get your Bibles go to first Samuel 22. verse 1 and 2. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first Samuel 22. just two verses for our consideration foreign of Heaven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] I don't care what he does he can do whatever he want to do [Applause] the scripture that we are about to consider this morning comes to us midstream a moment in the life of David that is a difficult time as it were for him to manage it does not coincide or even collaborate with what he has been anointed to become and yet he is
there it is seldom disgust not like David and Goliath not like Samuel anointing David to be king not like maybe killing The Lion and the Bear not like David being anointed the third time or second in fact he doesn't feel anointed at all it is possible to be anointed and not feel anointed it is possible to have something in front of you amazing but not know how to get to it it is that kind of moment that is before us in the text and I will only read two verses to initiate the discussion that we're
going to have today but it is a discussion that the Lord and I have been talking about for you David left goth he didn't just leave he escaped he escaped to the cave of adulam when his brothers and his father's household heard about it they went down to him there those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him and he became there Commander about 400 men were with him I want to talk just briefly from the subject the crisis of next the crisis of next somebody say that with me the crisis
of next Spirit of the Living God I thank you for what you're about to do in this place fall fresh on us like do in the morning we wake up and we didn't see it fall but there it sits on a relief and branch we cannot see you fall but moisten us with your glory to read us with your presence endow us with your glory until we look up in everything concerning us has the Dew drops of a Morning Experience for some people it was too early to come but not for you because the Dew
Falls early in the morning [Music] David said early in the morning will I see thy face and so we come early we come hungry and we come ready and we come grateful that's us as we go into your word today saturate us with your presence in Jesus name amen you may be seated in the presence of God you know this this text brings so much up in my spirit that I scarcely know where to begin perhaps I should start with the controversy it evokes in the subject regarding next because sometimes now obscures next and we
don't know what tomorrow will bring we can sense in our spirit that where we are it's not all that God has for us we can sense in our spirit that there is something looming in our future that is brighter than this present danger but how do we get it when the evidence all around us now often suggests that this is a moment of chaos and crisis and agony and yet there is something in our spirit that has us dancing this morning to those casual observers that may have wandered into the service do not think that
we are dancing without troubles foreign don't think that we are dancing without pain or challenges or adversities or family crisis or financial crisis or emotional crisis we are dancing in spite [Applause] in fact the truth of the matter is when trouble gets worse we become better [Applause] better at praising God better at seeking God better at honoring God he becomes the place we go to he becomes the nourishment that we receive he becomes the bread on our table he becomes the water that quenches our thirst we come down to the well for one water and
leave field with another because we are in trouble we are more focused in trouble most of what I have learned about God that's worth repeating I have not learned on the mountaintops but I have learned them in The Valleys of despair and The Valleys of Agony and and yet there is something that keeps us alive I love what David said he said the Lord is my light and my salvation of Whom Shall I Fear he is the strength of my life Whom Shall I be afraid of when the wicked he acknowledged his sin when the
wicked even my enemies and my foes Came Upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell [Applause] he admits that he's a besieged the whole shooting Camp against me my heart shall not fear though War should rise against me in this [Music] will I be confident one thing [Applause] have I desire to the Lord that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his Temple now I've been talking the FIFA this
week and I've been preparing for our Pastors in leadership conference and I've been thinking about leadership and what does it really mean to be a leader and and I am determined that real leaders have to be as I preached a few weeks ago steady in the storm steady in unsteadiness stable in instability consistent in crisis doing I prophesied as I was commanded I didn't know whether it was going to work or not but I prophesied as I was commanded can these bones live again I don't know but I did what you told me to do
success for me is not to raise the bones success for me is to obey the god that said preach to the bones it's my job to preach to them it's your job to raise them [Applause] in these are trying times and and then and these are difficult times that and I will admit that I am even theologically perplexed because on one hand I hear Jesus say take no thought of what you should wear and what you should eat and where you should live it almost suggests that I should be complacent detached relax that just just
don't worry about anything and then he goes on the Apostle Paul says to us be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication make your requests made known unto God and the yeah that thing right there the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your your heart your your mind your emotions I I need security not around my body but around my emotions to keep away the anxiety and the depression and the fear and he's telling me to be anxious for nothing and yet on the other hand the wise man Solomon
