today we're talking about psychology this is the biggest secret weapon used by all of your favorite creators they are masters of this if you want your videos to perform better all you have to study is human psychology but it's not just psychology principles you can't learn this content stuff in a book social media psychology is how to engineer your storytelling to get a viewer to think and act how you want and if you can do this on command you win now I have over a million followers done a billion views and this one thing has
been the biggest cheat code to my success it is the foundational building block that powers everything and I'm just going to give it to you this is my full content psychology Playbook 18 different tricks that you can use to get people addicted to your videos without them knowing it all right so I boil down every video into six steps think of these like Gates or checkpoints and I need to get the viewer through these six checkpoints before they bounce or the video flops now for each one I use a combination of different psychology hacks to
pull them through and I'm going to break down each one of those hacks and how you can use them in your videos okay so the first major checkpoint in any video is paino acceptance before you do anything else you have to get the viewer to feel whatever pain point it is you're solving for in the video usually the core pain stems from not having enough money time health or access those are the four horsemen of pain and there's many ways to frame a pain but at a base level before you do anything else in the
video the viewer has to feel a pain point now I can already hear the skep iics in the nose beds what about entertainment style content like Mr Beast or Minecraft videos there's no pain point in those and you're 100% right those are pure entertainment plays and those can work but my take is that if you're playing for pure entertainment the competition is much much steeper because you're competing against family time Hollywood grade movies Mr Beast himself the Instagram feed reading in bed if you're not an absolute Pro you're going to lose the entertainment game but
if you're solving a specific paino all of a sudden you fit into a different category in the viewer's brain and if your goal is to make money online Value First paino driven content is the best way to do it okay so checkpoint one is making them accept the pain now what are the exact psychological hacks to get them to do this I have four methods the first one is by going one standard deviation away from the pain to trick them into accepting it so let me explain what that means the key with content is getting
a viewer to opt into accepting they have a paino without triggering their be s detector it's like robbing a bank if you trip the red wire the alarms will go off and they're going to call the police you remember when I said all core pain stem from not having time money health or access well the problem is if you come out directly and say something like if you want to make more money do this it often triggers their BS detector and they'll dismiss you and this happens because most viewers are smart and they think to
themselves Well it can't be that easy right this must be nonsense and so then they start second guessing what you're saying and this is all happening subconsciously because of their psychology once the BS detector is tripped in their mind you've lost them because now they don't trust you so this is where the one standard deviation away hack comes in sometimes it could be easier to get someone to opt into a pain by going one standard deviation away from what they actually want and having them make the leap themselves for example let's take the pain of
trying to grow on social media that's what I talk about most people want to grow on social media because they think it'll help them make more money they don't actually want to spend 40 hours a week making videos they want the money but the beauty is that most people assume that if they grow on social media they will make money they treat them as the same so targeting the pain that they aren't growing their social channels fast enough is a way to disarm them on the money pain without triggering their BS detector they will make
the leap that you helping them with social media will help them make more money which is what they really want and to prove this is the case if you look at all of my videos on my YouTube channel anytime I talk specifically about making more money those videos don't perform very well but anytime I talk about specifics of making better videos or new social trends for growing faster people associate that with making more money and those videos crush and this isn't an accident this is psychology at work so the specific tactic here is understanding which
of the four horsemen base pains you're targeting and then figuring out how to go one standard deviation away to solve a tactical problem all right the second hack for trying to get a viewer to accept the paino is what I call twisting the knife here your goal is to remind the viewer of their paino and the frustration that they've been experiencing because they haven't solved it twist the knife the best way to do this tactically no surprise is to talk about the pain point and that frustration as bluntly and directly as possible so for example
I might say something like if you've been struggling with storytelling I've been there I know how hard it is this reminds them of the struggle and deepens the Gap it seems obvious but this is adding Tinder to the burning fire of them wanting to solve the problem also fomo and jealousy are other great ways to remind them of this frustration and deepen the pain all right the third psychology hack for getting a viewer to accept the pain point is what I call an audience of one and this is very simple speak to them directly don't
use the word I use the word you make it about them make them the main character make them think about themselves and their unique situation I use the word you more than any other word in my videos it's like a teacher yelling hey you to a group of kindergarteners right it stuns them immediately and makes them lock back in I also try in my delivery to make it seem like I'm talking directly to you and no one else and this comes mostly from tone and Rhythm which you have to just adjust over time the best
way to do this is observe two people having a conversation and then try to mimic that tone and Rhythm nobody wants a preacher they want a friend again these things seem obvious and I'm going to show you an example in a second about why they're so powerful but I'm telling you stacking these on top of each other creates this deep pain Point all right the fourth and last hack for getting a user to accept the paino is to create the paino solution Gap you need them to realize that there is both a paino to be
solved and a gap between between where they are today and where they want to be you can do this tactically by literally moving your hands from one side to the other or you could use Graphics or you could continue to Pepper examples showing the distance between where they are and where they want to be as you can tell and I've heard this in the comments I find the hands thing to be super helpful with this now you don't have to do all four of those hacks all together every single video but by doing these four
things you make them aware of the right pain frame it so it applies to them specifically and build an urgency for them to figure out how to close the gap if you do this you have them Hook Line and Sinker through that first checkpoint and they are super eager to find out what comes next now I'm going to show you an example the first three checkpoints all happen in the hook of the video in the first 10 to 30 seconds so I'm really breaking it down but this happens super super quickly getting them through those
first three checkpoints let's review the hook that I used in this video just a couple minutes ago and I'm going to show you exactly how I do this in practice by the way the reason you're still watching is because I use this exact psychology hack to hook you so if you're wondering if it works it works today we're talking about about psychology this is the biggest secret weapon used by all of your favorite creators they are masters of this if you want your videos to perform better all you have to study is human psychology but
it's not just psychology principles you can't learn this content stuff in a book social media psychology is how to engineer your storytelling to get a viewer to think and act how you want and if you can do this on command you win all right so here's the transcript of the first half of the hook for this video and I'm going to color code each of the four psychology hacks that deal with this first paino checkpoint now the first line is just me setting context that it's about psychology I kind of had to do that then
immediately I start twisting the knife using jealousy I say this is the biggest secret weapon used by all your favorite creators now I could have started by explicitly stating the pain itself like you're trying to grow on social media through video but that is implied by me using Creator so at this point subconsciously you feel this frustration cuz you want to grow like your favorite creators but you haven't figured it out I'm reminding you of that frustration subconsciously that deepens the paino Gap if you want your videos to perform better so I'm saying it directly
right here again I know every single person watching this wants to make money that's why they're trying to grow on social media so this is the one standard deviation away from the core Four Horseman pain now that rolls directly into the paino solution Gap if you want better videos paino you need to understand psychology solution and this is all happening in real time but like 7 seconds in I've already kind of got you deeply reminded of the pain jealous about the other creators and interested in how to solve it happens fast now because psychology as
a concept is kind of high level and not clear I decided to use another line to reiterate exactly what I'm talking about and how you can apply it to making better videos so I say psychology is how you engineer people to do and act how you want and if you do this you can win again paino solution Gap if you do this you can win now the last thing to highlight is how many times I use the word you in the first half of this hook nine times and I use the word I zero this
is also intentional this video video is not about me it's about you it's about helping you solve the pain I'm not talking about me yet now I spent so much time on checkpoint one in this video so far because again if you can't get the viewer to accept that there's a pain point you lose do not pass go there is no reason to continue you have to nail this first now before I go on to the next checkpoints why does this work so well it works so well because human brains are problem-solving machines if you
give a brain a problem it is designed to figure out how to solve it by starting with the problem in the video script we are hacking the viewers neurochemistry to get them to pay attention to it and this first step is critical because it aligns their subconscious on the problem so that you can tell them the rest of the story before watching the video they may not have been problem aware or if they knew the problem they weren't consciously focusing so you need to angle their attention on the problem and then continue okay so this
is checkpoint one at this point the viewer is now deeply problem aware and interested in figuring out how to solve it all right before I move on and there is some gold coming up I just got to say guys nobody talks about content the way I do I've looked so far for people to make videos like this and there just aren't any I take all of this and I put it for free in the description in my free community wavy world my free newsletter content. game I want you guys to win I think there's so
