What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Sugar For 7 Days?

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Dr. Sten Ekberg
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Video Transcript:
Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk about what would happen to your body if you quit sugar for just 7 days and for one thing you'll probably noticed improved energy and why is that because sugar is a very unstable energy source and the thing that determines how you feel and what kind of energy you have is called your brain and the thing about the brain is that it never rests most of your body cells they have kind of circadian rhythm where they're very very active and very very inactive but the brain doesn't do that
and therefore the brain needs stable energy and how stable well the brain is about 2% of your body weight and it uses 20% of all your energy so it's about 10 times more metabolically active than your average body part and the Baseline the average energy consumption of the brain in the typical person is about 20 watts so it's like a dim light bulb if you will and if we look at that graphically for comparison uh that would be about that size of a bar and then if we compare to the absolute most active that your
brain would ever be it only goes up by less than 5% so graphically we can see that it's just barely it's almost indistinguishable from the Baseline level and when you're sleeping the very very lowest that your brain ever slows down is about 18 Watts so you can see here how the brain activity the brain energy consumption which again determines how you feel it almost doesn't fluctuate at all and when you're awake would be the green and the red bar here that where you really see no difference so if we compare to muscle for example that
could be a hundred times more active or a thousand I don't have the numbers but you get the idea when it's active as opposed to when it's at rest whereas the brain is a very unique organ in that it's energy demands fluctuate very very little and the brain is what determines how you feel and what sort of energy you have to do different things and that's why the brain needs super stable energy so if we use the analogy of putting a Log on the Fire something that burns very steady and for a long long time
the way the Body Works is that the brain likes to have a very very stable energy level in a very narrow range and if you eat sugar or you eat something processed some processed starch like white flour your blood sugar is going to leave this ideal range and it's going to go super super high and when it goes super high the body has to bring it down very very quickly so it comes crashing down and sometimes the body is pretty well tuned and it can make it level off in this narrow range but for most
people especially if you abuse the system over time then it's going to start crashing and it might go well below this level and this is where you feel horrible you have no energy you get cravings and your body just doesn't work and your brain doesn't work whereas if instead we eat the equivalent of the Log on the Fire which would be fat and protein and fiber and non-starchy vegetables now you can eat as much food as you like and it is not going to leave this ideal range unless possibly if you have already sort of
destroyed the system and really messed up that carbohydrate handling machine so in order to feel good and have energy your brain needs this stable and ongoing energy like this green line so therefore you need to cut out you need to stop or dramatically reduce sugar and starches and then like I mentioned to get this Log on the Fire what you want to do is increase fat protein and fiber and if you understand what I just talked about then you also understand this is why humans are not made we're not designed for diets that are very
high in sugar and refined starch and processed foods which is most of what people eat today and it is why we run much much better on fat they're basically two sources of energy for the body they're two fuels one is fat and one is carbohydrates and the carbohydrate will create this kind of behavior this kind of blood sugar spikes and it will do it more the more processed it is whereas The Log on the Fire the whole foods with some fat and protein are going to exhibit this behavior and you can start moving from blood
sugar spikes to a More Level energy Supply very very quickly in a matter of days you will start noticing this if you're strict with it and you can do this if you stop the sugar but especially if you also at the same time start to cut back on your carbohydrates overall and you start eating more whole food that have a lower glycemic index and you also cut out what we call White Trash which is the white and processed sugar flour and oils so the carbs the processed foods the high glycemic food is all going to
create these type of spikes and if you cut back on those and eat real food then you're going to get this energy Supply instead and if you improve that brain energy obviously you can also Al get better mental Clarity and something that a lot of people complain about which is brain fog can actually lift and start improving very very quickly and I want you to imagine the effect over time if you all of a sudden can start thinking more clearly if you have better focus if you have better productivity you get more done when you
