learn to play like Sai itoshi Sai itoshi doesn't only have Brazilian flare Elite level Street skills he also has an amazing ass I'll show you how to dribble like Sai itoshi at the end of the video I'll show you how to shoot like siosi Sai itoshi has some incredible dribbling he does beautiful destruction where he uses his enemies movements against themselves he also takes on players with fancy skills and lastly he uses peak level flick skills to beat them to do beautiful destruction you need the ability to move and turn in tight spots and guard
the ball properly when the ball is in front of me it's exposed and the enemy can swipe it away if the ball is behind me I can Shield the ball and Abstract my enemy's view of the ball when the ball is exposed simply do this skill step on the ball and put weight on it then hop forward and pull the ball back at the same time then land and stretch your leg out so that your body is slanted this will give you leverage on the ball and strength to Shield side did this against Ren from
this position you can pass the ball but since you're Sosi you'll do a quick turn or you will do a fancy lift let's first learn the turn you either turn towards your opponent or away to turn away start off in the guard position then put weight on the ball and hop away from the end and turn your body so that you face your enemy then simply pull the ball towards you as you land to turn towards start in the guard position again then put weight on the ball hop a bit to the side then pull
the ball towards the opposite side and run off and then let them chase now let's add another move to this combo let's learn the L move which is actually a w move watch how kamalo uses it here to create space and score put your weight on the ball and pull it back then use this part of your foot to push it behind you then turn your body towards the ball now you can do all three individually or in a combo Sai seems to do this against isak and Bacha these type of skills let you guard
and observe the opponent's movements let's learn some size fancy skills fast stepovers start by hopping side to side using this part of your foot then try to the still ball in the middle then use the same movement and go around the ball instead push the ball lightly and try it slowly while it moves then pick up the pace as you get better at it these stepovers can be shallow and fast your last step over has to be wider then cut away the Hocus Focus angle your foot outwards then step in front of the ball then
push the ball across using this part and hit it to the side using using this part the cross elastical nut make first do an elastico face your foot inwards push your body to the side and push the ball using this part extend your leg and land on this foot then go around the ball with the inside step over then push the ball using the side of your foot let's learn size fancy lifts he beats hiori using a Nifty lift angle your foot inwards and step on the side of the ball then pull the ball onto
your foot and tilt your foot as it touches so that it lifts up then rotate your body slightly tilt your ankle down and heal it to the side size iconic lift step on the ball and put weight on it then hop forward and angle foot to the side then pull the ball forward quickly roll your foot off it should bounce off the side of your foot and lift up then angle your ankle down heal it over like this now let's learn how to shoot like Sai itoshi Sai itoshi scores a goal from an insane angle
you and the ball needs to move in a straight line but you have to shoot across by angling your body in the last moment first angle your foot inwards and touch the ball on this part of your foot and kick across the ball so that it spins like this practice with a still ball to a small run up lift your leg up Midway step next to the ball swing your foot across slice through the ball and your follow through should be upwards then do it by running in a straight line and then rotate your body
to the side slightly and swing across the ball