in Ecclesiastes tells me to look on the ant you sluggered and prepare for winter while it's summer not to waste my days in vanity but to have a strategy that incorporates sustenance for survival these things seem contradictory one to the other and then I look at Joseph whose strategy was so complete that he used the seven years of plenty against the seven years of famine and he controlled what was next by the way he thought and when I look at the two things together I get confused because I'm a strategist by Nature and when Jesus
says take no thought it goes against everything in me not to take thought my sister texted us last night and said be sure you leave your water running you're gonna freeze I immediately turned the shower on just real low just just to drip because we old school that's why you have to be over 50 to get texts like that when you're 20 you don't get texts like that but when you're over 50 you get texted leave your water running and and and while I believe God for my pipes and I believe God to take care
of my house I still kept my whatever we just came out of a season where there was a national debate about wearing masks you know and they said if you had Faith you you wouldn't wear them and I I believe God but you know I noticed that the people who said Faith would make them not wear them wore seat belts [Applause] so I thought if you really had Faith from Buckle your seat belt so what does it mean to turbulent times and how does faith Express itself in times that are perplexing it creates stress not
only because of what we are enduring but this how does our faith show up in the crisis what does that look like and for different people you will get different answers some people say they have so much Faith they don't worry about anything so they don't have life insurance or health insurance or anything like that I'm serious say that they don't worry about anything they don't go to doctors they don't worry about anything they could drive on the wrong side of the road they don't worry about any how does faith show up in a crisis
how does faith manifest itself when God himself tells us to be strategic and rewards Joseph for the strategy and Joseph becomes The Prince of Egypt because he's thinking ahead and yet Jesus says take no thought but if I only take that phrase without reading the rest of the text Jesus isn't telling us to be mindless he is not telling us to be mindless he's telling us not to worry he's not saying we can't have a strategy he's telling us not to worry he's he's managing our emotions against anxiety when the Apostle Paul says be anxious
for nothing it didn't tell you not to want something it just says not to be anxious about it don't allow your emotions to make you frantic just because you have a plan are you hearing what I'm saying one of my favorite quotes out of then Senator uh Obama later President Obama wrote a book called The Audacity Of Hope and he says and I quote I now realize that the presence of Doubt doesn't diminish the presence of faith that it is possible to have doubt I lost them Jesus and Faith simultaneously and I don't know why
I lost you because I'm talking about you there is no question that you believe God but there are still moments that you stay up at night how does faith show up in our life in the midst of a crisis when the prophecy was positive but the circumstance has now entered into a season of chaos David is a leader he he he is a leader not because Samuel anointed him he is a leader people cannot make you what you are not let me give you further reference God says to Moses anoint men to be Elders that
you know to be Elders I cannot make you something by giving you a title or a desk or an office or a position if you are not that you are not that uh let me go deeper a degree doesn't make you a teacher you can have a degree in education and still not be a teacher a teacher is something that's in you oh I'm gonna go deeper a ring doesn't make you a wife you can put a ring on a man's hand it doesn't make him a husband you can put a ring on a woman's
hand it doesn't make her a wife the Bible said whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing so she has to be a wife when I find her if I don't find her a wife I can't make her thank you [Applause] David is a king he is a king he is a leader but his situations and the texts do not reflect the magnitude of his capacity to lead what do you do when your life don't look like who you are what do you do when you go through a season in your life that that stands
in the face of your prophecy and mocks it like Ishmael mocking Isaac and you look out the window and you can see the Promise and the problem playing in the same backyard have you ever had your promise and your problem paying in the same backyard there are times my brothers and sisters that you preach power and you drive home crying there are times my brothers and sisters that you say to those with whom you have the responsibility of leading if there's nothing but your children don't worry baby everything's gonna be okay and you go to
bed and you think oh Jesus can I get a witness in here are there any mamas in here or daddies in here that told the kids don't worry about it that's not yours to worry about it's gonna be fine and you went back and you got in the car and you drove around and around and around in circles sing [Applause] this moment before us now before David has come to the cave of a doulam he has escaped God death is a city amongst the Philistines at the time the Philistines is where David went to hide
because the people that he was leading and the army that he was once assigned captain of is now hunting him y'all didn't get that his own folks are hunting him to the degree that he is safer with the Enemy than he is with the family and I know you can't say anything because your family might be watching on TV but the holidays are coming and you got mixed emotions about them coming because all of us don't have the kind of families we see on TV and you know they're all coming over inspecting everything tasting everything
