He Reincarnated With The Powerful Eyes Of The Gods But Hides It | New Anime 2024

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Lonely loser with a dead end job dies of heart attack and gets reincarnated as the son of a noble wi...
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lonely loser with a dead end job dies of heart attack and gets reincarnated as the son of a noble with Godlike Powers ours was an average ugly loser living in Japan and working at a boring job one one day while returning back he ends up having a heart attack and dies immediately the next moment he opens his eyes to find himself in a completely different world as he looks at the face of a beautiful woman as he lays on a bed at first he thought he was in a hospital but then he notices a flying
dog wandering around the room while maid walks up to congratulate the Blondie and that's when ARS notices in the reflection that he has been reincarnated as a child in an alternate World 3 years pass by without any issue as he learns how to read and write gaining an incredible amount of knowledge about this world he learns that the kingdom where they live is called the summer forth Kingdom which used to be divided into seven different kingdoms before one of them waged war and captured the continent inside of the Kingdom he was born in the family
of a noble Lord of a small village town called Lamberg he he also learns that magic is practiced in this world which excites him the most but learning magic remains a dream for him because of his young age his life is very luxurious as he lives in a huge house has several servants who always take care of all his needs while the in-house Chef Cooks tasty meals every single day another thing that is different about him is that he seems to have an ability which no one knows about to test it he goes down to
the training Hall where all the household guards and people with the ambition to join the ranks of soldiers come to train train everyone seems very happy to see him as he sits down when he spots a man getting his ass handed to him while trying to learn how to fight with a spear ARS uses his special ability which shows him the stats of any person he wants he notices that the guy has d rank abilities with a spear and a sword but he seems to have a b rank in archery he immediately runs up to
him and asks him whether he has ever tired using a bow and an arrow which the guy doesn't take seriously and laughs it off as he thinks archery is for cowards and women ARS tells him that he should definitely try using a bow and arrow once and the guy would have refused to even try it out but because ARS was the future Lord he decides to follow his command and picks up a bow as everyone watches he shoots the arrow and to everyone's surprise the arrow hits the mark dead center in the very first try
everyone thinks that it was a fluke so the guy starts shooting arrow after Arrow only to see that all of his shots are hitting the mark making him realize his natural talent in archery he thanks ARS while everyone starts asking him how he knew this loser would be good at archery but ARS doesn't want to reveal his powers and claims that it's just instincts the only problem with this skill is that he can't seem to see his own stats which saddens him a little but he moves on back into the house later at the dinner
table he sits down across from his scary looking dad and checks his stats only to see that he has a rank abilities across the board and he is strong enough to defeat 10 B ranked Swordsmen all on his own at once daddy asks whether he told the loser to try archery ARS honestly replies that he did and his dad simply tells him that it is a good thing for a future Lord to be able to distinguish between talented and untalented people after that dinner conversation ARS starts learning more about how people Rule and learns how
twisted and ruthless the real world could be the rulers of the summer forth Empire seem to be completely corrupt while farmers and poor people are revolting all over the area because of poor living conditions while the politicians are working against the People by using police brutality and other underhanded methods which makes this world the same as America he realizes that if this keeps happening the entire continent will be wrapped in a civil war and he will probably be forced to lead his forces into battle this thought truly scares him as he is not a warrior
yet and doubts whether a person like him will be able to keep his family and the people of Lamberg safe and sound the next morning he sneaks out of the house and starts wandering through the streets of the Village Market but even after wearing a cloak people who easily recognize him as a woman start asking whether he is out shopping RS fat shames her and moves on as he starts looking for people with extraordinary abilities using his magic eye he tries in on a bunch of locals only to find that they are all a bunch
of useless losers with no future prospects after some time he sits down as his eyes start watering because of using the magic ability so much when suddenly he hears a commotion a door is flung open while a racist white woman throws a young man out on the streets claiming that she has no work for the likes of him he doesn't seem to have knowledge about this race but notices that people are calling him a malcin and claiming that he is filthy and disgusting he suddenly remembers reading about them in a book which stated that these
