🤯How to Use AI for Pinterest and Make $12,308/Month

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Jesse Cunningham
✅AI PINTEREST MASTERCLASS: https://jessecunninghamseo.com/ai-pinterest-masterclass/ 👉In this video...
Video Transcript:
this video is going to be a non-nonsense very serious Pinterest video how to make a lot of money on Pinterest is what this is all about and guess what a lot of people do not want me to make this video because there's a whole group of people out there who have been on Pinterest for a long time and they're making a lot of money and it is it's kind of like they Golden Goose but they do not like newcomers coming onto the platform and using new tactics that scale faster than ever before and that's what
I'm going to teach you in this video now to start off this is our outline I don't like big complicated outlines I need Simplicity I'm a very simple person it has to be easy for me Pinterest we have research creation scal and I'm going to teach you these three things in the video so number one is research let's come to Pinterest this is a free tool trends. Pinterest.com and if you have a page already it will show you grow Trends your audience loves so I already have an audience because I have a page on Pinterest
right but not everyone does and we're able to use this for different things so it's saying look here for my audience people love Bohemian bedroom decor great they also love cozy house that's a keyword cozy house so now we're beginning to do a little bit of keyword research now if we scroll down a little bit further we have discovered Trends in the United States this is free this is super super powerful if you don't have any interests or any of these filters tied in it's going to give you like the most popular ones growing Trends
you can do top yearly Trends check it out nail is the most popular by far on Pinterest topic and all of a sudden you can see what are the most popular topics on Pinterest it's not you know this is not a mystery here it's right here in front of your face wallpaper is huge fall nails is huge yet again Nails right Nails is all over the place you could have a whole website on crockpot recipes right and I'm sure people do crockpot recipes you know dive into the different demographics specifics but look off here to
the left you have interests and these are sub niches this is what you need to focus on say you were in the home decor space click this button see what pops up and get an idea of what the heck is popular basically we want to fish in a lake in a body of water where the fish are already there and we can see bedroom ideas is huge the search volume is huge therefore we have a lake and we know fish are in that Lake and the lake is the lake of bedroom ideas a lot of
people the old way of Pinterest would just kind of observe right figure out okay those people are doing well over there let's just do something similar but we can get even better this is just phase one now this next step is going to separate your stuff on Pinterest from everybody else this is where you're going to make the money this is pin clicks it is a paid tool it's made by my friend Tony Hill who if you knew how much money he made over the last 5 years on Pinterest it would make your head spin
it would make your head spin so this is how he does it he made a tool based upon how he does it check it out bedroom ideas so let's go back we found this keyword off of the free tool right Pinterest Trends we push it here bedroom ideas and all of a sudden we have longtail keywords right if you're an SEO if you're a blogger you know what that term means and you could just think of it as many words that's not the technical definition but let's just stick with that bedroom ideas for small rooms
bedroom ideas for small rooms cozy that little cozy there that little word cozy makes a lot it makes a big difference so what we can easily do what we can easily do is jump into one of them we need to get a little bit more specific bedroom ideas for men good good let's just divide it into men women men let's just go after men for a moment we click there and then all of a sudden we have another set of keywords this is powerful and what I usually do is I exported I click this button
boom right here I have how many keywords is this I'm still scrolling we're still scrolling goodness gracious I need to do this all right we have 284 call it 283 different keywords we can write about on all of a sudden and they're based upon data now data is great I mean we all love data we should be using datadriven decisions and what we're doing here that's the whole point but our brains are not as good at disseminating data to making sense of data than chat gbt so I created this keyword segmentor what we're going to
do is just type in those 283 keywords and let it do its thing and all of a sudden as you can see it's going to give us General themes there's a reason we need General themes of what the heck is going on so there's Aesthetics Styles so in those keywords we had bedroom ideas for aesthetic black minimalism so those like generals now we have colors colors is a big thing people apparently are searching for colors and this is starting to make sense for us themes okay earthy emo football specific themes room types our brains as