complaining about anything asking you where how come you ain't had children how come you're not married yet what did you put in this dressing where did you get this from what is this supposed to be this turkey is dry and you got a deal to the point that you are safer with the Enemy than you are with your own oh come on everybody's got some folks in their family that you are related to but you're not kin to [Applause] foreign [Applause] of him after his loyalty to them and his service to them and his kindness
to them and his endurance and patience for them has driven him to run to Gap [Music] Gap is the place where the Giants dwell death is a place where the Philistines lives and he thought they wouldn't recognize him but he could only stay amongst him so long because you can only run so long and eventually they discovered him but David is so gifted and so creative that that that David feigns himself to be insane or he would have been murdered sometimes you gotta go crazy to get out of it y'all don't understand what I'm saying
sometimes you got to go crazy not crazy crazy to get out of it because people are trying to take you out and you just got to flip all the way [Applause] I thought it's the only maybe maybe maybe about 10 people in here have ever had somebody push you till you went [Music] [Applause] I mean pull your wig off crazy uh-huh yeah I mean yank your earrings off crazy I mean kick your stilettos off crazy I said okay you walk crazy you got lit out there you died [Applause] foreign [Applause] don't think because we're anointed
we won't flip on you yeah no don't don't let the Hallelujah fool you I was talking to God I wasn't talking to you and if you pushed me in a corner don't make me have to show you why he had to anoint me in the first place because I need this anointing if I don't get this anointing [Applause] I told somebody was messing with one of my children I said now I know who you think she is but see not who you think she is if you push her far enough you're going to Beyond me
it's you down she gonna go to foaming on you she go to foaming on you you gonna find out all the muscles in the world ain't gonna help you cause she gonna go is there anybody in here that ever had to go crazy because somebody was trying to dominate control intimidate isolate destroy curse you humiliate you degrade you and you've been as nice as you knew how to be nice and finally it gets to a point where you say that ain't working I'm gonna have to turn into something that I don't even like to be
to make you understand you you talking to me you yeah that you [Applause] and the king of the Philistines came down and said why have you summons me when you can clearly see this man he's crazy I'm just talking about what the text says and and I know that's not politically correct but that's what the text says so I'm talking about what the text says and so David escaped huh have you ever escaped didn't have time to pack gotta Escape didn't have time to do your hair to get your nails done get a pedicure none
of that kind of cute stuff like that No Shave no trim no line cause I got a Escape the word Escape see the first word was left and then it says Escape it's one thing to leave it's another thing to escape some of us are here today because we escape if we'd have kept on the path we were on we would have been destroyed but we escaped and the reason we were dancing he's my everything because we would think it back remembering how we escaped oh when I start thinking about all the things I escaped
and all the near calamities and disasters [Applause] when you gotta Escape you gotta Escape even if you gotta scale down even even if you have to downsize even if you have to give up the palace and live in a cave when enough is enough I live in a trailer you're not going intimidate me with what you got cause I can break it down up in here and he escaped to the cave of adulam now Scholars tell us that the cave of adulam isn't far from the valley he killed Goliath in it is not far away
so we find David in a place where he thinks by now I thought I would be further I really for all the things I had to fight I'm not that far from where I started from it isn't far from where he wasn't knowing it to be king foreign and the people he's anointed to be king over are trying to kill him because sometimes the people [Music] you want to help the most seek to destroy you and take his life he's not far from where he was anointed to be king but his circumstances seem millions of
miles away from his success and frankly he is a king and a crisis and I don't know who this is for but the Lord told me to tell you you are King wait a minute wait wait wait you may be in a cave but you are a king so then I then begin to question in my mind how can David be a king Lord without a kingdom a leader without a following a wife without a husband a husband without a wife and suddenly I begin to understand by God's standards that that God doesn't define success
by public approval my circumstances may be in direct contradiction with who I am but it cannot rob me of who I am I am a doctor if I don't have an office I am an architect if I don't have a client I am a good person even if you don't like me I do have worth even if you don't recognize it your reaction does not determine my identity he is a king in a cave I'm I'm talking to some people today I'm talking to some people today you you see how do we end up in
a doula adulam by the way means Refuge and you find yourself in a place living like a refugee running from a king Kingdom that doesn't want you and an enemy that's trying to kill you he is in a cave alone a ruler without a domain I am may not look like it but I you may not follow me but I'm a leader [Applause] you may not acknowledge me but I'm a leader you can call me by my name Jakes hey Jakes what's going on you dude say whatever you want to say but I'm Elite if