people belonged to a far away continent and were purchased by the people of Summer forth as slaves the young man simply sits on the ground hungry and defeated when ARS walks up to him and offers him a piece of bread this surprises the man who introduces himself as Ry while the people standing nearby wonder why the future Lord is trying to help a malcin at first Rey seems skeptical but slowly takes the bread and starts hungrily eating it while ARS uses his magic eye to check his stats to his absolute surprise this guy turns out
to be a total baller having multiple A and S rank skills which reminds him of Lord Raven his own powerful father as he realizes that this guy is going to become one of the strongest people in this Kingdom his eyes start sparkling while Ry find him creepy and starts walking away after thanking him the future Lord follows him into an Alleyway while Ry tells him to leave him alone but ARS finally reveals that he is the son of Lord lant and offers him a job as his bodyguard bribing him by promising tasty food Ray ends
up agreeing and they both head back to AR's house where they sit down across the dining table as amazing dishes are presented in front of ours and he happily looks up at Ry only to notice that the racist maid brought him an old plate with beans on it she tells him that she can't serve a malc the same food as the future Lord and the butler tells him to get lost as soon as he is done with his food ours cannot believe the amount of racism in this country but unlike a white American Girl he
actually does something to solve the problem and drags his chair beside Ry and also offers him to eat together the maid and the butler try to intervene but ARS tells them to shut their mouth as Ry is his guest the maid immediately serves them more good food which Ry is more than happy to eat after that ke reveals that he used to work in a band of mercenaries who raised him since he was a small boy but in a recent battle all of them died leaving him alone in this cold ruthless World ARS feels really
bad for him and takes Ry into his father's chamber telling him that he wants to hire this guy as his bodyguard his racist father takes one look at Ry and denies permission claiming that malcin are good for nothing and have no real abilities ARS stands up to his father and tells him that his instincts are saying that Ry has god-given talents that can't be matched by any average person in the entire continent so his father agrees to give him a chance he claims Ry will have to pass a test which will be to defeat him
in combat ours gets scared as his father is a total monster and one of the best Swordsmen in the entire continent he tries to say that it won't be a fair match but his father disregards him and starts walking towards the training ground he calls for a pair of wooden swords while the guards and other people in the ground start calling Ray the MW Raven tells them the rule which are that if Ry is able to land a single hit on him within the given time frame he will be hired as a guard but if
he can't then he will leave the village immediately the timer is set and the battle starts as Raven rushes ahead with a powerful slash which Ray Dodges but realizes that even with a wooden sword that attack might have killed him Raven then attacks once more which is blocked by Ry who still can't believe how strong and fast this Lord is Big Daddy keeps going on the attack while Ry simply blocks and parries which scares ours but he notices that everyone else seems to be surprised as no one else has ever been able to withstand even
a sing single attack from the Lord Raven goes all out with his attacks and manages to hit Ray on the shoulder forcing him on the ground but to everyone's surprise he gets back up again and decides to go all out as his Expressions turn serious he rushes towards Raven who tries to Counterattack but Ray Dodges and slides beneath him only to attack from behind using the sun rays to his Advantage which blinds the Lord even after that Raven manages to block the attack but this is the first time anyone has ever tried to land an
attack on the just when Ry was getting in the groove Raven tells him that the time is over but decides to give Ry the win because no one ever came this close to actually Landing a hit on him ARS is overjoyed and congratulates Ray while his father commends ARS for being able to find another talented individual claiming that he really seems to have a god-given ability while the rest of the guards and soldiers surround Ry asking him for tips and begging him to train with them later that day Ry wears a dress to symbolize his
acceptance in the household and and drops to his knees before pledging his allegiance to ARS several months have passed by since Ry joined ARs and started working at their house and even though at first the other workers were a bit racist against him because of his skin color slowly but surely all of them came to like him he spars and teaches the soldiers how to hone their skills better and ever since he started getting lessons from R's tutor his intelligence skyrocketed to the point where he is currently the most intelligent person in their household Ry
also ended up wooing the maids who once hated him but now like him for his light demeanor and handsome face from the past couple of days Ry and rs have started having study sessions together where they read up about the history of this continent alongside the current political situation in each domain they read up about how the summer forth Kingdom used to be a force to be reckoned with and was the strongest Kingdom by far but according to Ry the kingdom is in a state of serious decline as the old King ended up dying while
