Republican senator Steve Danes of Montana member of the Foreign Relations Committee is on set with me welcome great to have you in person today look no one can stop talking about the subject of what we saw over the weekend and you just shocked me six of those Trend day ARA came from your hometown of Boseman yeah would you ever think they're right there in Montana our local law enforcement across Montana we've been battling the Mexican cartels for years but they have these TDA gang members in Bose Montana six of them arrested by ice and deported
these are the worst of the worst of course this gang began in Venezuelan prison this is a multinational crime operation involved in drugs in murders in prostitution six of these gang members in Boza Montana thank God for president Trump's leadership of getting these guys off the street and deporting out of this country so Senator moments ago you had shared with me that ice knew about the six at TDA uh in bosma Montana but because of the Biden administration's policies had not moved on them yeah they were just kind of leaning back once president Trump was
elected they're leaning in and not afraid to deal with this President Trump understands he's got to keep this country safe and one of his important responsibilities getting these hardened criminals off of our streets and out of our country so how is it that a judge steps in that doesn't help keep us safe what what's the motive there I mean is there is there something that that judge is in your opinion trying to legally do to protect us because I don't see it I'll tell you what this is important role of the United States Senate is
making sure we get the right judges on the bench one of the most important votes I take as a US senator is when we put one of these federal judges on the bench that's a lifetime appointment and some of these judges are out there far left look at the ACLU ACLU is representing these guys unbelievable well both the United States and the iran-backed houti rebels terrorists are promising to ramp up hostilities after president Trump authorized air strikes over the weekend and those air strikes targeted houti held parts of Yemen and their aim to stop the
terror groups attacks on ships in the Red Sea and of course ships and our men and women in the military in those areas as well htis responded with a video showing American flag raped coffins floating near destroyed Navy ships but the US is not holding back the president posted this we will use overwhelming lethal force and until we have achieved our objective to all houie terrorists your time is up and your attacks must stop starting today if they don't hell will rain down upon you like nothing you have seen before to Iran support for the
hotti terrorists must end immediately America will hold you fully accountable and we won't be nice about it defense secretary Pete Heth an era of peace through strength is back this campaign is about freedom of navigation and restoring Det DET T the minute the houthis say we'll stop shooting at your ships we'll stop shooting at your drones um this campaign will end but until then it will be unrelenting so this also a big topic of conversation uh this weekend people wondering well wait a minute is this going to stop them they've been fighting with Saudi Arabia
for quite some time and they're still fighting well I got to say here is a thank God for president Trump and his moral Clarity America's strength is back the houthis their motto includes death to America death to Israel they've been launching missiles at Israel been launching missiles in the important navigational seaways there of of the straight of hor Mo the Red Sea you've got to keep these navigational areas free and open and the best way to go after terrorism is to kill them and I'm grateful for president Trump I'm grateful for his team Marco Rubio
Allstar Secretary of State Pig Heth taking the woke craziness out of the military and you've got Mike walls is National Security adviser a Green Beret these are exactly the kind of leaders we want to have in America keeping this country safe you talk about moral Authority that's not a political thing I mean protecting America should not be political why have we gotten to this point I mean why didn't why didn't the previous president they were and I was talking about this right at the start of the Israel war when Hamas Savages invaded that country and
killed so many innocent Israelis they were hitting us as if Iran was saying look we can hit too we can do this we can do that I mean we know that well there's only one way to deal with terrorism you don't negotiate you kill him and that's what president Trump is doing whether it's Hamas whether it's Hezbollah well i' say you've got to take the fight to the terrorists either or they bring the fight to us on our homeland well we know we had an open border for the last four years so and and a
lot of known terrorists coming across that side of the board and by the way the numbers are remarkable what president Trump has done record high lels of illegals under Biden record low levels now coming across the southern border last month under the leadership of President Trump all right let's move to the senator you recently met with President Trump just last week to talk about your upcoming trip to China where you plan to address the flow of deadly fentel into this country uh what are next steps and what did you and the president talk about well
we know it's the Mexican cartels that are producing the fentel but those precursers the raw materials come from China it's the leading cause of death for 18 to 45-year-old Americans we lost nearly 100,000 Americans last year to fentanyl poisoning I will be talking with the CH Chinese leadership of what they can do they can do a whole lot more to shut down the flow of these chemicals that go to Mexico and then fentel come in the United States well and no doubt the president understands your history in China and six years you mentioned to me
with Proctor and Gamble you lived inside China how is it different today in terms of dealing with them we've got the Tariff situation going on what what do you antici ipating as you land well when I was working back there back in the 90s we in fact we had two children born in Hong Kong back then it was about a $500 billion economy today it's $15 trillion the second largest economy in the world in fact four times larger than the third largest economy which is Germany and Japan so it's a massive economy we have the
largest trade deficit with any country in the world and that's with China about $300 billion dollar this will be about fentel it'll also be about this $300 billion doll trade deficit that we have with China what we can do to to change the Trade Practices big opportunity when you talk about the number of how big their economy is well no wonder they're doing pretty well with that kind of a deficit against us and we know how many of their goods we buy of course they're going to do well and we could sell a whole lot
more into China you think about Boeing we'd love to sell you know 500 new airplanes to China why that'll help American jobs that's going to help an American company we need access to their Market think about our American farmers and ranchers it's the second largest beef Market in the world my my cow my cow guys out in Montana want more access to that market my wheat producers my barley producers the soybean producers there's 1.4 billion consumers over there we need better access to those markets I love hearing you talk about cows I'm a cowg girl
so I'm coming to Boseman we have three million cows and 1 million people in Montana that's a great statistic Senator it's wonderful to see you good luck on your Voyage to China on our behalf as a nation thank you I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis