The Rapture Is Coming - Are You Ready? | You Need To See This Immediately

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knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation a scoffer in this context is one who mocks Christ ridicules the things of God and opposes the gospel the purpose of scoffers in the last days will become more intense as the devil will sponsor them as part of his Endtime strategies to discourage Believers from the service of God scoffers are stirred up by
the Antichrist Spirit against those who have chosen to serve God I am not saying the Antichrist himself has arrived the truth is I don't know if he has or if he hasn't but what I do know and what I can see from just looking at the world is that his Spirit has the spirit Spirit of antichrist is the rejection of the deity of Christ 1 John 4:3 States and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that Spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard
that it should come and even now already is it in the world you see there's coming a day a day where there will stand a man not just any man but a figure an embodiment if you will of the Antichrist this isn't some fairy tale folks no no it's written it's proclaimed in the word of God in 1 John 43 it tells us clear as day that though this man hasn't shown himself yet his spirit that Spirit of deception and Rebellion is already here working prowling and deceiving but today we are going to look at
the scoffers those who mock those who ridicule those who laugh in the face of the almighty and his children friends we need to be vigilant we need to be on guard because these scoffers with their Sly words and their taunting they'll try to shake you off the foundation of your faith they'll try to pull you away from the straight and narrow path of righteousness and godliness that you've chosen the path that leads to eternal life how many of you have felt the sting of their mockery how many of you have been questioned doubted or laughed
at for your unwavering faith in Christ for standing tall in your service to the almighty when they come at you remember this they are not operating on their own no sir they are either knowingly or unknowingly being driven by that Spirit of antichrist the Apostle Peter told us about these people they walk after their own desires their own pleasures and with smug faces they question us where's This Promise of Christ's return huh been waiting a long time haven't you people of God I've heard some things in my time as a preacher and let me tell
you there are some that really make you stop and think about the state of our hearts I've had people come up to me genuinely earnestly and they've said pastor I grew up hearing that Jesus is coming soon and yet here I am 50 years later and he hasn't come because of that I've stopped being a Christian now I want to address this and I hope you'll bear with me for a moment first off let's get some perspective here 50 years do you think 50 years is a long time in the sight of the almighty the
Eternal one in the grand tapestry of Eternity 50 years is but a blink a fleeting moment and this brings me to my next point the sheer audacity the arrogance to believe that God's prophetic calendar should align with our personal timetable friends who are we to dictate the timeline of the creator that is pride humble yourself before the Lord the one who set the stars in motion the one who breathed life into our very beings it's high time we remind ourselves that God doesn't operate on our schedule we live in his timing not the other way
way around have some humility brothers and sisters it's not all about us the grand Narrative of Bible prophecy the culmination of all things it doesn't revolve around our personal timelines our impatience our demands and here's the thing God in his infinite wisdom and love gave us his word the Bible which clearly spells out why Jesus hasn't returned yet so before you point a finger at the heavens and demand answers dive into the scriptures seek understanding with a humble heart recognize that his ways are higher than our ways his thoughts higher than our thoughts and that
God doesn't operate on the same level as you and I now allow me to read a verse that explains the exact reason why Jesus has not returned yet second Peter 3499 10 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is longsuffering to us Ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the
Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up in second Peter the 3 10 there we find the heart of God revealed when we wonder about his timing when we question his return this passage reminds us that God's timetable is not like ours understand this the god of the universe the God who set the heavens and the Earth in motion will keep his promise without delay but on his Divine timeline he is long-suffering folks that means he's patient beyond our comprehension Desiring that as many Souls as possible come to repentance let's take
a step back and Ponder many of you listening right now ask yourself if Jesus had returned 20 years ago where would you stand heaven or hell what about 10 years ago or even just last year the Lord's mercy and patience have allowed many of us more time to come to him his delay has been our Salvation consider this as I stand before you across this world souls are being saved someone in a remote corner of the earth is on their knees giving their life to Christ right now this very moment right in your hometown hearts
are turning towards the Savior one by one they're coming to the saving knowledge of of our Lord Jesus Christ Peter The Rock on whom Christ built his church shared a profound Insight with us he shed light on the very heart of God the reason our Lord hasn't returned yet is rooted in his compassion and love he wants all to come to repentance he's not willing for any to perish it's not a cold Divine decree we're talking about no it's a reflection of his vast unfathomable love for Humanity a love that made him say whosoever believes
in Him should not perish but have everlasting life so when impatience nudges at you when doubt Whispers In Your Ear remember God's Compassionate Heart remember that in his Mercy he's reaching out to one more Soul offering one more chance for repentance and let's thank him for his p PA for in it we find our Salvation now I want to ask you a question have you ever stopped and took a look around you have you ever noticed how standing up for righteousness living a clean and holy life in this world feels lonely it reminds me of
Noah oh dear Noah he stood tall preached righteousness for a long long 120 years and what did he get laughter mockery and isolation he was seen as an oddity A peculiar man in a sinful Lawless generation but here's the thing though the whole world turned its back on him though everyone rejected him God the Alpha and the Omega God had his eyes on him God's radiant light Shone upon Him guiding him protecting him so Church stand firm stand tall and let God's light shine upon you folks I want to bring your attention to a remarkable
man in the scriptures Enoch Enoch the only man that the Bible tells us did not see death why because he walked with God think about that for a moment he didn't run ahead of God he didn't lag behind him no he walked in tandem in step in sweet communion with almighty God and here's the thing in a world filled with wickedness in an age age that knew no bounds to its Rebellion there was Enoch this lone figure chose not to be a part of the problem but rather to walk side by side with the Creator
so close so intertwined with God's spirit that one day God simply took him this message carries a sobering tone because the topic of the Rapture is indeed sobering it is a thought that not everyone who attends church on Sunday will be raptured and this realization can be quite solemn considering the vast number of churches around the world each congregation will have a varying number of people taken on the day of the Rapture for instance one church with 10,000 members may see only three members being raptured while another church of the same size might witness 9,000
members being raptured some Churches may have only 10% of their congregation raptured Ed While others may experience 100% of their congregation being taken it is a thought that evokes a sense of sobriety and reflection in some Churches mentioning the topic of the Rapture is frowned upon and Believers may feel ashamed or hesitant to discuss it however it is important not to be ashamed of the Rapture even if those around you do not believe it will happen similar to how the world viewed Noah is crazy when he preached about the flood Believers should not let societal
opinions discourage them from acknowledging the reality of the Rapture reflecting on the days of Noah we recall that only eight people were saved out of the millions that populated the Earth at that time the ark provided salvation to less than 0.1% of the world's population considering this it raises the question of how many people will be saved when the Rapture occurs it it is indeed a sobering thought will 10% of the world's population be raptured will 20% of the world's population be raptured only the Lord knows it is crucial to understand that there is no
Collective salvation or salvation based on marital relationships each individual needs to cultivate their own personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ this realization further adds to the gravity and solemnity of the topic at hand God's love for you is undeniable it is something you know deep within your heart however we live in a generation where many deny the gospel there are those who claim to be Christians but deny the need for repentance some question the authority of the Bible While others doubt the occurrence of the Rapture unfortunately even some modern-day Christians deny the existence of
Hell yet it is important to remember that the Lord Jesus Christ himself spoke about hell he warned that if something causes you to sin it is better to remove it even if it means entering life with one eye than to be cast in the fires of hell he was using hyperbole here however he was being direct about hell and the seriousness of it hell is a real place despite the accusations that mentioning it is an attempt to instill fear no one spoke about hell as explicitly as the Lord Jesus Christ did in in the Bible
however those who are raptured will be spared from experiencing hell I have often wondered how the world will explain the Rapture and its aftermath the Rapture will be a Monumental event unlike anything the world has ever witness the sudden disappearance of hundreds of thousands of people in the blink of an eye will leave the world in a state of confusion once the Rapture occurs every believer will be caught up to meet the Lord in the sky eyes while unbelievers will be left behind to Grapple with the aftermath of this astonishing event after the Rapture takes
place the world Left Behind will experience a church service like no other it will be a gathering of people who are utterly surprised and shocked that they have been left behind the pews will be filled with individuals who had family members or friends who were Believers and warned them about the impending Rapture the ramifications of this event will be immense and will reshape history in profound ways imagine the scene as these individuals gather together Desperately Seeking answers and trying to make sense of what has just transpired they will be faced with the undeniable reality of
the Rapture and the fact that they have been left behind the emotions in that church service will range from confusion and fear to grief and regret many will feel a deep sense of loss as they realize the truth of their loved ones warnings and the missed opportunity to be part of the raptured Saints this church service will be a pivotal moment in the lives of those left behind it will be a time of reflection soul searching and grappling with the implications of their unbelief they will witness firsthand the consequences of rejecting the message of Salvation