his son the new king is only 8 years old according to him all the power right now is in the hands of the politicians surrounding the young king who are trying to use him to gain as much power as possible because of all this the government is unable to rule properly which is leading to several revolts all over the country and because of that the Lords and Dukes of these regions have started ignoring the kingdom and are maintaining their own personal Army to deal with these conflicts ARS realizes that their county has seen no revolts
up till now but the fact that his father is training every single day while making preparations to get more soldiers must mean that conflicts can arise in the near future he decides to find more talented people like Ray who can help them in the case of a war even though he never wants it to happen ARS asks Rey where does he think the war will first erupt if it were to happen and without a doubt Rey replies that it would be the county near them whose Lord is really old and fragile according to him the
Lord can die any day now and the war will likely begin on the matters of succession Ry explains that the Lord has two sons and technically the older one should inherit the position but everyone knows that the younger son is more capable and will make a better leader if the conflict of succession isn't resolved before the Lord dies both the brothers will fight against each other and the entire Kingdom will have to choose sides ARS asks Which side will his father choose and Ry replies that they will probably choose the big brother because according to
the laws he is the rightful Heir ARS thinks about how his father is still alive and can deal with all these problems but worried about what might happen if something went wrong and his father got hurt Ry tells him that they should be on the lookout for excellent Talent which can strengthen their position and increase the safety ours wholeheartedly agrees with this and both of them get ready to enter the nearby town to scout some Talent while moving through the front yard Raven stops them and tells them to be on the look out for a
good Mage as a good wizard can be the key to winning a lost battle ARS knows that his father doesn't have any magical talent and once he handed RS a magical gem to bring out his latent Powers but he turns out to have no aptitude for magic and his father never asked him to try again they leave their small County and wander off to the nearby town which is much bigger than their small village town town and the people here seem to be more wealthy than those in his hometown he tells Ry about how he
wants his County to be like this one day and Ry Simply Smiles while ours starts searching for talent amongst the local population sadly he can't find anyone with even above average skills and sits down for a while after getting tired Ry tells him not to worry as this town has 50,000 people which is 10 times more than their village town so they will definitely find someone while walking through the wide streets RS suddenly notices a small dingy away away where a bunch of poor people are sleeping in the open he is surprised by this as
he wasn't expecting this huge City with so many rich people to have such poverty Ry gives him a life lesson and tells him that every place that has a lot of rich people will have people living in extreme poverty which makes ARS reconsider his dreams of making his village town like this city a little while later they enter the main market and AR's eyes start sparkling as he notices so many things being sold suddenly he hears a man claiming to sell Dragon eggs imported from a different continent and ours is immediately sold on the idea
of having a pet dragon whom he can ride whenever he wants he immediately asks the seller how much they cost and with a Sly smile the seller replies that he will sell these extremely rare eggs for a price of one silver each RS immediately tells him that he will buy three and starts shuffling through his bag to get the money when Ry pushes him back and puts a dagger on the seller's throat he tells the seller that he dared to sell a noble counterfeit items which should be punishable by death but the seller tells him
that he didn't do anything wrong Ray claims that he can't have these eggs imported officially or legally as from the past one year the import from other continents have been banned which means that either he is lying or these items have been smuggled illegally moreover dragon eggs are extremely rare so how did a lowly idiot like him get so many of them he then gets ready to eliminate this lying waste of air when ARS forces him to stop Ry immediately comes back to his senses and starts apologizing to ARS accepting any punishment but ARS tells
him not to worry about it later they sit down to have lunch when ARS decides to get some dessert from a stall to his surprise a pickpocket runs into ARS stealing his pouch of money and runs off with it Ry immediately grabs ARs and starts running after the thief who starts weaving in and out of the crowd but Ry manages to snag the cloak off to reveal a young blue-haired girl the girl hurries into an Alleyway and when Ry reaches there he spots the girl being surrounded by some hoodlums while one of them punches her
to the ground ARS tries to stop them but the leader gets mad at him and tries to punch but Ry immediately grabs his arm and punches him in the guts knocking him out the other two men rush in for an attack but Ry makes quick work of them as well knocking them to the ground and forcing them to run away ARS looks at the girl through his magic eye that reveals that this young woman possesses s-rank magic skills he cannot believe his eyes as the stats for magic is incredible so he immediately asks her to
