you exhausted says she just needs to exploit the weak points thanks to yangfan she realized there are other ways to fight this girl is crazy wondering if this
is his way of showing love however yangfan knows very well that it wasn't enough to take the guy down for good and suddenly he says it's impressive that a little girl managed to do something like that he appears from the smoke saying that now he'll have to take things more seriously suddenly an aura begins to surround his body and the guy transforms into a werewolf you looks scared realizing she now stands no chance or rather the guy turns into a dog with its tongue hanging out when it disgraces this she can starts laughing in his
face saying this transformation is ridiculous the guy gets angry saying she's the type of person he hates the most and he's going to end her now he tries to land a punch but she barely Dodges it she notices that his speed has increased significantly compared to before the guy spins and kicks her in the spine saying he's three times faster now poor you is slam into the wall she realizes that the only Advantage she had is now gone the guy says it's a shame but he'll help her reincarnate he approaches and grabs her by the
neck saying she doesn't need to worry because her body will still be intact seeing the punch coming she knows this is the end for her she starts to remember a time where she was practicing climbing unlike everyone else she liked to train without any protection to put her life at risk from a distance people wondered why that little girl liked to risk her life so much a man approached to pull her down crying you asked if her father was there to save her however he told her that if she decided to climb without safety now
she was responsible for that decision she said her only option now was to keep climbing you decides that if that's the case she'll keep going till the end back in the fight she tells herself that she has to give it her all the punch is coming but she decides she won't give up like this she throws herself backward to dodge the punch and immobilizes the guy's arm the girl uses Jujitsu and locks his arm the Fool's face hits the ground and he can't even understand what's happening Yang fan says that in the past life she
became too strong to lose this easily and there she is breaking the guy's entire arm at that moment he tries to use his other hand to get her off him but she quickly lets go of the arm and Dodges she grabs the other one saying he'll lose another she's really cruel breaking both arms while the guy agonizes over the second break she's already pulling out a knife and pointing it at him saying he lost the leader tells her not to do it saying he surrenders she says that according to the bet he has to let
everyone go he agrees and just asks her not to finish him off however he was thinking that Yang fan won't like that she won in such a dirty way suddenly Yang fan calls out to her saying she did a good job this psycho starts crying with joy while the wolf guy seems to be watching from behind he jumps her by her neck and she had been distracted so she can't Dodge blood spurts everywhere it was Yang fan who slashed him saying the guy should have surrendered seeing that he's injured the guy begs yangfan not to
finish him off however yangfan just twists his sword and slices him in half staying now he has no choice the guy falls divided in two and the group begins to flee the guy with the sharp teeth says it's impossible for the leader to have lost so easily but then the guy suddenly kneels and says that according to the rules yangfan is now the new leader of the fourth ring yang fan responds that he doesn't want any more members in the group and orders the guy to leave the guy of the sharp teeth explains that his
ability is useless alone so he needs to be in a group he starts banging his head on the ground begging Yang fan to accept him you warns that this guy is an enemy however yangfan knows that an ability that puts people to sleep is perfect for what he needs he tells the guy that he will accept him but if he tries to betray them for even a second he will be cut in half the guy thankss him saying he will always remember those words yangfan then tells him to go wake up the others with that
he watches and then tells you to get on his back she refuses saying she's fine and wants to show she's strong and doesn't need help but the next second she's almost fainting and falls to the ground like a fool she realizes she made a fool of herself and should have just gotten on his back Yang fan cruel as ever asks if she wants a ride or not she climbs onto his back telling him to stop making her so embarrassed he tells her to stop being so stubborn because when Mio Chun wakes up she'll heal her
the guy with the sharp teeth arrives and activates an ability a strange purple Aura enters the noses of the two girls Yang fan quickly add asks if they're okay confused and sleepy they say they suddenly passed out for no reason the guy apologizes saying it was his power but he's already deactivated with that you shows the zombie Crystal saying they managed to defeat everything King sh no Mrs Yang fan is there and asks how he got there our boy explains that he came to check on their training and mentions that the guy with the sharp
teeth we a new ally to help them deal with other people Mio Chan realizes that you was all bruised and didn't manage to help at all suddenly Yang Fan's ring starts to Glow he announces that there's something nearby since he's been there for a while and the ring only started glowing now it means there's a random vendor nearby these vendors usually have some of the rarest items he tells everyone to stay put while he goes to check something nearby the guy with the shark teeth says that anyone who tries to harm these Beauties will have
to step over his dead body the doctor realizes that gay an ally will be a pain however Yang Fan's sister clings to him saying something unexpected might happen he questions if she really thinks she can help him and she says she's much stronger now G fan admits that he's been distant lately so he'll let her stay close he tells her not to let go of his arm and she agrees they follow the direction indicated by the ring and enter an abandoned building he warns her to be careful on the second floor they find the vendor
who seems to be a random type his sister comments that this one looks different from the previous vendors Yang fan explains that these vendors are only available for 5 minutes she seems interested and asks if everything will be all right without hesitation Yang fan activates the trades she is surprised and says she has never been in one before Yang fan comments that you can only enter if you have crystals saved up implying she's been hiding some she sticks out her tongue saying she managed to get some during today's hunt inside they find some mineral water
yangfan tells his sister to look for something she wants midair she grabs a card saying it's for a very rare profession Yang fan says that this one is perfect for you as soon as he clicks do you remember that the last chapter ended when he was picking up a letter that was supposedly perfect for you who's been craving it for a long time he turned to his sister and said they didn't have much time but he knew she'd be really happy with it the exchange was completed and their exit was forced as soon as she
found herself outside her brother wondered how she got out of there the strangest thing was that it was getting really cold and our dear yanin hadn't shown up yet what it ended was the exchange function of the guy he had activated but the boy's little ring began to shine as usual he decided to check to see if the weekly item had returned what was in the shop this time was a level Fort transmission earring with it you could talk to someone up to 100 km away outside kinger was wondering if that was a bookstore man
the artist nailed the floating effect in that image she wiped the dust off the filthy book and soon saw it was a math book that reminded her that not too long ago they were all ordinary students and those Carefree days really made her nostalgic that's when our boy touches her shoulder and says it's time to go a little embarrassed she says she wanted to ask something she wanted to know if it was possible to go back in time our boy remembered that in the previous life she asked the same question but he couldn't give her
a decent answer however this time he says that as long as they survive there's still hope she hugs him saying she's looking forward to the day that happens our boy says that for now the priority is surviving so they need to go meet up with the people who are waiting for them outside she wonders how you will react when she sees this profession card when suddenly he pulls her by the arm and tells her to be quiet Lin Mia was telling you to stopped playing the heroin because this time she almost died as the zombies
approached chenu said to leave it to him to handle it the sister questioned whether they were going to help and he said it was the perfect time to see if that guy was really on their side meanwhile you was receiving a healing where it mattered most apparently but she turned to Lin moo and told her to rest for a bit because she'd been healing for a long time but Lin Mayo replied that it was the only thing she could do since if enemies appeared she wouldn't be able to help can you apologize saying that if
it weren't for their gang none of this would have happened however you said it wasn't his fault since he was just following orders even if he killed her now it would be her fault for not being strong enough Ken you told her not to say things like that or yangin would show up and rip his neck off hean commented that she had a familiar accent and asked if she was from shikuan City she said yes they were there to find her relatives who lived within the second ring can you warn her that only the extremely
strong had survived in the second ring the rest had already they become food long ago however you said she wasn't going to give up on the chance of finding her relatives alive that's when he remembered a guy from the second ring who also had the surname Yuan and was extremely strong he was the leader of the Scarlet Rose organization and was known as the God of Thunder he then asked her what her father's name was she answered that it was Yan Le none other than the name of the legend shocked chenu asked if she was
really the daughter of the God of Thunder all confused she asked who this God of Thunder was right away he got up in her face and told her that this Yan Le her father was one of the three strongest in jigman City listening from the side kingu was impressed what our boy found strange was that in the past life her father wasn't famous or strong at all the world continues to change a lot compared to before you explained that her father was indeed a military veteran but she never imagined he would become so strong he
then said he had a photo of the most dangerous people in the city and told her to take a look as soon as she saw it she recognized her father she became emotional saying that she had finally found him this trip to the city had finally brought something positive the boy was shocked he already knew Yang Fen was dangerous but knowing that the daughter of the strongest man in the city was standing right in front of him made him change his mind at that moment our boy and his sister arrived the boy revealed that he
had overheard everything and said that now that they knew where Yu's father was it was time for Plan B confused they asked what plan be was he informed them that they would enter battle mode invade the second ring and find her father limo asked if he had gone mad at that moment they couldn't even survive in the third ring chenu explained that on the way they would encounter several tier four zombies along with with mutated plants and different animals however our boy said that the reason so many people stayed in the second ring must be
because it had many rare resources for evolving besides he didn't know how strong that guy from the past life was the one he wanted to take revenge on you said she knew he was eager to help her but there was no need to worry soon they would find her father our boy said that since everyone was against it they should rest for a bit to increase their chances of success at that moment kingor congratulated her on finding her father and said they had prepared a gift right then there was a giant letter that looked like
a book she asked what it was and kinger explained that it was The Machinist profession yangin had said would be the best for her she immediately felt healed saying that in the future she'd have to repay the boy's kindness of course she couldn't control her excitement and activated it right away her eyes lit up and now she was all geared up with engineering tools our boy explained that the mechanic profession made her understand any type of Machinery extremely fast he handed her the gun and told her to test it at the same time he equipped
the ice bomb and the gun to enhance his capabilities seeing him do that chenu recognized that he must be using some kind of forging ability the weapon became all shiny and radiant he then handed it over saying that unfortunately he could only upgrade a weapon to tier three obviously for kingra that was still extremely powerful she immediately fell at his feet begging but our boy told her he was out of materials she said it didn't matter just to tell her what he needed and she'd go gather it our boy agreed and said he'd pass her
the list later at that moment The Cheeky girl wanted to come give him a kiss our boy then told you to try using the gun that an ordinary person couldn't handle his sister said she didn't leave it and snatched it from her hand she prepared it in aimed but said it felt like it was empty he explained that it wasn't empty the gun had a system that only a mechanic could use to fire it you was impressed that now she in a type of weapon only she could use a little embarrassed King handed it back
saying she really couldn't use it at that moment she was already aiming she fired a sequence of shots that hit the wall and froze everything in addition she had another type of special ammunition and I see explosion can you praise our boy saying he was a genius at making weapons our boy then handed over the communic ation devices however Lin moo said they were out of power so how were they going to use them but as soon as she put it on her ear obviously it activated since it had magical powers right kinger explained that
it was a tier 4 auxiliary device that communicated up to 100 km with that none of the four of them would get lost in the future and chenu was impressed that he was using a tier 4 item the day came and went it seemed like a quiet day they were going to start the mission and Shen Yu would lead the way since he had a control ability and had been to the second ring before three of them would stay at the base to assist in training the other members while they were away cholan asked why
her sister wasn't going along and San questioned whether he was so weak that he couldn't keep up our girl explained that on the contrary she had stronger Firepower and he had the best defense this meant that she was one of the few people he could lead behind at the base and Trust they would be able to defend the place at that moment they got excited our girl is good with words H cheeky meanwhile Yu was just looking at the photo saying she missed her father a lot a while later Chen Yu was walking alone up
front he knew that these inner Rings were much more dangerous he had gone ahead alone because Yen wanted to test him so this was a good opportunity he would do his best and earn our Bo trust however that's when he approached a crater the place was destroyed and there was no way through so he had to turn back but just then someone appeared from behind and asked where he thought he was going just as the side character eager to get beaten up showed up to make trouble the muscular guy asked if he was looking for
a trading place like they were Ken you said no he was just looking for food because he was starving but then the guy suddenly jumps and says that he has a face that looks perfect for getting beaten up and man he's just asking for it full of confidence little time passes our boys group was already on the way and at the same time Gathering some food since most of it was left at the base and Mumu wearing that cute outfit asks if they're hearing that right away another scream echos and they all jump in Fright
our boy already knew something had happened to Chen Yu he tells everyone to continue while he would have to go ahead however kingu says she'll use her ability which will be faster she grabs our boy's arm and says they'll go together first you said is she's stronger now and tells Mumu to ride however Mumu insists on taking the other girl because she's pretty much useless in combat Man Poor Chen Yu went to get beaten up and the guys are wondering why trash Len has the guts to go out at night at least you could admire
that he held out for so long Brave chenu still says that when their boss arrives they're all going to die our boy was right there on the side watching this kinger tells him not to worry she knows how to save him our boy seemed reluctant to trust his sister's plan who was about to take a risk again when the GU said it was getting late it was time to finish off the guy one of them created an electric hand and slammed him to the ground man this Rescue of chinu sure is taking its time isn't
it and the guy says he's taking his time to kill him just because of the threat but right then someone tells him to let go it's our boy Clean Hands calmly appearing behind everyone just giving that look like no one's going to leave alive as they get distracted King were teleports next to chenu the lightning guy wasn't going to let them Escape that easily he jumped on her back and the sister saw that dodging wasn't going to work however a barage of attacks came his way that forced him to cancel his attack to dodge our
boy with that flaming sword says that he missed by just a bit and the guy responds that he never expected to run into someone like him here they were going to collect our boy's Crystal which would make today's trip worth it Lennon says to take it easy so he can have some fun too and the muscle guy says he'll go first kinger tells him to escape quickly but our boy says he'll have to deal with these guys it seems he remembers this group from the past life and never imagined theyd be together so soon the