through Jesus Christ the realization that they had dismissed or disregarded the warnings of their believing family members and friends will weigh heavily upon them the world left behind will be thrust into a period of great turmoil and confusion as it tries to come to terms with the Rapture and its aftermath only the Lord knows what will ensue as people grapple with the Unexplained events and the massive void left by The Departed Believers the church service after the Rapture will serve as a powerful wakeup call for those who remain it will force them to confront the
reality of their choices and the truth of God's word some may turn to faith in Christ seeking Redemption and salvation in the midst of chaos others however May respond with anger Defiance or a hardened heart refusing to acknowledge the truth and instead seeking to find alternative explanations or comfort in their own understanding in the aftermath of the Rapture the world will be forever changed the church service that follows will Mark a p pivotal moment in human history a moment when the ramifications of unbelief and rejection of God's grace become undeniable it will be a time
of Reckoning a time for individuals to Grapple with their choices and seek truth in the midst of unprecedented events the Christians who will not be caught in the Rapture are those who are Christians in name only these individuals may profess to follow Christ but they have not truly believed in his name they attend church but have never experienced genuine spiritual rebirth their minds may be filled with knowledge but their hearts are far from God it would be devastating for them to realize that the Rapture has occurred and they have not been taken up while the
events described in the Book of Revelations are about to unfold it is entirely possible for someone to possess extensive knowledge about the word of God but lack a genuine relationship with him the issue lies in these Christians being friends with the world consequently their spiritual life becomes a mere facad instead We should strive to fight the good fight of faith and live a Christian Life that is consistent and wholehearted let us not settle for surface level Christianity where we only identify as Christians when it is convenient superficial Christians May attend church and claim to love
it but deep down they are in love with the world and its desires 1 John 2: 15-16 admonishes us not to love the world or anything in it if we love the world the love of the father is not in us the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are not from the father but from the world the allurements of this world are real and it can provide temporary pleasures and distractions that make us forget about eternal matters as Christians it is important for us to a knowledge that
sin can offer temporary Pleasures But ultimately it leads to destruction now when speaking about Rapture some people are afraid of it or feel a sense of apprehensiveness regarding the Rapture because they are not sure they will be caught up they are scared that they will fall in the first group of people I have discussed but I want to encourage you that the Rapture is an event you should long for don't fear whether you are saved or not Romans 10:9 if you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised
him from the dead you will be saved Ephesians 2: 8-9 for it is by Grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast you can know you are saved because the spirit Bears witness that you are born again you know you are saved because your life has changed and is changing and is continuing to change you are becoming less and less like your old self and more and more like a disciple of Jesus Don't Fear The Rapture
look forward to it how can you not look forward to it how can you not look forward to Heaven allow me to be just honest for a second this world is a mess it's a complete mess Joy never ever lasts in this world and and this world has a strange way of shocking you this world is so broken and nothing lasts forever even the most wonderful most glorious marriages of this Earth still end with death even the most wonderful marriage still ends with one of the two being heartbroken when the other one dies but when
the Lord Jesus comes and claims his church there will be no more death imagine that living a life where there is no death look forward to the Rapture because after the Rapture there is no more death oh I have seen families weep I have seen families weep bitter tears pastors see that pastors see what others don't usually get to see time and time again I've have seen families feel grief real grief real pain real Sorrows when they lose the person the person that is near and dear to them I encourage you to look forward to
the Rapture and the coming of the Lord sometimes when I'm riding my motorbike Under The Shining Sun I think to myself what if he comes now that is our hope our blessed hope I ride for hours eagerly anticipating his arrival at any moment the Lord Jesus Christ could come and call out our names and we will leave this world look forward to it my friends because when he comes all your sorrow will end forever look forward to his coming for when he comes you will never have to worry about your health again sickness has troubled
Humanity affecting people of all ages and fitness levels but in an instant in the twinkling of an eye all sickness will be gone 1 Corinthians 15: 51 and 52 behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised Incorruptible and we shall be changed 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the
Archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first Jesus Jesus himself said I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also the angel said this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven the Rapture doesn't have a specific date it will happen suddenly and quickly in just a moment the archangel's trumpet will announce it those who have died as Believers in Christ will hear it
and rise from their graves with new glorious bodies they will join the Lord in the sky even though they are gone they are waiting we who are still here on Earth are also waiting for the rapture
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