join him and be her vassel Ry tells him that this girl is a thief but ARS doesn't care and Promises a comfortable life with salary and good food the girl looks down at ARs and tells him that she would rather die than work under some spoiled Noble child like him according to her all Nobles are evil people who fill their coffers at the behest of poor people she herself was taken in as a slave for a noble but she ran away and that's why these guys were trying to capture her back ARS tries to reason
with her and tells her that she would make an excellent Mage but the girl replies that she has never even tried magic before Ry realizes that it's a lost cause and asks the girl to turn the pouch bag which she does without arguing suddenly a bunch of small kinds enter the alleyway and start huddling around the girl as it turns out that she is taking care of these orphans and feeding them ARS feels bad and gives her the pouch and they soon leave as the evening sets later that night R sits on the balcony wondering
whether he will ever find such talent again when they hear a bunch of kids crying and screaming for the thief girl they immediately head down to ask the kids what happened and they all cry about how three men attacked and took Char with them meanwhile Char is taken to the other side of the city where the goons throw her down on the floor in front of the slave trader they start beating her up but she takes all the damage without letting down a single drop of tear from her eyes the slaver tells the goons to
be careful with her face as the perverted Noble who wants to buy her wants the face to remain as pretty as possible the goons promise to be careful but one of them spots the pouch of money that ARS gave her so he takes it off only to find out that it's loaded with money suddenly Char gets up and snatches the pouch back from the hooligan and tries to make a run for it but the goons are faster and manag to catch her again and pin her to the ground the slaver tells her to accept her
fate as even if she manages to escape she will simply live a life of misery always running away and will die a horrible death before he could break her spirit any further the door swings open violently injuring the man guarding it as Ry enters the room blocking the first punch and dealing with the next goons with extreme ease as he throws his knife at the guy standing next to the traitor the slaver immediately tells everyone to stop so they can talk but ARS ends up running into the room and asks Char if she is fine
the girl seems to be surprised to see him here while the slaver realizes that this little kid seems to be a noble because of the way he is dressed and the way he talks the slaver calmly asks what he could do for him and ARS replies that he wants him to free the girl at once the slaver replies that he can't do that because he is not doing anything illegal as it's perfectly illegal to sell slaves in this County ARS tells him that he doesn't care about all of that when Char ends up telling him
to run away if he wants to save himself he turns around to look at her and checks her stats once again and finds out that her ambition is one which means that she has totally lost hope for any future he starts blabbering about how every person deserves to have a hope and a future that they can look up to which the slaver finds very amusing and starts laughing as the only Futures a slave can hope for is serving a good Master respectfully ARS gets mad and tells him to stop laughing as adults are supposed to
make sure the children stay safe and claims that it's up to her to decide what she wants to do in the future and not scummy slavers like him Char is deeply touched by this speech as she thinks about how she can't remember the last time that she ever cried ever since she was young she had to deal with life alone as she wandered around the streets staying in dark Alleyways during the rainstorms and even Winters while she looked at people who had life much easier she was forced to steal to make ends meat and even
then she couldn't sustain herself or anyone else no matter how hard she tried watching someone stand up for her made her emotional as tears starts flowing down her cheeks the slaver has had enough though and claims that he was talking very respectfully because the kid was a noble but now he is interrupting business for no good reason and he is a little too early to be this woke a bunch of goons come down the stairs and gather around them as he threatens to hurt them but ARS simply looks at Ry who tells him not to
worry as everything is under control one of the goons tells ARS to shoot up as he hates yappy kids but Ray grabs him by the throat and lifts him up in the air before slamming him to the ground telling everyone that they have made a huge mistake by trash talking Lord ARs and now they are going to pay the price for this crime which is deaf he takes out his dagger while a hooligan breaks a bottle and tells everyone to surround Ry as he is alone this doesn't work however as Ry Dodges each and every
blow with elegance and precision while he slashes a couple of them in the abdomen and throws his knife at another one before he could continue one of the goons grab him from behind with a knife but Ray simply slams him to the ground scaring the slaver who calls for the Mages the two Mages immediately chant their basic fire spells and shoot it at Ry who easily slashes through their magic and beats the crap out of them as well the slaver is terrified at this point so he finally calls for the trump card as a giant
of a man erupts from upstairs guzzling down some ale as he walks down he asks what the Ruckus is about and the slaver explains to him what's happening which angers the man as he gets ready to kick these people out Char tells ARS that this guy is a giant problem and that he should run away but ARS checks his stats and tells Char that it should be an easy match and just as he said Ray easily Dodges the first attack by hanging from the chandelier and then jumps down to kick him in the face the