two want to stay in help but our boy says they need to get out of there immediately they obey just asking him to be care careful as she enters the portal she say she'll bring everyone back to help him soon our boy is excited that fate has put them face to face again the guys start talking about how whoever lands the final blow will get the Boy's sword what kind of talk is that old man but at the same time he's already next to Yang fin saying he'll cut him in two Yang fin remembers that
this guy's specialty is agility and fast sword drawing but for now he wasn't that fast yet and man he sends an upward strike locking his draw the old man already realized that with just a slap his sword was already cracked and the blonde guy behind M says he never imagined there be such a strong boy around here a red Energy starts to come out of his hand and our boy knows he has a ranged a Sonic Blast it's something difficult to deal with especially considering how much this guy hides and the blonde guy questions if
he really thinks he'll survive at this distance man he sends a Kam Mayha in our boy's Direction who knows how strong a thing is but not strong enough since he's not a level eight yet right then someone fires a shot look at the projectile coming at the idiot he already realizes there's no way to Dodge in time he changes the direction of the attack to throw his body to the side with that he ends up looking like an idiot sending all his magic into the wall and U warns that our boy isn't alone in fact
he's very well accompanied hu obviously in Apocalypse the guys immediately send out the classic line about how they're going to take care of them in many ways but you already lands two shots on the fool man this weapon is useless first time using it and it's already not working the guy says a third tier weapon isn't bad but it's even better and now it's going to be his at that moment he jumps on top of them but then he takes another explosion I'm not sure if it was a punch or what happened there was our
Marvel hero who showed up to block telling him to forget about that yeah they're all healed up now huh they love it when the boy saves them he sends his slash which the guy barely Dodges the muscle guy doesn't understand how his punch was blocked so easily and the other guy says to give up he doesn't stand a chance he warns that our boy does have some skills but it's a shame he's going to die here since he's face to face with him once again the guy throws a punch and our Boy's sword is more
like a shield at least it explodes every time it defends the two fools are thr back and our boy realizes this bastard is just as strong as in the past life and the side character realizes it's going to be hard to kill our boy Not only was his attack blocked but his arm also went numb and with that sword in his hand there's no guarantee he'll win Yang fin is trembling too that attack left him shaken no wonder this guy is considered a genius he needs to advance his strength to level three soon because right
now in fight he's at a complete disadvantage at that moment Lin meow places her hand on his shoulder and begins to cast a healing spell the guys realize that this healer is much stronger than the usual ones and in an apocalypse like this having someone like her at the base would be perfect they get excited again and one of them immediately says to hand the woman over but just in time poor youu aims her weapon however our boy stepped forward confronting him and asking what kind of talk this is about stealing allies he swung his
sword right in front of the guy's punch now you're going to bleed you fool aroy points at the guy's neck and warns that one more step and his head will hit the ground the muscle guy can't believe this bastard stopped his punch so easily and yangin warns the that they have 10 seconds to get out of there or their buddy is going to die but the so-called genius just last saying he can count straight to one because he doesn't have the ability to stop everyone there he tells everyone to go all out because the objective
is to take that healer but right then an attack interrupts their Advance our boy is happy that they finally arrived the entire team was back King sh immediately asks Lin moo to heal poor Ting Yu who's about to bite the dust in this situation no one had the courage to advance anymore while he apologizes for getting beaten up Lin moo heals him the guys notice they're facing a large group and each of them seems to have high level abilities you've asked if they still want the fight after ending up in this situation but what Yang
fin finds strange is how calm these guys still seem that's when the so-called genius says they won't be able to hide their power anymore today he tells everyone to go all out the muscle guy lets out a roar activating an aura and the guy comes at yangin with a bomb he manages to retreat dodging and sends a slash straight to his arm however the guy's skin is now like diamond he explains that a bronze body can't be cut even by a level four weapon our our boy knows he has the best weapon in the group
and still can't leave a single scratch at that moment the old man grabs the blade in one second he draws it creating a shadow behind him he jumps toward Mumu and says it's her end now but Shan creates an ice barriage to protect the two the problem is that he's too fast and was dodging man he sent a slash toward her head once again it was interrupted Moo's floating plan had created a giant trunk to save the two but it didn't last long before being torn half once again an explosion occurs apparently it was a
special chical explosion that destroys most tissues but this old man doesn't give up and now says it's the end for the two of them our boy screams for them but the guy is already getting closer you warns that it's not the time for him to worry about others you pulls her weapon saying she's going to help them but the blonde guy steps in front saying he won't allow that and that's when a thunderbolt crashes down with someone asking who the fool is messing with his daughter in the same second the blonde guy takes a punch
to the face falling to the ground like a piece of trash no need to guess who that is right folks it's you's father and man his design is the ugliest I've ever seen someone please save Mumu who's about to get a smack on the head thank you to whoever saved her it seems to be used father's friends telling the guys to stop harming the girls the old man in the Hat recognizes the guy as Mu hudo from the Scarlet Rose team meanwhile our genius boy is still off to the side playing around the guy is
impressed saying it's amazing he hasn't lost yet our boy slashes his hand calling him a bastard but then he feels something coming from behind the muscle guy warns that he messed up by letting his guard down but something comes to inter interrupt another guy steps in and saves our boy it's the chubby guy from The Office saying they really are Shameless the guys are wondering why the entire Scarlet Rose showed up so quickly they never imagined that group as weak as this one would have such strong backing 's father says that if they want to
continue fighting they can take this to the end the leader was about to say something but the muscle guy interrupts saying that of course they would continue fighting to take down the Scarlet Rose scum but his friend immediately slaps him on the head asking if he's so eager to die he apologizes to the god of thunder and if they'll stop there however he warns them to remember that the Sky Wheel organization won't forget this he advises you's father a give up on Scarlet Rose and join them 's father says he'd rather stay with Scarlet Rose
than join their trash organization and become the boss's LAPD the guy grits his teeth but knows he can't do anything he goes up to our boy and asks why he doesn't join their group his group is not only stronger than the god of Thunders but also has a better chance of survival but our boy starts laughing leaving the guy confused and out of nowhere he draws his Blade the scared guy asks what he's thinking of doing he tells his friend to stop that he was getting involved aroy passes by and he says that sooner or
later he'll regret it when Judgment Day comes with that he calls the group of fools to leave the muscle guy asks why they don't just finish everyone off since they're stronger however the leader doesn't seem to believe that he warns that for now they're no match for these Thunder team guys besides their plan to integrate the first and second ring was about to begin and when that happened they wouldn't survive meanwhile use father is all emotional asking when she lost so much weight a bit embarrassed she asks when was the last time you sh shaved
right then she pushes him back and asks where her mother is he seems hesitant to answer and she asks again the scene changes to the Scarlet Rose operations base inside he says it's a military base so the defense is very good you keeps pressing about her mother and the office guard says she's not here right now her father explains that she shouldn't worry because she just went out to collect some supplies and she's an expert at it a little later they're in another room you was sad that she has to wait 3 days to see
her mother but her father reassures her saying she always comes back safely meanwhile Leu Chun is finding a room for everyone to settle into Kings comments that she also misses her parents and our boy says they'll soon find theirs too however what he finds strange is this thing about the mother being gone for 3 days since it's extremely hard to survive outside then Leu Chuan presents two rooms and says for now they can use those Danner of jingu is just calling the girls for some fun while the chubby guy asked our boy if he's going
to join them yangin wants to know where the trading guy is because he needs to buy some things however Leu chuman says he knows how rare a trading post is so they can't share that information unless he plans to stay at the base yangin immediately uses his little Hammer to make an offer he says he has the forging ability and if they give him materials he can build weapons for everyone the guy is impressed that he managed to make a knife with almost no material he says that if that's the case they have a deal
and tells him to follow him he warned that this is the last trading post that appeared since they emptied the others he could buy whatever he wanted but he had to keep his promise afterward our boy says not to worry and is already asking to see the items the chubby guy is happy to have received such a helpful person at the base as especially since he saved the boss's daughter if a Scarlet Rose team got stronger maybe they could defeat those filthy Sky Wheel guys our boy is impressed that this is a new Trading Post
and even the challenge function hadn't been used yet right away he accepts the icy night challenge in the next second he's teleported and in front of him some figures start to approach a bunch of tier 2 and tier three Knights for our boy who has a flame weapon this is exciting but just as he's about to draw his sword the Knight strikes his I thought this Knight would be bigger and tougher the first one was pretty easy and he's already charging toward the others man this is way too easy he's just slashing through each one
the last tier three Knight prepares to throw a spear that one almost hit the fool in the face but he just made a vertical slash with his sword causing an explosion of flames three of them were down on the ground and he relaxed not realizing another was coming or maybe he did as he just swung his sword to the side he notices that his forging ability is about to level up so this place was giving him a lot of experience it seems there's an entire Army inside this place with that he kept fighting a few
minutes later the poor guy was exhausted he had Advanced his forging to level three and was about to be kicked out of the place but then he starts to notice something strange that mission didn't seem to be ending and he wonders why that's when a mounted Knight appears behind him he realizes that the things he's been fighting were just the weaklings of this place and the strange thing is that this creature seemed to have the same energy as the black Seas of the Apocalypse before he can think much the Beast is already in front of
him the level four creature is so fast that he has to defend himself but the poor guy gets thrown far he hit his back like a fool our boy realizes that this thing is much stronger than the others and worst of all it's extremely fast he barely Dodges again he notices he's only surviving because the creature doesn't have a weapon yet man a mind reader immediately pulls out one and before he knows what to do the creature is already aiming to throw it our boy takes a hit from the spear man I didn't think he
had really been pierced but he allowed himself to get hit and avoided any vital points even though it's very close to the heart almost vital but the psycho is excited saying it's been a long time since he felt something like this the Knight pulls an axe from his back and comes to cut the poor guy in half at that moment our boy has an idea and elbows the spear he manages to free himself in time and Dodges the axe attack since the creature has dark seeds he grabs a purification potion and throws it toward the
night however the item hits and does nothing but our boy notices that the KN purposely froze the water this confirms that he's afraid of the purifying water the problem is that this fight won't last much longer he needed to create a chance and the Knight came in for another attack the crafty guy Dodges and lands on top of the weapon it was the last bottle he had so it needed to work however the Knight swings the blade at him man the crazy guy once again decides to endure the attack because he didn't have time to
dodge even the Knight was shocked by the insanity of this Maniac but now with him trapped it was the perfect chance the water hit the idiot right on the head and spilled all over his face since he was a corrupted being he began to be purified he realized that this was working and this challenge had something to do with the apocalypse the seeds the trades everything that was happening made him think there was someone behind all of this however the most important thing for now was that the challenge had been won with his new forging
level he received the ice extraction skill which allowed him to create even stronger things in addition he got a frozen War Horse that was extremely fast and had high defense he was excited he had evolved quite a bit though matter as much as he expected given the risks that's when he gets a shock and realizes that in fact he had leveled up his forging twice by killing that boss he's in pain because he's all beat up but it was worth it since he reached level four he drinks the experienced potion he received which also levels
up his personal level to three now is level four forging ability was called master of ice the boy even developed heterocromia which is when you have different colored eyes but in desperation he quickly grabs some potions to avoid dying since he's completely worn out since he leveled up he can now buy level two potions which are much better and of course he cleaned out everything in the shop now was time to check out the most important thing the item inside the ring the energy gathers and a card starts to appear what emerges is another Evolution
potion but it costs 40 red crystals even with a discount unfortunately our boy only has one of those crystals which he got from killing that bull he urgently needs to get back to killing those High Lev creatures to gather more and only then evolve he leaves the vendor who's dozing off after waiting so long he congratulates our boy for reaching level three seeing him all beaten up he asks if he really went to the challenge field our boy says yes and asked to reserve the other two challenges for him as well he didn't even know
it was possible to challenge again and the chubby guy says that if he fulfills his part of the deal of course he can the greedy guy says he can even make equipment above level two but he has two conditions they need to provide all the the materials and he wants 100 red crystals man I thought the chubby guy would make a fuss but he just says that red crystals aren't a big deal for them since they've been hunting level four creatures for a long time besides they've been stockpiling materials waiting to find someone with forging
abilities what he can't believe is that our boy will actually manage to create something at least tier two every time our boy starts forging saying you'll have to see to believe it man I thought he was going to make some medieval weapons but the kid went ahead and made a machine gun he explains that there's no need to worry because with level four forging he guaranteed there won't be any mistakes the guy says that if that's the case his payment is guaranteed and demands 50 crystals up front after all tier 2 weapons are extremely good
since it's very hard to recover from the damage they cause our boy goes back to the shop right away he's not going to waste time and will evolve quickly since it's getting harder to protect everyone he completes the trade and asks to go to the place where the materials are stored the guy shows him a Place full of materials telling him that everything that comes from at least level three creatures including a rare tier four rhinoceros horn our boys Sly and ask the guy to keep an eye on the door since he'll meet a lot
of concentration off he goes with his little Forge sometime later he's already produced several weapons which left him exhausted but of course it was time to improve his own equipment he begins by pulling out the sword that was stuck in the ring and then he starts showing off with his powers man the pyrot Technics are going strong for this upgrade but he notices that the items seem to be rejecting each other if that's the case he decides to use the level four horn on his outfit with that it transforms into a rhinoceros shirt with an