much opportunity for everyone to win the way they want so I give it all for free make sure you check the description if you like the way I talk about this stuff all right let's keep going okay so as soon as the viewer is aware of the paino The Next Step checkpoint two you need to immediately Sprint to trust you you need them to trust you ASAP you essentially have between 10 and 30 seconds after they accept that a problem is real to pass their BS detector for them to trust that you're the type of
person that could solve it if they sense that you don't know what you're talking about that you don't have proof that you've done this before or that you don't have the answer they're going to bounce and you lose them and this checkpoint 2 is another make or break moment in Psychology hacking do they trust you so what are the ways to get them to trust you this is the list in order from most effective to least effective the best in top of the list is proof that you have solved this problem for someone just like
them this is why On Target case studies and testimonials are so critical it's why they're all over sales Pages if a viewer sees themselves in a success story that you have they immediately trust that you can do this for them if you don't have a testimonial of you doing this for others the next best case is proof that you've done it for yourself this proves that you can do it but they may not trust you as much as the testimonial if they don't see themselves in you the third highest trust Builder would be massive social
followings on any account ideally the account you're on or a prei cosign from someone that they trust social followings basically prove that you are trusted and vetted by many at scale this helps decrease their fear that you don't know what you're talking about the fourth is evidence that you have been in their shoes and you are not in their shoes anymore this doesn't necessarily mean that you were the one that controlled the transformation but it does mean you have underwent the transformation so you at least know where they have been and where they want to
go Fifth and this is second from the bottom is Common Ground anything you can do to build common ground between them and you just to build rapport and then last but I think still effective is the overall look and quality of your presentation of the information the studio the audio the confidence the posture the way the whole package is put together if you come off like you know what you're doing they will subconsciously start to trust you a little bit this alone isn't going to get you there but it's helpful icing on the top and
this look thing this is why most sales people wear suits there's a reason why people do the things they do why they put testimonials on their sites why sales people wear suits is because they're trying to build trust now like I said you don't need the full one through six list to be true if you have any one of the top three you're probably good that's all you need but if you don't you may need multiple of the bottom three the bigger the ask the more trust required the deeper the pain the less trust required
now I have three super quick psychological hacks that go one level deeper for how you actually facilitate this trust transfer so the first one around proof this is going to sound stupidly obvious but use screenshots of the testimonials bank statements a B tests before and afters social followings some visual proof is usually all you need to justify credibility that you've done what you say and it usually just takes one or two of these flashed rapidly and then the trust is built now if you have no proof you need to build common ground or show that
you've been in their shoes before and even if you try this it may not stick but you have to try something the best way to build common ground is to hack their subconscious Psychology by saying things like I've been exactly where you are I've gone through this same thing I know what it feels like right saying those things helps build empathy empathy and Common Ground between them and you at this point if you don't have proof they are running the BS filter scan in their head absorbing everything trying to vet do I trust them do
I trust them and I'll be honest the longer they're running that BS scan the less chance you have so you really want to establish trust as quickly as possible now in addition to building Common Ground an easy way to hack their trust like I said is having a professional setup this is a huge way to increase trust because when you're small and you have no credibility you have no proof but people see you have a legit set up immediately in their mind they're wondering wait how does this person not have any proof how does this
person not have any wins he has such a great setup she has such a great setup they actually start to root for you in a weird way it inverts that's why having this professional look is so critical again if you have crazy proof you can record on a lowquality 720p camera in your underwear but if you don't have any proof this is a way to kind of elevate yourself without having done anything else again this trust checkpoint is critical if the viewer does not trust you they're not going to continue watching and you lose now
one note on this at the beginning of your journey making content the reason why it takes so long to grow initially is because you don't have proof for credibility and so a low fraction of people trust you long enough to listen to your information that's why it takes so long to get those first thousand 2,000 5,000 subscribers but as you get some trust as you grow you start to build a following people then trust the following and the cosign is easier from people and then the compounding continues this is why it takes so long to