it's in you it's in you I'm not talking to what's around you I'm talking to what is in you I don't care what you hide in if you are you are what you are in the middle of it all David is Anointed the question comes can I go deeper anointing enough he's anointed but he has no experience all education doesn't come in institutions some education comes through experience and you can be anointed to be something but haven't earned the experience to be established on the level that you're in and the distance between his anointing and
him actually acquiring that which he is Anointed to run requires that he has a body of experiences that temper him in such a way that he learns like Paul how to abase and abound how to have lack and how to have plenty he has learned that the state he's in does not define who he is so we meet him in the cave his head freshly doused with oil but his mind is void of experience experience is no small thing when your anointing is powerful your apprenticeship will be painful y'all y'all didn't hear what I'm saying
when your anointing is powerful your apprenticeship will be painful because God won't give that kind of power and not balance it with that kind of pain the greater the pain the greater the power if you're going to have the power you got to be prepared to deal with the pain the pain is a part of the power and in fact you will understand Who You Are by who hates you David is hated by a king because he is a king you're going to have pain that's commensurate not to your situation but to your identity when
you are a king your name will be brought up amongst Kings and don't be surprised if your enemies don't graduate with your anointing to another level and your frustration is commensurate to your anointing let me break it down pain new levels bring new Devils when you get to another level you've got another level of devil to fight David killed Philistines and now he's had to flee them he killed their Giant and now he has to flee them he is in a Tulum I almost banged this church Abdullah Ministries and before I finish you're going to
see why he is in adulam no one seeks Refuge without some element of fear yet David has undeniable Faith there is no one in here that said that can honestly say that David has no faith because David has thrown rocks at Giants I want to talk to some people in this room that didn't have much to work with but you work with what you had and you threw rocks at Giants and you ran after stuff that other people were running from and you had the nerve to be indignant didn't have a AK-47 didn't have a
cannon didn't have a gun didn't own a chariot all you had was a bag full of rocks but you had the nerve to be bold with your bag of rocks and you threw your rocks at the problem till the thing fell down if I'm talking about you holla at your boy so there is no question that you have faith but you wouldn't run for Refuge if you didn't have fear so there has to be some element of Truth to the fact that the presence of fear or doubt does not mean that you don't have faith
let me prove about the Bible Lord I believe but help Mom believe I'm I'm in a doulam because because I I I I believe but I have elements of unbelief I stretched out on your word and I walked on water but when I saw the winds and waves I said oh my God I'm walking on water and I begin to sink so I have both things living in me at the same time and I don't know whether to fight the Philistines or fight the other voices that are coming up in my head because I gotta
fight on the inside and a fight on the outside at the same time and every now and then I need a break let me get away let me regroup let me run into a cave let me get my head together cause I don't know what to do next I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I don't know what to do the crisis is not the current because I have survived this present danger I'm not so worried about this present danger I got out of it it was close Jackie but I
made it they tried to kill me but I made it it broke my heart but I made it I hid amongst my enemies but I made it I had to go crazy but I made it I've been through hell but I made it but now that I have survived [Applause] my problem is not what I survived because I made it to safe adulam is safe you can't have refuge in a place that's not safe how many folks know you're safe you may not be satisfied but you're safe you may not have attained what you hope
to attain but you're safe you count not yourself to have apprehended but you're safe I want you to rub that in the devil's face because he didn't want you to be safe if you made it to safe I want you to take the roof off of this building right now foreign you could have been dead you could have lost your mind you could have been destroyed you got a right to praise him I said you got a right to praise him I said you got a right to praise it I don't care whether they understand
it or don't you got a right to praise it I don't care whether they lock you or don't you got a right to praise him I don't care if they roll their eyes at you or don't you got a right to praise it anybody that was on The Hit List of hell and you're still here you need to take a minute and give your God some foreign but I'm safe I may not wear a name brand clothes but I'm safe I may not have the house of my dreams or the family I wanted but I
made it to safe I can't hear you make some noise in this place [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] people tell them I made it past Danger yeah I made it I made it I made it I made it I made it I made it past danger I made it past danger ain't nobody beating me ain't nobody knocking me upside the head ain't nobody gonna put me out of my apartment I made it past danger I made it past my scary place I made it moving into another city I made it I made it I figured it