auto healing effect and an attack feature he knows how rare that is because it's difficult for an outfit to have two effects but it's time to keep helping the others and Forge as many items as possible sometime later he continues producing until Le Chuan walks in and is stunned the Brad produced an entire Arsenal as a reward the guy gives him another 50 red crystals and even some tier two potions that was to help his friends evolve our boy thanks him a while later the group feels a bit embarrassed to receive something without having done
anything they ask where he got it and he says it was from his brother Leu Chuan so they don't need to worry it was good for everyone to drink up quickly because even though their abilities were great everyone's body was still pretty weak following the Master's orders they all took a big gulp he then said that in addition he had made some new weapons for everyone which were stored in this bag you receive a tier three drone that could operate independently for 24 hours the sister got a dagger that could quickly penetrate even tier four
armor Muma received an item that Enchanted her with electric power drastically increasing her speed and chenu v a cake that allowed him to control the air which would help activate his ability he then told the two of them to head back to the base and bring everyone here the sister then asked what she should do saying she wanted to help with important things too apparently there was equipment that the group received without knowing because lime was there saying she was eager to test it our girl then tells her sister to drink that item first and
so he tells her with that she consumes another potion saying she's excited she levels up again she tells our boy that she's already tier three so she shouldn't be underestimated anymore our boy reminds her that her main role is to stay alive with that night falls and morning comes there's noise coming from the base inside everyone wonders what's happening one of the guys immediately informs them that the Sky Wheel organization is attacking outside a guy on top of a car says he wants to see who's going to stop him from ending Scarlet Rose he was
genly a tier three next to him was Leo Tony sounds like a big guy's name but it doesn't fit a girl then Yan Le appears asking what they're doing there and if they're tired of living Tony says this is their last chance to join the SkyWheel organization today they either accept the offer or die of course the father just says that they aren't strong enough to take his life Leo Chuan however warns him to be careful because these people are stronger than expected but he responds that he will show the true strength of Scarlet Rose
at that moment a guy stretches out his hand and says he'll deal with it he throws a bunch of grenades and activates a chain explosion man that was almost Atomic wasn't it even Leu Chun thought the poor guy was done for however ganin tells him not to worry that he's definitely fine and then he appears right in the Fool's face saying today he'll learn not to underestimate his opponents but that's when Tony shows up from above and blocks his attack with a flame but our boy believes in equal rights too he changes the direction of
the attack and sense are flying the side characters are easily tossed aside even our medic azenha is shocked by the power difference and yanl says it's too late for him to run away now however he realizes that part of his power seems to be blocked that Tony had a crazy power and protected everyone people were impressed with that annoying power of hers and the sister Drew up that it looked like she'd never go bald our boy reminds her that this is a combat situation Tony then says they'll lose if that was the strongest attack from
this base and the guy warns them that it's best to accept the grenades and give up but Yen Le just says he'll never never become anyone's dog he charges forward ready to strike again however the girl with a long hair says the story will be the same no matter how many times he tries and she unleashes the minox attack man those hairs are alive and out of control while he's immobilized the guy passes by saying he's going to hurt his friends he jumps to throw a grenade at the chubby guy but the chubby guy warns
him that yanl isn't the only strong person at this base the grenades come and he shows how professional he is at swallowing them all that's the name of his ability folks and there our boy tells him to spit it out quickly but the guy warns that he's going to explode from the inside out man he really exploded the chubby guy from the inside even yanl was shocked oh my God I thought he had a trick up his sleeve but he passed out like an idiot what do he think would happen when he swallowed the bomb
at that moment our boy with a foolish expression tells his sister to run because she doesn't stand a chance but she responds not to underestimate her and says they have to help those who saved them and she disappears right in front of the fool already running toward the chubby guy she says she'll save him but the gred guy says that this level to yet will die right there another crazy girl seeing the bombs coming decides to pull out a dagger at least she wasn't greedy and it exploded outside she grabs the chubby guy with 15
IQ in her arms to flee as soon as the two disappear the guy is impressed that she really had a third rank weapon she teleports him behind everyone in front of the base but this crazy guy is already on top of them does this guy a teleportation too and now a rain of grenades is coming down on the copypaste side characters hey girl isn't it time to close your eyes and get into the fight our boy realizes he'll have to save them once again when suddenly purple arrows shoot out from the door the grenades are
all exploded in the sky and the guy asks how many players are in this damn base well folks The Most Dangerous Ones have arrived at the base King Shore is already excited that everyone's here and our boy realizes they've really gotten a lot stronger for now he's waiting for these guys to use their secret card so he can join the fight guy with the infinite grenades keeps throwing a barriage but now you armed with her drone easily takes them out as soon as they leave the guy's hand they explode in the sky well not all
of them because some are headed her way but she says she's not worried because she can count on her friend here comes Mumu like a ballerina she leads 50 m into the air floating gracefully she lands a kick straight into the Glutton mouth his head explodes there's no way that fool's still alive before he can even fall she's already there to finish him off our boy is impressed that they finally learned that in this apocalypse you can't show Mercy to anyone however the long-haired woman puts up a shield and the worst part is that poor
Mumu gets captured her electric boots are being pulled man the enemy of the bald immobilized both of them she slams moo to the ground and asks if they really want to keep going with this here comes kingu ready to sacrifice herself but you jumps on the long-haired woman's back pulling out two pistols she fires a series of shots along with the Drone however that damn long-haired woman is Unstoppable man you decides to try a different strategy attacking with the Drone from one side and herself from the other but Tony says she'll only learn once she's
captured two at that moment her father shouts for her to run but she says She's Not Afraid and fires two more bullets Man Tony's brutal poor you gets lightly impaled her Chinese drone has gone to the afterlife and the poor girl is devastated although she seems more upset about the Drone than herself Tony says she's resilient but she'll have to pay the price for going against her stomping on you Tony asks once again if the Scarlet Rose group will submit to them King wants to help but our boy tells her it's not the time yet
he just needs to figure out a few more details and then they'll step in she asks why he's taking so long he says he can't explain but he has to find the perfect moment to resolve this poor you is still being crushed Tony then turns to the Scarlet Rose group and says their leader is useless so why do they still follow him meanwhile Mumu wonders why our boy is stalling so much she seems to have an idea but says nothing meanwhile the group on the ground calls out for the boss Tony asks how many bosses
they have to keep calling for another one when suddenly something almost hits her she manages to defend herself and asks who was bold enough to try it seems our boy is the new boss he warns her that in 1 minute she'll be dead apparently it's a fashion Showdown because they're just standing there staring at each other the crazy woman even lights a cigarette ad that he looks brave but she says he needs to know there's a price for being arrogant in front of her she warns that first she'll cut off his arm Yen Fang just
says he'll let her attack first because otherwise she won't last the full minute he mentioned suddenly something's coming from behind him Lin moo screams for him to be careful Tommy says he can give his speech in Hell another explosion rocks the field it seems he took the hit directly but his new roseros outfit provided strong defense man the item created a powerful Shield Tony is impressed wondering how a weak kid like him has a level four item then a guy shows up and warns that everyone at this base is loaded with items above level two
she says it's good to know as there'll be new gear for the Sky Wheel she tells the guy to use all his power because it's time for a blood bath with that he places his hand on her hair activating a purple poison man they're combining their abilities immediately the acid starts corroding mumu's body while her father agonizes saying it's his fault for being so weak then suddenly our boy attacks from above seeing the poison situation he knows he can't stall any longer but here comes a Tokyo Ghoul attack one for each side the long-haired woman
says half the minute he mentioned his pass and she's still intact she warns that this correction poison is much stronger than he thinks man our boy's tier four armor is being eaten away and with that some of Tokyo ghoul's tentacles are starting to pierce through our boy finally manages to slash at her hair he warns that even if she destroys his armor it's irrelevant because she's still going to die in the end but she just tells him to look at his own feet that's when the poor guy realizes he's already been poisoned too our boy
is shocked because he didn't even notice when it happened however he says he knows very well that using this much hair must be draining her energy she responds that it doesn't matter because it's already too late to be talking about that she's one of the five strongest in the Sky Wheel not to mention that she also received powers from the boss and he didn't stand a chance against her anymore she screamed telling him a dial ready another explosion rocks the base from afar people wonder if they're really going to die there without a fight the
chubby guy tries to be a hero and tells everyone to run and not worry about them dying there however kinger says her brother is still fighting so they would be Shameless to flee she insists that he would never lose there's our boy fighting the long-haired woman he says it seems he can't play around with her anymore he activates his new ice Creator ability some sort of circle forms around his hand he says it's the first time he's had to use this but the long-haired woman doesn't even care telling her Ally that the boy's efforts are
ridiculous her cursed hair keeps moving toward our boy but what's this the boy raises a wall like in Game of Thrones both of them are startled wondering where he went it was a gigantic Iceberg and her hair couldn't get through that's when she gets a shock a small door opens man the boy built a Minecraft base and with some Swagger he starts walking forward but he's still poisoned isn't he he warns her that there are still 10 seconds left in the minute he mentioned however she laughs saying that with his leg in that condition you
won't even be able to walk because of the toxin but our boy just stretches his arm and says he has a ride he immediately summons the warhorse he received he charges toward her saying he wants to see if she can really pull off a miracle at the end however she sends a toyo ghoul hair saying it's him who's going to die yanin was just waiting for this moment to get closer then he extends his hand an ice prison begins forming around the two of them on the other side everyone sees the iceberg being destroyed they
wonder who the Shadows approaching are obviously our boy had finished off the long-haired woman the girls who helped weren't all that happy the father asks if he wants to capture the grenade guy who's lying on the ground but our boy isn't too keen on that and simply says he doesn't deserve to keep living and Manny stabs him with ice in the back he raises an entire ice Monument as the guy rides in pain everyone is shocked wondering what's happening but with that the fight seemed to finally be over they capture the Sky Wheel members and
start healing each other Lino explains that she can heal their injuries but she can't remove the poison yanin says that's why he left the long-haired woman alive because they must know a solution the poison guy says that if they heal his boss they'll help remove the poison from everyone and then they'll leave the anant Tells Lin Mio to heal him just enough so neither of them dies but the guy keeps screaming saying that if they don't heal her properly he won't help anyone aroy raises his hand and asks if he's really trying to make threats
but the guy says that if he dies no one will be detoxified and everyone will go down with him he swears that even if he dies he'll save his boss however kingra points her blade at him and says that it looks like he's also trying to save the one who obeys him so if that's the case she'll kill his boss right there in front of him she asks if he really wants to play that game the guy pleads for her to do anything but kill his boss Lin moo tells him to explain how to remove
the poison he says he knows how and can fix this our boy then releases both of them and tells him to detoxify those in the most advanced stage is first he approaches is saying the process might be a little painful Mumu wants to understand that poison since it would be a powerful weapon meanwhile you is sad that her little drone was completely destroyed the guy removes the poison from everyone and then says it's Yang Fin's turn but as soon as he touches Yang Fin's leg he warns that they better save his boss or he'll make
the poison spread even faster everyone rushes to help but our boy tells them all to wait he asks the fool if he's in love with the long-haired woman the guy gets all embarrassed and awkward leaving everyone speechless our boy tells him not to worry and explain exps that he realized the relationship between the two wasn't just one of subordination he tells Lino to heal the boss and says that if they answer their questions honestly he might even let them leave alive the guy thanks him saying if that's true he'll tell them anything they want with
that they start to heal Yang fen's legs the long-haired woman slowly wakes up and he's already smiling saying that she's finally back but at that moment she turns alarmed she asks what he's doing and tells him to stop removing the poison from everyone the guy explains that he's doing it because he wanted to save her but the long-haired woman says that Scarlet Rose is only good for creating zombies a frighten muu asks what she's talking about and Tony says that the fact youu is alive shows that her father refused to accept the truth that his
wife is dead she fires an attack in his Direction warning that if it weren't for the boss of preferences he would have died a long time ago the poor guy calls himself useless unsure of what to do her attack is about to hit his face when she gets pierced by an ice bullet the fool calls out for his boss but of course our boy wasn't going to let her go through with it Fallen she says he's only been interfering with the true boss's plans and she fires an ATT attack at our boy but John rly
the poor guy steps in front he tells his boss to give up because they don't stand a chance against this boy she had to accept that the SkyWheel didn't respect the two of them and this was the perfect chance for them to start caring about themselves but she insists that only the SkyWheel based leader Zuul lingan is worthy of everything she has poor guy you don't stand a chance still he insists telling her to kill him then because he couldn't bear to see her die our boy says the poor guy didn't deserve to suffer this
much and with that he pierces the boss for good JN early cries out for his leader but she smiles saying she does everything for the Sky Wheel the guy grabs her and asks why she tries so hard when she's being used as a tool at that moment yanin asks him to explain why the Sky Wheel leader wants to unify the regions the guy explains that it's because of an extremely rare vendor that appears in the first ring the problem is that to get close to him they'll need many sacrifices even though the treasure is infinite
wealth the Sky Wheel doesn't have enough members on its own so they want to use a lot of people for the sacrifices as he says this is holding the poor woman he then says that unfortunately the long-haired woman had passed away Mumu is impressed by how gemu and his feelings are in the apocalypse and my sister thinks that if yenen were ever to die she would probably feel the same way it seems both of them are gone because our boy says to bury them together that was kind of sudden I thought the guy was confessing
not dying right there a little later they're all walking down a corridor yanfen notices the atmosphere is heavy and uncomfortable limo asks if he wants her to fix his clothes and he says it's not necessary at that moment they arrive in front of a door the father asks if she really wants to see her mother like that as he's sure she wouldn't want to be seen in that condition you says it doesn't matter how she is she's still her mother kingu asks if you will be okay after seeing this our boy says not to worry
that she's not that fragile with that the door opens in the best hunter EX Hunter kaido style her mother is trapped in the back of the room transformed you stands there calling out to her she runs forward desperately with her father shouting for her not to approach at that moment Sone freezes her feet it's our boy and she screams telling him to let her go but yeah kin asks if she's trying to die and if she really thinks her mother would want to turn her into a zombie he takes out a decontamination vial saying the
chance of her surviving is minimal King zura tells everyone not to worry that her brother has treated others before you was moved that he would use something so rare just for the small chance of saving her mother at that moment our boy throws the liquid on her face man there's no way this woman is coming back to life especially since half her mouth is already gone the father is emotional and you pleas for her to get better but our boy notices something strange her mother is exuding a strange green aura she's repeating the names of
her family members remembering moments from the past everything they went through to raise you it seems this father wasn't the best either she was already exhausted and tired of living like that she couldn't stand crying anymore suddenly her power seems to increase yanin tells everyone to be careful because she seems to be evolving the purification potion doesn't have that effect meaning she already had dark seeds in her as he gets closer he notices that the seed is increasing the creature's hatred H hundredfold and her mother starts to Roar everyone wants to rush in to help
our boy but he tells them all to stay back because they wouldn't be able to handle it the father keeps shouting for his wife to wake up and you says she's her daughter but my friend you better face reality because the woman has already jumped at you she may no longer be his wife but she still used mother the poor man falls like trash and at that moment the mother starts staring at you yenin tells her she needs to understand that's no longer her mother and that he'll have to kill her he charges forward activating
his ice power but the delusional U jumps in front saying she knows she's a zombie but also knows she's still her mother our boy is furious because now he can't strike and the mother continues Conjuring energy she approaches you who crying the foolish expression apologizes now the mother seems to stop for a second but man the attack is coming headon an emotional you says that despite everything she still loves her mother the creature hesitates for a moment and although she can't speak you can see Tears In Her Eyes our boy wonders if this type of
zombie now has some hope for salvation something that was completely impossible in the previous life you continues speaking asking if her mother remembers her but at that moment her expression changes again and once more she leavs forward to finish the job man this crazy girl shuts her eyes again until suddenly a wave of ice surrounds her body the enant tells her she has to stop being stubborn thinking that saying mother will bring her back to normal with that he wraps the mother in ice and throws her far away he grabs you's father and says he's
seen a possibility but it's time for everyone to get out of there you ask what this possibility is he says there's a small chance they can return her mother to normal but that would only be possible if they obtained the rewards from the jesuan city challenge knows the Sky Wheel group is giving it their all for that at that moment the chubby guy says if there's a chance to save that woman everyone will give their best however yenin explains that with their current strength everyone would just die in that challenge kingra then asks how they
will get stronger if there are no more stores to buy potions and it's too dangerous to go farming he says there is a way but he will need mum's help he tells her to get ready and for everyone else to stay at the base because today the two of them are going out he knows of a place that in the previous life was known as the alienation park it was a place that devoured many lives but this time he would be the one to steal everything already in the central part of this park still within
the third ring on the way our boy receives a message saying that the people from the other base have finally reached them this gives him a moment to check out the park he tells Mumu to sense the plants in the area they are about to enter she activates her technique on the ground a blue energy begins to spread across the soil she informs him that there are no plants above tier 4 nearby however they have a problem he asks what it is she explains that in the middle of her ability there's a kind of black
hole that can't be detected this means there's no form of life there which suggests that some creature must be absorbing everything he responds that it's probably the case moo asks if they'll still proceed he says that unfortunately the only way to get the treasure is to take that risk no one's mentioning how her little creature is now the size of a teenager they walk around and nothing happens Mumu says the area is strangely quiet at that moment our boy said as something's approaching in an instant a giant snake appears in front of them I'm already
afraid of what the artist will draw because you know what always happens when there's a snake and an she's about to talk about what she read in the book about snakes but our boy says to focus on what's important that thing was heading straight for them as soon as it lunges her teenage green creature goes after it she comments that her almost adult companion even kicks the snake man that snake is already dead her creature is really strong huh our boy realizes this creature has reached tier four so it seems Mumu took good care of
him he takes the snake's Crystal which adds toxic effects to the weapon that's equipped they then continue walking through the park as they walk he notices the number of exotic plants around she asks Ki plans to make Evolution potions he says he's not sure it's possible since it will depend on her he shows one of the potions he bought and says that if she can understand the ingredients they can collect them from there and it'll be easy to produce he extends his hand and activates the ring towards some plants Mumu is motivated to do her
best to help everyone get stronger some Albano flowers begin to bloom and from them a bunch of eggs appear Mumu finishes her analysis and says that most of the ingredients are indeed found in these mutant plants additionally she still has that purified water she receives when she killed that tree she was thinking of saving it for study but now it's time to use it to help you he then activates the glasses to take a closer look our boy knows very well what she's thinking but at that moment something catches his attention the plants seem to
be emitting a strange pollen and he already knows what's coming suddenly a series of attacks start surrounding him but he just stretches out his arm and raises an ice barrier like in free fire but those plants are tough and break through his wall he realizes that these cursed plants are all tier four but even that isn't enough to take him down anymore ice shards rain down slicing through all the mutated plants with that there remains fa to round however yanen seems to be waiting for someone to appear and asks how long they'll keep Stalin at
that moment a bizarre tree appears right in front of him aroy asks if a tree creature is really the king of that place the one he's been waiting for a long time he leavs forward activating his sword and says this fight will be more interesting than killing 100 of those trunks immediately the tree King counterattacks but strangely Mumu yells for him to stop yanit is confused by the girl's Outburst she approaches and places her hand on the tree she tells the king that they have no real intentions and are only searching for ingredients the tree
King doesn't seem too please but she keeps insisting saying it's for a good cause the giant tree begins to tremble shaking everything around it seems her plea worked as a few ingredients fall in front of them including one that looks like an egg suddenly it begins to float and another almost teenager is born Mumu explains that the fery will keep an eye on them to make sure they only take what they need the fairy says they're strong but there's a creature in the region far stronger than them so they should be careful our boy says
he understands and will follow whatever rules she sets however he already knows that this creature is the devour which was considered Immortal in the previous life but maybe with the help of this tree and considering that it hasn't evolved much yet he might be able to defeat it this time and obviously killing a creature considered Immortal would be extremely beneficial but before that they needed to gather the materials that would at least make them stronger since his ring is quite spacious there's always room for more even the plant creature is impressed by the Ring's vast
space a power she's never seen before maybe if she cooperates with that boy they could defeat the creature as they gather materials he remembers that the level of abilities is more important than a person's physical level and considering this park is a place no one's visited yet maybe there's a lost vender around he clears the area and tells him to move on to the next spot at that moment the fairy says there's something she wants to discuss and if it works out he could take as many materials as you wanted our boy knows that seeing
his ring made her change her mind he tells her it must be something really difficult even the generous offer she explains that she wants them to team up to eradicate the Devour the monster in the center of the park she mentioned a special gift and moo asks what that would be the fairy explains that she would give them the mutated core of wisdom that's inside her body she tells yenin that he must know how important that item is even his forging profession seeing that even yenin is left speechless muu realizes it must be something extremely
valuable our boy asks if she's sure about giving it up the creature says yes she's lived so long that she's accumulated three of these cores and can part with one our boy says he'd accept but he has one condition first if they defeat the creature he will keep the cores and Crystal that come from it with that the three begin advancing through the forest the fairy tells them to hurry up saying they're falling behind but yanin replies that she only says that because she flies away whenever trouble shows up annoying she responds that plants don't
have that kind of heart and she cooperate even if she gets devoured Mumu then asks what this core of wisdom is since y enant seems so interested in it he explains that it's a god-level item that grants active Evolution and even wisdom normally you can only get them from extremely intelligent creatures the problem is that it's very hard to obtain an intact core because once you kill the creature most of the core disintegrates Mumu says it must be really difficult to obtain she understands that the core of wisdom is like the braam intelligent creatures curious
she then asks how strong this D'Or must be for the creature to offer something so valuable anant says its strength is irrelevant because they can't afford to miss an opportunity like this the fairy warns that they are about to enter the creatur's territory Moon notices that there seem to be fewer and fewer living plants on the ground he tells her to focus on the mission and stop watching the ground most likely the creature they need to defeat is sleeping just ahead Mumu scared says there could be countless creatures as they can't tell what's ahead the
fairy tells them to calm down and not wake the creature as the only way to win is to attack while it's asleep she tells them to prepare because they're going in yenin says that's fine but he has something to help he summons the warhorse he tells Mumu to stay with the horse and if anything happens just escape with it Mumu hesitates saying she doesn't want to leave him behind but our boy insists saying it's an order from the boss she stays quiet respecting our boy yanin then approaches the massive hole the fairy explains that in
the last fight with a creature she weakened its jaw so that might be a good spot to aim for he says he understands and with that the two leap down I thought it was a cave but it turns out they fell into water and beneath them there's another huge hole the fairy tells them to get ready because she can sense the creature's Presence at that moment a tier five hairy crab appears yanin notices that the creature is gigantic much larger than normal he's about to strike but the fairy tells him to calm down the creature's
eyes are open because of its higher level but it's still asleep moreover a poorly PL attack would only wait the creature up she tells him to follow her and says that if they break its armor with her first attack they might have a chance she sneaks up from behind and points out its weak spot in the last fight with this creature it was also level five of she ended up being defeated falling to level four and losing her core of wisdom but today was the chance for revenge and all he needed to do was strike
the creature's weak spot accurately at that moment a bunch of branches rise up around the Beast the fairy transforms telling them to finish it quickly as she launches an attack at the crab our boy charges for forward saying this is the perfect opportunity but then he sees the creature open its eyes seeming to wake up however even so one of the attacks hits perfectly at least his blade manages to penetrate our boy tells the tree to keep pushing and the tree says it's already using everything it has above Mumu anxiously wonders what's happening she sees
a strange black figure moving and prays that yanen returns safely the creature starts thrashing about our boy realizes there's no way to stop this monster the creature locks eyes with him the tree tells him to flee before he dies but at that very moment moment the crab goes in for a hug however the crappy boy had set a trap and leaps at the last second dodging the attack and retrieving his sword the problem is the creature breaks his sword it grabs his leg and now the fool is being pulled in he activates his ice power
once again saying it's his only option the attack hits the creature's mouth just as it was about to eat him the tree tells him to retreat if he gets swallowed there will be no way to survive but it seems our boy has become part of the feast the tree Panic screams for the human realizing that once inside the creature's armored stomach there's no escape the tree starts to fear for its own life the crab leaps for the terrified tree but right then a laser shoots out from its head now the crab is going to bleed
the tree shocked wonders if this is the humans doing and questions how he's still alive meanwhile our boy excited says the plan was a success it seems like today he'll bring some food home as that bastard is quite tasty the tree asks if he's really okay as she saw with her own eyes that he was swallowed he explains that it never actually happened since he has high Mastery in forging abilities and Ice control he can create a clone of himself that can't MO move when the crab grabbed his leg he hid and let the Clone
be swallowed but then he hears another noise it turns out the creature isn't dead yet the tree says it's time to stop chatting and finish this once and for all our boy prepares three more ice attacks saying that's all he has left but it will be enough the tree is impressed with how much energy the boy has and now it's finally over it's impossible for the crab to survive up above muhu stands still like a fool the horse wants to jump into the river but she says it'll be useless it's better to wait for the
boss suddenly the River's water rises the Xin crab's body comes flying through the sky the biology Queen quickly recognizes as a hairy crab the crazy girl thought she was going to fight it but then she noticed it landed dead in front of her our boy emerges from the water exhausted she asks if he's okay yanin sits down saying his clothes are wet and cold but he survived at that moment she asks if he'd like to wear her clothes otm Bear's boy asks if she really thinks that's appropriate especially since it's a dress he tells her
to stop being silly and hurry up as they have more things to gather the fairy then appears is telling them to follow her because the core she promised isn't far away they return to the original tree the tree trunk congratulates him saying it's finally an honor to meet him our boy isn't much for small talk and immediately asks where the core of wisdom is Mumu is impressed by this tree which is not only much larger than the tree King but also seems to have infinite life a fairy emerges from the tree and tells them that
this is the core of wisdom she promised Mumu is eager to analyze it and discover what's inside the fairy beside her is excited as well our boy puts the item in his pocket and the other fairy is shot shocked the tree King tells him to show some respect such an item a core can't just be kept in a pocket however our boy explains that it's stored in a much deeper Place strangely both fairies blush what an odd reaction our boy has to give each of them a little flick on the head to stop the jokes
as they're about to leave the tree tells him to wait saying there's another deal to be made our boy asks what it is this time the fairy then shows a golden item in her hand the tree explains that he'd obtained that by killing a human who traded with a vendor in this place immediately our boy recognizes it as a tier five potion obviously interested he asks what the tree wants she responds that she has a feeling the boy will become very strong she knows that he will likely become the C of this place that's why
what she really wants is his Blessing our boy realizes that this tree has great foresight the tree seems to be admiring him but in reality she has her eye on that sacred ring of his it looks like he hands over an item which seems to be what she asked for though it's unclear what it is the tree then tells him that now that he has the core they can communicate over any distance our boy realizes this is basically her saying he's being watched at all times it's right then that he receives a message on the