grow at the beginning because you don't have trust I actually didn't start making YouTube videos until I had half a million followers on Instagram and Tik Tok and this was strategic I didn't want to risk spending $1,000 per YouTube video on editing and thumbnails until I knew that I had at least number three on that list of credibility now I actually do have almost a million followers I actually have driven over a billion views I actually have done the transformation myself and I know the answer so it's easy for you to trust me because I
have these things so I now have proof figuring this out for myself I have big social followings I've been where you were because I used to not Plus I speak directly to entrepreneurs and builders that were like me so I have established Common Ground I also spent a ton of time and money building out this set so of the list of six 2 3 4 5 six I have all of them except the top one and now for the top one I have an Academy of entrepreneurs that I'm teaching the methods to I'm also getting
cold DMS of people that are using my YouTube videos to get traction on their own so very soon I'll have the top one as well I will have the full six and this is really important to me because to me everything I do is optimize to build trust that's why I give the answers away I want everyone to trust me because I want to help people I genuinely do and so that goes back and forth and it helps build the trust immediately okay so that's checkpoint two so to reorient us the viewer has now accepted
that a pain point is there they want to solve and they now trust you as a potential vehicle that could solve it so what comes next okay so checkpoint three is plan of attack as soon as they feel like the paino applies to them and they trust you as someone that may solve it immediately they want to know if you have a plan for doing doing so if you don't share a legit plan they will then churn so there are two things you need to do here in checkpoint 3 you need to share that you
have a plan and explain why your plan is different than anything else they've seen before the first one is to create the point of difference between your plan and everyone else's now the easiest way to create the point of difference is to create contrast between what they've commonly seen and what you believe your contrarian take right so if they want to accomplish X and everyone says to do y and you say to do Z and you can convince them that Z is better they will hold to see what Z is the brain constantly is looking
for easier better faster ways to solve their problem so if you create the problem and they trust you as a solve for it and you suggest something that may be different than what they've seen before they are going to be so curious that they will wait to find out what it is this is building that point of difference the contrast the Curiosity Loop whatever you call it that's how you do it now the other psychology hack here once you establish you have a point of difference immediately they want to know what is your plan now
people like structure they like order they like alignment structure helps them remember things when they remember things they feel smart when they feel smart they associate feeling smart with you as the person that makes them feel smart and they trust you more so the best way to deliver the plan in structure is a list these are my five tips for doing X these are my 18 psychology hacks present your thoughts in a structured list the brain is very good at understanding numbers and chunking things down into steps that's how we learn everything as a kid
if you jump into your tactics in the video without teeing it up as a list without putting a structure around it people will feel lost and confused if they're lost and confused they turn so now for the last time I'm going to pull up my full Hook from this video one more time and I'm going to show you how I walk through creating the list and creating the point of difference okay now I actually embedded the point of difference a little bit earlier like two birds one stone I talked about this in the paino section
but this is the point of difference so I said if you want to grow on social media you need Psychology but not psychology in a book you need to understand how to implement psychology to hack viewers brains to do and act how you want there's kind of two points of difference there there's growth you think it's this I say psych ology there's psychology you think it's book learning I say it's actually implementing in videos there's actually two subconsciously there and I did it earlier instead of later because I'm trying to use the fewest amount of
sentences I figured it was two birds one stone now the ordered Lis thing comes later obviously this is me saying I have 18 psychology hacks I have a full Playbook this is me presenting the plan to you and then right after I finish the hook I then reiterate that there are six checkpoints and those checkpoints or stage Gates I say it again because I don't want 18 to feel overwhelming so I say six again to break it down that's how important it is to explain things with structure and this all happened in 24 seconds across
12 sentences if you can pull a viewer through these three checkpoints as fast as possible they will then be primed for the rest of the video okay so at this point the viewer has accepted there's a paino to solve they trust you and they know you have a plan to solve it so there's just one big question left and this is one that matters so so much do they want you to be the one to solve it for them do they like you this is likability the number one psychological hack or checkpoint or bucket to
