Catholic Morning Prayer November 2024 | Prayers

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Catholic Minute - Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski
Catholic Morning Prayer November 2024 - The prayers are timestamped below. The month of November is ...
Video Transcript:
Catholic morning prayer for the month of November in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen my God I believe you are present here and I adore thee with my whole soul oh Jesus Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer you my prayers Works Joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart in Union with the Holy sacrifice of the mass throughout the world in reparation for my sins for the intentions of all my relatives and friends and in particular for the intentions
of the Holy Father amen Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temp temptation but Deliver Us from Evil amen Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour
of our death amen glory be to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World Without End Amen oh Jesus I Surrender myself to you take care of everything oh Jesus I Surrender myself to you take care of everything oh Jesus I Surrender myself to you take care of everything take Lord and receive all my Liberty my memory my understanding and my entire will all I have and call my own you have given all to me to you Lord I return
it everything is yours do with it what you will give me only your love and your grace that is enough for me amen Breathe Into Me holy spirit that my thoughts may all be holy move in me holy spirit that my work too may be holy attract My Heart Holy Spirit that I may love only what is Holy strengthen me holy spirit that I may defend all that is Holy protect me holy spirit that I may always be holy amen my queen and my mother I give myself entirely to you and to show my devotion
to you I consecrate to you this day my eyes my ears my mouth my heart my whole being without Reserve wherefore can mother as I am your own keep me and guard me as your property and possession amen St Joseph spouse of Mary virginal father of Jesus and my spiritual father I consecrate myself entirely to you I lovingly embrace your fatherhood and take refuge under your paternal cloak help me to pray and be virtuous today instruct me in the wisdom of the Saints protect me from the snares of the enemy and keep me from sinning
should I take my last breath today be by my side and take me to heaven to be with Jesus and Mary amen oh my God I firmly believe that you are one God in three Divine persons Father Son and Holy Spirit I believe that your Divine son became man and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them who are Eternal truth and wisdom who can neither deceive nor be deceived in
this faith I intent to live and die amen oh Lord God I hope by your grace for the pardon of all my sins and afterlife here to gain Eternal happiness because you have promised it who are infinitely powerful faithful kind and merciful in this hope I intend to live and die amen oh Lord God I love you above all things and I love my neighbor for your sake because you are the highest infinite and perfect good worthy of all my love in this love I intend to live and die amen oh Jesus Meek and humble
of heart hear me from the desire of being esteemed Deliver Me Jesus from the desire of being loved Deliver Me Jesus from the desire of being extolled Deliver Me Jesus from the desire of being honored Deliver Me Jesus from the desire of being praised deliver Del me Jesus from the desire of being preferred to others Deliver Me Jesus from the desire of being consulted Deliver Me Jesus from the desire of being approved Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being humiliated Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being despised Deliver Me Jesus from the fear
of suffering rebukes Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being calumniated Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being forgotten Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being ridiculed Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being wronged Deliver Me Jesus from the fear of being suspected Deliver Me Jesus that others may be loved more than I jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may be esteemed more than I jesus grant me the grace to desire it that in the opinion of the world Others May increase and I may decrease Jesus grant me
the grace to desire it that others may be chosen and I set aside Jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may be praised and I unnoticed Jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may be preferred to me in Everything Jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may become holier than I provided that I become as holy as I should Jesus grant me the grace to desire it angel of God my guardian dear to whom God love commits me here ever this day be at my side to
light and guard to rule and guide amen St Michael the Archangel defend Us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou o Prince of the Heavenly Host by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls amen my God I believe I adore I hope and I love you and I ask your pardon for those who do not believe who do not adore who do not hope and who
do not love you my God I believe I adore I hope and I love you and I ask your pardon for those who do not believe who do not adore who do not hope and who do not love you my God I believe I adore I hope and I love you and I ask your pardon for those who do not believe who do not adore who do not hope and who do not love you amen oh Most Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit I adore thee profoundly I offer Thee the most precious body blood
soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the Tabernacles of the world in ation for the outrages sacrileges and indifferences by which he is offended by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg thee conversion of poor Sinners amen Lord have mercy on us Christ have mercy on us Lord have mercy on us Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us God the father of Heaven have mercy on us God the son son Redeemer of the world have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit have mercy
on us Holy Trinity one God have mercy on us blood of Christ only begotten son of the Eternal Father save us blood of Christ Incarnate Word of God save us blood of Christ of the new and eternal Testament save us blood of Christ falling upon the Earth in agony save us blood of Christ shed profusely in the scourging save us blood of Christ flowing forth in the crowning with thorns save us blood of Christ poured out on the cross save us blood of Christ price of our Salvation save us blood of Christ without which there