man gets pissed and rushes in to grab Ray but he is way too strong and good at fighting and immediately ends the match by a clean uppercut to the chin which knocks the fatty out the slaver is pretty scared by now and tells them that what they are doing is illegal but ARS takes out a pouch filled with coins and tells him that he will buy her the slaver claims that he already sold the girl to another Noble but Ry steps in and tells the slaver that they are taking the girl anyways so he can
take the money if he wants or stay penniless and deal with the other Noble the slaver ends up folding at this threat and accepts the money legally selling Char to ours by the time they exit the slaver's office it's already morning but before they could go anywhere Char claims that she wants to show them something she takes them up to a hill where ARS struggles to walk looking just like me but finally reaches the summit only to see the most beautiful view of the town she claims that this was her secret place to come whenever
she felt down and wanted to show them as a token of gratitude arus takes in the gorgeous view while Ry hands her a magic locket to test out how strong her magic is she puts it on her neck and warns them that she doesn't think she has any magic as she has never tried it but the moment she chants the spell a huge wave Amana surges out of her creating a massive Fireball that explodes in the sky stunning everyone in the town including ARs and Ry after that she meets up with the orphan kids once
again and Promises to visit them as soon as possible before leaving on a journey back to AR's home after they finally reach back ARS meets with his father who at first thinks that ARS got a new dishwasher ARS tells him that she is an excellent Mage and will prove effective on the battlefield but his father rejects her claiming that women belong in the kitchen not on the battlefield to prove her worth Char fires an insanely strong fire blast in the sky shocking Raven who immediately folds like a deck of cards and welcomes her to the
lent family and they all go inside ready for the adventures waiting to unfold the next day it's been 3 years since the day he recruited Char to be her vassel and since then his father has taken Parts in multiple small and big battles easily winning them all even though the mood of the entire continent is pretty bad because of constant Wars the morale of the soldiers of this county is pretty high thanks to his father's amazing War tactics and also because of char who has grown into a beautiful woman who is incredibly potent at the
battlefield no one believed that a single Mage can turn the tide of the war and ever since then Raven has started recruiting more Mages under her tutelage so that they can strengthen their standing army moreover ours now has two younger siblings a boy and a girl both twins he checked their stats and saw that even though they are very young now they have a couple of and s-rank abilities ARS has since been looking for more talent but has been out of luck for a while but Ry tells him that he has found some information about
two Hunter brothers who are supposed to be pretty highly skilled ARS gets excited immediately and tells him that they should head over to meet them and check whether their abilities are for real or not a little while later he heads out to the forest alongside Ray to find the small Hut in the forest where the hunters live when they are intercepted by Char who was sitting at top a tree branch eating a sandwich ARS tells her that they got some information about a couple of hunters who moved into these Woods recently and they are just
heading out to meet up with them Char tells him that she is free for the day so she will also go with him as his escort to make sure he stays safe and that she definitely does as she puts him between two airbags to make sure he is protected in the case of a crash while Ry gets jealous and tells her that maybe she should walk because the horse is being strained by so much weight she tells him that she has been fighting in wars and getting results so maybe he should show him some respect
while they were bickering some bushes start rustling and a wild boar appears out of nowhere scaring the horse but is immediately shot down by an arrow suddenly two guys emerge from the dense thickets happy that they landed the kill when they suddenly see the guests they immediately head over and ask whether they are okay as they didn't know there were people around ARS tells them that they are fine and asks whether they are the hunter brothers who recently moved here the brothers reply that they did move here recently so ARS quickly checks their stats only
to realize that they have pretty decent stats these stats are well above average but nothing crazy the brothers take him back to their place where the father treats them with a whole load of fresh meat from the hunt on the table while apologizing if it wasn't enough as he had no idea that the son of the Lord might visit him ARS Smiles at him happily claiming that this is more than enough while Char can't stop herself and starts enjoying the feast the father asks ARS what is he here for and ARS replies that he heard
Tales of his son being great hunters so he wanted to check them out for himself and after analyzing them he claims that he wants them to to join the lent County Army as they can be of huge help there the father is beyond happy as he can't even believe that his sons can get the chance to become a high ranking soldiers whale RS was asking about the youngest son Char notices that a small boy tries to steal a piece of bread and quietly runs away but his father scolds him and tells him to properly introduce