get people addicted to your content is to make them like you enough to want to watch it people disarm their inhibitions when they genuinely like a person I'm not just talking about physical attraction do they like the energy and brand that you bring forward this is critical and as someone who's typically monotone I have brought my energy up to create this likeability or at least I hope if you're watching this I hope you like the way I'm presenting this I have three psychological hacks to improve your likeability if you're a Creator now the first first
one the biggest one is energy people act like mirrors if you give low energy they will receive that and start giving low energy back if you have high energy it's infectious the easiest way to get people to resonate with your content on a psychological level is to bring your energy of delivery up by like 50% and the easiest way to do this this is what I do is I record one line at a time it sounds crazy but when you talk in paragraphs you start to Trail off towards the end of your sentences reading six
seven sentences off the top of your your head you just lose energy but if you record one line at a time yes you have to chop it after but you can deliver with high energy every single line This is a super super easy hack to up your energy now the second best way to increase likability is simplification again people like when they feel smart if you make them feel dumb they will not like you it's really that simple this means using simple words and short sentences so what I do is I repeat my points twice
if I say something with technical jargon I'll repeat it a the second time saying it again with simpler terms and maybe using a metaphor that's a little bit easier to understand and I kind of just talk in this way normally I think that's one of the superpowers of my style but this simplification by force is actually a really helpful way to increase people's comprehension when they can hear you and understand you they like you more now the third best way to become more likable is to genuinely just be yourself and I know it sounds so
basic but people can detect when you're playing a character I legitimately wear this black hoodie every single day this black hat every day I talk like this I'm a Content nerd I'm a business nerd you cannot fake this energy around this stuff and because of that you can sense that through the camera and you like me more for it whether you believe what I say or not you like when people talk about things they like that's how the brain works they just perceive authenticity and this is the big thing when you're likable people root for
you and they want to be around you they want you to be the one that solves their problems and as a Creator when you're trying to identify a problem a pain point that they pay attention to and solve it this is all you're after now if you're not likable if you're kind of a grouch you can still win but it's going to take so much longer because your value and your information has to be so good that it overcomes the deficiency of your personality it's much easier if people just like you now the sooner someone
likes you the better and the easier it will be to hold them so it's possible they may already come into a video having liked you from something else so in that case checkpoint 4 is already checked off but if this is the first thing they're seeing of you they're probably going to take 3 to 5 minutes and make a call whether they like you or not those three things I mentioned are ways to improve your chances of someone liking you more all right so checkpoint five at this point the viewer has understood the pain point
they trust you they understand you have a plan and they like you but this is all preal this is like the intro stage you were just trying to get them to opt in to giving you a chance to hear what you have to say and now you can see why the hook in your video is so important and why it takes so much time to dial it in we've deployed like 12 psychology tactics up to this point just trying to get the viewer primed to accept any kind of message so the next question checkpoint 5
is can we get them to pay attention long enough to hear what we have to say it's crazy when you really think about it right you spent all that time all that effort all that energy trying to get them to pay attention long enough to potentially give you the chance to deliver a message and still you have to fight to hold their attention it's pretty crazy but this is kind of the most important checkpoint within the body of the video is getting them to continue to pay attention until the last stage so of course have
a few psychology hacks for getting them to hold their attention the first one is to create a hunt people's brains work in Loops when they open a loop they need to close it that is why to-do lists are so nagging you write something down on a to-do list you fret until it's closed people work in open and closed Loops so when you need to keep someone interested for 20 or 30 minutes to watch a full video you need to continually open Loops in their brain the best way to do this is to lead with the
most valuable piece of information first and then tease that there are other things like it buried throughout the video that first piece is like a dopamine release and it validates that it's worth staying then you create this hunt these Loops that people have to hunt to close to do this tactically just continue reminding them about the gold at the end I didn't really do it well in this video but you can think about when people talk about six tactics and when they're on number two they say and wait for the end because the last one's
going to be great right that is them opening a long-term Loop while they close these Min ones they want you to stay to close that long-term Loop all right hack number 14 is reh hooking in previous videos I've talked a lot about the importance of reh hooking throughout your content because you do all that work to lay the initial hook but then if you don't rehook everything just atrophies down to zero so you have to keep reh hooking their interest and the best way to do that is to keep reigniting that paino solution Gap where