is no forgiveness save us blood of Christ Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls save us blood of Christ stream of Mercy save us blood of Christ Victor over demons save us blood of Christ courage of Martyrs save us blood of Christ strength of confessors save us blood of Christ bringing forth virgins save us blood of Christ help of those in Peril save us blood of Christ relief of the burdened save us blood of Christ solace in sorrow save save us blood of Christ hope of the penitent save us blood of Christ consolation of the dying
save us blood of Christ peace and tenderness of Hearts save us blood of Christ pledge of eternal life save us blood of Christ freeing Souls from purgatory save us blood of Christ most worthy of all glory and honor save us Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world World spare us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us thou Hast redeemed us O Lord in thy blood and made
us for our God a kingdom let us pray Almighty and eternal God thou Hast appointed thy own begotten son the Redeemer of the world and willed to be appeased by his blood Grant we beg thee that we may worthily adore the price of our salvation and through its power be safeguarded from the evils of the present life so that we may rejoice in its fruits forever in heaven through the same Christ Our Lord amen Eternal Father I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine son Jesus in Union with the masses said throughout the
world today for all the holy souls in purgatory for Sinners everywhere for sinners in The Universal Church those in my own home and within my family amen Eternal Father I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine son Jesus in Union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the holy souls in purgatory for Sinners everywhere for sinners in The Universal Church those in my own home and within my family amen Eternal Father I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine son Jesus in Union with the masses said throughout the
world today for all the holy souls in purgatory for Sinners everywhere for sinners in The Universal Church those in my own home and within my family amen soul of Christ sanctify me Body of Christ save me blood of Christ eliberate me water from the sight of Christ Wash Me Passion of Christ strengthen me oh good Jesus hear me within thy wounds hide me suffer me not to be separated from thee from the malignant enemy defend me in the hour of death call me and bid me come unto thee that with all thy Saints I may
praise thee forever and ever amen intercession of the Saints for the month of November St Martin depor pray for us St Charles bomeo Bishop pray for us Mary Mother and mediatrix of Grace pray for us St Leo the great Pope and Doctor pray for us St Martin of Tours Bishop pray for us St josephat bishop and Martyr pray for us St Albert the Great bishop and Doctor pray for us St Margaret of hotland pray for us St grud the great pray for us St Elizabeth of Hungary pray for us St Cecilia pray for us St
Clement the pope and Martyr pray for us St Andrew dlak and companions pray for us St Catherine of Alexandria pray for us our lady of the Miraculous Medal pray for us St Andrew the apostle pray for us all you holy men and women pray for us prayer to Jesus Christ for the the holy souls and Purgatory by St alonsus Theory oh most sweet Jesus Through the bloody sweat which you did suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane have mercy on these blessed souls in purgatory have mercy on them have mercy on them oh Lord almost sweet
Jesus Through the pains which you did suffer during your most cruel scourging have mercy on them have mercy on them oh Lord oh sweet Jesus Through the pains which you did suffer in your most painful crowning with thorns have mercy on them have mercy on them oh Lord oh most sweet Jesus Through the pains which you did suffer in carrying your cross to Calvary have mercy on them have mercy on them O Lord oh most sweet Jesus Through the pains which you did suffer during your most cruel crucifixion have mercy on them have mercy on
them oh Lord oh sweet Jesus Through the pains which you did suffer in your most bitter Agony on the cross have mercy on them have mercy on them O Lord oh most sweet Jesus Through the immense pain which you did suffer in breathing forth your blessed Soul have mercy on them have mercy on them oh Lord blessed Souls we have prayed for thee we entreat thee who are so dear to God and who are secure of never losing him to pray for us miserable Sinners who are in danger of being damned and of losing God
forever let us pray oh God the author of Mercy the lover of the Salvation of mankind we address your clemency in behalf of our Brethren relations and benefactors who are departed this life that by the intercession of blessed Mary ever virgin and of all the saints you would receive them into the enjoyment of Eternal happiness through Christ Our Lord amen prayer to Mary for the souls in purgatory oh Most Blessed Virgin Mary our mother we turn to you in supplication and by that sword which pierced your sorrowful heart at beholding your beloved Son Jesus Christ
suffer on the cross we pray and ask thee to help the holy souls in purgatory almost Blessed Virgin God has commanded a particular respect for parents Kindred and benefactors as they were the instruments by which God's Providence bestowed on us our birth education and innumerable other blessings we ask thee o blessed mother that by your intercession these Souls of past Generations whose faithfulness reaped for us great blessings now may obtain a speedy release from their excessive sufferings in purgatory and gain admittance to God's infinite joys in heaven oh Mother of Sorrows Queen of Martyrs for
the love of your Divine son whose precious blood was shed for us help us who are in danger not only of falling into purgatory but of losing our souls forever in hell with your powerful intercession oh Mary our mother mother of Grace Mother of Mercy pray for us now and at the hour of our death oh Eternal Father through the most precious blood of Jesus and through the Sorrows of Mary have pity upon the holy souls in purgatory amen August Queen of the heavens Heavenly Sovereign of the Angels thou who from the beginning receive from
God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan we humbly beseech thee to send thy holy Legions so that under thy command and through thy power they may pursue the demons and combat them everywhere suppress their boldness and drive them back into the abyss oh good and tender mother th will always be our love and our hope oh Divine mother send thy Holy Angels to defend us and to drive far away from us the cruel enemy Holy Angels and Archangels defend us guard us Amen in the name of the father and of
the son and of the holy spirit amen in November we pray for the souls in purgatory pray along with us the Chaplet of St Gertrude or the litany for the faithful departed both linked here at the end of this video also found in the description [Music]
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