[Music] Did you know that the Bible tells the story of a slave who became a Governor? Today we are going to see the story of Joseph of Egypt! And this story is there in the Bible, in Genesis from Chapter 37 to 40.
And for you to better understand this little story, I'll leave the link to the previous video here in the description for you to watch later ok! But then, do you know what time it is now? Story time!
This is Joseph: He was a very good boy, and at the age of 17 he helped his father Jacob by tending the flocks along with some of his brothers. Jacob, whose name had been changed to Israel, had a very large family. And in all Joseph had 11 brothers: Ruben, Simeon, Levi Judah, and Issachar, Zebulon, Naphtali, Gad and Acer.
And his younger brother who was the son of the same mother named Raquel Benjamin. Jacob liked Joseph more than the other children, and it showed. Which made Joseph's brothers jealous of him.
One day Jacob had a very beautiful colored tunic made to give as a gift to Joseph. And when his brothers saw this, they got angrier at him. Furthermore, Joseph had the gift of spiritual dreams.
God gave Joseph dreams that had special meanings, you know? For they had to do with something that was going to happen in the future. So, one day Joseph had a dream and he was all excited to tell his brothers.
And in the dream he told that he was tying sheaves of wheat in the field and that the brothers' sheaves were bowing down to his sheaf. Joseph's brothers very angry said: Do you think you will be our king, our Governor? And that made them even more nervous because of this dream.
But soon Joseph had other dreams and he told his brothers again. Listen, I had other dreams: This time the Sun and Moon and 11 stars were bowing down to me. When the father and brothers heard, the father rebuked him.
He said, "What was this dream you had? Will I, your mother, and your brothers come to bow down to the ground before you? However, Joseph's father was reflecting on what Joseph had said.
But his brothers were even more jealous of him. One day, Joseph's brothers had gone to tend their father Israel's flock far from home. And Israel said to Joseph, "Son, as you know, your brothers are tending our flock.
I want you to go there and see if all is well with your brothers and with our flock and bring me news. " "Yes sir" he replied. And so Joseph went in search of his brothers.
before he arrived. One of them said, "Here comes the dreamer. Let's finish him off, this is our chance.
Then we tell our father that a wild animal ate it, he won't even suspect. When Rubem heard this, he tried to free him from his brothers' hands and said: "We are not going to take his life, let's do this: Let's throw him into a very deep hole here in this desert, that way we don't get our hands dirty. hands.
But he will eventually die. " But Rubens said this with the intention of freeing him and taking him back to his father. And when Joseph got close to his brothers, they tore off the tunic that he had won as a gift from his father, and threw him into a very deep and waterless hole, as they had agreed.
How evil! And now, what will become of Joseph? Soon after, still close by, Joseph's brothers saw a caravan of Ishmaelites and decided that instead of letting their brother die in that hole, they would sell him to those evil men.
So his brothers pulled Joseph out of the well and sold him to the Ishmaelites who took him to Egypt as a slave. Then they killed a goat, and stained Joseph's coat with blood. And when they returned home, they lied to their father saying that he had died attacked by an animal.
They showed Joseph's tunic stained with blood, so Jacob suffered greatly at the news and wept many days for his son. [Music] Meanwhile, on arriving in Egypt, as Joseph was strong and young, he was a very expensive slave. And the Ishmaelite Merchants managed to sell Joseph to a very important person in Egypt.
A man named Potiphar. He was very rich and important, as he worked in the palace for Pharaoh. [Music] There in the Palace as a slave, Potiphar liked Joseph so much that he put the boy to be a private employee.
And whatever Joseph did, it worked because God was with him. he. But do you know what happened?
One day when there was no one else in Potiphar's house, just his wife and Joseph. Potiphar's wife, even though she was married, began to take an interest in and like Joseph. Just imagine!
But Joseph didn't want anything to do with her because he knew it was wrong. For he obeyed God, and had great respect for her husband. But the woman insisted a lot, and as he did not accept Potiphar's wife, he was very angry with Joseph.
[Music] When her husband arrived at the palace, she told many lies about Joseph, saying that he had seized her by force. And because of that, do you know what happened? Potiphar had Joseph arrested unjustly in the palace.
But even in jail, Joseph also excelled at what he did because God was always with him in every situation. One day, Pharaoh's baker and butler were arrested along with him. And the two had dreams, and they told a dream to Joseph and he helped them by interpreting the dreams they had.
Do you remember that José had the gift of dreaming and also of understanding dreams? Joseph did this, and everyone was impressed with him. After interpreting the dreams, Joseph told the butler that when he was released, he should speak well of him to Pharaoh.
Well, when the butler was released he went back to serving Pharaoh and forgot about Joseph. And Joseph was still in prison. But her life was about to change!
What will happen? Let's see in the next video. But do you know what we learned from this little story today?
Despite all the injustice he suffered, Joseph continued to do what was right before God, he did not take revenge or give up following God. And you know, when Jesus was on the cross dying for our sins, He was also mocked and hated, but He didn't take revenge and remained until the end. And we must follow their example.
If we choose not to sin and continue to do God's will, even when someone tries to hurt us, or we are wronged, the Lord takes care of us. [Music] Do you remember that in the previous video we saw that Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, and they sold him as a slave to a caravan passing through the desert that was going to Egypt. [Music] Later in Egypt, Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of trying to grab her, when in fact it was she who tried.