loud speaker asking if he can hear it's his sister's voice and he asks what's wrong she tells him that the Sky Wheel members have come for revenge and they are under attack he hears an explosion and someone shouting that they're going to kill everyone there our boy tries to send a message but he doesn't get a response immediately says that bastard CH is going to die Mumu says she knows they need to leave quickly but she asks how they're going to win considering their enemies seem to have several Masters he remembers the item he just
received from the tree he knows that consuming it to evolve is extremely painful and many people die from using it however it's the only option he has especially since last time he almost lost to that guy the poor boy begins to scream in pain telling himself that this Revenge from his past life must finally come to an end Mumu cries out for him but he tells her not to come closer and thereby stays evolving like in Dragon Ball Z the pain is the greatest he's ever felt in his life now he understands why so many
guy from using it man the poor guy falls to his knees muu asks what's happening but yanen knows that those who survived this Evolution become the strongest in the world he starts to rise saying he needs to survive this and the artist thinks I'm not noticing but with each panel Mumu is looking more grown up at that moment she shouts warning that a legion of zombies is heading their way she tells her tree Spirit to get ready and they'll need to defend yanin and she rushes in kicking a creature with her companion helping to kill
the other zombies the tree spirit is just watching it all she says she's only worried about the infant's safety what happens to Mumu isn't her problem and at that moment a tier three zombie attacks her she turns her arm to defend herself because the creature was too fast but suddenly our boy now powered up comes in and delivers a kick straight to his chest wow the kick was so precise that the crystal popped out of its head our boy says that tier three creatures are now easy for him he's going to deal with this quickly
so they can return to the base he unleashes a golden barriage piercing through several zombies wow the boy is op Now new is even a bit embarrassed seeing how much our boy has changed he immediately returns saying they need to hurry back to the base now with a smile he says that with him at tier five they no longer need to fear those guys meanwhile back at the base it's chaos man these girls are taking a beating for crying out loud Ray of you tells the medic to run because she can heal herself but the
medic says that's the problem if she encounters someone she won't be able to fight back Poor Dad has already lost an arm man this fight is intense worst of all sha has already captured kingu he says that anyone who disobeys him will watch her die poor Yan L can't do anything suddenly a barriage of blue light comes but Shao tells them to forget it he's no longer rank three he fires a purple explosion in response man is Poor Dad who takes the full impact of the blast show AO says he reached level four thanks to
a gift from their God he then turns to King asking where her dear brother is warning that soon everyone here will be dead she tells everyone to help find her brother as they desperately need his help the problem is her friends aren't in great shape either man they're actually all getting wiped out moving on to the next life as always in the apocalypse these guys can't resist going crazy when they see a woman xia was celebrating saying that following their God was indeed the best decision today Scarlet Rose would finally die at his hands the
muscular guy seeing shelan on the ground says that it's finally time to have some fun youu in pain says she wants to kill that bastard but she's dying from the pain Lino starts wondering where the boss is at that moment an explosion happens and the foolish muscular guy is thrown far away our guy shows up saving Shan and asking who dares to touch his people now the girls are emotional sha however celebrates his arrival and says that finally he'll see the guy meeling and begging for for forgiveness Ken you thanks our guy who tells him
to rest a bit and not to fall in love he asks him to go and hit those guys he hands shoan over to Mumu and says that he's enough on his own now the king tree spirit says it will help him once again like he'll owe another favor he says he understands and tells xio that it's time to settle the score the guy seem to laugh thinking he really believes he's enough to deal with all of them the blonde guy questions whether he really thinks they're losers like T and Jen he steps on the fat
guy on the ground and says that if he has the skill he should try to get his foot off the sword guy tells him to give up already because he got this tier for blade along with the wheel of Heaven he turns to CH L and says he'll handle this kid because last time he was embarrassed he charges toward the protagonist telling him to dream of winning again the guy uses a clone technique saying his head will fly you is impressed that this guy is much faster than her father however to yangin 2.0 is too
slow the guy asks what he means by that and with a movement of his arm our guy blocks the guy's Blade the guy is devastated wondering how that's even possible especially since he can't even see his own attack clearly our guy just redirects the Blade's path he then asks if the guy knows where his weakness is he throws a punch saying he's way too slow man he hits him Square in the belly wow an explosion forms on his back the poor guy turned into a firework man the guy falls devastated realizing he never had a
chance to win meanwhile the rest of the group can't believe this is the same Yang fan as always a more mature Momo thinks they haven't even seen Yang Fan's true power yet meanwhile the little tree is curious to know what the boy's limit is he then faces the rest of the wheel of Heaven members like a grim reaper he asks who's next the blonde guy already knows that if the sword guy didn't stand a chance he's also going to die without doing anything his goal now is to find a way to disappear from this place
after all he's not interested in dying for this organization however Cho turns and tells him to fight the boy he explains that he and the guy who just died were of similar strength so he doesn't stand a chance either but sha AO says that if he takes one more step back lord Ling's curse will activate orc Shao himself will give him a terrible death the poor guy remembers the Lord in between fighting yangin or being tortured to death he prefers to engage in combat he unleashes a purple attack called sound pillar our guy says that
Sho is once again trying to kill his entire group in the end he's a boss that never changes however X replies that dying this way is an honor for them at that moment the blonde guy triggers the sound pillar explosion warning that no zombie has ever survived it however yangin doesn't seem too worried the attack passes right over him and once again the group stands there looking like fools calling for their boss the blonde guy celebrates saying that no matter how fast the kid is it won't do any good if he's evaporated like that but
When the Smoke Clears our gu is unharmed he says the attack is strong sure as it kicks up a lot of dust the blonde guy is confused wondering how the bastard is still standing and talking our guy just says that compared to a Herod crab that attack was pretty weak now things get complicated for the blonde guy because that was indeed his strongest attack and there's not much left he can do he glances back and sees Leo Chu passed out his only chance is to take that guy hostage he approaches and warns that if our
guy guy takes another step that fat guy will die but our guy activates a power in his finger and asks if he's really that eager to Die the blonde guy prepares a spell and says that if anyone does anything else he's going to blow this guy up 's father shouts in fear of Liu dying but at that moment two giant ice pillars hit the blonde guy in the chest the poor guy is completely pierced and the pressure throws him backward he falls to the ground like an idiot used father all battered goes to the fat
guy and our guy tells sha that now that he has no more subordinates it's his turn Sha excited says that the boy has indeed grown much stronger in a few days but he shouldn't be underestimated however yanfen says he's more eager to eat crab than to fight but sha AO reaches into his pocket and pulls something out he says that the kid is going to pay for what he did now since defeating anrin wasn't going to be easy he was going to use this treasure that cost him a lot of money that catches you's father's
attention it was a malicious power potion that exchanged lifespan for more strength Yen Le tells our guy to do something but he responds that he'll let the guy drink that potion and die on his own he knows that this potion takes you to the top of the rank you're already at so even if he drinks it he still won't stand a chance confident sh o drinks it in an instant one of his eyes lights up red and he says he's finally feeling the power coming our guy knows he can kill him but what he really
wants is to capture this guy then he remembers something that happened in the fight against the hairy crab when he killed it a strange Golden Light started coming out of the body he approached wondering what it was he imagined it might be a crystallized core but normally they don't have that shape as soon as he touched it a lot of energy seemed to be absorbed obviously he decided to store it in the ring because it seemed valuable back in the present he thinks it might be a good idea he extends his fist with the ring
and in the same second sha is already in front of him as soon as he grabs shao's fist most of his power seems to disappear the energy continues to be absorbed and Shia wonders what is happening our guy tells him to just give up on that power and transfer everything to him Shia screams in desperation saying he can't let things end this way but the black hole core begins absorbing everything the poor guy falls to the ground EX exhausted yangin understands what that Pearl is a core that condensed the ability the crab possessed but in
the form of an item shaow asks what he did since his powers have disappeared our guy shows the energy he stole and says that from now on it's his desperate shiao asks for it back but our guy says he's going to take revenge for the past life and take everything valuable from him of course yo has no idea what this past life poac is about but yanin isn't going to chat much and delivers a fiery punch right to him the poor guy is surrounded by a barage of attacks man we fast forward 2 Days Later
Lin moo is still working tirelessly to heal everyone do U's father is still talking about eating that hairy crab looks like that thing is never going to get done Lin moo then comments that she wishes she were stronger so she'd stopped holding the boss back our V comes [Music] squaggle you tells our guy that thanks to him everyone is smiling but the guy is in a bad mve and says none of this matters since there will be more mutated creatures there will be more food shortages and the Monsters will only get stronger but youu says
he has already ensured the safety of the two bases and should relax a bit she's eager for the day they can finally get rid of this Apocalypse in then says that maybe with everything that's happened things will indeed get easier Mumu then grabs everyone's attention and says she has the results from the day she went out with Yang Fen they were special potions one for each person that she and the boss had paired each potion was suitable for the one who needed it you and the level two people got a third stage potion khaan the
pink-haired sister is sad because she wants to protect her sister but now she's stronger than the poor thing Mumu then explains that normally a potion requires various tests but they don't have time or resources for that which means she's not sure what will happen when they drink it but excited Shen says they've been through so much so she won't be afraid of it however our guy says that anyone who's scared doesn't need to consume it since they'll find more normal potions in the future the Cowardly trash who are afraid of dying obviously say right away
that they won't consume it then our guy tells his group that if anyone doesn't want to drink it they can say so the fat guy says he doesn't care much about this advancement thing looks like he enjoys getting beaten up the weirdo our guy then says that whoever isn't going to drink the potion should leave the room the three cowardly trash run away immediately you ask why he's letting them go when they need more power however our guy being a good leader says that he doesn't want to force anyone to become stronger or suffer he
tells everyone to drink except the medic because fuin feels sick she'll be there to take care of them but I think the artist forgot who the medic is because he had her drink it too outside the useless ones are wondering what all the screaming is about looks like everyone is already drinking the rabbit tooth guy asks if they're being seen as deserters now the fat guy says he believes they only have one life but there's always a chance to get stronger says the scaredy cat meanwhile at the Scarlet Rose gate the bald guy is startled
he points his chest heater and warns that if a guy takes another step they'll attack but the joner looking character says if they want they can shoot now as he's here to relieve his anger the idiots fire immediately but in the same second the guy vanishes right in front of them they have no idea the bastard is already behind them he smacks the bald guy on the head and kicks the other one beside him punches a wall right then telling yangin to get out of this base the whole place is shaking and they wonder what's
going on our guy says it looks like someone's arriving and tells everyone to rest with him being number five the others will just get in the way during the fight he then turns and tells everyone that there's a gift for them under the table the father looks and sees her box inside there are a bunch of green necklaces these were items that also had an inventory inside and the medic says there's something there meanwhile the guy who invaded is walking through the quds wanting to know where the bastard who killed his nephew is he decides
that if the kid doesn't show up he'll bring down this whole base but then someone tells jansin to stop it's our guy who arrived with two fools who apparently want to die the guy turns and says if they know his name they know why he's here he stretches out his hand and says that Lord lingan invites him to the wheel Heaven base actually the guy throws a card into the air and our guy asks what that's for danin explains that it's an item that protects his life and now that he's loaded with treasures there are
tons of people from dwin who want to come here and attack him he warns that it's best for him to swear loyalty to Lord Zu Lan or he'll be killed in the final challenge however gangin just Returns the card saying he doesn't want their help besides he's going to be the winner in the arena sanction seems to think our guy is pretending to be strong at that moment he catches the card in the air but he feels something strange our guy had thrown it with force and the fool was dragged halfway down the corridor just
holding the card our guy warns that it's best he disappears quickly if he doesn't want to start a war he knows that in that Arena a lot of people died and it's also the reason the wheel of Heaven became one of the five biggest forces in the world but this time everything they possess will belong to him he then heads to the back of the Scarlet base and tells the guys not to let anyone approach without his order now that the enemies have come to his door the plan will have to be initiated a bit
earlier first he needed to remove any impurity from the environment to make the forge perfect and now with the crab item is time to swallow everything the war will begin in 7 days and he's already handed out those Rings filled with items to everyone he knows that besides the main leader of the wheel of Heaven There are three other people he hasn't met yet who are extremely strong he seems to trust you her father her father's friend and shwan that red-haired girl as well while he will have to deal with the king of the wheel
of Heaven himself he then begins to pull out all the items he's been collecting from The Ring it was time to try using a forging skill to unlock the fusion ability this is a rare skill that some Forge users have however since his ability has no limit maybe he can evolve to that level even though it's risky he's going to go all in after all the guy from The Wheel of heaven was considered a God in his past life he tries to combine two items and realizes they seem to be repelling each other that explosion
happens in front of him the poor guy is thrown against the wall it seems those two abilities couldn't be merged and worse his body was being invaded by that energy our guy is now coughing up black oil he falls to the ground weakened his forging and ice powers were also starting to fight each other inside his body at that moment something begins to emerge from the ground the panda appears and explains that he'll only be able to merge two energies if they're symbiotic he wouldn't be able to put two different energies into his body our
guy then asks what he should do the little plant grabs the absorbing item she tells him that if he removes the ice Creator ability from his body maybe he'll be able to merge the others AR guy asks if she's really going to help after all he knows that if she starts pulling his powers he might die in the process she responds that he can either trust her or die on the day of the tournament hearing that yangin decides to accept immediately she starts pulling all this ice power out she remarks that it's incredible you can