do things and if you can make better decisions just imagine if each one of these gets just a few percent better than the compounding effect of thinking better focusing better and making better decisions over time that can be truly lifechanging next thing you notice might be less bloating and this is another thing that maybe the majority of people are complaining about these days it's like who doesn't have bloating right so sugar feeds the bad gut bacteria and the bad gut bacteria they're the ones who make the gas especially the kind of gas that makes people
want to leave the room and these are what we're calling pathogenic species they're the bad bacteria they're the ones that have grown out of proportion that are out of balance with your beneficial bacteria and most people have severe bloating probably have something called sibo small intestine bacterial overgrowth because where you get that bloating that gas expansion soon after a meal is because you're feeding the bacteria in the small intestine a buffet of sugar and carbohydrates and even healthy things like fiber but these bacteria are in the wrong place they're not supposed to be in the
small intestine they're supposed to be further down in the large intestine and you're supposed to have absorbed all the food and all the carbohydrates in the small intestin before it gets down to the large intestine and if you absorb it before it ever gets to the bacteria now that's where you don't get all the bloating but once you have a condition like siba once you have an imbalance of these bacteria now there are also other carbohydrates that can create problems and feed these bacteria so even things like fiber which is a type of carbohydrate that
we normally can't digest but we do have some bacteria in the large intestine that are normally digesting these or starch which we want to avoid for the most part but there are some things that like a sweet potato or a potato or a tubers that have some starch in them and again if we absorb that stuff before it gets to the bacteria now we're in good shape and there's also another group of things called FODMAP which stands for fermentable ol oligosaccharides disaccharides monosaccharides and polyols and polyols ends with OLS and that means that the all
of these sugar alcohols that are popular to add now as sugar substitutes that most people can tolerate a tiny little bit but if you start eating them regularly and you have a touch of sibo now they can make it a whole lot worse so this is not a super easy problem and there's a lot of different factors that can cause bloating but one thing for sure is that sugar is a safe bet to stop sugar is never going to make anything better the fourth thing that you will probably notice is that you will start sleeping
better and the reason is that Sugar will cause blood sugar swings whenever you eat sugar you will have spikes and sharp drops and what that causes is it causes disruptions in cortisol because whenever your blood sugar goes up and it comes crashing down when it's on the low side now your body starts making cortisol because your blood sugar is coming down so fast that your body tries to compensate with increased cortisol and the primary reason for releasing cortisol is to try to raise blood sugar again so in a nutshell eating sugar and processed carbs will
disrupt your cortisol all function and what happens now is that there's this hormone called melatonin and this is your sleep hormone this is the hormone that regulates your sleep cycle your circadian rhythm and that is the hormone that puts you to sleep so with plenty of well-regulated melatonin now you can sleep like a baby but if you eat a bunch of sugar and it starts disrup regulating the cortisol now this cortisol is going to very effectively shut down that melatonin and that makes sense right because melatonin puts you to sleep cortisol is a stress hormone
and if you have stress if you have danger if you have an emergency obviously that's not the time that you want to sleep so this is one of these mechanisms in the body where cortisol kind of overrides a lot of things because stress is about survival so now obviously if you disregulated cortisol now you're also going to shut down sleep benefit number five of stopping sugar is that you will be on your way to weight loss now in a couple of days not a whole lot's going to happen but you're going to start a Cascade
of effects so the main thing is that sugar is a drug it is very very highly addictive it stimulates pleasure centers in the brain and it's like an opiate basically and humans like all other animals have a very sophisticated regulation of our need for food we get hungry when we need food and this is very balanced and very sophisticated but when we take a drug like sugar suar sugar bypasses this normal regulation so we don't have that fine-tuned mechanism in place anymore and this is one of the strongest factors that causes overeating so where you're
going to see the first few pounds go away is if you also stop the other carbohydrates that you're eating because now you're going to start burning through some of your glycogen stores that's the way your body stores some carbohydrate in the body and if you cut back on sugar and s you start reducing those glycogen stores and the glycogen binds water so when you reduce your glycogen now you also get rid of water and that's the first few pounds that you lose is actually just water weight loss but like I said what's more important is