himself ARS doesn't think much of it first but decides to check his stats regardless what he sees next completely blows his mind as the kid has 100 plus intellect and is an s-rank tactician he spills all the drink as he starts coughing while thinking that this amount of intellect is legendary and he doubts that anyone in the entire Kingdom can beat him in terms of smartness his father apologizes for the kid and claims that unlike his older brother Rose is pretty clumsy but AR's eyes are Starry as he looks at him and claims that he
definitely wants to make rose his vassel this shocks the old man as well as his sons who can't believe it the father tells ARS to reconsider as Rose will just be a nuisance but ARS walks up to the child and excitedly asks whether he would like to be his vassel and work for him the kid looks up with fear as he thinks that these people are going to force him to take arms and fight in battles he starts crying and immediately refuses claiming that he will end up dying easily his father scolds him for talking
this way to a noble but Rose simply runs away and hides inside his room ARS is sad because he keeps getting rejected all the time but the father apologizes to ARS claiming that Rose is no good as ever since his mother died Rose has kept himself shut off inside the room alone and unlike his brothers he never practices archery or wood splitting making him a bad Hunter ARS tells the dad that physical strength is not everything and that unlike his brothers he has an incredible amount of int elligence which will make him an excellent tactician
ARS doesn't want to back off and tells the old man that he will try to convince him once more he enters the room where he spots the young boy reading a book but as soon as he sees ARS he starts crying again ARS tries to calm him down claiming that he will never harm him and asks whether he likes to read books the kid replies that his mom used to read him books but this is the only one they have so he keeps reading it whenever he remembers her ARS decides to sweeten the deal a
little bit and promises that he has a giant library in his house where he can find every single book imaginable this entices the young boy but he asks whether he will let him take one book and rs agrees later that day they arrive back to the mansion alongside the Three Brothers but Rose immediately starts crying when a good boy tries to play with him ARS asks Char to give the older brothers a tour of the place while he takes Rose back to his Library the boy is in immediately entranced by the sheer number of books
inside the place and start picking them out while ARS claims that he needs to study as well and we'll meet up later a couple of hours pass by and ARS suddenly wakes up only to realize he slept while studying he immediately runs down scared that Rose might have ran away but the moment he enters the library he notices that Rose is also sleeping surrounded by a ton of books Ray tells ARS that this boy is incredible as he learns new words immediately and has a very deep thinking process ARS checks his stats only to see
that it has already increased a bunch which is crazy finally the brothers arrive and start making fun of rose for being surrounded by books as he can't even read this surprises ARS who asks what are they talking about and the hunters reply that apart from their mother no one knew how to read as they are hunters and Rose only heard stories from his mother when she was alive but she never taught him anything Rose finally wakes up and ARS asks how did he learn how to read Rose replies that he leared how to read by
simply listening to what his mother was saying and matching it with the shapes on the book this really shocked the brothers who tell him that he was only 2 years old when that happened so how can he remember but Rose drops a bombshell by saying that he basically remembers every single thing from the day he was born the next day ARS decides to boost Rose's confidence and tells him that archery is not the only way to hunt and that he can also learn how to make traps Rose replies that he has already thought about it
but never had the confidence so ARS tells him to try it out a while later the old man arrives in the jungle only to see a huge trap in the middle while the older brothers excitedly tell him that Rose made this trap all by himself which already has a bunch of bores stuck in it Rose explains that he realized that the male bores are angered by theor yellow so he painted the hanging door with that color which made the boar hit it and he gets trapped inside moreover he hung a special herb around the boundary
to make sure the females and the babies stay away as they don't like the smell of that plant this will ensure that they don't over hunt the babies which can reduce their population and cause Extinction he excitedly looks at his dad for approval but doesn't get any which saddens him even more that night he sits down in his room alone blaming him himself for his mother's death because after giving birth to him she got ill he cries in the room alone when he overhears his brothers and his father climbing a top the roof to have
a drink the brothers ask why his father was so strict with rose and the dad starts crying claiming that it's all his fault for always being strict with him just because he was bad at hunting he claims that he is being cold to him right now because he wants Rose to hate him so that he feels like he doesn't need his dad and and leaves for Lord AR's place where his abilities will be rewarded greatly and he will live a happy life Rose hears all this and cries realizing that his dad loves him the next