actually handle two powers from different dimensions that's extremely strange he realizes that the pain he was feeling has really eased so what she said was true our guy tells her to give him the core of wisdom and the three power orbs but the cheeky plant just asks what happens if she doesn't Ang friend says she won't leave the light if she doesn't she just laughs saying that would be interesting then she hands them over saying that in the end him getting stronger also benefits her with that she returns the items now with them he's sure
that the forge Can't Fail he gathers the three in his hand saying that the fusion will succeed a dragon balls Aura starts emanating from him and the plant says this energy reminds her of the first time she mutated suddenly a green glow begins to emanate from his body he's confused for a second and she asks if by any chance he failed seeing the energy in his hand he says no our guy then lets out a loud shout smoke Rises and he tells them to get up the guy has turned into son Jin Wu and summon
an army now he has an army of fire ice Warriors it's kind of contradictory but oh well the little plan says she's never seen a power like this before man the kid thinks he's in Game of Thrones now sitting on the throne like a fire I king of tier five with a whole Army very solo leveling style in front of him now the guy is pumped and with that six days pass tomorrow is the day of the final challenge in the arena a bunch of zombies are running the Dan chenu is walking through the city
tracting everything around everyone is excited thinking they'll get to kill a bunch of level two and three creatures it tells them to stop being so excited and start killing the creatures the poor guy is about to take a hit from behind his power to force the creatures to obey seems to be failing but a bolt of lightning strikes the zombie yanl appears now at tier four at the peak of the Soul lightning King and chenu tells him to stop introducing himself and just kill the creatures already Us Little Robot had also reached tier four and
she was already at the Pinnacle of mechanics telling them to gather those cores quickly so they could send them to the boss her father was just fuming that his daughter only ever thinks about that damn guy when suddenly the whole Brown starts shaking Ken you worried asks what's happening man mu's teenager had turned into a giant she apologizes saying that xua got a little stronger than she expected everyone thinks she looks more like a boss than the actual bosses X1 tells everyone to hurry up and gather the crystals because their success depends on it everyone
seems super motivated sometime later in the secret part of the underground base our girl explains that in this challenge you can only take four people with him Mumu confuse asks why after all everyone's been getting stronger and with fewer people they're at greater risk you agrees saying that if they're separated the risk of Ambush increases but yangin explains that in this final challenge the more people they take the more will die it's better to take only those who can handle themselves you say she doesn't remember anything like this happening in the past life everyone speculates
why this is happening our girl just says that this challenge is special and for those staying at the base there's an extremely important task he says his sister wants to organize the base and she responds That She's Not Afraid Of The Challenge and wants to go with him she's grown enough and doesn't need his protection anymore she's afraid of waking up one day and not having him by her side anymore but our guy says she doesn't understand that the mission they have is extremely important they'll need to find a place to open their new base
King asks why she has to be part of this Mission our girl explains that this base needs to be set up near where their relatives are that's where she realizes she's the only person besides our guy who has a chance of recognizing them danran explains that he knows of a region right in the middle of where many Merchants appear everyone gets excited saying that a place like that seems like the best choice at that moment the guys from the old Scarlet Rose ask what the new base will be called Yang says the base will be
called xingu and it will guide them to survive in this post-apocalyptic world the Canon is all impressed they never imagined the idea of rebuilding a new world and the girls are all emotional saying he truly is the New Hope for this world he then explains that Mumu and xoan will be the two responsible for building the base kouan stands up a bit embarrassed clearly wanting to participate in the fight and dedicate her life to her master however our guy just hands the map to Mumu she asks if he surely can handle this knowing that if
he gave them the map it shows they're not fit to fight in the arena our guy says he's not sure if they'll succeed but he knows they're the ones he can count on Sheron had great leadership skills and Mumu had her creature to help and was also very smart both of them feel a little bashful after being praised by the boss and don't have the courage to go against what he said so they agree saying they will build the new xingo base our guy then calls Yan Le yanu shoen and Mr Moo these four would
go to the challenge with him while the rest would help with the new base with that the planning meeting was over 8 hours before the Big Challenge begins sham is holding the map where our guide marked the location for the new base and Muma reminds them that they should never give up on each other meanwhile on top of a tower our guys watching them leave thinking that from now on everything depends on them the place he chose for the base is where the wheel of heaven will want to build theirs but in 10 years but
that doesn't matter since they're about to disappear from this world it was time for them to begin as well the team is excited saying they can't wait to teach those bastards a lesson our guy warns that the first step is to put them in the shadows with a stomp on the ground energy spreads in four directions and suddenly his solo leveling Army begins to rise of course no one has any idea what's going on everyone one wonders how he's creating these shadow creatures it looks like the artists who just went all in since they were
supposed to be ice creatures but now they've turned into Shadow ones he comments on how these creatures are Immortal and shoan asks if they risk dying in this challenge he says it's possible and mentions that he knows some creatures will appear out of nowhere during this challenge also people are selected for a life or death fight they could face off against the wheel of Dreams or even against him you've asked if there's any way to avoid them fighting each other our girl says that's where the Shadows come in since he would connect one of these
Shadows with each person everyone would be identified as part of him he knows this because in his past life someone used a similar strategy the problem is he's not entirely sure it'll work but at least they'll calm everyone down yanl says the creature isn't as good as he is so he'll keep it hidden and Yu says she'll save it from when she needs a shield in a critical moment Shan sees hers as a knight and immediately understands that it's because she's not a combatant now everyone is ready our guy jumps over the railing he lands
on the ground and says that from now on he'll explain the people they need to keep an eye on in that base they are known as the four Saints and the main goal is for none of them to die in the end the group agrees the scene shifts to the center of the first ring in Jan City the rare challenge vendor is standing there our guy group approaches with all the swag and our guy says that now everything's about to begin they approach the peak of the mountain Yen Le says it's strange that the wheel
of Heaven people haven't arrived yet when suddenly a strange energy passes through everyone feels pressure on their bodies and wonders who's arriving our guy stands firm he says it's the ability of a girl named shenmin which he warned them about it's a tier five power the girl approach es warning that no one can raise their head in front of the king and the entire team from that base appears before them a bunch of nobodies with names I'm not going to bother reading one by one the white-haired guy is zoing in the king of their base
finally the gravity Fades the girl says that since the king doesn't want them to disappear she'll cancel the power our guy's group realizes they're being disrespected and that these people are much stronger than they imagined Zuul lingan approaches our guy and apologizes for his subordinates being a bit rude he says that the remaining humans on this planet need to unite for everyone's survival but yangin just stands there with his hand in his pocket all cool the other guys are angry at the disrespect but know they can't do anything for now because they need as many
participants in this place as possible Yan Le thinks that our guy must be furious but it's not worth acting out at the moment with that he extends his hand and says he hopes everyone gets what they're looking for today the guy agrees and says it's time to begin zanan approaches the vendor and tells him to open the crystal the vendor extends his hand and says something incomprehensible a golden energy begins to emanate from him a digital portal appears in front of of everyone lingu looks back and wishes everyone good luck meanwhile inside the place a
creature wonders why it's smelling humans various different creatures are walking through the forest the green guy seems to have just awakened then a black sheep comes up to him the guy slaps it whoa he pulls out its heart wondering if it's human an energy then crashes into the middle of the forest the portal starts to appear and in front of it it's already full of creatures waiting or rather the creatures are entering it I thought our guys were going there the green guy is looking at it wondering if Crossing it could turn him into a
human that same portal appears in another place it's said to be the path for devouring creatures but they were just food for them and there is our guy also standing in front of the portal the energy coming from this so-called final challenge Arena was much greater than he expected but obviously he's not going to give up now that he's come this far the ground begins to tremble and a flaming window appears welcoming him to the nightmare battle he'll be transported to three Realms and given three missions with rewards each challenge would be greated and the
person with the highest score would receive the greatest reward additionally whoever ranks at the to pop will receive the love of God and uncover the truth of this world yangin already suspects that it's because of this love of the gods that the wheel of Heaven base evolved so much afterward suddenly he teleports and appears in the Army he says there are two entrances to this place and seven people participating along with 376 mutants our guy finds himself wondering how he ended up in a desert all of a sudden at that moment another portal appears beside
him zanin emerges and asks if our guy has changed his mind about joining them or if he's just looking to die yanran replies that it's a coincidence because he also thinks zanin is looking to die zanin retorts that they've been putting this off for too long and no way is he letting Yang Fen have the love of God but Yang Fen replies that no one's certain of anything yet suddenly a circle of flames surrounds the two and zanin warns that they're coming the ground begins to explode and a horde of desert creatures starts to emerge
while other portals open and people begin pouring out of them the girls as always are all lost not expecting there to be so many people in one place our guide notices that these creatures appearing indicate there's another portal somewhere leading here as well a welcome message pops up telling them the goal is to stay alive and kill the sand Lord yangan has never heard that name before everyone knows that considering how vast this place seems splitting up might not be a good idea suddenly the entire ground starts shaking the creatures come forward but they seem
a bit sluggish moving at 2 mph zanin tells all the humans to group up as the priority for now is survival everyone agrees saying splitting up would be the worst thing to do right now but suddenly the ground starts shifting a giant mouth emerges behind the first fools a bald guy jumps and manages to escape but the girl who's about to get bitten begs for help saying she'll do whatever he wants the bald guy of course just calmly watches she keeps pleading for help but he turns away and just says goodbye and with that she's
devoured the snake keeps gliding through the desert it seems that's the sand L with extremely unpredictable attacks the fact that it disappeared right after killing someone suggests it might have some kind of cooldown time the bald guy feels sad for letting the girl die but he knows that if the situation were reversed she wouldn't have helped NE our guy just observes that the girls who entered there are in deep trouble and this place being beautiful won't help at all and soon enough they'll be dead too at that moment a window appears in front of him
it says he has three points in total and tells him to keep up the good work he begins to deduce that the stronger the creature the more points it gives what's strange is that he earned a point for the girl being eaten this shows that if other people die he'll probably get more points too he just hopes things aren't too difficult for his friends the bald guy receives a message that the 10 people with the highest scores Will Survive the white-haired girl already realizes that if that's the case she'll need someone's help the pant guide
on the other hand seems pleased with the news that killing humans earns points suddenly everyone hears something approaching from behind a giant bear is closing in on the group The black-haired girl warns them to be careful as the Lord could appear any moment and another fool wonders why the Lord doesn't just eat this snake wal grabbed her by the leg the poor girl is already wrapped up as she's being pulled she cries for help but of course everyone is running away in a battle where few survive the more people die the better for the rest
but suddenly someone jumps it's jansin playing the hero man he strikes the snake's skull the poor thing collapses shattered everyone is shocked at how easily he defeated a tier three creature however yangin finds it strange he remembers that in the past life this guy killed people without Mercy as he picks up the girl in his arms he tells her not to be afraid she smiles brightly and says she admires him and that he's so handsome obviously she's planning to stick with the strong guy to survive but in reality he says he won't leave any points
for other species the girl is confused and he blows her head off man this guy is definitely not good he turns to everyone and says that only he can kill them as they also count for three points each everyone is terrified and the bastard is really in first place now things get complicated for Yang fin because jansin didn't gain points from the creature but from killing the girl this shows that the intentions of this game are far worse than he thought everyone gives yansin a terrified look and starts running shouting that there's a Madman here
he calls out to Yang fan and says that together they could kill everyone and take the points from this place at that moment a guy looks at our guy and says that being friends with jeanin is a good reason to run from him too our guy realizes that this guy is trying to pull a trick on him but it's ridiculous danin then looks at the girl and says she seems smart but she won't survive if the sand Lord shows up again she starts running towards him knowing she can't win dection asks where she's running off
to and the poor girl already knows it's the end for her but suddenly something rises from the ground a carnivorous plan appears out of nowhere and at the same time jansin gets caught by it man as he's trapped a mantis comes at him there's an explosion and when the smoke clear as he seems unharmed he says that this bunch of low-level creatures stands no chance against him he knows that his only real problem in this place is yangin who he wants to kill to contribute to the wheel of Heaven it's just a shame that he
can't guarantee Victory directly so he'll have to wait for the right moment everyone is fleeing and he's just waiting for the sandord to appear at that moment a zombie tries to punch our guy yanin Dodges and freezes its face as always just collecting crystals but suddenly a crab comes up behind him he throws an ice attack and easily finishes another one then someone appears behind him and says he's so skilled that he could be recommended our guy sees the hooded man and asks who they are the man says he's from the magic cloak group and
their leader is a rank five awakened our guy says he's heard of this group's reputation as nothing but a bunch of criminals the cloaked man says it seems he already knows them but warns that in this post-apocalyptic World everyone is like them he should join the group and together they could create whatever World they want after all this is a place where you could die at any moment why not live life to the fullest and indulge in all desires arbi politely declines the offer and says that no matter the times harming others is always a
filthy act grabbing his teeth the man says this morality will lead him to his death he jumps at yangin saying that he'll become an obstacle to the leader so they'll die together the man throws himself at our Guy full of bombs strapped to his sides our guy says that if he's going to show off what he's got on his body at least be a woman but the man isn't joking he gets closer and says it's the end for both of them however at that moment our guy just snaps his fingers the fool was charging straight
at him when an ice block started forming beside him the fool gets trapped in an igloo that's when he realizes he messed up our guy says he never claimed to be an ethical person and with that the poor fool blows himself up Yang friend says it's good to be reminded of that organization and he's eager to eliminate them the system window pops up our guy earned three points but that bastard Jansen already has nine then jansin appears from behind saying he's already taking care of the weaklings he's only keeping that girl alive to use his