humans it's much harder for us to look at those keywords and be like how can I make sense of this but all of a sudden we're seeing how to create our boards our pins this is so valuable and if you want this this will be posted this custom GPT in the Maverick Forum I have a link in the description it'll be free for you to use um demographics age group so people are saying 30-year-old 252s living situations college student we have the data at our fingertips pin clicks gives us the data now we know how
to use it now that was research now it's creation mode you have to do creation based upon research don't get lazy data driven decisions do you feel me all right so check it out we have a list now of all of our keywords segmented into what we want it makes sense beautiful we could work on this sheet right now this sheet right here could make you hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month just off of Pinterest if you set it up correctly so what I'm going to do I'm going to choose one of these
just one of these I think I already did which one did I choose I was in chat gbt here we go stylish bedroom ideas with white walls so this is the one I have to find it again this one right here this one let's just mark this one we're going after this spefic specific keyword I'm going to teach you how to do this right here bedroom ideas for men White Walls I have another custom GPT I'm calling pin crafter whatever it's called it doesn't matter it works I've used this same exact one to drive a
lot of traffic to my website so stylish bedroom ideas for men with white walls that is the title of a pin right there so all I have to do is give this tool the idea bedroom ideas for white men walls whatever it gives us the description with hashtags which is cool some people say hashtags don't work some do I've found success with them right stylish bedroom ideas for men with white walls and I asked it give me four more descriptions and I actually should have asked it give me more description and titles so boom right
there right there I have four titles for a pin or four titles for four separate pins and four separate descriptions awesome we just created the framework based upon keyword research of four different pins now if we want to take it a step further create 10 more variants and I'm going to show you why we're doing this because we're stepping into the next portion of creation into scaling a lot of people do not this is why people will not like this video scaling people hate AI in certain niches and they hate seeing how we're able to
scale easier than before now for the creation process ideogram has been doing better and better I really like it this is the tool I asked it create a singular room that is a great perspective hyper realistic great visual interest for this I gave it one keyword based upon what based upon what chat CBT gave us and it's going to give us four different images and these look pretty darn good I mean that's cool a men's bedroom it's white it has a rustic feel right there you go rustic Fu so we have options do we use
all four of these in you know Pinterest we could use all four of them right we could duplicate our time if they're good what I often do I look at one of them probably this one I like the angles I like the interest you know deer head it's going to evoke some emotions for a certain type of person oh my husband loves deer right that type of thing that one right there I'd probably do that one right there so it gives you four options four Images pick the best one is what I usually do if
you see multiples that are good great use that one too but here's what we do next so just like that upload the image right now we got to find the title we got to find the title chat gbt give us the title boom all right title rustic men's bedroom ideas with white walls we're under the character limit looks great now let's come over here grab this boom right there it looks great now we're missing something we're not going to address it in this video we're missing something very important but we'll talk about that in a
second that right there good to go publish it ship it it's done now we have a problem because we had two images that I liked and we only had one variant of this rustic men's bedroom I like this create another VAR variant of this right it's kind of on the fly right not a problem rustic Elegance cool that works for me so we're going to use this one so here we go just like that paste it in come grab this and realize all these things can be done to scale if you have te- members doing
it for you they could do a 100 pins in one day are you running the risk of spam you know on Pinterest I guess you are I have never been hit with it maybe I will one day but we are pushing the limits realize let's just take a step back this whole Channel on YouTube is to experiment find the edge what is the edge I want to push this as far as I can for experimentation to bring it to you you know take what I'm doing and make it your own do not copy me word
for word I don't think that's a good tactic but anyways just like that we published two pins was that hard could you have done two pins just like that within 5 minutes absolutely so extrapolate or whatever the word is how many pins could you do in a day 100 200 300 could you have multiple Pinterest pages to do 3 four 500 pins in one day yes you could so what I'm about to show you is probably me getting carried away maybe I shouldn't show you this but it is what it is I want to have
