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These 4 clips reveal there may be a connection to aliens and religious texts. See more in this compi...
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The Book of Enoch chapter 91. after journeying through the Heavenly realm and returning to Earth Enoch is preparing to be taken back up into the heavens once again gathers together his family and shares with them a startling prophecy he assembers the whole family the oldest of his son was Methuselah the biblical Methuselah asked his father Enoch will I see you again and Enoch said the Guardians of the sky told me I will return to this planet but thousands of years will have passed so we will not see each other again the concept of a Divine
figure leaving and returning to Earth is echoed across almost every major religion in the Jewish tradition there's the expectation of the Prophet Elijah will return the fort the Messiah and bring in this age of peace and righteousness that ushers in the end of time in the Christian tradition the return of Jesus who for Christians is the messiah in the Islamic tradition you know it's either the Mighty the divinely guided one or it's Muhammad who will return in a sense this ushers in a brand new age a brand new relationship with God a brand new way
of existing in the world there's a body of Hindu scriptures known as the piranhas and these tell about the tenth and final incarnation of the god Vishnu that comes at the end of this present cycle of time prophecy speak of this Messianic figure riding upon the Clouds Of Heaven accompanied by the armies of Heaven this suggests that we're talking about some kind of a vehicle or a craft this whole concept of the return of the Gods who are we waiting for will not be any of these ancient quote unquote saintly figures or holy figures but
it will be extraterrestrials is it possible that humankind's most sacred religious texts document extraterrestrial intervention on Earth [Music] and might the teachings of Enoch have been meant to prepare Humanity for the day when we will awaken to a profound new reality perhaps The Book of Enoch has yet to be completed and when the final chapter is written we will know that it is not a story of angels but of our alien ancestors [Applause] Vatican City 2019. as he passed the bread Jesus said take this and eat it it is my body and as he passed
the wine he said drink this it is the blood of the Covenant and out of that moment at a meal grew a great ritual a ceremony a Sacrament that is repeated to this day around the world by millions of people in the Roman Catholic tradition priest is empowered by the prayers that energize the bread and the wine such that they become transformed or transubstantiated into the living presence of the body and the blood of Christ [Music] transubstantiation is one of the Catholic Church's most exalted Mysteries Catholics are encouraged to believe that through this miracle somehow
these ordinary Wafers and ordinary wine become the blood and body of Jesus could this Rite of turning Bread and Wine into the body and blood of Jesus really have other worldly Origins isn't it interesting that we have numerous Traditions around the globe telling us that blood is the substance reserved for the gods now we have to ask is there a connection between the ritual of the Catholic Mass and extraterrestrials maybe it's possible by imbibing certain Bloods the extraterrestrials are actually able to extend their lifespans to incredible degrees so when Jesus talked about the blood of
the Covenant just maybe Jesus was talking in a symbolic fashion when he talked about how wine and bread sustains us but something very very different sustained him that the wine that sustains us is the parallel of the blood for Jesus have been coming to Earth for thousands of years is it possible that they've evolved to a point where they do not physically consume food in the way that humans do but are able to draw sustenance from certain energetic substances like blood and does the ritual of communion provide a clue as to how humankind must evolve
in order to become like the Gods [Applause] Jerusalem the Church of the Holy Sepulcher According to some researchers this sacred site is the place where the crucified Jesus was buried and after three days rose from the dead [Music] and it was near here in 326 A.D that the remains of a relic thought to be Jesus's cross were discovered by a Roman empress Helena was the mother of the emperor Constantine and she was an early convert to Christianity according to Legend she journeyed to the Holy Land to found a number of churches there and when she
was there she was drawn to the hill of Calvary where Jesus was allegedly executed and she had the Pagan Temple which she found there torn down and in the rubble of that Temple she allegedly discovered the true cross the cross where Jesus was crucified she found three crosses well Christ was crucified with two thieves so three crosses might be the right artifacts but to test them she brought a woman with terminal disease very near death to touch the crosses she touched the first two crosses and her condition was unchanged when she touched the third cross