bait for the sand Lord at that moment the ground begins to tremble Zin says it looks like you and the boss is eager for this to end he throws the woman to the ground saying the food is arrived but the boss seems to adore the bait he head is toward them clearly too smart to fall for trap looks like they enjoy standing still because the big mouth is already in front of them danin realizes this is the perfect chance he's been waiting for and he comes to strike yanen from behind however everything was part of
our guy's plan suddenly jansin is startled he finds himself Alone face to face with the snake at least his punch hurt though the boss immediately Retreats underground AR guy asks if shanin was trying to kill hen War the boss danin claims claims he would never try to kill him since he's invited to join their group however yangin approaches but just then the boss starts advancing again our guy says that since jansin punched it he's now the target so he better get ready jansin keeps a straight face saying that once they defeat the creature together they'll
be able to leave but obviously he has no intention of letting Anin live the monster opens its jaws but doesn't eat The Girl With Tears In Her Eyes the poor thing begs not to be killed zanin says that when the creature bites the jump in and deliver a full force attack the girl gets swallowed up ma yin's being ruthless too he didn't even help her and so she's devoured as soon as she dies he unleashes a barage of ice vanin comes from behind saying yangfan will not pay with his life our guy pretends to be
surprised and an explosion rocks the entire desert jenin thrilled says he's finally killed that idiot but then he realizes he hit a shield even stranger behind him there's a mysterious black figure man that figure stabs him yangin is just off to the side watching he says he knew from the start that Chan should never plan to join forces strangely acts like he's in grade school asking how Yen knew Yen replies that at his level he can sense people's killing intent the moment jansin stepped into that place he felt the unease in his heart Jansen laughs
maniacally saying he never imagined something like that existed Anin asks why jansin wants to kill him considering the boss ordered him out too his Anin falls to his knees St because yangin killed his nephew he remembers that obl sha E from when he was a kid he loved the boy and said he grows strong one day they're giving us this backstory as if we're supposed to care but clearly no one cares just killed the sicko already back in the fight jenin says yangin could never understand what he's been through he lunges at him telling him
to die but the shadow figure just slashes him man it was a whip to the chest he falls like a piece of trash seriously that was weak our guy's Shadow is Nob joke and the madman starts hallucinating sha meanwhile yangin watches the pcho passed out and strangely yangin says he takes back his words and that jansin does deserve some respect not sure what respect he means after jansin threw everyone to die for the snake and speaking of which the snake appears behind him at that moment now he'll have to handle it alone to finally finish
this first round suddenly system window pops up our guy realizes he's gained all the points Jin was carrying and now it's time to deal with this the boss lunges at him he Dodges but the creature Dives back into the sand he finds it odd that the creature is only using physical attacks considering it's the boss he summons some giant ice crystals saying it's time to discover its true potential man a snake is a goalie grabbing all his crystals our guy realizes that in terms of reaction time in speed his creature is on another level and
at that moment it comes in for a bite but confident he pulls out his Minecraft sword man a second later he's flying Goku Style on the dragon the snake is all twisted trying to find him he notices it's acting like a bull trying to shake him off two bad's Frozen its feet so shaking him off won't be easy he runs along its body saying that if this were 7 days ago it might have had a chance but that's changed everyone's creatures are mutants and it's time to figure out if hers is too once again she
comes in for a bite he prepares his spell in his hand and creates an ice block inside her mouth man he even throws in a chain where is all this coming from KPA in the end intelligence is the big difference between beasts and humans he's going to win for the simple reason that she lacks wisdom that's why they won't be replaced by machines either tell that to Chad BT our guide pulls out a spear saying he knows the main weakness he hits it right in the eye making her go blind now she's wobbling sliding to
the side just one more attack and he knows she'll be completely blind bringing Victory Within Reach but finally she uses something other in a physical attack and unleashes a solar power now things are tricky for our guy who's midair the snake fires off the attack and he stretches out his hand activating the shield man these free fire barriers are way too op no wonder he's the king of head shot but he was shaken the snake's attack was extremely fast and he barely avoided getting blown up looks like he'll have to take this seriously as well
he shouts rise summoning everyone to appear solo leveling style the shadow Army charges forward the little snake isn't Dumb the moment she sees that swarm of Shadows she starts running in panic our guy gets angry calling this snake a coward but suddenly something begins to form beneath his feet the ground turns into quicksand he can't break free and his Shadows are all swallowed up once again that Immortal snake reappears to take a bite the problem is that this quicksand is different from normal it's exerting much more pressure and our guy's creatures approach saying they'll save
him but our guy just orders them to return to the Shadows saying this isn't a problem he prepares his fist but almost gets hit by a laser man that annoying snake won't leave him alone our guy notices is that the snake seems to be laughing at him and worse of all he's sinking and about to die without knowing what to do that snake knew more than he thought now in suffocating heat unable to move a muscle he wonders why he didn't take this more seriously the sensation of near-death starts to fill his body suddenly he
begins to have strange memories a chubby kid slumped against the wall someone demanding money looks like our guy was part of a gang he wasn't the nerdy kid after all a chubby kid desperate says he doesn't have any money but our guy grabs the backpack saying if there's nothing in it he's not holding on to it he smacks him on the head and rips it from his hands out of the bag Falls a cute little teddy bear and the chubby kid says not to mess with his doll man he gets stomped on the hand the
bald guy rubs his foot while the chubby kid rides in pain looks like it was already the apocalypse because the bald guy said that doll must be worth a lot he tells the chubby kid that if he has a doll like that he must have more money stashed somewhere the poor kid doesn't respond and the bald guy Stomps on his foot again our guy the gang leader says they should just sell the doll and they'll have money to go play some games again while he thinks about giving the doll to King's youth thinking she'll love
it but then someone shows up and tells them to stop hurting her brother a girl more dead than alive says that if they don't leave her brother alone she'll beat them all up but the chummy kid says they're just playing and tells her to go away the sister says that this game seems to be causing him a lot of pain the poor guy gets stomped on again and says it's hilarious the bald guy agrees saying they're going to have a lot of fun I don't know what's going through our guy's mind as he just stands
there saying nothing and the desperate sister tells them to stop hurting her brother then she trips over a rock man off she goes paralympic Style well this fall is going to be bad yep I think she's dead her brother desperate pulls a flash move and sees her falling the bald guy says the girl is stupid for diving into the water with crutches our guy was about to tell them to call the adults to save her but the ball guy slaps him saying if they do that they'll get in trouble with that they all run off
saying she jumped in on her own so it's not their problem meanwhile the chubby kid is on the shore calling out for aen our guy approaches and tells him to find someone to help but he says it's too late by the time anyone comes she'll already be dead and there goes another dier our guy just watches wondering what kind of crazy brother this is the girl is calmly floating there her brother approaches saying he's going to save her he pulls her in seems like she's a professional swimmer definitely Paralympics material the brother tells her not
to worry he'll take her back home but then her leg gets caught in the weeds man he says she's going to be pulled down and die Honestly though can't you just step and Reser this he asked our guy for help saying there's a plant wrapped around her leg the problem with that river is that it's incredibly fast our guy is scared to go in and die never seeing his family again so he turns away saying he doesn't even know how to swim the two are desperate brother and sister almost gone they both get submerged the
truth is our guy knew how to swim he was afraid of death that's why he couldn't save them but now he remembers the present everyone calls him boss this guy can't die like this determined he's ready to invoke his protagonist powers and here comes the snake for another bite he tells himself that if he dies here no one will save the people he loves he absorbs all the sand into his ring just as the snake is about to bite and at that moment he activates the judgment Day Ice flame these names are getting bigger and
so is the power man I don't get it he creates a bubble and jumps right on top of the snake who suffering he lands a blood to her neck and just like that the snake became Sushi our guy says he won because he simply cannot lose a truly genius line congratulations the dimension begins to collapse and yangin wants to know where his reward is B Window pops up informing him that as the sole survivor he would get everything left in that place he receives a Le World fruit a card that returns to its original position
and a univers key that needs three more parts to be complete he seems to remember something about this key fragment probably related to that love of God item some Flames start to rise from his body with time return to the beginning as soon as he reappears he's worried about how the others are doing he pulls out a communication device to check what's happening you says that her world is full of zombies but she's managing kelan says that thanks to the shadow he gave her she's surviving and that one guy who I still don't know the
name of says he also passed the challenge however our guy hasn't heard from Yan Le he calls for him but there's no response shoan suggests that maybe Yan Le's headset broke during the fight and the nameless guy says Yan Le is stronger than him so he must have survived our guy then tells everyone to focus on their tasks confident that Yan Le is strong enough just then the window for the Second Challenge appears for everyone he tells them to proceed quickly so they can meet again and in his usual style Arms Wide Open the second
round was finally about to begin you whether she wanted to or not was worried hoping her father would show up soon she even tells her not to stress about it yet she calls out to yangfan and says she wants to ask something but it seems her guy has already left hasn't he youu tells shoan she can tell her and shoan asks why she wants to keep something secret from yangfan Tio Yan says that Mumu asked you to help the protagonist and make sure he survived he responds that's obvious she'll do her best in this place
then shoan drops a bomb revealing that the items Yang fit has cannot bring you's mother back that's because after analyzing her mother's blood it seems she's no longer human now it's awkward dropping that on her was pretty harsh hean says she'll wait for her in the next challenge and you agrees poor youu is devastated she doesn't know where her father is and now she has no chance to save her mother she doesn't want to hate yangan because she knows he only lied to prevent her from being sadder you'd think this would break her spirit but
instead she gets motivated saying that with a leader who cares so much she can't let him down a tornado of flames suddenly rises in the middle of a Coliseum there's our guy as swaggy as ever considering this place's Traditions he wonders if the boss this time will be a colise fighter some Flames start to appear and he wonders who will emerg this time three HED guys appear saying they seem to have gotten lucky but ganin is calm thinking they're too Nave if they think they'll beat him four more Flames L up around him man the
guys are already jumping in to finish him off and he realizes this situation is quite similar to the last one the guys say that he's not moving you must be terrified while our guy is just thinking that these points are practically running to him he summons his solar leveling Shadows to deal with the fools man one slap to the neck but strangely this time he doesn't seem to gain points for finishing the guy just then two more people show up two blonde girls comment that the blood bath has already started and they like a strong
big brother our guy feels a bit awkward with these girls being so forward then two more people appear the blonde guy says it's good to know he's with Yang Fin and these two beauties asking for everyone's help while the green work questions if everyone here is human saying he wishes he could be human too everyone's just watching the green guy at that moment the system window appears and the girls are confused this time it seems to be about cooperation our guy is just observing the message tells him to choose three people to survive and he'll
meet the god of the end of the world apparently this time the goal is to eliminate players until only three remain and together they'll face the final boss the problem is he has no idea who the best choices are the girls suddenly suggest getting rid of the strange green guy first and then they'll decide the rest the blonde guy asks when they decided that the two of them would survive they say that if one of them dies the other will take her own life leaving only two people and maybe the boss won't activate the other
girl in the tight outfit assures him that surviving with them is a good time the blonde guy says he never expected to be threatened like this then he turns to Yang fan and says the best option is to kill him and the green guy but just then the green hand appears the fool gets skewered for the chest and the big green guy continues saying he's eager to kill and become human the girls comment that it seems the numbers are dropping faster than expected but the blonde guy says it's not so easy to kill him the
guys are body structures similar to a human so he knows when the weaknesses are the blonde guy tries to land a hit on the creature's head but the monster Dodges the creature says it likes strong people so soon they'll kill him the blonde realizes this weirdo is much smarter than he thought he tells yanin that the green monster is from another species and suggests they kill it together first but as always his real plan is to kill Yang Fen during the fight Yang Fen asks why he would team up against his Target the blonde explains
that if a creature kills him it will evolve and not even Yang fin will be able to handle it that's because he's tier five meaning he'll give the creature a lot of experience the girls comment that a tier five person would indeed be the best nourishment for that creature our guy gets thoughtful the green B charges at the blonde saying he'll kill him and become the blonde steps in and says he'll reveal his ability it's called Death premonition and as long as he's near the opponent he can find the perfect spot to finish them off
watching the creature he says its weak points are in the temple and the eye and just then the Beast comes in for a hit but our guy appears behind it with a flaming blade he tells the blonde that since he was honest he'll take out the Beast first but when he slashes the creature ducks to dodge our guy says that it looks like he'll need to call for some help he summons his solo leveling Shadows to strike from behind with that the creature is immobilized and the blonde guy gets excited the green monster wonders if
it's really going to die in such a pathetic way and apparently we're about to get a flashback looks like this creature was trapped in a rune full of zombies everyone inside was begging not to be eaten amidst all the bodies was a strange red thing it turns out it was an egg and this annoying kid hatched from it just then a zombie charges at him man the kid just hatched but he's already getting bit however the zombie's tooth breaks and what's this the kid punched the zombie in the head as soon as he was born
he pulled out the famous human knowledge core and ate it what was going on in the memory the kid already looked 20 years old he was eating bores around the world killing tigers with his bare hands the zombies didn't stand a chance all they wanted was to become a real human I'm not sure if they're trying to make us feel sorry for this green guy especially since he just took a hit to the head that's why I barely pay attention to these flashbacks come on but actually while getting hit in the head the creature managed
to stab the blonde the monster says that for his mother's sake he has to become human well he's absorbing the blonde guy's energy now things are bad for our guy so watching the fight asks chunu if he plans to save this guy the old man says he'd never get involved for a mut like that his secretary just says she understands but suddenly he grabs her arm pulls her onto his lap and says they're much more relaxed than the people fighting since he's a bit angry she'll have to help him calm down strangely she says she's