that you change the behavior in your body and that you start getting your normal hunger regulation back CU there's no way that's going to work work when you eat a drug like sugar and you know this to be true because it doesn't matter how much food you have eaten you've had this huge steak you've had the baked potato you've had all the food you can eat but afterwards you can still fit in a little bit of dessert and a little bit of sugar and another mechanism that's also super important I've just touched on it quickly
here because I've done so many videos on it it's about insulin resistance that sugar is the absolute worst thing that creates insulin resistance because sugar is like alcohol it can only be processed only be broken down by the liver and the liver is your metabolic Hub so by eating sugar it's like drinking a bunch of alcohol you get a fatty liver and a fatty liver becomes insulin resistant and it's one of the primary mechanisms that you have to break if you want to get out of insulin resistance and a fatty liver the next thing you
notice is that you get way fewer cravings and one aspect of this is what we just talked about that you bypass that drug Behavior get back to normal regulation but the other mechanism the other factor of insulin resistance is that when you're insulin resistant means you have too much insulin floating around on your body on average that insulin is fat storing there is no way to to burn fat when your insulin is super high your body just won't do it and if you can't burn the fat you store all this energy for a rainy day
or a day without food but with high insulin you can't get it back there's no way to retrieve all this energy so what happens now instead you get hungry and you get cravings and one more wonderful way that you fix Cravings is that when you cut out the sugar now you taste buds recalibrate you it's like you get completely new taste buds you start discovering what food is supposed to taste like and real food like vegetables and avocado and tomatoes and meat starts tasting absolutely amazing and now what happens instead of cravings when you go
without food for a while you get something wonderful called real hunger your body is letting you know it has a desire for for some true resources not the processed garbage but it really wants real food it wants the meat fish chicken it wants the leafy greens it wants the non-starchy vegetables it wants nuts and seeds and all those good things that we can find on the planet that we haven't processed and destroyed and what you find when you switch from sugar and processed foods to real food is that it's infinitely more satisfying it feels so
good to eat that wonderful well-cooked gourmet food and now because it's so much more satisfying you will find you eat fewer meals you can go much longer between meals the seventh benefit of cutting out sugar is that you will probably get clearer skin you probably get better skin and this is because sugar is inflammatory for one thing and inflammation drives a lot of different skin diseases but also sugar feeds everything evil in your body everything that doesn't belong everything that's opportunistic and taking advantage of you feeds on sugar so things like bacteria and virus yeast
and fungus the virus is more indirectly it's feeding off your metabolic processes but it still benefits from having a high sugar consumption when you when you eat a lot of sugar but Bia yeast and fungus they feed directly off the sugar and most people don't realize that the ill effects of these pathogens it's not the fact that they just exist in your body it's that they have metabolic byproducts they have toxic metabolic byproducts their waste is what you're reacting to and if these pathogens spew out a lot of waste in your body now that puts
a strain on your elimination organs you only have so much capacity to detoxify and get stuff out of your body and most people don't realize what those elimination organs are so it's the liver it's the bowel or the large intestine it's your kidney but then what people don't realize of the last two that your lungs and your skin are two of your largest elimination organs so the more that your body gets bogged down the more it's going to try to find a way to get rid of these toxins through other channels and the skin is
one of those ways so by stopping the sugar you're helping your body get cleaner in all sorts of ways benefit number eight of cutting out sugar is reduced joint pain and again this is because sugar is inflammatory so a lot of chronic pain that people have have to do with back pain hip pain neck pain but also knee and shoulder pain and hand and foot pain people have trouble gripping things and the extreme version of this is called rheumatoid arthritis and it's an autoimmune disease but arthritis simply means joint inflammation and the other type that
is not always considered inflammatory is called osteoarthritis and it is absolutely inflammatory also it's just not as inflammatory as the rheumatoid and most of the time when we're talking about these things we're talking about osteoarthritis which is due to a chronic lowgrade inflammation and when you can cut out the sugar short term and you can reduce your insulin resistance and your chronic inflammation long term now so many people if you look through the comments on a lot of my videos you will start seeing that people report these things going away not only only are they