she was miraculously healed and Helena declared that to be the True Cross upon which Christ died the True Cross sacred sacred to many many many people and people collect these or like to say that they they may have pieces of this cross because it brings them closer to the one they love or their lord and savior call it what you will literally hundreds of Christian churches lay claim to the fact that they have pieces of the actual cross that Jesus died on like many relics or pieces of saints bodies the True Cross where Jesus was
crucified was believed to have all kinds of miraculous Powers including healing powers and the power to Grant salvation so if you were to touch or own a relic of the True Cross a piece of the True Cross some of that power that Christ had would transfer itself to you through the power of touch it's a fascinating thought that relics like the True Cross could contain some Divine energy that will heal people and even perhaps raise them from the dead so is it possible that there are some kind of extraterrestrial artifacts with some kind of power
in them that we don't understand could fragments of Jesus's cross like other ancient stones and Relics really have harnessed strange extraterrestrial energy could Legends concerning mysterious healing powers really be true it's very human for people to want to possess whether it's a piece of cloth a stone a follicle of hair to possess an object that means something to them an object that can perhaps help them in their life could these relics assist us in invoking otherworldly power I think we need to be open we need to be open to that possibility clearly our ancestors thought
so well ancient relics were very important to many different ancient cultures just as I still are today to religions and the reason for this is that it was believed that they were access points to otherworldly environments wherein the gods the spirits The Immortals dwells [Applause] Santa Barbara California February 18th 2020. Rabbi Ariel barsadak and Giorgio sucralos travel to Mega vision to meet with imaging expert Ken boydston Ken hey good to see you can recently invented a revolutionary type of camera that takes pictures using a technology called multi-spectral Imaging Giorgio and Ariel are intrigued by the
implications of this technology and they are eager to find out just how far it can go in retrieving lost passages from The Book of Enoch Ken can you explain to me the multi-spectral Imaging system that you have invented well multi-spectral simply put it's taking a lot of pictures under different colors of light and we don't want to see the light that's on the object we want to only see the light that the object is producing in response to that light coming in what we're doing is just listening with light to the object What story do
you have to tell us the camera can see what the human eye cannot see and therein lies the magic and some of the mystery and some of the great excitement because we are able to discover things that have been hidden for Generations or ages incredibly Ken's camera is able to retrieve script that has become eroded with time script that was purposely scrubbed from parchment and written over and even script within Scrolls that cannot be opened because they are too fragile to handle many of these Scrolls might be thousands of years old and as you know
we can't just open them up and read them because they will deteriorate very similar like the Dead Sea Scrolls yes so can you show us how this works yeah let's kind of go through a little bit of stuff to demonstrate the power of this technology and is going to apply spectral Imaging to a document that has been burned so badly much of the text is completely undetectable to the naked eye during World War II the Nazis burned vast quantities of documents so we are recovering The partially burned texts amazing and so we're ready to do
it let's each time the light flashes the shutter clicks another picture is captured so you're seeing a little tiny bit of light right now but the camera is seeing lots of light because this is down into the infrared all right so out of the visible light pictures that we just took those individual ones the computer put them together and lo and behold there's a perfect color picture of that object which would be just what our eyes see look at this which there it is there you go there it is all of that text is right
there and we can enhance that a little bit we can we can push the contrast up a little bit on that that word says there we go it means today so um that's a little demonstration of what what the technology can do just a very quick and uh compelling really this is extraordinary really so just imagine uh if you have thousands and thousands of these Pages where no one has been able to read them since they were destroyed in front of our eyes long lost knowledge that has been thought to have been completely and utterly
destroyed has been resurrected with the power of light an ancient prophecy said that towards the coming of what we will call disclosure all of these secrets these ancient Secrets would be brought back to us we never understood how but now it's actually happening in front of our eyes what if there are references to extraterrestrials that we've never seen before definitely it's a corroboration of what we're already doing I mean this is sensational [Music] thank you
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