And he was arrested for it. Well, after two years in prison, one situation changed José's life again. [Music] At a certain point, Pharaoh himself started to have some very strange dreams and he couldn't understand anything.
He wanted to know what that dream meant. He called several people to interpret them, but nobody could. [Music] The butler who worked in Pharaoh's house remembered Joseph and told the king that there was a person in jail who knew how to interpret dreams.
Do you remember that when the cupbearer was in prison, Joseph had interpreted his dream too? Well, Pharaoh then sent for him. Joseph left prison, got ready and went to meet Pharaoh.
When Joseph arrived, Pharaoh explained that he had two very curious dreams. First he dreamed of seven fat cows, they grazed and were very beautiful. But then, seven skinny and hungry cows arrived, and the seven skinny cows devoured the fat cows.
In the other dream, Pharaoh dreamed that there were seven ears of corn, beautiful and beautiful, but suddenly the seven skinny and ugly ears were born on top of the beautiful ears. Joseph then explained the dream to Pharaoh. He said the two dreams meant the same thing because God was going to do it quickly.
The seven fat cows and the seven beautiful ears represented seven years of plenty, the plantations would be abundant and Egypt would have plenty of food. The seven skinny cows and the seven ugly ears of corn, represented seven years of famine that would come later and devour everything that was left of the fed up years. After explaining the dream, Joseph still gave advice to Pharaoh saying: "the king must put administrators over all the land of Egypt, and begin to save a fifth of all the food that is harvested.
So in times of famine we will have something to eat . Seeing that Joseph was very wise, Pharaoh trusted Joseph and decided that he would command this function. He would supervise everything.
Joseph was already 30 years old when he became the most important man in Egypt below Pharaoh. Now he was the governor! And Joseph immediately began to work in this position of trust.
Thus Egypt experienced seven years of plenty and the authorities prepared by saving a fifth of all the food in the country. [Music] After the seven years of plenty, the times of drought arrived, there were no more living animals, no water, no food on earth. But Joseph had acted in the wisdom of God.
But as there was plenty of food stored, the government of Egypt started selling this food to the people and people of nearby cities. And then on a certain day, do you know who José met? With his brothers, those who had sold him into slavery.
Well, hunger had also reached the land of Canaan where Joseph's brothers and father lived. Joseph was so different that the brothers didn't even recognize him, they would never imagine that Joseph had become the governor of Egypt. At that time, José remembered the dream he had had when he was 17, remember?
When he saw the brothers bowing to him. God was fulfilling his promise several years later. But Joseph pretended not to know them, because he wanted to know if they would regret what they had done to him.
Then Joseph talked with his brothers, but he saw neither his younger brother Benjamin nor his father Jacob. So he came up with a plan to get his brothers to call him. He pretended that he was suspicious of them and said: "You look like spies!
So that I know that you really are not spies, bring me your younger brother. Only if you bring your younger brother will I sell you food. But if he doesn't come , I will think that you are spies.
Then Joseph's brothers returned to Canaan and explained to their father Jacob, that the governor of Egypt did not want to sell food to them, if they did not take their younger brother. Jacob was very sad, but agreed So Joseph's 10 brothers, but Benjamin, 11 in total, went back to Egypt to buy food from the governor of Egypt, Joseph. When they arrived in Egypt and introduced themselves, Joseph was very happy and hosted his brothers.
who he was. Joseph made another plan to spend more time with them and asked them to sleep there. His brothers were a little afraid, but they accepted.
Then Joseph asked one of his guards to keep a golden cup in the bag of food for the youngest, Benjamin without anyone noticing. Soon after, Joseph dismissed the brothers to return home with the supplies. But on the way, Joseph warned his brothers that his cup had taken over and that he thought it was them.
Of course, his brothers defended themselves, and Joseph said, "If I find the cup in one of your food bags, the owner of the bag will become my servant. " And the brothers agreed. The guards searched everyone's bags and found the chalice in Benjamin's bag.
Judah knew that his father Jacob loved Benjamin very much, and said: "This boy is our father's favorite, we can't leave him here and go back to Canaan. If you want, I'll be your servant and not my younger brother. " The brothers were very scared, and Joseph couldn't hold back anymore, he started crying and warned who he was, actually the brother who had been sold to Egypt 22 years ago.
Everyone started hugging and crying. Joseph forgave his brothers even though they planned his death. And then he sent his whole family to Canaan, especially his father, whom he missed so much.
Their meeting was emotional and Joseph offered his whole family a comfortable life and they went to live in Egypt. His forgiveness restored his entire house and Joseph's Dram came true. God is wonderful!
[Music] But do you know what we learned from this little story? People make mistakes and so do we, after all we are all imperfect. But God, who is perfect, tells us to forgive people, because He already forgave us one day and continues to forgive us.
If He is perfect and forgives us, why do we think we can't forgive those who made us sad? Forgiveness is a decision we make in obedience to God, and He knows what He's doing! Unforgiveness only destroys.
Today God invites you to forgive people, and also to ask for forgiveness. This is an attitude of love. So shall we pray?
Jesus thank you because you forgive all my mistakes. When someone wrongs me, I also want to forgive that person, and when I wrong someone, I want to be brave and humble. to ask for forgiveness.
I want to learn to love others like you love me, in Jesus name, amen! Did you like our story today? So take care of the like, already subscribe to the channel so you don't miss our next biblical stories.
Don't forget to read the Bible and talk to God every day. May God protect you and see you next time!