morning ARS comes to pick the older brothers up thinking that Rose would never agree to come but to his surprise the little boy rushes outside with a huge bag he tells his dad that he can never hate him and promises that he will become a great man and then he will come back to his dad and they will always live together together his dad starts crying and finally all the brothers take Oaths of loyalty to the young Lord as they become his vassals waiting for the adventures ahead three more years pass and when ARS turns
nine his father Falls ill ARS requests him to let him lead their army into the war instead of him but his father refuses one year ago the Duke of mission passed away from old age and named his younger son as his successor however the older brother refused to accept the will and blamed that his brother had manipulated it to become the new Duke since the older brother had recently shown some great feats in the war many Nobles supported him in the war of succession this resulted in Mission being split into two because of a Civil
War and the neighboring duche of Sates took this chance to invade them making things even more tense ARS believes that he must go to war but his father tells him that there are more important things he needs to do since his fiance is coming here ARS freaks out on hearing about a fiance and his dad remarks that he must have forgotten to tell him that he was engaged before even being born he hands his son a letter from his fiance and ARS immediately runs to his friends to alert them about the emergency he is flustered
because he never knew he had a fiance and now she is coming to visit him a maid immediately tells him that his fiance is already at the gate and ARS nervously goes there to receive her in his past life he didn't even have a girlfriend so he is nervous about how to treat his fiance the girl introduces herself as Lisha and ours is Smitten by her cuteness before realizing that her diplomacy stat is 100 and her ambition is 80 he is taken aback and thinks that Lisha is a dangerous person who might try to take
over his family while pretending to be a sweet girl however as she smiles at him he suddenly forgets about stopping her from taking over his family and starts sing for her instead he invites her in and Lisha and her Butler see all the servants hurrying to make preparations to welcome her her Butler is about to turn racist on seeing Ry but Lisha stops him she knows about Ry and his great achievements on the battlefield and asks her Butler to apologize for being rude to him the butler apologizes to ARS who says that it is fine
after that the maids gift Lisha a bouquet of roses to welcome her and she cheerfully accepts it she walks around the house complimenting it and politely greeting all the servants there ours can only stare at her in awe unable to understand her true intentions soon they sit for dinner and Lisha points out that he has some sauce on his face ARS is flustered and quickly wipes it while thinking that Lisha is really good at communication and even he can make small talk with her effortlessly she is super cute too and if he had not seen
her High diplomacy and ambition beforehand he would have already fallen in love with her Lisha then remarks that she saw the city of Lamberg on the way and it appeared quite Lively to her ARS says that he would have loved to show her around if the weather was clear and Lisha tells him that it will be soon almost instantly it stops raining and the clouds part giving way to Sunshine ARS freaks out and asks Lisha if she can control the weather by any chance she denies the allegations and says that she just saw the clouds
on her way here and figured out that they would pass quickly Lisha asks ARS to show her around the town now now that the weather has cleared and he is more than happy to do that they head to the market and everyone greets ARs and asks him about the girl with him he introduces her as his fiance and the ladies immediately start spreading around the good news ARS soon comes to a place where two Merchants are fighting because one of them delivered the wrong type of magic stones to the other ARS thinks that he must
resolve the fight as the heir of this territory otherwise Lisha will declare him incompetent and usurp the territory suddenly Char comes there and offers to oneshot the two Merchants to silence them for good but Lisha tells her that she can't she immediately identifies her as the legendary magician and claims that she is a great fan Lisha Butters Char up and asks for a handshake and succeeds in winning her over after that she asks ARS to let her handle the conflict in exchange for a small favor from him before he can even make up his mind
about her request Lisha is already in front of the two merchants and asks them to stop fighting lest they ruin their handsome faces she introduces herself as AR's fiance and the men stop fighting and congratulate her Lisha then tells the Magic Stone Merchant to sell his sound magic stones to her because they don't have them in her territory she also offers the second Merchant to buy the Fire magic Stones he needs at a low price from her territory because they have a volcano there she says that it is the perfect solution for them and gives
ours all all the credit for coming up with this idea the merchants believe her and thank ours wo takes this chance and asks them to always keep written documents about the deals they make after everyone disperses ARS thanks Lisha and they resume their tour they are returning back home in the evening when Lisha wants to cash in her favor from before ARS nervously waits for her favor but Lisha just wants to know what kind of girls he likes he is stunned because he really doesn't understand what her true intentions are he knows knows that her