the old man's man seems like there's more to this girl than meets the eye meanwhile the green guy keeps advancing saying he's about to become human to him as long as he continues absorbing he'll soon reunite with his mother our guys seeing that the creature can now form more complex sentences realizes that the monster has truly evolved he calls in his whole Army unfortunately he'll have to protect the girls too because if the creature keeps absorbing more people things will only get worse he creates an army around the two girls who comment that even if
they tried it would be impossible to resist someone like the creature without hesitation our guy charges at the Beast saying he's going to land a hit right in the middle of its forehead but his sword strike does nothing our guy's trembling all over what's this his blade forged with secret abilities broken half he's confused at how strong this monster is the green guy says that apparently he's the strongest one here so once he consumes yanen he'll definitely become human he lunges at him demanding his brain the monster unleashes a flurry of attacks but our guy
keeps dodging at the same time Shikamaru style he sends a shadow to the side which appears with a blade to cut the creature's arm but the green guy just slashes the shadow our guy uses this moment to retreat from a distance he conjures up his ice barrier he sends it Forward telling the monster to die but what's this the creature uses a tree and starts wrapping everything up the girls start getting scared thinking the monster will win one of them Winks with a smile and says it's good if he wins or else they'll die there
one girl asks if she's afraid of death and the other says that as long as she's by her side she fears nothing what is this they're having a cheerful moment in the middle of the Arena let's focus on the fight please meanwhile our guy is thinking of a strategy to beat the green guy he begins concentrating energy in his arm he creates a bunch of ice shards infused with that ice flame and sends them at the monster but the creature just says the same attack won't work twice but this time yangin seemed confident the monster's
Roots started to fall apart yangin said he found the weak point and launched a barriage of the green creature the problem is now the poor guy is exhausted he knows that creatures who grow with resentment have the potential to become extremely powerful in his past life this type of monster required the help of several bases to be eliminated the sword wielding secretary said that it seemed like the battle was ending however the old man said it wouldn't be that easy at that moment something appeared behind our guy I thought he would react but the idiot
was just lifted up the monster asked how yangin dared destroy him and said he would recover by devouring him it rushed toward him saying it would drink all his blood but our guy just summoned the black hole asking if the monster had that ability an energy shot toward the green creature it began to be pulled wondering what was happening and with that the poor thing was gone our guy collapsed to the ground exhausted that left him completely drained he had turn to the girls and said it was time for the three of them to deal
with the boss what the hell when he turned around the two were dead he found a letter on the ground where they thanked him for his protection they wrote that they hoped he would survive but they prefer to die together rather than be torn apart I think the author was too lazy to kill those two and the artist did the job the problem now is that our Guy believes there's no one left to start the challenge but then he hears footsteps behind him it's the old man and his armed secretary congratulating our guy and saying
he truly deserves to be the new Master of the Scarlet base that's when he realizes there were more people in that place after all and worst of all these two bastards are Saints the strongest ones from their base in fact the old man is the father of the current leer if a story is correct when he arrived at the base he killed a previous leader Additionally the girl named Shang Tien was always his lover and biggest fan he then turns to the girl and says they need to be polite and go greet the young man
controlling Gravity the two descend the old man says that now that it's just the three of them he's interested in forming an alliance to take down the boss together our guy says a partnership would be great as it would save him half the work the old man smiles and tells him not to have high expectations since he's already quite old yangin realizes the old man is testing to see if he has any grudges against the people from the heaven base the the old man then thanks him saying that their only chance of surviving is cooperation
and our guy bow agreeing with him our guy then understands why the old man wants to befriend him and seeing that our guy has no affiliation with the current leader the old man already wants to make him a servant to help rise to the top then the system announces that all they have to do is say the word cooperation and the boss will appear the three of them say cooperation the system congratulates them and says they are now entering the next level a storm bruise in the skies a lightning bolt strikes the Coliseum hitting the
poor girls who had taken their own lives everyone is confused by this and then a black energy sphere welcomes everyone to the Apocalypse at that moment Shang Tien tells the old man to stay behind her and the creature laughs saying that the God of War would soon arrive so they shouldn't be surprised yangin seems to know something about that information and suddenly the monster opened its mouth inside were the three people our guy had fought before the monster descended in front of everyone yangin told the others nearby that those were the guys he fought in
the first round The Old Man and the girl understood immediately and the monster opened its mouth showing that the people that had just killed were inside too with that it fired a laser the ground here comes that damned green creature again along with the suicidal couple and the crazy blonde guy the creature then announces that the apocalypse Escape has begun and here comes that annoying couple that did nothing but get in the way at that moment shangan stretches out her hand and activates a gravity shift the creatures seem to feel the pressure and our guy
seeing this already knows she has at least reached tier five the old man a mind reader says that many people from their base have already reached tier five our guy asks how they can have so many fifth order potions when it's extremely expensive to buy one however he realizes the old man is just boasting to try and get him to join his plan can then says it's a very simple secret and asks how our guy doesn't know y he asked him to explain there's something strange you notice since the apocalypse happen so quickly how is
it possible that the people from that base adapted so fast at first he thought these people had some sort of Supernatural ability or natural talent for surviving the apocalypse but After experiencing the powers of the Ring he suspects there's something more behind it all the old man then says that since the boy is uninformed and now part of their group he'll share some Secrets he explains that the truth is everything originated from a ring at that moment our guy is shocked the old man says that when the world fell into chaos and the government couldn't
do anything no one had anywhere to run but just when all hope was lost lingan found a ring that helped them survive our guy asks how everyone got stronger and if only lingan got this ring he's starting to realize that he's not the only one with a ring in this world the old man then explains that some survivors from jiguan City h the voice of a god which explained everything about killing zombies and communicating with trade posts that's how jituan City managed to create many strong people who were prepared from the start additionally it's a
resource Rich place which is how they developed here I am nting this conversation but where are the zombies is the girl still holding him with gravity our guy then questions if that voice wasn't strange and the old man admits there was something odd most of the people who heard the voice mentioned it had a weird laugh hearing about that laugh made Yang fin thoughtful the first time he entered the challenge Arena he remembers hearing something similar the old man says it's expected that he heard it since he's so strong now it's confirmed that there's some
kind of secret group behind all of this and it's not an natural cause at that moment The Old Man and the girl notice something and in the same instant a zombie is about to strike the girl man she uses a grabby ball and pushes herself to the side the monsters are all making senseless noises Shang tan comments that the creatures seem to have kept the same strength they had before dying at that moment the strongest couple in this work rushes toward her let's see if these bastards can finally do something wo she grabbed the secretary
looks like her tastes haven't changed with death our guy is fighting another fool saying he didn't expect their end to be like this but first he have a deal with those two friends however the green guy is running toward the old man the old man says he didn't want to dirty his hands but it's a shame he unleashes an explosion at the green guy the guy tries to defend himself but the poor thing is disintegrated but at the same time three more were already coming from behind the old man's weakness is that even though his
attack is strong he can't use it repeatedly our guy quickly notices this but at least sees relieve that the strongest one was dealt with right at that moment the blonde girl comes in for a punch and from the side her friend completes the attack but nothing that the free fire barrier can't handle he extends his hand and turns one of them into a weapon and cuts the poor girl in half now was time to deal with the second one who was laughing like a lunatic our guy was confused by this and nearly got his hair
cut off the D girl he had killed had reconstituted herself he doesn't know what's going on but cuts her in half again man but even cut the girl keeps coming she throws a punch and he barely dodg Dodges it apparently they had a rare ability called symbiosis in his past life he also fought something similar but usually people with these abilities were quite weak he never expected to face this again especially now she unleashes a JoJo style beage but he easily Dodges it the problem is dealing with two creatures that can't be killed he pulls
out the katana once more saying maybe the secret is to cut both at the same time if both die they won't be able to heal but as soon as he approaches the blonde pushes her friend aside he slices one's neck but realizes these damn girls are smart even his zombies they still love each other he Dodges with a pole vault and says that since they want to play it that way he'll have to change tactics he throws two giant daggers at them at the same time he sends the Shadow the blonde was going to push
her friend but the shadow appeared behind her and finish her off at the same time the other girl took a sword strike to the forehead once again he says that if it had been him from 7 days ago this would have been difficult and now the first time he's going to try to extract the energy from a person's body he wanted to steal that symbiotic power and at least put it in his shadow creatures he then summons two Ms and tells them to accept the energy the power flies toward the two of them and they
start glowing the purple energy but our guy notices they seemed about to die or rather what he sensed wasn't Supernatural power his soldiers Advanced and now he had a couple to summon not only did he pull the essence of the power but he also pulled their souls and now they were serving him as if he were their Master our guy just stretches out his hand and sends them underground now he's got incomplete solar leveling being able to turn enemies into Shadows meanwhile The Old Man and the secretary are finishing off the remaining creatures shortly after
they had already taken care of everything the old man compliments our guy saying that his ability seems quite interesting however y yangin wonders why even with all the creatures dead the challenge hasn't ended the little monster appears again laughing and saying that they haven't reached the end yet the old man asks what kind of disaster is coming now the boss announces that once again they will face the strongest creature they've ever encountered in their lives Anin is calm because the sand Lord won't have any advantage in this place the problem is what those two have
already faced and worse why do they look so sad Shang tan says that if this is happening Yang fin will find out the truth he just replies that they have no choice but to deal with it now the guy just says it's coming first up is the lord of the sand world man there wasn't supposed to be sand but the creature brought sand with its body apparently the second was a flaming suzaku our guy already imagines that these two were the bosses that survived their previous round as well the creature then says it's time for
the third one something strange is flying toward them the weird body explodes on the ground it rises with a red eye and Yan is shocked it was Yan Le the God of Thunder you's father man our guy has just discovered that these bastards killed his friend Shang tingan asked the old man what they're going to do and he says to wait and see the boy's reaction first Yang fin just looks at them our guy then says he understands that in the previous Arena everyone had to kill each other so it's not their fault they had
to kill him but he wants to know how they managed to defeat him the old man explains that just like him yanl also wanted points so the two had no choice the old man doesn't want to start a fight here so he hopes yangin understand understand the situation our guy just turns and says he gets it but the secretary says his reaction was anything but normal and the old man immediately adds that he's sure the boy must be planning something since they killed his friend our guy then says he'll take care of yan Le and
they should handle the others he activates his power and charges toward him launching ice explosions however yanl easily blocks them he glares at yangfan and rushes at him yangin easily Dodges the punch Shang Tian wonders why he's doing that the old man says it's probably the best choice he can make there's no way he can defeat both of them and still handle these three creatures on his own so that's why he wants to keep cooperating however he warns the secretary that at any moment Yang Fen will probably attack them so they should be cautious she
says she'll keep an eye on him and it's a good thing he's fighting Yan Le since that will consume a lot of his energy Yan Dodges again thinking he made a big mistake unfortunately yaml had to face the strongest boss from the wheel of Heaven in the first round face to face yangin says he knows this will make you sad but he needs to finish him off the creature charges screaming and punches straight into the shield but as the Smoke Clears it notices something yangin had activated a tornado and was starting to absorb its power
Yen light prepares again and throws another punch at our guy but at that moment his arm starts getting consumed our guy says he'll have to help him survive but in another way and with that he begins absorbing his body yl is then pulled into the black hole yangin turns to see if the others have handled their side the Phoenix was screaming approaching the ground as the gravity girl easily brought it down the old man that arrived beside her and delivered a punch straight to its head seeing that the old man looked a bit exhausted she
ran over and asked if he was okay he said he was just a little fatigued and asked how Yang fin was doing at that moment our guy appears and says he's done the old man is impressed that he won yle didn't have a single scratch on him apparently he showed no mercy to his old friend which is dangerous but in this situation the old man can't provoke the boy either the orb congratulates everyone saying they can finally leave this place a gate appears at the back of the Coliseum the three begin walking toward it but
they find it strange that they haven't received any reward rewards yet at that moment a window appears the secretary is shocked when she sees it the message says they need to kill one of the other two to claim all the rewards they've received so far they could all survive safely or eliminate one more person to take the prizes from this place seeing the two standing side by side yangin already knows this won't end easily and the worst part is being alone he's sure the two will issue a challenge however unlike the message he received they
must choose someone to challenge the secretary will challenge The Old Man and she also doesn't want to do something like that to our guy he's wondering if everyone got the same message he did considering how everyone is eyeing each other Yang fin assumes this is the case he can see that the old man seems to be harboring murderous intent so it's clear he received a different message however maybe the best option would be for everyone to leave without causing any trouble but of course the master of this world wouldn't be that kind the old man
then says they're all part of the same group and asks what message Yang Fen received our guy agrees but says he's at a disadvantage so he like to know their message first the gold man questions whether he really doesn't trust his friend while while knowing that if he Reveals His message he'll die Yang Fen replies that calling him a friend is pushing it in a situation like this fully aware that the old man intends to kill him the problem is if he runs toward that door it will immediately show that his goal is just to
escape the old man then says that in that case he'll have to apologize for being a little cruel and just like that he orders King Shang tan to go after our guy she stretches out her hand and activates her gravity control our boy gets slammed to the ground like a fool the old man says that if someone can't be a friend they must be an enemy and to avoid becoming an obstacle in the future that mean to get likes on this video that helps mamoru make more juicy content for his viewers activate the cheeky little
bell and I'm out
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