are they where do they want to be remind them where are they where do they want to be create contrast against where they are where they want to be common belief contrar in take continue to create that contrast and you'll be able to rehook them throughout now the best way to do this is that and flip so saying things like now that point was good but honestly if you don't figure out this point it's never going to work right continuing to give that zigzag dance that's how you rehook them all right another way to keep
them interested throughout and I talk a lot about this in my storytelling video which I'll link here if you want to check out the during the body storytelling a lot of these techniques I broke down a lot deeper in some other videos but a great way to do this is what I call a trans Rhythm if you create a desirable rhythm with the Cadence of your words they will stay because it's soothing to listen to I've noticed that that the monotony that comes with same length sentences actually leads to boredom and then people churn so
the best way to do this is to use your voice as an instrument and try to deliver off balance enunciation off-balance Cadence to create this Rhythm keep them on their toes some short sentences and then deliver some long Legato sentences some compound sentences some quick sentences keep them off balance and it creates this trans style Rhythm where they're just locked into hearing it it's almost like music in a way if you look down your script and you don't see a jagged line with the end of your sentences that means all of your sentences are around
the same length and it creates that monotonous plotting feeling you want that Jagged line so look down your script and make sure you have that all right so now we've come to the last checkpoint checkpoint six this is what you're after the whole reason you do one through five is to get people to checkpoint 6 checkpoint 6 is getting the viewer to take an action so far you've established a paino built trust laid out a plan got them to like you and re-hooked them throughout the video so that they could absorb most of your value
the last step can you get them to take the action after all that's why we're making content in the first place we need viewers to take some action now that action could be to subscribe it could be to share it could be to sign up for a free email list or a lead Magnet or a community it also could be to convert and transact for a paid product right from the video the actions vary but we need the viewer to take an action if they don't it's not that the rep was all for nothing but
we don't really Clos the process that we were trying to do here now I've got three final psychology hacks to trick the viewer into taking the action the first one is called close the loop at the end of the video tell the viewer that you have successfully closed the paino solution Gap and that by doing this they should have everything they need to be able to take the information in the video and solve for it themsel but if they would like to increase the speed and get to the solution faster then they can take your
action or purchase your product this hack of reminding them that all the information is there but if they want speed they can pay for it is super effective and it works because almost no one can absorb 100% of the information on the first go round but the whole point of the video was to demonstrate that you have the end to- endend knowledge and 5% of people are going to be able to take that watch it three times and implement it thems God bless them it's the other 95% that want to pay for Speed now that
they trust you that'll take the action the hack is that you reminded them that the loop is closed because by reminding them it res signals that pain point that they wanted to solve they will feel like it's still unsolved because they haven't absorbed all the information and they will look to take an action to solve it all right my second hack for getting the viewer to take the desired action is an unexpected surise surprise most of Life boils down to expectations verse reality if they expected a highquality masterpiece in your video but you fell short
chances are they're not going to take the action but if the reality of watching the video blew away their expectations especially if it was because of how valuable the information actually was they are way more likely to take the action that you suggested this is why I was able to grow from 0 to 65,000 Subs on YouTube in like two months I try to make all of my videos at a 12 out of 10 quality that blows people away so this the unexpected surprise works every time all right and the last psychology tip hack number
18 is the recap tell the viewer what you're going to do do it and then remind them at the end of what you did that reminding is the recap this is the final nail that closes the loop on that paino solution Gap and that by doing that it reminds them that they should take the action if they haven't yet solved the pain watch I'm going to show you an example right here as I close this but I'm only doing it as long as you take the action look in the description all right guys that's all
I have for this video those were 18 tricks to hack viewer psychology to get more addicted into your content if you like this video and you want more breakdowns like this I kind of like making these but I don't know if you like them too if you like them leave a comment let me know what I should cover in the next video and remember there is so much free stuff in the description I'm giving it all away if you want your videos to be better if you want to grow faster on social media the links
and the invites are below for you to take advantage of until next time we'll see you guys on the next one peace