getting off their blood pressure medication and all these different things that they don't need anymore but things they had no idea would get better like joint pain also go away number nine is that you probably find that you'll be in a better mood and this could be just if your mood is shifting a little bit or it could be more severe depression or anxiety as well so there are these different neurotransmitters in the body those are brain chemicals the brain uses to commun Comm unicate in your nervous system and send signals and regulate things so
we have dopamine we have serotonin we have Gaba or gamma amino butc acid and we have glutamate so these are there many many of them but these are the four main ones and it's way more complex than this but dopamine is associated with reward seeking and motivation serotonin is associated with mood regulation Gaba has to do with in inhibitory function slowing things down shutting things off so relaxation has a lot to do with Gaba and glutamate is the excitatory it's the opposite of inhibitory and that has to do with learning and being active and going
after things so as you probably understand because all of these are natural and made by the body there's not like a good and a bad thing they're supposed to exist in Balance so that the brain can trigger them at the appropriate time for the appropriate circumstance but now if you eat a bunch of sugar now the sugar can stimulate some of these it can shut others down it can create a dependency it can make it so that we produce more but then we also start depending and craving more and more so it's like sugar stimulates
a certain thing so then we just want more and more sugar to get that feeling going and sugar can also desensitize it can disrupt and unbalance all of these different neurotransmitters so we have this wonderful natural system that calibrates itself and balances itself all the time and now we throw sugar into the balance that can mess with it I don't have to tell you that it can start affecting your mood and benefit number 10 is what this channel is a lot about because diabetes and insulin resistance is the number one health problem in the world
it is associated with the majority of health problems the majority of chronic diseases and the majority of things that kill people so by cutting out the sugar you will start improving your blood sugar control almost immediately you will start lowering your insulin levels and you will start improving blood pressure possibly and all of these things can start happening within days it'll probably take a while like weeks to months to start getting lasting benefits but just the fact that you can start making changes in days to where you can notice things is pretty amazing so now
here's my challenge what if you just decide to cut out the sugar and a lot of people get intimidated when you talk about doing it forever or doing it for a month it's like they've never done anything consistently for that long so that's why I'm suggesting let's just do it for seven days and don't even feel the burden of the seven days just make a decision to start and then you just take one day at a time and if you can do one day then just wake up tomorrow and see if you can do it
again and while you're feeling like you're on a little bit of a roll from that Euphoria of that decision now try to stay positive and ask yourself honestly how am I feeling how do you feel and you will probably notice that a lot of the things that I started talking about are already better even within a day some of those cravings and those taste buds and these small changes are starting to happen and next you ask yourself do you really miss it now that you're feeling good and you can at least maintain the idea of
real whole food of Juicy nice food do you really miss it and if all is still good and well let's just do one more day and if you start tacking on the days one by one now before you know it all of a sudden you wake up one day and you're feeling absolutely amazing and you've lost all the weight and you've experienced most of the things that I've talked about and now you're ready to add that nice comment that testimonial that you can read hundreds of thousands on all of my videos of people who have
changed their lives they are feeling better they've lost the weight but more importantly they can do things that they could never do before they go to their doctors and the doctor says I don't know what you did but you don't need these medications any longer or maybe you have one of those doctors who say that everything looks fantastic I don't care what you did you really don't need these medications but let's just keep taking them anyway and that's when it may be time for you to start looking for another doctor that can support your health
Journey based on your goals if you enjoyed this video you're going to love that one and if you truly want to master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe hit that Bell and turn on all the notifications so you never miss a life-saving video
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