out I got there I come this far by faith leaning on the Lord I made it out of my scary place I'm still here you praising them about your car I'm praising them about my safe you praising them about your Palace I'm praising him cause I'm safe I'm not crazy I didn't lose my mind I didn't blow my brains out I should have been locked up in jail but I made it to say to God be the glory foreign [Applause] that has me on my knees [Applause] it is not my now thank you it's my
next it is the uncertainty the instability the fragility the vulnerability of not knowing what's next you see anybody in here that ever wonders what's next the kingdom that God promised me is trying to kill me the men that I trained under small have attacked me and I am running from a king to a cave and I'm here and I'm safe but what keeps me up at night is what's next but I can pay my bills I'm okay I'm safe I got some food in the icebox I'm saying when the weather change I can turn the
heat on I'm safe but what worries me it's a crisis of next Doula is a good place for a hangover a layover but I can't live in a layover and and the Lord told me to tell you why he put you in a doula I only read two verses that's all I need adulam is when you find out who you are without them oh y'all over here y'all don't hear how good I'm preaching this morning abdulum is a place that God puts you in of self-discovery where you learn to appreciate who you are apart from
all the people you thought were going to go with you a doula is a place that God puts you in that makes you know I'm a king if I don't have a kingdom I'm a grown woman I'm a grown man I bring something to the table I'm the CEO of me I'm the Chief Executive Officer of myself abdulum is where you learn to have confidence and boldness and self-esteem a doom is where you get your courage back a doula is where you come out of your coma and you come to yourself and God has proven
to you that if nobody is for you I'm still for you I'm on your side I got your back I [Applause] so abdulum is where you get three things first you get you back a doulam is where you find out you are enough is where God puts you in a place that you never thought you could get to in all the world and a new normal emerges in your life [Applause] and God didn't let you get the kingdom the way you thought you were going to get the kingdom because you weren't ready yet if God
would have given you the kingdom the way you thought you were going to get the kingdom you were to praise the kingdom but God put you in a dulama so that when you do get the kingdom you will praise the god of the Kingdom because you will understand that if it had not been for the Lord that was on your side oh God I feel like preaching I would have been swallowed up but thanks be unto God thanks be unto God but thanks be unto God who gives us a victory somebody shout God gave me
the victory God gave me the victory Jonathan didn't do it Saul didn't do it riches didn't do it God gave me the victory if there's anybody in the house that God gave the victory I'm gonna give you a chance to identify yourself [Applause] so the scripture only says three important things one David fled and escaped to adulam to his brothers and sisters and family came to where he was don't read over that because they were the folks [Applause] who never let him into their Circle but God has so turned it around that while David couldn't
get in they had to turn around and come to where he was and I don't know who I'm talking to but whatever you're worried about God said in your family I'm gonna turn it around I'm going to turn it around you just stay right where I put you I'm going to bring them to you I'm gonna legitimize you I'm gonna validate you I'm gonna restore unto you the years that the canker worm and the Palmer worm and the Locust hate up and if you just be still foreign they're going to come to you when you
have grown enough that he can trust you to bring them when you aren't so bitter that he cannot bring better [Applause] so he put you in the cage so that when they come you wouldn't act out on them over what they took you through oh my God who am I preaching to he said I got to give you a layover because you're not ready to land yet I got to give you a layover so you can get your head together so that when I start pulling your life together you will be healed enough to receive
the people who rejected you right now you're in a state of rejection and you have anger and hostility about how they treated you but I had to take you through a Worse Enemy to bring you to a place that you could deal with a lesser enemy so I let them the other folk try to kill you so that you could measure what they did against what your family did and you'd open up your cave slap somebody say open up your cave they're coming back open up your cave open up your safe place open it up
they're coming back open it up they're coming back open it up they're coming back open it up open it up open it up open it up open it up open it up [Applause] so number one he found you found you number two your you found your family number three is the one I love the best there were men in Saul's Army that weren't really with Saul sometimes the hosts that encamps around you it's not really in agreement with the attack against you and God has to let you survive long enough for them to recognize that
I've been on the wrong side of this story and the Bible said that David gathered that no no no no he didn't gather them they came to him that's what the text is 400 men came to him and the Bible says they were in three categories they were distressed they were in debts and they were discontented and they came to him what comes to you will always be a reflection of where you are you will always attract what you are because David was in distress and David was in debt and David was discontented he drew