intelligence is far superior to his but he is ready to take his chances he tells Lisha that he likes people who are honest and truthfully Express their intentions she Simply Smiles and says that she will take it as a reference that night they have a nice dinner and then ARS goes to sleep still wondering what his fiance's true intentions are as he lifts his bed sheet he is shocked to find Lisha hiding there but she asks him to be quiet AR says that she is in the wrong room but Lisha tells him that she came
here on purpose to surprise him she refers to their conversation where he told her that he likes honest people and she wants to talk honestly to him now ARS pours them tea to start the conversation and Lisha asks him what he thinks of her he spits out his tea because of the sudden question and asks her what she means Lisha reveals that she has a skill that can allow her to see a person's emotions even when they are hiding it when she met ours for the first time the emotion she read on his face was
doubt Lisha claims that she tried to be friendly to him to lessen his doubt but it only grew and he even asked her to be honest with her she asks ARS what exactly is he's suspicious about and he realizes that all this trouble started because he had a look at her status he decides to be honest with her and reveals that he can see the various attributes of other people he saw her High diplomacy and ambition which led him to wonder if the nice behavior she is showing was just an act Lisha understand everything now
and admits that she indeed has high Ambitions ARS asks her what kind of Ambitions and she blushes as she says that it is every woman's ambition to find an outstanding man who will fall in love with her at the first sight ours turns red too and the atmosphere becomes awkwardly tense between them he realizes that it is true that as a daughter of a noble Lisha will need an outstanding husband to thrive and he wonders what she thinks about someone like him who is the heir of a small small territory she laughs and remarks that
she was able to read his thoughts accurately just now she says that this territory is indeed small and had ARS turned out to be a lousy person she would have done anything to get out of her engagement with him that comes as a shock to ARS but then Lisha tells him that now she really wants to marry him she states that their family is weak right now but she can see the talent in ours to make it big and powerful she could see that he is loved by his people and everyone was genu genuinely happy
when they leared that he had a fiance Lisha claims that it was enough proof that he is an amazing man so she has fallen in love with him ARS turns red on hearing that and then she wishes him good night as she returns to her room he freaks out once he is left alone and realizes that lisha's ambition was really cute outside his door Lisha is also still flustered about the Bold actions she took by sneaking into a boy's room and confessing her feelings but she also feels really happy about it the next day she
returns back to her territory thinking about how the world of nobles is a foul Place full of greed and lies the Nobles will use any method to pull others down and rise up Lisha has always been troubled by her ability to read other people's emotions because their emotions were always nasty she thought her ability was a curse until the day she saw a woman happily married to a strong and prosperous man that day she realized that if she also gets to marry a man of outstanding power and reputation she can get out of this world
full of negativity so she honed The Art of Lying to please people by reading their emotions while looking for a strong family to marry into Lisha had no intentions to marry ours because of his weak family and the initial impression he gave her was not good either he grew more and more suspicious of her no matter what she did but then he did something that won her heart while they were traveling through the market ARS apologized to her for for the roads being too rough for her tender feet and brought her some ointment in case
her shoes were hurting her that was the moment lisher realized that ARS was an incredibly kind person and coupled by the respect he commanded from his people she immediately thought of him as her ideal man she fell in love with him at that moment now Lisha thinks that ARS is capable and strong but he is also kind and she cannot let that become his weakness as someone who will one day be the closest person to to him she swears that she will destroy all obstacles that come in the way of their happy future after their
first meeting ARs and Lisha begin to exchange letters frequently ARS felt a little anxious because he had never chatted to a girl in his past life like this however he can manage to flirt a little with her in the letters Lisha visits him again and he gifts her some flower seeds because she liked the flowers she thanks him and then reminds him that he has not given her an answer to her confession yet ARS is flustered but she tells him that he can take his time because she will work hard to make him fall for
her they keep talking through letters and a brief period of time comes as the war of succession stops AR's father also starts getting better more than that he wants to tell her that he has fallen in love with her too if you liked this video make sure to subscribe for part six and make sure to check out this brand new anime about a lonely orphan who marries his childhood crush and starts training to become a spy
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