a cover for the board in other words this thing right here bedroom ideas uh for men White Walls right that right there we want a cover for it why because people are going to save this they're going to pin it to their boards they're going to share it with their friends they're going to use it for inspiration and we need to have something that looks good for them so which one pops out to you I mean I like this one although the scribbles is a little weird but it says you know that's not the right
word so ideogram does good with some words some not bedroom ideas for men with white walls perfect I like it let's use this one so what we're going to do is create a specific pin just for that and we're going to use that as the cover photo and this is what it looks like and it's going to elevate the whole situation here because we're going to have a lot of pins under this one keyword this one keyword is going to have tons of pins a lot of people question how many should I do I say
exhaust the keyword why not and there's a lot of nuance you may not be noticing I don't want to go over everything specific I'm going to put way more details in a post a mega Post in the Maverick form that you can refer to if you're a member and I'll also share the different custom gpts the two of them but pump the brakes because this whole video we are trying to make money and what I just showed you will not make any money will not make money unless you do this next step and I'm going
to show you the easiest simplest way to do it so let's do a quick review of how people make money on Pinterest they're going to go to a pin o they like it they save it many people see it they click through to this thing right here which is Da a website 25 bohoo bedroom wallpaper ideas and they can scroll through all of this and look through it and they love it they love it it's awesome but what did we not do on these three pins we didn't put a URL in so what we're going
to do is we're going to use seen. a we're going to say the main keyword is bedroom ideas for men White Walls we're going to say the title is 25 plus bedroom ideas for men with white walls here's all the different things that I'm doing we're going to have one AI image so this tool actually make one image and it's going to be a 16x9 layout so it's going to look like this it's going to look this way instead of this way right that matters for if it ever gets picked up in Google serps we're
going to keep going no no no no no to all of these and let's just let it cook let's run this thing and see what it comes up with and there you go just like that easy easy easy with a click of the button we have 25 plus bedroom ideas for men with white walls it gave us this image like I said 16 by9 and it gave us words why are words important well it gives us the opportunity for people to click down read if they want to read you know explore the options now all
we have to do as we create the images the specific images these three boom boom boom all we have to do is inject them into the article that's it there's different ways to do this you could just you know break up paragraphs you could say you know every two sentences out of photo every you know whatever it is you could have sliders but all you have to do at this point is inject the photos into this and then every single pin on this board so let's come back here every single pin on this board bedroom
ideas for white walls for men for White Walls right there could be 50 pins in here I have one board with 300 pins and they all get to the same they all point to the same URL and once we inject the images this is what it looks like looks excellent high definition images looks like a real website we have words we have breaking up of real images when it renders on mobile this is what it looks like looks great tall images do excellent on mobile and guess what the majority of traffic on Pinterest is mobile
traffic and on top of that just a little extra this right here IDE diagram they all render in webp so all the images you export are in web p. webp and those are very very lightweight images they uh don't slow your website down which is great so there you have it and realize if you have questions I try to go as fast as possible as fast as humanly possible in these videos to keep you entertain it's like infotainment is what they call it if you have questions come to the forums that's why it's here that's
why we built it because I want to give you actual things to do things to consider to do at the very least in these videos I don't like top level videos that are just talking about you know create a Pinterest page and and do this I want to show you how I'm doing it right and because of that sometimes it's a too technical I get that and if that's the case if you're one of the people that have questions or just want to sharpen your sword type of thing come into the Maverick for me and
Tony Hill are here here's what we're talking about here's what we're talking about right here check it out I have a link in the description same goes for pin clicks same goes for those well those gbts that I was showing you earlier these ones are going to be in the form with my mega post but nonetheless hopefully that's helpful I want to expand your mind a little bit a lot of people do five pins a day and they see incredible success five pins a day right that's great if it's high quality and you can do
10 pins a day and double your efforts off of something if you learn something in this video great let me know in the comments what you're up to what are you seeing success with and I'll see you on the next one
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