what he was oh yeah yeah y'all don't get how good that is 400 times God multiplied 400 times of what David was distress debt and discontentment all recognized him because they could relate [Applause] to him and they came he you don't see this is what you guys see let me make sure you get it you don't have to go after what's next the Lord said what's next is coming to you you just stand right there in a doula now that you come to yourself stop trying to figure it out stop trying to work it out
stop trying to make it happen just stand right there in the cave God said whatever's yours I'm gonna send it to you whatever I got for you it's gonna come right to you you ain't gonna have to fight for it you ain't gonna have to prove nothing for it all you got to do is stand there they're gonna find you in your cave all right so his self found him his family found him his people found him 400 times where you are 400 times more of where you are and the Bible said when they found
him they made him their leader watch this watch this I'm almost done he's a Majesty of the moment David was alone and now in a cave which really wasn't a cave but that's another lesson in a in a cave he now has his whole family has come back together through the worst circumstances God uses the worst stuff to bring about the best results they have come into realignment in a way they've never been in alignment before wait a minute and and and and 400 times where he was these men left Saul heard where David was
and came to him with him at this point Saul is the greater and David is the Lesser God says I'm going to draw people whose decisions don't make sense they're going to leave greater opportunities for connectivity it's not going to be about cash it's going to be about connectivity because of all the things you've been through they know you can relate to them they are going to come to you and make them your leader not because of the oil on your head but because of the experiences you endured you have earned the right to lead
by the things you suffered who am I talking to see I got I got an anointing on me for leaders I got an anointing on me for people who don't even recognize that you're a leader because all you can see is your cave and your situation and your circumstance but that's where you get your credentials [Applause] I'm gonna show you one more thing and I'm gonna be finished God said before I show you this he said I want you to emphasize this point because they don't get it yet make sure they get that I am
drawing them now [Applause] they're coming up The Path they're coming over the rocks they're coming over the hills they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming some people are following you who never followed you before some people are listening at you who never listened at you before some people are hooking up with you who were on the other side attacking you they're switching sides right now God said he's going to be your Vindicator he's going to be your defense attorney he's going to stand up for you you don't have to fight
the battle the battle is not yours The Battle Belongs to God [Applause] distressed I said Lord that's everything I built my Ministry on that's why I almost called it a doula because I'm anointed to minister to people in distress I'm anointed to minister to people whose hearts are overwhelmed I'm anointed to minister to people not only that are in distress but are in debt I will turn somebody in debt into a business owner into an entrepreneur into a leader in their Community I will take you from welfare to somewhere I will preach to you until
your lights come back on I will preach to you till you leave the garage apartment and end up owning the whole building I got an anointing to cause you to prosper that when I start ministering the gospel money comes influence comes favor comes Glory comes there are some people in this room that can testify that ever since you've been eating this word things have been turning around in your favor there's an anointing on me but I had to suffer first I had to do without work first I had the big digits first I had to
get weak first but the Bible said after you suffered a while I'll establish you and make you perfect and there's something down in me that I will draw people who are in distress in debt [Music] and the third one is the most important discontentment I draw people discontented because these are the people who suspect that there's something greater in them I bet you every person in this church is either walking into your destiny or suspicious that you got a destiny your discontentment is a sign from the spirit that where you are is not where you're
going to be and you're willing to put the work in to go to the next level if I got that part right if I understand my anointing if I understand my gifting if I understand my glory holla at me right now thank you [Applause] what I got ain't for everybody I don't worry about my haters I don't worry about the people who don't get it they don't understand my numbers they don't understand it's not for you everything God got for me he's gonna bring it to me he'll make you move he'll make you change cities
he'll make you come to conferences you've never been to before you'll change armies you'll switch sides and the same anointing that's on me is on you you are a magnet now you are a drawing Force you got power to move stuff you just stand still it's coming slap seven people and tell them it's coming now everything you've been praying for everything you've been waiting on everything you've been worried about everything you've been doing without your money is coming your family is coming your people are coming uh your kingdom is coming your influence is coming your
credibility is coming your strength is coming your power is coming your favor is coming your will is coming your fight is coming everything everybody it's coming it's coming yeah it's coming it's coming he's coming slap somebody say next you're next is coming your next time is coming you're next foreign foreign [Applause] the Lord said the next time you go in that building where a woman evolve is going to be take as many women as you can with you and he said anointing every seats in that building and pray in the Holy Ghost and stand in
the center of it and shout and God's going to draw him from the north the South the East and the West you ain't got to worry about them coming huh God said he's gonna do the drawing I don't know who I'm preaching to In This Place there are people that need a financial breakthrough to build what you're trying to build but the finances are on their way I want you to shout like it's already here shout like it's already done out like he's already got it [Applause] oh you playing around oh you playing around oh
you can't believe it you better open your mouth [Applause] you are drawn to this ministry because you are kin to this minister and what God did in my life is just a reflection it's just a commercial it's just an offering of what he's about to do in your life God is about to flip it all the way around this is not a sermon it's a prophecy this is not a sermon it's a prophetic utterance this is not a seminar it's a word sent from God the crisis of next is God is bring your necks into
your now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] some of you don't have a money problem you have a people problem you can't find the right people that you need to be around you to incubate what God has put inside of you but God said he's got 400 people he's going to wrap around your vision he's gonna wrap around what you're trying to build he's gonna wrap it around that school he's gonna wrap it around that business he's gonna wrap it around that Nursery he's gonna wrap it around that vision and they're gonna cross over her from bigger and
better jobs to come to be with you because as you discover who you are your magnetism ma is gonna pull them from where they are slap somebody and say get ready they're coming you haven't met them but they're coming you don't know them but they're coming here you haven't seen them but they're coming huh they're wearing the wrong uniform but they're coming yeah you're a little bit scared of them but they're coming huh God is about to raise them up [Applause] now Hudson hear me good hit me good your discontentment that you hide from everybody
is not demonic it is prophetic [Applause] your discontentment has been placed inside of you keep you from settling [Applause] to be less than what you were created to be your discontentment is what he uses to give you the courage to cause disruption because if you were contented you would be passive and you would stay where you are but God stirred you up and I stirred you up in the middle of the night and you don't know how to talk to people about it because people say you ought to stay where you are you got it
good you got it together you already established but you can't settle for that because your spirit knows that your next is not in your now and you're getting random boss shot you're getting ready to make a shift somebody better get this mic for me cause I swear it's burning in my hands there is going to be a release foreign [Applause] discontented person raise your hand every person who's suspicious that there's something else and you raise your hand every person in you that is taunted by the fact that you have not lived your fullest dream you
have not climbed your highest mountain you have not done everything that's down inside of you raise your hand and stop being troubled by the discontentment because God is going to use it to draw you out he's going to abuse it to pull you into exceptionalism if you weren't discontented you would be lazy your discontentment is sent into your life to drive you into your destiny so stop wrestling with it and use it to climb this hill your David is waiting on you your destiny is waiting on you in the crisis of next is broken by
the message of now this word that I have delivered to you now it's God's answer to the prayer you've been praying about what's next God said you aren't gonna have to make it happen you're gonna get to watch it happen it's coming in your direction and is coming soon 400 times above everything you went through [Applause] and when I was studying to text Dr James there was a point that I discovered these men that came to him and when they came to him they were in distress they were in debt and they were in discontentment
but when he finished with them by the time we get to Second Chronicles the Bible does not describe them as being in distress or debt or discontentment second Chronicle says that they have become Mighty Men of Valor with swords and voice and might and God said what they're going to come to you what's this in seed form of what they're going to be and it is your job to bring about the transformation into what they are capable of being they're going to come distressed in debt and they're going to come discontented but God said you
are not to lead them like he sends them nor be discouraged because he didn't send you a finished product he's sending it to you in seed form and you're going to have to turn them into what God wants you to have to rule with so instead of turning them into a game or a mob he strengthened their skills he minted their potential and they became Mighty Men of Valor they were never described again the way he found him because the impact of his influence was so great that the more men he gathered the more he
transformed them into what they were going to be and this is spinning that Kingdom come [Applause] you are on the verge of ushering in the kingdom this is bigger than Church [Applause] this is bigger than Church this is Kingdom this is Dominion this is power foreign this is a revolution this is an uprising this is a movement don't be depressed when church folk don't like it cause this is bigger than a church this is a revolution shout at me [Applause] they're going to come to you for transformation but they're going to connect to you from
the place of your frustration [Music] you're frustrated about the same things you're angry about the same things you are sick of the same things and they're going to connect with you because they're tired of being with people who don't get it [Applause] who gets it in here that's why I tell people everywhere there is no place I would rather preach than right here at The Potter's House it is not the size of the room but I like to preach to people who get it holler at me I get it type it on the line I
get it you wouldn't be watching if you didn't get in there you wouldn't be driving if you didn't get it you wouldn't be singing if you didn't get it some of you moved here because of everybody who moved here holler at me now [Applause] there's my evidence so you are my Abdullah my you are my sign that God will make folk Move Get Up and relocate because they are drawn to what they are kin to and no happened [Applause] no happened somebody better get me no weapon formed against you shall be able [Applause] to touch
somebody their shoulder their arm the elbow I don't care what it is touch them [Music] if there's nobody to touch where you're watching this right touch on the screen just write touch on the screen touch touch touch we're coming into agreement we're coming into agreement around emotional disorders Financial disorders and disruptive thinking where we are discontented enough to be disruptive enough those are the things that brought us into alignment and your sister don't get it and your family don't understand it but you cannot stay where you've been any longer the reason Elisha left his mom
and then it's because he knew Elijah had his next [Applause] yo next is in my mouth [Applause] that's what the Bible said meant when he said believe the words of the prophet and you shall prosper you only follow somebody when they're next when you're next is in their mouth I don't care whether you black or white or brown or speak English or Spanish or Portuguese I don't care if you speak Mandarin I'm still speaking to your necks various greatness inside of you I'm not talking about popularity I'm not talking about Fame I'm talking about greatness
greatness has nothing to do with crowds David's crowds will come much later but his greatness many men are cave God said your greatness will meet you in the cave on the Run at a time when you felt like you ain't got nobody that's what God is going to show you you have not met your people yet foreign [Applause] you have not met your people yet stop being frustrated with the people you got around you they're not your people [Applause] they're placeholders your people are coming they're moving they're migrating some of you have people in this
church that are sitting on the opposite side of the church you're going to bump into them in the hallway your next is being galvanized your next is online your next is online [Music] your next is going to inbox you your next is gonna come walking right into your situation out of nowhere 400 times because they get it the person that you're touching is here because they get it I have members that are Jewish and members that came from the Catholic Church I have members that were Muslims I have members that came from nobody's church I
have members that are Baptists and methodists and Presbyterian and Episcopalian those were all the uniforms they had on when they walked in but God is about to do a new thing some of them came out of the strip club some of them came out of the crack house some of them came out of the prison the house some of them came out of embezzlement some of them came out of adultery some of them came out of fornication and perversion but God is about to do a new thing squeeze that person you're connected you're connected you're
connected you're connected [Applause] my next begins now [Applause] father I decree and declare that every person that's touching someone has laid hold on their necks it may not be the individual that they're touching but the individual that they're touching is symbolic that God is about to bring within the Arms Reach what is next in your life and he's going to draw them by the spirit and they're coming the resources are coming that doesn't just mean that you owe people it means you don't have enough to facilitate what you see the resources are coming there are
people that are going to come to this year's leadership conference that you're the leader of One but the people are coming you got a business and you ain't got nobody employed but you and your wife but the help is coming God is getting ready to transition and revolutionize your life I may not finish it but I'm the one to set it off [Applause] I may only plant it at somebody else water it and God gives the increase but I have an anointing on my life to set it off [Applause] your next begins right now squeeze
that person right now I don't care what your emotions say I don't care what your feelings say I don't care about your isolation I don't care about your frustration I don't care who tried to kill you yesterday you survived all of that for what is about to happen now I decree and declare it will happen not many days since the beginning of the Revolution shall start before January 1. God said I will not wait on your calendar I'm going to start your new year in the whole year I'm gonna start pulling them around you right
now I'm gonna set it off now be still and know that I am gone in the name of Jesus heads bowed eyes closed every person go for themselves 30 seconds of inner reflection who am I what's in me I'm a wife with no rings I'm a husband with no wife I'm a mother though I have no children I'm a leader though I have no people following I Am What God Says I Am [Applause] I'm the head and not the tale I'm above and not beneath I am I don't need other people following me to validate
me I am I have come to myself I recognize myself God let me escape Gap and though it looks like that I haven't gone very far I may not be far geographically but I'm very far experientially I'm not nearly who I was a new awareness now lives in me and because I have found myself I will find my family and I and I and my crowd will find me